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Compare OR contrast life now and life before the invention of the internet

The invention of the internet is something that has changed the way of thinking of the world. Some
people use it in the correct way and others don’t. I was with the one’s who used it in the bad way. To
understand its impact, we will discuss how the internet has transformed our world and enriched our

Life before the invention of the Internet was, if I can call, like that; a simple life life because it has
brought big changes.

Life became more stressful than before due to the fact that the majority of people spend their day
living in a virtual life, then switshing to the real one where needed. People’s brain become lazier and
always distracted by notifications. They prefer staying at home using the internet than going out and
living a normal life. If our ancestors could see us, they will call us zombies because today the device’s
has taken control of us. It also has positif aspect like it turned communication, easier between family
and friends or people in general. Yesterday, we were obliged to travel in order to talk to someone
living far from us.

Talcking about more advantages that Internet added to our life, we can say that it makes reacherchers
or statistics project easier to collect or find information. A better communication like we said before.
It can help us to learn a skill from the beginning. Meeting new people around the world with out
travelling has become possible. The Online shopping has reduced mugging, especially for women
who go shopping alone. Without forgetting online lesons that helped us many time especially when
was the virus .

Finally, my idea on how to use the the Internet in a good way. To start we need to to take it like a
helpful thinck not a distraction. The beast that maked people more lazy is the divetisement. If we use
it just like before, but with just the advantages. In this case today will better than yesterday. I know
it’s an addiction, so to do what we said, we need to calculate how many hours we spend in our
devices. Second reduce it every day in order to get used to it. Finally you will notice the difference.

To conclude, I prefer life before the internet. It may seem more difficult to do a lots of thinks, but
better than being controlled by advices where the big companies can control us and make us believe
a lots of things. Internet can be useful, but always remember that it’s not a human friend, always be
carefull of it.

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