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University of San Agustin

General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Name: Ann Nicole S. Barrera Year and Section: BSN-1N

Hillary Jones has been a nurse for 4 years in a long
term care facility. Recently, the position of unit manager
has become available and she is considering applying for
it. Peers have encouraged her to consider doing so and
have commented, "You are a born leader and manager and
will do really well in the position." Hillary is now asking
herself the following questions:

• Am I ready for a position like this?

• What management skills will I need to be a good unit manager?
• What are the rewards and challenges to a management position?

She seeks from both the former unit manager, who she views as a mentor, as
well as the preceptor whom she originally worked with as a new graduate.
*Trueman, Margaret S. (2014). Case Studies in Nursing Fundamentals. F. A, Davis
Company, Philadelphia.

Answer the following questions give the case scenario. CITE YOUR REFERENCES:

1. The preceptor states, "You've got good management skills - they are often
inherent in what every nurse does in managing the care of patients." Discuss
what the preceptor means by this statement. What are examples of these skills
or qualities (cite at lease 3) and give an example inherent in nursing practice.

When the preceptor states, "You've got good management skills - they are often
inherent in what every nurse does in managing the care of patients”, the preceptor
meant that Nurse Jones has good skills and is competent as a unit manager. Skills
and competencies of a nurse manager include management skills and
communication skills. Nurse Managers must possess the ability to attract, mentor,
and retain people, as well as decision-making, conflict resolution, human resource
management, and mentoring. The nursing staff, physicians, administrators, patients,
and families are all routinely communicated with by nurse managers. They must be
able to interact with individuals from various backgrounds and engage in active
listening for better care delivery and outcome.

2. Which theory, scientific management or human relations, do you believe is

most useful to nurse managers like Hillary? Explain your choice.

Scientific management theory focuses on improving efficiency and

productivity by breaking down tasks into smaller components and optimizing
each step. Human relations theory emphasizes the importance of creating a
positive work environment by improving communication, encouraging teamwork,
promoting job satisfaction, understanding employee needs, and building positive
relationships. Both theories can be useful, but for me, human relations theory is
likely to be more relevant as nursing requires high levels of interpersonal skills.
Good human relations provide a platform for sharing ideas and passing
complaints to the administration and can help achieve the primary goal of

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


maximum patient satisfaction, and health promotion, and advocates for
upholding human values in an organization.

3. What is followership? Discuss the qualities & behaviors of followership that

could be beneficial when moving into a leadership role.

Followership is the capacity to follow orders, conform to a plan, work as a

team, and fulfill your obligations. Leadership will always have the upper hand in
this situation. However, leaders cannot exist without followers, and persistent
success with feeble supporters is typically difficult to achieve. Although
transitioning into a leadership position might be difficult, having certain traits
and follower-like actions can be helpful. Active listening, willingness to learn,
initiative, accountability, work ethic, competence, honesty, loyalty, and boldness
are a few of these traits and characteristics.

4. Describe your ideal nurse manager in terms of the person for whom you
would most like to work. Then describe the worst nurse manager you can
imagine, and explain why this person would be very difficult.

As a future registered nurse, the ideal nurse manager whom I’d like to work
with is a nurse manager that possesses communication skills, leadership skills,
organizational skills, self-awareness, and is compassionate. When a nurse
manager possesses all these skills he/she can create a healthy work
environment, nurture teamwork, and encourage success and positive growth.
Effective nurse management strengthens the integration of safe, effective, and
high-quality care. On the other hand, the worst manager I can imagine is self
centered, toxic, disrespectful, exploiting others, and controlling. Nurse Managers
like this may result in increasing employee turnover, lowering work satisfaction,
and hindering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. Toxic nurse
managers may have a detrimental effect on the organization's staff at all levels
and even cause the company to collapse and may eventually create a culture in
the unit that is resistant to change.

5. Consider the last question of Hillary, what do you think are the rewards and
challenges to a management position?

Nurse management positions can be both challenging and rewarding, offering

opportunities for personal and professional growth, but also requiring a high
level of responsibility and skill. Rewards include leadership opportunities, higher
salaries and more job security, and career advancement. On the other hand,
challenges may include increased responsibilities, time management, and
communication skills


Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


IvyPanda. (2022, April 23). Nurse Management: Finding the Most Useful

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

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