PA124 Lec4

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For discussion purposes only.
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PA 124
Workshop No. 1
1. Brainstorm with your teammates and identify:
• Groups 1 and 2 – identify five (5) TRANSFORMATIONAL Filipino leaders from
various fields (politics, business, community, church, media)
• Groups 3 and 4 - identify five (5) CHARISMATIC Filipino leaders from various
fields (politics, business, community, church, media)
2. Share the identified Filipino leaders and answer, “Why have you chosen
Workshop No. 2
• Brainstorm with your teammates and select one (1) societal problem that you
would like to work on as a group. (15 minutes)
• Could the problem be addressed by government policy, program, or
project (e.g., regulation or direct provision of goods and services)?
• Could the problem be addressed by improving the internal systems,
processes, and procedures of the government or a particular gov’t agency?
• E.g., “Lack of financial sustainability of Philippine Higher Education
Workshop No. 2

• GROUP 1 – Education
• GROUP 2 – Agriculture
• GROUP 3 – Environment
Workshop No. 2
• Think of the ideal state that you wish to achieve, e.g., “Financially Sustainable
Higher Education Institutions”.
• Individually, think of and list down the characteristics of the ideal state that
you wish to achieve. Use the metacards and post them on the manila paper.
Workshop No. 2 (continuation)

• Discuss with your teammates the characteristics that you came up with. (10 minutes)
• Using your individually allocated 3 sticky strips, vote on what you think is the most
important characteristics. (5 minutes)
• Provide a description of your ideal state, e.g., “A financially sustainable HEI is one that is
able to provide quality education through efficient fiscal management and access to
long-term funding”. (10 minutes)
Phronesis, also known as practical wisdom,
highlights the importance of being able to
distinguish between what needs to be done and
what is not essential and taking action after
assessing a situation
Here are 6
that a wise
Ability to set a • “Judgements must be guided by the individual’s values
good goal and and ethics. Without a foundation of values, executives
cannot decide what is good or bad”
judgments on • Examples:

• Formulating good vision and goals for the organization

• Displaying strong ethical behavior

• Championing good governance

• “Allows one to correctly and quickly recognize constantly
Ability to changing situations, and to sense what lies behind
phenomena to envision the future”
reality as it is • Examples:
• Living in the area for years

• Employing several formal and informal methods to

learn and understand the situation
• “Ability to find, locate, gather, and place appropriate
personnel in a timely fashion, and furthermore works to
create Ba (place, space, or field) with empathy and
Ability to resonance”

create “ba” • Examples:

• Establishing groups or forums for knowledge exchange

• Routine team meetings

• Encouraging open lines of communication between the officials

and their constituents (e.g., face-to-face, messaging apps)
• “Ability to grasp the essence, conceptualize, and create
Ability to narrative by linking micro concepts to the macro context
as a convincing vision and narrative for the future”
articulate the
essence • Examples:
• Simplifying issues and communicating effectively with

• Using taglines that represent program goals

• Explaining new policies to constituents to allay their concerns

• “Ability to bring people together, spur them into action,
to combine and synthesize everyone’s knowledge and
Ability to efforts, and to pursue goals by choosing and utilizing the
power and rhetoric suited to each situation with
exercise shrewdness and determination”

• Examples:
• Using “political will” to overcome constraints

• Employing carrot and stick approaches (hard power)

• Inspiring people to take action (soft power)

• “Ability to create a system of distributed phronesis by
advancing and transferring existing phronetic capabilities
Ability to that individuals possess into others, to build an
organization that is resilient and responds flexibly and
foster creatively to any situation for its own good.”

phronesis in
others • Examples:
• Self-organizing teams emerge during program
development and implementation

• Proactiveness of employees to deal with concerns

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