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The Reflection Journal is designed to facilitate your self-awareness, personal growth, and
integration of course content and activities. Throughout the semester, you will engage in a series
of reflective journal entries that delve into your personal development journey, goal-setting
experiences, and connections with the course material and guest speakers. This assignment aims
to help you track your progress, set meaningful goals, and synthesize your learning.

The Reflection Journal consists of 11 possible entries. You are required to complete 10 out of the
11 possible entries. Each entry is worth 1.5%, with a cumulative total of 15%. Your reflection
journal entries will be assessed based on completion and thoughtful engagement with the
prompts. Points will not be deducted for grammar, spelling, or syntax errors. Instead, the
emphasis is on genuine reflection and connection to the course material. Submission instructions
can be found on eClass.

NOTE: The use of generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT and other similar tools) are considered

Use this document to fill out your Reflection Journal for this week. TAs will grade your entries
every month and may leave comments and questions on your journal entries to further facilitate
the reflection process.

Grading Criteria:
Journal Entry Completion (0.5%): Points will be awarded for submitting
complete answers to all reflection questions.
Responses to each question should be, at
minimum, 75 words long.

Connection to the Reflection Questions and Points will be allocated based on providing a
Course Material (0.5%): relevant response to each question.

Integration with Personal Experiences Points will be awarded based on integrating a

(0.5%): personal experience or opinion in your

Total: 1.5% (per journal entry)

Weekly Reflection Journal

RJ8: Personal and Professional Ethics
Ethics shapes our daily decisions and defines who we are, both personally and professionally.
Using the questions below, you will begin to better understand your ethical beliefs, values, and
principles. Take your time, answer honestly, and use these insights as a compass for you to refer
back to throughout your BCom.

Date Completed: November 12, 2023

What are the core values that guide your personal life? How do these values influence your

The values that I believe to have guided my personal life are respect and compassion.
- The value of respect extends to celebrating diverse perspectives and preferences. With
that in mind, I always consider the well-being of me and the others when making
decisions. For example, I try not to condescend or belittle someone’s thoughts,
emotions, and experiences. I’m also open for communication. Having frequent
communication allows me and other people to set a common ground and establish our
- As for compassion, I always try to show others kindness and patience in most of the
situations, regardless of how negative my emotion would be at that time.

How do you maintain consistency between your personal values and your actions in everyday

To maintain consistency between my personal values and my actions, I need to ask myself,
occasionally, what do my values mean. Knowing what they are and it’s meaning on my life
serves as a guide for me to form actions and interactions with other people. I want to make my
interactions with others respectful and compassionate. That’s why I want to make active
listening, expressing kindness and empathy a part of my daily life.

Are there any personal biases or prejudices that you recognize in yourself? How do you
actively work to address or overcome them?

I’m not quite sure if this tendency falls under the category of “Bias” or “Prejudices” is a bias or
a prejudice. Even if there is a saying: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, I tend to make quick
assumptions about people within our very first interaction. Making assumptions has a big
effect on my social network. It creates barriers/misunderstandings between others and me.
Unfortunately, I had to learn about it the hard way. But to overcome this, I had come up with a
small guidance on how to overcome this problem. First, I will try to ask the people I meet
more. This not only allows me to go gather more information, to encourage having a deeper
understanding of their perspective and expensive, mitigating the tendency to rely on snap

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