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9 Project: Complete Your Assignment Project

English 10 Name: Lucas Bühler
Date: 08/10/2023

Title: Freedom from Fear: A Timeless Pursuit


- Greeting and introduction of the topic

- Brief overview of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech

- Statement of the theme: "Freedom from Fear"

- Preview of how this theme relates to my own life and a current issue

I. Freedom from Fear in Roosevelt's Four Freedoms Speech

A. Excerpt from Roosevelt's speech emphasizing Freedom from Fear

B. Historical context of the speech (World War II)

C. Explanation of how Roosevelt envisioned Freedom from Fear as a fundamental human


II. Freedom from Fear in My Own Life

A. Personal experience: Growing up in a safe and stable environment

1. Access to education without fear of violence

2. The role of supportive family and community

B. How Freedom from Fear has shaped my life choices and opportunities

III. Freedom from Fear in a Current Issue: Cybersecurity

A. Explanation of the current issue: The prevalence of cyber threats and attacks

1. Examples of recent high-profile cyberattacks

B. Analysis of how cybersecurity relates to Freedom from Fear

1. The fear of personal data breaches

2. The impact on national security and economic stability

C. Discussion of the importance of addressing cybersecurity to protect our freedom from


IV. Conclusion

A. Recap of the theme: Freedom from Fear

B. Summary of key points from Roosevelt's speech, personal life, and the current issue

C. Call to action: The relevance of Roosevelt's vision in today's world

D. Closing remarks and invitation for questions

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