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himself be

others will
Proverbs 11:24-25

He who



Alternative Giving

Celebrate the birth of Christ in partnership with the Methodist Mission in Cambodia

Opportunities to Learn & Grow

Help Villages Access Clean Drinking Water
It all begins with clean water. Without this vital resource, thousands of children are denied the chance to grow strong and healthy, and entire communities are subjected to waterborne diseases and parasites. Make a world of difference Developmental Health Conflict Resolution by meeting this most basic of hu- Give a woman and her baby a Couples training promotes family, man needs. headstart with pre-natal vitamins confronting cultural norms of abuse. Dig a well (CDA11) ................ $500 to be distributed at a free clinic. Fellowship meal (WTN21) .... $30
Hygiene workshop (CDA12) .... $50 Pre-natal vitamins (CDH11) .... $5 Study guide (WTN22) ............. $2

Help stop the cycle of poverty by funding continued education scholarships

University Student Scholarships
Even the few youth who finish high school can rarely go on to college, as tuition prices climb well above the profit from an average familys rice harvest.
Full-year tuition (SCH01) .................. $400 Textbook assistance (SCH02) ............. $40

Mechanic School for Rural Youth

Just 14 weeks at the Faith Engine Ministry School can give rural youth high-demand skills in a job market where 15 percent of their peers are unemployed.
Full-ride Scholarship (FEM01) ......... $350 Purchase Wrench Set (FEM02) .......... $15

Elementary School Uniforms

Public schools are free, but the mandatory uniforms are not, making school cost-prohibitive for many.
Uniform set for one child (CHL11) ...... $10

Bible School Tuition for Pastors

The Methodist Mission holds its tuition cost to 10kg of rice per pastor, but only with the help of donors.
Half-year tuition (MBS01) ............... $500

Cambodian households Mostbecause their income relieslive on less than a dollar a day. This is largely on the wet-season rice crop and dwindles as the rains stop. The church combats poverty by developing profitable dry season enterprises, such as small businesses, livestock husbandry and alternative farming practices.

Agriculture & Microfinance

Basket & Silk Weaving

Providing start-up capital for womens weaving groups breaks the cycle of indentured weaving for middlemen, enabling women to finance their own businesses and reap fair profits.
Ream of Silk Thread (WLP11) ....... $200 Basket Supplies (WLP12) ................ $10

Small Business Start-up Fund

Microfinance at its best, our business groups not only receive loans but also the training they need to be successful. Businesses range from tractor-for-hire operations to grocery stores.
Average start-up loan (CDA21) .... $200 Financial skills training (CDA22) .... $50

Irrigation Projects

With irrigation equipment cooperatives, farmers can grow cash crops during the dry season.
Water Pump (CDA31) ................... $500 Start-up Fuel Supply (CDA32) ........ $25

Rice Banks
Community rice storage facilities give food security, helping families eat without borrowing from high-interest lenders.
1 Ton of Rice (CDA41) .... $250 Rice Share (CDA42) ... $25

Cow Banks
In rural villages, livestock serve as transportation, fertilizer and food. Cows can dramatically increase a familys standard of life.
Cow (CDA51) .................... $300 Share of a cow (CDA52) ..... $30

Vegetable Gardening
These projects feed families and generate dry season income, which is often the difference in whether children can attend school.
Plot & Seeds (CDA61) ...... $200 Garden share (CDA62) ....... $20

Chickens & Ducks

Poultry eggs provide the daily protein important for a balanced diet and are easily sold when families need extra income in hard times.
House & Feed (CDA71) .......... $50 Chick or Duckling (CDA72) ...... $1

What does

Christmas Program for Children


Jesus for


Slum children in Phnom Penh dont have much going for them, but thanks to the work of United Methodist Missionary Clara Biswas, they can experience the joy of Christmas. Every year Biswas puts on a Christmas program for children at Daem Kor Village, who scavenge at the dump site, and orphans at the Children of Light Home. They learn the Christmas story so they can put on a pageant. At the end of the show, they each receive a meal and gift.
Meal & Gift for 1 Child (CHL21) ................... $5 Props for Christmas Pageant (CHL22) ....... $20

Lice Eradication Kits

Youth in the Solong Kandal Church are reaching out to children in their village with a monthly hygiene day. They reinforce hand-washing practices, wash hair and treat for lice. Support their efforts and similar ones throughout the country by funding the purchase of a fine-toothed comb to remove nits and enough shampoo for 10 children.
Lice Comb (CDH21) ..... $10 Shampoo (CDH22) ..... $2

Transportation for Sick Patients

For sick villagers, the most cost-prohibitive part of treatment is often not the medicine itself, but the price of transportation to city hospitals from their outlying rural provinces. The trip in and of itself can be daunting, taking as long as 16 hours from some of the countrys most remote villages. To help ease the burden on sick patients, the church helps cover expenses of transport and meals during treatment.
Round-trip hospital transport (CDH31) ..... $10 Meal allowance for 1 day (CDH32) .............. $1
Photos by Paul Jeffrey & Amanda King

Sunday School Programming

The pastor of Emmanuel Church is typical of any in Cambodia. He has no Sunday School resources for the 28 youth and more than 100 children in his flock. Your donations make it possible for the little ones to learn the stories of Jesus in a language they understand..
Resource materials for 1 child (RES01) ........ $5 Sunday School teacher training (RES02) .... $40
Brochure designed by Amanda King

This Alternative Giving Campaign is made possible by the programs of the Methodist Mission in Cambodia in partnership with The Advance of the United Methodist Church. Donations will go to the program designated but may be reallocated within that program according to current needs. Please use enclosed order form and follow its instructions in order to assure your gifts are properly designated. For additional information on the Methodist Mission in Cambodias 2011 Alternative Giving Campaign, email

Methodist Mission in Cambodia

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