Experiment 4 Data Sheet 2 Group 5 and 6

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

Name: Date Performed: November 6, 2023

Mañana, Kimberly L.
Medina, Nica Cassandra S.
Micosa, Prince Joben M.
Morena, Windelyn G.
Olpenda, Kristine Dale P.
Frank Lloyd Irasga
Chzanne Manalo
Yanna Angelique Lorenzo
Samantha Librando
Gonzaga, John Gabriel
Course/Section: CHMO31L - B07 Date Submitted: November 11, 2023

Group No: 5 and 6 Instructor: Prof. Edgar Magas


Experiment 4


A. Dimensions of the test specimens.

Initial dimensions (mm) Final dimensions (mm)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
L 224 mm - - 236 mm - -
A 31.67 - - 7.07 - -
mm2 mm2
d 6.35 mm - 3 mm - -
L 208.5 - - 218.5 - -
mm mm
A 31.17 - - 6.16 - -
mm2 mm2
d 6.3 mm - - 2.8 mm - -
L 217 mm - - 232 mm - -

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

A 29.22 - - 7.07 - -
mm2 mm2
d 6.1 mm - - 3 mm - -
*d = diameter; L = length; A = area


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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals



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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

1. Plot the stress versus strain. Make sure to attach the graphs in your laboratory report. Use
this plot to determine the (a) proportional limit stress, (b) elastic limit stress, (c) upper yield
stress and lower yield stress, (d) ultimate stress, and (e) fracture stress. Make sure to label
the plot properly with these points. In the case that the upper and lower yield stresses are
not well-defined, plot the 0.2% offset line on the graph so that 0.2% offset yield stress can be

C. Summary of the observations on tested specimens at various loads.

Upper Lower 0.2%

Elastic Ultimate Fracture
Proportional Yield Yield Offset
Material Limit Stress Stress
Limit (MPa) Point Point Yield
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa
Steel 246 347 NA NA 509 531 305

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

Upper Lower 0.2%

Elastic Ultimate Fracture
Proportional Yield Yield Offset
Material Limit Stress Stress
Limit (MPa) Point Point Yield
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa
Copper 115 287 NA NA 269 314 174

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

Upper Lower 0.2%

Elastic Ultimate Fracture
Proportional Yield Yield Offset
Material Limit Stress Stress
Limit (MPa) Point Point Yield
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa
Aluminum 46 96 NA NA 149 183 93

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

2. Calculate the nominal fracture stress, actual fracture stress, % reduction in area, %
eleongation, ductility, and modulus of elasticity (slope of the graph on the limit of

D. Properties of tested specimens obtained from stress-strain graph.

Nominal Fracture Actual Fracture % Reduction
Material % Elongation Ductility
Stress (MPa) Stress (MPa) in Area
Steel 305 MPa 1366.24 MPa 77.68% 5.36% 3.5
Copper 174 MPa 789.37 MPa 80.24% 4.80% 0.14
Aluminum 93 MPa 384.36 MPa 75.80% 6.91% 8.4
E. Comparison of the literature and experimental values.
Modulus of Elasticity Yield Stress Ultimate Stress
Material Value
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
Literature 200000 MPa 250 MPa 400 MPa
Steel Observed 82000 MPa 509 MPa 531 MPa
% Error -59% 103.6% 32.75%
Literature 117000 MPa 70 MPa 220 MPa
Copper Observed 57500 MPa 269 MPa 314 MPa
% Error -50.85% 284.29% 42.73%
Literature 69000 MPa 95 MPa 110 MPa
Aluminum Observed 46000 MPa 149 MPa 183 MPa
% Error -33.33% 56.84% 66.36%
Note: Make sure to specify the reference for the literature values of modulus of elasticity, yield
stress, and ultimate stress.
Compare the experimental values with the literature values. Specify the factors causing the
difference in the values, if there is.
- The data presented above demonstrates the variation in modulus elasticity, with the literature
values for each of the three materials being higher than the experimental values. The various
forms of atomic bonding that these kinds of materials have directly correlated with differences

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

in modulus values amongst metals. However, the three materials' observed data sets' yield stress
and ultimate stress were higher than the values found in previous studies. Numerous approaches
have been put forth to calculate the yield stress; nevertheless, it has been shown that, depending
on the technique and sample handling, differences of more than one order of magnitude may

Calculation (show all solutions):

Area, reduction, and elongation:

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

Nominal fracture Stress and Actual Fracture Stress:

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals


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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

Modulus of Elasticity:

Yield Stress:

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

Ultimate stress:

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

1. Compare the mechanical properties of the materials tested. Briefly discuss the reason
behind the observations.

- The materials used in the experiment exhibit the same results since they are all
subjected to tensile strength. Even so, the force needed in order for them to achieve
elasticity and plasticity are different as we see in the data gathered in the experiment.

2. Which among the tested materials is the stiffest? Briefly explain.

- Based on the results of the experimentation, we can say that among the materials used
in the experiment, steel rod is the stiffest since more force is required to break it in
comparison to other materials (copper and aluminum).

3. Differentiate between yield point and yield strength on a stress-strain curve. Which gives
the more accurate indication of a material`s fitness for a particular tensile application?

- The yield point is the point at which a material changes from being elastic to becoming
plastic. The yield strength is the amount of stress at which the plastic phase ends, and the
elastic phase begins. The maximal extent of elastic behavior is represented by the
constant known as yield strength. In conclusion yield strength provides a more precise
indication of a material's suitability for a given tensile application because it indicates the
precise stress the material can withstand, allowing the selection of the right tensile

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

4. Distinguish between the proportional limit and the elastic limit for each material. Which
is the more important indicator of a material’s mechanical behaviour.

- Based on the material list the elastic limit is the point at which a material first begins to
deform permanently, while the proportional limit is the point of which a material’s
deformation becomes non-linear. The elastic limit is a more important indicator of a
material's mechanical behavior because it represents the maximum stress that can be
applied without causing permanent deformation.

5. Differentiate brittle and ductile materials in terms of degree of plastic deformation.

- brittle materials are those that exhibit little or no plastic deformation before they
fracture. they usually fracture at or near their field stress. ductile materials are those that
undergo significant plastic deformation before they fracture. They usually have a large
yield stress and can be deformed under stress without fracture.

6. What is effect of temperature on yield and tensile strengths, and ductility?

- tensile and yield strengths generally increase slightly as temperatures are reduced and
decrease at a progressive rate as temperatures increase. Ductility decreases uniformly
with decreasing temperature and increases with increasing temperature.

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Experiment 4: Mechanical Properties of Metals

REFERENCES (cite the references that you used)

Callister, W. D. & Rethwisch, D. G. (2016). Fundamentals of materials science and engineering: An

integrated approach (5th ed.). Wiley Global Education, USA.

“Young’s Modulus, Tensile Strength and Yield Strength Values for Some Materials.”
Www.engineeringtoolbox.com, www.engineeringtoolbox.com/young-modulus-
Accessed 11 Nov. 2023.

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