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My Sanity

Paulo Baldelomar

In the labyrinth of my mind, I search for sanity,

A flickering flame in a world gone mad.
Whispers of reason mingle with chaos,
An eternal dance in the orchestra of my thoughts.

The ebb and flow of emotions collide,

A kaleidoscope of colors, both vibrant and dull.
Each day a battle fought within,
A constant struggle to find peace within the storm.

In the depths of this turbulent sea,

I strive to anchor myself in reality's embrace.
To find solace in the present moment,
Where the past is but a memory, the future a distant dream.

But as I wander through the corridors of my mind,

I find that sanity is a fleeting illusion.
A fragile thread that teeters on the edge,
Threatened to break under the weight of expectations.

Yet within this chaos, there lies a beauty,

A freedom in the acceptance of my own madness.
For it is in the depths of my vulnerability,
That I find the strength to navigate this fragile existence.

So, I'll embrace the madness, the whispers, and the cries,
For they are the essence of my humanity.
In this free verse symphony of my soul,
I'll find the melody of my mental sanity.

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