Edu603 Unit 4 Blog Assignment 2

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Brittany Davis

Post University
Curriculum 2.0

2-3 grade: Emotional Regulation

Description of unit:

To maintain an environment with more positive behaviors, the integration of emotional

regulation and The Zones of Regulation are essential. Students will begin to acquire more
knowledge of knowing how to detect triggers, read body language, consider their reactions,
and think about the social context. Children on the autism spectrum will learn how they can
increase their sensory regulation, regulate their emotions, and become more skillful and self-
aware problem solvers.

What should students understand, know, and be able to do? Stage one identifies the desired
results of the unit including the related state content standards and expected performances,
enduring understandings, essential questions, knowledge and skills.

Content Standard(s)

Generalizations about what students should know and be able to do.

Content Standards Primary Expected Performances

Students will end each lesson knowing The Students will be able to identify each zone by its
Zones of Regulation (blue, green, yellow, color and be able to identify when they are in
and red) and what each zone represents each zone at any given time

Students will be able to demonstrate sorting Students will be able to identify and explain
their emotions into four zones with facial expressions, how each emotion is
increased self-awareness and different from one another, and which zones

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT

social/emotional skills leaving more time for these emotions are in within the Zones of
learning rather than behavioral Regulation

Students will understand each zone and will Students will be able to identify and apply the
understand ways to connect and apply skills Zones of Regulation in real-world settings by
in context. using various methods to help regulate their

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

Insights learned from exploring
generalizations via the essential questions
(Students will understand THAT…)
K-12 enduring understandings are those Inquiry used to explore generalizations
understandings that should be developed
over time, they are not expected to be
mastered over one unit or one year.

Overarching Enduring Understandings: • How and why do my feelings change?

• Students will understand how and • How can I express my
why their feelings change with the feelings/emotions?
use of personal reflections/journals • How can I manage my emotions?
for students to document emotions
and triggers that caused these
• Students will understand how they
can express their feelings/emotions
with the use of creative activities to
express their emotions in various art
• Students will learn and understand
how to manage their emotions by
the expansion of calming strategies
to cater to their diverse learning

Unit Specific Enduring Understanding

• Emotional Regulation
• Zones of Regulation
• Feelings/Emotions

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT

Knowledge and Skills

What students are expected to know and be able to do

The students will know…

• How and why their feelings might change during different scenarios
• How to express their feelings and emotions
• How to manage their emotions

The students will be able to…

• Identify and understand changes in feelings by using the Zones of Regulation

• Associate facial expressions with emotions as well as emphasize the importance of
expressing emotions and recognizing empathy
• Communicate their feelings effectively in different social contexts on their own

© 2021 Post University, Waterbury, CT


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