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Floods Still Submerge Kasiyan Village, Sukolilo

District, Pati Regency. Floods Still Submerge

Kasiyan Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency.

current conditions of flooding in Kasiyan village, Sukolilo sub-district,

Pati district, Tuesday (17/1/2023)
Floods still inundate Kasiyan Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency,
Central Java. Some residents are still living in evacuation.

Several houses and rice fields around the Al Faruq Mosque were seen still
inundated, Tuesday (17/1/2023). Some residents who are currently still in
evacuation are waiting for the floods that inundated their homes to really
recede. To date, ninety two families and seventy two houses have been

A Kasiyan resident, Mrs. Muflikhah, said that the water level in her village is
still high. In settlements the water level is around 10 to 60 cm. While in
paddy fields the water level reaches 2 meters.

“About 18 days from the start of the new year, (we) are still surviving.
Waiting to recede. In this area the floods have started to recede. But for rice
fields and its surroundings, the flood level is still around 2 meters," he said.

He said that the cause of the flood was continuous rain since the beginning of
the new year, Sunday (1/1/2023), so that river water overflowed and entered
residents' settlements.
And some residents were forced to flee because of the condition of their
homes that had been flooded.

“The flood started on New Year's Eve because of the continuous rain, but on
December 25 it started raining. We were prepared for this flood and secured
our belongings.” she said

The impact of this flood is that many people become unemployed, many
people who have rice fields cannot harvest, and of course there are several
residents' houses that are damaged.

“Because of this flood, many people become unemployed. And people who
have rice fields like my neighbors can't harvest. And also many local
residents whose houses were damaged,'' she added.

Until now, many volunteers have participated in helping them, starting from
the Police, Banser, health workers, and residents from other villages.

Residents hope the flood will recede soon. Given that this flood has disrupted
the local economy. Residents who are generally farmers suffer losses due to
waterlogged agricultural land. And after the flood they also hope that the
mosque can be raised so that there is a place for them to worship.

Kelompok 5 :
Ahmad Egi Prakoso
Ajik Utomo
Jindan Maulana

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