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The Effects of Social Media on the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students of Saint

Louis School of Sablan Inc.

Florida, Rhod Mhar S.

Manuel, Chadrain F.

Quinio, Eric C.

Wakat, John Michael E.

Nacod-am, Freyla M.
I. Introduction

Social media has greatly influenced the world in the past

few years. The use of social media sites has exploded and

evolved into an online platform where people create content,

share, bookmark it and network at a prodigious rate. Among

the prominent users of social media are the students. This

research assesses the impact of social media on the senior

high school student academic performance in Saint Louis

School of Sablan Inc. According to Lutkevich and Wigmore

(2021), social media is a collective term for websites and

applications that focus on communication, community-based

input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

Social media plays a very vital role in every student’s

life. With it’s help, providing and fetching a lot of

information, communicating with friends, classmates,

teachers and colleagues have become an easy-fit option

(Kajal, 2023). Social network tools afford student’s and

institutions with multiple opportunities to improve learning

methods. Social media has the ability to broaden every

student perspective on various subjects (Nasta R. 2019).

However, social media use can also negatively affect

students, distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and

exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic view

of people’s lives and peer pressure. These negative effects

can cause students to have a low self-esteem and this can

greatly affect their academic performance.

People use social media to connect to other people who are

far from them. Because of the evolution of social media,

it’s much easier and convenient to use than before. Social

media can be use to express your feelings towards someone or

something. People are fascinated how they call their

opinions using social media, usually for politics,

education, or even entertainment. Social media really

affects the student most, because they are usually the one


The driving factors for adoption of social media are the

progressively ubiquitous access, convenience, functionality,

and flexibility of social technologies (Brown, 2010;

Schroeder, Minorca and Schneider,2010). These factors have

made the adoption of social media very easy 3 and have

tremendously improved mankind’s life by exposing him to

different ways of creating and sharing information. An

additional benefit of social technologies provided on the

internet is that they are frequently free or require

marginal investment, thereby eliminating a potential barrier

to adoption (Brown, 2010.)

As we know, nothing interesting is every completely one-

sided, so it is for social media as it comes with both

positive and negative effects. There is a correlation

between social media usage and academic performance of

students in universities. There have been various views and

opinions which recognize four major advantages of social

media use in higher education. These include; enhancing

relationship, improving learning motivation, offering

personalized course material, and developing collaborative

abilities (Wheeler, Yeoman’s and Wheeler,2008; Rifkin, Long

Necker, Leach and Ortia,2009). Also, Ricardo et al (2007),

argued that students are socially connected with one another

and therefore share their daily learning experiences and do

conversation on various topics through social media whereas

Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), reviewed that social network

websites grab student’s attention and then diverts it

towards no educational and inappropriate actions including

useless chatting.
Research has proved the heavy presence of social media usage

among students. Wiley and Sisson (2006), for instance argue

that previous studies have found that more than 90% of

tertiary school students use social networks. It is also

found out that, students use social networking sites (SNSs)

approximately thirty (30) minutes throughout the day as part

of their daily routine life (Nicole, Charles, and Cliff.

2007). This shows the level at which students are

patronizing these sites and this may bring along both

positive and negative effects on students as far as their

academic performance is concerned.

II. Statement of the Problem

Nowadays, teens spend their time mostly in social media

platforms or in general, just something to do with

technology. According to the study of Orji et al (2022),

majority (81.1%) of students spends an average of 5 hours

and less on social media per day.

This study is to determine how does social media affect

the academic performance of the students.

III. Objectives

1). To identify how social media affects the academic

performance of the senior high school students.

2). To know how often the students use social media.

3). To identify the positive and negative effects of

social media on the academic performance of the

senior high students.

IV. Research Question

1). Does social media improve the academic performance of

the senior high students?

2). What are the positive and negative effects of social

media in the academic performance of the senior high


3). How often the senior high students use social

V. Review of the Related Literature

According to Walsh, S. (2022), social media refers

to digital platforms that allow user interaction and sharing

user-generated content through an online app for networking

purposes. However, many people spend most of their time on social

media especially the students. According to Philippines social

media statistics, throughout 2022, on average there are about

93.8 million active social media users in the Philippines. This

represents about 82.4% of the total population (OOSGA, N.D) and

it decrease this year 2023 to 84.45 million Filipino social media

users. This number means 72.5% of the country’s population are

using social media. Talaue et al (2018) stated that social media

becomes an integral part of the student’s full life, taking up

most of his spare time. As the finding of their study show, most

students spend around 20% of their time on social media, and

nearly half of their participants argue that using social media

enhances their ability to interact with other people. Social

media are growing rapidly among the young generation of the

world. School age students widely engaged in using social media

(R Sivakumar. 2020). According to S Thanuskodi (2019), social

media has become a popular method for students to share

information and knowledge and to express emotions. They enable

students to exchange videos files, text messages, pictures, and

knowledge sharing. They provide an opportunity for students to

improve social networking and learning processes, which promotes

knowledge in society. In today’s society, social media have

become an almost indispensable part of daily life, particularly

among the university students, who are generally heavy social

media users. Social media multitasking has also been increasingly

prevalent. Little, however, is known about how social media usage

and social media multitasking influence the academic performance

of the university students (Wilfred WF Lau. 2017). Nowadays,

social media applications which are quite popular among students

have a significant influence on education sustainability (Mahdi

M Alamri, Mohammed Amin Almaiah, Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi. 2020).

One application that the students using is Facebook. According to

Ellison(2007), the role of Facebook in higher education is

attributed to the creation of virtue classes. The review has

analyzed massive research database around the world to make this

review comprehensive in its coverage for almost all aspects of an

endeavour to give an explanation for the diverse roles of

Facebook in higher education classes. According to, Astadello

(2016) people all over the world have been enjoying the benefits

of using technology nowadays. In the past, communicating and free

sharing of thought between people are restricted by long

distance, race, and even religion. But now these barriers can no
longer stop the flow of information and knowledge because now the

new world of social networking allows free sharing of thoughts

through online social networking sites such as Facebook,

Instagram, Google, Messenger, etc. The review found mix of

opinion regarding whether social networking platform and

technology should be integrated into learning process or not.

Tess (2023) literature survey finds many reasons for this mix of

opinion. Although most of the educational institutions have

established infrastructure for the support of social media

integration into class room learning, however , the effective

technology due to lack of proper training in this area.

Junco(2012)emphasizes a further investigation into the issue to

find some more variables like focus and intervention that may be

strongly related to academic performance.

VI. Methodology

Descriptive technique was employed by the researchers

in this investigation. As this strategy required collection of

data in order to answer questions concerning the present status

of the study. The variables are not manipulated and it is only

studied as they occur in a natural setting. The purpose of the

study is to determine how social media affects the academic

performance of the senior high school students. There are total

of 48 senior high school students enrolled at Saint Louis School

of Sablan Inc. 22 students of grade-11 and 26 students of grade-

12. The researchers use convenience sampling as the students of

Saint Louis School of Sablan Inc. have a lot of requirements,

particularly for seniors in high school who must use their phones

and interact on social media during class. Only thirty

respondents will be chosen by the researchers to participate in

the study using survey questionnaires. Fifteen from grades eleven

and twelve. The survey questionnaires that will be distributed to

the thirty respondents will only include questions that are

pertinent to the study itself and will be appropriate for

gathering data that is required for the research. Every responder

will receive a survey questionnaire, which they must complete and

return in order to be collected

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