Chemistry Investigative Project

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**Experiment Title:** Using Red Cabbage Juice as a pH Indicator

**Objective:** To determine the pH levels of various solutions using red cabbage juice as a
natural pH indicator.

1. (include your flower)
2. Knife and cutting board
3. Blender or food processor
4. Strainer or cheesecloth
5. Small cups or beakers
6. Solutions with known pH levels (e.g., lemon juice, water, baking soda solution)
7. pH test strips or pH meter
8. Stirring rod or pipette
9. Safety gear (lab coat, gloves, goggles)
10. Notebook and pen
11. pH color chart
12. Labels



**Step 1: Preparing the Cabbage Juice Indicator**

1. Chop the red cabbage into small pieces.
2. Place the chopped cabbage in a blender or food processor.
3. Add enough water to cover the cabbage.
4. Blend until you obtain a smooth, purple-colored liquid.
5. Strain the liquid through a strainer or cheesecloth to remove any solids, collecting the
cabbage juice in a container.

**Step 2: Labeling the Containers**

1. Label small cups or beakers with the names of the solutions you will test, such as "Lemon
Juice," "Water," and "Baking Soda Solution."

**Step 3: Preparing the Solutions**

1. Pour a small amount of each solution into its corresponding labeled container.

**Step 4: Testing the pH**

1. Begin with a separate container of cabbage juice.
2. Use a pipette or stirring rod to add a few drops of cabbage juice to the first solution.
3. Observe any color change in the cabbage juice and make an initial pH estimation.
4. Rinse the pipette or stirring rod thoroughly before testing the next solution.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each solution.

**Step 5: Verifying pH with Test Strips or pH Meter**

1. After observing color changes, use pH test strips or a pH meter to measure and confirm the
pH of each solution.
2. Record the actual pH values in your notebook.

**Step 6: Comparing Results**

1. Compare the color changes of the cabbage juice to the known pH values of the tested
2. Analyze and interpret the results.

**Step 7: Clean Up**

1. Dispose of solutions properly, following safety guidelines.
2. Clean and rinse all equipment thoroughly.

**Step 8: Recording and Concluding**

1. Summarize your findings in your notebook.
2. Draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of red cabbage juice as a natural pH indicator.

Remember to adhere to safety protocols throughout the experiment, including wearing safety
gear and handling chemicals cautiously.

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