Surahs 1-5

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Method to attempt Surahs

Q a) Briefly describe the main theme(s) of the surah.

 First identify the theme like it is about Allah in Himself or

 Then describe the theme taking help with the key words of
the passage.
 Support your points with a relevant reference.
 Give an example of similar theme.
 Length should be around 100 words.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Level [0300-2101569]

b) Explain the importance of the theme in a Muslims
life today.

 Here we mention how the teachings affect our beliefs and

 The words encourages, motivates, lays stress are more
appreciated they using should repeatedly.
 References are not required but examples are better to clear
the concept.
 Length will be around 100 words.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Level [0300-2101569]

Ayat –ul- Kursi (Verse of Throne, 2:255)
 The passage is all about oneness and unity of Allah.
 The whole faith rests upon the fact that only Allah deserves
 He is an Ever Living Being. “Everyone upon the earth will
perish, And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of
Majesty and Honor.” (55:26-27)
 God is unlike other beings as He is free from all weaknesses.
 His knowledge in unbounded. He even knows what we think.
 Only authority on Judgement Day. “Master of the Day of
 He controls everything and nothing happens without His will.
 The passage proves Tawheed by highlighting Allah’s Majesty

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 This passage strengthens our faith in the oneness and unity of
 A Muslim must avoid all forms of Shirk
 As Allah is the Sustainer of the worlds so we must depend on
Allah for the fulfillment of our needs.
 It also develops the fear of reward and punishments.
 We must spend our life with confidence having full trust in
 A person must not feel proud of his knowledge as our
knowledge is very limited.
 Muslims recite it for protection from evil.

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Surah Ana’am (6:101-103)
 These verses are about the supreme and matchless existence of
 Allah created the heavens and the earth without the suggestion
or assistance of anyone. “It is He who created the heavens and
earth in six days… (57:4)
 The passage rejects Allah’s physical relationship with all other
beings. “He begets not nor is He begotten” (112:3)
 As He created everything so He deserves to be worshipped .
 Human eye can not see Him due to His greatness. The event
of Moosa (AS) can be an example.
 But Allah is watching us. “And He is with you wherever you
are.” (57:4)

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 Allah is the originator of the entire universe so we must believe
in His authority and give Him the due obedience.
 The passage invites us to use common sense and intellect to
reject the different forms of Shirk.
 We must not follow our forefathers blindly.
 As Allah gave us life so we must be thankful to him for His
 Ponder over Allah’s signs as we can’t see him directly.
 As He is watching us so we must remain conscious about it.

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 The passage lays emphasis on oneness and unity of Allah.
 All celestial bodies are busy in obedience of Allah’s
commands and doesn’t have own authority. “And of His
signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the
diversity of your languages and your colors.” (30:22)
 So the creator deserves to be worshipped not His
 Worshiping some of Allah’s creations is shirk, which is an
unpardonable sin. “Indeed shirk is the greatest of all sins.”

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 This passage invites mankind to ponder over the creations of
Allah all around us and estimate His greatness.
 All the messengers did this meditation to get closer to Allah
like Ibrahim.
 These creations are created to serve mankind and mankind is
created to serve Allah.
 We must know that if we worship other creations, that is our
own insult.
 We must avoid believing and going to astrologists and palmists
as stars can’t influence our future.

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SURAH SHURA [42:4-5]
 Allah is Superior than all other beings as he created the entire
universe so He alone is the Owner.
 Even the heavens which look so strong are close to burst for
His fear. (2:74)
 It also tells us about the existence of angles.
 They are created for various functions like to glorify Allah all
the time. (2:30) / (41:38)
 Authority to forgive also belongs to Allah alone. Allah says :
“Truly, My mercy overcomes my wrath.”

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 Allah is the sole owner of entire universe so all of us must
accept His authority.
 All creations are busy in the praises of Allah so mankind
should also engage themselves in His worship.
 It also strengthens our faith in the existence of angels which
leads us to the concept of recording our deeds for rewards and
 If a person has committed any sin then we should immediately
turn to Allah for repentance. “Say, "O My servants who have
transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of
the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is
He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.“(39:53)

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 Early makkan surah which rejects the polytheistic beliefs.
“Allah there is no god but He.” (2:255)
 They asked how only one being is enough to run the universe
so Allah described His Being here.
 ‘Samad’ is one who depends on no one but all others depend
on him for their survival.
 It rejects those who believe in Allah’s family folk like Makkans,
Christians and Jews. “How can He have a son when He has no
 Allah is completely different form other beings as He is perfect
in all ways. He is a Being who is beyond human imagination.

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 This passage strengthens our belief in Allah’s unity and purifies
our faith in Tawheed.
 A believer must avoid all forms of shirk in his practical life like
seeking support from others.
 As Allah is “Samad” so we should turn to Him for the solutions
of our problems.
 Need of descendant is a sign of weakness and Allah is pure for
all weaknesses.
 If Allah had a son then he must have the attributes of Allah but
none is like Him.
 We must believe in Him as a Being beyond our imagination.

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 Opening surah of the Holy Quran. It is called Umm-ul-Kitab,
mother of the book. It contains all major themes.
 Firstly it talks about Allah’s greatness who maintains all the
worlds of mankind, jinn and angels.
 It also reminds us that here is a day when Allah will reward and
punish people. Who can intercede ….?
 It rejects Shirk as worshipping or seeking support from others
is Shirk.
 ‘Straight Way’ refers to the guidance of Quran and Sunnah.
 Successful people refer to the Prophets and their true followers
and others were disobedient of Allah.

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 Allah is our creator and maintainer so we must acknowledge
His greatness and worship Him alone.
 We must avoid seeking support from other beings.
 It also reminds us rewards and punishments so leads us
towards pious life.
 We must gain the knowledge of Quran and Sunnah to be on
the straight path.
 We should make Prophets our role model and avoid repeating
the mistakes of previous nations.
 Muslims recite this surah in every raka’at of salah.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Level [0300-2101569]

 Passage is about Allah’s relationship with mankind.
 As He is our creator so He has the right to be worshipped.
 After creation Allah makes all arrangements for their survival.
 Such blessings are mentioned which are not in our control like
rains and vegetations.
 “So which of the bounties of your Lord will you both deny?”
 “And if you count the blessings of Allah you can’t count them.”
 It rejects Shirk which is an unpardonable sin.
 Giving credit of Allah’s blessings to other beings is Shirk.

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 We need to thank Allah for life by worshipping Him.
 It encourages us to develop the habit of pondering over Allah’s
blessing . It develops His love in our heart.
 We are required to use His blessings as per His commands.
 We are answerable about all blessing we enjoy.
 It also reminds us our duty towards environment.
 Like water and trees must not be wasted.
 Thank Allah when you get some blessing instead of giving
gratitude to others as Makkans did.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Level [0300-2101569]

SURAH ALAQ [96:1-5]
 First revelation of the Quran, revealed in the cave of Hira.
 It talks about Allah’s relationship with mankind.
 Allah created man just from a clot of blood which is a sign of
His limitless powers. (detail s of development 23:14)
 He is the teacher of mankind. Whatever we know is from
Allah directly or indirectly.
 “The most Gracious, He taught Quran, He created man, He
taught him the way of expression.” (55:1-4)
 Passage lays stress on knowledge. It enables us to differentiate
between the right and wrong.

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 It encourages un to strive for knowledge. Prophet said: ‘To
acquire knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim’
 It’s knowledge of religion which is obligatory. But excelling in
all branches of knowledge is appreciated.
 As we discover more things in this world we better appreciate
Allah’s wisdom and power.
 Pen is an important tool of learning and it is more powerful
than sword.
 We need to utilize all sources of knowledge effectively to
spread Allah’s message in the world.
 It is also called mental jihad.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Level [0300-2101569]


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