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Mock Examination by Sir Hassan Yousuf Qadri

Section A
Name:. Date:

Q1)Study the sources (Insert) carefully and then answer the questions
which follow.
a) According to the source A, what were the effects of the High
Court judgement regarding Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on the people of
Pakistan. (3)
b) How does source B help us to understand the way Zia ul Haq
governed Pakistan? (5)
c) Why did Zia ul Haq introduce his Islamisation reforms? (7)
d) How successful was Zia ul Haq’s foreign policy between 1978 and
1988? Explain your answer. (10)
Section B

Q2) a) What happened at Cawnpore in 1857? (4)

b) Why did Shah Waliullah have such a major influence on the
revival of Islam in the subcontinent? (7)
c) Was the attempt to achieve a better understanding with the
British the most important contribution that Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
made to the Muslim cause during the nineteenth century?
Explain your answer. (14)
Q3) a) Describe what happened at Lucknow in 1916. (4)
b) Why did Khilafat Movement emerge? (7)
c) Was the partition of Bengal the main reason for the formation of
the Muslim League in 1906?Give reasons for your answer. (14)
Q4) a) Describe the problems caused by family feuds that faced the
Benazir Bhutto governments. (4)
b) Explain why Ayub Khan introduced Martial Law in 1958. (7)
c) Was the Co-operative Societies scandal the most important
reason why Nawaz Sharif fell from office in 1993?
Explain your answer. (14)
Q5) a) What has been the importance of Siachen Glacier to both India
and Pakistan? (4)
b) Why did Pakistan support the Palestinian cause between 1947
and 1999? (7)
c) How successful was Pakistan in its relationship with the USA
between 1947 and 1999? Explain your answer. (14)

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