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Midterm Homework 03
A. Answer/Solve the following questions below. (include images if
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1. Fundamental Concepts:

a. Define electric force and explain the fundamental principle described by Coulomb's Law.

- According to Coulomb's law, the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies is
directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them. It acts along the line joining the two charges considered to be point

b. Calculate the electric force between two point charges, one with a charge of +5 μC and the other with a
charge of -3 μC, placed 2 meters apart in a vacuum.

2. Electric Field:

a. Describe the concept of an electric field and how it's related to electric force.

- The electric field may be thought of as the force per unit positive charge that would be exerted
before the field is disturbed by the presence of the test charge. The direction of the force that is
exerted on a negative charge is opposite that which is exerted on a positive charge. The electric
force for an electric field E of a point charge q is given by the equation F=q*E. Both the electric
force and field are vector quantities where the direction depends on the charge's sign. Coulomb's
law states that like charges repel while unlike charges attract.

b. Calculate the electric field strength at a point located 4 meters away from a charge of +8 mC.

3. Superposition of Forces:

a. Discuss the principle of superposition and how it applies to electric forces in systems of multiple
- The principle of superposition in electric forces states that the total force acting on a
charged object in the presence of multiple charges is the sum of the individual forces
exerted by each charge. Each charge contributes to the overall force independently, and
their effects can be added together. This principle simplifies the analysis of systems with
multiple charges, making it easier to understand and predict the combined impact of
various charges on a given charge in the system.

b. Given three point charges: +2 μC, -3 μC, and +4 μC, placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle with
sides of 1 meter, calculate the net electric force on the +4 μC charge.

4. Electric Potential Energy:

a. Explain the concept of electric potential energy and its relationship to work done by electric forces.

- Electric potential energy is the energy that charged particles have because of their positions

in an electric field. It's like a stored energy related to the arrangement of charges. When

charges move closer together, the electric potential energy increases, and when they move

apart, it decreases. The concept is closely tied to the work done by electric forces. If you do

work to bring charges closer, you're increasing their electric potential energy, and if you let
them move apart, you're decreasing it. So, electric potential energy is a measure of how

charges interact and change their positions in an electric field, and it's linked to the work

done during these interactions.

b. Calculate the electric potential energy of a 6 μC charge placed in an electric field of 500 N/C.

5. Electric Force and Motion:

a. Explore the connection between electric forces and the motion of charged particles.
- The connection between electric forces and the motion of charged particles is governed by
Newton's second law and the Lorentz force law. When a charged particle is placed in an electric
field, it experiences an electric force proportional to its charge. According to Newton's second law,
this force causes the particle to accelerate. The direction of the acceleration depends on the sign of
the charge: positive charges accelerate in the direction of the electric field, while negative charges
accelerate opposite to the field. Additionally, when charged particles move in a magnetic field, they
experience a force known as the magnetic Lorentz force. Combining the electric and magnetic
forces yields the complete Lorentz force, determining the trajectory of charged particles in both
electric and magnetic fields. This connection is fundamental in various applications, from
understanding the behavior of electrons in electronic devices to describing the motion of charged
particles in complex electromagnetic environments, such as in particle accelerators.
b. Given an electron with a charge of -1.6 x 10^-19 C and a mass of 9.11 x 10^-31 kg, placed in an electric
field of 500 N/C, calculate the acceleration of the electron.

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