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Paul University
Surigao St. Paul
University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

Name: Rusty Joshua A. Ligaya

Course/Year: BSCE-3

Try these: in Excel

Problem Statement:
A parachutist of mass 68.1 kg jumps out of a stationary hot air balloon. Use Eq. (1.10) to compute
velocity prior to opening the chute. The drag coefficient is equal to 12.5 kg/s. And graph the behavior of
the velocity.

Thus, the graph of velocity versus time for a parachutist jumping out of a stationary hot air
balloon shows an initial rapid increase in velocity followed by a gradual approach to a terminal velocity.
This behavior is due to the increasing force of air resistance as the parachutist falls.
Name: Rusty Joshua A. Ligaya
Course/Year: BSCE-3

Exercise No. 1
Introduction to SCILAB and its basic commands

This is a demonstration of some aspects of the MATLAB language.

1. Let’s create a 3 x 5 matrix. Name the matrix anything you want and write your output below.

2. Do all the commands on the matrix insertion. Use the matrix the you create earlier. Then, write your output for every
command from 1 - 17.
Basic Matrix Operations:
This is a demonstration of some aspects of the MATLAB language.
Creating a Vector:
1. Let’s create a simple vector with 9 elements called a or name your vector in any variable. Write your
output below.

2. Now let's add 2 to each element of our vector, a, and store the result in a new vector. Notice how
SCILAB requires no special handling of vector or matrix math. Write the result and your observation.

3. Plot the result of the vector addition with grid lines. Draw the output graph.
4. Make a plot of the result of the vector using bar graph. Draw the output graph.

5. Mark the points of the graph on procedure no. 3 using asterisk symbol and define the axis X 0 10; and
Y 0 10 respectively.
Creating a matrix:
1. Create a 3 x 3 matrix; name your matrix in any variable. Write your code and output below.
1 2 0
2 5 -1
4 10 -1

2. Add a new row in your matrix and store it in a new variable. Write your code and output below.

3. Add a new column in your matrix and store it in a new variable.

4. Transpose your original matrix.

Matrix Multiplication:
5. Multiply the two matrixes. The original matrix and transpose matrix

6. Multiply the original Matrix by corresponding elements.

7. Find the inverse of a matrix in procedure no. 1 in creating a matrix.

8. Then illustrate the fact that a matrix time its inverse is the identity matrix.
1. Explain the importance of knowing the basic SCILAB instructions and command; How SCILAB
requires no special handling of vector or matrix math.
For several reasons, it is essential to comprehend and be familiar with the fundamental SCILAB
commands and instructions. Understanding the basic commands and instructions in SCILAB allows you
to solve complex mathematical problems with ease. With amazing speed and convenience, you may do
calculations, manipulate matrices, and visualize data by swiftly developing scripts and making use of
built-in functions. Furthermore, Scilab offers a vast array of tools for data processing and visualization.
Knowing the basic commands and instructions can help you extract useful insights from your data, as
well as import, clean, and analyze datasets and create instructive plots and charts. SCILAB's seamless
integration of vector and matrix operations into its core makes it a great tool for numerical computations
and linear algebra, negating the need for further handling of these mathematical concepts. Because it
regards vectors and matrices as fundamental data types, it simplifies complicated mathematical processes,
in contrast to other programming languages that require specific libraries or syntax for vector and matrix

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