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BCHS Social Studies Department - Late Assignment Policy

It is essential for students to complete their assigned work within the time specified in order to
demonstrate an understanding of key concepts, which allows for feedback to be provided in a
timely manner. In the event that an assignment is not completed by the deadline, it is the
student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher.

Assignments that have not been discussed will receive a code of MISSING in PowerSchool,
which will be calculated as a zero. This mark may be adjusted at the teacher’s discretion after
discussion with the student (and possibly parent). Any questions or concerns regarding this
policy need to be directed to the teacher.

Electronic Submission Standard

Assignments may be submitted electronically to my email address or website provided. Be sure

to give yourself time for technical difficulties. Assignments missing because of “no internet” or
“computer trouble” will still be counted as a zero so make sure you give yourself some time.

Plagiarism is when one student passes off another individual’s work as his or her own; the other
individual in question may be a peer or an artist, author, or writer. Plagiarism is the most serious
academic offence and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. For any task or
assignment that is presented with evidence of plagiarism, a grade of zero (0) with no possibility
of appeal will be awarded.

- This includes minor alterations to ‘cut and paste’ items as well and DUPLICATION (i.e.
submitting a task or assignment, in full or a portion thereof, in multiple classes; in other
words, when a student plagiarizes him or herself). AI created writing is considered
plagiarism (Chat gpt and other websites!!!).
- Students will be instructed in the proper use of, and how to cite secondary sources
throughout the course.
- If in doubt, check with the presiding teacher as soon as possible, absolutely before the
assignment is submitted.

Classroom expectations and behaviors:

 Show up prepared to class with necessary materials (notebook, laptop, writing utensils, etc)
 Ask for help when it’s needed (don’t be afraid, chances are someone else needs help too)
 Eating in class is allowed as long as no messes are made, and it does not become a
distraction to me or the rest of the class
 Bathroom breaks: follow the instructions on the whiteboard
 If you are late to class….come to class quietly and take your seat
 Absences: it is your responsibility to take charge of your missing work and to come see me
about it
 Missing assignment policy: you will receive a zero in powerschool until you have handed
in the assignment
 Extensions: if you need an extension on an assignment, come and see me about it!
 Fire alarm: what is our policy?
 PHONES/DEVICES: when do you think it should be allowed?
 Seating plan: you may sit where you would like but if I feel like it isn’t working, then
changes will be made

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