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A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 1



This chapter presents the background of the problem, the research

problem, the purpose of the research, the scope of research, and the significance

of the research. The following section is the background of the problem.

Background of the Problem

Teaching strategy is different ways to achieve the different results of the

learning process conducted in different conditions (Reigeluth and Degeng, 2011).

It means that teaching strategy is essential to guide the students in the learning

process. It is needed to make the class run well, and the students get the point of

the material. The implementation of this strategy applies to all subjects. English is

one of the lessons that require a strategy in learning because this language is a

second language and an international language, so it needs to be learned and

understood. In addition, teaching strategies identify the different available

learning methods to enable them to develop the right strategy to deal with the

target group identified.

A teaching strategy is a lesson plan that comprises a structure of expected

student behaviorbased on learning goals, as well as a description of the planned

techniques required to accomplish the strategy. Teaching strategy is linked to the

techniques used to assist students in achieving the desired learning material and

settingattainable future goals. Teaching strategies highlight numerous learning

techniques that can be attained in order to establish suitable strategies for dealing

with the selected target groups (Sarode, 2018:58).

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 2

The teacher’s responsibility is to facilitate and structure online dialogue.

Student learning outcomes are essential. Online teaching practices can boost

student engagement, comprehension, and fulfillment (Mitchell, 2014:18).

Moreover, instructor tactics in online learning to improve students’ enthusiasm for

learning during COVID-19 include the following: 1) Teacher techniques for

fostering interest in online learning. 2) Providing students with comprehension

and attentiveness in all situations where they must continue learning. 3).

Developing concise, understandable, and engaging educational materials. 4)

Selecting a fundamental and engaging learning medium. 5) Conducting periodic

and ongoing evaluations (Sutarto et al., 2020:133).

Before the pandemic, it is presumed that most learning processes were

conducted in a usual way or direct learning since, in the first Covid-19 outbreak,

classes shifted to remote learning during the lockdown of school buildings (Schult

et al., 2022). Furthermore, it is explained by Obiakor and Adeniran (2020) that

nationwide school closures have disrupted learning and access to vital school-

provided services. This claim implied that before the pandemic, the school was

open and ran as it should, which is face-to-face learning as opposed to remote

learning. Moreover, a study from Sujarwo et al. (2020) discovered that online

learning tends to be not entirely efficient since there were several obstacles such

as lack of financial support and internet access availability. Based on this finding,

it is safe to assume that the learning situation before pandemic was considered to

be more efficient in terms of utilization and financial needs.

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 3

The COVID-19 pandemic, which is currently sweeping the entire world,

has caused the world of education to be creative in thinking about the continuity

and implementation of education as it should. There are various ways that the

government and teachers try to make education continue and run as expected.

Various types of learning models have been applied, ranging from online learning

online and offline too. The good news is that the COVID-19 pandemic is getting

better compared to some time ago. Thus, it requires the world of education to be

ready for any changes in the learning system because of the changing

circumstances that caused of pandemic made differences learning system between

pre and post pandemic Covid 19.

The purpose of preparing this strategy is related to how the teachers

guided and managed the students in comprehending the material. The reason why

teacher should use strategies is because there were always students that get

difficulties in comprehending the material while the teacher teaches them on both

learning systems, both online and offline. Related to this research, the researcher

uses several previous studies that are relevant to this research are:

Firstly, the research conducted by Ganovia et al. (2022) with the title of

the effectiveness of hybrid learning in the learning process for class XI students of

SMA Kalam Kudus Pematangsiantar. This study focuses on the implementation

of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic carrying out learning with an online

system; namely the process of learning from home (BRD). Based on a review of

Limited Face-to-Face Learning (PTMT) at the Kalam Kudus Christian High

School Pematangsiantar, results were obtained which stated that during the Covid-
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 4

19 pandemic, the school carried out hybrid learning guided by the curriculum. The

hybrid learning approach used is student center. The learning methods and media

used are quite diverse and adapted to the learning material. Each consists of

methods and media for online learning and PTMT. The findings of this study are

learning activities using hybrid learning have obstacles. By looking at the

obstacles experienced, it is expected that effective teachers and learning providers

can improve them, so that learning can be more meaningful, interactive, and fun

for students during this pandemic.

The second previous study was conducted by Widarini et al. (2021) that

focuses on teachers’ strategies in online learning during Covid pandemic. This

study aims to evaluate the strategies teachers employed and the difficulties they

encountered when delivering English online learning. This research employed a

qualitative case study methodology. The subjects of the study were three English

teachers from public junior high schools in the Tabanan District. The data was

gathered through interview and observation. The method of data analysis

employed was descriptive qualitative. It was discovered that teachers employ

multiple strategies, including Google form, Google Meet, quizzes, and video.

Google meet was discovered to be the least popular medium for online learning,

as the majority of educators solely utilized online chat. At the early stages of the

pandemic, teachers encountered a number of difficulties, including internet

connection issues, unresponsive students, and equipment malfunctions.

The third previous study was conducted by Yang & Spitzer (2020) that

focused on the use of the hybrid method in the teaching and learning of English
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 5

reading for speakers of English as a second language. Based on student responses

and class observations, this hybrid reading course was well-received and

beneficial for the ESL students interviewed for this research, familiarizing them

with the hybrid model in preparation for graduate school. Even though our

students were unfamiliar with the hybrid class format, their positive responses

indicate that they were capable of adapting and benefiting from the course’s

flexibility and many communication possibilities. The online component of the

course afforded students not just time for in-depth reflection but also schedule


Mutmainnah et al. (2022) conducted the fourth and last previous study,

which investigated teachers’ and students’ perceptions of hybrid learning in the

teaching of English. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The teacher has a

positive perception of hybrid learning, which allows them to reduce the

inadequacies of online learning; 2) The students seem to have a positive

perception of hybrid learning, which makes things simpler for them to

comprehend the material that the teachers taught them in online learning; and 3)

They engaged in hybrid learning without disregarding the health protocol, so that

teachers can set hybrid learning protocols that correlate to the health protocols. On

the positive side, all teachers agree that hybrid learning is one of the solutions

utilized to mitigate the disadvantages of online education. Some students still

prefer online learning.

The previous studies are presumed to display similarities and differences

with this research, which can be considered as gap that can be filled by this
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 6

research results. The first previous study focused on the implementation of

learning method in teaching during Covid-19 pandemic, which is considered to be

different from this research since the latter focused on teachers’ strategies rather

than specified method such as Belajar dari Rumah (BRD). The difference in

terms of focus is expected to be resulted in different outcomes since by not

focusing on specified method, this research is estimated to discover various

methods that might be effective in terms of both face-to-face and online learning.

The second previous study from Widarini et al. (2021) focuses on the

strategies used by teachers during Covid-19. While this research and the second

previous study might seem to be similar, there is a slight difference where the

latter focused on the teaching and learning activities, while the former only

focuses on the teaching strategies. This could be seen as difference since activities

concern with the actions executed by the students in a class while strategies

concern with the teachers’ actions in coping with the problems during the learning

process. Furthermore, it is worth to note that this research intends to investigate

the activities before and after the pandemic while the study from Widarini et al.

(2021) intends to investigate the strategies implemented during the pandemic and

it can be seen that the dissimilarity in terms of time focus can be considered as


The third previous study was conducted by Yang & Spitzer (2020) that

investigates the use of the hybrid method in the teaching and learning of English

reading for speakers of English as a second language. This study is considered to

be similar with this research since both focus on hybrid learning; however, the
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 7

former specifically emphasizes on the activities performed by the students before

and after the pandemic while the latter was not conducted during the pandemic

and therefore, it can be said that the third previous study and this research is

different. Moreover, the previous study intends to investigate students’ as

participants while this research selected teachers as the participants, which, all

things considered, can be deemed as difference.

Finally, the fourth previous study that was Mutmainnah et al. (2022)

aimed to find out the perceptions of teachers and students about hybrid learning in

the teaching of English. Similar to prior research, this study focuses on hybrid

learning during the epidemic. However, as this study focuses on actions

conducted before and after the pandemic, rather than during it, the difference in

time focus can be considered a difference.

All in all, by considering the aforementioned explanation regarding the

hybrid learning, it can be said that most of the time, the said learning method

often implemented during the pandemic, which is considered as an obvious reason

since the pandemic prompted most schools to conduct this method. However,

since this research intends to focus on hybrid learning before and after the

pandemic, it is expected that this research to unveil how hybrid learning is

implemented pre- and post-pandemic. Therefore, the researcher formulates this

research with the title “A Descriptive study on teacher strategies in Teaching

English Pandemic Era”. Furthermore, this study is aimed to know teacher

strategy in teaching English pre and post pandemic, how it applies and the

student’s perception toward the strategy.

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 8

Research Problem

Based on the explanation of the background of the study, the problem

statement of this study can be formulated as “What are the teacher strategies in

Teaching English in pre and post pandemic at the second-grade students of MTSN

2 Kotamobagu?”

Purpose of the Research

Based on the problem statement above, the purpose of this study is to describe

the teacher’s strategy that they use in Teaching English in pre and post pandemic

at the second-grade students of MTSN 2 Kotamobagu.

The Scope of Research

The scope of study refers to Pre and Post Pandemic which focus on

Teacher strategy, what ways the teacher uses to implement the strategies used by

the teacher in this situation.

Significance of the Research

The significances of this research can be viewed from both theoretical and

practical benefits, as described below:

Theoretical significances

This research is expected that the result of this study could be one of the

references for the teachers in Teaching English in pre and post pandemic. The

teachers’ strategies, we would get more information on how the teachers at

junior high school implement the teaching strategies to be useful in Teaching

English in pre and post pandemic.In addition, this study can give as a

reference to other researchers who want to apply this research. Therefore, the
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 9

readers would enrich their knowledge about teaching strategies to apply in

English class in pre and post pandemic.

Practical Significances

Practically, the result of this study is expected to give some benefits for the

teacher, the students, and the school to get more information about teaching


a. For teachers

This research is expected can be useful information of the teacher as base

of step to have some strategy as insight to teach and compare about pre

and post pandemic strategy in teaching and ready for what they should do

in case help students got high outcomes in the class. Thus, it can give an

overview to the teacher about strategy in teaching English before and after


b. For students

This research can help them to have better understanding about teaching

and learning process strategy when Pre and post pandemic and more

enthusiasts in the class while learning English especially Pre and post

pandemic skill.

c. For school

This research can provide solutions to investigate the related issue about

the teachers’ strategy in Teaching English in pre and post pandemic and

improve the teachers’ strategies to be more targeted and achieved

Teaching English goals.

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