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A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 1



This chapterpresents thefindings and discussionsof this

research.Theresearch questionis alsoaddressed and explained in this chapter.

Research Finding

In this chapter, the researcher discusses the findings of the research

regarding the strategies that teachers use when instructing English students in the

pandemic era. In the second grade of MTSN 2 Kotamobagu, there were students

who agreed to be interviewed as informants in this research. Interviews with such

participants were part of the data collection process the researchers carried out.

The researcher poses a few questions, all of which are open-ended in nature due to

the fact that the researcher is looking to collect as much information as possible.

The interview took place on the 16th of May in the year 2022.



The researcher observed the process Teaching and learning English in pandemic

Era. The researcher focused on the teacher strategies.

The Data Descriptive obtained from observation

Date, Day : Monday, March 8th, 2021

Time : 08:00 – 10:00

Lokation : MTSN 2 Kotamobagu

Class : VIII
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 2

Based on the observation that have been made, the researcher found that the

process of learning in pandemic was certainly different from normal learning.

There are some differences in this pandemic situation such as:

1. There are not many opportunities for activity in this class. Since students

were required to enter the class based on their shifts, and by shifts,

students only received 50 percent of offline class, this circumstance is

caused by the limited time that the school gives for each subject. Since

students were required to enter the class based on their shifts, this forced

the class to be given half in terms of class activities.

2. The teacher has arranged for the students in this class to participate in

hybrid learning. Due of the pandemic, the school could only accept half of

the normal number of students in each subject. This circumstance is an

action being taken to cope with the pandemic. By adopting rotation, a

hybrid system was established, in which half of the student’s time was

spent learning in the classroom and the other half was spent learning


3. The learning process was aided in some way by the teacher’s use of

various forms of media. This circumstance demonstrated that the teacher

made use of the media in order to cope with the pandemic, which was

done by using the phone. Assuming that the majority of students have

access to a phone, this was done probably to ensure that students were

there for the entirety of the class or even the exam.

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 3

4. The teaching process and the amount of time students spend learning are

shortened by the teacher. As was said earlier, pandemic compels the

teacher to split the learnincg process into two distinct phases: during the

first phase, the students are required to be physically present in the

classroom, while during the second phase, they are required to participate

in an online session. However, as a result of the numerous shifts that

would need to be taught by the teacher, both the teaching and learning

process are slowed down.


The data for this research originated from interviews that were analyzed

qualitatively depending on the teaching technique taken by the teacher. The

following are among some of the findings that the researcher gathered through

interviews with English teachers at the second-grade level of MTSN 2

Kotamobagu during the time period of teaching English during the pandemic.

Teacher’s strategies in teaching English in pre- and post-pandemic at MTSN 2


In this research, the researcher intends to unveil the strategies employed by

the teacher in teaching English before and after the pandemic. The answer is

shown below.

“Saya menerapkan Metode Hybrid dengan cara pembelajaran tatap

muka dilakukan secara rotasi, dengan jumlah siswa 50 persen.

Misalnya jumlah siswa ada 36 orang menjadi 18 orang pertemuan

tatap muka, Dan sisanya mengikuti pembelajaran Daring atau Luring

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 4

secara bergantian. Kemudian dilakukan pembagian peserta

pembelajaran dalam satu kelas dibagi menjadi sift.”

“Untuk minggu pertama misalnya sift A tatap muka, dan sift B secara

Daring. Sebaliknya di minggu kedua shift A secara Daring, dan Sift B

secara tatap muka. Kegiatan ini dilakukan langsung di dalam kelas

sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama.”

“I apply the Hybrid Method by means of face-to-face learning carried

out in rotation, with 50 percent of students. For example, the number

of students is 36 people to 18 face-to-face meetings, and the rest take

turns taking online or offline learning. Then the learning participants

are divided into one class divided into shifts.”

“For the first week, for example, shift A is face-to-face, and shift B is

online. On the other hand, in the second week, shift A is online, and

shift B is face to face. This activity is carried out directly in the

classroom according to mutual agreement.”

As an outcome of the participant’s answer, it is clear that a hybrid

strategy was utilized by separating the students into two distinct shifts in

order to accommodate the fact that the school is supposed to only permit one-

half of the maximum number of students to be enrolled in each class. The

teacher was needed to teach both shifts, which led to the adoption of a hybrid

instructional approach. The shifts include both in-person and online learning

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 5

Teacher’s thoughts regarding the learning process during the pandemic.

Because of the pandemic, the majority of schools are being forced to

alter their teaching methods, and the location of this research is not an

exception. The participant mentioned that the technique of instruction has

significantly shifted due to the fact that the face-to-face method and the

online method are pretty distinct from one another.

“Sistem pembelajaran sangat berubah, awalnya tatap muka guru

menjelaskan dan siswa dapat secara langsung memahami dan

mengikuti, jika ada pertanyaan siswa dapat bertanya secara langsung

dan guru langsung menjawab.Hasil akhir atau penilaian juga

berubah.Hasil harus diubah dan diolah dengan menggunakan raport

online.Kalau ulangan harian, biasanya siswa menggunakan kertas,

sekarang siswa harus menggunakan media untuk mengerjakan soal,

media tersebut yaitu handphone.”

“The learning system has changed greatly, initially the teacher

explained face-to-face and students could immediately understand and

follow, if there were questions students could ask directly and the

teacher answered immediately. The final result or assessment also

changes. Results must be changed and processed using online report

cards. For daily tests, students usually use paper, now students have

to use media to work on questions, the media is cellphones.”

According to the answer, it is possible to deduce that the teacher went

through a significant transformation in terms of the educational system,

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 6

during which they were required to educate using a different instructional

approach. In addition, the method of evaluation was modified, shifting away

from the traditional paper-based format and toward an online format that

made use of mobile devices.

Problems in teaching during the pandemic

It is to be anticipated that teachers would face challenges or obstacles

while in the classroom during the pandemic. The participant seems to have

come into one of them, as they indicated that there are already two main

issues that they had run with when teaching.

“Masalah yang saya hadapi dalam proses belajar mengajar saat

pandemic yaitu, yang pertama jaringan. Terkadang pada saat Daring

berlangsung jaringan di masing’’ tempat tinggal siswa kurang baik

otomatis proses pembelajaran saat itu kurang baik juga.”

“Yang kedua, Saya harus mengulang-ulang materi yang sama dikelas

tersebut karena Mereka dibagi menjadi dua kelompok tentunya saya

harus menjelaskan satu materi pembelajaran pada dua kelompok

yang berbeda.Kegiatan belajar mengajar juga hanya berlangsung

shift.Kegiatan ekstra kurikuler lainnya juga ditiadakan untuk

sementara waktu. Sementara proses belajar mengajar sebelum

pandemic guru dan siswa melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar

dengan baik dan maksimal.”

“Of course, it is very different, the face-to-face learning process

during a pandemic is very limited and must be carried out at least two
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 7

shifts. Other extra-curricular activities are also temporarily

suspended. While the teaching and learning process before the

pandemic, teachers and students carried out teaching and learning

activities well and maximally”

The response reveals that the teacher was confronted with a

significant shift in the classroom environment, one in which everything

appeared to be restricted or put on hold. This may be deduced from the fact

that the educator mentioned the question. The instructor further explains that

the process of teaching and learning was superior before the pandemic since it

was possible to carry out the process to its maximum capability. This was

possible because the process could be carried out before the pandemic.

Teacher’s perspective regarding the implementation of hybrid method in

teaching English

The pandemic seemed to hit the education world, especially teacher,

quite hard since they were forced to undergo through a drastic change and to

cope with the situation, hybrid method is adopted as one of the methods to be

used in teaching.

“Menurut saya, penerapan Hybrid class menciptakan suasana yg

baru dalam proses pembelajaran, Karena hal ini tidak menggantikan

pertemuan tatap muka secara virtual maupun langsung. Konsep

hybrid juga tidak hanya sekedar perpaduan sederhana antara kelas

online dan offline, tetapi lebih focus pada pencapaian tujuan

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 8

“In my opinion, the implementation of the Hybrid class creates a new

atmosphere in the learning process, because this does not replace

face-to-face meetings virtually or directly. The hybrid concept is also

not just a simple blend of online and offline classes, but is more

focused on achieving learning goals.”

As shown by the answer, the use of a hybrid technique proved to be a

promising addition for teaching method because it enables teachers to instruct

different classes using a variety of approaches. This could also be regarded as

an advantage even when dealing with a different issue. In addition, it is noted

that the learning purpose is still of the utmost importance in terms of

teaching, despite the fact that there are two distinct teaching approaches.


In this section, the researcher provides their discussion of the results obtained

from the research. The researcher provides an explanation of the findings by

referring to them as the solution to the research problem. From the collected data,

the problem that needs to be solved for this research is “How the teacher’s

strategies in teaching English second grade of MTSN 2 Kotamobagu”. The

following strategies have been found to be effective for teachers of English as a

foreign language.

During the time of the pandemic, there was a significant shift not only in the

activities related to teaching and learning but also in the approaches, methods, and

facilities that were utilized by teachers. Education was first delivered offline

(face-to-face), but it is now only delivered online. As a consequence of the

A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 9

teaching and learning activities that took place during the pandemic, students,

teachers, and families all went through a variety of shifts. This claim is consistent

with the viewpoint expressed by Putri et al. (2020), who asserted that alterations

made to the educational system during the pandemic had an effect on the

educational pursuits of teachers, students, and parents. This argument is supported

by evidence. In addition to this, it is also supported by the statement that was

made by Reigeluth and Degeng (2011). They stated that teaching strategy is

different ways to achieve the different result of the learning process that is

conducted in different conditions. This statement lends support to the idea that

this concept is valid. Since the pandemic situation forced everything to conform to

the new circumstances, a different teaching strategy is deemed to be necessary as

a result of this claim’s implication that, in this context, an alternate solution of

teaching method is highly necessary necessary in order to cope with the pandemic

situation, and since the pandemic situation forced everything to demonstrate

compliance to the changing circumstances, this claim implied that an alternative

teaching method.

The researcher conducting this study came to the conclusion that the

participants had to engage in hybrid learning as a result of a significant shift in the

teaching methodology that they were required to use. Face-to-face and online

learning were combined by the participant as a means of coping with the

pandemic situation that arose during the course of the implementation of the

aforementioned learning method. This was done so that the number of students

could be split into two groups that each had a different shift schedule. This is
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 10

supported by Colis and Moonen (2001), who stated that hybrid learning is a

combination of traditional face - to - face learning and online learning, so that

instruction occurs both in the classroom and online. This idea is supported by the

fact that hybrid learning is a combination of traditional face to face learning and

online learning. In addition, in the aftermath of the pandemic, many institutions

began implementing hybrid learning, in which students participate in some

aspects of their education online as well as in traditional classroom settings (Colis

and Moonen, 2001)

On the basis of the responses, it is possible to identify that the participant

implemented hybrid learning by means of a rotation, in which the students were

split into two groups and continually switched between offline and online classes.

According to Staker and Horn (2012), one of the four different types of hybrid

learning is rotation, specifically flipped classroom.According to the findings of

this research, MTSN 2 Kotamobagu implemented this form of hybrid learning

because, as a result of the findings, the school separated the students into two

separate shifts in order to accommodate the fact that the school is only supposed

to permit one-half of the maximum number of students to be enrolled in each

class. This was done in order to accommodate the fact that the school is supposed

to permit one-half of the maximum number of students to be enrolled in each

class. Because the teacher was required to teach during both shifts, a hybrid

method of instruction was chosen to meet the needs of the students. The changes

involve learning experiences both in-person and online.This implementation is

consistent with what Staker and Horn (2012) have indicated. Because of this, it is
A Descriptive Study on Teacher Strategies in Teaching English in 11

reasonable to hypothesize that the use of hybrid learning would breathe new life

into the teaching-learning session.

It is possible to draw the conclusion that a pandemic compels the world of

education, and especially schools, to flourish in order to ensure that civilization

continues to advance. The use of hybrid learning as a teaching method is one of

the ways this can be accomplished. According to the aforementioned

explanations, hybrid learning is an alternative method of instruction that was

implemented by a teacher in MTSN 2 Kotamobagu to actually go through the

pandemic and the policy of social distancing. This was performed because

students were required to stay at home and used online learning to continue the

teaching and learning process while the students were confined to their homes.

However, it would appear that hybrid learning also comes with its fair

number of drawbacks, one of which is an unreliable internet connection. As a

result, students found themselves unable to experience the lesson to the fullest

extent possible, and some of them may have even missed the entire class. Due to

the fact that the students’ attention is being diverted by the aforementioned issue,

this may make it more difficult for the students to acquire the full amount of their

English skills. In addition, the restricted amount of time they have to learn could

also play a significant role in hampering their learning session due to the

condensed contents that are provided by the lecturers. It is commonly believed

that English proficiency calls for a significant amount of practice, and the fact that

students are only given a limited amount of classroom time poses a significant

barrier to achieving English proficiency.

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