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Driver Swing

 Look down: you must see 1 or 2 knuckles at address, otherwise turn more. Both
palms facing each other.
 Hold club like holding a baby´s hand. Very low tension. Must feel the weight
of the club head by relaxing wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.
 Check Grip, Aim, Chin Up, make sure standing square or closed.
 Club must return square. Contact = Distance.

 Choose aiming point.
 Place ball aligned with inside of right foot.
 Place club 4” behind on ground (center of gravity).
 Reverse K to TARGET: Put your body in a position to actually turn. DO NOT
KEEP SHOULDERS LEVEL: Right lower, turn spine and get behind the golf
ball at address. This will actually relax the right arm more.
 Golf clubs always follows line of shoulders
 Do not let your cheek pass the decoy. When you do a pop up shot, it is
because you are too close to the golf ball.
 Weight at start: 40:60%, and at end of backswing is 20-80%.
 [try stretching out farther to ball]

 The Tee has the ball in the air, therefore do not need to sway hips (transfer
weight) like irons, nor hit down. Instead hit on way UP.
 Do not try to hit as hard as possible. Soft arms.
 Backswing:
o Smooth takeaway, club on plane. Make nice coil turn body sensation.
Weight on back foot, upload into it. Form “L”
o Lower body very still. Left shoulder over R knee. Club shaft pointing at R
hip pocket.
 Follow through:
o Let gravity start the downswing. Arms drop and turn body through.
o Side-to-side motion kills. Do not transfer weight to left nor spin hips.
o Create power with core /abs.
o Club head speed as begin the downswing. Focus: R arm start to
straighten out immediately from top of downswing. Must keep R
shoulder back as long as possible.
o Flow through the ball
o Keep weight on right foot UNTIL you make a Y (after hitting ball)
o Make a Swoosh sound 1 foot past the golf ball. - this demands hip
o At end, Right foot off the ground.
o Do not swing from outside in.

Wood Swing
Grip - Same as driver
 Ball position = middle of stance + 2 balls forward.
 Adapt slight Reverse-K posture, but club behind ball.
 Widen stance 2-3” more than irons
 Use thighs and abs, relax shoulders
 Arms hanging below chin
 Pros POST/stabilize the left leg. Keep the left foot as still as possible.
 Low tension. Hit as hard as you can? TENSE.

 Warm up with inclined helicopter propeller
 Contact = Distance.
 Bigger swing motion.
 Feel weight shift back and forth
 Eyes on the ball.
 Backswing:
o Slow backswing, longer and heavier
o like an arc at angle
o Proper coil: hands ear high, and proper synchronized: hands,
shoulders, and hips.
o Use body as control of backswing. Thighs, hips, and obliques coil
together. ¾ shots: hands shoulder high in backswing
o at contact: spine still slightly back.
o Weight transfers to inside of right foot.
 Follow through:
o Brushing sensation. Large circle. Swing easier 50-80%
o Angle of club flat to ball or else risk topping. Shallow angle of
attack. Unlike when you are hitting an iron shot, you want your
fairway woods to be coming into the ball from a shallow angle
o The fairway wood bottoms out AFTER THE POINT OF IMPACT, one
club width past (5”-6” beyond the golf ball).
o Weight transfers to inside of left foot at contact.
o Follow through with right elbow tucked in and supination of wrist to
end to left. – wrap arc around to left side.
o Right shoulder facing target
o Let arms stretch out after hitting ball. Do not let them buckle.

David Pelz:
 Hit a driver 10x, 3 wood 10x see which you are doing better. Get it in the
 Swing easier 50-80%.

Irons Swing
 Soften up arms
 Keep muscles relaxed. A relaxed muscle is faster than a tense muscle.
 Maintain the same pressure

 My observation: start with Shaft leans to inside of left leg.
 Keep posture: left knuckles LOW to ground like a discuss thrower.
 #5 iron …2 balls

 Backswing: breathe in
 Follow through
o Get body more on top by moving weight FORWARD to left. Weight
swings to left start with lower body.
o Club head descending to golf ball, bottom of arc happens after ball
o Practice swings, bottom must be after ball line.
o Focus: leading edge must STAY LOW instead of getting up ground.
o Strike down through the ball. DO NOT sweep up on the ball. Sweet
spot 5th groove. Drill: put a metal plate 6” behind ball. Must miss board.
Swing through rather than hit the ball.
o Breathe out as you swing
o Fully balance on left at follow through
o Get transfer weight entirely. Feel you can lift off foot at backswing.
Finish with all your weight on Left side.
o Follow through: Must see bottom of shoe. Chest/belt and kneecaps
facing target.

Irons from Fairway

“Fat shots” - hitting green before. Therefore check:

1) ball position
2) where weight is at impact. DO NOT sway back.

Tip 1: soften arms. You have to sway hip to the left. Analogy of baseball pitcher.
Must hit beyond the ball.

Tip 2: strike down through the ball. Strike ball first. Imagine metal board 7-8”
behind ball and cannot touch that.

Irons from Rough

Grass will slow down swing, therefore need more lofted club
Grass reduces backspin and ball will run. E.g. a #7 iron acts like a #5. 190 yards.

a) Buried lie:

 If your ball looks something like this, you can most likely forget about trying
to get on the green. try to get back to the fairway with a shorter club, give
yourself a chance of making a par save, and make bogey at worst.
 Using a shorter club like a 9-iron or wedge will allow you to dig through the
grass more easily because you’ll be coming down on a steeper angle.
Remember, we are trying to limit the amount of grass we strike before the
 Play the ball further back in your stance, which will help you hit the ball first
instead of the grass.
 Keep the club face a little more open so it will counteract the grass from
shutting the club face to a closed position at impact.
 Don’t try and kill the ball! Swinging harder will prevent you from making the
clean strike that you need to get the ball out.

1) Ball back Right side, lean R side. The effect is to deloft.
2) Grip it a little tighter and hold on for the ride.
3) Club up steeper, and end with club forward.
4) Less turning, more hit down to ball.

Pick the right club (use extra club PW->#9), and pick a good target.

The In-Between Lie

Things aren’t that bad. You can see a decent amount of the ball, and there isn’t too
much grass in the way.

 If the grass is growing against you: It’s going to be a little bit harder to hit
the ball cleanly. Treat like buried lie.

 If the grass is growing with you: This is generally a better lie, and the grass
won’t offer as much resistance. These are the types of lies that can produce a
“flier” where your ball will come out hotter than usual, and travel farther than
you expect. Take a little less club, and prepare for the ball to run out more
when it lands.

The Fluffy Lie

Since the lie is much cleaner, you can give the green a go if you are 150+ yards out.
If you play with hybrids it will be much easier to hit the ball cleanly from these lies.

 The ball is teed up a bit, and above your feet. Your tendency might be to hit
underneath it. Try hovering the club even with the ball when you address it.
 Depending on how high the ball is above the grass, take 1-2 clubs less, and
prepare for the ball to travel much farther than usual.

Long Irons
#3, #4, #5: have very little loft and longer shafts.
Long irons are the hardest clubs to hit. If you don't swing at least 95 mph, replace
your long irons with a hybrid club or two.

Effective low point – close to ball.

1. Ball just inside heel – front portion.
2. Hit it off tee.
3. ball back and club shaft back. Do reverse K. maintain posture thru
4. Feel like a discuss thrower – lower yourself to the ground.
5. Feel left knuckles stay low in backswing
6. All I was thinking on that long-iron shot was smooth rhythm. And it worked.
1. Goal: maximize velocity of swing across the grass.
2. Pretend sole of club is blade, and shaving grass
3. Look for the centrifugal pull!
4. sweep the long irons rather than take much of a divot. To do that you must
position the ball slightly forward of center in your stance. Then the swing
arc must be shallow, not steep.
5. Remember: sweep, don't dig
6. Take away quite low. Wide brush back and forward. Whip it.
7. Level hit. Never try to hit up. Get ball airborne with minute amount of loft.

8. Flatten plane. Good for penetrating flight under trees.

Five iron

The five iron requires a quality swing and clean strike. Even just a slight miss-hit of
your five iron can lead to poor results.
Below are three keys to hitting better shorts with this important club.
Key #1 – Not in the Middle of Your Stance
ball position right in the middle of their stance: this will make it very difficult to
even get the ball up off the ground.
A proper ball position with a five iron is closer to your left foot than it is to the
middle of your stance. You will need to experiment with various ball positions to find
the one that works best for you, but it certainly needs to be forward of center.
Key #2 – Pick a Reasonable Target
You don’t want to get too aggressive with a five iron when hitting an approach shot.
Depending on your swing speed, you may be hitting five iron in to the green from
150 – 200 yards away. try aiming your five iron shots toward the center of the green
so that you will have plenty of margin for error.
Key #3 – Choose a Ball Flight
While practicing on the range, hit plenty of five iron shots so you can determine your
natural shot shape.
The five iron is one of the clubs that you should spend a lot of time with on the
driving range. Most golfers will use this club several times within the course of a
round, so fine tuning your swing with the five iron is a worthwhile endeavor.

Kung fu: “Fear is the only darkness” – Master Po.


Fairway woods and long Play it safe Aim at the middle of the green
irons (3&4)
Middle set (#5-8) Proceed with Aim for fat part of the green!
Wedge Unafraid Take more aggressive line to
Make sure shift weight

Lean towards club you hit more accurately. Your go-to trouble club. A
safe carry over trouble for most players is a 5-iron. Especially if the lie is
poor, go with your safety club.

“Extra conservative” strategy off the tee on long holes. “Stay out of trouble”:

Professionals Amateurs
Par 3 Most of pars here Where you make most of
your pars.
Par 4 Hit 3 wood ¾ swing on
every long par 4. Need
to hit 200-250 yards
Par 5 Most of birdies here Extra long tee shots:
swing problems. High %
of trouble…high score.
First 2 shot on all par 5s:
3 wood.

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