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Infancy interview

1. What were the first few days after birth like? What kind of changes happened with you
and the baby?
 Lucelly Pimentel: during the first few days after the baby was born, I had a lot of
emotions. I went through post-natal depression which was hard for me the first
couple of weeks. When we came home from the hospital with my son I was over
the moon. The first few days we both had changes. My son lost some of the birth
weight the first two days and it was hard to feed him and for me my breast
engorged, and I lost a bit of the pregnancy belly too.
2. What kind of reflexes did you notice in the first few days, weeks, and months?
 Lucelly: During the first three months he would still sleep in a fetal position at
night and mimic as if he was sucking on something. When I would try to bottle
feed, him he would just tighten up his lips and it went on for a couple of months.
3. Tell me about some of the biggest physical milestones in your baby's first year of life.
 Lucelly: By his 5th month he was crawling, by his 8th month started to sit up
completely straight. Then when he turned 9/10 months old, I started to feed him
more household food like bean sauce, mashed potatoes and other things but every
time he would just grab my hand and try to do it himself. When he was almost a
year old, he would hold the bottle by himself. By his first birthday he started
walking already
4. How did your baby's emotional development change throughout the first year?
 Lucelly: Every month he would change a little the first 5 months he was always
laughing and giggling but at the same time a bit serious. After the 7th month he
would turn around or push if he didn’t want something. When he started crawling,
he would grab things and laugh and play with it.
5. How did you cope and adjust to those emotional changes?
 Lucelly: it was all about how I did things that put in perspective how I’d handle it.
For most part it was patience and understand that my baby was growing and at the
same time wanted to find a bit of independence for himself.
6. What were some of your baby's biggest intellectual gains in the first few months?
 Lucelly: when he saw someone, he recognized he would lean towards them so
they would pick him up. When he’d see a toy, he would like he stared at it and
then after a while grab it. Another would be when he started saying no to the
things he didn’t like.
7. How did your baby's intellectual development progress throughout the first year?
 Lucelly: I believe his progress went according to his age sometimes a little bit
faster in some areas and in others not so much, overall, all his achievements were
the most heart warming and happiest in my life.

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