Economics Assignment

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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s

Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and


A.Y 2021-22
Name of the Course : Economics
Semester V
Title of the Project/Assignment

Submitted by:

Sr Full
No Names of the Learners SAP ID Number Division & Roll Content Contributed
1 Janvi Masalia 45208190413 C053 Objective of Mission

2 Kashish Mehta 45208190428 C054 Case study

3 Netra Mehta 45208190436 C055 Statistics of tracking

mission of indradhanush
4 Shubh C056 Introduction and goal of
mission indradhanush

Teacher In Charge :
Kesia Varghese Mam





India's vaccination plan was launched in 1978 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of
the Government of India as the "Expanded Vaccination Plan" (EPI). In 1985, the plan was
revised to the "Universal Immunization Program" (UIP), and by 198990 it will be gradually
implemented in all counties in the country that has one of the largest health plans in the world.
Although UIP has been in operation for many years, only 65% of children can be fully
vaccinated in the first year of life.

Through UIP, the Indian government provides free vaccinations for vaccine-preventable diseases
such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, severe forms of childhood tuberculosis,
hepatitis B, meningitis and pneumonia (influenza B hematophilia) Bacillus infection), Japanese
encephalitis (JE) in Japanese encephalitis endemic areas introduced newer vaccines such as
rotavirus vaccine, IPV, adult Japanese encephalitis vaccine, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
and UIP/National vaccination plan Measles Rubella (MR) vaccine in.
Mission Indradhanush

 In December 2014, the Indian government launched the "Mission Indradhanush" to

strengthen the plan and provide it with energy again, and quickly achieve comprehensive
immunization protection for all children and pregnant women.

 Mission Indradhanush is a health mission of the Indian government. It was initiated by

the Federal Minister of Health J. P. Nadda on December 25, 2014. [1] The system aims to
achieve 90% full vaccination coverage in India and maintain it until 2020.

 Eight vaccine-preventable diseases were vaccinated at the national level, namely. H.

Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, severe childhood tuberculosis and
hepatitis B, as well as meningitis and pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae type
B; and combat rotavirus diarrhea and Japan in selected states and regions encephalitis. [2]

 In the first phase, 201 regions were covered. Among them, 82 counties are located in
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Almost 50% of unvaccinated
children in the country live in 201 selected areas. [3] Tasks follow planning and
management, such as PPI (Pulse Poliomyelitis Immunization)

 Mission Indradhanush can be regarded as one of the most important projects of the
Indian NDA government.

Goal of mission indradhanush:

1) Mission Indradhanush's ultimate goal is to ensure that children under two years of age
and pregnant women are fully immunized with all available vaccines. The government
has identified 201 key areas in 28 states of the country. These areas have the largest
number of partially vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

2) Previously, comprehensive immunization coverage increased by 1% per year, and

increased to 6.7% per year during the first two phases of the Indradhanush mission. As
of August 2017, the Indradhanush mission has been implemented in four phases, and
more than 2.53 million children and 6.8 million pregnant women have been vaccinated.

3) The initiative was launched on December 25, 2014, and aims to achieve a 90% full
vaccination coverage rate in India and maintain this coverage rate for adults and
pregnant women by 2020.

4) The government has identified 600 key areas in 28 states across the country. These areas
have the largest number of partially vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
5) Previously, comprehensive immunization coverage increased by 1% per year, and
increased to 6.7% per year during the first two phases of the Indradhanush mission. The
four stages of the mission Indradhanush have been conducted till August 2017 and more
than 2.53 crore children and 68 lakh pregnant women have been vaccinated.

 The aim is to vaccinate all children under the age of 2 and all pregnant women with seven
preventable diseases (such as the 7 colors of the rainbow / Indradhanush). Target diseases
are diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles, meningitis and
hepatitis B.

 In addition, selected countries also provide vaccines against Japanese encephalitis and
Haemophilus influenzae type b.

 Four new types were added in 2016, namely rubella, Japanese encephalitis, bivalent polio
vaccine for injection, and rotavirus. In 2017, with the addition of the pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine to the Universal Immunization Program, pneumonia was added to the

Intensified Mission Indradhanush

1. In order to further strengthen the vaccination plan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
launched the Indradhanush Intensification Mission (IMI) on October 8, 2017. With this,
the government hopes to cover every child under the age of two and all pregnant women
who are determined to be part of the routine vaccination plan/UIP.

2. Focus on improving the vaccination coverage rate in some districts and cities, and ensure
that the full vaccination coverage rate reaches more than 90% by December 2018 instead
of 2020.Intensified Mission Indradhanush 2.0

3. In order to strengthen the protection of routine vaccination in the country, the Minister of
Health and Family Welfare, PhD. Harsh Vardhan began the Indradhanush 2.0 intensive
task to ensure that between December 2019 and March 2020, all available vaccines can
be vaccinated to the unvaccinated, and to speed up and prevent the coverage of children
and pregnant women in identified areas. This aims to achieve the Sustainable
Development Goal of ending preventable child mortality by 2030.

4. The goal is to immunize 272 districts at the 27 state and block level (652 blocks) in Uttar
Pradesh and Bihar, because it is difficult to reach tribal populations.

5. The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Panchayati Raj, the Ministry of Urban
Development, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and other agencies have joined forces to
ensure that the benefits of vaccines reach the last mile.


The Indradhanush mission is aimed to cover all those children that need medical attention by
2020 who have been either unvaccinated or are partially vaccinated against the vaccine-
preventable diseases. India’s Universal Immunization Program (UIP) provides free vaccines
against 11 of the life-threatening diseases, to 26 million children every year. The Universal
Immunization Program would provide life-saving vaccines to the children across the nation free
of cost, to protect them against the following diseases:


· Diphtheria

· Pertussis

· Tetanus

· Polio

· Hepatitis B
· Pneumonia

· Meningitis’s due to

· Hemophilia’s Influenzae type b (Hib)

· Measles

· Rubella

· Japanese

· Encephalitis (JE)

· Rotavirus diarrhea

Updates in the vaccines

It is expected that there would be a release of four new vaccines that have been added to the
Union Governments Mission Indradhanush followed by an announcement made by the Union
Minister of Health and Family Welfare Jaggat Prakash Nadda.

As per reports the new vaccines inactivate

· Polio vaccine

· Rotavirus vaccine

· Adult Japanese Encephalitis

· Measles Rubella vaccine

Implementation Process of Mission Indradhanush

· The focused and systematic immunisation drive has been aimed through a catch-up campaign
mode where the aim of the mission is to cover all children who have been left out or missed out
during the immunisation campaign.
· To bring about awareness and use the catch-up campaign ensure that pregnant women have
administered the tetanus vaccine.

· ORS packets and zinc tablets have been distributed for use in the case of an event of severe
diarrhoea or dehydration and vitamin A doses are administered to boost every child’s immunity.


State-Level Activities for Intensified Mission Indradhanush
For the successful execution of Intensified Mission Indradhanush, the
following actions should be carried out at the state level:
The vaccination task teams at the state and district levels were
formed using the polio model.
Chairperson: Chief Secretary
Principal Secretary, Department of Health, is the convener.
Members: Health, Women and Child Development (WCD), Panchayati Raj, Urban
Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Defence, Sports & Youth Affairs,
Human Resource Development, Education, Minority Affairs, Information & Broadcasting,
Railways, Home Affairs, Labour and Employment, Mining, Tribal Affairs, and any other
relevant departments
Development partner – WHO, UN, etc.
Frequency: Once during the planning phase, once immediately before the first round to assess
readiness, and once after each round to assess the just completed campaign and make
recommendations for remedial measures to be done in the following campaign.
Establish an accountability structure - STFI and DTFI on a regular basis
• Ensure that other line departments are actively involved in IMI.
• Arrange for the mobilisation of human and other resources, as well as the coordination of
planning and other operations with other departments.
• Create a reward/recognition system for the best-performing district, block, or urban ward.
Non-health departments may identify their HR at the state and district levels who may help with
IEC initiatives and social mobilisation to assist the Intensified Mission Indradhanush.
Departments/PSUs with their own hospitals/dispensaries can help by identifying their facilities
and human resources in the targeted districts that might be used to provide vaccination services,
particularly in metropolitan areas.
Annexure-18 lists the specific duties that other departments are required to play.
On the polio model, vaccination task groups were formed at the state and district levels to
critically assess the present status of routine immunisation, identify programmatic gaps, take
strategic steps to enhance UIP coverage, and monitor their implementation.
This institutional mechanism is critical in ensuring that all states have high-quality vaccination

District-Level Activities for Intensified Mission Indradhanush

For the successful implementation of Intensified Mission Indradhanush, the following actions
should be carried out at the district level.
The District Task Force for Immunization was established to improve district administrative and
health machinery involvement and accountability/ownership in the routine immunisation
programme, ensure inter-sectoral coordination, review the quality of routine immunisation
microplans, tracking and mobilisation efforts, plan for vacant sub-centres, training status, and
vaccine logistics.
Member Secretary: District Magistrate.
Chairperson: CS/CMO is in charge of the DIO.
Members include the CS/CMO, as well as district-level partner agencies. CSOs, important
departments such as WCD, PRI, and Urban Development Cantonment boards, NCC, Sports &
Recreation Youth, Education, Minority Issues, and Information & Broadcasting, Railways,
Department of the Interior, Labor mining, tribal affairs, and any other related department
religious leaders, departments and organisations.
DTFI meetings are held once a month during the planning phase, once before each round during
the implementation phase, and once in the middle of the rounds for mid-course correction.
Activities to be conducted:
• Monitor the planning and implementation of each round in the district for progress and problem
• Keep track of training attendance in high-risk locations.
• Ensure that senior officers in the blocks and cities are identified and held accountable. They'll
make microplanning easier throughout the district.
Likewise, mission indhradhanush has been spread all over India in various district and states.


The universal protection program of Asian nation (UIP) was one amongst the most
important public health programs meant for annual cohorts of around twenty-
six million youngsters and twenty-nine million pregnant girls The UIP
has significantly contributed to reducing the burden of diseases of the immunizing agent (VPD),
and save the lives of countless youngsters, since it's evident from the decrease within the annual
mortality of lack of health, of 3.3 million in 1990 and 1.2 million deaths in 2015, a
big proportion of this decrease in was the results of protection compared to the preventive
diseases of the immunizing agent.

Despite constant progress through a
range of improvement ways, the
overall vaccination coverage (FIC)
(coverage of all antigens of to
1 year) has been improved at low
speed of with solely a mean increase
of 1% each
year between youngsters 12-23 months i.e 35.5% within the 1st National Health Survey
(NFHS1) (199293) at sixty-two in, fourth NFHS4 (201.516). Health System Strengthening
through national health mission provided a vital impulse within the improvement of, because it is
obvious from the annual increase of one.8% within the FIC between NFHS3, 200506 (43.5%),
and NFHS4 (62%), that was solely zero.6thhen NFHS1 (35.5%) and NFHS3 (43.5%).
Although UIP vaccines are provided free of charge through public health facilities
and revelation sessions, however nearly eight million youngsters within the country don't receive
all vaccines accessible because of requests for various desires population groups that vaccination
coverage limit.
The data for better health
An additional complete revision of
NFHS4 information highlights a
big difference in coverage of the
vaccination total in several states
of the Union / territories, with
Puducherry that features
a coverage of ninety-one and
Nagaland that has thirty
fifth coverage, whereas the
opposite factors as a genus, order
of birth, place of residence, wealth, paternal education), topography, demography,
etc. conjointly contributed to difference. it had been conjointly noted that the development of the
overall protection coverage was larger in rural areas (from thirty ninth NFHS3 to sixty-
one NFHS4), compared to urban areas.
National poliomyelitis the observance of WHO (NPSP) information conjointly provided data on
vaccination coverage with some ideas on reasons for
partial and non-immunization reasons, that shows
that the dearth of data concerning protection accounts of
those youngsters, and twelve-tone system because
of operational gaps.

In response to up the coverage of protection and

addressing the agenda of the shareholders' equity, the Prime Minister and, the Ministry of Health
and eudaemonia of the Family, launched a central and systematic protection unit of "MISSION
INDRADHANUSH (MI) In December 2014 with a target quickly raise the overall coverage of
national protection to ninetieth by 2020.
MI was a wonderful example of however the info play a vital role of in each section of
implementation of associate intervention. MI direct to
hide unimmunized youngsters and part vaccinated and pregnant girls in
low large protection pockets and speculative areas. a complete of 537 districts were coated by
the 5 phases of Pine Tree State cowl thirty three.4
million youngsters and eight.6 million
pregnant girls with protection services. Initially, the districts
were known on the premise of the newest speedy kid survey
(RSOC 201314) and were classified as high priority and
average priority supported the calculable base. of kids lost
and were coated in phase1 and a pair of of MI severally. For the third and fourth section of Pine
Tree State, triangulation was applied mistreatment the observance of the industrial body of
the WHO and data survey to spot the districts that may be coated by miles. within
the last section of MI, conjointly called intense Indradhanush mission (IMI),
a additional elaborate exercise was applied, wherever a stronger estimate of the
DPT3 cowl was created rather than FIC employed in previous phases. This best estimate has
been completed by the estimates and UNICEF methodology of protection coverage (Wuenic)
that use body information, detection information and observance information. In these basic
districts met the subsequent criteria were selected: 1) a minimum
of thirteen,000 youngsters were calculable in order that DPT3 / pentavalent3 was lost or; 2) The
DPT3 / pentavalte three cowl was calculable at to but seventieth.
These information sets are any analysed in consultation with states and partners (WHO,
UNICEF, etc.) to any add the districts that have weak hygienical systems or those districts
from that the outbreaks of preventable diseases had been aware of the immunizing agent

In all the phases, daily coverage of

coverage was ensured right from
session website up to national level
(through district followed by state) that was analysed in the slightest degree levels on a day after
day to spot the challenges encountered and address a similar. IT based mostly observance tool
was used that relies on of Android-based Open information Kit (ODK) tool in order
that the observance information was accessible at once and will be truly used of corrective
action throughout the continued activity.

Using the immunization and surveillance data for a better decision

Despite the enormous infrastructure for delivery of vaccines, the program is missing systems, the
generation of reliable laboratory
surveillance data surveillance data to
measure l 'Impact of this program and
effectively lead public health
interventions to evaluate the overall
yield and the impact of, the
immunization program, the laboratory
supported diphtheritic-based
surveillance, cough ferine and neonatal
tetanus is established In seven states, between 2015 and 2018, through the joint of the
government and that. The plans to expand the vaccine on the basis of cases, at avoidable
surveillance of disease to other states is in progress. Furthermore, National Laboratory supported
the monitoring of AFP surveillance and the monitoring of the Rub tera AFP. The analysis of
VPD surveillance data provided valuable contributions on the test of epidemiology diphtheria
which has helped a group of national technical advice of vaccination (NTAGI) to recommend the
replacement of the tetanic toxoid (TT) with tetanus and diphtheria for Adults (TD) vaccine for
routine immunization before December 2018

Mission Indradhanush was launched to cover all children by 2020 who are either unvaccinated,
or are partially vaccinated against vaccine preventable diseases. It is an extension of India’s
Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) which provides free vaccines against 12 life
threatening diseases, to 26 million children annually.
Mission Indradhanush has been quite successful in its initiative of mass immunization. As per
Union Health Ministry’s internal data, immunization stands at 83%. The 83 per cent coverage
figure is till November 2018. The new target is to achieve 90% by December 2019.
The ultimate goal of Mission Indradhanush is to ensure full immunization with all available
vaccines for children up to two years of age and pregnant women. The Government has
identified 201 high focus districts across 28 states in the country that have the highest number of
partially immunized and unimmunized children.

Earlier, the increase in full immunization coverage was 1% per year which has increased to 6.7%
per year through the first two phases of Mission Indradhanush. Four phases of Mission
Indradhanush have been conducted till August 2017 and more than 2.53 crore children and 68
lakh pregnant women have been vaccinated.


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