Unit 2-Rules Are There To Be Broken

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5th edition

Unit 2 Communication
Rules are there to be broken SB p24 Advanced

1 Work in pairs. Discuss which of the ‘rules of English’ from Student’s Book p24
apply to these sentences. Which sentences would you change?

1 Everything look so different at night.      

Everything looks so differently at night. Rule 15
2 I promise to always love and protect you.
I promise always to love and protect you. Rule 2
3 Young people have less and less time every day and less friends as a result.
Young people have fewer and fewer time everyday and fewer friends as a result Rule 11

4 I went to a café for a cappuccino the other day. It was opposite the deli.
Rule 7
5 You’re moving to Australia! Are you kidding me?
Rule 9
6 Its not that I dont like the apostrophe, but it’s purpose can be confusing.
It's not that I don't like the apostrophe, but its purpose can be confusing. Rule 10
7 I haven’t never been on a plane in my life.
I have not been on a plane in my life. Rule 3

8 If you write too quickly and don’t check what you have written,
you may miss out any that you may have made.
Rule 12

9 Or we could stop in London on the way back instead?

Rule 5
We could stop in London on the way back instead?
10 The iPhone was first released in 2007, and is now used by more than 700 million people. Rule 8

11 Did your neighbour recieve a receipt for her science book?

Rule 6

12 Why should not I use the full forms of words?

Why shouldn't I use the full form of words? Rule 14
13 Listen, mate, it isn’t rocket surgery; it’s as easy as cake.
Listen, mate, it isn't rocket science, it's a piece of cake. Rule 18

14 The person with whom my wife’s been working was at university with me.
Rule 19
15 It takes me a long time to get home as I walk really slow and I don’t run good!
It takes me a long time to get home as I walk slowly and I don't run well. Rule 15 & 4

16 Me and my brother are always arguing over the remote control.

Rule 13
My brother and I are always arguing over the remote control.
17 Let’s face it, it was a game of two halves, but we literally gave 110%!
Rule 20

18 After all these years, I still don’t know what he did it for.
After all these years, I still don't know why he did it. Rules 1

19 I’m so annoyed. I shrunk my new shirt the first time I washed it.
I'm so annoyed, I shrank my new shirt the first time I washed it. Rule 17

20 I’m not as lazy as my brother is. He doesn’t do as much exercise as I do.

I'm not as lazy as my brother. He doesn't do as much exercise as I do. Rule 16

2 In teams, discuss your answers and agree on your final sentences.

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