CE301 Unit 1-Worksheet 1-2023-24

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Royal University of Phnom Penh Core English 301

Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: Thou Narong (TNG)

Department of English Academic Year: 2023-2024

Unit 1: What makes us human?

(Pages 10 and 11) READING AND SPEAKING

Match the words in the list with their meanings below.

A. unique B. empathy C. morality D. primate E. locomotion

F. pelvis G. paradox H. fossil I. DNA J. courtship
K. evolve L. dexterity M. follicle N. trace O. reinvent the wheel
P. gut Q. feat

1. B. Empathy: the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it
would be like to be in their situation

2. G. Paradox: a situation or statement which seems impossible or is difficult to understand

because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics

3. H. Fossil: a bone, a shell or the shape of a plant or animal which has been preserved in rock
for a very long period

4. I. DNA: a substance that carries genetic information in the cells of the body

5. D. Primate: a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals, including
humans, monkeys and apes

6. E. Locomotion: the ability to move; movement

7. M. Follicle: any of the very small holes in the skin, especially one that a hair grows from

8. F. Pelvis: the bones which form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the
top of the legs, and to which the leg bones and spine are joined

9. C. Morality: beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong and about how people should

10. A. Unique: being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in
some way

11. L. Dexterity: skill and speed in doing something with your hands

12. Q. Feat: something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, bravery, etc. to achieve it

13. K. Evolve: to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually

14. N. Trace: a sign that something has happened or existed

15. J. Courtship: the time when people have a romantic relationship with the intention of

Royal University of Phnom Penh Core English 301
Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: Thou Narong (TNG)
Department of English Academic Year: 2023-2024

16. O. reinvent the wheel: to waste time trying to create something that someone else has
already created

17. P. Gut: a person's stomach when it is extremely large

(Pages 10 and 11) READING AND SPEAKING


Ex. 4 Match the words below with their synonyms highlighted in the text.

characteristic = Trait perplexing = Puzzling

forebears = Ancestors achievements with = Feats of
flourish = Thrive uses = Functions
desire = Urge main = Chief
little evidence = Few traces ties = Bonds
live in = Inhabit

Ex. 5 Read the text again and answer the following questions. Circle the correct answers.

1. What is the main characteristic that sets humans apart from the animal kingdom?
a) Largest brains relative to body size
b) Ability to reason and think beyond other animals
c) Extraordinary physical strength
d) Exceptional hearing abilities

2. Why is human childbirth considered unusually dangerous compared to other animals?

a) Humans have larger brains relative to body size
b) Humans have a unique pelvis structure
c) Humans have a longer gestation period
d) Humans have weaker immune systems

3. Why do human babies require a longer period of parental care compared to other primates?
a) Human babies are born with more learned behaviors and skills
b) Human babies are born less developed and helpless
c) Human babies have a longer gestation period
d) Human babies require special nutrition during infancy

4. How did language most likely originate?

a) Through the evolution of complex vocal calls
b) Through the use of gestures and simple words
c) Through a sudden genetic mutation
d) Through imitation of other animal species

Royal University of Phnom Penh Core English 301
Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: Thou Narong (TNG)
Department of English Academic Year: 2023-2024

5. What is the significance of music in human culture?

a) It serves as a form of courtship and territorial claims
b) It unites social groups and facilitates communication
c) It is a recent invention in human history
d) It is a universal language understood by all animals

6. When did our ancestors first create stone tools?

a) Approximately 35,000 years ago
b) Around the time language originated
c) At least 2.5 million years ago
d) After the evolution of modern humans

7. What is the role of culture in human development?

a) It allows humans to survive in colder environments
b) It enables humans to invent tools and technologies
c) It determines the lifespan of human females
d) It influences the size of human brains

8. Why are humans sometimes referred to as "naked apes"?

a) Humans lack hair-producing follicles on their skin
b) Humans have a higher body temperature compared to apes
c) Humans use clothing and fire to keep warm
d) Humans have a stronger sense of smell than apes

9. Why do human females survive long after ceasing reproduction?

a) Due to the social bonds and support from grandparents
b) Due to their smaller body size compared to males
c) Due to their ability to reproduce multiple times in their lifetime
d) Due to their superior immune systems

10. How did the development of clothing and fire influence human evolution?
a) It enabled humans to inhabit colder parts of the world
b) It led to the invention of stone tools
c) It increased the size of human brains
d) It eliminated the need for parental care in humans

What do you think?

● ‘Our intelligence and creativity go well beyond those of any other animal’. In what ways?
Why has this happened?
o Humans are able to have longer conversations with one another through language,
created and appreciated art, music, and invented ever more complex tools that have
enabled our species to survive and thrive.
o This is due to the human brain and it’s capacity to use symbols to recreate the world
mentally. It has opened our minds to spirituality and a sense of empathy and morality.

Royal University of Phnom Penh Core English 301
Institute of Foreign Languages Lecturer: Thou Narong (TNG)
Department of English Academic Year: 2023-2024

● Which animals have abilities closest to us? What can/can’t they do?
o The animals that have abilities closest to us are chimpanzees and bonobos with DNA
similarity up to 99%. They are able to use both gestures and vocal calls to
communicate status and other complex social information.
o Although they can do both gestures and vocal calls for communication, they are not
able to do put

● Give examples of instinctive and learned activities for both humans and animals.

● What is meant by ‘symbolic thought’? Give examples.

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