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Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 2012; 1–10, Early Online

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN 0148-0545 print/ISSN 1525-6014 online
DOI: 10.3109/01480545.2011.648327


Regulatory toxicology considerations for the development of

inhaled pharmaceuticals
Keith Owen*
Drug and Chemical Toxicology Downloaded from by University of Calgary on 06/17/12

Drug Safety R&D, Pfizer Global R&D, Sandwich, Kent, United Kingdom

The preclinical safety studies required to support the development of inhaled drugs are generally the same as for
other routes of administration. Repeat-dose toxicology studies should be conducted by inhalation to ensure the
characterization of both the local (i.e., respiratory) and systemic toxicity, although some studies (e.g., reproductive)
can be performed by utilizing alternative routes, when it is paramount to maximize systemic exposure. Respiratory
tract changes in preclinical species can include irritancy of the larynx and nasal cavity, particularly in rodents. Such
changes are not necessarily predictive of a risk to humans because of the exquisite sensitivity of the rodent larynx
and the lack of exposure to the nasal cavity after oro-inhalation of drugs in the clinical setting. The design of poorly
soluble molecules to limit systemic exposure places greater emphasis on the elimination of drugs from the lungs by
macrophages. Consequently, an increase in macrophage numbers is often noted, and in the absence of any other
changes, this is generally considered to be a nonadverse, physiological response to an inhaled particulate. Other
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changes in the lung, which can include an inflammatory response and/or epithelial hyperplasia, resulting from
irritancy or particulate overload, are a safety concern and are not monitorable in humans. For such changes, safety
margins can be calculated in terms of the drug deposited per unit weight of lung. These factors should be taken into
account when designing preclinical studies or programs for inhaled drugs.
Keywords: Preclinical, inhalation, risk assessment, pharmaceutical, lung, pathology, toxicokinetics, contamination

Introduction metabolism, which can restrict the efficacy of oral or

Lower respiratory tract infections and chronic obstruc- parenteral preparations of a drug. Indeed, less than
tive pulmonary disease are major causes of death 5% of an oral or intravenous (i.v.) dose even reaches
worldwide, which, taken together, exceed the two lead- the lungs, with the remaining drug either being not
ing causes: coronary heart disease and stroke (World absorbed, eliminated harmlessly, or contributing to
Heath Organization, 2008). In the UK, 1 in 7 people are unwanted side effects (Leach, 2007). In attempts to
affected by some form of chronic lung disease, most limit systemic exposure, drugs destined for inhalation
commonly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease administration are often designed to be metabolically
and asthma (British Heart Foundation, 2011). For labile and possess low aqueous solubility and oral
treatment of respiratory disease, the preferred route of bioavailability, high potency and plasma protein bind-
drug administration is by inhalation. Inhaled admin- ing, high tissue affinity, and slow dissociation from the
istration ensures direct exposure to the target tissues target receptor.
and allows a rapid onset of action. It also permits the The largest use of inhaled therapies is in the arena
use of small doses, which can aid in limiting systemic of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
exposure and, consequently, reduce the likelihood of where inhaled beta-agonists, muscarinic antagonists,
undesirable side effects. This strategy also avoids the corticosteroids, and combinations of these drugs are the
complicating factors of plasma binding and first-pass first line of treatment. Drugs to treat cystic fibrosis and

*Current address: RespiVert Ltd., Imperial College, London, United Kingdom

Address for Correspondence: Keith Owen, RespiVert Ltd., Imperial College BioIncubator, Level 1, Bessemer Building, Imperial College,
Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BP, United Kingdom; Fax: +44 207 594 1039; E-mail:
(Received 20 July 2011; revised 21 October 2011; accepted 14 November 2011)

2 K. Owen

Table 1. Current inhaled pharmaceutical agents. effects in the respiratory tract, in addition to defining the
Use Class of drug Examples systemic toxicity of the drug. In some cases, it may be
Asthma/COPD SABA Salbutamol necessary to supplement the inhaled dose with an oral or
LABA Salmeterol parenteral dose to attain systemic exposures high enough
Formoterol to induce toxicity (DeGeorge et al., 1997), as was the case
Indacaterol during the development of salmeterol (Owen et al., 2010).
LAMA Ipratropium When studying the carcinogenicity of an inhaled drug,
Tiotropium at least one of the two rodent studies should utilize the
ICS Beclomethasone inhaled route of administration (DeGeorge et al., 1997).
Fluticasone Although the oral route can be used as an alternative,
Mometasone it would not be suitable if proliferative or preneoplastic
Ciclesonide changes (e.g., hyperplasia) had been noted in the respi-
LABA/ICS Salmeterol/ ratory tract in chronic inhaled toxicity studies, there was
combination fluticasone no distribution to respiratory tract tissues, or if the meta-
Formoterol/ bolic profile after oral administration was significantly
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budesonide different from that seen after inhalation (DeGeorge et al.,

SABA/LAMA Salbutamol/
combination ipratropium
Although it is feasible to perform in vivo genetic (e.g.,
Mast cell stabilizer Cromolyn sodium
micronucleus test), safety pharmacology (e.g., cardiovas-
Methylxanthine Theophylline
cular, neurobehavioral, and respiratory), and reproduc-
Bacterial infections Antibiotics Tobramycin
tive toxicology studies by the inhaled route, it is often
acceptable to conduct these studies using alternative
Influenza Antiviral Zanamivir
Cystic fibrosis Mucolytics rDNAase
routes, because it is paramount to maximize systemic
exposure. The oral route may seem an attractive alterna-
tive to inhalation, because 80–90% of an inhaled dose can
Pulmonary arterial Prostacyclin analogs Treprostinil
be swallowed (Wilson, 1987; Bennett et al., 1999); how-
ever, inhaled drugs to treat respiratory diseases tend to
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hypertension Iloprost
Anesthetics Halogenated Isoflurane be designed to be of low solubility and oral bioavailabil-
hydrocarbons Halothane ity. Therefore, to maximize exposure, these studies are
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SABA, short- often performed using the i.v. (or subcutaneous) route
acting β-agonists; LABA, long-acting β-agonist; LAMA, long- of administration; conversely, no such issue would exist
acting muscarinic antagonist; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; for inhaled drugs designed for the treatment of systemic
rDNA, recombinant DNA.

respiratory infections are also well established for use by Method of administration
this route of administration (see Table 1). The basic concept of administration of drugs to labora-
Newer strategies have evolved that target the delivery tory animals by inhalation from a dynamic system is
of systemically active pharmaceuticals through the lungs, quite simple. A test aerosol is generated into a stream of
and this has led to inhaled insulin preparations and air, which is drawn through a chamber by an exhaust/
drugs in development to treat pain and migraine among pump system. The animals can either be exposed within
other conditions (Rubkin, 2010; Wadher et al., 2011). large chambers (i.e., whole body) or the drug can be
Drugs designed for the treatments of such conditions delivered, by significantly smaller chambers, direct to
are usually soluble and bioavailable, therefore allowing the breathing zone (Drew, 1990; Wong, 2007). The use
rapid systemic drug delivery through deep lung inhala- of whole body exposure systems in the pharmaceutical
tion. Once inhaled, the drug is quickly distributed into industry has diminished as a result of the large quanti-
the bloodstream, providing a fast onset of action that is ties of test material required and the potential for cross-
comparable to i.v. administration, but with greater ease, contamination and ingestion through grooming. Rodent
patient comfort, and convenience. and lagomorph studies usually employ a snout-only
The package of preclinical safety studies needed to exposure system, whereas nonrodent studies are gener-
support the administration of inhaled drugs to humans ally performed using an oro-nasal mask (Wong, 2007).
in clinical trials is generally the same as that for other Administration through an oro-pharyngeal tube can
routes of administration, with development plans usu- also be used for large animal species when the supply
ally following the recommendations outlined in the rel- of test article is very limited, a short exposure time is
evant International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) required, or when dose-limiting nasal irritancy has been
guidelines (e.g., ICH, 2009, 2011). Where possible, repeat- encountered.
dose toxicology studies should employ the inhaled route Using the dosing systems available, inhalable atmo-
of administration to mimic the intended clinical route of spheres can be successfully generated from metered
administration and to ascertain any potential for adverse dose inhalers, dry powder blends, and nebulized

 Drug and Chemical Toxicology

Regulatory toxicology for inhaled drugs 3
solutions or suspensions. Currently, the most com- Study design
mon development path for small molecules to treat Although inhalation toxicity studies present challenges
respiratory diseases involves dry powder inhalers. For that are unique compared to those performed by other
such a formulation, test atmospheres can easily be routes of administration, many of the factors influ-
generated using well-established systems, such as the encing toxicity, such as biological (e.g., animal strain,
Wright dust feed mechanism or the rotating brush gen- age, and health) and environmental (e.g., housing,
erator. Aerosol generation for large biopharmaceutical temperature, and humidity), are universal. Dosing by
molecules is more difficult, because they tend to be inhalation is generally more complex than other routes
moisture sensitive in the dry form and unstable in the of administration, requiring considerable preliminary
liquid form. The difficulty is compounded by the need work to produce suitable formulations (e.g., powdered
for dry powder formulations to often be compressed blends, metered dose inhalers, or nebulized solutions/
into a solid cake to allow successful aerosol generation, suspensions) and reproducible test atmospheres, in
whereas concentric jet atomizers and ultrasonic nebu- addition to allowing the animals to acclimatize to
lizers have the potential to damage protein-based drugs the dosing apparatus. Chamber concentrations and
through high-energy shearing or vibration forces. Many particle size are regularly determined during the dos-
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new methods of particle engineering are therefore ing phase of a study using an appropriate analytical
being developed for inhaled biopharmaceuticals, such method, whereas total particulate concentrations are
as microcrystallization, spray drying, and supercriti- determined gravimetrically. These extra procedures
cal fluid technology (Shoyele and Cawthorne, 2006). ultimately make the studies more labor intensive and
In these circumstances, specially developed devices therefore more expensive.
are sometimes needed for clinical use; however, they The design principles for inhaled toxicology studies
are generally unsuitable for use in toxicology studies are the same as for any other route of administration
because of the requirement for a high concentration and should include an evaluation of both systemic and
and/or exposure period, leading to the need to adapt or local (i.e., respiratory tract) effects of the drug. Acute
construct entirely new devices for the toxicology work studies are generally not performed and regulatory
(Hardy, 2008). requirements for the assessment of extremely high
The deliberate generation of an aerosol and the wide doses can be obtained from dose-escalating or dose-
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range of doses, combined with the very low limits of quan- range–finding studies, which are performed to aid in
tification (often in the pg/mL range) required to detect the selection of the high doses for subsequent subacute
the drug in biological fluids at very low doses, means that and chronic repeat-dose studies. Studies should include
cross-contamination between dose groups (including both sexes and should be performed in one rodent and
controls) can occasionally occur and would be apparent one nonrodent species. Exposure should occur daily,
during toxicokinetic assessments. However, a variety of along with the examination of animals for clinical signs
procedures to limit transfer of drug between groups by of toxicity. Periodic examinations should include body
equipment and clothing, along with the use of individu- weight, food consumption, clinical pathology (e.g.,
ally ventilated cages, and the use of cabinets with good hematology, blood biochemistry, and urinalysis), oph-
air extraction, which are maintained at a slightly negative thalmoscopy, electrocardiography (e.g., nonrodent),
pressure, can be employed to avoid excessive contami- and toxicokinetics.
nation and potential invalidation of a study. The use of Information on systemic exposure of animals during
naïve controls, analysis of plasma for metabolites, and repeated-dose toxicity studies is essential for the inter-
measurement of control chamber concentrations can all pretation of the results (ICH, 1995; EMEA, 2005). The
be used to provide reassurance that the control animals principles involved for determining the toxicokinetics
have not received the test material in error. of a drug during inhaled studies are the same as for
Intratracheal instillation is not a method that should any other route of administration, except that in some
be used routinely to characterize the toxicity of an circumstances, extremely low doses (e.g., <10 μg/kg)
inhaled drug. Although it may be used to deposit a pre- may be utilized and the dose is estimated rather than
cise amount of compound directly into the lungs, the known. The first sample is often taken after the end of
method is nonphysiological, involving invasive delivery the exposure period to avoid the potential for sample
and anesthetized animals, whereas the distribution of contamination, whereas the systemic exposure is often
the test compound throughout the lungs may not be normalized to take into account the daily variability of
uniform and may not replicate the same pulmonary delivered dose and so to give a value more represen-
distribution after inhalation. Further, the dose and/or tative of the overall achieved doses over the course
dose rate are usually substantially greater than would be of the study. Determination of lung concentrations,
observed after inhalation and the upper respiratory tract and therefore an indication of the percent deposition,
is bypassed (Driscoll et al., 2000). This method, however, can be performed using homogenized tissues and
can be useful in providing information on the relative suitable “cold methods,” such has high-performance
toxicity between compounds or over a range of doses liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry mass
(Wong, 2007; Pauluhn, 2008). spectrometry. Single-dose radiolabel studies can be

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4 K. Owen
performed to study the ADME (absorption, distribu- of activated macrophages, alkaline phosphatase, which
tion, metabolism, and excretion) of an inhaled drug, is associated with type II cell secretions, and glutathione
but to avoid the substantial cost of the synthesis of peroxidase and reductase, which increase as a protec-
relatively large quantities of radiolabeled material and tive mechanism against lipid peroxidation (Henderson,
to be able to accurately quantify administered doses, 1984, 2005; OECD, 2009a).
some pharmaceutical companies use surrogate oral
and/or i.v. routes of administration (Webber, 2005). Dose calculation
At the end of the treatment period, a full necropsy One major difference from other routes of administra-
should be performed and organ weights and presence tion is that the exact dose delivered by inhalation is not
of gross lesions should be recorded. A full microscopic known, but is estimated. For oral and parenteral routes of
examination should be performed, including a detailed administration, a discrete amount of material is adminis-
examination of the respiratory tract. Usually, all lung tered from a defined formulation (e.g., by gavage, tablet,
lobes (including main bronchi) are examined along capsule, or injection), whereas for inhalation, delivered
with transverse sections of four levels of the nasal cavity/ dose depends on a number of variables, such as exposure
nasopharynx (sectioned at the level of the posterior part
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concentration, particle size, exposure time, and breath-

of upper incisors, incisive papilla, second palatine crest, ing patterns. Regional deposition within the respiratory
and first molar teeth) to allow adequate examination of tract can also be taken into account.
the squamous, transitional (nonciliated respiratory), The delivered dose (mg/kg) achieved in toxicology
respiratory (ciliated respiratory), and olfactory epithe- studies can be calculated according to the following
lium, and the draining lymphatic tissue. If nasal irritancy formula:
is expected, it may be advantageous to take six sections
or more to allow for a more detailed examination of the RMV × C × D × F
tissue (Morgan, 1991). Three sections of the larynx (e.g., Dose =
base of epiglottis, ventral pouch, and cricoid cartilage)
and at least two levels of the trachea, including one lon- where RMV = respiratory minute volume (L/minute),
gitudinal section through the carina of the bifurcation of C = airstream concentration of the drug (mg/L), D = dura-
the extrapulmonary bronchi and one transverse section, tion of daily exposure (minutes), BW = body weight (kg),
For personal use only.

along with the bronchial lymph node, should also be and F = inhaled fraction (%).
examined. Of these parameters, airstream concentration, body
In some cases, it may be desirable to use broncho- weight, and exposure time will be known. Some labo-
alveolar lavage (BAL) analysis to complement histo- ratories have the capability to determine RMV during a
pathologic examination of the lung. This can be used study; however, it is usually an estimate based on a func-
to identify early indicators of biochemical changes in tion of body weight according to the formula developed
circumstances where it is desirable to investigate the by Bide et al. (2000) or by the Association of Inhalation
mechanism of the toxicity. The fact that these indicators Toxicologists (Alexander et al., 2008). The latter method
can be quantified also provides a means of developing is gaining popularity because it utilized RMV measure-
a dose-response curve for the inhalation toxicity of the ments from laboratory animal species only, whereas
drug of interest and may provide a “no effect” level of Bide et al. utilized 18 animal species ranging from mice
exposure for regulatory purposes. Obviously, time- to giraffes. For simplicity, the inhaled fraction is often
course studies in rodents would require additional assumed to be 100%.
animals, and if lung lavage is performed, the unlavaged Dry powder blends of drug and lactose (with or
lobe should be sectioned for histopathology at multiple without ternary agents) are currently the preferred for-
levels (Henderson, 2005). The total and differential cell mulation for the development of drugs to treat pulmo-
count in BAL fluid is a good measure of lung inflamma- nary diseases. For practical (e.g., reproducibility and
tion. The presence of neutrophils is a sensitive indicator overloading of equipment) and scientific (e.g., avoiding
of an inflammatory response, whereas an increase in excessive lung deposition, increased particle size result-
lymphocytes or eosinophils suggests an immune-based ing from aggregation, and obstruction at the proximal
response. There are also a number of early biochemical nose as a result of dust overload) reasons, the maximum
mediators of pulmonary inflammation, which include achievable doses are often limited so as not to exceed a
tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1, which total particulate concentration of 2 mg/L (Whalan and
are cytokines released from the resident macrophages Redden, 1994). Under such circumstances, high dose
that promote the adherence of circulating inflamma- levels in the region of 40–50 and 20–25 mg/kg can be
tory cells to the endothelium, whereas an increased achieved when using a 1-hour exposure and a 40% (w/w)
protein content can suggest an increased permeability dry power/lactose blend in rats and dogs, respectively.
of the alveolar/capillary barrier. Other markers of lung Achieving these doses is dependent on a variety of factors
toxicity include lactate dehydrogenase, a cytoplasmic in addition to the blend strength and exposure period,
enzyme whose presence extracellularly indicates cell such as the efficiency of the apparatus, chamber extract
death, beta-glucuronidase activity, which is a measure flow rate, generator speed, and surface area of the packed

 Drug and Chemical Toxicology

Regulatory toxicology for inhaled drugs 5
material. An alternative strategy is to define the limit dose dose inhaler metered dose inhaler (Lipworth, 1996),
as the maximum dose achievable while ensuring a mass although recent improvements in the design of delivery
median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of <4 μm (SOT, devices has seen pulmonary deposition increase to up
1992); in general, this method gives lower doses, because to 40%, in some cases. The potential for limiting systemic
the MMAD will increase with increasing concentration as exposure has seen the targeting of drugs with a low oral
a result of aggregation of drug:drug and/or drug:vehicle. bioavailability (e.g., fluticasone propionate has an oral
There is no pharmaceutical regulatory guidance detail- bioavailability of <1%) (Issar et al., 2005).
ing what constitutes a maximum feasible or a limit dose Deposition in the human respiratory tract depends on
for inhaled studies, and both approaches described have physical forces and particle size and whether the drug is
been accepted by regulatory authorities. The setting of given by nasal inhalation or oro-inhalation. Larger drug
limit doses is further complicated by the fact that expo- particles (5–30 μm) given by nasal administration will
sures can be extended, if required, with rats and dogs not penetrate the deep lung, but will primarily deposit in
occasionally being successfully subject to exposure peri- the nasopharyngeal region by impaction. Subsequent to
ods of 6 and 3 hours, respectively. The value in admin- administration by either nasal or oral inhalation, those
istering doses of up to 300 mg/kg to a rat by inhalation particles in the range of 1–5 μm will deposit along the
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is debateable, although in the case of nebulized studies tracheobronchial tract by the process of sedimentation,
with poorly soluble drugs, prolonged exposures can be with particles of 1 μm and less reaching the alveoli and
necessary to provide sufficient lung margins to allow a being deposited by diffusion (Inchiosa, 2006).
robust evaluation of local tolerance. Species differences in regional particle deposition
The achievable doses for solutions will primarily do exist, with obligate nose-breathing rodents show-
depend on the solubility of the drug substance, but also ing higher nasal and tracheobronchial deposition than
on exposure period, efficacy of the apparatus, nebulizer pulmonary deposition, compared to that observed in
airflow input and output, and the chamber aerosol extrac- humans. There is experimental evidence to suggest that
tion rate. A strategy can be employed during the develop- inhaled particles of a MMAD between 1 and 4 μm will
ment of a dry powder formulation to perform the initial deposit within all regions of the rat respiratory tract, but
toxicology and clinical studies with a nebulized solution, within this size range, nasopharyngeal and tracheobron-
because this can result in a rapid transition from selec- chial deposition increase as particle size increases, with
For personal use only.

tion of a drug candidate to the clinic. This strategy avoids pulmonary deposition remaining relatively constant.
the prolonged dry powder formulation work required Once particles are larger than 4 μm, deposition is pri-
before toxicology can commence and the drug require- marily in the nasopharyngeal region (Raabe et al., 1988;
ments and doses (e.g., <1 mg/kg for a 1-hour exposure) Schlesinger, 1985), with pulmonary deposition dropping
are relatively low as a result of the relatively insoluble off rapidly so that exposure at 6 μm is small and at 10 μm
nature of the material, thus minimizing the time needed negligible. For dogs and monkeys, the deposition profiles
for chemical synthesis. However, this strategy will not are much more like those observed for humans. Thus,
necessarily characterize any potential for local irritancy for inhalation toxicology studies, an aerosol bracket-
with the final dry powder formulation and so can lead ing a MMAD of 1–4 (for acutes) or 1–3 μm (for repeated
to overall longer times to significant clinical trials (e.g., administration) is recommended, with a geometric stan-
phase IIb) while additional studies are performed to dard deviation (GSD) in the range of 1.5–3.0 (SOT, 1992;
address this gap. In some cases, there is also a need to OECD, 2009b). Some organizations use 7 μm as a cutoff
change salt form because of difficulties in finding stable for exposure to the lungs, and indeed if the MMAD was
crystalline forms suitable for formulation as a dry powder. >7 μm, then the study would be considered to be invalid
Doses achieved for metered dose inhalers are generally with little or no pulmonary exposure occurring and thus
influenced by the same generic system limitations as for one of the major aims of an inhaled study (i.e., detection
other formulations, but are further affected by how many of local adverse effects) not being achieved.
actuations are possible simultaneously (e.g., six), the rate Clearance of particles from the respiratory tract occurs
at which the canisters can be discharged (e.g., 10/min- by a combination of mechanisms. Particulate deposited
ute), and the shot strength (e.g., 50–300 μg); these factors in the nasopharynx region may be removed by coughing
usually result in doses of less than 1 mg/kg in rodents. or sneezing, or is swallowed. Clearance from the tra-
cheobronchial region is primarily along the mucociliary
Deposition and clearance escalator system to a point where the particles can be
A substantial proportion of an orally inhaled dose expectorated or swallowed. Although material that is
is deposited in the oropharynx and swallowed, thus swallowed is removed from the respiratory tract, it is liable
becoming subject to oral absorption. How much drug to be absorbed into the systemic circulation, depending
is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract would on its bioavailability/solubility. Another important clear-
depend on the proportion swallowed and the oral bio- ance mechanism for those materials reaching the tra-
availability of the drug. For salbumatol, it has been cheobronchial tree or alveoli is by the phagocytic activity
estimated that 60–80% is swallowed, with only 10–20% of macrophages. These particle-laden macrophages then
reaching the lungs after administration from a meter can move up the mucociliarly escalator or be removed

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

6 K. Owen
through the lymphatic circulation. The lytic activity of the epiglottis, can sometimes be noted in response to rela-
macrophages can also aid in the dissolution of the mate- tively innocuous inhaled pharmaceuticals. It has been
rial into products that can be absorbed into the systemic suggested that epithelial alteration is the most appropri-
circulation. Soluble material deposited in the lung can, ate term for this type of subtle alteration, because full
of course, be absorbed into the systemic circulation; this squamous metaplasia is not present (Kaufmann et al.,
absorption through the respiratory epithelium increases 2009). Subsequent to an initial insult with material of
with increasing lipid solubility (Witschi and Last, 2001; a more irritant nature, inflammation with edema and
Inchiosa, 2006). a suppurative inflammatory infiltrate in the lumenal
In addition to physical clearance of drug from the epithelium and submucosa can be noted throughout
lung, it is important to consider metabolic mechanisms. the larynx and this may lead to necrosis and ulceration,
Many cell types within the respiratory tract express cyto- usually around the base of the epiglottis. If no further
chromes P450 (CYP) and phase II enzymes (for review, exposure occurs, the normal mucosal morphology of
see Dahl, 1995). Concentrations of these enzyme systems the larynx will be restored by epithelial cells migrating
vary between different species; for example, the human in from either side of the ulcer, then proliferating. If the
lung has relatively low CYP levels compared to the liver, larynx is repeatedly exposed to an irritant, the inflamma-
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whereas, despite variation in specific isoenzymes, the tory response and loss of cilia will eventually stimulate
total levels in rats are similar between the two tissues squamous metaplasia of the mixed ciliated and noncili-
(Turton and Hooson, 1998). In addition, a number of ated (i.e., transitional) epithelium. The epithelium can
reportedly lung-specific CYPs, such as CYP2S, 2F, and eventually become hyperplastic and -keratotic, being
4B1, exist (Somers et al., 2007). Generally, the highest covered by a thick stratum corneum (Renne and Gideon,
levels of CYP isoenzymes appear to be located in the 2006). Studies have demonstrated partial or complete
olfactory epithelium of the Bowman’s gland in the nasal regression of laryngeal squamous metaplasia and hyper-
cavity, in Clara cells, and, to a lesser extent, type II cells plasia after recovery periods (Osimitz et al., 2007), with
of the lung (Dahl, 1995; Dormons and Van Bree, 1995). complete recovery taking between 6 and 13 weeks after a
Given the metabolic capability of the lung, production 13-week exposure period (Renne et al., 2007). There has
of reactive metabolites in lung cells could contribute to been no report of such changes progressing to more seri-
lung-specific toxicities (Dahl and Gerde, 1994). ous cellular changes (Osimitz et al., 2007).
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Another common finding in rodents subject to inhala-

Local irritancy tion exposure to pharmaceutical agents is that of irritancy
The predominant pathologic findings in the respiratory in the nasal cavity. This is not surprising, because the
tract of animals exposed to drugs by inhalation tend to be nasal chambers are the first structures of the respiratory
those related to irritation and may be located in the nasal tract to be subjected to inhaled insults. As with the lar-
cavity and larynx or, to a lesser extent, in the lungs. There ynx, atrophy, degeneration, erosion, ulceration, hyper-
are a range of “irritant” mechanisms, which include the plasia, and metaplasia of the respiratory and olefactory
stimulation of sensory nerves or rodent-specific mucosal epithelium can all be induced by irritant pharmaceu-
defense mechanisms, increased protein extravasation ticals. Goblet cell proliferation in the respiratory epi-
into the lumen of the airways, neurogenic inflammation, thelium is a nonspecific adaptive reaction occasionally
and disruption of the air-blood barrier (Pauluhn, 2008). noted, whereas rhinitis and, in severe cases, pronounced
One of the most common findings noted during rat inflammatory exudate may also be noted in the nasal
inhaled studies is that of squamous metaplasia of the chambers in severe cases of irritancy (Gopinpath et al.,
larynx (Lewis, 1991; Miller and Renne, 1996). This is a 1987). Eosinophilic globular inclusions in epithelial cells
simple adaptive tissue response characterized by the have been reported on a few occasions, and although
replacement of the delicate ciliated cuboidal respira- their significance is unknown, it may be that these reflect
tory epithelium with a more durable squamous cell a defense response (Buckley et al., 1985; Gopinpath et al.,
epithelium. It has been proposed that four features (e.g., 1987).
anatomy, airflow, epithelial, and particulate characteris- Irritant changes in the lungs of animals receiving
tics) predispose the rat to develop squamous metaplasia inhaled pharmaceuticals are less frequent than those
on inhalation of drugs (Lewis, 1981). The larynx in the rat in either the larynx or nasal cavity, but take a variety of
is nearly linear to the nasal turbinates. This, combined forms. In the bronchial tree, in cases of minor irritation,
with the rats being obligate nose breathers, means that the mucin-secreting cells of the bronchiolar epithelium,
there is a near-direct impaction of inhaled drugs on the which are predominantly of a serous type, are replaced
anterior surface of the larynx. In humans, the larynx is by goblet cells, and the mucin-secreting cells extend into
more sharply angled (almost 90 degrees) to the oronasal the terminal bronchioles where they replace Clara cells.
cavity, leading to a significant reduction in the amount of Clara cells themselves can be affected with the charac-
impaction on the larynx. teristic apical “bleb” being absent and a more basophilic
Minor changes on the surface of the rodent larynx, appearance being noted, representing either an atro-
namely, a loss of cilia from the surface epithelium and a phic or regenerative change. More significant irritation
slight flattening of the epithelium lining the base of the can cause ulceration of the bronchiolar epithelium,

 Drug and Chemical Toxicology

Regulatory toxicology for inhaled drugs 7
accompanied by fibrinous inflammatory exudate in the The elaboration of cytokines by macrophages, and prob-
lumen. The exudate can become organized with infiltra- ably other cell types, recruits other inflammatory cells,
tion of fibroblasts, leading to a narrowing of the airways resulting in local tissue damage with regenerative hyper-
(Gopinath et al., 1987). In the lung, if the initial damage plasia (e.g., bronchioloalveolar epithelial cells and type II
is not severe, a period of epithelialization follows, dur- pneumocytes) and fibrosis (Driscoll et al., 1996). Under
ing which type II pneumocytes proliferate and line the these conditions, rats are more susceptible than either
alveolar wall in an attempt to repair any damage. In cases mice or hamsters to progression to lesions of epithelial
of marked diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary edema, metaplasia (i.e., bronchiolization), persistent alveolar
congestion, and hemorrhage may be noted after injury cell hyperplasia, and septal fibrosis, and such adverse
to type I pneumocytes. Subsequent to severe acute dam- changes can eventually progress to pulmonary neopla-
age, exudate from the leaking capillaries will induce an sia of various types in rats, but not in humans or other
inflammatory reaction with infiltration of fibrocytes, toxicology species (ILSI, 2000, Bermudez et al., 2002).
fibroblasts, cell debris, and macrophages, which results An increased cellularity of the local lymph nodes is often
in fibrosis (Greaves, 2007). Although more chronic lung noted and is considered to represent a secondary change
changes can be induced by xenobiotics, these are rarely in response to the increased trafficking of macrophages
Drug and Chemical Toxicology Downloaded from by University of Calgary on 06/17/12

observed with inhaled pharmaceuticals, because drugs as they clear insoluble material. This phenomenon does
or doses that are severely irritant would result in either a not occur with soluble drugs or vehicles (e.g., lactose)
reduction in dose as the compound progresses through because they do not need to be cleared by macrophages.
the drug development cycle or discontinuation of the
project before commencement of longer term studies as Risk assessment
a result of small safety margins. A thorough review of the As for other routes of administration, safety margins for
many pulmonary changes that can be seen in laboratory behavioral changes or target organ toxicity after the inha-
animals after inhalation of irritant material is contained lation of a drug should be expressed in terms of multiples
in the publications by Gopinath et al. (1987) and Greaves of the systemic exposure at the maximum recommended
(2007). therapeutic dose in humans. Safety margins for target
organ toxicities (e.g., hepatotoxicity and nongenotoxic
Macrophage accumulation and lung overload carcinogenicity) are generally based on systemic expo-
For personal use only.

One consequence of designing drugs that have a very sures of the drug in terms of plasma area under the curve,
low solubility, to avoid systemic absorption, is significant whereas for acute effects (e.g., tachycardia and convul-
amounts of undissolved drug accumulating in the alveoli. sions), the margins are often based on maximum plasma
One of the normal clearance mechanisms is for these par- concentrations. In the absence of toxicokinetic data,
ticles to be engulfed by macrophages and then cleared to exposure margins should be expressed in terms of body
the exterior on the mucociliary escalator or by migration surface area (mg/m2).
to the pulmonary interstitium and, subsequently, the In terms of upper respiratory tract changes (e.g.,
local lymph nodes (Snipes, 1995; Miller, 2000). Evidence squamous metaplasia), the rodent larynx is extremely
of such normal clearance of dust is frequently visible sensitive to insult from inhaled particles and the
in lung sections from control animals as aggregates of changes are not usually predictive of irritancy in
foamy macrophages, typically located at the bronchiolar- humans (Gopinath et al., 1987; Osimitz et al., 2007).
alveolar junction, with a lack of any other associated Lesions resulting from irritancy in the nasal cavity are
changes (Lee et al., 1986). Often, an increase in the inci- largely considered irrelevant to a drug administered to
dence of this finding is noted in treated groups; however, humans by oro-inhalation, because little or no exposure
such changes are considered not adverse and are known would occur in the clinical setting (Dudley et al., 1989;
to be fully reversible (Warheit et al., 1997; Driscoll et al., Owen et al., 2010). Additionally, it should be noted that
1996). Occasionally, such changes are accompanied by irritant effects on both these regions of the upper respi-
an increase in lung weight (Elder et al., 2005). If the rate ratory tract would be easily monitorable in humans
of deposition exceeds the maximum rate of clearance receiving such a drug by inhalation. Also, whereas such
and/or dissolution, the insoluble drug accumulates in lesions are often noted in rodents, their presence in
the macrophages and interstitium until it causes impair- dogs or monkeys is relatively rare (Renne et al., 2007).
ment of macrophage clearance function and therefore a If required, safety margins can be calculated for nasal
further increase in the rate of accumulation, leading to changes using standard nasal surface area values and
lung overload (Morrow, 1992; Snipes, 1995). The induc- particle sizes, which would be determined in the toxi-
tion of these interrelated events has been postulated to cology study.
be related to the volume of material phagocytized by the Adverse pulmonary changes, which can include
alveolar macrophage pool (Morrow, 1992). The thresh- cellular infiltration, epithelial degeneration, necrosis,
old for inert particles causing load overload has been hyperplasia, and fibrosis, are considered to be a safety
reported to be approximately 1 mg/g of lung (Morrow, concern because they are adverse and nonmonitorable
1986). A progressive neutrophilic inflammatory reaction in humans and so require appropriate safety margins.
then occurs in response to the increasing particle load. In calculating safety margins for lung changes, the drug

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

8 K. Owen
deposited per unit weight of lung is usually calculated, difference between the irritancy of the same drug when
although margins could also be expressed in terms of given as a nebulized solution or dry powder, or when a pre-
lung surface area or total administered dose. In gen- viously innocuous drug is given in combination with an
eral, it is assumed that approximately 10 and 25% of a antimuscarinic agent (unpublished data). Such changes
dose is deposited in the lungs of rats and dogs, respec- would have little relevance to the human situation where
tively (Snipes, 1989). In humans, the deposited dose is the drug is inhaled in a single short burst, and doses are
often assumed to be the proportion of the dose with a limited to avoid clinical signs, such as dry mouth. Some
fine particle mass <4.7 μm, which often translates to beta2-adrenergic agonists (e.g., formoterol) and alterna-
between 10 and 30%. Although this approach is widely tive propellants (e.g., 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane) have
accepted by regulatory authorities, the U.S. Food and caused testicular toxicity in rats when administered by
Drug Administration (FDA) is relatively conserva- snout-only exposure, whereas administration by other
tive and usually assumes 100% deposition in humans routes (i.e., oral or i.v.) or by whole body (i.e., inhalation)
because of a lack of suitable biomarkers of lung injury exposure either avoided the toxicity or greatly increased
and because the drug is generally being introduced into the threshold dose required (Brock et al., 1996; Owen,
an already compromised lung. The FDA also requests 2009). The mechanism for these changes is unknown,
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that lung safety margins should be a minimum of 10-fold although restraint and thermal stress has been sug-
for rodents and 5- to 6-fold for nonrodents. Though the gested to play a role (Lee et al., 1993; Dodd et al., 1999).
preclinical deposition values can be refined using “real” Regardless of the cause, the snout-only conditions are
data generated in the toxicology studies (see study design not relevant to the human situation.
section above), it is unclear whether data from humans To summarise, though general principles for deter-
obtained by gamma scintigraphy, positron emission mining drug safety are the same for all routes of admin-
tomography, single-photon emission computed tomog- istration, there are some peculiarities resulting from
raphy (Newman et al., 2003), or direct (Nave et al., 2010) administration of drugs to animals by inhalation (e.g.,
or indirect pharmacokinetic methods (Thorsson et al., dose estimation, prolonged exposure periods, lack of
1994) would influence the view of the FDA because sensitive biomarkers of pulmonary toxicity, and use of
their deposition assumption is based on philosophi- lung deposition factors). These should be considered
cal safety concerns, rather than experimentally derived in the design of preclinical studies and the interpreta-
For personal use only.

data (Forbes et al., 2011). Macrophage accumulation in tion of findings.

response to drug deposition without any accompanying
inflammatory or degenerative or regenerative changes is
generally considered to be nonadverse (Lee et al., 1986; Acknowledgments
Snipes, 1995). There have been, however, some instances The author thanks Tom Brodie for proofreading the
where, because of such findings, the FDA has placed a manuscript for this article and for providing valuable
drug on clinical hold until there are data that show the comments and suggestions, particularly regarding the
changes do not become more marked on longer dosing. pathologic descriptions.
These circumstances must not be confused with phar-
macologically driven macrophage accumulation, which
is not related to the removal of insoluble drug (e.g., that Declaration of interest
resulting from the administration of corticosteroids) The author reports no conflicts of interest. The author
e.g., that resulting from the administration of corticos- alone is responsible for the content and writing of this
teroids (Okazaki et al., 1992; FDA, 2000, 2006), which paper.
probably occurs because of their effects on surfactant
turnover (Young and Silbajoris, 1986). In general, pul-
monary effects, such as inflammation, have been rare References
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