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Question Bloom's Thinking

Number Question Taxonomy Level Standard Rationale

Assesses basic
Define 'finite element analysis' in understanding and clarity
1 the context of building structures. Knowledge Clarity in definition.

List the primary components of a Tests recall of factual

2 finite element model. Knowledge Accuracy information and accuracy.

Identify a key historical Evaluates knowledge of the

development in the field of finite field's history and
3 element analysis. Knowledge Accuracy development.

Explain the importance of material

properties in finite element Assesses understanding of
4 modeling. Comprehension Relevance concept relevance.

Summarize how finite element Tests ability to

analysis contributes to building communicate specific
5 structure safety. Comprehension Precision contributions precisely.

Discuss the role of boundary Evaluates depth of

conditions in finite element understanding in model
6 models. Comprehension Depth setup.

Apply finite element methods to a Assesses practical

simple beam structure and application and logical
7 describe the results. Application Logicalness interpretation of results.

Demonstrate how to model a Tests precision in applying

building element using finite theoretical knowledge
8 element analysis. Application Precision practically.

9 Resolve a common issue in finite Application Depth Evaluates problem-solving

element modeling of building
Question Bloom's Thinking
Number Question Taxonomy Level Standard Rationale

skills in practical scenarios.

Analyze the differences between

linear and nonlinear analysis in Encourages exploration of
10 finite element models. Analysis Breadth varied analysis types.

Compare finite element analysis Evaluates understanding of

with other structural analysis the method's significance
11 methods. Analysis Significance and context.

Distinguish between the uses of Assesses clear

2D and 3D modeling in finite understanding of
12 element analysis. Analysis Clarity dimensional applications.

Propose a new approach to

enhance the accuracy of finite
element analysis in complex Encourages innovation and
13 structures. Synthesis Creativity creative problem-solving.

Design a plan for implementing

finite element analysis in a real- Tests ability to synthesize
world structural engineering knowledge in practical
14 project. Synthesis Relevance contexts.

Evaluate the effectiveness of a Assesses judgment and

given finite element model in fairness in evaluating
15 predicting structural behavior. Evaluation Fairness model effectiveness.

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