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Use of Internet Medium for Postgraduate Students in African Universities: Case

Study Nigeria Universities

Article · January 2019


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Odewumi Michael Adewale Olusegun Adeniran


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© Kamla-Raj 2019 Anthropologist, 37(1-3): 8-13 (2019)
PRINT: ISSN 0972-0073 ONLINE: ISSN 2456-6802 DOI: 10.31901/24566802.2019/37.1-3.2026

Use of Internet Medium for Postgraduate Students in African

Universities: Case Study Nigeria Universities
Micheal Olubunmi Odewumi1, Foluke B. Bamigboye2, Adewale Olusegun Adeniran3
and Oluwatosin O. Bamigboye4*
Department of Educational Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Communication, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin,
Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Computer Science, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
E-mail: 1<>, 2<>,
<>, 4*<>
KEYWORDS Information and Communication Technology. Anova. Gender. Self-efficacy. E-Learning Technology

ABSTRACT An investigation was conducted on the postgraduate students’ use of internet in learning in South-west
Universities Nigeria. The design of the study was a descriptive survey research type. The population for the
sample was purposively drawn from 6 universities, a total number of 600 postgraduate students were samples, 100
postgraduate students from each University. The instrument for data collection was research designed questionnaires
named ‘Postgraduate students usefulness of internet to learning in South-West Universities in Nigeria’. 2 questions
were raised and 2 hypothesis posed for the study. The data collected were analyzed with ANOVA and t-test statistics
at 0.05 level of significance. The results of the analyses related to the 2 hypotheses indicated significant no
difference on the ‘Postgraduate students’ usefulness of internet for learning in South-West Universities in Nigeria’.
Based on the findings, it was recommended that postgraduate students should be encouraged to utilise internet for
learning and the university to inculcate curriculum that will promote students using internet in the university.

INTRODUCTION competence, self-efficacy, gender, experience, ac-

cessibility among others.
The use of Information Technology in educa- Spencer et al. (2013) described ICT utilization
tion is so remarkable globally that in this digital as the way of adopting ICT tools, for example,
age, educational institutions are greatly inculcat- Internet, modernized learning technologies, CD
ing Information Technology tools to support and ROMs, etc. to assist and commensurate teaching
disseminate meaningful learning (Bamigboye and and learning. Information and communication
Olusesan 2017). More so, Information and Com- technology (ICT) plays a vital and active role in
munication technology in schooling encompass learner’s achievement at all educational levels and
the utilization of universal tools of information significance in education. ICT is being used ef-
and communication technology in the teaching- fectively in education and learning environments
learning process. due to its spread of internet usage in different
Pinto (2018) opined that Internet devices such dimensions around the world. Tondeur and Jo-
as mobile phones, handheld game consoles, data han (2007) suggested that usefulness, embracing
cards as well as cellular routers enable the acces- and incorporation can literally mean the same
sibility of internet opportunity through communi- thing in their usage. Ogunsola and Aboyade
cation technology. Kennedy et al. (2003) explained (2005) opined that ICT is a mass of connected
that the digital divide is an issue of accessibility technologies distinct by their purposeful usage
and usefulness in relating to Internet usage. Teo in information accessibility and communication
(2008) stressed that students’ perceived ease of of which one epitome is the internet that pro-
use and perceived usefulness of the system, there- vides a medium for those with low self-efficacy in
fore, factor affecting learners embracing of infor- ICT to access the internet (Muneo 2009).
mation communication and technology is featured The frequent use of the internet among the
by the individual learner, in line with the attitude, students for interaction as well as for education

is increasingly prevalent in university education. the Internet at home and school has widened their
Several studies have been conducted on the in- horizons academically and gender differences in
ternet and education globally. Ison (2015) re- Internet utilization favored males than females.
searched on the internet and self-efficacy, to pre- Anand et al. (2018) further explained that the
dict students’ performance on search tasks in world is a global village of 3 Dimensional virtual
web-based instruction. His findings concluded form. The network technologies and computing
that task-specific and internet self-efficacy has powers are developed towards 3 Dimensional In-
proved a significant effect on the online search ternet, where gender reacts to electronic media in
performance of students. This revealed that task- the 3 Dimensional environments through active
specific, computer self-efficacy is an individual’s manipulations for instructional purposes.
perception of efficacy in performing specific com- Munusamy (2009) submitted that frequent
puter-related tasks within the domain of general use of internet usage recorded for the male dur-
computing. In another development. Bowers- ing the weekend for educational purposes. Also,
Campbell (2008) researched the effect of the in- Crocco et al. (2008) submitted that girls and boys
ternet on students learning. The studies revealed have equal participation in computers and as well
that the internet has the ability to assist students as the use of the internet for instructional and
who are struggling with low self-efficacy and poor entertainment. Winker (2005) explained that male
self-regulation behaviors. However, all the above students are in the category of using the internet
mentioned studies are relevant to the present in- frequently for education while the female is of the
vestigation because they give an insight into in- moderate user for fun and entertainment. Internet
ternet utilization in education globally. usage and web information differences cut across
Scott (2011) submitted that the internet has the gender, in that male and female behaviors are
been the catalyst for the global integration of learn- not of the same (Hupfer and Detlor 2006). In an-
ing in schools and colleges. However, the study other development, Kim et al. (2007) reported that
has also stressed the value of the internet. For the utilization of internet inversely is quite no-
instant Delacruz (2009) explained that the Inter- ticeable among men and women for different mis-
net is widely recognized as the tools and vehicles sions. Also, the issue of gender differences on
through which instructional activities and effec- the Internet is still a relatively new trend in the
tive transformation happen worldwide. Bergmann information.
and Lin (2016) also stressed that Internet tech- In essence, Cullen (2001) submitted that in-
nology influences learning in a classroom posi- ternet utilization has been tag as ‘the digital age’
tively, and creates more time for teachers inter- and has become suitable and mean of communi-
acting with students instead of lecturing. Nyen- cation for describing technologies in this centu-
we and Ishiakaku (2013) explained that the inter- ry. Bimber (2000) argued that gender differences
net significantly prepares learners with the re- came into existence as a result of socioeconomic
quired skills and continuous technological inno- status and that males and females differ in tech-
vations for the global workplace. nological advancement which in return influenc-
Kabasakal (2015) explained that the majority es computers and Internet access and usage.
of the Internet users constitute male students. Andreassen et al. (2017) submitted that male and
They are efficacious, proficient and comfortable female learners are different in handling comput-
in handling computer technology and the Inter- er for instructions, this may be as a result of dif-
net when compared with their female mate. ferent factors.
Previous researches have unveiled the gen- The recent development of educational tech-
der acquisition of knowledge via the internet. nologies exposes different hypothetical models
Whitmore et al. (2015) conducted research on that developed to research and elucidate elements
web resources utilization as well as online acqui- that influence users’ recognition, refusal or con-
sition of knowledge by both male and female gen- tinuing use of new technology (Venkatesh and
ders. The study concluded that there is a sub- Davis 2000; Venkatesh et al. 2003). These theo-
stantial disparity between genders. Shashaani retical models have sources from previous re-
(1993) and Fischer and Arnold (1994) stressed searcher such as Fishbein’s Model and Theory
that male and female students’ accessibility to of Reasoned Action (TRA). Davis (1989) pio-

Anthropologist, 37(1-3): 8-13 (2019)


neered and established the Technology Accep- METHODOLOGY

tance Model (TAM) and gave a theoretic frame-
work that narrates the association of attitude-in- The design of the study was a descriptive
tention-behaviour. In line with the Technology survey. The targeted population for the study
Acceptance Model, it observed efficacy, inten- consisted of all the postgraduate students of the
tion to use and professed ease of use are as- six-states in the South-West Nigeria geopolitical
sumed to be essential factors of user recognition zone. These consist of Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Ekiti,
and rejection of new technology. The extent to Osun, and Lagos State, in both the Federal and
which the usefulness of Internet to students for the State Universities of the mentioned states.
learning in Nigeria universities remained un- Therefore, the researcher purposively sampled a
known. The study, therefore, intends to fill the University in each state, the institutions that were
gaps created by previous studies, especially in sampled are Ekiti State University, Ado - Ekiti,
finding out the use of the Internet for learning in Ekiti State. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile –
Nigeria Universities. Ife, Osun State, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo
State, University of Lagos, Akoka. Lagos, Olabisi
Purpose of the Study Onabanjo University, Ago- Iwoye. Ogun State
and Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba - Akoko
The main purpose of the study is to investi-
The sample was achieved using a purposive
gate the usefulness of the internet to students sampling technique to select 100 students in each
for learning, in South-West, Nigeria. Specifically, University. This was to ensure adequate repre-
the study intends to: sentation of the subjects thereby reducing sam-
1. Investigate the usefulness of the Internet pling error. 50 samples were male, while the other
for learning in Nigeria Universities. 50 were female making a total of 100 samples for
2. Examined the influence of gender on the the study. (1:1) The instrument for the study was
usefulness of the Internet for learning in a researcher-developed questionnaire titled:
Nigerian Universities. ‘Postgraduates students usefulness of Internet
for learning in in South-West Universities in Ni-
Research Questions geria’, structured on a 5 - point rating which were
Strongly Agree (SA) - 5 points, Agree (A) - 4
The following research questions were pos- points, Disagree (D) - 3 points Strongly Disagree
tulated to guide the study: (SD) - 2 points and Undecided (UD) -1 point.
1. What are the differences in the usefulness The tool was certified to be tested and origi-
of the Internet for learning in Nigerian uni- nated to satisfy face, content and construction
versities? validity by a lecturer in the Department of Educa-
2. What are the different in the male and fe- tional Technology as well as another lecturer in
male usefulness of the internet for learn- the department of Test, Measurement and Evalu-
ing in Nigerian Universities? ation, University of Ilorin Nigeria. The tool was
further exposed to pilot testing and reliability be-
Research Hypotheses fore using the research instrument. The reliability
of the instrument was ordered on 20 postgradu-
ate students at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria,
The following two hypotheses have been for- with Cronbach’s Alpha. The consistency of the
mulated to guide the research study in tool was conventional by adopting the Cronbach
line with research questions: Alpha analysis. The consistency and coefficient
HO1 There is no significant difference in use- value generated 0.89 which is suitable for the
fulness of the Internet for learning in Ni- study.
geria universities. The researchers administered the tools to the
HO2 There is no significant difference in the respondents with the aid of two trained researcher
male and female usefulness of the Inter- assistants from each University. A total number of
net for learning in Nigeria universities. 600 copies of the questionnaires were adminis-

Anthropologist, 37(1-3): 8-13 (2019)


tered and collected on the research field from the Table 2: t-test of male and female students’ use-
respondents. In the course of the collection, 10 fulness of the internet for learning
questionnaires were imperfectly filled, 6 were Variables No. Mean Sd df t Sig.
marred, while 2 got lost in transit. Therefore, only
582 questionnaires were properly filled and col- Female 282 31.33 5.50 580 024 879
lected from the respondents. The researchers had Male 300 31.40 5.55
to work with the 582 questionnaires. The data were
analyzed using ANOVA and t-test data to test the
null hypotheses at 0.05 level of importance. Table 2 reveals t value of 0.24 is significant
because the significant value of 879 is more than
RESULTS 0.05 alpha levels. This shows no significant dif-
ference in the mean scores of both female and
Hypothesis One
male postgraduate students on the integration of
There is no significant difference in the stu- the internet to learning in South-west Universi-
dent’s usefulness of the Internet for learning in ties in Nigeria. Thus, this hypothesis is accepted.
Nigeria universities. In other words, the result suggested that male
This hypothesis was tested using ANOVA and female postgraduate students integrate the
statistics to compare the postgraduate students internet for learning. In order to ascertain where
in all the South-west Universities. This hypothe- the significant difference lies, the means of the
sis was tested and is shown in Table 1. male and female postgraduate students was com-
Table 1 confirmed the calculated F value of pared from Table 2. The means of the male post-
.027 is significant in that the significant value of graduate students, 5.55 was slightly greater than
1.000 is greater than 0.05 alpha levels. This estab- the means of female postgraduate students, 5.50.
lishes no significant difference in the postgradu-
ate students’ perception of the integration of the DISCUSSION
internet to learning in South-west Universities in
Nigeria. Thus, the hypothesis is not rejected. This The present results of the analyses related to
result suggested that postgraduates’ students do hypothesis 1 indicated no significant difference
differ in the integration of the internet for learning. in the postgraduate students’ perceptions of the
integration of the internet to learning in South-
Hypothesis Two west Universities in Nigeria. The findings of this
study are in line with Anand et al. (2018) whose
There is no significant difference in the fe- studies supported that internet connectivity en-
male and male students’ usefulness of the Inter- hances and increases learner motivation as it com-
net for learning in Nigerian universities. bines with the richness and interactivity of other
This hypothesis compared the female and male ICTs tools with the opportunity of connectivity
students’ usefulness of the Internet for learning for useful information. It also collaborates with
in Nigeria universities, South-west, Nigeria. The the findings of LaRose and Eastin (2004) who
hypothesis was tested and is shown in Table 2. explained that Internet self-efficacy usage has

Table 1: One Way ANOVA Result of the perception on the integration of internet to learning, in
South-west, Nigeria

Source Type III sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.

Corrected Model 4.204 a 5 .841 .027 1.000

Intercept 569156.349 1 569156.349 18594.350 .000
Factor 4.204 5 .841 .027 1.000
Error 17630.842 576 30.609
Total 590221.000 582
Corrected Total 17635.046 581

a. R. Squared = .000 (Adjusted R Squared = -.008)

Anthropologist, 37(1-3): 8-13 (2019)


new explanatory powerful variables useful for RECOMMENDATIONS

learning. The finding conformed with the find-
ings of Papadakis (2018) whose study affirmed Based on the study, the following recommen-
that the internet has the ability to distribute digi- dations are hereby given: Universities authori-
tal media files or series of files for playback devic- ties should encourage the postgraduate students
es that promote learning. The finding also agrees in more use of the internet for learning by incul-
with the findings of Lu et al. (2014) who com- cating the internet as a prerequisite curriculum
mented that learners use a computer for general for the students’ to enable them closer to the in-
study and surfing the internet. The findings were ternet. Also, they should improve on the internet
further supported by findings of Odora and Ma- services provided in the Universities.
toti (2015) who concluded that, both lecturers
and students in higher institutions access to dig- REFERENCES
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