When Technology Meets Operational Excellence - Final

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Operations Practice

When technology meets

operational excellence
A new way to operate is revolutionizing heavy industries.
by Julio Gregorio, Ferran Pujol, Richard Sellschop, and Diego Zuniga

April 2023
By the end of the 20th century, lean-management pilots or local deployments, only a few managed to
techniques had migrated from their birthplace in scale up their initiatives to take full advantage of
Japan to remake the operations of manufacturing the new technologies across the enterprise. The
and process industries across the world. In heavy experiences of those few point the way to a new
industries, such as mining, pulp and paper, and oil kind of technology-informed operational excellence.
and gas, today’s leaders can point to decades of
operational improvement thanks to lean practices
and principles. But a lot has changed since lean The next step
was conceived. The next phase of operational A handful of heavy-industry companies have found
excellence has arrived: Industry 4.0 technologies a new way to operate that is revolutionizing the way
such as advanced analytics, AI, and connected they create value in operations. The combination of
equipment help heavy-industry leaders to lean and technology is allowing these companies
increase the productivity, flexibility, resilience, and to create new augmented production systems
sustainability of their operations. that capture the full value of digital at scale in a
sustainable manner. The benefits include year-on-
The trouble for many organizations, however, is that year improvements in productivity, environmental
so far results from these technologies have been protection, safety, employee engagement, and
mixed. While many companies have run successful customer satisfaction (Exhibit 1).

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Exhibit <1>1 of <2>

The five core elements of operational excellence form an augmented

production system.

Purpose and strategy

Purpose that defines why the organization exists,
creating a common cause, with a strategy to achieve it

Principles and behaviors

Principles and behaviors to achieve the strategic vision and
establish a culture of trust, respect, and constant innovation

Management systems
Management systems in place that develop leaders, build
competency, and drive desired behaviors

Technical systems
Technical systems that eliminate waste
and deliver value to stakeholders

Technology that accelerates human
capabilities to continuously improve

McKinsey & Company

2 When technology meets operational excellence

Because technology can bring together
data from across the value chain,
companies can take a holistic, end-to-
end approach to optimizing processes.

Such companies have adapted some of the core can bring together data from across the value
principles underlying lean production to suit chain, companies can take a holistic, end-to-end
an environment where advanced technologies approach to optimizing processes. In many heavy-
are applied in everyday operations. Those industry sectors, for example, processes encounter
principles have guided the redesign of processes, high levels of variability caused by differences in
management systems, and organizations to make input materials, process conditions, and demand.
truly effective use of technology. Operators in traditional production systems can only
react to that variability, by altering parameters on
Technology is generating real operational value the fly to keep processes under control. Digital and
Scientific thinking is the principle that inspires advanced-analytics technologies help companies
lean companies to use hard evidence and move to a proactive approach. By using upstream
experimentation to continually improve their data and detailed process models to adjust
operations. Lean has always relied on rigorous, parameters before variability hits, these companies
fact-based decision making. But the analytical can dramatically improve the stability of their
tools available to most lean practitioners force them production systems.
to focus their attention on just a few variables at a
time. For that reason, processes in traditional lean At one copper mine, for instance, operators now use
companies tend to improve incrementally. an end-to-end model to change their processes as
the characteristics of ore change over time. Data
Digitization helps companies take scientific thinking on the quality of ore is collected at the mine and
to a new level of sophistication. Connected, digitized transmitted to the processing plant several hours
value chains give teams access to much richer before the ore arrives. The processing plant’s AI
data on the performance of processes. Advanced model identifies changes in the characteristics
analytical models allow those teams to gain of the ore and makes recommendations—timed
deeper insights from the data by revealing subtle to coincide with the precise moment it enters the
cause-and-effect relationships hidden among mill—for adjustments to water pressures, grinder
thousands of data points. With these tools and the settings, and other variables. If the characteristics
right capabilities, companies can apply scientific, of the ore require it, similar recommendations are
data-driven problem solving to a wider range of passed on to the teams operating downstream
challenges—and get better answers faster than process steps (Exhibit 2).
previously possible.
Changing people’s work, not just their tech
Digitization also transforms systemic thinking— When this new approach was introduced, the
another core lean principle. Because technology copper mine’s organization also changed: a

When technology meets operational excellence 3

Web <2023>
Exhibit 2
Exhibit <2> of <2>

Systemic thinking drives organizations to seek enhanced performance by

value streams, while technology enables end-to-end optimization.
Mining company before and after AI

Before: Traditional approach with local process optimization

Dispatch of loading/hauling equipment Concentrator plant

Example key Total mine $ per ton of Ore to waste Processed Copper
performance material moved mineral movement volume (tons recovery (%)
indicators moved (tons) volume ratio per day)

After: Systemic approach with end-to-end optimization of copper production value stream

Global value stream optimizer

Mineral tracer

Dispatch of loading/
Fragmentation hauling equipment Mineral blending Concentrator plant

Key performance Copper production (tons per day) Copper price ($ per pound)

Blending recipe Optimal ore

New Extraction and ore characteristics and
information loading prioritization long-term mine-plan-
flows Blast grid design ning requirements

McKinsey & Company

permanent continuous-improvement squad is now uses a set of models beginning at the forest floor
responsible for copper production from the mine and ending at the point of dispatch to the customer.
to the plant. The KPIs that operators monitor now These models, used to adjust parameters several
reflect this end-to-end thinking. All operators have times per shift, change the mix of wood chips, the
visibility into the ways their actions affect upstream chemicals used, and the process settings to ensure
and downstream variables, for example. Since that customer requirements are met in the most
the introduction of the new approach, the mine’s efficient way.
output has increased by 3 to 7 percent.

Another company, this time in the pulp and How to add tech to lean for
paper sector, has adopted a similar augmented operational excellence
approach to maximize yields and optimize resource Why isn’t every company working in this way? Our
consumption in its pulp production process. To observations of digital initiatives in a wide range of
trace the characteristics of pulp fiber, the company organizations, along with our conversations with

4 When technology meets operational excellence

their senior leaders, reveal a handful of reasons. employees visit operations at similar companies,
New technologies don’t always deliver what they where the successful deployment of technology
promise. Companies may focus their efforts on built on a previous commitment to operational
the technical aspects of new digital use cases, for excellence—and made improvement cycles faster,
example, without considering the wider principles more agile, and more effective.
and practices of operational excellence. Or they
may lack the internal capabilities to develop, 2. Updated organization and management
deploy, and operate sophisticated digital tools. systems for optimal decision making
Finally, executives at many organizations fail to High-performing organizations structure teams
take their teams along on the digital journey. in working cells linked to value streams (such as
Operational experts, such as team leaders, end-to-end operations, reliability, or planning)
process control engineers, and metallurgists, rather than the value chain’s individual process
tend to ignore tools and processes they don’t components (mine operations, plant operations,
understand or trust. technical services, and the like). This structure
empowers managers to make decisions across the
Digitization can dramatically enhance the power of entire value chain and therefore aligns objectives
traditional approaches to operational excellence but and performance metrics with bottom-line
doesn’t replace the need for strong organizational business results. At another mining company, a
foundations. Today’s leading players overcome value-stream product owner with full visibility
these barriers by adopting a holistic approach to over the whole process makes final operational
operational excellence and ongoing improvement. decisions at an integrated operations center.
That approach addresses all the technological, That manager directs a multidisciplinary team of
organizational, and human dimensions required for processing and technology experts who assist in
sustained success. decision making.

As with earlier approaches to organizational 3. Evolved roles and capabilities to

excellence, leading companies recognize that empower and engage the front line
digitally enabled operational excellence is a At companies that have succeeded in using
journey. The benefits increase as the organization technology to achieve operational excellence, roles
develops the ability to use more sophisticated and capabilities are adapted to suit the new way
tools and to apply them across more of its of working required to sustain and continuously
operations. The most successful initiatives tend to improve technology solutions. Product owners
share a handful of characteristics. are empowered and accountable to ensure that
their teams meet the objectives and key results
1. Ownership through robust defined for each value stream. Data scientists
understanding and conviction and engineers use data collected throughout
Across all levels of the organization, leaders and the process to build optimization models that
frontline operators ought to understand and fully assist in decision making. “Translators” serve as
support the use of technology in their day-to-day a communication bridge between processing
decision-making processes. This goal can be experts and the digital team. Finally, frontline
achieved in different ways. The leaders of one large leaders with access to more data are supported
mining company, for example, built understanding by everyday insights from AI tools. They also have
and conviction through a bottom-up process. more scope to improve operations, pilot new ideas,
They organized technical workshops to define a and collaborate with their colleagues upstream
shared vision for the future functioning of their and downstream.
operation, so that the entire organization could
see how the effort would improve its work. Another In another copper-mining operation, for example,
mining company generated excitement by having the product owner of the multidisciplinary

When technology meets operational excellence 5

operations cell now runs day-to-day operations. Early adopters have already reaped substantial
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That manager, who understands insights from benefits: a step change in performance and
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prescriptive analytical models, has a profile employee engagement.
rather different from those of traditional mine or
plant managers. Their roles too have evolved, to Yet the journey to digitally enabled operations isn’t
focus on ensuring the optimal condition of assets, trivial. It requires energy, vision, and persistence
so that the production cell can operate at its by senior leaders, who can ensure that their
maximum potential. organizations stay on the right path by continually
revisiting three fundamental questions. First, are
we applying the core principles of operational
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excellence in everything we do? Second, are we
Combining new digital approaches with the proven using the best available technologies to support our
principles and practices of operational excellence operations? Finally, are we using those technologies
opens a world of possibilities for heavy industries. in the most effective, sustainable way?

Julio Gregorio and Diego Zuniga are associate partners in McKinsey’s Santiago office, where Ferran Pujol is a partner;
Richard Sellschop is a senior partner in the Stamford office.

The authors wish to thank Xavier Costantini, William Fookes, David Hamilton, Ted Iverson, Sohil Kalra, Erik Shaeffer, and Joris
Wijkpema for their contributions to this article.

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6 When technology meets operational excellence

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