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Community Policing revolves around the basic principle that the ―Police are the Public
and the Public are the Police (Principle #7, Sir Robert Peel, Founder of the British Police
system). It is a policing concept that requires every member of the community to exercise self-
policing, restrain other members against doing things that may harm each other, and require
other members to conduct themselves in an orderly interaction. Requiring community members
to follow certain orderly interaction means specific obedience to a set of rules or common beliefs
and aspirations with the community. (PNP PCR Manual)

It is necessary therefore, that the basic policing in the community should focus on the
core concept of Police Community Relations. A policing concept that wins the trust, confidence
and support of the people in the community such that policing becomes a norm and not just
obedience to a set of rules. When community policing becomes a way of life in the community,
then there will be no more need for organizations to police the community.

Meanwhile in PNP Health Service Unit, the overall objective is to enhance Health
Service development impact by strengthening its capability to deliver its strategic agenda
through carefully designed and technically excellent health care programs. This means to
influence more individual to join for a common cause, the health service conducts program that
is timely and relevant like for example during this pandemic.

To be more responsive and to adopt more quickly to the increasing health demands of the
PNP and the community, the Health Service unit establishes team of health providers with
intricate knowledge and capabilities. Thus, allowing flexibility and taking advantage of
personnel’s strengths ensures better health delivery.

During this pandemic, the health service also contributes to the fight against COVID-19
virus by conducting Anti-flu and COVID-19 vaccination to the PNP dependents and all other
relatives. They have allotted their time and effort to provide quality service for our personnel’s
loved ones. Through this, the PNP won the heart of people because they are of big help in our
medical stake holders for taking charge their vaccination rather than leaving it with the Local
Government Units.

Aside from responding in the fight against COVID-19, the Health Service through the
Regional Medical and Dental Units in different regions continuously conducts various health
programs like free medical and dental consultations for the people in their jurisdiction. They also
conduct distribution of medicines and vitamins as well providing seminars or information
dissemination regarding the COVID-19 virus and other relevant diseases.

Health crisis is the main focus of the government during this time of pandemic. The
Health Service has played the biggest role in battling the virus not only inside our organization
but also to the community we are serving. Our immediate response to health crisis was felt by the
community and has brought the PNP closer to their hearts. Our commitment to support our
uniformed personnel as well as the people we are serving by ensuring their health and physical
well-being will continue its unending plans and programs.

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