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Bagas Dwi NurSya’bani, S.T.

Aged 23 • • • +6282137904578

Bekasi, Indonesia, 17510
Hello! I am Bagas, I looking for new job and ready to join ASAP. I am a Bachelor of Civil Engineering at Muhammadiyah
University of Yogyakarta in 2021. I have an experienced as Project Engineer / Estimator at PT. Dearki Ruang Indonesia.
Accustomed to working with AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel. Have interest in calculation, planning, data analysis, and
implementation. Ready to work in office and field.
Skills & Abilities
Technical Skills: Shop Drawing, Volume Calculation, Estimation Budgeting (RAB), Implementation Budgeting (RAP),
Calculate Materials and Labors Requirements, Scheduling, Supervision.
Software Skills: AutoCAD, Revit, SAP2000, Tekla, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project.
Languages: Indonesian, English.
Others: Photography.
PT. Dearki Ruang Indonesia (D+ArchspaceID)
Project Engineer / Estimator
August 2021 – May 2023
 Calculate the volume of work.
 Determine the price of materials and labor.
 Making Budget Plan (RAB), Implementation Budget Plan (RAP), and Project Schedule (S Curve).
 Control of material purchases based on quantity and price.
 Supervise and calculate the progress by volume of work.


Student Intern
August 2020 – October 2020
 On project : Construction of The New Yogyakarta International Airport Railway TR. 01.
 Supervise the implementation of construction by the work plan and shop drawings. (Retaining wall, spun pile, bore pile,
and abutment)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering - GPA 3,60 (scale 4)
2017 – 2021
 Thesis : Split tensile strength of concrete with bottom ash as a substitute for fine aggregates with variations 30%, 40%,
and 50%.
 Active in organization and committee.
Member of Profesi Division
2017 – 2020
 Successfully organized 17 events that can develop knowledge of civil engineering students, such as visiting lectures, expert
lectures, national seminars, and software training.
 Success in being chief executive of expert lecture activities 2 times.
 Success in being the coordinator of the information communication division for more than 6 events
Bekasi, 2023
Mr / Mrs HRD

With respect,

I, the undersigned below.

Name : Bagas Dwi NurSya’bani, S.T.
Place, Date of Birth : Bekasi, December 6th, 1999.
Age : 23 years old.
Address : Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia, 17510.
Phone : +6282137904578
Email :
Education : Bachelor of Civil Engineering
University : Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

Based on the information on job vacancies that I got on social networks, I intend to submit a
job application to the company that Mr/Mrs lead.

For consideration, here I attach the files that I have.

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. ID Card
3. Bachelor's Certificates
4. Practical Work Certificate
Similarly, letters of job application I created with truth. The attention and consideration of Mr
/ Mrs I say may thanks.

Best regards,

Bagas Dwi NurSya’bani, S.T.

Driving License

Identify Card

Photo 4 X 6 cm
tlnggul Islami

No. 0411A4.ll/TRANS.TSN112021

Name Bagas Dwi Nursya'bani
Tempat, Tanqgal Lahir
Place and Date of Birth Bekasi, 6 Desember 1999
Nomor Mahasiswa
Registration Number 20170110172
Nomor Seri liazah Nomor liazah Nasional 222012021000528
Serial Number of Certificate 565871UMYIT10172/V112021 National Certificate Number
Nomor SK Akreditasi Universitas
Number of Accreditation Certificate Terakreditasi "A" BAN.PT, SK No. 52371SK/BAN.PT/Akred/PT/Xll/2017
Nomor Akta Pendirian Akreditasi Proqram Studi
Number of Establishment Certificate A.1101.EIPW11981, 26 Maret 1981 Accreditation of Department
Fakultas I Proqram Studi Teknik 1Teknik Sipil (Sl)
Faculty / Department Engineering/ CivilEngineering


NO. Matakuliah Subjects Grades
1 Mathematics I 4
Matematika Teknik 1 En ineerin
2 Fisika Teknik En ineerin Ph sics 2
Com er rammin 2
3 Bahasa Pem raman
4 Ban unan Teknik Si il CivilEn ineeri Structures 3
Pancasila & Kewar an araan Pancasila&CivicsEducation 2
6 Bahasa Indonesia IndonesianLa ua e 2
E lishLan uan e 2 D
Bahasa In ris
Baca & Tulis Al-Quran Ibadah Praktis Princi les of HOI Qur'an
9 A ama Islam 1 IslamicStudies I 2
10 MatematikaTeknik 2 En ineeri Mathematics2 4 AB
11 Statistika Dan Probabilitas Statistics & Probabil 2
12 Metode Penelitian Research Method 2
13 Sistem Trans asi Trans nationS tem 2
14 Geomatika Geomatics 3
Statics 4
15 Statika
16 En lish For Academic Writin E lish For Academic Writin
17 A ama Islam 2 IslamicsStudies 2 2
18 MetodeNumerik Numerical Methods 2 AB
19 Mekanika Bahan Mechanics of Materials 3
Teknol i Bahan Contructionof Materials 3
21 Analisis Struktur StructuralAnal is 5
Pen antar Geoteknik
Princiles of GeotechnicalEn ineeri 5 AB
En lish For Communication B
23 En lish For Communication
24 A ama Islam 3 IslamicsStudies3 2
Pen elidikanGeoteknik
GeotechnicalInvestiation 2
FoundationEn ineeri 4 BC
26 Teknik Fondasi
FluidMechanics 4
27 Mekanika Fluida
TimbersStructures 2
28 StrukturKa u
ConcreteStructures 4 AB
29 Struktur Beton
Steel Structures 4
0 Struktur •a
ation TOEFL ration
Intensive IslamicStudies
32 Kuliah IntensifA ama Islam
3 A liedH rol 4 AB
EnvironmentalEn ineeri 3
34 Teknik Lin kun an
E ui ts
35 Peralatan Konstruksi Earth uake E ineeri 2
36 Teknik Gem
3 AB
37 Jembatan Desi n of Structures
38 Perancan an Struktur Pavement Materials 2 AB
39 Bahan Perkerasan Jalan IslamicsStudies4 2
40 A ama Islam4 Bersambung ke sebaliknya(ContinÄ)


- Bantu! Pubic
Nama Nomor Mahasiswa
Bagas Dwi Nursya'bani 20170110172
Name Registration Number


NO. Matakuliah Subjects
Credit Grades
41 Teknik Drainasi Drain e En ineeri 2 c
42 Teknik Iri asi I ationE ineeri 2 AB
43 Ban unan Air H raulicsStructures 2
44 Perancan an Keairan Des• nofH raulicsStructures 2
45 Ekonomi Teknik E ineeri Economics 2 AB
46 Teknik Lalu Lintas TrafficsE ineeri 2
Teknik JalanR a Hi hwa En ineeri 2 AB
PavementEn ineeri Desi n 2 B
48 Teknik Perkerasan Jalan
49 Perancan an Jalan Hi hwa E ineerin Des• n 2
50 Perencanaan Trans asi Trans ationPlannin 2
51 K •aPraktek IndustrialTraini 2
Man ement
Construction 4
52 Mana•emenKonstruksi
53 Prasarana Trans asi Trans ationInfrastructures 3
Entre nuershi B
54 Kewirausahaan
55 Struktur Beton Lan•ut Advance Concrece Structures 2
56 Struktur Ba•a Lan•ut Advance Steel Structure 2 c
57 An kutan Umum PublicTrans rtation 2
58 Mana•emenLalu Lintas TrafficMan ement 2
59 T as Akhir Final •ect 4

60 Kuliah Ke 'a N ata CommunitiOutreach 3

61 Metode Konstruksi ConstructionMethod 2

Kuat Tarik Belah Beton Dengan BottomAsh Sebagai Bahan Pengganti Agregat Halus Variasi 30%, 40%, Dan 50%

Tensile Strength of Concrete with Bottom Ash as a Substitute for Fine Aggregates with Variations of 30%, 40%, and 50%

Prestasi Akademik I Academic Result Keterangan Nilai I Explanationof Grade

JumlahSKS Nilai Bobot Makna

Total of Credit Grade point Meaning
4 Istimewa / Excellent
IP Kumulatif 3,60
AB Sangat Baik I Very Good
Grade Point Average
3 Baik 1 Good
Predikat Kelulusan Cumlaude
BC Cukup Baik / Above Average
Predicate Cumlaude
c 2 cukup / Fair
Tanggal Kelulusan 26 April 2021 Kurang / Poor
Date of Completion

akarta, 9 Juni 2021

Rektor / Rector an I Dean

z Budi anto M.P. IPM Nu roho S.T. M.T. Ph.D.

.49 11201989031001 00307199509 123 022
Alamat : Graha Iskandarsyah JI. IskandarsyahRaya No. 66, KebayoranBaru, Jakarta Selatan 12160
Phone : 021-7254083 Email :

Nomor . 05S/NYlA.TR-01/lCM/SK/7/2020
Hal Konfirmasi PermohonanIzin Kerja Praktik
Kepada Yth.
Bapak/lbu Ketua Jurusn Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik
Universibs MuhammadiyahYogyakarta
JI. Batikan II Kedundang I Kec. Temon, KabupatenKulon Progo, Yogyakarta

Dengan Hormat,

Berdasarkan surat No. 266/D.2-11/KP-TS/V11/2020 pada tanggal 11 Juli 2020, perihal

PermohonanIjin Kerja Praktik (KP) MahasiswaJurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Fakulbs
Sains & Teknologi, maka kami dari Istaka-Catur-Mina,KSOmerima mahasiswa yang diajukan
untuk melaksanakan kerja praktek pada proyek Pembangunan Jalur KA Bandara New
Yogyakarta International Airport Km. 507+600 s/d Km. 507+680 dan Km. 0+000 s/d KM.
1+435 mulai 20 Agustus s.d 20 Oktober 2020. Adapun nama mahasiswa yang tercantum pada
surat permohonan kerja praktik tersebutadalah :

Bagas Dwi Nursya'bani 20170110172

Demikian perihal penerimaan MahasiswaKerja Praktik (KP) yang akan ditempatkandi proyek
yang sedang kami pimpin agar dapat dimanfaatkansebaik baiknya dalam ruang lingkup
menambah wawasan terhadap implementasiilmu yang diperolehselama perkuliahan.

Kulon Progo, 17 Juli 2020


Project Manager

Tembusan :
1. Arsip

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