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Journalists get to cover all kinds of interesting events, from cultural festivals and car shows to political

rallies and criminal trials. Events are great content fodder and fun to attend. The story can be just as much
about attendees and people on the sidelines as those on center stage.

Remember to research every possible angle. If it’s a big event, hundreds of other journalists and bloggers
will also be writing about it, so if you want your piece to stand out, do something different.

1. Do your homework

Research the event thoroughly beforehand. If it’s an annual parade or festival, study past coverage to get an
idea of the main attractions, participants, and audience. Contact the organizers for information such as a list
of speakers or side shows and check if you need to fill out a press pass application. (We’ll cover press
credentials in more detail shortly.)

2. What’s the story? Find Your Lede!

Always look for a relevant and timely angle. What type of content are you planning to write? Is it news?
Entertainment? A feature? What medium are you working in? Is it for a magazine, a blog, or a video? Are
you covering events live? Determine the approximate length and focus of your project beforehand so you
know how much content you need. Readers don’t want a play by play of what happened; they want an
interesting story.

3. Plan ahead

My course on pre-production skills stresses the most important step in producing is the planning process,
whether it’s a full-length documentary or a short segment. The same applies to freelance writing. Small
details are often as important as the content. If you miss half the show because you can’t find a parking spot,
well that’s on you. Are you filming? Snapping photos? Make sure your devices are fully charged and you
have extra batteries.

For notetaking and interviews for print, pack a reporter’s notebook, a handful of pens (that work) and a
voice recorder or simply use a phone app. I like to write down people’s names and titles or have them spell
their names on video or audio, just to make sure everything’s correct. They may be hard to contact after the

If there’s someone well-known hosting or attending the event and you want to interview them, contact the
organizers or their publicist beforehand to find if this is possible. You won’t get time with the president or a
pop star, but you may have access to the local politician who’s MCing a presidential rally or the famous folk
singer performing at a festival.

4. Arrive early and leave late!

I’ve already mentioned this, but please make sure you leave plenty of time to arrive, park, and get to the
right spot. Traffic may be crazy and parking spots limited. You may also have to register and receive a
temporary press pass. (They come in cute lanyards and many journalists and crew like to save them as
souvenirs. I have my own little collection!)
As for staying late? You may stumble upon another story, something unexpected may occur, maybe a
counter protest, or you bump into an interesting person. You just never know what will happen. So, stay
alert throughout and then linger afterwards.

5. Do I need release/consent forms?

For journalistic purposes, you don’t need consent to use a person’s image when at public
events and on public land (like a park or street). But as a courtesy (and to protect yourself), if
interviewing or filming anyone under age 18, I would strongly suggest getting the parent’s
permission regardless.

6. Make notes

Jot down your thoughts as soon as possible after attending an event, so your feelings, observations, and
descriptions are fresh in your mind. What was the atmosphere? How did people act and behave?
Alternatively, you can record your thoughts on your phone when you’re there.

7. Expect the unexpected

At political rallies or protests the audience or crowd are often just as interesting as the politician and
speakers, so make sure to interview as many attendees as possible. If you can, find people with different
views so you can offer a balance of opinions in your piece. This is especially important during election
season. Of course, at a political rally you may only find one side, but you can always ask some challenging
and probing questions to elicit different responses.

8. Interviews

If you spot a famous person at an event and you’d like a quick interview, but didn’t book one beforehand,
just ask their handlers or publicist. The worst they can say is no. I once got an interview with Jason
Alexander (George Castanza from Seinfeld) just by asking the event organizer. He came over immediately,
and we had a great conversation. So, don’t ever be afraid to ask. Be polite, yet bold.

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