Solar Plexus Chakra

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Solar Plexus Chakra

Visualization: Imagine a bright yellow sun glowing in your upper abdomen


The bija (seed) mantra associated with the solar plexus chakra is "Ram".
Here are some more details on the meaning and use of the "Ram" bija mantra:

In Sanskrit, "Ram" represents the empowering sun energies associated with the Manipura or solar plexus chakra.
This chakra is located in the upper abdomen, around the navel area, and governs personal power, self-esteem, and
the process of digestion and metabolism.
Chanting "Ram" is said to help ignite the inner fire or "agni" within the solar plexus, strengthening one's sense of
inner authority and willpower.
The vibration and resonance of "Ram" when intoned works to burn away doubts, fears, and feelings of weakness
holding one back from their full potential.
It enhances confidence, motivation, courage, and the ability to tackle challenges while standing firmly in one's

Guided visualization to balance and energize the sacral or swadhisthana chakra using its associated color, yellow

Begin by taking slow, deep breaths to relax your body and mind. As you exhale, bring your awareness to your lower
abdomen, just below your navel.
Envision this area glowing softly with a warm yellow light. See the sacral chakra within, taking the form of a
luminous yellow lotus flower or sun disc.
Notice how the yellow color radiates outward like rays of sunlight, filling your pelvis and lower back with its
energizing glow.
Within the sacral chakra, visualize streams or droplets of yellow light flowing smoothly like molten gold. Let this
represent the free and balanced movement of creative energies.
If any areas of tension, discomfort, or imbalance are noticed holding your sacral energy, mentally guide these
shades into the flowing yellow mass to be soothed and released.
Chant or intone the mantra "Vam" internally, seeing and feeling its vibration complement and strengthen the
revitalizing rays and currents of yellow.
To finish, sense alignment between your emotional nature and creative expression. Give thanks to your sacral
chakra for supporting pleasure, relationships, and life affirmation.
Feel renewed vitality and balanced forces within as you continue breathing steadily with the sacral center fully
Solar Plexus Chakra and Manipura Mantra

Visualization: Imagine a bright yellow sun glowing in your upper abdomen.

● Mantra: RAM

● The bija (seed) mantra associated with the solar plexus chakra is "Ram."

Meaning and Use:

● In Sanskrit, "Ram" represents the empowering sun energies linked with the Manipura or solar plexus
● Located in the upper abdomen around the navel, this chakra governs personal power, self-esteem, and
the digestive process.
● Chanting "Ram" ignites the inner fire or "agni" within the solar plexus, enhancing inner authority and
● The mantra's vibration works to dispel doubts, fears, and feelings of weakness, fostering confidence,
motivation, courage, and the ability to confront challenges with integrity.

Guided Visualization for Sacral Chakra:

● Take slow, deep breaths to relax. Focus on the lower abdomen, just below the navel.
● Envision a warm yellow glow in this area, forming a luminous yellow lotus or sun disc representing the
sacral chakra.
● Observe the yellow color radiating outward, filling the pelvis and lower back with energizing light.
● Visualize streams of yellow light flowing like molten gold, symbolizing the free and balanced movement of
creative energies.
● Address areas of tension or imbalance by guiding them into the flowing yellow mass for soothing release.
● Internally chant or intone the mantra "Vam," feeling its vibration complement and strengthen the
revitalizing yellow currents.
● Sense alignment between emotional nature and creative expression. Express gratitude to the sacral
chakra for supporting pleasure, relationships, and life affirmation.
● Feel renewed vitality and balanced forces as you continue steady breathing with the fully awakened
sacral center.

The bija mantra "Ram" is associated with the solar plexus chakra, representing empowering sun energies.

Chanting "Ram" aids in igniting the inner fire within this chakra, fostering confidence, motivation, courage, and


​ [Yogapedia - Ram Bija

​ Mahakatha - Manipura Mantra
​ Yogapedia - Manipura Chakra Mantra
​ Ekhart Yoga - Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

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