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This is a document to outline a sales agency agreement between Quartz Business Events Ltd
(World Vape Show Paraguay) and Zena Hassan Yassine. Zena will act as our local
representative for WVS Paraguay taking place on 8 – 9 March 2024:

Role and responsibilities:

The role is to be determined by Jake Nixon and will include the following amongst others:
• Data build – we will send you the company name of those who attended WVS Paraguay 2023
which you will hopefully be able to identify any gaps from retailers and distributors within the
region. If we can start to build data at 100 contacts per month this would give us a larger pool to
then be inviting as the show approaches.
• Identify and create a list of potential regional exhibitors who could be good for WVS Paraguay
and start contacting – starting with Paraguay companies first. As well as this, existing exhibitors
such as Pontocom, House of Vapes are yet to commit so also tying down existing companies
for 2024.
• Identify big US brands who have a strong presence within the South American market for us to
be contacting at HQ.
• Translation work on our website and a WVS Paraguay flyer that we will be producing. This way
we can get some nice artwork put together for you to send digitally to your network and we
would be happy to send you some print copies also.
• Visit the venue to meet with Tom and get some pictures of the finished venue for our website
and social media
• Any client visits that are required within Paraguay and Brazil to the large wholesalers, retailers,
distributors plus any potential exhibitors within the region. Expenses will be covered by Quartz
but to be pre agreed by myself (please let me know of any flight costs if there are a few
companies to see in Sao Paulo for example to approve before booking).


Pricing for the events is set out by WVS and discounts are not to be offered in any
circumstances unless authorised by Jake Nixon. Pricing for exhibitors is £225 per sq/m for
raw space and £285 per sq/m for shell scheme.

Payment terms:

• Quartz will pay you a monthly retainer of $500 per month between September 10 th to March 10th
• You will receive a $1,000 bonus based upon a minimum of 5 local exhibitors attending (min
$20,000) to be paid after the event. This will include when you get Pontocom and House of
Vapes in so you will exceed this I’m sure.
• $1,000 bonus based upon a minimum of 500 individual retailers and distros from the region. To
be paid after the event.

This will give Zena an earning potential of $5,000 for the 6 months

Data Protection:

Data is only to be shared between the two parties and to no one else. By signing this
agreement, no data will be sent or sold to a third party.


At any time both parties can terminate the contract upon written notice of 2 weeks.
Progress update:

Zena to provide a spreadsheet update by close of business each Friday outlining progress and
Jake and Zena to have a weekly call (minimum) to discuss strategy and results.

Signed (on behalf of the World Vape Show)

By: ______________________________________

Date: ____________________________________


By: _______________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

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