A New Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology: I. R. Johnson

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Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology (2000) 10, 176

c 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd

doi:10.1054/cuog.2000.0139, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on


A new Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology

I. R. Johnson
School of Human Development, Academic Division of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK

Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology is changing its for- together the knowledge and practice from several areas
mat, relaunching for 2001to provide relevant, up to date and demonstrating how these are applied to common or
review and reference material for candidates for difficult clinical presentations. To help MRCOG candi-
MRCOG Part II and Specialists in Obstetrics & Gynae- dates and their trainers, each issue will also include an
cology. For the last10 years we have produced a success- example of the type of essay question set in MRCOG
ful quarterly journal with articles covering the major Part II, with a model answer together with true/false
areas of obstetrics and gynaecology and topics of parti- and clinical problem self assessments.
cular interest. These articles have been at the leading Articles have been and are being prepared by author-
edge of knowledge and research in the individual areas. itative authors, recognized experts writing on topics of
In response to feedback from our readers, the format interest, discussing solid, up to date mainstream knowl-
is changing to ensure coverage of the whole curriculum edge and practice and reviewing the evidence on how
of obstetrics and gynaecology without a¡ecting the clinical problems are managed and why. Over any 3 year
quality and usefulness of each individual article.The num- period this will ensure access to up to date and under-
ber of issues is being increased to six per year so that standable information on the full range of current obste-
over 3 years the full range of knowledge and practice in trics and gynaecology.
obstetrics, gynaecology and allied subjects will be cov- The membership of the Editorial Board has evolved
ered at a level suitable for MRCOG Part II candidates. during the last 10 years and has changed again over the
We believe that this will also be invaluable for specialists last 12 months to continue to provide a balance of
in obstetrics and gynaecology, both in their role as trai- expertise amongst the editors. Those of us who have
ners of MRCOG candidates and in keeping up to date been associated with Current Obstetrics & Gynaecol-
across the broad span of the subject area. ogy during the last 10 years are proud of the
Each issue will contain three articles on obstetric to- achievements of the journal and are very much looking
pics in a linked theme and, similarly, three articles on gy- forward to the new format which we believe re£ects
naecological topics in a separate linked theme.Two other the changing needs of specialists and trainees in our
articles will deal with a specific clinical problem, bringing subject.

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