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Paket 03

Soal Latihan Literasi Bahasa Inggris

1. The question is based on the following passage.

The federal government’s plan to cut fertilizer emissions by 30 per cent by 2030 has garnered
significant attention from farmers, agriculture organizations and other industry stakeholders.
Some have argued that the emissions reduction target will threaten food production and lead to
shortages, while others have compared it to the proposed emission cuts in the Netherlands that
have driven Dutch farmers to protest. While similar protests could potentially erupt in Canada, it
is important to understand the differences between the proposals in Canada and the Netherlands.
The targets in the Netherlands call for the significant reduction of excess nitrogen, from both
crop and livestock production, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient loadings
into water. The reduction in nitrogen is to largely happen through a significant reduction in
livestock numbers. The Dutch government has allocated 25 billion euros to buy out over 11,000
livestock farms, while over 17,000 farmers will have to reduce their livestock. The substantial
reductions will be disruptive for many farmers, especially those in the areas with higher
reduction targets. These targets will undoubtedly reduce the amount of Dutch livestock products.
The Canadian reduction target differs from the Dutch target because it focuses on fertilizer-
related emissions in the form of nitrous oxide (an important greenhouse gas), rather than
curtailing the use of fertilizers itself. The distinction between fertilizer greenhouse gas emissions
and overall fertilizer use is important because there are ways of reducing emissions that do not
necessarily require a reduction in fertilizer, and definitely don’t require a reduction in yields. The
Canadian government has also assured farmers that they will not be taking a hard target
regulatory approach to meet the reduction objective.
Massow, M.V, Weersink. A., & Wagner-Riddle. C. (2022). The federal government’s plan to cut
fertilizer emissions will not threaten food security. The Conversation. Taken on October 5, 2022

What is the text about?

A. Responses to federal government’s plan to cut fertilizer emissions
B. Pros and cons of federal government’s plan to cut fertilizer emissions
C. The differences between Canada and the Netherlands' fertilizer emission reduction goals
D. The importance of understanding the targets of cutting fertilizer emissions in Canada
E. The protests against the proposals to cut fertilizer emissions in Canada and the

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2. What is the writer’s attitude toward the federal government’s plan?
A. Critical C. Concerned E. Pessimistic
B. Amused D. Defensive

3. What action does the Dutch government take to reduce emissions of fertilizer?
A. They reduce livestock production by taking over the farm.
B. They use nitrous oxide chemical to control the greenhouse gas.
C. They cut the production budget of livestock farming.
D. They urge the farmers to use nitrous oxide for their livestock.
E. They decrease land size of livestock farms in the Netherlands.

4. By mentioning Canada's different target of reducing fertilizer emission, the writer implies that
A. Canada's yields will eventually be reduced.
B. One way to reduce emissions is by recycling.
C. Agricultural issues are the main concern of the Canadian government.
D. The Government of Canada provides compensation to farmers for reducing their land.
E. Farmers in Canada may continue to work without being concerned about the yields

5. The author's purpose in writing the text is to ....

A. support the idea of cutting the land of farming and livestock as the only step to cut the
greenhouse gas emissions
B. compare different approaches taken by the governments of Canada and the Netherlands
to reduce fertilizer emissions
C. describe the impact of fertilizer emissions for food production and farmers' prosperity in
the Netherlands and Canada
D. discuss how detrimental greenhouse gas emissions are for livestock farming
E. present another way to fertilize the crop without reducing its production

6. The question is based on the following passage.

Many wildlife species are thriving in Europe thanks to protection and re-introduction, a new
report finds. Grey wolves, Eurasian beavers, grey seals, and European bison have seen some of
the strongest recoveries in numbers and geographical range. The report, commissioned by
conservation group Rewilding Europe, looked at 50 European species. It was compiled by the
Zoological Society of London, BirdLife International and the European Bird Census Council.

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The European Wildlife Comeback Report 2022 builds upon earlier research conducted in 2013.
It concentrates mostly on species that have seen recoveries over the past 40 to 50 years. "This
new report not only sheds light on which European wildlife species are recovering well, but why
they are recovering well too," says Rewilding Europe Executive Director Frans Schepers. "By
learning from the success stories, we can maximize wildlife comeback across the board. The
report also shows that we must work hard on many fronts to keep the recovery continuing to
happen and to allow more species to benefit from this."
Grey wolves are one of the greatest success stories, according to the report. They were found in
most areas of Europe at the end of the 18th century before their abundance decreased as human
populations rose. They have now repopulated many regions in Europe, where numbers increased
by nearly 1,800% between 1965 and 2016, according to the report. Some Scandinavian countries
have even allowed culls of wolves in agricultural regions in order to protect livestock.
Bird species such as barnacle geese, griffon vultures, great white egrets and Dalmatian pelicans
are also recovering well. Rewilding Europe credits these improvements to legal protections made
through EU Birds and Habitats Directives and changes in policy and land use. Not all of the
species sampled were on the rise. The ringed seal has an uncertain future as its breeding habitat
has drastically declined due to reduced ice cover, the report stated.
Lead author of the report, Sophie Ledger of ZSL's Institute of Zoology, said the findings gave
grounds for hope. "This report gives cause for optimism and shows that given a chance, and with
well-placed conservation efforts, wildlife can recover" she said.
BBC. (2022). Wildlife protection helps species thrive in Europe - report. Taken on September
30, 2022 from

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The report about the protection and re-introduction of wildlife
B. Wildlife recoveries in Europe due to conservation
C. Maximizing wildlife comeback across the Europe
D. The recovery of wildlife population and habitat
E. Strongest wildlife recoveries in Europe

7. "It concentrates mostly on species ...." (Paragraph 2)

The word it in that sentence refers to ....
A. the research conducted in 2013 D. the European Bird Census Council
B. Rewilding Europe Executive E. the European Wildlife Comeback Report 2022
C. the Zoological Society of London

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8. According to the text, grey wolves ...
A. are the only wildlife species that have been successfully recovered
B. experienced a population growth of around 1,800% in 51 years
C. posed a threat to human population in the 18th century due to their abundance
D. were killed in almost all Scandinavian countries in order to live their livestock
E. can now be found in all regions of Europe thanks to wildlife conservation

9. What will happen to the ringed seals if the ice cover keeps decreasing?
A. They will be used as samples of a study.
B. Their population will stay the same. D. They will flourish in Europe.
C. Their habitat will be protected. E. They will become extinct.

10. "This report gives cause for optimism and shows that given a chance, and with well-placed
conservation efforts, wildlife can recover." (Last paragraph)
The idea in the sentence is best restated as ...
A. Wildlife will flourish when given the right protection efforts.
B. To protect the species, appropriate conservation measures are crucial.
C. Available opportunity combined with appropriate conservation measures can
make wildlife thrive.
D. Given a chance and with the right conservation efforts, wildlife can drastically flourish.
E. The recovery of wildlife species depends on the available opportunity and
conservation measures taken.

11. Despite the positive impact of conservation efforts on European wildlife, ...
A. Researchers are still finding out how to continue the efforts.
B. Some species may not be able to adapt with climate change.
C. More and more wildlife species are threatened with extinction.
D. The animals may still struggle to survive due to difficulty finding mates.
E. There are still challenges to recovering all animal species.

12. Which of the following has contributed to the recovery of bird species in Europe?
A. Rewilding Europe D. BirdLife International
B. European Bird Census Council E. Changes in policy and land use
C. Birds protection law

13. The continuation of conservation efforts are needed ….

A. to limit the number of species populations

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B. to ensure the survival of many wildlife species
C. because the life of some species affects the others
D. so that future generations can enjoy our natural world
E. as it is the most effective way to maximize wildlife comeback

14. The word abundance in the third paragraph is synonymous with ....
A. plenty C. presence E. population
B. crowd D. existence

15.The text is for the following question.

Is high school rank still important when applying to colleges?

okta_90 replied to Hendra77

Being top in your class does not mean an automatic acceptance at a college or university. As
more colleges move toward holistic admissions, other factors are becoming increasingly
important, including extracurricular activities, essays and in some cases, test scores.

jessicahiro replied to Hendra77

Some scholarships require applicants to have achieved a certain class rank or percentile (such as
top 25% of your class) in order to be applicable. Like colleges, scholarship committees may also
use class rank as one criterion to judge a student's academic abilities, along with GPA and
standardized test scores.

Stephen_seven replied to Hendra77

Class rank has been a norm for so many years. It's something that has been tried and tested.
However, the trend is moving away from that and looking at the individual strengths of a
candidate for college admissions.

Darwin_A replied to Hendra77

Class rank is a measure of how a student's performance compares to other students in their class.
Your class rank is determined by comparing your GPA to the GPA of people in the same grade
as you.

Angga_Syaputra replied to Hendra77

High school class rank absolutely matters if you’re competing for a top-ranked college. At Yale,

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92% of the Class of 2023 ranked in the top 10%. At Columbia, 95% of students admitted to the
Class of 2023 were in the top 10% of their class.

Who speak about the advantages of the ranking system for students?
A. okta_90 and Stephen_Steven D. Darwin_A and jessicahiro
B. jessicahiro and Angga_Syaputra E. Angga_Syaputra and okta_90
C. Stephen_seven and Angga_Syaputra

16. The word determined in Darwin A's post is closest in meaning to ....
A. placed C. observed E. insisted
B. scored D. decided

17. Whose statement is irrelevant to Hendra77's question?

A. okta_90 B. jessicahiro C. Stephen_seven D. Darwin_A E. Angga_Syaputra

18. The question is based on the following passages.

Herd immunity may be achieved through vaccination. Vaccination creates immunity without
having to contract a disease. Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight
disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease, but
vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease
in question and passing on the pathogen, breaking any chains of transmission. In addition,
vaccination can also keep vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccinated (e.g. due to health
conditions like allergic reactions to the vaccine) safe and protected from the disease. To safely
achieve herd immunity against Covid-19, a substantial proportion of a population would need to
be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population.
Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most
severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet—
protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA
Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by
88% for at least 10 months, the study found. “This is really good news, in the sense that
protection against severe disease and death after infection is really quite sustained at 10 months,”
said the senior study author, Dr. Christopher Murray, the director of the Institute for Health
Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. The findings may be a small silver

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lining to the explosive omicron outbreak of last winter. With so many people infected, many
most likely still benefit from that protection against severe disease, Murray said.
Syal, A. (2023). Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against
severe illness and death, study finds. nbcnews. Adapted on 29 March 2023 from

What is the relationship between Text 1 and 2?

A. Text 1 describes the advantages of using vaccines over the infection methods discussed in
text 2.
B. Text 1 explains how vaccines can help increase acquired immunity from the Covid
infection discussed in text 2.
C. Both texts explain what scientists have done to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
D. Both texts provided strategies for achieving herd immunity.
E. Text 2 explains how herd immunity mentioned in text 1 is improved to reduce the spread
of Covid-19.

19. Which of the following statements is an opinion from both texts?

A. The findings may be a small silver lining to the explosive omicron outbreak of last
B. Vaccination creates immunity without having to contract a disease.
C. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing on the
pathogen, breaking any chains of transmission.
D. Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease.
E. Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization.

20. Which of the following statements best reflects the author's persuasive attitude toward the
importance of vaccination?
A. Vaccines work without making us sick.
B. Vaccination creates immunity without having to contract a disease.
C. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing on the
pathogen, breaking any chains of transmission.
D. Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as
E. To safely achieve herd immunity against Covid-19, a substantial proportion of a
population (including you and your family) would need to be vaccinated.

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