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10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz


Salvation History Quiz 50 Questions

1. What are the seven deadly sins also known as?

A Cordinal sins B Ordinal sins

C Practical sins D Cardinal sins

2. What is an excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the
individual's recognition of the grace of God?

A Lust B Envy

C Humility D Pride

3. What is NOT 'thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less'?

A Envy B Humility

C Pride D Lust

4. What is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situations?

A Humility B Pride

C Envy D Lust

5. What is a sin in the form of inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body?

A Gluttony B Lust

C Sloth D Pride 1
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

6. What is sloth?

A Sloth B Selfishness

C Disobedience D Laziness

7. Which category of sin has more severe guilt?

A Mortal B Zealous

C Immoral D Moral

8. What virtue do faithful married couples exemplify?

A Chastity B Morality

C Clarity D Charity

9. What heavenly virtue is exemplified by 'Going on a Diet'?

A Greed B Kindness

C Temperance D Sloth

10. What did Abel offer to God?

A Kindness B Charity

C Purity D Satisfaction

11. Who did God choose to build the Ark?

A Cain B Abel

C Noah D Adam

12. Who killed his own brother out of jealousy?

A Noah B Abel

C Cain D Adam 2
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

13. Who tempted Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

A Abel B Noah

C Cain D Adam

14. What is an account of the creation of the world?

A Exodus B Genesis

C Numbers D Leviticus

15. What did God name the darkness?

A Sun B Moon

C Night D Day

16. What is the opposite of humility?

A Pride B Lust

C Sloth D Envy

17. What is the virtue that opposes greed?

A Kindness B Humility

C Temperance D Chastity

18. Which sin is associated with excessive eating or drinking?

A Gluttony B Pride

C Lust D Sloth 3
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

19. What was the earth like before God began to create?

A barren desert with scorching heat

Formless and empty with darkness
A and no signs of life. B
covering the surface of the deep.

A peaceful and serene place with A lush paradise with abundant

clear blue skies and gentle breezes. vegetation and wildlife.

20. What did God create on the fourth day?

A sun, moon, and oceans B sun, moon, and stars

C sun, moon, and land D sun, moon, and trees

21. What was the name of Adam and Eve’s first son?

A Noah B Seth

C Abel D Cain

22. What was the name of Adam and Eve’s second son?

A Cain B Seth

C Abel D Noah

23. Who tempted Eve to eat from the forbidden tree?

A dragon B snake

C lizard D serpent

24. How did original sin affect humanity?

Original sin resulted in a closer

B Original sin had no effect on humanity.
A relationship with God.

Original sin brought about physical Original sin introduced a state of sin
death but not spiritual death. and separation from God, resulting in
spiritual death and a tendency towards
sinfulness. 4
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

25. What was Cain’s occupation?

A farmer B blacksmith

C fisherman D shepherd

26. What was Abel’s occupation?

A Shepherd B Farmer

C Doctor D Teacher

27. What was the length of the ark that Noah built?

A 200 cubits B 100 cubits

C 300 cubits D 400 cubits

28. What was the width of the ark that Noah built?

A 50 cubits B 200 cubits

C 100 cubits D Not mentioned

29. What was the height of the ark that Noah built?

A 50 cubits B 30 cubits

C 20 cubits D 40 cubits

30. How many days and nights did it rain during the Great Flood?

A 10 B 40

C 30 D 20

31. What were the names of Noah’s three sons?

A Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob B Adam, Cain, and Abel

C Shem, Ham, and Japheth D Shem, Ham, and Japheth 5
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

32. What was the first bird that Noah sent out from the ark to look for land?

A raven B dove

C sparrow D eagle

33. What was the second bird that Noah sent out from the ark to look for land?

A sparrow B dove

C eagle D pigeon

34. In which book of The Bible is The Great Flood story found?

A Numbers B Leviticus

C Exodus D Genesis

35. Which mountain range is believed by some scholars as a possible location where
Noah’s Ark landed?

A Mount Kilimanjaro B Mount Fuji

C Mount Everest D Mount Ararat

36. What did God do to the people who built the Tower of Babel?

God confused their language and

God turned the people who built the
A scattered them across the earth. B
Tower of Babel into animals.

God destroyed the Tower of Babel God rewarded the people who built the
and killed the people. Tower of Babel with great riches.

37. Who was Nimrod?

Nimrod was a famous Greek

Nimrod was a biblical figure mentioned
A philosopher. B
in the Book of Genesis.

Nimrod was a legendary superhero Nimrod was a character in a

from a comic book series. Shakespearean play. 6
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

38. What materials were used to build the Tower of Babel?

A stone and wood B bricks and mortar

C clay and straw D steel and concrete

39. How many languages were spoken before the construction of the Tower of Babel?

A 2 B 10

C 100 D 1

40. How did God punish Cain for killing Abel?

God erased his memory and gave

God banished him to a faraway land.
A him a new identity. B

God cursed him and made him a God turned him into a stone statue.
wanderer on the earth. D

41. What is the definition of gluttony?

Gluttony refers to the act of eating in

Gluttony is the act of eating only
moderation and maintaining a
A B healthy and nutritious food.
balanced diet.

Gluttony is the practice of fasting and The definition of gluttony is the

C abstaining from food. D excessive and habitual eating or
consumption of food or drink.

42. What is the definition of lust?

A strong desire or craving, often of a

A state of extreme anger or rage.
A sexual nature. B

A type of fruit that is small and round. A feeling of deep affection and
attachment. 7
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

43. What are some examples of wrath?

A love, compassion, empathy B anger, rage, fury, and outrage

C happiness, joy, contentment D peace, calmness, serenity

44. What are some examples of greed?

Hoarding wealth, exploiting others,

Giving to charity, being content with
excessive desire for material
A B what you have, sharing resources

Saving money, investing wisely, being Helping others, being selfless,

financially responsible practicing gratitude

45. What are some examples of envy?

Desiring to have what someone else

Feeling jealous of someone's success,
A B wealth, popularity, or physical

Feeling bitter towards someone's good Feeling resentful towards someone's

fortune. achievements or possessions.

46. What is the definition of pride?

A feeling of fear or anxiety derived

A feeling of deep shame or guilt
from one's own achievements,
A B derived from one's own achievements,
qualities, or possessions.
qualities, or possessions.

A feeling of deep pleasure or A feeling of indifference or apathy

satisfaction derived from one's own towards one's own achievements,
achievements, qualities, or qualities, or possessions.

47. What is the virtue of Charity?

A Giving selflessly to others in need B Donating money to oneself

C Ignoring the needs of others D Helping others for personal gain 8
10/25/23, 7:41 AM Salvation History Quiz

48. What is the virtue of Humility?

Humility is the virtue of always putting

Humility is the virtue of being arrogant
A oneself first and disregarding others. B
and boastful about one's abilities or

Humility is the virtue of constantly Humility is the virtue of recognizing

C seeking attention and praise for one's D one's own limitations and being modest
actions. about one's abilities or achievements.

49. What is the virtue of Patience?

The virtue of Patience is the ability to

The virtue of Patience is the ability to
A wait calmly for something or someone B
give up easily when faced with
without getting angry or frustrated.

The virtue of Patience is the ability to The virtue of Patience is the ability to
C wait for something or someone without D rush and make impulsive decisions
any time limit. without thinking.

50. What is the difference between the Seven Heavenly Virtues and the Seven
Deadly Sins?

The Seven Heavenly Virtues are The Seven Heavenly Virtues promote
A negative qualities, while the Seven B moral goodness, while the Seven
Deadly Sins are positive qualities. Deadly Sins promote moral corruption.

The Seven Heavenly Virtues are based The Seven Heavenly Virtues are
C on biblical teachings, while the Seven D related to religion, while the Seven
Deadly Sins are not. Deadly Sins are not. 9

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