Taller Analisis Tema 2

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The functions f and g are defined such that f (x) = 4
and g (x) = 8x + 5.

1a. Show that (g ∘ f) (x) = 2x + 11. [2 marks]

attempt to form composition M1

correct substitution g ( x+3

) = 8 ( x+3
)+5 A1

(g ∘ f) (x) = 2x + 11 AG
[2 marks]
1b. Given that (g ∘ f)−1 (a) = 4, find the value of a. [3 marks]

attempt to substitute 4 (seen anywhere) (M1)
correct equation a = 2 × 4 + 11 (A1)
a = 19 A1
[3 marks]

Consider a function f , such that f(x) = 5. 8 sin ( π6 (x + 1)) + b, 0 ≤ x ≤ 10,
b ∈ R.

2a. Find the period of f . [2 marks]

correct approach A1
π 2π
eg 6
= period
(or equivalent)

period = 12 A1
[2 marks]
The function f has a local maximum at the point (2, 21.8) , and a local minimum
at (8, 10.2).

2b. Find the value of b. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg 2 b = max − amplitude
2 , or equivalent
b = 16 A1
[2 marks]

2c. Hence, find the value of f (6). [2 marks]

attempt to substitute into their function (M1)
5.8 sin ( π6 (6 + 1)) + 16
f (6) = 13.1 A1
[2 marks]

A second function g is given by g(x) = p sin ( 29π (x − 3.75)) + q, 0 ≤ x ≤ 10; p,
q ∈ R.
The function g passes through the points (3, 2.5) and (6, 15.1).

2d. Find the value of p and the value of q. [5 marks]

valid attempt to set up a system of equations (M1)
two correct equations A1
p sin ( 29π (3 − 3.75)) + q = 2.5, p sin ( 29π (6 − 3.75)) + q = 15.1
valid attempt to solve system (M1)
p = 8.4; q = 6.7 A1A1
[5 marks]

2e. Find the value of x for which the functions have the greatest difference. [2 marks]

attempt to use |f(x) − g(x)| to find maximum difference (M1)
x = 1.64 A1

[2 marks]

∈R ( )= −2
f and g are defined for x ∈ R by f(x)= x − 2 and
3. The functions [6 marks]
g(x)= ax + b, where a, b ∈ R.
Given that (f ∘ g)(2)= −3 and (g ∘ f)(1)= 5, find the value of a and the value of
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
(f ∘ g)(x)= ax + b − 2 (M1)
(f ∘ g)(2)= −3 ⇒ 2a + b − 2 = −3(2a + b = −1) A1
(g ∘ f)(x)= a(x − 2)+b (M1)
(g ∘ f)(1)= 5 ⇒ −a + b = 5 A1
a valid attempt to solve their two linear equations for a and b M1
so a = −2 and b = 3 A1
[6 marks]

= −1 − √ + 3 ≥ −3
The following diagram shows the graph of y = −1 − √x + 3 for x ≥ −3.

4a. Describe a sequence of transformations that transforms the graph of [3 marks]

y = √x for x ≥ 0 to the graph of y = −1 − √x + 3 for x ≥ −3.
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
for example,
a reflection in the x-axis (in the line y = 0) A1
a horizontal translation (shift) 3 units to the left A1
a vertical translation (shift) down by 1 unit A1
Note: Award A1 for each correct transformation applied in a correct position
in the sequence. Do not accept use of the “move” for a translation.
Note: Award A1A1A1 for a correct alternative sequence of transformations.
For example,
a vertical translation (shift) down by 1 unit, followed by a horizontal translation
(shift) 3 units to the left and then a reflection in the line y = −1.
[3 marks]

A function f is defined by f(x)= −1 − √x + 3 for x ≥ −3.

4b. State the range of f . [1 mark]

range is f(x)≤ −1 A1
Note: Correct alternative notations include ]−∞, −1], (−∞, −1] or y ≤ −1.
[1 mark]

4c. Find an expression for f −1 (x), stating its domain. [5 marks]

−1 − √y + 3 = x M1
Note: Award M1 for interchanging x and y (can be done at a later stage).
√y + 3 = −x − 1(= −(x + 1)) A1
y + 3 = (x + 1)2 A1
so f −1 (x)= (x + 1)2 − 3(f −1 (x)= x2 + 2x − 2) A1
domain is x ≤ −1 A1
Note: Correct alternative notations include ]−∞, −1] or (−∞, −1].
[5 marks]

= ( )
4d. Find the coordinates of the point(s) where the graphs of y = f(x) and [5 marks]
y = f −1 (x) intersect.
the point of intersection lies on the line y =x

(x + 1)2 − 3 = x M1
attempts to solve their quadratic equation M1
−1±√12−4 ( 1 ) ( −2 )
for example, (x + 2)(x − 1)= 0 or x = 2 (x = 2 )

−1 − √x + 3 = x M1
(−1 − √x + 3) = x2 ⇒ 2√x + 3 + x + 4 = x2
substitutes 2√x + 3 = −2(x + 1) to obtain −2(x + 1)+x + 4 = x2
attempts to solve their quadratic equation M1
−1±√12−4 ( 1 ) ( −2 )
for example, (x + 2)(x − 1)= 0 or x = 2 (x = 2 )

x = −2, 1 A1
as x ≤ −1, the only solution is x = −2 R1
so the coordinates of the point of intersection are (−2, −2) A1
Note: Award R0A1 if (−2, −2) is stated without a valid reason given for
rejecting (1, 1).
[5 marks]

O 3
The following diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 3.

Points A, P and B lie on the circumference of the circle.

Chord [AB] has length L and AÔB = θ radians.

5a. Show that arc APB has length 6π − 3θ. [2 marks]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
uses the arc length formula (M1)
arc length is 3(2π − θ) A1
length of arc AB is 3θ A1
the sum of the lengths of arc AB and arc APB is 6π A1
so arc APB has length 6π − 3θ AG
[2 marks]
5b. Show that L = √18 − 18 cos θ. [2 marks]

uses the cosine rule (M1)
L2 = 32 + 32 − 2(3)(3) cos θ A1
so L = √18 − 18 cos θ AG
[2 marks]

5c. Arc APB is twice the length of chord [AB] . [3 marks]

Find the value of θ.
6π − 3θ = 2√18 − 18 cos θ A1
attempts to solve for θ (M1)
θ = 2. 49 A1
[3 marks]

6. The quadratic equation (k − 1)x2 + 2x +(2k − 3)= 0, where k ∈ R, has [5 marks]

real distinct roots.
Find the range of possible values for k.
* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
attempts to find an expression for the discriminant, Δ , in terms of k (M1)
Δ = 4 − 4(k − 1)(2k − 3)(= −8k2 + 20k − 8) (A1)
−2±√4−4 ( k−1 ) ( 2k−3 )
Note: Award M1A1 for finding x= 2 ( k−1 )

attempts to solve Δ > 0 for k (M1)

Note: Award M1 for attempting to solve Δ = 0 for k.
2 < k < 2 A1A1
Note: Award A1 for obtaining critical values k = 12 , 2 and A1 for correct
inequality signs.
[5 marks]

The temperature T °C of water t minutes after being poured into a cup can be
modelled by T = T0 e−kt where t ≥ 0 and T0 , k are positive constants.
The water is initially boiling at 100 °C. When t = 10, the temperature of the water
is 70 °C.

7a. Show that T0 = 100. [1 mark]

* This sample question was produced by experienced DP mathematics senior
examiners to aid teachers in preparing for external assessment in the new
MAA course. There may be minor differences in formatting compared to
formal exam papers.
when t = 0, T = 100 ⇒ 100 = T0 e0 A1
so T0 = 100 AG
[1 mark]

7b. Show that k = 1 ln 10 . [3 marks]

10 7
correct substitution of t = 10, T = 70 M1
70 = 100e−10k or e−10k = 10
−10k = ln 10
ln 10
= − ln 10
or − ln 7
= ln 10

e10k = 10
10k = ln 7

k= 10
ln 10

[3 marks]

7c. Find the temperature of the water when t = 15. [2 marks]

substitutes t = 15 into T (M1)
T = 58. 6 (°C) A1
[2 marks]
7d. Sketch the graph of T versus t, clearly indicating any asymptotes with [4 marks]
their equations and stating the coordinates of any points of intersection
with the axes.

a decreasing exponential A1
starting at(0, 100) labelled on the graph or stated A1
T → 0 as t → ∞ A1
horizontal asymptote T = 0 labelled on the graph or stated A1
Note: Award A0 for stating y = 0 as the horizontal asymptote.
[4 marks]

50 °C
7e. Find the time taken for the water to have a temperature of 50 °C. Give [4 marks]
your answer correct to the nearest second.
100e−kt = 50 where k = 10
ln 10

uses an appropriate graph to attempt to solve for t (M1)
1 1 10
manipulates logs to attempt to solve for t e.g. ln 2 =(− 10 ln 7
)t (M1)
t= ln2 = 19. 433 … A1
1 10
10 7

temperature will be 50 °C after 19 minutes and 26 seconds A1
[4 marks]

7f. The model for the temperature of the water can also be expressed in the [3 marks]
form T = T0 a 10 for t ≥ 0 and a is a positive constant.
Find the exact value of a .
substitutes T0 = 100, t = 10 and T = 70 into T = T0 a 10 (M1)
70 = 100a 10 A1
a= 10

100a 10 = 100e−kt where k = 10
ln 10
e−k = a 10 ⇒ a = e−10k (M1)
( - 101 ln )t
a = (e )
10 t
7 (M1)


a = e− ln 7 (= eln 10 ) A1
10 7

a= 10

[3 marks]

2 +6
Let f (x) = x2+6x+10
, x ∈ R.

8a. Show that f (x) has no vertical asymptotes. [3 marks]

x2 + 6x + 10 = x2 + 6x + 9 + 1 = (x + 3)2 + 1 M1A1
So the denominator is never zero and thus there are no vertical asymptotes.
(or use of discriminant is negative) R1
[3 marks]

8b. Find the equation of the horizontal asymptote. [2 marks]

x → ±∞, f (x) → 0 so the equation of the horizontal asymptote is y = 0
[2 marks]

8c. 1 [3 marks]

Find the exact value of 0 f (x) dx, giving the answer in the form
ln q, q ∈ Q.

∫ 1
2x+6 17
dx = [ln (x2 + 6x + 10)]0 = ln 17 − ln 10 = ln 10

[3 marks]

( )= −2 + 3 ∈R
Let f(x)= −2x + 3, for x ∈ R.

9a. The graph of a linear function g is parallel to the graph of f and passes [2 marks]
through the origin. Find an expression for g(x).

gradient of g is −2 (may be seen in function, do not accept −2x + 3)
g(x)= −2x A1

[2 marks]

9b. The graph of a linear function h is perpendicular to the graph of f and [3 marks]
passes through the point (−1, 2) . Find an expression for h(x).
gradient is 12 (may be seen in function) (A1)
attempt to substitute their gradient and (−1, 2) into any form of equation for
straight line (M1)
y − 2 = 12 (x + 1) OR 2 = 1
2 ⋅(−1)+c
h(x)= 12 (x + 1)+2 (= 12 x + 52 ) A1

[3 marks]

9c. Find (g ∘ h)(0). [2 marks]

(g ∘ h)(x)= −2( 12 x + 52 ) OR h(0)= 5
2 OR g( 52 ) (A1)
(g ∘ h)(0)= −5 A1

[2 marks]

(3, 2)
10a. The graph of a quadratic function f has its vertex at the point (3,
2) [3 marks]
and it intersects the x-axis at x = 5. Find f in the form f(x) = a(x − h) + k.

correct substitution of h = 3 and k = 2 into f(x) (A1)

f(x)= a(x − 3)2 + 2

correct substitution of (5, 0) (A1)

0 = a(5 − 3)2 + 2 (a = − 12 )

Note: The first two A marks are independent.

f(x)= − 12 (x − 3)2 + 2 A1

[3 marks]

2 R
The quadratic function g is defined by g(x)= px2 +(t − 1)x − p where x ∈ R and
p, t ∈ R, p ≠ 0.

In the case where g(−3)= g(1)= 4,

10b. find the value of p and the value of t. [4 marks]

correct substitution of (1, 4) (A1)
p +(t − 1)−p = 4
t=5 A1
substituting their value of t into 9p − 3(t − 1)−p = 4 (M1)
8p − 12 = 4
p=2 A1

correct substitution of ONE of the coordinates (−3, 4) or (1, 4)
9p − 3(t − 1)−p = 4 OR p +(t − 1)−p = 4
valid attempt to solve their two equations (M1)
p = 2, t = 5 A1A1
(g(x)= 2x2 + 4x − 2)

[4 marks]

10c. find the range of g . [3 marks]

attempt to find the x-coordinate of the vertex (M1)
x= −3+1
2 (= −1) OR −4
2×2 OR 4x + 4 = 0 OR 2(x + 1)2 − 4
y-coordinate of the vertex = −4 (A1)
correct range A1
[−4, + ∞[ OR y ≥ −4 OR g ≥ −4 OR [−4, ∞)

[3 marks]

( )= − + 3 ∈R
10d. The linear function j is defined by j(x)= −x + 3p where x ∈ R and [6 marks]
p ∈ R, p ≠ 0.
Show that the graphs of j(x)= −x + 3p and g(x)= px2 +(t − 1)x − p have two
distinct points of intersection for every possible value of p and t.
equating the two functions or equations (M1)
g(x)= j(x) OR px2 +(t − 1)x − p = −x + 3p
px2 + tx − 4p = 0 (A1)
attempt to find discriminant (do not accept only in quadratic formula)
Δ = t2 + 16p2 A1
Δ = t2 + 16p2 > 0, because t2 ≥ 0 and p2 > 0, therefore the sum will be
positive R1R1

Note: Award R1 for recognising that Δ is positive and R1 for the reason.

There are two distinct points of intersection between the graphs of g and j.

[6 marks]

50 86. 4
11. geometric sequence has a first term of 50 and a fourth term of 86. 4. [5 marks]
The sum of the first n terms of the sequence is Sn .
Find the smallest value of n such that Sn > 33 500.
86. 4 = 50r3 (A1)

r = 1. 2(= √
3 86.4
) seen anywhere (A1)

50 ( 1.2n−1 )
> 33500 OR 250(1. 2n − 1)= 33500 (A1)
attempt to solve their geometric Sn inequality or equation (M1)
sketch OR n > 26. 9045, n = 26. 9 OR S26 = 28368. 8 OR S27 = 34092. 6
OR algebraic manipulation involving logarithms
n = 27 accept n ≥ 27 A1

[5 marks]

12. The population of a town t years after 1 January 2014 can be modelled [7 marks]
by the function
P (t)= 15 000ekt , where k < 0 and t ≥ 0.
It is known that between 1 January 2014 and 1 January 2022 the population
decreased by 11%.
Use this model to estimate the population of this town on 1 January 2041.
recognition that initial population is 15000 (seen anywhere) (A1)
P (0)= 15000 OR 0. 11 × 15000 OR 0. 89 × 15000
population after 11% decrease is 15000 × 0. 89(= 13350) (A1)
recognizing that t = 8 on 1 January 2022 (seen anywhere) (A1)
substitution of their value of t for 1 January 2022 and their value of P (8) into
the model (M1)
15000 × 0. 89 = 15000e8k OR 13350 = 15000e8k
k= ln0.89 (−0. 014566) (A1)
substitution of t = 2041 − 2014(= 27) and their value for k into the model
P (27)= 15000e−0.0145…×27
10122. 3 …
P (27)= 10100 (10122) A1

[7 marks]

A(−2, 20) B(4, 6) C(−14, 12)

Consider the points A(−2, 20), B(4, 6) and C(−14, 12). The line L passes
through the point A and is perpendicular to [BC].

13a. Find the equation of L. [3 marks]

mBC = −14−4
(= − 13 ) (A1)
finding mL = mBC
using their mBC (M1)

mL = 3
y − 20 = 3(x + 2), y = 3x + 26 A1

Note: Do not accept L = 3x + 26

[3 marks]

( , 2)
13b. The lineL passes through the point (k, 2). [2 marks]
Find the value of k.

substituting (k, 2) into their L (M1)
2 − 20 = 3(k + 2) OR 2 = 3k + 26
k = −8 A1

[2 marks]

Consider the functions f(x) = √3 sin x + cos x where 0 ≤ x ≤ π and g(x) = 2x

where x ∈ R.

14a. Find (f ∘ g)(x). [2 marks]

(f ∘ g)(x) = f(2x) (A1)
f(2x)= √3 sin 2x + cos 2x A1

[2 marks]

14b. Solve the equation (f ∘ g)(x) = 2 cos 2x where 0 ≤ x ≤ π. [5 marks]

√3 sin 2x + cos 2x = 2 cos 2x
√3 sin 2x = cos 2x
recognising to use tan or cot M1
tan 2x = OR cot 2x = √3 (values may be seen in right triangle)

(arctan( 1
)=) π6 (seen anywhere) (accept degrees) (A1)

2x = π
, 76π
π 7π
x= 12 , 12 A1A1

Note: Do not award the final A1 if any additional solutions are seen.
Award A1A0 for correct answers in degrees.
Award A0A0 for correct answers in degrees with additional values.

[5 marks]

Consider the series ln x + p ln x + 13 ln x + …, where x ∈ R, x > 1 and

p ∈ R, p ≠ 0.

Consider the case where the series is geometric.

15a. Show that 1 [2 marks]

p=± .
attempt to use a ratio from consecutive terms M1
ln x
pln x
ln x
= 3
pln x
OR 13 ln 1
x =(ln x)r2 OR p ln x = ln x( 3p )

Note: Candidates may use ln x1 + ln xp + ln x 3 … and consider the powers
of x in geometric sequence
Award M1 for 1 = 3

r = p and r2 = 3

1 1
p2 = 3
OR r=± A1
p=± AG

1 1
Note: Award M0A0 for r2 = 3
or p2 = 3
with no other working seen.

[2 marks]

>0 = 3 + √3
15b. Given that p > 0 and S∞ = 3 + √3, find the value of x. [3 marks]

ln x
1 (= 3 + √3) (A1)

3 √3
ln x = 3 − + √3 − OR ln x = 3 − √3 + √3 − 1 (⇒ ln x = 2)
√3 √3
x = e2 A1

[3 marks]
Now consider the case where the series is arithmetic with common difference d.

15c. Show that p = 23 . [3 marks]

attempt to find a difference from consecutive terms or from u2 M1
correct equation A1
p ln x − ln x = 13 ln x − p ln x OR 1
ln x = ln x + 2(p ln x − ln x)

Note: Candidates may use ln x1 + ln xp + ln x 3 + … and consider the
powers of x in arithmetic sequence.
Award M1A1 for p−1= 3

2p ln x = 43 ln x (⇒ 2p = 43 ) A1
p= 3

u 1+ u 3
attempt to use arithmetic mean u2 = 2 M1
ln x+ ln x
p ln x = 2

2p ln x = 43 ln x (⇒ 2p = 43 ) A1
p= 3

attempt to find difference using u3 M1
ln x = ln x + 2d (⇒ d = − 13 ln x)

u2 = ln x + 12 ( 13 ln x − ln x) OR p ln x − ln x = − 13 ln x A1

p ln x = 23 ln x A1
p= 3

[3 marks]

ln ∈Q
15d. Write down d in the form k ln x, where k ∈ Q. [1 mark]

d = − 13 ln x A1

[1 mark]

−3 ln
15e. The sum of the first n terms of the series is −3 ln x. [6 marks]
Find the value of n.
Sn = n [2
2 ln x +(n − 1)×(− 13 ln x)]
attempt to substitute into Sn and equate to −3 ln x (M1)
n [2
2 ln x +(n − 1)×(− 13 ln x)]= −3 ln x
correct working with Sn (seen anywhere) (A1)
n [2 ln x − n ln x + 1 ln n ( n−1 )
2 3 3
x] OR n ln x − 6
ln x OR
n (ln x +( 4− n
)ln x)
2 3

correct equation without ln x A1

n( 7 n ( n−1 )
2 3 − n3 )= −3 OR n − 6
= −3 or equivalent

Note: Award as above if the series 1 + p + 13 + … is considered leading to

n( 7 − n3 )= −3.
2 3

attempt to form a quadratic =0 (M1)

n2 − 7n − 18 = 0
attempt to solve their quadratic (M1)
(n − 9)(n + 2)= 0
n=9 A1

listing the first 7 terms of the sequence (A1)
ln x + 23 ln x + 13 ln x + 0 − 13 ln x − 23 ln x − ln x + …
recognizing first 7 terms sum to 0 M1
8th term is − 43 ln x (A1)

9th term is − 53 ln x (A1)

sum of 8th and 9th term = −3 ln x (A1)
n=9 A1

[6 marks]
The graph of the quadratic function f(x) = c + bx − x2 intersects the x-axis at
the point A(−1, 0) and has its vertex at the point B(3, 16).

16a. Write down the equation of the axis of symmetry for this graph. [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
x=3 (A1)(A1) (C2)

Note: Award (A1) for x = constant, (A1) for the constant being 3.
The answer must be an equation.

[2 marks]
16b. Find the value of b. [2 marks]

=3 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into axis of symmetry formula.

b − 2x = 0 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correctly differentiating and equating to zero.

c + b(−1) − (−1)2 = 0 (or equivalent)
c + b(3) − (3)2 = 16 (or equivalent) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution of (−1, 0) and (3, 16) in the
original quadratic function.

(b =) 6 (A1)(ft) (C2)

Note: Follow through from part (a).

[2 marks]

( )
16c. Write down the range of f(x). [2 marks]

(−∞, 16] OR ]−∞, 16] (A1)(A1)

Note: Award (A1) for two correct interval endpoints, (A1) for left endpoint
excluded and right endpoint included.

[2 marks]

= ( ) −6 ⩽ ⩽ −2
The following diagram shows the graph of a function y = f(x), for −6 ⩽ x ⩽ −2.
The points (−6, 6) and (−2, 6) lie on the graph of f . There is a minimum point at
(−4, 0).

17a. Write down the range of f . [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
correct interval A2 N2
eg 0 ⩽ y ⩽ 6, [0, 6], from 0 to 6
[2 marks]

( ) = ( − 5)
Let g(x) = f(x − 5).

17b. Write down the domain of g . [2 marks]

correct interval A2 N2
eg −1 ⩽ x ⩽ 3, [−1, 3], from −1 to 3
[2 marks]

Let f(x) = x2 − 1 and g(x) = x2 − 2, for x ∈ R.

18a. Show that (f ∘ g)(x) = x4 − 4x2 + 3. [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
attempt to form composite in either order (M1)
eg f(x2 − 2), (x2 − 1)2 − 2
(x4 − 4x2 + 4) − 1 A1
(f ∘ g)(x) = x4 − 4x2 + 3 AG N0
[2 marks]

18b. On the following grid, sketch the graph of (f ∘ g)(x), for 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 2.25. [3 marks]


A1A1 N3

Note: Award A1 for approximately correct shape which changes from

concave down to concave up. Only if this A1 is awarded, award the following:
A1 for left hand endpoint in circle and right hand endpoint in oval,
A1 for minimum in oval.

[3 marks]

( ∘ )( ) = 0⩽ ⩽ 2.25
18c. The equation (f ∘ g)(x) = k has exactly two solutions, for 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 2.25[3 marks]
. Find the possible values of k.

evidence of identifying max/min as relevant points (M1)
eg x = 0, 1.41421, y = −1, 3
correct interval (inclusion/exclusion of endpoints must be correct) A2 N3
eg −1 < k ⩽ 3, ]−1, 3] , (−1, 3]
[3 marks]

Let f(x) = x2 − 4x + 5.

The function can also be expressed in the form f(x) = (x − h)2 + k.

19. (i) Write down the value of h . [4 marks]

(ii) Find the value of k.

(i) h=2 A1 N1
(ii) METHOD 1
valid attempt to find k (M1)
correct substitution into their function (A1)
eg(2)2 − 4(2) + 5
k=1 A1 N2
valid attempt to complete the square (M1)
egx2 − 4x + 4
correct working (A1)
eg(x2 − 4x + 4) − 4 + 5, (x − 2)2 + 1
k=1 A1 N2
[4 marks]
A quadratic function f can be written in the form f(x) = a(x − p)(x − 3). The
graph of f has axis of symmetry x = 2.5 and y-intercept at (0, − 6)

20a. Find the value of p. [3 marks]

METHOD 1 (using x-intercept)
determining that 3 is an x-intercept (M1)

eg x − 3 = 0,

valid approach (M1)

eg 3 − 2.5, 2 = 2.5
p=2 A1 N2
METHOD 2 (expanding f (x))
correct expansion (accept absence of a ) (A1)
eg ax2 − a(3 + p)x + 3ap, x2 − (3 + p)x + 3p
valid approach involving equation of axis of symmetry (M1)
−b a(3+p) 3+p
eg 2a
= 2.5, 2a
= 52 , 2 = 5
p=2 A1 N2
METHOD 3 (using derivative)
correct derivative (accept absence of a ) (A1)
eg a(2x − 3 − p), 2x − 3 − p
valid approach (M1)
eg f ′ (2.5) = 0
p=2 A1 N2
[3 marks]
20b. Find the value of a . [3 marks]

attempt to substitute (0, − 6) (M1)
eg −6 = a(0 − 2)(0 − 3), a(0) − 5a(0) + 6a = −6

correct working (A1)

eg −6 = 6a
a = −1 A1 N2
[3 marks]

= −5
20c. The line y = kx − 5 is a tangent to the curve of f . Find the values of k. [8 marks]
METHOD 1 (using discriminant)
recognizing tangent intersects curve once (M1)
recognizing one solution when discriminant = 0 M1
attempt to set up equation (M1)
eg g = f, kx − 5 = −x2 + 5x − 6
rearranging their equation to equal zero (M1)
eg x2 − 5x + kx + 1 = 0
correct discriminant (if seen explicitly, not just in quadratic formula) A1
eg (k − 5)2 − 4, 25 − 10k + k2 − 4
correct working (A1)
eg k − 5 = ±2, (k − 3)(k − 7) = 0, 2
k = 3, 7 A1A1 N0
METHOD 2 (using derivatives)
attempt to set up equation (M1)
eg g = f, kx − 5 = −x2 + 5x − 6
recognizing derivative/slope are equal (M1)
eg f ′ = m T , f ′ = k
correct derivative of f (A1)
eg −2x + 5
attempt to set up equation in terms of either x or k M1
(−2x + 5)x − 5 = −x2 + 5x − 6, k ( 5−2 k ) − 5 = −( 5−2 k ) + 5 ( 5−2 k ) − 6
rearranging their equation to equal zero (M1)
eg x2 − 1 = 0, k2 − 10k + 21 = 0
correct working (A1)
eg x = ±1, (k − 3)(k − 7) = 0, 2
k = 3, 7 A1A1 N0
[8 marks]

( )= + + c
The function f is of the form f(x) = ax + b + xc , where a , b and c are positive
Part of the graph of y = f(x) is shown on the axes below. The graph of the
function has its local maximum at (−2, − 2) and its local minimum at (2, 6).

21a. Draw the line y = −6 on the axes. [1 mark]


(A1) (C1)

Note: The command term “Draw” states: “A ruler (straight edge) should be
used for straight lines”; do not accept a freehand y = −6 line.

[1 mark]

( ) = −6
21b. Write down the number of solutions to f(x) = −6. [1 mark]

2 (A1)(ft) (C1)

Note: Follow through from part (b)(i).

[1 mark]

21c. Find the range of values of k for which f(x) = k has no solution. [2 marks]

−2 < k < 6 (A1)(A1) (C2)

Note: Award (A1) for both end points correct and (A1) for correct strict
Award at most (A1)(A0) if the stated variable is different from k or y for
example −2 < x < 6 is (A1)(A0).

[2 marks]
Line L intersects the x-axis at point A and the y-axis at point B, as shown on the

The length of line segment OB is three times the length of line segment OA, where
O is the origin.

Point (2, 6) lies on L.

22a. Find the equation of L in the form y = mx + c. [2 marks]

6 = −3(2) + cOR(y − 6) = −3(x − 2) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution of their gradient from part (a) into a
correct equation with the coordinates (2, 6) correctly substituted.
y = −3x + 12 (A1)(ft) (C2)

Notes: Award (A1)(ft) for their correct equation. Follow through from part
If no method seen, award (A1)(A0) for y = −3x.
Award (A1)(A0) for −3x + 12.

[2 marks]

22b. Find the x-coordinate of point A. [2 marks]

0 = −3x + 12 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution of y = 0 in their equation from part (b).

(x =) 4 (A1)(ft) (C2)

Notes: Follow through from their equation from part (b). Do not follow
through if no method seen. Do not award the final (A1) if the value of x is
negative or zero.

[2 marks]

f (x) = e2 sin( 2 ) , for x > 0.

The k th maximum point on the graph of f has x-coordinate xk where k ∈ Z+ .

23a. Given that xk + 1 = xk + a, find a. [4 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
valid approach to find maxima (M1)
eg one correct value of xk, sketch of f
any two correct consecutive values of xk (A1)(A1)
eg x1 = 1, x2 = 5
a=4 A1 N3
[4 marks]

23b. n [4 marks]

Hence find the value of n such that k=1 xk = 861.
recognizing the sequence x1, x2, x3, …, xn is arithmetic (M1)
eg d = 4
correct expression for sum (A1)
eg n2 (2 (1) + 4 (n − 1))
valid attempt to solve for n (M1)
eg graph, 2n2 − n − 861 = 0
n = 21 A1 N2
[4 marks]

Consider the function f (x) = x
+ kx2 − 58, where x > 0 and k is a constant.
The graph of the function passes through the point with coordinates (4 , 2).

P is the minimum point of the graph of f (x).

24. Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60. [4 marks]
Clearly indicate the minimum point P and the x-intercepts on your graph.


Note: Award (A1) for correct window. Axes must be labelled.

(A1)(ft) for a smooth curve with correct shape and zeros in approximately
correct positions relative to each other.
(A1)(ft) for point P indicated in approximately the correct position. Follow
through from their x-coordinate in part (c). (A1)(ft) for two x-intercepts
identified on the graph and curve reflecting asymptotic properties.
[4 marks]

Let f (x) = cx+6
for x ≠ − 6c , c ≠ 0.

25. Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote to the graph of f. [2 marks]
valid approach (M1)
lim f
eg x→∞ (x), y = 8c
y = −4 (must be an equation) A1 N2
[2 marks]

The following diagram shows the graph of a function f , with domain −2 ⩽ x ⩽ 4.

The points (−2, 0) and (4, 7) lie on the graph of f .

26. On the grid, sketch the graph of f −1 . [3 marks]


A1A1A1 N3

Notes: Award A1 for both end points within circles,

A1 for images of (2, 3) and (0, 2) within circles,
A1 for approximately correct reflection in y = x, concave up then concave
down shape (do not accept line segments).

[3 marks]

Consider the function f (x) = − 16x, x ≠ 0.

27a. Sketch the graph of y = f (x), for −4 ≤ x ≤ 3 and −50 ≤ y ≤ 100. [4 marks]
* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.


Note: Award (A1) for axis labels and some indication of scale; accept y or f(x).
Use of graph paper is not required. If no scale is given, assume the given
window for zero and minimum point.
Award (A1) for smooth curve with correct general shape.
Award (A1) for x-intercept closer to y-axis than to end of sketch.
Award (A1) for correct local minimum with x-coordinate closer to y-axis than
end of sketch and y-coordinate less than half way to top of sketch.
Award at most (A1)(A0)(A1)(A1) if the sketch intersects the y-axis or if the
sketch curves away from the y-axis as x approaches zero.

[4 marks]
27b. Use your graphic display calculator to find the equation of the tangent [2 marks]
to the graph of y = f (x) at the point (–2, 38.75).
Give your answer in the form y = mx + c.

y = −9.25x + 20.3 (y = −9.25 x + 20.25) (A1)(A1)
Note: Award (A1) for −9.25x, award (A1) for +20.25, award a maximum of
(A0)(A1) if answer is not an equation.

[2 marks]

27c. Sketch the graph of the function g (x) = 10x + 40 on the same axes. [2 marks]

correct line, y = 10x + 40, seen on sketch (A1)(A1)
Note: Award (A1) for straight line with positive gradient, award (A1) for x-
intercept and y-intercept in approximately the correct positions. Award at
most (A0)(A1) if ruler not used. If the straight line is drawn on different axes
to part (a), award at most (A0)(A1).

[2 marks]

4 3 2
Consider the functions f (x) = x4 − 2 and g (x) = x3 − 4x2 + 2x + 6
The functions intersect at points P and Q. Part of the graph of y = f (x) and part
of the graph of y = g (x) are shown on the diagram.

28a. Find the range of f. [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
[−2, ∞[ or [−2, ∞) OR f (x) ⩾ −2 or y ⩾ −2 OR −2 ⩽ f (x) < ∞
(A1)(A1) (C2)
Note: Award (A1) for −2 and (A1) for completely correct mathematical
notation, including weak inequalities. Accept f ⩾ −2.
[2 marks]
28b. Write down the x-coordinate of P and the x-coordinate of Q. [2 marks]

–1 and 1.52 (1.51839…) (A1)(A1) (C2)
Note: Award (A1) for −1 and (A1) for 1.52 (1.51839).
[2 marks]

28c. Write down the values of x for which f (x) > g (x). [2 marks]

x < −1, x > 1.52 OR (−∞, −1) ∪ (1.52, ∞). (A1)(ft)(A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Award (A1)(ft) for both critical values in inequality or range
statements such as x < −1, (−∞, −1) , x > 1.52 or (1.52, ∞).
Award the second (A1)(ft) for correct strict inequality statements used with
their critical values. If an incorrect use of strict and weak inequalities has
already been penalized in (a), condone weak inequalities for this second mark
and award (A1)(ft).
[2 marks]

3 2 1
Consider the function f (x) = x3 − 5x2 + 6x − 3 + 1x , x > 0

29a. Find the value of f (x) when x = 1 . [2 marks]


* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
3 2
f ( 12 ) = ( 12 ) − 5( 12 ) + 6 ( 12 ) − 3 1
( 12 )

Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into given function.

(0.875) (A1)(G2)
[2 marks]

The function f (x) = x3 − 5x2 + 6x − 3 + 1x , x > 0, models the path of a river, as

shown on the following map, where both axes represent distance and are
measured in kilometres. On the same map, the location of a highway is defined by
the function g (x) = 0.5(3) + 1.
The origin, O(0, 0) , is the location of the centre of a town called Orangeton.
A straight footpath, P , is built to connect the centre of Orangeton to the river at
the point where x = 12 .

29b. Find the function, P (x) , that would define this footpath on the map. [3 marks]
0− 78
0− 12

Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into gradient formula. Accept
equivalent forms such as 78 = 12 m .
(1.75) (A1)(ft)

P (x) = 74 x (1.75x) (A1)(ft)(G3)

Note: Follow through from part (a).
[3 marks]

29c. State the domain of P . [2 marks]

0 < x < 12 (A1)(A1)
Note: Award (A1) for both endpoints correct, (A1) for correct mathematical
notation indicating an interval with two endpoints. Accept weak inequalities.
Award at most (A1)(A0) for incorrect notation such as 0 − 0.5 or a written
description of the domain with correct endpoints. Award at most (A1)(A0)
for 0 < y < 12 .
[2 marks]
Bridges are located where the highway crosses the river.

29d. Find the coordinates of the bridges relative to the centre of Orangeton. [4 marks]

(0.360, 1.34) ((0.359947…, 1.33669)) (A1)(A1)
(3.63, 1.01) ((3.63066…, 1.00926…)) (A1)(A1)
Note: Award (A1)(A1) for each correct coordinate pair. Accept correct
answers in the form of x = 0.360, y = 1.34 etc. Award at most (A0)(A1)(A1)
(A1)ft if one or both parentheses are omitted.
[4 marks]
A straight road is built from the centre of Orangeton, due north, to connect the
town to the highway.

29e. Find the distance from the centre of Orangeton to the point at which the[2 marks]
road meets the highway.

g (0) = 0.5(3)0 + 1 (M1)
1.5 (km) (A1)(G2)
[2 marks]

29f. This straight road crosses the highway and then carries on due north. [2 marks]
State whether the straight road will ever cross the river. Justify your answer.
domain given as x > 0 (but equation of road is x = 0) (R1)
(equation of road is x = 0) the function of the river is asymptotic to x = 0
so it does not meet the river (A1)
Note: Award the (R1) for a correct mathematical statement about the
equation of the river (and the equation of the road). Justification must be
based on mathematical reasoning. Do not award (R0)(A1).
[2 marks]

OAB is a sector of the circle with centre O and radius r, as shown in the following

The angle AOB is θ radians, where 0 < θ < 2.
The point C lies on OA and OA is perpendicular to BC.

30a. Show that OC = r cos θ. [1 mark]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
cos θ = OC A1
OC = r cos θ AG N0
[1 mark]

30b. Find the area of triangle OBC in terms of r and θ. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
1 1 1
eg 2 OC × OB sin θ , BC = r sin θ, 2 r cos θ × BC , 2 r sin θ × OC

area = 12 r2 sin θ cos θ (= 14 r2 sin (2θ)) (must be in terms of r and θ) A1

[2 marks]

30c. Given that the area of triangle OBC is 3 of the area of sector OAB, find [4 marks]
valid attempt to express the relationship between the areas (seen anywhere)
eg OCB = 35 OBA , 12 r2 sin θ cos θ = 35 × 12 r2 θ , 14 r2 sin 2θ = 10
3 2
r θ
correct equation in terms of θ only A1
eg sin θ cos θ = 35 θ , 14 sin 2θ = 10
valid attempt to solve their equation (M1)
eg sketch, −0.830017, 0
θ = 0.830 A1 N2
Note: Do not award final A1 if additional answers given.
[4 marks]

Consider the function f (x) = 13 x3 + 34 x2 − x − 1.

31a. Write down the y-intercept of the graph of y = f (x). [1 mark]

−1 (A1)
Note: Accept (0, −1).
[1 mark]

= ( )
31b. Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for −3 ≤ x ≤ 3 and −4 ≤ y ≤ 12. [4 marks]


Note: Award (A1) for correct window and axes labels, −3 to 3 should be
indicated on the x-axis and −4 to 12 on the y-axis.
(A1) ) for smooth curve with correct cubic shape;
(A1) for x-intercepts: one close to −3, the second between −1 and 0,
and third between 1 and 2; and y-intercept at approximately −1;
(A1) for local minimum in the 4th quadrant and maximum in the 2nd
quadrant, in approximately correct positions.
Graph paper does not need to be used. If window not given award at most
[4 marks]

= =
The function has one local maximum at x = p and one local minimum at x = q.

31c. Determine the range of f (x) for p ≤ x ≤ q. [3 marks]

61 4
−1.27 ⩽ f (x) ⩽ 1.33 (−1.27083 … ⩽ f (x) ⩽ 1.33333 … , − 48
⩽ f (x) ⩽ 3
Note: Award (A1) for −1.27 seen, (A1) for 1.33 seen, and (A1) for correct
weak inequalities with their endpoints in the correct order. For example,
award (A0)(A0)(A0) for answers like 5 ⩽ f (x) ⩽ 2. Accept y in place of
f (x). Accept alternative correct notation such as [−1.27, 1.33].
Follow through from their p and q values from part (g) only if their f (p) and
f (q) values are between −4 and 12. Award (A0)(A0)(A0) if their values from
(g) are given as the endpoints.
[3 marks]
Consider the lines L1 and L2 with respective equations
L1 : y = − 23 x + 9 and L2 : y = 25 x − 19

32a. Find the point of intersection of L 1 and L2 . [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg L1 = L2 , x = 12, y = 1
(12, 1) (exact) A1 N2
[2 marks]

A third line, L3 , has gradient − 34 .

32b. Write down a direction vector for L 3 . [1 mark]

−4 −4
( ) (or any multiple of ( )) A1 N1
3 3
[1 mark]

32c. L3 passes through the intersection of L 1 and L2 . [2 marks]

Write down a vector equation for L3 .

any correct equation in the form r = a + tb (accept any parameter for t)
a is a position vector for a point on L1 , and b is a scalar multiple of ( )
A2 N2
12 −4
eg r=( ) + t( )
1 3
Note: Award A1 for the form a + tb, A1 for the form L = a + tb, A0 for the
form r = b + ta.
[2 marks]
Olava’s Pizza Company supplies and delivers large cheese pizzas.
The total cost to the customer, C, in Papua New Guinean Kina ( PGK), is modelled
by the function
C(n)= 34. 50n + 8. 50 , n ≥ 2 , n ∈ Z,
where n, is the number of large cheese pizzas ordered. This total cost includes a
fixed cost for delivery.

33a. State, in the context of the question, what the value of 34. 50 represents. [1 mark]

the cost of each (large cheese) pizza / a pizza / one pizza / per pizza (A1)

Note: Award (A0) for “the cost of (large cheese) pizzas”. Do not accept “the
minimum cost of a pizza”.

[1 mark]

33b. State, in the context of the question, what the value of 8. 50 represents. [1 mark]

the (fixed) delivery cost (A1) (C1)

[1 mark]
33c. Write down the minimum number of pizzas that can be ordered. [1 mark]

2 (A1) (C1)

[1 mark]

33d. Kaelani has 450 PGK. [3 marks]

Find the maximum number of large cheese pizzas that Kaelani can order
from Olava’s Pizza Company.
450 = 34. 50n + 8. 50 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for equating the cost equation to 450 (may be stated as an

12. 8 (12. 7971 …) (A1)

12 (A1)(ft) (C3)

Note: The final answer must be an integer.

The final (A1)(ft) is awarded for rounding their answer down to a whole
number, provided their unrounded answer is seen.

[3 marks]

Consider the graph of the function f(x)= x+ x2
,x ≠ 0.

34a. Write down the zero of f(x). [2 marks]

0 = x+ x2

Note: Award (M1) for equating the function to zero.

(x =) − 2. 29 (−2. 28942 …) (A1) (C2)

Note: Award (C1) for a correct x-value given as part of a coordinate pair or
alongside an explicitly stated y-value.

[2 marks]

34b. Write down the coordinates of the local minimum point. [2 marks]

(2. 88, 4. 33) ((2. 88449 … , 4. 32674 …)) (A1)(A1) (C2)

Note: Accept x = 2. 88, y = 4. 33.

[2 marks]

( )= 3 −
34c. Consider the function g(x)= 3 − x. [2 marks]
Solve f(x)= g(x).

3−x= x+ x2
(or equivalent) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for equating the functions or for a sketch of the two

(x =) − 1. 43 (−1. 43080 …) (A1) (C2)

Note: Do not award the final (A1) if the answer is seen as part of a coordinate
pair or a y-value is explicitly stated, unless already penalized in part (a).

[2 marks]

2 50
Consider the function f(x)= x2 + x + x
, x ≠ 0.

35a. Find f(1). [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
attempt to substitute x = 1 (M1)
eg f(1), 12 + 1 + 50
52 (exact) A1 N2
[2 marks]

35b. Solve f(x)= 0. [2 marks]

−4. 04932
−4. 05 A2 N2
[2 marks]

35c. The graph off has a local minimum at point A. [2 marks]

Find the coordinates of A.

(2. 76649, 28. 4934)
A(2. 77, 28. 5) A1A1 N2
[2 marks]

Let g (x) = x2 + bx + 11. The point (−1,8) lies on the graph of g.

36a. Find the value of b. [3 marks]

valid attempt to substitute coordinates (M1)
eg g (−1) = 8
correct substitution (A1)
eg (−1)2 + b (−1) + 11 = 8, 1 − b + 11 = 8
b=4 A1 N2
[3 marks]

36b. The graph of f (x) = x2 is transformed to obtain the graph of g. [4 marks]
Describe this transformation.

valid attempt to solve (M1)
eg (x2 + 4x + 4) + 7, h = 2 , k = g (−2)
correct working A1
eg (x + 2)2 + 7, h = −2, k = 7
translation or shift (do not accept move) of vector ( ) (accept left by 2
and up by 7) A1A1 N2
[4 marks]

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®


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