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Chavarry Paucar, Claudia Saraí Roque Montes, Ariana Naomy

Ingles II

Gabriela Emma Edith Montoya Muñoz

(AC-S08) Week 8

(AC-S08) Week 8 - Task: Assignment -
Around my City

ARIANA: Hello partner, good morning.

CLAUDIA: Good morning, partner. How are you?

ARIANA: Fine, fine. And you? I wanted to see if you could help me with an address.

CLAUDIA: Good, I'm fine too. Yes, sure, tell me.

ARIANA: I'm on vacation in Cuzco, I know you've just been there, and I was wondering
if you could recommend a good restaurant?

CLAUDIA: Oh, yes. There is a very good one in front of the main square.

ARIANA: Thanks for your help, my friend. And could you recommend a good place to
stay, since I just arrived, sorry for the inconvenience.

CLAUDIA: Don't worry friend, we are here to help each other. And yes, of course I
recommend a good three-star hotel in front of the main square, it has a beautiful view.

ARIANA: Thank you very much, my friend.

CLAUDIA: You are welcome, I know you would do the same. A question, a relative is
in Chiclayo and needs a room or apartment, do you know where I could find something

ARIANA: Sure, in Chiclayo there are many, it depends on what she is looking for.

CLAUDIA: Well, it's for her alone, she wants something cheap but comfortable and

ARIANA: Sure, there is one behind Grau Avenue, and there is a supermarket nearby,
it's super nice and it's also cheap.

CLAUDIA: Ok, I'll tell you about it, I hope you like it.

ARIANA: I'm sure I will, well, I have to go, they already brought me lunch. Thanks for
all your help, it was very useful. Take care, bye.

CLAUDIA: I'm glad I could help you, and thanks for the recommendation. Take care of
yourself too, bye.

Ingles II

Ingles II

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