Crossing Oceans

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I wal ked i nto t he cl assroom l ate i kako
ndookangakat orikahubbi tkangukekunonoka
kusv ikakuchi koro ev ent houghIal way sl eft
home ear ly, ,
Iwoul d meetmy f ri
end f irst
tombowai l
awai la, ,,
kwangakunekast udent
teacherkany owanikai ve nemot o mubr ugwa
chaimo dzungu ai riwanza kana kut it it
ndookunz i teacher pakuv hundut sira
hamhenowo i koko. ndai funga zv angu
ndakami r
apadoorkut iwhat '
snext ,,
wast heonei nt her e,alr
eadyl essony eBi ology
yangay atangaandt hatwasourf i
ndakangosv ika nekupi nda nekunanga Ku
deskr anguzv angu. ..
"Diana! !pleasegetout, ,y
ouj ustdontwal ki n
her el i
key ouar ewal kingi ntoy ourmot her s
house. donty ouknow how t oknockandy ou
arel ate.
"Mymot hers house does notl ook like t his
makadai ndomat i
nochet era huku. .
I sai d
ingmyey es. .
"Thenwhatar ey oudoi ngher etheni fy ouar e
allthat ..
"Ko paymunozoi wana kupi ko nhaisi rkana
kasauy a...
Classy akabv ay atangakuseka.
"You ar e disrupt ing my cl ass causing soo
muchnoi seuchaf oiraform 4. .
"Tichaonaz ve....
Ist ar ted wal ki
ng outofhi s cl ass v ai
kunger erwa kut iv akamer a sugarpamusana
hereandany wayIgott ot hedoorzv i
kanz i.
wegoandsi tdown. .
"Sarudzaichi nhuonesi rndogar aher ekana
kuti ndobuda. .
"Isai dsi tdownanddoy ourwor kdon' ttestmy
Iwentback and satdown , why was he
bother ing me soo much . .Il ooked athi m
varikumber i ikoko. .
"Goodmor ngsi r
..Isai d
Hej ustl ookedatmeandshookhi shead. .
"From t odayy ouar et hecl assmoni t
"Excuseme? ? ?
"Wandi nz wa, ,
Iwantev eryonesbi ologybooks
by7: 30ev er ymor ni ng.
Apandangandaj airahangukusv ikakumapast
8 zv ichienda Mber i,,
meani ng kut i nomor e
meet i
ng up wi th myf ri
end v aimbozv i
ita ani
suresi rav a...l
essonr akafambandat odhi nhiwa
kare. .
.Apandai tosv otwanamer cynachenge
vaingohun' anahun' anakut iSirv akanaka. .
vangav akanakasaka? ??
Me. ..i
mikwanaii mindozv ir
ikubhadhar i
schoolf eesher ei zv ozv okutimugoonakunaka
kwasi r..
Chenge. ..t
ot adzakut aur aher e..
Me. ..muchami ti
swa nedzungu , dzikamai
haribhadar e..
Mer cy .
..iwewewar wadzi wanei ko. .
Me. .haiwaaa. .
Ko ndi aniai mbozi v a kut iv anga v atofamba
vasv ikapat angat iri.
..Dee, ,tellmewhat '
ssooi mpor tantthat
youhav et odi scussi tnow. .
Ilookedathi m andr olledmyey es.
Me. .
.mot ov hunza av av ari
kut imakanaka but
anditozi vi kut imakanakapapi .
Vakangoshama t hen he l eftwi thoutsay i
any t
hing. ..
Chenge. ..nhai wewakakwanasowhydi dy ou
hav etot ell him? ??
Me. .
tsnotl i
keIl i
edsol eavemeal one.
Ndakav api nzabusynekuzv i
nyar i
rai niwacho
ndangandi sinamangwanandai ngot aur ai papo
papo ko ndi kamuka ndakaf a mangwana
acho...hesatonhi schai rndookubv av ar amba
vakandi tar isa ndakamboda kuseka t hen I
cont r
olled my self ndookubv a
ndany ar ar a..anyway t he l esson gotf i
ni shed
then he l eft. .
.the daycont i
nued as al ways
kwai t
obhowa because i t was r eall
y hot
everyone was sweat ing ne Oct oberheat
tangat asar waneaf ew weekskut itinony ora
.ndangandi risidof oi nibutIdontknowwhy
sirv ai da kundi wachi sa v achiti ndi chaf oi
.anywayIwasl earningpaspeci escol l
kuna3r dndaakunopedzaf or mf our, ,
shamwar i
yangu Lana was pa conv entsaka we met
beforeandaf t
erschool ...
Ihadpi ckedupmybagndaakut oendakumbaI
wasdownt hest air
sndat obv akudzi kawhenhe
edme, "eisht hisoneagai n.
"Whyar ey oual way sal lupi nmyspacesi r. .
"And whyar ey ou al way sat tacking mel i
that??youhav e nor espectf ormewhatso
everimbondi udzay ourpr oblem. .
"munowanza hasha si rand Ican' tst and
especi allypandi ri,youar eal way spi cki ngon
"Because y ou ar e a good st udentwho i s
becomi ngov erconf i
dent ..
"I'm notov erconf identbutndogona. ..
"t henwhyar ey oual way sl atef ormycl ass
urikuitabasar ekusanganev akomanahandi ti
ka.? ??
" y ou see, ,
, t hats why ndi chizotaur a
rough, ,vakomanav abv akupi futi.?
"aty ouragemunengemaane22chai voI '
concer ned. ..
"Wor ryaboutt eachingmedontwor r
per sonall if
e andi it
e zv evakomana andi sat i
ndaakuzv ifunga. ..
"met eachi ngy oui nv olvesy ourper sonall i
becausewhenev ery ouar el ateIwannaknow
why .
"ai waka I 'm noty ourper sonalper son Si r
ndinengendi nezv andi nonot sa. .
"nekut iur i
kur araur ipawhat sappka.
" I wo ma assumpt i
ons eny u ndi wo
arikundi bhowa why do y ou hav et hink so
negat ivel yofme.
"okayf i
neI '
m sor rybutpl easest opcausi ng
dramai nmycl asskanausi ngadekudzi dziswa
neni t aur a ndobv a ndar egedza hangu
kukudzi dz i
sa, ,may bendoshor ekakwaur ibut
this i s me Dee and mar iy andot ambi ra
nondi kwani ra mashoko awat aura andi bat a
hazv inamhosv a, someofy ouar epr i
v i
makazv arirwamumar iandsomeofusi sj usta
differentcasebutatl eastIsl eepwel latni ght
,dontt hinkkut ifeesy aunobhadhar andoi noita
kut indir arameihav eot hermeansofsur vi
v i
v al
ustbecauseI '
m t eachi ngher eazv i
rev ekut i
ndiro onl yj ob r angu ,,l
ike now Ial so hav e
student sIt eachont hesi deand v achipasa
zv ekut i mar i y avanondi pa ev en
ndikasauy akubasandor aramaso r emember
that bef ore y ou i nsult me pane v anhu, ,
kuwoner erwa hakubhadhar e y our par ents
money i s noty ourmoney ,,
pass and go t o
univer sity,makesomet hing fory our selfand
thent ochi t
aur a.
Vakabv av atofambasi rvachi enda,
,Idi dntknow
whatt o sayIhad no i deawhatisai d had
affectedhi mt hatmuch, ,Ifeltsoobadhonest l
.iwat chedhi m ashewal kedawayf rom meI
wonder edwhyndai nyany akuv adzikisirasi r,he
wasact uallyagr eatteacherbutndai ngobat wa
nekakuwoner erwa soo pandi r
i ndai mbov e
goodgi rlbutLanandi yeakandi chinjashewas
too much t oo f astt oo much dzungu kana
vakomana l ike sirsai d she had t wo. ..
hangu I f ear ed nekut i daddy v akagar a
vandi udzakut ivanondipondachai ko.
Any wayir anaf t
erhi m ndi kavabat acr ossi ng
ther oad. .
"Sirwai t.
'm sor ry.
"Forwhat .
"Fort hewayIhav ebeent r
eat i
ngy ouIpr omi se
Iwi l
lchange. .
"Cool .
"Hamunaheny ukushat aI '
m sor r
yIsai dsome
nastyt hingsear li
"Ndazv inzwaDee. .
"Seimuchi ndi t
"Ndinenungodzekut iDiana.
"Lolokaysowhat 'syourname? ??
"Aaahi wesi ravav hunzweZi ta..
"Mukasandi udza Zi tar enyu saka musandi ti
Dee. ..munondi tistudent...
"Kkkkkunopengaher ei
weokayndonzi Mar t
"Oksi rMar ti
nndaakuendaby e.
"Bye. .
Ndakat anga kuf amba kunosangana na
Lana,af ter5mi nangaauy a..
"Dianawehav et omeetsomeonebef orewego
home. ..
"TodayIwannast udyshaa.
"Kutangar ii
"Wear eal mostwr i
tingmymot her v akav hura
"Justf ortodayhande.
Sowewal kedt onssabui ldi
ngwher ewef ound
a black mer c par ked there ndopatakasv i
kami r
a. ..thedr i
verakabv aadzi ki
sawi ndow
andsai dhi egeti n...
weshawhoar ethey ??
endsofmi nepi ndat i
endet heyar et aking
ushome. .
"Mmmm shaI '
m scar edhanguIdontwannago
witht hem . .
"Theymeannohar m sochi l
sgo. .
Wegoti nsidebutIdi dntwant. .
Lanasati nf r
and Isatatt he back pakat ipet wo guy s
vaingoseker eramyhear twassoounset tl
ed. ..
"Arey ouguy shungr y.thedr i
"No, yes
LanaandIsai datt hesamet i
meandt heguy s
'm Wal ter . ..
we Lana shamwar iy ako
yakanakandai fari
rabutwhyi sshesoot ense
iket hat ???
"Shedoesn' tl i
kest rangersmusi y
"Manj endi rikumuda. ..
"Amhenopedzer anai.
Hewasl ooki ngatmet hrought hev i
ewmi rror
andmaki ngmeuncomf ortable,theydr ovet o5
aveandboughtpi zza,,
ev eryonesatdownt o
eatbutndakar amba. ..
.y ou ar e beaut i
ful Di ana , vanhu
zvakanakasewev achir
ikuwani kwa. .
Ndakangosekandokubv andany arara...
Youar enotmuchofat alkerIsee
Ijustwannagohomet hatsal l.
I'm t aking y ou home j ustnow r elax
okay..Lana good gi rl uy u wakamuwana
.?? ?ndobv andanzwakudakur oor a.
Lana. ..
Kumypl easantzv ekkkk.
Walter. .
y oust ayi nt hesamehood. ? ?
Lanaehe. ..
aur a ny ay a dzav o ndakany arara
ndaitosv ot wazv aLanasooka. any wayt heygot
donet henwewentbacki ntot hecarbutt his
mendakanzigar akumber iLanasatatt he
back meani ng kut ianga av akut ondor onger a
munhu kaapa. ..he was t r y
ing t o make
coversat ion al lt he way butndai ngopindur a
zvandav hunzwa. .wegothomendi chingosi i
paghediandi nakumi ri
rakanagooby eIr an
kupinda mughedi nekur ivhara..
Ndichingopi ndamumbat herewasamessage
onmyphonet hatsai dhieitsWal ter,,,
sooka. .
Endofchapt er1
Cr ossingoceans
Wr itt
enbykay die
Chapt er2
Ndakar idzat samwal ookingatmyphonekut i
sur e Lana had gi ven hi m my number
ndozv andanga ndi si
ngade zv ekushupwa
nev akomanav asinabasa, apahel ookedl ike
munhuar it
oof or
war dbecauseont hef irstday
rekundi ona inl esst han 5 mi n munhu obv a
atokuudz a kut i anokuda. I i gnor ed hi m
ndokubv a ndanopi nda mumba , Isaw mama
wat chi ngTVandsomeonewasdoi nghernai l
,smar tyaidiwa. .
"Mamahi e.
"Hesi Di anawakasi kanhasi .
"Ndakanz wahanakur ova, ,
droppedof fsoIcamehomeal ilear ly, our
househadcamer assoIwonder edi fshehad
seenmej umpi ngoutoft hecar..
"Yeahi gotdroppedof fnecousi ny aLana.
"Hoowhi chone? ?
"If orgothi snamei ni,Iwasj ustt hinkingof
comi nghomesoIdi dntpaymuchat t
ention. .
It ookadeepsi gh. thenwal kedgoi ngt omy
room t ochange, ndakabv andatowanamukana
wekuf onandi chivhunzaLanakut ikondei piko
y i y awandi iti
ra . .
ye ai toseka hake
zv ait
obhowa Ihat ed v anhu v anondi yender a
kumber i,yesshewasmyf r
iendbutndai sada
munhuanondi ender akumber i
"Butt hatwasn' tni ceur i
"Sha i su t aendeswa kumba nekut engerwa
pizzawai dandi muny i
mesei ?
? ?
"Icant akemy sel fhomeandIcanbuymy self
pizza I dont need hi m t o do al lt hose
andpi zzay achomady amegaIwasnt
par tofi t,and Idi dntask hi m t otake me
home, ,
fy ouwannadoy ourdeal sitawegasha
notkundi i
tisal iket hat.
"Okayf i
nebutj ustent ert
ainhi m,hemeansno
har m anokui tirazv i
dhafudhaf u.
"Whi ch par t of I don' t want don' ty ou
under stand, ,kanaandi iti
razv i
nhut henthenext
thinganengeav akudachi i
"You ar e 16 f or goodness sake usade
kundi nakidza kut y av arume kudar o kwana
mhani i we ur i
kuda kuf a wakat songa
uchashay aanokuny engawachember a.
"Lemmest udyshaaby e..
"Sakawat samwa.
"Isn'twhenImety oundakuudzakut iIwanted
tor ushhomeandst udy .
bhoshaaFr i
dayI '
m goi ngoutnamunashe
saka I '
m goi ng t ot ellmymot herkut indiri
kumbakweny u, whenshecal lsy ouunongot i
ehe. .
"Wher ear ey ougoi ngnhai we...
"Outzv e, fortheweekend.
"Youar ebr avendazv i
onapl easeusecondoms.
"Whatdoy ouknow aboutcondomswheny ou
don' tknowaboutsex? ? ?
"Lol zvakaomaany wayenda.
Ihungupt henIt ookmybookst ostudy,,
Mar tinwasr ightIwasbei ngov erconf ident
andIneededt ost udymor e. .
hiswor dshad
touchedme, sur elyndai shainanemar iy amama
nadaddy i nindi satindagadzi ray angu,iwas
goingt opr ovet ohi m kut iicoul ddoi tIwas
notal oudmout hfornot hing..Iwasnat ur all
nt el
ligenthangu al lIneeded was j usta
formul aand ev erything elsewaseasybutI
dontknow whyiwas get ti
ng conf used Ku
Mat hsapandi yoy aivasubj ecty asi rMar tinf uti
besides Bi ology r
egai v akati uchaf oira
.ndakambozv irova r ov a musor o I hat ed
get t
ingconf usedndozv andai r
ambai zv ozv oI
wentont hei nternetandaskeduncl egoogl e
butsomet hi ngsneedpr operexpl anati
Mama came i nt o my r oom af t
eran hour
vakabat aagl assofj uicenemuf fin..
"Icanseey ouar ebusy. ..
"Yesmamaihav et obeser i
ous..aaahwhydi d
you make y our nai ls soo l ong l ike t hat
zvaakut yi
"Lol sakay ouar esay i
ngkut itheyar enotni ce??
"Howwi l
ly oubat horwi pekut oil
et .
Haai webehav ey ourself.
mj ustaski nghangu, ify oul i
ket hem t hen
"Whatar ey oust udy i
"Mat hemat ics and dzi rikundi vhara mama I
dontknowwhy .
"Asiy ourteacheri snotgoodenought itsv age
umwe. .
"He i s good i ts me who has been a l i
dest ructed.
"Youcan' tf ailDianat heresnor oom f ory out o
repeatur i
kuny oraka1andy ouhav et opass
urikuz v i
nzwaher e.
"IknowmamaIknow. .
"Doesn' t he do ext r
al essons i yet eacher
weny u,youdonthav eti
meDi anasur emunhu
asar waneef ewweeksy ouar et ell
kut i waane conf usion kana kut i may be
waakubat wanepani c..
"I r eall
ydontknow mamabuti t
sonl yKu
mat hs.
"Thenaskhi mt ogiv eyoumamwemal essons
,Idontcar ehowmuchi ti sIwi l
l pay.
"Finemama. .
shel eftmyr oom , ,howwasIgoi ngt oaskhi m
to gi ve me ext ra l essons i ni ndanga
ndamboshai nakut indi nogona, ,yekutauri
sai yi
yakaoma, ,,
Isur elywassupposedt obecar ef ul
wi t
hmy mout h.
Il eftt hebooks! !Iwast ired
andzv ekungor ambauchi st r
ainerbr ainget sa
per sonagi tated .iwat ched TV t henwehad
dinnerasaf ami l
yandmamat ol
ddadt hatI
neededmor el essonsdaddyv aangot iwoeho.
Dad: ingamaf ungakut i
kuv adzanenzwar amai
Dee.Ihopehamukweny emusor o.
Mama: haasi eskochi inemikokungot it hey
areni ce.
Dad: scary.
Me:It ol
dher. I'
m gl adweseet hingst hesame
way .
Mama:y ouar eteami ngupagai ntmer egai
mwanawanguDi onadzokekubv akuchikor o
ndiwanewosuppor t .
Shewast alkingaboutmybr otherDi onaivei n
SAkuv arsity.Hewascomi ngbacki naf ew
weeks anga apedza degr ee rake r elaw. the
ssueaboutt henai l
sy akashupamamav anga
vatsamwi radaddyhanziy oudontappr eciate
thewayIt r
yt omakemy selfbeaut i
fulfory ou,,
aughedhangu, ,
,beaut iful
?? ?Wheny ouendup
ooki ngl i
keawi t ch, t
heywer et ool ongbutt he
mani cureguy sar enotr ightsur ekuny eper wa
kutizv akanaka i we uchi itwa chi dhoriai wa
ngazv i
gar e hazv o.Igot up and l ef
tt hem
vachi nyaudzana Idi dntwanna geti nv olved
any mor endakangonangakur oom kwangut o
sleep. ..
Iwokeupqui teear l
yandaskeddadt odr opme
offatschoolndai dakusv i
kaear ly,,
thef ir
stonekusv ikat heguy st hatf ollowed
vakanaki dzwakundi onandi ri
Me: dzi kamai kasi kai kundi pa mabooks
eny u,,musandi pedzer enguv a. ..
Ndai sat odazv ekut ambaIr eal l
ywant edt oget
downt o busi ness, ,
Icol lectedal lt hebooks
thenIwaswal kingt ot hest uffr oom butsi r
Mar tinsaw mev arimunei mweempt ycl ass
andcal l
edme. ..IknockedwhenIgott ot he
doort henhet oldmet ocomei n..
"Goodmor ningsi rMar ti
"Lol goodmor ningDeei tsMukundi
"SirMar ti
nMukundi ,
"Somet hingl iket hat .
"Exact lyliket hat.
"Ehondazv inzwaDee, wauy anemabooks?
"Yessi rand Iwant ed t ot alkt oy ou about
somet hingel se. .
"Okwhati si t? ??
"Iwantext r
al essons.
"Lol f unny ,,ext r
a l essons f or what wakat i
unogonawani ..
m sor ry, ,
butInot icedpanepandi ri
kurasika. .
"Hoosakawhendoy ouwantt ostart? ??
"Idontknowkut i munoi ti
sawhen? ??
"SaturdayandSunday .
"What 'swr ongasi yougooutev eryweekend. .
"Mat angaassumi ngt hings.
"Sorryi t
saquest ion. .
"Idontgooutweekends. .
"Hoosowhatdoy oudoweekends.
"Iwillbehomer est i
ngoncei nawhi l
eIgof or
mov ie...
If oundmy sel fgoi ngof ft opict alki
unnecessar yt hingst hathadnot hingt odowi th
whatIhadgonet her ef or,,kutokanganwakut i
ndomunhuwandosi tuka. .
"Soski pt hemov iest hen.
newher edoy oudot helessons
"Wher edoy oust ay ?? ?
"Mtpl easant?
"Huuuuuh? thatswer eIst ay.
"Yet y ou wer e al way s l ate f or class
yangu. wakandi venga.
"Handi nai ni
"Hoo. .
"Sohowmuchpersubj ect? ?
"Ukudakundi paMar ii.
Vakabv av andi tarisa ndai sada zv ekutar
mumazi so apa v ai
v e v akarova ser i
zvav o,kakungodakut y i
r akairambakubuda
mav ar i
"Apamukudakundi v hundut sanef acey eny
"Asiy akashat a.
"Sakay ait
asei ..
ousmunoi wanza.
"Lolsor r
y. anywayus25persubj ect.
"Sohowmanyst udent
shav ey ougot..
"Vakasi yanasi yanadependingnemal ev
"Okf ineIwi l
lseey ouonSundayy oushoul d
sendmey ourlocati
onndouy a.
"Ndot umi rapai Idonthav eyournumber. .
Igav ehim mynumbert henhesav edkutiDee.
"Nyorai kut i
"Lolseey ousi rndaakuenda.
Hej ustsmi ledt henIleft,,
usual. ..
mey ekuendakumbaIdi dntev enwait
forLanandai sadamashur aapaWal terwas
ing me non st op.
I was st anding
pamar obbot s l ooki
ng at my phone
ndakazongonzwakunzi .
Kodai r
It urned ar ound and saw si r
.hana y angu
yakangor ova.
Endofchapt er2

ten bykay
I got a shock hear i
ng si r Mar t
ins v oice
ndikapot sa ndadonhedza phone y acho
vachi bv av aigama. ..
"Kohausi kumudai raWal t
"Hooai t
asei ,asiakubhowa? ??
"Ijustdontwannat alktohi m haasiboy fri
yangu. .
"Ididntsayhewasy ourboy fri
"Oh! y eah,truear gnev ermi nd.
Hamheno zv andanga ndav akur ot
ndisinakuv hunzwaIdontknow whyndanga
ndav aKuf eel ernervousar oundsir...
"Ther esy ourphone. .
hehandedmet hephone. ..
Ndakapot sa ndat iIdontwanti tany mor e
nekungony ar akut indaonekwakut indafonerwa
nemukomanai nindakat iIwasnoti ntoboy s
apandangandar otomokat hathewasnotmy
boy friend as i f he had sai d he was my
boy friend , ,,oh noooo. it ook itf r
om hi m
ndokubv ay at angakur i
raf uti
ndakazongot ilet
mej ustanswer ..
"Nhai weWal ter whati sy ourproblem? ?
"Iwannat alkt oy oubuthausikudakut aur a
neni .
sbecauseIdon' twannat alktomeaf teral lI
didntgi vey oumynumberwakapi wanaLana
sakaf oner aLanawot auranay e...
Ndi chi pedzakut aur aIdi dntknow kut ihehad
spot ted me al r
eady akabv a auya akapar ker
pasi depangunasi r. .
.sirwasal readygoi ng
ndakangot isi rwait.
"Kochi iauy amunhuwakondozor ohwa. .
"Pret endt obemyboy f
end. .
"What!Noway, arey oucr azy ?
"Pleasesi r.
Wal terakabv aadzi kisawi ndow. .
"Kondopaur ihakoandy ouwer ei gnoringmy
"Arey oust alkingme?
"EhewakanakaandI 'm st alkingy ou, ndanga
ndakusuwa. kowhoi st hat.
"Myboy fri
SirMar tinjustl ookedatmel ikeDi anawhatar e
youdoi ng.
"Hoo uudze boy friend y ako i nokufambi sa
netsokakut indi chait orerav erysoon. .
"What everiny ourdr eams.
Akabv a ar ova mot a achi bv a aenda hake
achi seka , Idon' tev en know whathe f ound
funny ,hewast oopomper sandIhat edtheway
hej ustspokehi smi ndwi t
houtev ent hinking
twiceandt hewayhedi dntev encar et hatIhad
said si rmar t
inwasmyboy fr
even mov ed.Ndakazot anga kuny ara manj e
Wal teraendaIwal kedsoof astcr ossingt he
roadndaakuv at i
zaf utikungeIwasntwi thhim
a whi l
e ago. .
.ndakav anz wa v aakuseka
varikumashur ekwangu. ..
"Becar eful youmi ghtf allDee. ...
Eishndai ny urapapi kowhydi dhehav etosayi t
iket hat. ..
"Honay ouar el eavingy ourboy friendbehi nd..
Ipret endedl i
keIdi dnthearwhathesai d. .
"HonaWal t
erwakoar i
kukut eer a..
"Huuuuh? ?
Iqui cklyt urnedt oseei fitwast r uebuthel i
,Wal ter was l ong gone . ndakami sa got si
ndaakuendabuthehad caughtup wi th me
already .
"Sakaur ikunditizir
"Ifeel sooembar rassed.
"Kut iwandi tiboy fr
iendy ako..
"Sir mukundi pl ease dont say t he wor d
boy friend. ..
"Oh boy fri
end l olany way r elax Ican see
waakut oshay ast epandi chazv it
aurindany arara
manj e.sakai wewewakat svagirwamukomana
kut iaugonekut svagawegaher e.
"Andi di v akomanasi r
"Unodav arume?
Hewasmaki ngt heconv ersationunbear able.
"Andi todi varumemypar entswi l
lme. .
"Yaasur ev arumehav asir i
ghtt akegoodcar e
ofy our selfv arume av amhany i
rwe buty ou
shoul d keep good f riends Dee , Lana wako
doesn' tseem l ikeagoodf ri
"Iknow shesnotbutev ery
oneneedsaf riend
"Yes but a good f may r esist
tempt ation now buti nt hef uturezv inogona
kur ambabecauseofpeerpr essure, ,
youwi ll
star tf eel i
ngl ikewakasar aandt hatwi llforce
yout odocer tainthings. ...
Apa we wer e wal king goi ng t ot he combi s,
sincendangandat i
zaLanaandsi rstayedi nmt
pleasantsosomehow weendedupwal king
toget her. .
Iwas t ired oft alking aboutme
zvai t
ondi pabp. .
"Sosi rMuku, whodoy oust aywi th???
"Alone.whydoy oukeepchangi ngmyname?
"Handi tiy ouchangemi neaswel l.
"Lol ok.
"Wher eisy ourwi fe? ??
m notmar ri
"Koy ourgirlfri
"Aitasei ?
"Kumbakwav o.
"Hoosoi sitni cehav i
ngagi r
"Lol I'
my ourt eacherhowcany ouaskmet hat.
"Becausey ouar emyt eacherandy ouhav e
exper ience..Iwannaknowi fitwoul dbeni cet o
hav eaboy friend.
"Wel lf ormyagei tsni cehav ingagi rlfriendbut
fory ourage what '
st he poi ntofhav i
ng a
boy friendwheny ouar ej ustgoi ngt obehear t
"Somegetmar riedatmyage, ,,
how ol dar e
you? ? ?
Erase t hatt houghtunl ess y ou wantt o get
mar riedaty ourageofwhi cht hatwoul dbea
wast e ofy oureducat ion kudzi dzi
ra mahar a
ustt obeawi feat16. ..
aboutmyagel ol I
'm 26
"Iwasgi vinganexampl enott hatIact uall
wantt ohav ear elationshi p..
.soany waywhat
doy oudowi t
hy ourgi rl
end? ??
"OkokenoughDeewecan' ttalkaboutsuch
things. .
Kamwe kakuf arisa kaizombondi batawo
kutadza kuny ara kut iIwas t alking t o my
teacher, i
fhehadntst oppedmeIwoul dhav e
askedwor set hings, ,Ihadt oev enr ubof fmy
thought s,t
hedi sgust ingt hingsIwant edt oask
it was my f i
rst t i
me act uall
y hav i
ng a
conv er sati
onwi thhi m orwi t
hanyguyf orthat
mat ter, mybr otherandIwer ecl osebutnot
kusv ika ipapo,,takazof amba kusvika
kumakombiand goton t he same kombi ..
offeredt opayf orhi m buther efusedt henhe
paidf ormei nst eadbutndakangonzwakamwe
kakuny ara kut i ndabhadhar ir
wa kombi ,,y
know whensomeonedoest hatunongonzwa
kaconst antr emi nderkekut iuri
kuziv aherekut i
wabhadhar ir
wa kombi and y ou j ust keep
sayingt hanky ounekundi bhadharirakombi ...
Hedr oppedof fear li
ert hanmet henIwent
home . iwas exci t
ed nekut anga ma ext ra
essons so ndakat ongozvi
ka nekuudza
mhamhaaboutt hef ee...
"Sakaur ikudakui tamanganj ?
"Noi takana3or4.
"Nomamaonei sf i
mar i y
angui rikubhadhar ahayisiyako!
"Mybr ainisgoi ngt obur stmama. ..
Shet ookoutherwal letndokubv andat opihwa
mar iyacho. .
"Wher edoehest ay.
"Herei nmypl easant.
neIwi llpi
cky ouupbutunoendawega. .
Honest ly I di dnt need t o do 4 subj ects
ndakat ombof unga kudy a Mar i ndov at i
kuitaesebutndakazongozv i
siyaitwasf or
myowngoodany way ..Ichangedandat ema
booksndangandat osiyandami rir
amaext ra
essonsndai zvinet sereinekukakabr aindz angu
Iwentt osi twat chingTV. ..
"Wakat ogar ahakowat chingTVwhathappened
tostudy ing..
"Mamahandi tiI 'm goi ngf ormyl essonst he
day af t
er t omor row what 's the poi nt of
confusingmy sel f.
"Ifyousayso. .
Ndakabv a ndat ora phone and l ooked f or
mukundi s number but I di dn't hav e itI
remember ed he had t aken mi ne . .
papindamessagef r
om anunknownnumber .
"Arey ouhomenow. .
"YesIam whoi sthis
"Yourboy fri
"Myboy fri
end? ??Idon' thav eaboy friend...
"Justj okingi tssir.
"Haaasi rmandi rovesanehanaany wayIwas
ooki ngf ory ou...
"Kupi kwacho? ??
"OnmyphonekaandIr eal
isedIdi dnthav e
yournumber. .
"Hookwakanakaher e.
"Mom sai d4subj ectspamaext r
alessons. ..
"Ahwhysoomany ???
"Amhenosoany wayIhav eyourmoney ..
"Okunondi pamangwana. .
"Oksowhatar ey oudoingmega? ?
m cooki ng.
"Youknowhowt ocook? ?
"Ndot adzanei kubikaI'm usedt oi t
"Manj ei ni ndobikamazai chete.
"Hauny areher eDee.
"Aaahndai t
asei, wehav emai dsandachefI
hardlycookmamav anongot i
itazvemabook. .
"Butawomanhast oknow how t ocookand
clean, stuf fli
ket hat.
m noty etawoman.
"Lolwhatdoy oumeanbyt hat..
Ndakat oonakut ialreadymymout hwast oo
much, Iwasaboutt osayawomani ssomeone
whohashadsext henIr emember edkut iIwas
kingt omyt eacherei shmur omowangusoo
"Taurakawhatdi dy oumeanbyt hat..
"Sorrysi rnev ermi ndhandi chazi vazv andanga
ndichidakut aura..
"Manj endazv i
zivaIcanr eady ourmi nd. .
"Byesi r.
Ndakabv andaendaof f
line. .didher eal l
whatimeantkanakut ihewasj ustpl ay i
ngwi th
my mi nd , ,
ndakany ara kunge ndaonekwa
ndisina hembe. I ev en got i nto bed
ndikazv ivhara nekuny ara I coul dn' t ev en
uncov er my self ndai ny ara kuonekwa
nemhepo. .
.mom i st heonet hatf orcedmeout
ofbedt henwewentf ordi nnerbuthey ...
edt oav oidhi m kuchi koro, manj edur i
nghi s
essonhekeptst aringatmendobv andat i
mazi so kui ta mur anda chai ye apa he kept
askingmemaquest i
onshobho. atl eastIgot
the answer s cor rect
ly butIwasntmy self
roubl ecamewhenIhadt ot aket hebookst o
him, ,Iknockedt henhesai dcomei n. ..
put t he books on hi s t able ndokubv a
Iwentbackandst oodlooki ngdown. .
"Whyar ey ouav oidingey econt actwi t hme. .
"Andisi i
ni sir.
"Arey ouembar rassedt haty ouar est i
gin? ??
shsi r
"Bepr oudofy ourselfDeegi rlslikey ouar eone
nami ll
ionnowsakaur ikuny arei?
"I coul dnt ev en answer ndanga
ndaakungot ambi sazv igunwe. .
m ndokubv


Chapt er4
Hanay anguy ai
rovandakat oti
zav asativataura
any t
hingt henIwentoutndi chi
mhany aIhear d
ike he l aughed , ndakadzokera Ku cl ass
taakumi ri
ra hedu i mwe l esson..
Lana was wai ting f or me ar eady,
mbononokabutt histimeshewast heone
anga at ouya ndakat oshami si
ka kut izv ai
Iwentt oherthengr eetedher..
"koshawhydi dyoul i
etoWal t
erkutiy ouhav e
aboy fri
end. .
"lolhet oldy outhat..
"y eshedi dhanzikamwekat sagasoowho
washet alkingabout? ??
"Iwasi gnor inghi scall
sIdi dntknow hewas
aroundt hecor nersohesaw mest andingna
sirmukundi ,
,Ididntwannat alktohim,heasked
mewhosi rwasandt henIsai dhewasmy
boy f
riend. .
"haa i we v har a mur omo I '
m already soo
embar rassedasi tis.
"saka wakany enga sirgegegegege Idi dnt
knowkut iunemot oso..
"shaaIj ustsai dittogetr i
dofWal t
evenl ikehi mi nt hatway. .
.thewholedayIhav e
beenav oidinghi m ndakat opisir
dzirikundi maki sa..
"whoi st hismukundi ??
"mat hsandbi ot eacher.
"t henew guyl olIhav enev erseenhi m ko
ngatimuonekaIwannaseehowhel ooksl i
" haa i we st ay away f r
om my t eacher
unondi maki sa, ,
danananev amwev esejustnot
him ndony ari
rakupi ..
"di dIsayIwannadat ehi m kowhyar ey ou
beingov er protect i
veofhim. ..
"becausebot hofuswi llseem l i
sourhabi t
ofgoi ngf orol dermen. .
"howol di she? ??
"chet el ol.
"dudewear e16. ..
"sowhat .
Akabv aar ambaakat ari
sakumashur ekwangu
"woow t ake a l ook att he hotguybehi nd
you.ndov anonzi varumekaAv o.
"wat ii
i?? ?
"tarisakani aakut osvi
Iturnedandl ookedt oseewhoi twas, ,ohnoi t
wasnoneot hert hansi r
faced herapa v anga v ati
ona kut itany eya,
want edt ogoandLanabl ockedmyway .
"shaat hatsi rmukundi .
"whaaat ?? nhai we !!ukundiudza kut indi vo
teacherv ako zv akanaka kudar o haa ndada
hangui ni ..
"stopi tiweunondi makisahande. .
"Mirakani .
Vakabv av asvika si r
,kana kut indi
kanakut aura? ??ithoughtkut ivachadarikir
Lana akabv a at okasika kut ihi e sirkunge
aivazi val i
ke she was a st udentpachi koro
chedu, ,inindakar ambandakar isakusidekunge
hapanawandai ona.
Sir:hi ehowar ey ou.
Lana: I'
m Lana.
Sir:pl eased t o meety ou..
what '
swr ong wi th
yourf ri
Lana:hamhenoshewentmut ewhenshesaw
Sir: isitl olokany wayseey ouar ound...
Hewal ked awayndokubv andasar andi inaro
benzir angu. .shewasgi ggli
ngwi thexcitement
wai toshay akut izv ir
ikuf ambaseiai i
asinakukwanaakaonav arume...
"asiunof ambwa f ambwa pese paunoona
mur ume? ??
"si rv ako Inumbersha, ,Ithi
nkWal tergot
eal ous, ,
ndipoonumberdzav o. .
"wadi ikukumbi rawapi hwa. .
"nondodakupi hwanewe.
"andi nanumberdzav oi ni.
.whyshoul dIhav e
snumber? ? ?
"becausehei sy ourt eachery oushoul dhav e
snumber, ,
sakauchandi tsv agiraher e..
"noshat svagawegaany wayI '
m goi nghome. ..
"Walteri spi ckingusupat ot indi garenewe.
" andisi kuda sha i nininewe t aakuzonet sa
nenyay ay aWal ter,,Idontl ikehi m hesj ustand
ogantbast ard. .
" give hi m a chance I t hi
nk haasat i
ambodanananasomeoneakai tasewe. .
"anditodi kanakut i
firstboy friendy angui i
anywaykwi dzanai mot andaenda. .
Ndakabv andat omhany akubv apaar iakasar a
cker akandi tari
sa . .honest ly wal t
tondibhowa . I was goi ng t o av oid him
nomat ter what .
.ndakangonosv ika nekupi nda
mukombi , I di dnt ev en not i
ce ndanga
ndatogar a padhuze na si r.ndakav hunduka
pavakat aur abecauseIwasst i
lget tingset tl
nekumhany a kwandanga ndai t
a so
emer uka...
kumhany i
reikudar okoukadonhanhai .
"aaahsi rMar t
"wav aKuf i
rstnamer angumanj e.
" lol sor ry ndoshay a kut i ndoshandi sa
mar tinormukundi ..
"ndatiwangauchi mhany i
rei .
"panemunhuwandangandi chitiza.
"hoooWal t
er???lolsakawamut iur i
kumhany i
mukomanawakoaendakumakombi ? ?
" eish si r musadar o any way anga asat i
ka. .
.hanzi naLanaar i
kudanumbery enyu..
"sakawamupaher enumbery anguy acho.
"ndatihandi na. .
"modandi mupe? ??
"unodakumupa? ?? ?
Lol webot hlaughed. ...
Arikudzi dii???
"Ar i
kukudai .
"Aaaahakakwana, ndomudi ihangu!
"hoozv iy ay ouhav eagi rlf
"y esandLana i sast udent .
"noty ourst udent .
"ur ikuedzakut inhai Dee.
"Deekwandi riDi
anakwaur i..
Ndakabv at anziswededzanai, yuwindakabv a
ndai takupushi dzir
wakwav ar ichai
kondokubv a
taita kunamana chai ko. zvakangooma kugar a
pa seat one Nana dhaf u unochifeeler
.ndakangoshi ngiri
randakadar ondaakunyar a
kugumhanakwachokwai sat oit
a,daiangaar i
mumwemunhuwandi singazi vezvaii
eishsi rv anguher ezv aitony adzisa..
Phone y akabv a y at anga kur i
ra ....
ndokuona ndi ye Wal ter anga av a
kuf ona..ndai shaya kut i ndodi ni manj e
.ndakangot ambi dza kuna si r ndikangoti
ndi dairi
"taur anay eandi t
iar i
kudai wewe.
"pl easesi r .
"ma f av or s acho aur ikuda aaakuwandi sa
manj e,
next time uchazondikumbi ra
zvandi singagonekui t
"ingodai rai kani ,
andikumbi ref uti
Vakangot orandookudai ra,
said but v akangoseka ..
.ndokubv a
vandi dzoser aphone. ..
"kohanzi chii
" hanzindi kuudze kut iukasadzi ka kombi
achanokumi r
irapagedhipeny u odzokanewe
mut ownt henokuendesakumba.
" mxm saka mat adzawo kana
kumuv hundut si
ra. ..
"ahwai dandi tichiinhai iyeandi dar o..
"kana ar imusi kana adanzwo munoi ta sei
??kut obv uma kuwachi swa kauku, ,
haa si r
hamubat sire...
Vakar amba v akandi tarisa as i f kuda
kuny at soona kuti ndakakwana here
ndopandakazogay akut indat aur azv ekupenga
butndangandat ot aurakar e. ..
"so y ou want me t o act l ike y our r eal
boyfriend? ?
"ndai damungodar opaphonechet esi rhonai
apaachat oonakut iit
sal lal ie..
"sakaur i
kudandi mubel i
ev i
se. ??
"ehe, ai wa
"Deedontusemet ot urnhi m down, ,
nhi m
downbecauset hatswhaty ouwantt odoand
hemustknowkut indozv awaf ungaandnotuse
me,,ndambokuudza kut ima f av or aur i
awanda mamwe acho we mi ght end up
crossi ngt hel i
nel et'
snotdot hathandi ti
"whywoul dwecr osst hel i
ne, asimaboy friend
andgi rlf
riendesecr osst hel i
ne? ??
"95 per fect. and we ar e notgi rlf
riend and
" f ine ngazv i
gare ndoona y ekutamba
ndichamuudzakut indainy epa. .
Ndakabv andat osv ot
wasur endi ri
kut imunhu
ndibat sireiwo i y e arikut ogar a hor ror nema
crossi ngl i
nesandai saziv akut iar i
kuedzakut i
chii,,nechandangandi chaf arisi
rawof rom t he
beginni ng,, ndakabv a ndat onyar ara
ndaakusada kut aura navo. .
ndat owachi swakaapa. .
"Sakawat samwei manj e?
"andi nakut samwa.
"waf utisamat ama.
"kushat a.
"haunakushat awakanakawani .
"Hoooi ri
bho. .
Vakabv av asv ikaandhegotof ft hecombii ni
ndookuy enda Mber i, ,
hana y airov a kut iko
ndikawana munhu ar i
po zv eshuwa ndai zoita
sei, ,
act i
v emuy edzomul i
femangu. ..ndaitoda
weekendi ner uny araroapaIwasst ar t
extra l essons angu na si rf uti ndakai ta
sendi chabudi tsami sodzi, ,myl i
fewast ur ning
outhor riblendai daabat tertradenemumwe
munhu t ozozv igadzi dzi r
isa y angu y anaka.
.ndichi bur uka ndakaona pasi na mot a but
ndaakut opindamugedhimot ay akabv ay asv ika
apagedhi rangar isati r
av hurwa. .
Akabv aadzi ki sawi ndow. .
"sakaur i
kudakundi tizakusv ikariininhaibabi e
"andi zvidezv aur i kuitaWal t
" saka haudi kudi wa her e i wewe. apa
wakandi ny eper akut imuf aceuy amukomana
wako i y e asi ri
Lana andi udza kut ihausat i
wamboi tamukomana, ,Iwannabey ourf i
rst .
"ev eni fy ouwer et hel astIwoul dn'tlety oube
myf i
rst, ,
any wayi bvapagedhit her escamer as
unondi pinzabusy ...
" ndobv a ndat oomber a semukwasha
vakangondi ona. ...
Gedhir akabv ar avhur wa mama v aive panze
vakabv av atodongor eravakaonamot aichi enda
"kondi ani uyo.
" hamheno vamwe blaz vanoita
sevakambot sv iramumba. .
"kohanzi i
"hanzi anondi daasi handimude.
"youar est il
l y
oungf ocusony ourst udies.
"Iknowmamadontwor r
yaboutme. ..
I went i nto t he house , I was hungr y
ndakangonanganekudy abef oreIchangedand
my mot her hat ed i t..ndakabv a ndakasi ka
kubuda vasat i v
apinda ndokubv a
ndatochi nj
a..ndai ngonzwa kuda kudz idzi
kubika, kubv asi rpav akatimusi kanaanof ani
kugona kubi ka ndakanzwa kuzv i
ny ari
ra kuti
sure ndot ozor ambi rwa kusagona kubi ka ?I
wentt ot heki t
chenkunachi poangaaakut anga
kubika,ndai todakubi kawo. .
"Chipondodakudzi dziswakubi ka..
"lolzv aitasei ?asimukonawakoat iudzi dzi
kubika. .
Ndakany arakui takungeai vepopandai udzwa
nasi r
" ndakur a sha apa handi gone kubi ka
nomaki sa.
"munemar iunongoi taamai danoi t
azv ese
"Ijustwannal earnkani imbomi r
akut aur i
"ehoudakubi kei ?
"ukubikei nhasi .?
"sadz anebeef ..
"ndidzidzisekukangabeef .
"kkkkay asehondokudzi dzisa..
Takatangakubi kat esekudzi dzi swakucheka


enbyKay di
Ndakat oitakut izvitozii
kanwakut indabi kawo
kunyangwendangandi riassist ant,,
ndakabv a
ndatoraapi coft hef oodthatl ookedSoogood
andpost edonmyst atuskut icookedmyf i
meal .
.mama was shocked butchokwadi wo
nyamandangandakangandi niwi ththehel py a
,Iwasn' tSoo badzv ekut indangandi r
dofo,,Ijustdidn'thav etheconf i
mamat reat edmel ikeababy ,
,weat enicelyand
mama act uall
y saidt he food was ni ce so
anywayt apedzandakabv andanobat sirachipo
towashupt hedi shes. ..
.shekeptl ooki ngat
meshocked kui t
a kungeIwasr eal
lydoi ng
weirdt hings. .ndakangosmi lerandi gnored
herndakangot iamhenohakenebr aindz akeI
wasn' t goi ng t o expl ain any t
hing t o
ndai tonzwa kunaki dzwa nezv andaiitaI
wonder ed whymama was spoi l
ing me Soo
muchwhenI wasAbl et obeapr operwoman
anogonazv esemumba, ,,may bebecauseIwas
theonl ygi rlandhanzipanhumbuy angushe
wentt hroughal otofcompl icati
onssov ai
ndakaona daddy v achi
ngo smi ker
vachi non'onamazi nondi kasekahangu. ...
Dad: Kwakananakaher emany onikwaur ibusy
busykudai so, thisissooounl i
Me: si yanai nazv odaddy.
Dad:mmmm I 'm i mpr essed whoev er has
pushed y ou t o do t his ndoda kumut enda
kasingagumi ..
Me:whydoesi thav etobesomeonecan' tIdo
ngs because I want t o,
, not because
someonesai dso.
Me:ehomany oniasiwagonahakomwanangu
keepi tupawomanshoul dbeabl et odohouse
wor k...
Mydadenj oyedcal l
ingmet hatkanav achida
havokudenha,soany waywhenIgotdoneI
wentt ot hebedr oom andj umpedonmybed, ,
hadf orgot tent ot iemyhai rsakandakadzi ka
ndikut svagadooki ekut indisungemusor o,,the
sf rom t heweav ey aisvibisamapi l
anywayndapedzakusungaIt ookasel fieand
post edkut isleepyheadndodahangul alaby..
goti nsidemybedt henwentonmyappndai da
ocat iony ekumbakwasi rMuku. ..Ndakabv a
ndaonav andi i
"Deewabi ka. .
Ndakabv andanzwakuny arandi kambobv apa
app.I twasasi fheknew kut indabikasur e,,
hehadt ol dmekut imusi kanashoul ddoal lthe
housechor esandi ninindangandai t
aal lthose
housechor es, ,,sowhydi di tembar r
especi allywhenhesai dDeewabi ka,,Idi dnt
know kut ikwai v akudakundi tigoodgi rlher e
kanakundi seka. .Iwentbackonappaf tert en
mi nndi kaonandanzi .
"Sakaur ikut ony ar asoi papa. .
Munhuangaav akut ondi wachi sakauy u.
"Si rmukumaakudakut ondi wachi sakaimi mi
"KaanaDeeI '
m wonder ingkut iwhathappened
tot hatt oughgi rlai ndiwachi samucl ass.
"Shel ef twheny oumadeherf eelSoobad,
sakamodai yeyeadzokeher e?
"Somet imesy esbutt hisy oui sgood, ,youar e
mat ur
ingndazv ifar i
ra.Sakandi wewabi kaher e
sur e..
"Ideci dedt ot akey ouradv i
cemakai t
aheny u
siry oupushedmet owannal earnandist arted
today, ,itwasr eal lyni ce..
"Wasukaher emapl atesacho? ??
"Ehendasuka. .
"Ndosakawaakur ara?? ?
"Mazi vasei kuti ndaakur ar a..
"Koandi tiwai sapast atuskut itioneher ekut i
urikudal alaby ..
" Kkkk z v akaoma i mimukut sv ageiKuma
stat usangu, ,.
"Koandi ti aripaapppanguchi r
ara. .
"Iwanty ouraddr ess.
"Hoozv iyay ouar ecomi ngt omyhouse. .
"Yessakandi t
umi reiandt hetimet hatishoul d
"Huy ana9ndopanouy av amwe. .
"Kokanandi chidakumbokwat at ea.
"unokwat awapedzamal essons.
"Ehoi sirgoodni ght. .
Ndakabv andar ar ahanguIwast i
red, ,Iwoke
up ar ound 7 and f ixed myr oom ndokubv a
ndazogez a, Iwentf orbr eakf astchi po anga
atopedzakar eai muki rachaizv o..
Mama: ar ey our eady...
Me: Iam mamagoodmor ning. .
Mama: wher e'st hehouse? ??
Me:munawoodendsecondhouset oy ourleft
kanamuchi bv anekuno. ..
Mama: okcool whatt imeshoul dIpi cky ouup?
Me:Idon' tknow nekut iMakat indi i
te ma
subjects hobho, ,
mama dai mangot i ndiite
mashoma. .
Mama: zv andakat otaura ndozv ozvo
,unondi tumi ramessagekanawapedza
Shedef i
nitelywasntchangi nghermi nd,Iwent
tomyr oom andpi ckedani cef l
aireddr ess
ndoandai f
ar i
ra i way o ndokubv a ndachena
ndakabv isadooki eandbr ushedmyweav e.
Mabooks angu wer e al ready packed
ndakambonoonat vndichimi ri
rakut idzi v
east8: 30ndobv andabuda. padzakangokwana
ndakabv a ndat obuda ndaakunot svaga
kombi ,,
Hai na kana kunonokA y anga y atouya
Kare and si nce panga par i padhuze
ndakakasi ka kusv i
the house l ooked
beaut i
fulf rom out side ,ndakar i
dza i nter
andaf emal ev oiceanswer edme, ,
ndakangot iI
wast her ef orsi rmukundiandshesai dokhe' s
comi ng..aftera f ew mi nuteshe opened t he
gateandsmi l
ed. .
.Ismi l
edback. .
"Youar eear ly..
"Iwasn' tsur ewher eIwasgoi ngIdi dnotwant
togetl ost.
"Forani ntelli
gentgi rl,
,youcan' taf fordt oget
Ndakambony arara ,
ivo ndokuny arara
vakandi tari
sa,somel adycl ear edhert hroat
achidongor eraandsai d
"Mar ti
nbabi echiuy andaakudakuenda. ..
Shel ookedatmeandsai dhie. .
"Hie. Isaid..
So t hatwas hi s gi rl
end? ?
? ?she was cut e
hakehandi rambendakangosekandi katisaka
ndiyeanoi t
wazv ev akurunasi rMuku. ..
me t o get i nside ndokubv a ndapi nda ,I
wonder edhow hewasaabl et or entsucha
place ndakangot i may be v aichenget era
munhu. .Iwenti nsidet hehouset henhet old
me t o make my selfcomf ortabl ev achimbo
attenderzv ev akuruIt hink,
,Ikeptl aughi ngat
mydi rt
ymi ndndakat ombosekazv akanzwi kwa
ndakazoona munhu Ami ra mber i kwangu
zvikanzi mumusor o mako mur i
kuf ungei???
Ndakany arazv okut isemunhuabat waachi i
zvinony adzisira . ...
ndakangov har a mur omo
ndokut arisapaphonepangu. .
"Manj e ndi ri
kuzv iziva zvaurikuf unga hauna
kanakukwana. .
"Haaaasi rkoandi tizv evakuruzv inongoi t
taimozouy a. ..
"Aaaahi wewakakwanaher eiwe. .
" Sor ry si r zv angobuda r itoridambudzi ko
not odakunamat irwasomet imesmymout h
ust opens on i ts on ndot adza kana ku
mr eal
lyr eall
ysor ry,Iknowy ouar e
myt eacherandIshoul dn'tbesay ingt hingslike
that, ,
andmay beI '
m sodi srespect f
ul, ,
Iwoul d
under stand i fy ou di dn'
twanna t each me
any mor esoIguessIneedt ofindsomeone
Igotup t ol eavet hen he hel d my hand
ndakabv andakasi kakur ibvisahamhenoka
feelingkandakanzwaso, ndakabv andat ar i
pav anga v andi bat
a ndookubv a ndat arisa ivo
,hespokef i
rst .
"I'm sor ryItouchedy ourhandIwasj usttrying
tosayr elaxandsi tdowni tdoesn' tmat ter,
ikehowy ouspeaky ourmi nd,,hauvanze. .
"Sakakusav anzakut ir
"YesIgett oknowwhat sony ourmi nd. .
"Whywoul dy ouwannaknow what '
mi nd..
"Just ..
...Any wayndi ri
kudzoka,,byt he way
andi sikunoi tazv evakuru..
Igi ggledndokubv andagar apasi ,
,afterawhi l
vakabuda nemusi kana wav o and wentoutI
thinkhel eftherbyt hegat ebecausehecame
back f ast, ,
he was wear i
ng hi s shor ts apa
ndanga ndaj aira kuvaona i nf ormalcl othing
ndakat ombor ambandakav atarisanday ever wa
"Sakaur ikutarisei
"Makaf it
wanemashor tssirmakumboeny u
aribhozv ekuti..
"Andi timat i
i shouldspeakmymi ndher e???
"Domeaf av orDee, ,,
Iknow Isai di t
'sokt o
speaky ourmi ndbutiwanty out ospeaky our
mi ndwhenwear ejustthet woofusl ikenow
..Usazv ii
tewhenpeopl earet hereunondi pinza
busy ..
"Amuzi vezv amunodasi r,,
mandi tiit'
t'snotokay .
"Wel litdependswi t
hwhat '
sony ourmi ndbut
anyway t hanks I di dn't know kut i ndi ne
makumbo akanaka. And wasi i
rei dooki e
a. .
"Makadi i kundi udzanezur okut irakandifit
"Becausendai dakukuudzanhasi ..
"Hoosohowcomey ourst udentsar enoher e
yet9dzakwana. ...
"Vanononokabutl et
So we st arted wi tht he lesson.iwas a bi t
behind ku mat hs kwandai da,,
panguv a y e
teaching he was so ser i
ous hanziandi na
studentinof oira,,ndakai t
akuny uramumabook
vamwev akazot angakuuy akumat en. .
essons went on ndanga ndaakunaki dzwa
manj e, ,
brai ndzangadzi sisanyanyekukakat a
nekushay a f or mul a zv andanga ndaakui ta
kumbaIwasSoo happyal r
eadykut iIwas
ngbackont rack..
.wet ookabr eakv amwe
ndokuenda, ,
we car r
ied on agai n kusv ika 4
subjectsdzangudzaper aofwhi chitwasj ust
sion kune mamwe masubj ects..
v amwe
vakaendandi kasar andav a1, ,Itextedmama
kutivauyekuzondi toranekut it
angat apedza. ...
"Sakawakazodi inaWal ter?
? ?
"Ndakamuonapagedhi pedu.
"Sakawakamut i chii
"Modandi ti
i i
mi makar ambakundi batsira..
"Ndodakungozi vawohangu. .
" Ndakamuudza kut i andi mude , , Lana
akamuudzakut ihamusi mukomanawangu. ..
"Akazv ii
tirei i
zv ozv o..
" Ai tadza nei kuzv i
ita kana i mi mi
makazv i
ramba. .
"Hoosakaar i
kudakut iudananenaWal ter
"Usazof oiresubj ectyangubecauseofhi m...
"Tambot itasv i
kaikokoher e.
" Akar amba achi uy a pagedhi uchabv uma
"Andibvume. .
"Koukabv umawat ihaubv umendokuitasei.
"Tinenget ichizoona. ..
Vakambor amba v akandi t
sa ndokubv a
vabuda v akazodzoka wi th sandwiches and
uicezv ikanziIknow y ouar ehungrychidya..
andina kur amba ndai tove nenzara we at e
togethermama v akazofona v achi
ndokubv andabudandi chienda
Endofchapt er5

tenbyKay di
Chapt er7
Therewasami rrori
andr eall
yl ovedhow thenecklacel
me , It urned and f aced him ndikaona
"sakahamusikupf ekay eny
ewear e
goingt ol ookl iket wins. .
"lol azv i
nabasa. ..
het riedput ti
ngi nonbuthewasf ai l
ingtocl i
tatt hebackIt ooki tandhel pedhi m. .
"ther ey ougomachena. ..
"haai weDee. .
Webot hl aughedsoomucht apedzakuseka
takangoer ekana t atar
isana , ,
itf elt a bi t
awkwar dsowebot hqui ckl
yl ookedaway. ..
sgoandhav ei cecream . .
.. Hesai d.
"cr eamyi nni cecr eam i st hebestIl ovet he
smoot hnessmai hwezv anguI 'mi n...
So wewal ked t o creamyi n and hebought
cecr eam , we sat i n t here eat i
ng i t
ndai ny atsonzwapar ereMoy ochai po..ihadan
obsessi on f or cr eamy i nn i cecr eam apa
vairambav akandi t
arisat hewayIwasl i
thei cecr eam , Ihadaskedf oral argeconesaka
Iwasr eallyl i
ckingi tzvekunaki rwachai zvoand
evenmaki ngt hemmmmm soundy ekunakirwa
ndakat sinz ini
ra, ,ndakazomi rawhenIopened
myey esandf oundhi m st aringatmeasi fI
wasdoi ngsomet hi
ngchai vanakidza. ...
"haaasi rMukumandi t
ar i
sakudar owhy .
" I '
m sor ry zv awanga uchi ita zv anga
zvichi ndinaki dza. .
"lol sakandi i
tef uti
"aiwachi mi ra.
"ndi mi ri
rei? ??
"ndokumbi rawo. ..
"ehondami raasi I
m embar rassingy ou??
"noy ouar enot. .
"Iwilltelly ousomeday .
"andwhenwi llthatbe. .
"wheny ouhav egr ownupenough. .
"sirndav amunhumukur uini.
"noty etDee.
"ehoibuti ndav a muchi ngondi i
ta semwana
Mudi kiimi mi ..
"asi zvi
"somet imes.
"okI '
m sor ryndi chapagadzi ri
sa. ..
"soany wayhowi sy ourgi rlf
end. ..
"she'sokay .
"sakamukur oor ar ii
ni? ??
"ndichar oor ahanguwhent het imei sri
"ist her ear ightt i
mewhent wopeopl el ove
eachot her. .
"youar et ooy oungt ounder stand.
"thent eachmet het hingsIdontknow moda
ndivhunzeLana, ,
handi timakat ishesnotsuch
agoodf r
iend, unlessy ouwantmet ogoand
askwal ter..
Ndakabv andany ararahangundanzindi kwane
hamheno kut indai ita semwana Mudi kiher e
ndai da kumbokur awo kwacho but
ndaingoi twa kunge mwana Mudi kiev en my
parent s t reat ed me t he same . .
ndatsamwa manj e ndanzikwana , ,
kana kuti
ndiwane pakashot a pandi r
iandi na kupaona
andi zi
v ekut iyangai rimhosv ajustwant i
ngt o
know a l itt
le bi taboutgr own ups t hings
,ndaikur a seindi sina anondi dzidzi
sa ,,so I
edpl ay ingnei cecr eam i yeandi tstarted
mel t
ing. .
m sor ryndakut samwi sa. .
"itsf ine. ..
andi nakut samwa.
"soeaty ouri cecr eam i tsmel t
"ndof ar ir
ay akamel ter. ..
"waakui tasemwanaMudi kimanj ei mbomi ra
zvekur amwa. .
"maakut ondi wachi sakai mi mi .
"let '
schanget hesubj ecti t
sourbi rt
shoul dbehav i
ngf un. .tellmewher ey ouar e
goi ngf orAl evel.
"speci esst il
"yougotal lthatfigur edout .?
"Yes, ,wi llyoust illbet her e?
"Wi llyoust illbet eachi ngme. .
"ify ouar edoi ngAl ev el mat hs.
"Iwi ll seekanamar esul tsabuda. ..
Ireal lywasntsur ewhatIwant edt odobutI
want edt odoar t
s, ,Ilov eddr awi ngandIwas
consi der i
ng ar chitect ure. .
. So t here wer e
chancesofusmeet ingpaAl ev elmat hs. .
got up t apedza kudy ai cecr eam t hen we
star t
edwal kingt ot hecombi s.wegotont he
combit henhepai df ort het woofus, wewer e
talkingal lt hewayl ikewewer ebestf r
iends, at
rsti tseemedwei rdbutIhadgot tenusedt o
thatal ready ...
vakadar ikira nekombiIt hought
hewasgoi ngt oj umpof fpabust opy avobut
hedi dnt ..
"madar i
kirakai mi ..
"ehendi r
ikuper ekedzamut winwangukumba. .
"lol I'
my ourt winnow?
"handi tindi wewat aur a kudar o her e. .
neckl acesandsamebi rthday ..
"dontt akeof fyour smat i ndisabv isey angu. .
"ndobv isirei .
"amhenoi mimi ...
"Iwon' t...
SoIj umpedof fthenwest ar t
edwal kingt omy
house t alki
ng, ,
hamheno ny aya dzai r
dzichi ngowandaasi fIwast al
kingt oLana. .
"sirmakui takungebestf riendhangumanj e...
"may beIam.
"I'm goi ngt omi ssy oushameandi chaende
kuchi kor o..
"andi tikumba kwangu unokuzi vaf eelfree
kuuy akuzoonashamwar iyako. .
"lolehoi sirndouy akuzokwat atea...
m nol ongery ourt eacherchi mirazv ekutisir.
"sakandot iMar ti
"thatwei r
eddonty out hink.
"sakandokut imi ssDeendokut izvii
"tinenget ichionasi rMar t.
"chiendakumbandozokunonot sa...
"Chiendai pamwemakami rir
wa. .
"unogar auchi dakundi denhahandi tika.
"amhenozv i
nongozv i
azv ega. .
"ndi chazokupa puni shmentnemashoko ako
way o..
"sor rykani .
"chipi ndapagedhi ndichiona. .
Ndakabv a ndaf amba kupi nda pagedhit hen
wav edathi m,,vakat angakuf ambav aakuenda
kumba kwav o..Idontev en know whyIwas
smi l
ing, ,ndakambodakuzv isekakut iwhywasI
smi l
ingwi t
houtr eason. .
ndakapi ndamumbat o
asur prisebi rt
hdaypar tyndakadonhedzat he
present I was hol ding ndanzwa kut i
surpr i
se, ndakazot anga kuzv i
seka fut
zvakaoma zuv ar acho soo. .
.ana Lana wer e
,my cousi ns wer et herev ekumba kwa
Bamni nibr ot hery adaddy ..
.mybr otherandhi s
endswer et her ei twasj ustnice. .
kaIhadt houghtkut iwewer ej ustgoi ngt o
hav edi nner, ,
shecameandhuggedme. ..
Ma:happysweet16mwananguwapedzaf orm
fourwi thoutcompl i
cat ions,I'
m pr oudofy ou
haunakut iny adzi sa..
Me:t hank y ou soo much mama Iwasnt
expect ingal lthisI '
m soohappy ...
Dion: happybi rt
hdaymonkey. .
Me: ukwane. .
Dion: kkkkksowhoi st heguyy ouwer ewi th????
Me: my f riend sssshhh zv amboi t
seiko..wandi onasei .
Dion: Ihav eey esev er ywher eli
lsi s..
Apaai daroachi ndibhabhadzi ramusor oandI
sohat edt hat. ...any waywedeci detohav ea
poolpar t
y, ,
Iwentt o myr oom and bat hed
ndakapf ekamybi kinil i
keev ery oneelseand
weheadedt ot hepoolDi onandhi sf riends
wer et hereal readyndakai t
asendi chafanezi so
from them. .
Lana:mmmm shaaaDeebodyy akoy aakui t
saonekwe. .
Me:t heyar el ooki ngatmebecauseI '
mt he
hday gi r
l chet e i ndava muchi mhany a
kufungaz v isinabasa. .
Lana:itsonl yt haty ourbr ai
nt hinkssl ow, ,
met ogr owupDi anaf ungal i
keamat uregi rlI
can'tkeepexpl ainingal ltheset hingst oy oual l
thet i
me. .
Me: why does ev er yone say ndof unga
semwanaMudi ki...
Tina:cousi nal lshei ssay i
ngi sy oumustbe
awar eoft heef f
ecty ouhav eonmen, hausi sir
Kupr i
mar ysomenar eboundt olookaty oui n
al ustfulmannerbecause wakur a now , ,,
nolonger t he t i
me when y ou di dnt hav e
mazamu butnow unef ullcleav agemagar o
mahi pszv abuda. .
Jean: she means waaakui ta kut i dz imi re
.idzodzodzi rimuunder wear ..
Me: i iii guy s zv akwana maaakundi kwadza
nzev e ny arai wo mhanii mi, ,
zvinotaur a her e
zv ozvo. .
Tina:thef acty ekut ihausat iwav acomf or
tabl e
kuzv i
taur a means t heres somet hing wr ong
withy ou,,kur ashaakkkkkkkkk. .
Lana: youneedt ot ouchi t..
Me: haaai wemhani kondi karumwa. ..
Lana: ndingadai ndisinakuf anekur umwa. .
They al ll aughed at me kunge ndopenga
,ndakabv andaendaand j umped i nto t he
poolandev eryoneel sef ol l
owed, ,
muchf un,,
takazobudaandst artedt akingpi cs
.apaai budasei. ..mamweachondakat or wa
nemaf r i
ends a Di on , ,ndanga ndaakuz viona
zvaitaurwa Nana Lana because mmmmm
mamwemat ari
sirwoacho. ..
ndisinakananguv a
ndaisapast at usphoney anguy akabv ay ari
rai t
was si r Mar t.
..ndakaenda kwangu ndega
because of t he musi c ndai sambonzwa
any t
hing. ..
soIt oldhi mt ogoonapp.
"sirMar thie. ..
"ndokumbi rawoumbov har amakumbo. .
"ndai t
asei .
Hehi ghl i
ght edt hephot oy aiit
akut indiitelikeI
wasnaked. .kushat akwebi kiniwaai takunge
wakapf ekapant ynebr achet eandact uallyit
wasapant yandabr a..
..ndakanzwakuny ara
kutindaoner er wa, ,
andinakupf eka. .
"wany ar ar
"youjustmademesooshy .
"sorryndangot i vhar ambi chana. .
"okndaakunov har a.
"goodgi rlsakav akomanaAv ondi anani.
"mybr othersf ri
ends. .
"hooohapanaar ikukushupa. ??
"kkkkkungondi tarisachet e. .
" v ar i
kuona zvavasingaf anir
e kuona
zv i
nof anir
akuonekwanemunhuhwani ..
"okaykani ndaakunov harandazv inzwa. .
Iwenti ntot hehousel ooki ngf orfoodt henI
wentt omyr oom andgr abbedachi ff
coveredmyassandl egsbutst il
litwasabov e
myknees, ,
Chi pot ookapi cofmet henIsent
him ndikatizv aitaher e. .
"zvavanani .
"nani?? ?
"ehepanezv imwebutunozot indot auri
sa, ,go
and hav e f un asi usaf arise , ,
boys i ro
tembe. .
"lolehoi .
Iwentbackout side. .t
hepar tywentonkusv ika
kwasv i
ba r eal l
yl ate ndakat indabuda panze
da kunot or a ma shades andanga
ndakanganwandopandakat ev erwanef ri
endy a
Dion ndokubv a andi bata mu wai st
"nhaiwekochiiwandi bat
ulDianaapawakur awabat ana
mi nlovewithyousha. .
"shaa usabat e chiuno changu bata chako
Ipushed him outofmy way ndookupi nda
mumba , ,
sirwas r ight,,Di
ends aiv a
madzv i
nyu ,,
ndakanzwa hasha ndi kasv i
Dionudzamadzv i
ny uakoasiyaneneni.

Dion:whatdoy oumeanmadzv i
Me:kuzambi r
a mushana kut eya zuva kut
wemanj eandisizuvarav
opspeakinginr i
Me:oneofy ourfr
iendsmadeamov eonme
theymustknowwhatt heycamehereforkwete
kidzamuganhungav ar
andidipeopl et hatcr osst hel i
neandi siny ama
ngav ami reKur wer ar ute..
Dion:I 'm sor ryDeeIdi dn' tknow kut ipane
achadar omay bev angoonasepot entialbutI
willtellt hem t okeept hei rhandsof fhandit i
pleaseenj oyy ourbi rt
hday. ..
Ndakacheukandi kaonadzv inyur akandi t
ar isa
ndakar idza t samwa t hen wentkunana Lana
whower ewonder i
ngkut indat samweiv akabv a
vatotangakundi sekaf utiasi fndangandat aur a
zvisingai te. .
Lana:may bet hatwasachancef ory oukut i
uwanef irstki ssy akonhai wei ndavauchi pusa
soo. .
Me: noooo pl ease andi dizv ekuzadzwa mat e
zvandoonaont hemov ies. .
Lana:t her esdi fki ndsofki ssesl ove,,
dryki ss
wetki ss, f
r eshki sst hel isti sendl ess,,
ify ou
don'twanna ki ss wi tht he t ongue i tsf ine
ndoy atot it onguewr est lel ol ,
ipsucki ngwhat
whathahahahawheny ougetaguywhocan
kisswel ly ouwi l
lbet ellingusadi ff
erentst ory
,butkanauchi dandokudzi dz i
saIdon' tmi nd. .
Me: y ouwannat eachmehow? ??
Lana:byki ssi ngy ouzv e, ,
dontgetmewr ong
mv eryst raightI '
m notl esbi an,,I'
m nor malbut
Ijustdon' tmi ndki ssingagi rl.
Jean: youar eaf reakLana.
Lana:Iknow , ,
Iwannaexper i
enceev erything
befor eIset tledownandbesomeone' swi fe
,beinggl uedont ooneper soni sbor i
ngunof a
mat ast esbuds, ,
Imv eryexper iment alli
m wor kingonat hr eesome. ..
Me: whatt hreesome. .
Lana:myboy fri
endzv et henmet henanot her
,whoi sin? ???
Me:hel lnoar ey ouser i
ous? ??ifI'
mt ohav ea
endIwoul dnev erwannashar e....
Jean:I 'm cr azybutnott hatcrazysor ryIwi l
pass. ..
Lana:allofy ouar emi ssingoutonal ottambai
neniand Iwi lli nt r
oducey oual lt other eal
wor l
dnotz v amur ikui t
ai zviamusat imatanga, ,
actuallyhadat hr eesomeoncebutwi tht wo
Me: ohno.
Jean: howwasi t..
Lana: tryitandf indoutl ol.
Jean: tellusi we. .
Lana:Itwasr eallygr eatIkeptscr eami ngallthe
way, ,
inmycaseonedi dt hetouchingandt he
otherdi dt her idingunt i
lwebot hcamet hen
they exchanged mmmm Ihad t oo much
buti twaswor thit.
Me:whatdoy oumeany oucame, ,
whati sthat
Jean: hahahahaDeepl ease.
Lana: uchandi ny adz isa i we ...i
tst he best
ngi nongouy af oraf ew secondsy ett he
bestf eelingev er, ,onlywhensomeonehi tsyour
gspotorel seunopedzanguv ahavingsexand
notfeel i
ngi t..
Me:i fi tcomesf oronl ysecondswhat '
st he
pointofcomi ngt hen. .
Lana:mommyt hosef ew secondsar eenough
todr ainal lofy ourener gyunoital i
uchishandazuv ar ese. ..
Me:sohowdoy ouknowkut iamancanmake
youcome. ..
Vanhu v akandi seka kunge ndi nopenga
ndakapedzi sira ndany arar a and keptqui et
hanguv achindi wachi sa. .
Lana:sweet i
e hauone nemazi so unoona ne
engineandpowerofengi nekanay avapabasa
notnemazi so, ,
andwel ly ouhav etodoi twi th
someone y ou ar e soo at tracted to wekut i
akakugumhaunonzwamaget si...
Me: maget si api futi
Jean:ooh pl ease t hat s enough she means
someone wekut i akakuguma unonzwa
gn t hings l i
ke f eelings y ou nev er
experiencedbef or e...
Me: okay ..
Mmmmm y andangandakasar azv esureIwas
eadyf eelingl ikeIwasf rom anot herplanet, I
wassoooconf usedkut ihow comewenev er
did that Ku bi ol
ogy because zv ese i zvi
of anirakungezv ir
ikochet e, ,
Iwonder edi fI
had mi ssed t he l esson ndai t
ozovhunza si r
chetekut ihow comehenev ertaughtusal l
thepar tyf inall
ygotf i
nishedandpeopl e
went t o t hei r houses, ,
I was soo t i
ndakanogeza and got i nto bed . .
kutora nguv a pakubat wa nehope
ndakat okasi kisa zvakany anya..
ndakamuka a bi tl ate semunhu anga asi na
kwekuenda and i t was a weekend f uti
ndandi sina pr essur e t oo much. .I dragged
my sel
foutofbedandwentt owashmyf ace
and br ush my t eeth..ndakananga kuki tchen
kunoisa cer eal ndokubv a ndaakudy a
ndakagar a mul ounge ndi chiona TV , ,
vangav abudahamhenoshamwar iyav oy anga
yanzii riKur war a. ..
.ndakat ombokot sir
af uti
ndakagar a pasof a ndi kazomut swa na Chi po
ndaakui ta ngonono. .ndakamuka ndi kagara
then I t hought of openi ng my pr esents
,ndakat anganev amwev esendi kazopedzi si
ney aLananaWal t
er. .
Lanaboughtmear edt hongzv ikanzikeepi t
fort hatday ,,
and Iwonder ed whi ch dayshe
meant ...Walterboughtmeabeaut ifulbr acel
eat ings and a neckl ace zv ai
v e zv akanaka
ndakasi mukandi kaendaKur oom kwangu
and t ook my bag ndai da phone y angu
yandangandangokandai momo ndi chi
timur i
saf ehapanaanoi baIwant edtot hankev eryone
formapr esent st heninot icedt her ewasan
env el op i momo y akanzi f rom Muku. .
wonder edkut ikosi rvangav aii
sar i
ndokubv a ndaona mune mar i, ,
Icount ed i
ndi kaonai r
iexact l
yt hesameamountIpai dfor
myl essons, ,kowhydi dhegi vemeback? ??I
wast r oubledsoIcal l
edhi m. .
.hemusthav e
beenhav i
ngl essonsnekut ihedi dntanswer
ghtaway, heonl ycal ledmebackaf teran
hour. ..
"si rko makandi dzoser amar iy emal essons
why ...
"andi nakukudzoser ait
sy ourbi r
thdaypr esent..
"y ouar elyi
ngt ome.
"ser i
"butwhywoul dyougi vemesoomuchmoney ..
"y ou shoul d notasky our selfsuch any way
ndi nenzar aapacakewakady awega. .
"ndi i
gi roo?kanauchi gonaasikanausi ngagone
usauy e...
"mukur idasur e..
"ehei weunody acakeusi nat weeniewakosei ??
"okl etmebat handcome. .
"ukasi ke..
Ndakabv a ndakasi ka kusi muka kunogeza
kunge munhu ai mhany ir
a appoi nt
ment . ..
dressedupni cel yndokubv andanochekacake
Iwentt o Di on'sr oom and knocked uy o
akav huraakaf anehope. ..
"kosmar thanzi i
"Iwannagooutcov erforme. .
"wher ear ey ougoi ng???
"toseeaf riendofmi ne.
"ifitsaf r
iendt henwhyshoul dIcoverfory ou..
"itsaf ri
endy oudontknow. .
"lol isitthatguyIsawy ouwi thnezuro..
"y esweshar et hesamebi rt
hdayheaskedf or
asl iceofcake. .
"wher ear ey oumeet i
nghi m..
"int own. .
"dontgot ohi shouseokay .
"whyl ol..
"Nev erbeal onewi thmen, ,
theyalway shav e
hiddeni ntent ions..
"lol okayIwon' t..
Hanay akambor ov awhenhesai dIshouldn'tgo
tohi shouse. ..
apandokwandai enda,,butagai n
ndanga ndakaj aira kuendako ko v aigondi i
Seiko si r
he was notl i
ke that.
.So any way
ndakakwi ra kombiev en t hough it was a
wal king di stance ndai da kukasika kudzoka
.ndakat umi ramessagendasv i
kakut indauy a
zvikanziok. .heopenedt hegat einshor t sas
alway s , ,ndakat ambi rwa nesmi le zv ikanzi
pinda, ,
we wal ked t i
kanopinda mumba
appar entlyhedi dnthav esoomanyst udent s
becausemosti fhi sst udentsv angav any ora
maexams. .
..ndakanogar apasiandcr ossed
myl egsl ikeaLady ..
.hedidntwai ttosi tdown
hej ustgr abbedaf orkndokubv avat angakudy a
"ndaakuendai ni ndaunzacakesoI 'm goi ng. .
"waakuendai weuchangobv akusv ika...
"sakai nini ndot andar anaani .
"musi kanaweny uar ikupi
"amhenondi udzei wewe. .
"ndozv iziv i
rakupi ???
He j ustl ooked atme and smi l
ed t hen he
car r
iedoneat i
ng. .
"sakawakadi wanev angani nezuro. .
" kupi ko si r amheno r i
mwe saskam
rakandi bat amuwai stamhenozv aai dakundi i
ndikamut uka. ..
"Wakagona , ,
usabv ume kubat wa any wher e
andi tika. .
.ndakakuudzakut iwangawakapf eka
zvisingai tehonawangawaakubat wa. .
Ndakabv andat angakuf unganezv et hefor eign
feeling. .
"nhai mi sir. .
"Mar tiniwe. .
"okMar tcanIask?
"sur e.
"whati saf orei gnf eeli
ngonaper son' sbody ?
"lol wakazv inzwakupi .
"Lana and my cousi ns wer e di scussi ng it
nez uro so Iwas wonder ing what i t was
becausey ounev ert aughtust hatKubi ology
andt hef eel ingofcomi ngwhatwhatal otof
things. .yesl ast lywhati sagspot? ?
"whooooawhooaMi rakutaur a...
"ndai tasei futi?? ?
"haauchi rimwanasur eei sh..
"ev er yone say st hatand i ts annoy ing,,I'm
askingy ouandy ouar esay i
ngt hesamet hing...
m sor ryDeeokI 'm sor ry,,
any wayi t
st hings
thaty oushoul dn'tknowaboutf ornow. .
"Iact uallywannaknow aboutt hem because
mukundi tindakasar a. .
"noy oushoul dn'tknow.
"Iwannaknow andndi dzidziseiabouti t, asi
ndakaj ambal essony azv o. .
"ndichazokudzi dzi sa.
"i tsal esson i noda pr acticalf ory ou t o
under standandpl easeDeedontaskany one
aboutt hisndapot ahangu, ,
vhunzai ninichete. .
"why ?
"waakundi omeser aDee, andiziveur i
kudakut i
ndipindur endi chitichii..
"Iwanna know whatcauses t he foreign
ngs. .
"ar ey ou t elli
ng me y ou hav e neverl oved
before? ??
"i f I di d t hen may be ndi ngadai ndi ne
boy f
"fineDeei tsaf eelingy ouf eelwheny ouar ein
ov e and i nomut sa ma hor mones pabody
yemunhu, andt hosehor monesndoanoi takut i
unzwe kuda kubat wa or hav e sex ,,t
ngs aunenge uchi nzwa i s what some
prefercal lingt hem f oreignf eel i
unenge usat iwakambomanzwa bef ore but
because of love unenge
waakumanzwa, ,,
,wanzwi sisa. .
Ndakar ambandakav atarisa, ,
so whycoul dn't
Lana expl aint o mel i
kehedi d becausesi r
idy o ndi
kasara ndi
na kana
mubv unzo butny adzidzekut
isaka pavanga
ti v achazoit
a neni pr act
ical vanga
edzakut ichi
Endofchapt er8

tenbykay die
Chapt er9
Ndakazoita zvekupeput sa na Si rkubv a Ku
pfungwa dzangu dzai edza kuona kut izv i
kufambasei. .ndaii
takungendai rotapract
yacho butndai sanzwisisakut izv i
"imj ustwonder i
ngwhaty oumeantwheny ou
saidmuchandi i
sapr actical.
" ai wa ndakakwana chi ndiudzai kut i
munondi dzi
dzisaseipract i
"ndi chazokuudza. .
"ndi chanot svagahanguanondi dzidzisa.
"ukadar oandi taur enewef ut i.
"sakaumweDeemunomuwanakupi ??
"ndengendaakut opf agaasi riDee.
"sakamunengemusi sirishamwar iyanguher e.
"allt hoset hingsy oupr acticewi thy ourf ri
whent het i
mei sr ight .
"aaahsakay oumeanIshoul dkissLana.
"tambot auranezv eki ssingher enhasi ..
"It houghtal lt hisi nvolved ki ssi
ng any way
Lanaakat ianodakundi dzidzisa. .
"uchi kissai y
emanj e? ? ?
"ehebutandi di ini..
"y ou can' tki ss a woman kana waakuda
kudzi dzirawozondi udza, ,
It oldy oukut iLana
haai tebuty out hinkkut indinopenga. .
Ndakambor ambandakat arisasi rwhatdi dhe
meankut ikanawaakudaki ssunondi udzaasi
vaida kui t
a pr acticaly e ki ssing nenif uti
ndakanzwa kakuny ar a ndokubv a ndar amba
ndakat ar i
sa mal i
ps Av o ndi chida kuona kut i
akaumbi ka sei ,,
he had f ulll ips not t utete
,fullness y acho y anga i ri pr opor t
zvainaki dza so again ndakay everwa
ndakat ar i
samal i
psAv o..vakazondi tizvakwana
Dee ndakany ar a kut i si zo r angu r isina
muganhu r angar aakundi maki saf uti,
kutiseindai yev erwa kui ta Mwana Mudi ki
chai ye ndai tadza kudzor a zi so ndi kaona
zvaindi nakidza. ...
"udakundi dy aher e? ?
"nondi kuedzakuonakut imal i
psakaumbi ka
sei andanonaki dzaher e.
"kuf ungakwakoar i
sei .
" akaumbi ka zv inonaki dza ndof unga
munonaki dzwanay oki ssany wayndaakuenda
mamav anozodzokandi sipo..
"unot iwanga waenda kunoona Lana andi t
weweunombomukav hirawoher e. .
" ko ndi kazoonekwa nemusi kana weny u
pano ndi siripamal essons ndot indi r
kutsvagei? ?
"Mi r
akani Dee.
Ndakabv andanzil et'swat chTV , ,It ookmy
phone and sent Di on a message ndi kat
unoudzamamakut indangandanoonaLana
andt henIt ol dLanakut indi rikumbakweny u
andal readysheknew whatImeant. .sowe
spentthedaywat chingTVandt alkinghedi dnt
speak much about hi sl i
fe or hi st ory he
redt al ki
ngaboutme. ..
"howcomey oujustwannat alkaboutme. .
"becauseIwannagett oknowy ou.
"munondi ziva.
"Iknowt heot hery ou, Iwannaknow t hey ou
thateveny oudontknow. .
Il ooked at hi m conf used zv i
nobikandi nenzar acakehar igut i
se. .Ij ustgot
upandf ollowedhi m butIt oldhi m kut indanga
ndisatindav akuny atsogona kubi ka zv i
ndinokudz idzisasowentt ot heki tchent henhe
tookoutdi fferentv eggi esf rom t hef r
putt hem on t he ki tchen count erndi kanzi
Cheka. ..
Icutt henint hewayhewant edandhe
wasbusyst irfryi
ngchi ckenbr eastndapedza
kuchekazv ikanzi chipedzi sa...
"y ouhav et oshow meot herwisey ouwi lleat
"andidi mukadzi asingagonekubi ka.
"huuuh? ??whatdi dy ousay ?
"I'm say i
ng awoman shoul d know how t o
handleherpot s.
"lolokayy oushoul dal way sexpl ainorel seI
l getyouwr ong. .
sf ineev eni fy ougetmewr ongt hatwr ong
woul dbeni cet oo.
"youar ewei rdsi r..
"mar ti
nkani i
we. .
"okmar ti
Iwentf ort hepot sandhewasshowi ngme
how t o do i t, ,
mboi tav achisweder a soo
osendai bv andany arakut iv any any akuuy a
padhuze neni and ndai bva ndai ta kunge
ndaakuda kui t
a kakuper a mwey a ndobv a
ndasudur ukapav ari
"am Imaki ngy ouuncomf ortablesor r
ychi bika
wegandi gar epasi
"i mi mi sei mur i
kuita kakuda kundi pedza
mwey a asimunodhonza soo much oxy gen
compar ed t o me ? ?
?butmhi no y enyu hai si
hombewanizv ekutimungandi pedzer emwey a
Munhu akaseka akai t
a seachar ar a pasiapa
kana chai sekesa chacho andi na kuchi ona
ndakangot i munhu akat aura kut i kupenga
rwebher owassoor i
ghtbecausesi r
was begi nni ng t ol ose hi s mi nd pazv i
singasekese , ,
Ist ood t here wat chi
ng hi m
untilIjoinedi nandst artedl aughi ngwi thhi m
ndanga ndat ohaki r
a ka sense ofmadness
kusekesahakudibecausey ouwi llend
up waakubur i
tsa zv akav anda wi th allt hat
ener gyusedpakuseka, ndakangot isuremunhu
anogona kut ondibur it
sira mwey a sekuseka
papandi kamut unhi dza. ..
" ai wa si r zv akwana or el se t ozotadza
kugar i
sanamuno. ..
"iwewekay ouneedt ogety ourbr ainchecked
becausemmmm wandi pedza. .
Vakabv av af amba and came cl oser agai n
ndikanzwamwey akudakuper a.
"sakawazv i
nzwaf ut i
zv auri kundi ti
za. .
"what everspi ritisony ousi rhai nakunaka
mbonamat irwai sur emukundi pedzamwey a..
"okayokayf inel ol asiiwewekaNDAsur r
ngat ichipedza kubika shaa kuseka
kwandi wedzer aNzar a. .
"hakunamunhuanenzar athatwoul dlaught he
wayy oul aughed, apamandi sekaasi fIwas
y i
ngapandi chirev esa. .
"pleasedontt ellany oneaboutt his ndapot a
hangu. .
"y oual way ssayt hatany wayIal readyknow
kuti zvekwasi rMukuazv i
udzwev anhu. .
"good gi rlnow make past at he wat erhas
boiled. ..
Heshowedmehowt odoi tthenIdi di t..
easyIwasget tinghookedpakubi kai twassoo
much f un saka ndakapedza Kubi ka t hen I
dishedup. ..ev ent houghhehaddonemostof
thewor khekeptsay i
ngndi nindangandagona
kubika, ,many emweakandi bat awoandIkept
smi li
ng al lt he way ..
.takapedza kudy a and I
reallywant edt ogohomedzangadzav akuma
.vakandi per ekedza kusv ika pabust op
ndokubv a v akwi ra kombi neni hanzi
ndonokusi yakumbaunozobi wamur oad. .
sure he l eft cl ose t o my gat e ndokubv a
ndapindamugat eandhel eft..
Ndakasv ika mama v adzoka , ,
v achi
tsv aga
chekudy amumba. .
"ko hauna kuuy a nal ana wacho Di on at i
waendakunomut ora. .
"Di on anopenga chet e mama ndamut iI '
going t o see heranga achi ndinetsera cake
haana kur i
dy a nezur o she was busyeat i
otherthi ngssoshemi ssedt hecakepar t..
"wadzokanel unchboxy anguher e.
"andinai nikonhai mamaai zot akuri
rapai It old
hert o br i
ng i tback ndi chazoi t
ora any way s
shamwar iyeny uy av akunzwasei .
"kupikoat opi ndazv akemul aboruy oinhumbu.
"sakaazv araher e?
" haasat i uy u ar ikungor wadzi wa si nce
yesterday ...
"sakai nor wadzast ereki herenhumbu? ??
"i mbomi ra mi bv unzo hobho j ustknow kut i
nhumbuhai i
twemwananguespeci allynezer a
"aaahmamakonhumbundoi diimusandi tyire
ei zv ozv o...
Ndakabv andanangakur oom kwanguandt ook
anapndangandi sinakupedzahopef rom t he
day bef or e . .
ndakar ara kusv i
ka kuma4
ndaakunzwa kut i andi chada Kurar a
ndakat angakuf ungakut iwhatwasIgoi ng
todof ort her estoft hehol idayndi ri
,ndakat otanga kur ohwa nedepr ession when
youspend soo mucht imewi t
ht hepar ent s
amheno zv i
nongoi tika soo mopedzi sira
maakuv av ana. ..Any wayIdeci dedkut iIwant ed
togof orcooki ngl essonssi rmukuv angav ati
avaf ariremukadziwhodi dnt know how t o
handl et he ki tchen, ,meani ng kut iIwasnt
woman enough zv e. ..Igoogl ed t hei nternet
ooki ngf orat eacher, Iwant edany wher ecl ose
tohomekanakut itownndai sadakuendakur e
.ndakabv a ndaenda kunoudza mama and
now wi thmamaany t
hingt hathadt odowi th
ear ningsomet hingnewwasay es. .
sheagr eed
toletmedondakaf ar azv isingaite. ..
"f ar a mwanangu ny ayay ekubi ka y ashupa
pano. ..
"y ou shoul d bepr oud ofmemama kwet e
kundi seka. ..
"Iam pr oudofy oumygi rldontj ustCookl earn
howt obakeaswel l...
Ihadntt houghtaboutt hatbutIl ikedt hei dea..
If ound a pl ace i nt own so t he f oll
owi ng
MondayIwentt oseet heguywhowast he
teachert here,,
It houghtIwoul df i
buti twasaguyapar eallyy oungf utiyouwoul d
nev er bel i
eve . ..ndapedza ndaakut obv ako
ndakaf onerwanasi rmuku. ..
"hesi Dee.
"sirMat in.
"iwemhani .
"sor ryMar t
"ndakusuwaDeeur ikupi..
mi nt ownI '
m aboutt ogohome. .
"wai tf or me i nt hir
ty mi nut es ndi nenge
ndapedzat hent oendat ese. .
"Okf ine. ..
Ideci dedt owai tf orhi m byt hecaf ey angai r
nsidenssabui l
di ng. ..
Endofchapt er9
tenbykay die
Iwaitedt her eandI or deredacupcakeand
ee ,,iwas busypl ayi
ng wi th myphone
ndakazonz wa musor o wemunhu pasi de
pewanguIact uallysawt hatwitht hecornerof
myey ehewasbusypeepi ngt oreadmychat s
ndakacheuka kwav ari ndokubv a tarovana
mhanzazv airwadza. .
n ko musor o unor wadza kudar o
ndewekur amwi r
waher e..
"mashur andanziMar ti
,fullnamef utinhasi
kunonaya. .
"haasiritai sorry.
"ukadzoker apakut isirandii
tesor r
neMar tini t
asor r
"sorryDeeMi ral etmer ubpakuv arapacho.
"mobv amandi dzimbi r
af utiany wayhow ar e
"asiwangausi nakundi suwa.
"andinaini asi modandi kusuwei.
"kutimur i mukomanawanguher e.
"andi t
iwakandi tindirimukomanawakokar e
panechi ny owani her
e. .
" makar amba kui ta mukomana wangu
pandaidakut i muitemukomanawangu.
"Ndaakudakui tamukomanawakomanj e.
"kkkky ouar eaf unnyguy, sakamusi kana
weny umomuudzakut ichii..
"kutindawanamusi kanawangu.
"mamwemaj okeseny uanondi naki
dza. .
Takambosekat henheal soor deredcof f
acupcake. ..weat echat t
ingt i
ng me about a new st udent Ai da
kumupi nzabusysezv andai mboi t
ai ni
handei ndi nomugadzi risa...
"ingaiwewewai mbondi dar owani ?
"eheasi andi chadaroandandi di anokudaroi.
"Ndichanomuudzakut iDeehaazv ide..
"sakamakanzineckl acey akanakaher enay e
uyauy a...
"Ehehanz i y
akanakay akabv akunaani .
"imi mukat ichii
"ndikatiy akabv akumusi kanawangu.
"hoo ngazv iperere pakut iy akanaka kwet e
kuzotoreraimobv amabv isaandi dikutii
"ndikabv isaunoi tasei.
"anditaurenemi .
"lolsakamut ownwangauchi i
"ndav akui t
a ma l essons e kubi ka starti
tomor r
ow. .
"hauonewaakui tasemukadzimanj ewel ldone
sakaukudzi dziswanaani ?
"thisguyanonzi Jerome.
"doesn'tsoundl i
keabl ackguy .
Ndakaonaf acey asi rchangi ngkungemunhu
abhowekana, hedi dntcommenthej ustkept
,bot hofusendedupbei ngqui ettaakuita
kunge shamwar i dza tsamwi sana
ndakatoshay akut iwhatwasgoi ngonatt hat
moment .ndakazongoshi ngakuv hudzakut iwhy
washesooqui etsuddenl y..
"washay a mukadzianokudzi dzisa her e Dee
varumehav angoi tesoowor seCol ouredguy s
areabi tfor war dImeant heydonthol dback
havanyar elikebl ackguy s..
"maakut aurazv ipif utisi r,,
youar eaguyand
youusedt o t eachmeandmay bey ouwi l
teachmeagai nkuAl evel ,
,wehav ebeendoi ng
ustf i
newhatwoul dbedi ffer
"thedi fferencei shei snotmekoakat anga
kukudaobv aakudzi dzisazv isingaite,,
s di f
ferenthona kuchi koro hakubv umi dzwe
studentand t eacherr elati
onshi ps butuko
manj ehakunaal lt hoser ul
eskunoi tway ese
"buthandi tiy ouar eal wayssay i
ngIshoul d
growupsohowdoIgr owupwhenIdontf ace
thesethings. .
"okayitahako. ..
" mune kamwe kakundi ramwi ra
nganzwi sise.
"chihandekumba. .
Wegotup t hen west arted wal king kuenda
kumakombi ,takakwi rakombiandiof feredt o
pay and he r efused ndokubv a ndangosi ya
zvakadar o.ndakanosi iwakumbaasusualt hen
he wentt o hi s house , ,
ndakapi nda mumba
ndaakunoudza mama kut indanzindi t
apronandIneededwhi teT- shirtsandbl ack
slacks . .vakabv a v afoner a shamwar iy av o
nosonakut iandi soner eapr ont henndokubv a
ndanzingat i
dzoker emut ownkunot engamat -
shirtsewhi te ndokubv at aenda . Iwasr eal ly
excitedzv ekut i ndakabat anguv adzemal esson
Tuesdayy acho. .taiveabout10st udent sbut
vamwev achov aivav anhuv akur ut angat ir
it wo
chet evechi diki ..
Jeromewasr eal lyni ceandpat ientndakat anga
ndichambodzi dzi swa aboutf ood i n gener al
typesoff oodandhow t heybenef itus, Idont
know ndanga ndi si
na kuzv if
unga kui taf ood
and nut ri
tion ndiri o lev el
zv akangondi dar ikawo soo. .
.the whol e week
hespentt eachi ngmet hebasi csandpakuenda
kumba ndai enda na si r muku ndai tonzi
usar ege kundi mi r
ira apa Wal t
er anga
aakunet sa nekungof ona non st op
ndichimui gnor er .
.akazoi ta zvekutumi ra
message hanzi ukar amba uchikat a
ndaakuzonokapagedhi peny umwanaai tov e
nemot ozv akei yey e, t
henIt oldhi m kut iandi si
kumbaI '
m goi ngf ormyl essonsmut own. .the
nex t day ndakat i ndi chitobuda kubv a pa
building y aJer ome ndakabv a ndaona Wal ter
akandi mirira..
"ndazokuwanaka. .
"ukut svagei kunonhai we, wandi wanasei ?
"ndi ri
kutsv agai wewe. ..
"chi i
kochi nokunet sai weweseiusi ngat eer ere
wewe. .
wewendi weunondi netsabecauseunt i
youhav en'tgiv enmeachance. .
"ndakakuudzakut indi nemukomanawangu.
"haakat eacherKay ewaakudanananev anhu
Vakur u, Lanaakandi udzakut ihaasimukomana
wako, sakasei uri kurambauchi ndi nyeper a. ..
" ai t
okuny eper a pay e ndanga ndi sati
ndamuudzakut indiy eboy fr
iendy angu. .
"i wewe unoona zv ichiit
a her e kut i unzi
kudanananaTeacherv ako. .
" hes i s nol onger my t eacher sha
andi chadz idziswenav o..
"forani nnocentgi rlwaakuzv iny any aunenge
wakangwar isa.
" ny angwe ndi kangwar ise hausi riwe
wakangwar isandi ni ndi nengendakangwar isa. .
"chi handendi kuper ekedzekumba.
"ndi wewambouy aneniher ekanai riny ay a
yekut i wakandi tenger a pr esent shaa
ndokudzoser apr esenty akohandi raramenema
present skanakudanananemunhubecauseof
mapr esent s....
"finehandeunondi dzoser apr esenty angu. ..
Sur esi rwasr i
ghtkut ii fyouaccept pr esent
yemunhuar i
kukuny engaanengeat oonakunge
wabv uma. .t
atifambef ambehedi dntgof arhe
par ked padhuze ne UZ . .
.he l ooked atme
zvikanzi wakanaka sha . apa ndanga
ndakat obhowekananay eakabv aai swar uoko
rwakepamakumboangu. ..
"iweWal t
ermhani andi zvide, t
ami r i
rei pano?
"shaamakumbo ako akanakaIcan' tr esi st
them. ..
ndi poozv achozv aunopasi r .
"haunaakoher e, bat aakousandi bate, plus
andi i
teizv ozvonasi r.
akabv a amani kidzira kuda kubat a pakat i
pemakumbo angu I screamed achi bv a
andisiy a ndi kabuda mumot a atl eastanga
asina kuki y
a . ..
.akat anga kuf ambi sa mot a
achitidzokamumot aupi ndebutndakar amba
ndanga ndaakuchema kut i andi bat a
pandi singade napo, ,
I was soo hur t and
disappoi nt edinmy selfthatIev enbel i
ev edt hat
he want ed t o go t o my house kut i
Ndinomudzoser a pr esenty aakandi pa ,,Iwas
ngapamyphonewasr i
ngingsi rmukuwas
ing me . .
.I answer ed v akanzwa
ndichichemahej ustaskedkut iur i
kupindi kat i
pauzzv ikanzi Mir
ai papondi rikuuy a..
Wal t
erj umpedoutoft hecarndokubv aat anga
kufambaachi ndit
ev er aininindi chimut i
za. ..he
edt alkingt omendi karambapandakamut i
m goi ngt oscr eam andt ellpeopl ey our aped
me ndopaakandi siya,akabv a ar kva mot a
achienda . isatdownandIwasf eeli
ykungendazv i
bi swa. .
vachindi onahej ustr ushedandhuggedme, ,
was my f irst t ime bei ng hugged by
vakar ambav akandi batasomehowi tf el
yni ceIhuggedhi m back, ,vakazondi siya
ndav audzakut imaakundi pedzer amwey a. ..
"whathappenedt oy ou.
"Wal terandi bat asir.
Istarredcr yi
ngagai n.
"stopcr y i
ngwhatdoy oumeanakubat adi dhe
rapey ouDeehuht ellmedi dher apey ouI '
goingt oki llhim..
"nohedi dntr apeme. .
"sakaakubat apaiandakuwani rakupiandwhy
arey ouev enher e? ? ??
I t old hi m kut i anga auy a kuchi kor o
akandi ny eper akutihewant edhi spresentback
"HaaDeekur amhanii wewe, ,
unt i
kurambauchi fungakungemwanaMudi kiso
honest lyy oucoul dn'tt ellhewasj usttry
ingt o
gety oui nt ohi scar. .
? ??
"I '
m sor ry I di dnt know , anditi amhudi
kundidzi dzi sa kukur a kwacho munongondi t
uchakur a.
"imbomi rai zvozv osakaakubat apai..
"pakat i pemakumbo.
Hesai dt hatv achiratidzakut samwa. .
"haanakupi nzachi gunweher e..
"Iscr eamedasat i asv i
kai kokoandr anaway .
"goodgi rlhuy apano. .
Iwentt o hi m t hen he hugged me f ora
while..ndanga ndaakuda kut i
za because hug
yacho y aii
ta ndi tange kusaf ema mushe, ,but
vakarambav akandi bat a..
"mar tchi ndi si
y a..
"andi sikuda. .
"ndaakuper asi mba.
" eheka handi tindi nindi kukupedza si mba
Iwasbegi nni ngt of eelst r
anget hingsonmy
body ndakai t
a kakuv hunduka kut ichi if ut
ndokubv andat angakut y akut ihowcome. .
"Ukuv hundukei .
"amhenozv andi r
ikunzwasi r.
He l aughed t hen l etgo ofme , ,
ndakabv a
ndatangakupi hwal ect ureaboutget ti
ngi nto
peopl es car s ndichi bv a ndat onzindaakuuy a
kuzokut ora kuchi kor oi koko kana wapedza
unondi mi r
a ndouy a kuzokut ora. .
Walters numberbutndakamut iukangosvika
padhuze neni I 'm repor
ng y
kumapur i
akabv a t
atanga kufamba
kunotsvagakombi .
"andidimunhuanobat wabat wanev akomana
sakaininimukomanawakondozobat apai..
Apav ai
taurav akandit
Endofchapt er10

enbykay die
Two mont hs i nto my l essons ndanga
ndaakuita zvine musor o zv ai
nzwi si
sika kut
ndaakuitazv i
sv i
nhundi nindai wanzosar andir
wekupedz i
sirav amwev aingopedzanekuenda
ndaizosara ndobat sira kurongedza zv i
zvasara zvacho . ..
itwas a Fr iday ndanga
ndapedzaandJer omehadsai dhewasgoi ng
nekumtpl easantheof feredt odr opmeof f
kudhuzesinceIst ay edint hatarea,ndakafunga
kutindakambot ukirwakukwi r
amot adzev anhu
nasirmukundi hanai kar
ov a..
"noi t
sfineJer omeIwi l
lcatchat axi .
"doesn' tmake sense when I '
m goi ng that
direct ion. ..
"Idontwannat roubley ou..
"whatar ey ouaf raidofDi ana? ??
"I'm notaf raidIj ustdontwannabeabot her
and agai nI '
m j ustnotused t o get t
ing into
peopl escar s. .
"I'm notj ustpeopl eandy ouar emyst udentit
woul dbeni cet odropy ouof fathomeany way. .
It houghtaboutmukundiand apa ndanga
ndaakuny ara kur amba ndi chirambi r
a Jer ome
futi, ,
soIendedupagr eei
ngt ogowi thhi m,,
edcal l
ingsi rbuthewasntpi ckinguphi s
callsndakazoi samessagey ekut idon' tcome
ndaenda . .ndai t
otya because ndai ziva kuti
ndichagumbuki rwa he di dn't want me
associ atingwi thguy snaJer omendakangonzi
ngazv iper ere kuchi kor o mukabuda panze
amuz i
v anendakat ombodakusekakut iwhat '
going on wi th him . .
any way t aingotaurawo
nyay adzi rigener al.
"soDi anat el lmemor eabouty our self.
Jer omeaskedashewasdr iving, ,,
play ingni cemusi ciripal ow. ..
hishai rwasni ce
andcur lyndakamboy everwandakar itar
"Di anaIaskedy ouaquest i
on, whatar ey ou
ooki ngatl ol? ?
"y ourhai ri sni cel olsor ryIhav eahabi tof
star i
ng, Ican' tseem t ogr owoutofi t...
Hel aughed. .
"okbesi desst ari
ngIsai dt ellmemor eabout
your sel f..
Ist ar tedt elli
nghi m boutmyf ami l
yt henhe
saidIsai dt ellmebouty oursel fbuthonest lyI
wasntsur ewhatt osay. ..
Ijustt oldhi m myage
andaboutschool .
"howcomet her esnosoci all i
femi ssi ngt here
? ??
"Idontgooutmuch. ..
"si ncey oul ov ecooki ngsoomuchwenor mall
hav egett oget herswher ewej ustmeet, ,
funcooki ngandshar i
ngdi fferentdi shesi fyou
arei nt erest edIcant akey out herei fy ouar e
free. .
"wowar ey ouser i
"ofcour se.
Iwassoooexci tedzv ekutiIcoul dn'twai t,,
wasget ting r eal l
ygood atcooki ng , Imean
real l
ygoodev enmukuwasi mpr essed, ,
Iwoul d
visithi m somet imes on sar tuday st hen we
woul dcookt oget heritwasr eal lyni ce. .andso
Iagr eed t o go wi t
h hi m pav anongoi ta get
toget her , Il i
ked t hat env ir
onment i ngone
chekui t anekudzi dza. .
.soany wayhedr opped
meof fbyt hegat endokubv andapi ndamumba
y eakaenda. ..
"Maswer asei mama. .
"ndaswer a, ,nhasi wakasi kakwakanaka?
"Jer omedr oppedmeof famhenokur i
Idi dntaskbutheswaspassi ngt hroughmt
pleasant. .
"ai t
a hake chi itaf astut ibikire zv awadzi dza
nhasi ..
"chi i
tai muchi ndibhadhar amaakut ondi jairi
" andi ngabhadhar ire mar iy angu mahar a
any way when ar ey ou f i
ni shing zv i
zv aakudakut ov hurwakai zv
'ml eftwi thamont hbyt het imet her esul
comendi nengendaakupedzadon' twor ry. .
"itsf i
nei tahakozv aurikuit
a. ..
Iwentt omyr oom andchangedmycl othes
pandakaona Muku cal li
ng ndakat ombobata
hana . ndai zeza kudai ra phone y acho saka
ndakasi yai chirirakusv ikay akat a...y
kusv i
kay akat aaf tert het hirdr ingndakaona
message y apinda y akanzii we Dee kasi ka
kudai r
a phone . .
.y akatanga kur inger futi
ndokubv andazodai ra. ..
"Whywer ey oui gnor ingmycal l
"Iwasbusysor ry.
"urikupi Dee.
m homeal readyi ngaIt oldy out hatIwas
goinghome. .
"waendanaani ...
Ndakambony arar a ndi chi f
unga kut i nditi
ndaenda nani ,,
kuti ndi ti Jer ome ndai gona
kutukwa , kuny epa kut i ndega zv ainzi
wandi ti
zireihaa ndakangot iamheno i koko
ndof i
rapachokwadi ...
"pindur aka. .
"NdaendanaJer ome. .
"nemot a..
"Deendozv awav akui tamanj e..?
" ndozv atakaudzana zv ekukwi ra mot a
dzev anhu , hauchada kuf amba neninet soka
ndakukuny adzi sa handi t
i , any way i ri
chimboi tazv aJer omezv acho. .
"kuitaseinay e, Iwasembar rassedt osaynoI
want edt owai tfory ousor ryhor ai
" ko dai af arisa akakubat a wai zoit
...?haunzwehandi t ichi kwiramot adzacho
udzikwir est ereki...
"apakuongondi oneser ai ngandat isorry.
"sorryi yoy ohandi si kuida...
"sakai pi manj e.
" ndichazokuudza but nhasi wandi cheat er
neumwemukomana. .
" ndouy a ndobi ka ndi chiri sor ry. .
kumbokucheat eri ni.
"Andizv i
de zv awai ta chi ndi
tumi r
awo phot o
yakokut i ndisat samwe. ..
"sendy our sf i
r st. .
"ndiwewandi tsamwi sasakat angai wewe. ...
Ndakazongot i ehondokubv andat orasel fi
senthi mt hephot o..afterawhi l
hishehadgot tenahai rcuthel ookedni ce
ndakat ombor amba ndakai t
ar i
sa ndokubv a
"sirmager wamusor oka. .
"ndaidaundi per ekedzeasi wandi tiza. .
"sorry, Iliket hehai rcutmabudamakanaka. .
"ehemur ambemuchi gerwai yoy ondi noida...
" next t ime unoenda neni kunoger wa
ndinozokanganwa. ..
"ehondaakunobi kai ni .
"mangwanahuy akumba.
"nguv ai???
"paunogonaunongondi t i
ndaakuuy a.
Ndakabv a paphone ndokubv a ndaenda
kunobi ka zv andai bika zv ai
tora t ime saka
zvaidandi kasi kekut angakubi kaChi poai vamo
achindibat sirandi nindangandaakumudz i
y e the t ables had t urned . plus ndanga
ndaakui ta ndi chi kur a f rom my own v iew
hamheno kana ndaizvinyeper a ,
ndaingonzwakut ibutkat hatkav apandi ri.
Jeromewast eachi ngmeEngl ishdi shessaka
mama ndakav apinza busy nekut enga
zvechi rungu kunana f oodlov ers nana bor ne
mache. .
kanamukundindokwandai ngot itenga
fy ouwantmet ocookf ory ou...ndakazopedza
andser vedf oodv anhuv akanaki rwaDi onndi ye
aingondi tarisanezi soosekandai toshay akut i
arikusekei ?the whol e ti
me ti
aingosekeny ekakungesaskam , Akazondi teera
kur oom kwanguzv ikanzi ..
"maakuunzwanemaj eepkamazuv aano.
"haa une dzungu sha t hat's my t eacher
Jer ome. .
"Mat eacherunoadal ilsist heot heronei sa
teachert oo,,
"hej ustgav emeal ift.
"uchadhumhani sa ukar ohwa zv okutimanj e
vakat ambi r
apagedhi ndi charov av ese...
"unopengaher ehapanaboy fr
iendy anguapo. .
" keda wako andi mut enbe i niumwe uy o
anengeakat i pusei.
"chi buda kur oom mangu t ione waakut aura
Iwonder edkut imunhuanengeachi ngondi ona
pese pese anenge ar ipai apa ndanga
ndaakut oitwahur endi sat ikanandaakudanana
nemunhu, kokuzot ipandai zodanananemunhu
ndai zonzi chi i ? Ndakanor ar a ndi t
or i
depr ession nekuf ungirwa. ndakazomuka
ndikai tabasar angumanj ekanakut indi bude
ndanga ndaakushay a kut indobuda seiDi on
akagar amul oungeai bv aat otindaakuendaKu
vakomana v angu . ..ndakazot i kuna mama
vandi pemar iy ekunot engav aidi wakuchi koro
apandai nyepa, ,
ndakapi hwamar izv ikanzina
Dion Mi ra ndi kuper ekedze apa ai taura
achibudaneni ..
"kour ikuendakupi konhai ..
"ndirikukuper ekedza.
" andi sikuda zv ekuper ekedz wa i nidz okera
wakamboona kupi hanzv adzi nehanz vadzi
zvichiper ekedzana.
"dakunoonazv ikombazv ako.
"haakwanamhani zvikombazv ipi.
"sei wakapf ekashor t.
"kurikupi sa. ..
"kanausi ngadendi poomar i y
awapi wa.
"ndoor ober ykai y i
"ukar ambat oendat ese. .
ndakangomut arisa zv ekuper erwa chai zv
ndakangobv isa i mwe ndookubv a ndamupa
achibv a abuda neni aakuenda kwake i ni
kwangu zv ikanziwozondi udza waakudzoka
tosanganapagedhindakangosekandi chikwira
kombi .
..Ndakat umi ramessagendat osvikakuti
opent hegat endauy a,,hecamet oopenapahe
wasbusynema st udentsndakat ombogar a
ndega achi pedzi sa mal essons ndokubv a
azouy av anapav akaenda. .
"hesi musi kanawangu. .
Ndakasekandi katihesi mukomanawangu. ..
"ndakusuwa ko andi sikupi wa hug unoda
kundipakanauchi chemachet e. .
"ehe. .
" ndogona kukuchemedza ukazondi pa hug
kasingaper egar awandi pat i
"andigonei ni..
"wakandi nyeper akut iwav amunhumukur u.
"ehendav amunhumukur u...
"sakandi rati
dze. ..
Yanguy ekusadakunzimwanaMudi kindanga
ndaakushay a kut i ndomupa sei hug
yacho, ndakazongot aurandakat ari
sapasikut i
huy aimut orehugy achot henhel aughedhe
heldbot hmyhandsndokubv aamai saonhi s
shoul der sandhi sonmywai stzv ikanzinow
hug me . .musor oy edu y anga y akany anya
kuenda padhuze nepadhuz e v aindifemera
muhur o apa v achifema mwey a unopi sa
ndangandaakunzwal ikendaakut ekeny edzwa
.ndakar ambandakabat waapaandi chagoni
nekut adzakunzwi sisakut izvir
ikufambasei .
"chi ndisiya.
"sei uchi ngondi ti
"andi chazv ida.
"nekut i zvai tasei?
"amhenozv andanzwa.
"zvinengei .
"andi gonekuzv i
taur aini.
"sakaauzv ide.
"andi zivei ni.
Ndakasi iwazv i
kanzindi pehugy esor ryfuti
didntwai tf ormehej usthuggedmeagai napa
hisbodyy aiburit
saheaty akany any aamheno
mur omo wakasv i
ka sei pahur o pangu
ndikanzwa kuf ambwa pabody ndanga
ndakuf emer uka. .
"Mar t
inndi siye.
"hanay akoi kurova, ndakuitei.
"amhenoi mi mi zv amur ikundiit
"eheka handi tindi r
imukomana wako uda
kuzv ii
twanani ..
"Zvikundi tyisa. .
" usat ye hapana zv i
hombe zv andookui t
ndokui tazv inonaki dzachet e.
"ndakabv andanomi raKudoor .
Hej ustlaughedagainthenhesai dndibiki
one. ndakambogarapasikui
tachadzi mir
andaperapower, hamhenokuti
ndiwo ma f orei
gn f eel
ings andanga
ndaakunzwaher eIwantedtoforgett
Hesai d..
Endofchapt er11

writtenbykay die
Chapt er12
Icookedandhewasj usttherewat chingme
thewhol et i
me. Iwasbecomi ngabi tclumsy
around hi m ndanga ndav a kungodonhedza
zvinhui vovakanzwanekungogamha. ..
"chii newenhasi .
"amhenozv ir
ikungodonhazv egaizvi
"y ou ar e not concent rat
ing uchandi dyi
zvisingaitemanj e.
" makangomi ra ipapo mukundi kanganisa
concent r
on. .
"kut angar i
powani ...
"ehoi ndanyararaandi
Honest lyamhenoIwasf ail
ingt oconcent r
ndai tonzwa pr esencey a sirr eal lydi sturbing
me, Iwashappyndapedzakubi kat henIdi shed
upt akagar amuki tcheni momot henwest arted
eat i
ng. .
atl eastt hef oodwasokayndakapot sa
ndapor ongazv esur e, Ineededt oknow what
was happeni ng t o me . ..t
ichidy a kudar o
ndakabv andanzi huyandi kudy i
sendi karamba. .
" ukur ambi rei anditi ndozv inoitwa
nemukomanakumusi kanawake. .
"maaundi ny any i
r amanj e.
"kudakukudy isakukuny any i
rapai ?
Vakabv a v andi gumha ner uoko r wav o
ndikanzwaheatndookubv andat izisar angu. .
ustl ookedatme. .
" mukundi t
arisirei kui t
a kunge mur i
kundi dy a...
"ehendi chakudy aasi kwet eiz vozv i.
"dontbesi l
lymunhuanody iwaher e..
"ehe anody i
wa ndi chazokuudza hangu kut i
munhuanody iwapai ...
"ay aszv akaomasur emunhukudy amunhuI
can'tev enbegi nt oi magi ne, ,
sakasur emat i
modakundi dya? ?
"ehebutchi mi rakut auranezv ekudy ananasha
unondi kuv adza. .
"ndokukuv adzaipaikut indat ukaher ekana
kut i
ndakur ovai.
"aungazv inzwisi sechi oidy atione. ..
Hebeganf eedi ngme, ndikady ahangusl owly
unt i
l ndagut a . .after t hat he dr essed up
zvikanziI '
mt aki ngy ouout, Iwasntsur ekut i
taiendakupibutndakazonziav ondal ezv i
ndirikukuendesakumov i
e. i
thadbeensool ong
sinceIhadbeent ot hemov iessakandakaf ara
akakwi r
akombit ikaenda. .i
twasr eall
yni ce
tobeoutt heref oroncei nsteadofkungogar a
kumba. .
.wewat chedt wocanpl aythatgame
butmostoft he t ime si rv aingondi v
nabasa. .
"saka ndi udze kut imanga muchi taureina
Jeromepamai perekedzanakumba. .
"ukundiny eper a.
"okhewant edt oknowmor eaboutme.
"iweweukamut ichii.
"therewasnot hingt otell
"haanakukuny engaher e...
"haanauy u.
"akatichii?? ?
"akangot ihewi l
ltakemet ooneofmaget
togethersAv oav anengev achibikaandshar i
"iweukat ichi i
? ??
"ndakat ii
tsokt inoenda. ..
" i wewe wai mhany a kubv uma wanga
wambondi v hunzaher e.
"ndaitiazv i
"manj einini ndiri
kut izvi
nebasa. .
"v anhu v akakunzwa uchi nditisi rvanof unga
kutikudiinhai we. .
"ahi vozvinengezv i
nei navov anengev at
nanikutivaf ungezv akawanda. .
"aiwachi taur azv akanakat i
nzwe. .
"okmar t
"aiwaazv iiteizvozv o..
"Sakandi t
i chii?
"unozv i
Apa v aindi t
aridzisa kwav ari t akapot sa
tagumhana mur omo hana i kamboi ta
sey aakur ov er amumaokondaakut adzakugar a
zvakanaka. .ndanga ndaakugar a ndakacr osser
makumbondi kaonasi rvacrossawomakumbo. .
" ko zv av a zv ekukopana her e pakugar a
makacr ossermakumbo. .
"ehendi kut eedzer aiwewe. .
Takaseka t ese t ikazonzwa v anhu v aakut i
ssshhnekut itangat aakuitanoi se. ..sakasi r
vakabv av atinextt i
met i
nooner amov i
ey acho
kumba t ony atsoseka mushe ndi kangot iok
takazobuday aper andokubv andanzihande
Ku i cecr eam , ,
chi tofamba kudar o ndakabv a
ndaona Wal t
er kumber i kwedu, ndakangot i
kuna si rhonaimunhu ar ikumber ikwedu
vachi ngomuonaheputhi shandonmywai st
ndokubv av andidhonzer a padhuze . ..
ny ama
dzakai ta kugumhana apa v ainhuwi ri
zvisingai te. ...
f ambi saf ambi sar uokor wav o
pandi ri ndanga ndaakunzwa zv isi zvo
ndakazoer ekanandat i
"Sirkanimi raikudar omur i
kundi pamaf or eign
feelings. ..
Vakabv av ami r
akuf ambaand l ooked atme
ndokubv av any atsoisamaokot woonmywai st
Wal terakasv ika pat ir
izv i
Diana . .I di dnt answer hi m si
ndov akangomut ar i
sav akatimupf anhaunof i
mahar a haubat e pot o y evakur u...
zvakat aur wa na si r andi na kuzv i
nzwi sisa
akabv a aenda , ,ndakasar a ndaakuda kuedza
kubv amumaokoasi rndi chitadza. ..
"chi ndiudzanezv emaf orei
gnf eelingsawanga
uchi taur a...
"haaamukundi nhai?
l me.
"ukasandi udzahamhenohako. ..
"f i
ne ndat imusandi bat e kudar o mukundi pa
maf or eignf eelings...
"ma f or eign f eeli
ngsi way o ndeangu ndega
ukamanzwi rakumweandi taur enewef uti
" koi mi mi munongoda kut i ndi manzwi re
kwamur ichet ei mimimunoanzwi ra kuv anhu
vangani .
"kunewechet e.
"kuny epakoKumusi kanaweny u.
"ndiwezv e.
"kouy auy a.
"zvakat osi yanaandi munzwi rezv andokunzwi ra
"sakamukudi ikunzwi rai ninichet endaakuda
kunzwi ra mumwe zv i
mwe z vandisi nganzwi re
mi mi....
"ukadar ot inonet sana. ...
Honest l
yiwasntsur ei fwewer est i
aboutt hesamet hi
ngIj ustf el
tl iket inenge
tangat av akuendaof ft hepl ay i
kungor ot omoka kwanga kwav akungoi t i
kunge munhu akadhakwa nehope . .
decider kupepuka kuhope ndi sat i ndai ta
madzi kir i
rabecauseIcoul dt el
lkut imaf or eign
ings ai zondiiti
sa madzi ki
rira , ,
zv i
zvausinganzwi sise kwazv inenge zv i
chi bva
azvisizv eku concent raterpa zv iri,,any way
ndakazongot ieho ndokubv ay aper a ny aya
yachoandwewentt ohav ei cecream i twas
ngl atesoIwenti ntobor nemacheand
bought zv i
nhu zv ekuny eper a mama kut i
ndanga ndanot enga . .I cal led di on kut i
ndimuv hunzekut iar i
piakat ihewasi nt own
sakandakangot itosanganamut own. .
ont hecombi thenwentt otown, ,wewentt ogo
andseeDi onuy oakabv aaakut oti
Dion:ukatambanasi siv angundokushuda.
Me: i
weDi onakuudzakut i
Muku: ehoi Tsano.
Ndakangot iaaaaah. ..
iwasntexpect ingthatso
ndangandaakudakuzv igadzi r
Me: zvakoDi on
Muku: sakamakadi i Tsano.
Dion:ndi r
ibhomur ikubv akupi ?
Muku:Ku av ondal et anga t ichimbot ender era
Dion:hoosakahandei, ,
weur i
kubhadhar a
kombi .
Muku: itsf ine. .
Mukundil ookedatmendokubv aandi tsony a
ndangandany atsowachi swamanj eandkana
kuramba kuna Di on kwai ve kupedza nguv a
ndakangot inechemumoy ondi chavabat ahangu
sirndai dakuv awachi sapanemusi kanawav o
chete nekut i v andiwachi sa pana
takakwi ra kombi t hen went home, ,
mama was wat chi ng TV as al way s
takangomhor esana , ,pavakaona ma paper
bag av ana kuv hunza zv akawanda
vakangony ar ara .
..ndaakuda Kur ara
ndakazoona ndat umi r wa message y ekuti
hapana munhu ar ikuenda kugat hering
ndakasekandi kangot iti
chaona. ..
Theweekst hatf ollowedmar esultsakazobuda
ndakaf arakupasaeseandmat hsndakai ta A
ne Bi o, Ihad 7 As ne 2 ma B Ku hi story
neshona . .ndanga ndi na mama so mukundi
didn' tcome wher e Iwas butakangot umira
message zv i
kanzi I 'm pr oud of y ou mai
mukundi ..
ndakasekabutndakamer er ambi jana
mama v akafarav eduwe and al ready my
placef orAl evelyangai r i
po..ndakaf oner aLana
ndi chidakunzwakut ihow f arakandi t
A ne ma B butmama v ake ndov akazof ona
kuna mama v angu v achi chema chema kut i
Lana ane ma D nema E ndakaseka kui ta
sendi chaumbur uka. surenedzungur angaRi na
Lanandai tipamwemubr ainakachangamuka
kwaani ko aingozi va nezv ema
under wear ..
.anywayIhadal readydeci dedkut i
ndangandi rikunoi taMat hsAr tandTGnema
comput ers. .
.meani ngkut iMukundiwasgoi ng
to be my mat hs t eacher apa ndanga
ndamboz ororakupi hwapr essur enay emanj e
pressur e i y
e y anga y aakudzoka f ut
ndakat angakunzwamudumbuchai mondi sat
ndat ombodzoker akuchi koro....
Ndakapedz a ma cooki ng l essons angu and
got a cer ti
cat e ndakar itarisa ndi kaseka
unabl et obel i
ev ethati tal l st artedasaj oke
andmukundi achitiawomanshoul dhandl eher
kitchen, ,
Iowedi ttohi m, hehadpushedmet o
doi tndakany atsoonaachi evinggr eat ert hings
hisi nfluenceonmewasgoodbutt ainet serana
pakunzisi yakut ambanaLana, ,Iknew hewas
ght but ndai shay a kut i hushamwar i
hunogur waseiapaanamamav eduwer ecl ose
ends, ,Ijustdeci dedt ost arti gnoringherand
futindanga ndi sisade kunet swa namukundi
ndi chinziunenhar o. .Isai d mygoodby es to
Jer omeachi bvaandi tihewoul dcal lmet here
wasgat her i
ngcomi ngup, ,kahanakakar ovaf ut

Chapt er13.
Iwasget ting r eadyt o go backt o school
ndakapi ndanamhamhamut ownt obuyal lthe
ngs I needed t o l ike my books and
everythingel set hatneededt obeboughtf or
school. ..
ndainge ndat okanganwa nezv e get
togethert hatJer omehadspokenaboutunt i
gothi smessagesay inggetr eadyonSat urday
I keptst ari
ngatmyphonenotsur ewhatt o
say I was scar ed to r eply soo f ast so
ndakangosi ya y akadaro wi thout say ing
anything..Weboughtev ery
thingwewant edt o
buynamama , t
hen we wentf orlunch ata
restauranti nt own ndokuzoenda kumba . .
packedal lmyst affinmybackpackal ready
semunhu anga anonoker wa nekut anga
chikoro..onFr i
dayIt oldmamat hatIhadbeen
nv i
tedt oagett ogetherbyJer omeandshei t'
okay .
"becar efulwhoy ouhangoutwi ththough, take
careofy ourselfandIwanty ouhomeear l
"okaymamaIwi l
lbegood. .
Ididntt ellsirmar tbecauseIknew hewoul d
saynosowhenheaskedmet ocomeov eron
Sat urday ndakangot ipane kwandi rikuenda
namama. .
"kwaur ikuendahakunaZi taher e? ??
"wear egoi ngt omyaunt shousev akabatsirwa
mwanasomawant st ogowi thmeI '
m not
sur ewhatt imewewi llbebackbuty ouknow
ukaf amba Nana mama ny aya dz acho
hachi per e...
"Iunder standany wayi tsf i
neapay ouwi llbe
backatschoolnextweekwewon' thavet i
tomeet. .
"wewi l
lst i
llcomehomet ogether.
"itsf inechi rara. ..
"goodni ght ..
It hen t ext ed Jer ome ndi kamut indi r
ikuuy a
achi bvaandi tiIwi llpicky ouupi ntownsoi
gotupear l
yandgotr eadyndi chibvandapi nda
mut own. andi na kumi ra kwenguv a because
akabv aat osv i
kaapat hecarwasal mostf ull
nemashamwar iakebuthehadr eservedaseat
formei nthef rontndakakwi rat henhegav eme
asodat odr inkndi kat ambi r
abutndakangot i
ndozonwa because si r mar t had sai d
usangobv uma dr ink r awapi hwa nemunhu
nogona r ir
idr ugged ukai twa ma 1 saka
ndakangor ibata munhu aungamut embe
pamwe anenge at oi sa dr ug r acho usi ng
nj ect i
on i zvozv o ndakazv iudzwa f utina si r
ndakaz osv ika i n hat fiel
d wher e t he
gat her i
ng was ndokubv a t aburuka mot a
,Jer omecamer oundndokubv aai saruokomu
wai st mangu . ..
ndakav hunduka ndokubv a
ndabv a paar iv anwe av ana kuona because
vaibur utsa zv i
nhu mumot a. .akabva ami r
akandi tarisaandaskedmewhatwaswr ong. ..
"I'm sor ryI 'mj ustnotusedt oguy shandson
mywai st...
"youar eani nterest i
nggi r lDianaIl i
key oual ot
"okaybutpl easel et'sjustkeepourhandst o
oursel ves. .
"lolrelaxIdontmeananyhar m...
Ndakangonzwa kakubhowekana nay e so
any wayIwasi ntr
oducedt ohi sfami l
endspai vepakazar asakaIwashi spar tner
pakubi ka, ,everyonegotr eadyt ost artcooki ng
zvainaki dzai twasmor el i
keat raditi
ony av o.
Takabi kat ichii
tany ay aandl aughingbutt he
place was packed wi t
h most ly colour eds
,waiyev erwa wakav atarisa v ana v akazv arwa
havonegandar inonzwi ramv ur
aIal mostf el
outofpl ace v amwe v aine v hudzir avoi su
takangonami ramaweav ev hunzishungu, ,
east y anga i siri wi g y ou nev er know
panev anhundopanodonamawi gndai zoiwona
yadonher a mupot o.
..Ij ust admi red ka l i
kandakawonasur elyv anhuv anongonaki dzwa
nezv i
nhuzv ati
sat itajairalikesur elymeet ingup
ustt ocookandcat chup. Jeromekeptsmi l
ooki ng atmeapa pai venema coupl esf ut
ka zv akangondi i
ta kut indi nzwewo kuda
boy f
riend manj e si rv aindi r
ambi dza ..any way
takaz opedzakubi kandokubv at ai
sapat able
thatwassooobi g, ,
,thef oodl ookedy ummy
ndakai ta kur wer ar ut e hangu Jer ome was
maki ng me gai n sooo much exper ience
takaz otor a paper pl ates t aakufamba
chisar udzaf oody ataidat henweal lsatdown
andst artedenj oy ingt hefood. ..
"youdi dwel l
Di ana. .
"thanksJer ome. .
"your eal l
ydohav eapr et ty smi le..
"believemei tsar areone, ,
Ndakabv andabat amur omo wanguwhenhe
saidpr ettyl i
pst oondokubv aaseka. .
"youhav enev erhadaboy fr
iendhav ey ou???
"aahwhyar ey ouaski ngmet hat, ,
obv i
ous. .
"Iknowf reshmeatwhenIseei t..
"freshmeat ???? ?
"mmmmm. .
He l icked hi s l ips and cont inued eat i
somehow Ihadgr av yj ustbelow mybot t
ip,,her eachedandwi pedi twithanapki n..
"Iwannabey ourboy fr
iendanddot hisallthe
me. .
Ndakanzwakuny ar awhenhesai dt hatbutI
didntsayany thingIr emai nedqui et..
"youar eashyoneDee. .
Paakadar o hana y akar ova ndi chi
funga si r
nekut i ndi vo v ega v ainditi Dee...ndaingoti
vakazv izivandi chapi ndama1.
"comeher e...
.hesai d..
Igotupandf oll
owedhi m munhuweseanga
apedz akudy at hent heyputt hemusi consoo
theyst ar teddanci ng, ,
Iwasgoodatdanci ng
hangusohesai dl et'sdancebutIwasshyt o
dancewi t
hhi m. .
"huy akani dontbeshy .
swei rdhow hesai ditwi thani cecol oured
accent. ..
m sor r
yI '
m al i
ttleshy ..
"Icant eachal otoft hingdssoany waywhat
didy ousayaboutwhatIsai d, ,Ihav eknown
youf oraf ewmont hs, ,Iwasst udy i
ngy ouandI
ikehowy ouar e,,haunadzungul i
kemostgi rl
He caughtme of fguar d nhaimiapa t anga
sina kumbobv ira t ataura i dzodzo bef ore
manj ey emaboy fr
iendsy aisai
takai yi
Iknew I
wasst arti
ngt owi shIhadaboy fr
didntknowhowt ohav eaboy fri
endandagai n
ndai sada zv ekukangani swa chi koro saana
Lanav akazobudanemaDnemaE. ..
"I '
m st i
llatschoolandbesi desIdontev en
knowmuchabouty ou..
"whaty ouseei twhaty ougetDee, ourkind
doesn' tpr etendandaboutschoolwel lIdont
mi ndal lthat..
"Ineedt oconcent r ate.
"Iwon' tdisturbyouIpr omi se..
"wel l l
sbef ri
endsatl east..
"fineIwi l
ltakemyt imebutdontmakemewai t
tool ong. ..
Sur e munhu kungot anga nekudar o her e
ndakat onzwakuny arakanakut ambakwacho
ndangandaakusada, ,
ininihanguigr ewupwi th
av eryst ri
ctmot herandInev erexposedmy
selft ot rouble ndosaka ndai ve hangu dof o
pazv inhu zv akawanda. .
. Any way ndanga
ndaakut onzwakudakuendakumbaapamunhu
wacho kept smi ling akangondi t
arisa ,,
ndaudzwa kut iAi da ndi ite musi kana wake
zvesezv angazv atochi nja..apauchi onav amwe
kissing wi thout bei ng shy at al l ndanga
ndaakut oshay akwekut ari
sa. .
"soukuny arawat chi ngt hem ki ss? ??
"ar en'ttheyshy .
"wheni tcomest ol ov ey oudonthi dei t,
showt hewor ldbabi e . ..
"howdoy ouknowi t
sl ove. .
"whataquest ion. .
..Youj ustf eel itka. .
"wakaf itakundi netsai wewenotknowi ng If
youlikemeornot. ..
"how canInotknow whenIl ikesomeoneor
itst hel ovepar tthatIdontunder stand? ??
"sodoy oulikemebecauseIl ikey ou. .
key ouasaper son. .
"ouch. ..
It was t i
me f or me t o go home saka
ndakamuudza akambot i Mi ra but ndanga
ndaakusadakumi raIwant edt ogohome. .I
hadpr omi sedmamat hatIwoul dcomeear l
so ndakanziMi ra ndi kuper ekedze . .
tananga Ku mt pl easant zv inoita shur a
taakutosv ika pa duze nel i
ne r ekwana si r
pakadar ikakat siandhest oppedt hecarwi t
emer gencybr akesndi kat ombov hunduka, ,t
takavhunduka but ndobv a t atanga kuseka
nezvanga zv aitika ...
.ndichitarisa kusi der eku
window ndakaona si r mukundiv achidari
nepasidepedundakashay akut indoi taSeiko
kana kut indi hwande ndakat adza because
takasangani dzanamazi so. .
.hedi dn'tdoorsay
anythinghecr ossedt her oadr ighti nf rontof
usandwentt ohi shouse, ,ndakabv andapet a
muswe nekuper a power .
..ndakazonosi iwa
kumbabutndav anest ressandandi tozivewhy
ndainzwakur wadzi wamumoy o. .
..Isenthi ma
message he nev er r eplied . ..ndakabva
ndangosi yanawonazv o...
Endofchapt er13
A weekpassedandschoolst ar t
edsi rmuku
wasn'ttalkingt omeandIbeganmi ssinghi m
ike truel
y mi ssing him , ,
kunzwa kut ipane
chashota , ,ther e wer e soo many f eel
andainzwaandbecausehewasntt al
kingt o
me Igotangr ywi th him and kana Jer ome
ndangandakusadakut auranay ebecausehe
wast her easonwhymukundiwasangr ywi t
me. .
Inevert riedcal l
inghi m agai nbutIwas
ustchecki ng mast atusAv o ndobv andasi y
ndozoonakut iivov atarisaangu. .
twasl ow
pressure pat akavhura obv iousl y f ir
st day
hapanazv akawandazv at ai
itaandi ninihanguI
wasf amiliarwi thmyschoolndangandav awo
mu seni ort abv a Ku o l ev el. ..
ndai t
kubvakumacl assemal owerndi chiendakuma
cesndai dakunot oramar eceiptsandanga
ndakanzindozouy andi chitora. .
ngonmyphoneIbumpedi ntohi m ndisina
kumuona, ,Il ookedathi m hanai karov awi t
ementandf earzv esezv akasangana. ..
tknowwhatt osaysoIj ustsai d
"sor rysirIdi dntseey ou...
sf i
ne. .
Heonl ysai dt hatt henhecar ri
edonwal king. .
Ical ledhi m.
Hest oppedwal kingthent urnedt ol ookatme
hamhenot hewayy av aindit
ar i
sanay oy aii
kutindi dekut ii
mbomi r
aikundi tarisa..Iwal ked
upt ohi m andsai d. .
m sor ryIliedt oy ou..
"Nother eDee
"sakakupibecausey ouar ei gnoringmeso
et'st alkher e.
"handi t
iwakaonazv ichiitaher ekundi ny eper a
saka don' tapol ogise . .you wer e wi thy our
colour edguyandi tindiyeakakosha. .andi gone
kutaudzana nev anhu v anony epa because I
dont know kut i unenge uchi zondiny eper a
zvingani .
"Haasimukomana wangu, ,hes mor el i
ke a
end. .
"ifhei sy ourf r
iendt henwhydi dy oul i
et ome
Deeandsi nceandwhendi dy oust arthav ing
suchf ri
"because Iknew y ou woul d be mad at
me. andi dikut samwi rwanemi .
"so i n ot herwor ds ndai kutadzisa kuenda
nay e,you know what ,,
wakandi t
samwi sa kar e
wakandi nyeper aandi zivekut imamav akondi
Jeromeher e
"Iknow andi gnor i
ngme, hamhenozv azv i
kungondi it
aso.Butzv aisaitakut indi kuudzei
becausey ouhadt oldmenott ogoI 'm sor ry.
Ndai da kungonoona kut i kunoi twa nezv ei
chet e..
"soai t
ichi ikwaur i.
"y et manga mur i mese mumot a Dee
muchi seka. .
"hewasj ustt akingmehomemukukani
"sorrymar tin.
"Ko musi kana anony eper a mukomana wake
"andi chazv i
itef uti.
" manj e andi chada kut i ut aure nay e
wakat angazv ekukwi ramot adzev anhuf ut
koukabat wanhai .
"ndazv inzwa
" akangokubat a unenge usi sir
i musi kana
wanguzv achose, ndaakuendakucl ass...
Hej ustt urnedandst art
edwal ki
ngachi enda
.ndai dakumuudzakut indangandamusuwa
asiIcoul dn't.Ndakaendakuof fi
receiptany wayhapanazv akawandazv ataii
ngot amba and t akanzi t ikasike kubuda
kuendakumba. ..
handi nakuendanasi rmuku
tangat i
sat itaakuny atsonzwi sisanazv akanaka
.butt ruthi sndai nzwa Kuf ara kut itataura
teseIst art
edt hinkingaboutwhathehadsai d
kutiukabat waIwon' tbey ourboy fri
endany way
whywasIf eel i
ngl i
keIact ual l
ywant edhimt o
be my boy f
riend ndakanzwa kuny ara kuti
teacherv anguher ev eduwee. .
.kanazv ikanzi
kutangakudar ikidzapakuf ari
ramunhuwhydi d
t hav et o be muku , asikut amba kwedu
ndokwangakwakundi itakut indi nzwef eelings
ofwant ingmor e. .
vai t
ozondi sekakut indoda
zvinhukamwanaMudi kikudav anhuVakur u
honest l
y Ibecame st ressed ndi chi famba
kuenda kumba . ..
and t ot hink kut it aiv e pa
sameschoolf ut indai zodi i,,Ibr ushed i tof f
remindi ngmy sel fthathedi dntf eelwhatIwas
ngbecausehenev ert oldmeandidont
know whywasIbot her ingmy selfapai tf el
weirdkuendakumbandegaf uti..
.any wayt he
nextday swer ej ustt hesameast hef irstday
wegotser i
ouspasecondweekt any atsoi swa
mumacl assedu. .
.Ther ewer eaf ew st udent s
vandakabv anav of orm 4butv akawandawer e
new. ...
Kungopi nda kwakai ta mukundi mucl ass
ndangandaakut adzakuny atsogadzi kanabutI
remai nedcal m ndi nindegandai zv i
zivakut iI
wasntok. ..
any waykungopi ndakwav omucl ass
thenew gi rlsdzangadzaakut openger ekakani
kuitakunanzv iranekuonamukundindakanzwa
kusvot wa . .
ndakangocheuka ndakav at ar i
ndokubv av any arara kut aur a, ,hai wa ne f ir
dayher ecoul dn' tt heyatl eastwai tkusv i
term y apera. ...ndichi ngot arisa kusi de t hey
edagai n. ..
ndakacheukaf ut i
" kohanzi i
konhai nenoi se. ..
"shaaakungodakuz iv awoahwhat 'swi thy ou..
"mav i
ngasi rkanakut imauy akuzodzi dza? ?si
mukundi havadi maf unni es. .
"asi unov azi va? ?
"yearsi ncel asty ear.
"hoooahsakai shemar ried? tell ussha. .
"modazv i
nhust ereki any wayhei smar ri
ed. .
"wakaf itakuny epauchi dakubhur urutsashi ri.
" zv awakuda kuf unga ndezv akowo
wandi vhunza ndi kakupi ndur a. .plus mukundi
haisishi ri
shiriinowani kwamudender e. ..
"Haaai bv apoi wesakahav ey ouseent hewi fe.
"y es. .
"akanakaher e
"zv ekut i.
NdapedzaIj ustlookedkumber ikunasi rmuku
apandangandapi hwazi so r ekutiurikuitei..
kept my ser ious f ace y ekutiandi sikuda
kuv hunzwaabouti t. .Andy eshemademet he
class capt ain agai n. ..ndakazochi pihwa zi so
nev amwe kut i zv ambof amba sei and i vo
Hav anakanakudaKui nt ertainermaquest i
from st udent s, ,
thel essonwenton, ,
goodt eachersakazv aisashupakupi nda. ..
me I was f inishi ng school pr etty l ate
macomput erlessonsai nonokakuper a..
dayndangandat obv amucl assndaakut oenda
kumbat imedzangadzat ofambaIwast ired
ndai tofamba goi ng t ot he combi st hen he
messagedmesay ingndi mi rir
epanssa. .Ijust
saidokt henIwenti ntot hecaf ewher eIhad
wai tedt hel astti
mepasi nanguv ahewast her e
.hej ustst oodt her el ooki ngatme.
"koandi si kupisahugy acho. .
"Ndoz vataakui taher e.
"ukudandi pi
hwenanimanj ei weur imusi kana
"haaasi r.
"ndakusuwasha, ,youar enol onger cooki ng
for me I mi ss your f ood f uti apa
wav akundi nyimahug. .
"Ihav ebeenbusy. .
"Iknow andi tsf i
neiunder standbutmake
mef ormet ookaa. .
"Iwi llcomeandv isity ouonSat urday..
"okayany wayndi poophoney ako.
"whatsoy ouwannado? ?
"panezv andi r
ikudandi poondokudzoser a....
Ndakangot ora and gav e hi m and hamheno
t i
twa. .
.ndakazodzoser waanet anay o..
"sowhatwer eyoudoi ng. .
"apana hangu j ustchecki ng kut imusi kana
wanguar ikufoner wanaaani ...
"hoo any waywhydi dy ou make me cl ass
captainndangandaakungot aur wa...
"SAbabanamaimukundiweshoul dhel peach
other changu kudzi dzisa i wewe uchi i
zvinoitakut ibasar angur i
sar wadze..
" maaakuda kut oshupa nekudi wa nev ana
vechikor okai mi .
"theonesi wast alki
ngt o..
"Hanzi chii.
"hanzi munegi rl
f r
iendher e? ??
"Ukat ichii
"ndikat imunemukadzi .
"lolhooar i
kupi mukadzi wacho.
"achauy a.
"sakawandi vharir
amagapi nindadiwa.
"modakudi waf utikuti zvait asei.
"umweanondi dandi ani?
iimuv hunzowachondakabv andat outizakana
nez vandangandaakut aur a, ,,
ustended up speaki ng l iket hat..
.it ookmy
phonehanguandst artedpl ay i
ngwi thi tIhad
decidedt oi gnorehi m buthekeptpest eringme
kusv i
ka ndat imunodi wa nemusi kana weny u
uyauy at henhej ustlaughedzv i
kanzi kwana. ..
"Ndai t
asei .
"ndirikudakudi waneumweasi r
ey e..
"ani manj e...
"ndichazokuudzachi handekumbamanj e...
Wegotupzv ikanzindi pehugy angupl ease,,i
wasshyt ohughi mt angat av abackt oschool
event houghhewasmyf ri
my t eacheragai n saka ndanga ndakut anga
kubatwa neny adz i..
ndi ri
pakat i pekuf unga
ndakangodhonzwa ndokubv a ndapi wa hug
yakatondivhiringidzamusor o,hest oodhuggi ng
mest il
lzvikanzii fiseeanot herguyhuggi ng
yout i
noshupanaandIj ustsai dokt henhel eft
mendokubv at aendakumakombiandwent
home, ndangandasuwakusi i
wakumba. ..
day s
wentbyIhadbl ockedJer omebutai ngof ona
and kusada ushay a mukundi kwanga
kwaaut ondinet sa apa ndopandanga
ndaakut anga kushupwa nevakomana
vemucl ass mozi va v asingade kupf uurwa
nez vi
nhu ma Ndi nokuda acho anga
avakuwandi wandi sa and somet i
ndainakidzwa somet imes ndai bhowekana by
the end off i
rstt erm panga pakai pa apa
mukundi ndopaai ndi pa pr essur e y echikor o
nziukangof oir
a chet et i
chanet sana, he
gav et oo much ext ra wor k Iwas al way s
exhaust edandndangandav akumuzwi rahasha
twasl i
kehedi dntwantmet ohav easoci al
ifeapawai ngonzwakunziDeei mbosi yazv e
What sApp and concent rate. .
.ndakat ozosv i
pakubv a pa app pacho ndashungur udzwa
holidayichingosv i
kazv i
kanz iyouar ecomi ng
forextralessons. .
"ndoponaher ev eduwee.
"YesifIcant eachev er ydaywhycan' ty oulear n
everydaypl usany wayndodaudzi dzisemat hs
tosomeofmyst udent s,,thatsext ramoneyf or
"hahahahabeser i
"ify oupassedmat hswi t
hanAandnow y ou
aredoi ngAlevelmat hswhycan' tyout each
mat hs...
wobvawatangaugadzi r
amar ii
zv ozv i
Sirmar ti
nsoooka, ,
twasacooli deat hatI
knew he was notgoi ng to stop tr
ying t o
conv i
ncemeapazv ikanzidontwor r
yIhav ea
iend t hat wi
llteach y ou ma comput ers
nechemumoy ondakangotigoreri
Endofchapt er14
Kaydi e.

enbuyKay die
stSat urdayaf t
ert av harandopandakaenda
kwamuku, ,
Ihadt oldmymot heraboutmukus
suggestiony ekutindi dzidzi
sesomest udents
az vokuti.
..kozv inechekuitanechi koro
ndookut imama. .
"mmmm ndakudakumuonawot eacherwako
heseemst ober eal l
ygoodatpushi ngy ouI
hopendezv echikorochet e. .
" hes obsessed nezv echikoro mama
somet i
mesIf eelliker unningawayf rom him
butIcan'tbecauset oonanaal lthet i
me, ,Ican'
breat hmama. ..
"i ft hatwi llpush y ou t o be bet t
ert eerera
mwanangui tsnotal lthet imet haty ouget
someonet ogui dey oul i
ket hat..
"okmamal etmego, I'
m ner vousIhav enev er
beenat eacherndaj airakuwekeswamat hspa
boar dkuchi kor ochet e..
"y ouar eanat uralmwananguandt heseday s
m soohappysei ngy ourdedi cation..
"thanky oumama. .
I gr abbed my books ndokubv a ndabuda
kunokwi ra kombiand i nl ess t han 5 mi ns
ndanga ndasv ika . .
he had l eftt he gat e
unlockedsakaIj ustpushedi topenandwent
nsi de , ,
Iwasi n a hur r
yndanga ndanonoka
kusv i
ka, ,,
Ifoundhi m busyal ready. ..
.ndokubv a
vatondi ti get busy , ,ndakav atarisa kut i
ndiv av hunzekut iarey ouser iousbuthel ooked
atmenef acey ekut iI'
m notj okingst arting
teachi ng. . .
"guy sIhav ecal ledinabi tofhel p,shesv ery
good and someofy ou hav eseen herher e
bef ore, ,
she came outwi t
h st raightAs i n
mat hemat i
csandBi ologysakamusat yeheny u
shes r eallygood , ,she wi l
lbe t eaching y ou
mat hemat i
cst oday .
theyal lgreet edmewi thsmi l
est henmukundi
camezv ikanzi ,,
"makemepr oud.
"Idon' tknowi fIcandoi tmukundi .
"andi namusi kanadof owanzwa.
"myhear ti
sr acing.
"itshoul dr acewheny ouseemenotbecause
ukut y akudzi dzisa. .
"lol ok. .
"byt hewaywakachenanhasi ndazv ida. .
"thanky ouev eny ou. .
"nowst ar tteachi ng. ..
Itookadeepbr eat hbecausemyhear twas
poundi ng,,Il ookedathi m andhesmi l
ed, ,
knew Ihadt odoi tf orhi m andme. .
openedachapt ery epr obabi li
ty .
....Haandai ita
dzekui mba. .soany wayndakangot angawi tha
smi l
et hen Ipi ctured my sel fndi ripa boar d
mucl assndanzinasi rmukucomeandexpl ain
thenshowushowt ogett heanswer, ,ndakabv a
ndat otangakut odzi dzisal i
ket hatbecausesi r
mukuhadaboar dkumbakwav o. ..Iwasr eal l
takingmyt imendi chiv hunzaasi nakunzwi si sa
andr eal lyexpl ainingf utikut iany at sonzwi si sa
and t he mor e y andanga ndakuona
vachi nzwi si
sanay ov akangondi pamany emwe
ndakut oonandi rinisi rmuku, ,honest lyndanga
ndaakunzwa kunaki dzwa nazv o l i
ke dai
ndakat anga hangu kar e. ndakapedza
kudzi dzi sasi rmukundiv akany ar arahav okui ta
ikeast udenti ncl ass, ndakat ombodakuseka
nekut ihamheno zv ainyor wa pasimukabook
kavokandai nzwakudakut ov erenga, ,i
tl ooked
ikeadi ar ysakandai dakut oonakut imudi ary
momo mune chi i.
..ndapedza class
ndakaomber erwamaoko, ,
,If eltr eal lypr oudof
my sel f...
Het ookov ert hecl asszv ikanzindi neNzar a
endaunobi ka. .
"manj endobi kei.
"cher ozv abi kwanemusi kanawangundody a..
Ndakangot iokt henIwentt ot heki tchen, ,
openedt hef ri
dgendi kaonahangumakazar a
pork, ,ndakabur itsa i yoy o and f ri
ed ni cel y, ,
peeledpot at oesandchi ps, ,
thenmadeabi tof
saladont hesi de. ..ndakambogar awai ti
ngf or
him kut iapedze ndanga ndaakuda kubat wa
nehope ndakagar a pa chai r . .
ndakat obat wa nehope ndakagar a
ndakazonz wa ndasi mudzwa ndakat akur wa
,pandakav hur amazi soIgott heshockofmy
ifehewasput tingmeonhi sbed, ,
zvakangopi ndamubr ai nkut iadakundi it
ndokubv andat i
"whatar ewedoi ngmuno. .
"r el
ax wanga war ar a , ndiri
kuda kukui sa
somewher ecomf or tabl ewai zodonapachai r.
"itsokndamukamanj e. .
"Dianahapanazv andokui t
a. .
"youj ustcal l
edmeDi ana!
"pamwendokut iunz wi si
seany wayI '
m comi ng
back. ..
Hel eftt her oom butndai sav anekugadz ikana
becauseIknew kut imubedr oom nemur ume
hamupi ndwe unoboor wa .
..ndakabv a
ndasi mukandokubv andamut eer andikamuona
dishingupt hefood, ,akangondi tari
sabutnev er
saidany thing, ,
apedza di shingup hewent
back t o hi s bedr oom wi tht he t wo pl ates
ndokubv andasar andakami randegamanj enot
knowi ngwhatt odo. ..hecanbackandgott he
uicet henhesai dwashy ourhandsachi bv a
atodzoker at o hisr oom. Iwas busy aski ng
my self quest ions kut i ndodi i but
ndakazozv iudzakut ii tsmukuhewon' thar m
mel i
keot herguy s. .
.Iwentt ohi sroom t hen
satont heedgeoft hebed, akangondi tari
sal i
tosaygar azv akanaka, ,
soIgotont hebed
ndokubv a ndagar a pakat i....
he gav e me my
plate off ood ndokubv at atanga kudy a but
ndaitotadza kumedz a because hi s pr esence
wassomehowaf fectingmendaakut onzwakut i
kuv apadhuze nasi rmukukwai t
omut sama
foreignf eeli
ngspandi r
butzv ai
shupakut aura
ndaingot svir
amukat i...
"hausi kudy ai wewe.
"ndirikudyai ni .
"notl i
kehow y oueatmostoft het i
ndakut samwi saher e.
"youwer eamazi ngt oday, ,youmademepr oud
mai mukundi .
"mai mukundi f
Ndakaseka apa l astt i
me anga achi nj a Zit
rakemuf onmanguf rom si rmukundit odaddy
muku. .ndakambot ora nguv a ndi chiseka but
ndakazongonzwakunaki dzwanazv o..sakaal l
thet imeai gar otarisakut iandi nakuchi nj ahere
ndai t
ozv i
onakut imukundianopengachet e
.Ndakazot anga kudy a hangu ndokubv a
tapedza and Iwentt o cl ean up hi s plates
ndai f
ungakut imunhuachabudakubedr oom
buthaana akat or amba ar i
ko ,,ndakadzoker a
ndikatindaakuendakumba. ..
"unoendakumbay ett i
sati yaitalessony edu? ?
Ndanga ndat okanganwa kut iIal so had a
essonwi thhi m. .ndakangot iokbutndanet a
zvikanzi chimbouy auzor ore. .
"HandeKul ounget i
noonaTV. ..
Het ookar emot eandswi t chedont heTVt hat
was i n hi s r oom. .
.ndichibv a ndaper erwa
ndakazongodzoker a pandanga ndi ri
ndokubv andagar aandwest art
edwat chinga
mov ie, ,
itwasni cesoIst ar tedconcent rating
ne mov ie but ndai nzwa hope st il
ndakazongoer ekana ndar ara. .andizive kut i
ndakar ar af orhow l ongbutndakazomukai n
hisar msandhewassl eepi ngaswel landt v
yangay adzi mwa. ..
Iwant edt omov efrom hi m
akabv aar ambaakandi bata. ..
"mukundi .
"imbor ar a
" ndamuka chi ndisiya ko musi kana wako
akauy aandf i
ndsusl iket hisanot ichii
"amhenobabi ei weweunozv ionasei .
"ndaakunzi babi efuti????
"Ehemusi kanawangundi babi ewanguzv e. .
"stopal lthesej okesah.Chi ndi siya
"ndai dakuonakut imusanawangukut ihauna
akabat aher e.
"Youknowkut iandiiteizv ozv o. .
"goodi zv ozvozv i
noitwaneni ..
Mukundiai ndiitaSei ko,,aingot iakatauraal ong
those l ines ndai nzwa body y angu i chii
kupember achai kokungeat aur azv ai
noda. ..
"musat aur emuchi daromunozondi vhundut sa
"andi dikut iundi vhunduke sor ry. .
ndikuper ekedzekumba. .
Ndakuda kubur uka akangondi dhonzer a
pamusor o pakendokubv a ndadonher a paasi
takaramba t akatarisana , ,ndakanzwa hana
dzedu dzi chiroverana . ..ndi chinzwa maget si
achifamba body mese . .
akangor amba
takatarisanandokubv andazot ari
sakusi de. .he
made me l ook at hi m agai n achi bva
andidhonzer a paar i and he hugged me
ndakazony atsonzwakur ov akwehanadzedu
ndangandaakut ya. .ndasaraconf usiony ekut i
whatwasgoi ngonbet weenus. ..
"mukundi chindisiya...
"uri muy edzoDee.
"ndai tasei ? ??
"hapanahande. ..
Takabuda t ese ndokubv at aenda kunoi ta
essonr edu. .Icoul dntconcent ratepakut anga
butndakangonziDee hat isipakut amba pay
attent i
on , ,
ndopandakazot anga kut eerera
zvaai taur a. .for an hour dzai ngov e mat hs
kusv ikat apedzandookubv aazononondi siyapa
gedhi kumba . ..
the weeks t hat f ollowed
yaingov esamet hingbuthest artedav oiding
yacho i
ye aakusandi pa
,ndakat ombomugumbuki r
a ndi kazozv iseka
kuti ndi kugumbuka on what gr ounds. .
brushed i t of f but hey mukundi anga
aakundi pinzabusyoneSat urdayndakat ombot i
andi po zv ikanzindi ne number dza mama
ndikar ambakusv ikaandi gumbuki randokubv a
ndamupa. ..
Ndakangot ikunamama muudzeikut iandi po
kanaakaf ona. .andpasi nanguvaakabv aaf ona
mama v akadai ra v akaisa pal oud apa
kungonzwa v oice r ake r aii
ta maungi ra
munzev edzangu. ...
"makadi iheny umama
"ndi ri
powakadi imwanangu.
"sor rykukunet saindai dakuzivakut it eacher
vangu v arii koko zv afamba seinekut iv ane
mast udent sakav amir i
"sor ry zv ako mwanangu pane kwandai da
kumut uma but Ican canceli ts not t hat
mpor tantregaauye..
"munengemai t
abasamamasor r
kat a phone ndakangot i and mama
ymwananguzv ekunyepaandigoni
" asi magona wani kuny epa kuti pane
kwamangamuchi dakundit
uma. ..
Vakangondi t
ndakapererwa obvi
mukundi hadwon.
Endofchapt er15.

Wr i
enbyKay die馃尮
Igott ohishouseandzv esuremasocal l
s angu wer e wai ting f or me
ekutiIknowy ouhadli
mendi kabvandakasikakut ar
started t eaching ,ndanga ndat ojair
a zv aiit
kungeIwasanat uralzv esur el i
said . . somet i
mes t i
nongozeza t o st art
somet hingnew j ustbecauseoff earmaant i
progr essdemonschai wo.Mukuhadt aughtme
thatl i
fe was al laboutnew exper iences ,
over comi ngy ourf ear s,conquer ingy ourf ears
andhav ingt hegut st odot hei mpossi bleandI
wasbecomi ngt hebestpanezv esezv andaiit
braindzangudzesedzangadzazar achi koro
chegachega.Hewasl ooki ngatmewi ththe
corner of hi s ey e achi nyatsoona zv ese
zvandai i
ta. ..Ihad become Soo conf i
zvekut i ev en i f he l ooks at me ndi ri
pakudzi dzisaiwoul dcont i
nuewi thoutbei ng
tooaf fect edbyhi ml ookingatme. .t apedza
esson ma st udent s aenda t hat'
s when he
pulledachai rndokubv aagar ai nfrontofme
andt ookmyhands. ..
"Wheny ouwantabr eakj ustt ellmey ouwant
abr eakusandi nyeper ashaa, haugonekuny epa
kwacho f uti and munhu anondi nyepera
anondi rwadzi saespeci al
lyy ouusandi dar o..
"Howdi dy ouknowt hatIl ied?
"Pawar ambakundi panumberdzamana, that'
whenIknewkut iur ikuny epa, ,any waymay be
m put ti
ng t oo much pr essur e on y ou
regandi mboi samabr akesndi mbokupat i
met o
seet hewor l
d, havef unwi thgi r
lsofy ourageI
don'twanty out osayMukundii stheonewho
stopped me f rom hav ing f un may be
somet imes ndi nenge ndi chikutyira but
andi chada kukut y i
ra i mboi ta zv aunoona
zvichi i
ta. ..
Ndakat ombor ambandakamut arisakut iwashe
ous nezv aaitaura manj e i ni ndanga
ndatojaira hi s st rictness. Saka apa anga
aakuedza kut i chi i manj e ndanga ndi siri
kunzwi sisa..
m sor ryIl i
edandhonest lyIwant edtor esta
bitndashay a kut indot aur a seiI '
m alway s
scared t o disappoi nty ou . and andi sikuda
kuvaf reendat oj
airakui swamuj erinemiof ficer
"Ndiriof fi
"Lifey akondey akoev ent houghndi chi
shuv i
kutidaindangandi rimoomul i
sakamakedeci sionsbasedonwhatmakes
you happy .Andi dizv ekut yiwa shaa handi si
mupur isaakangomi ri
rakut sv agamhosv a. .I
docar eal otabouty ou,pamwehauzv i
ndaakukuudzAkut iIcar eabouty ou. .
"Iknow y ou car eaboutmet hat'swhyI '
scaredt odi sappoi nty ouMukundi .
"Youshoul d bescar edt odisappointy our
selfinsteadofme, ,af teral lI'
mj ustat eacher
toyou. .
"YeahbutIal socar eal otaboutmyt eacher
sakat akangof anana.
"Sakawaakundi koper aher e.
"Nondakui tandi chikur a.
"Lolsakanhasi hausi kubi kaher e..
"Imbondi bi
kiraiwonhasi .
"Aaaahsakahaunzwi r
emukomanawakot sitsi
"Ndogar andichi mubi kirawani .
" Hande t i
nobi ka t ese ndi nozopi sa
nekukuf unga. .
"Ndof ungwandi r
ipoher e.
"Lol ehe. .
Webot hl aughed and wentt o cook,,hapana
angaachakat samwi ramumwe. ..
mazuv aanga
afamba and att he end oft he hol i
ndakabv andapi hwa100uszv ikanzimar iyako
from y ourst udent s. .
"Yesei yiher eMuku.
"Yakawandi sai yisi r.
"Udakundi bhowaher e?
"LolcanIt akey ouout? tothemov i
es. ?Ifyou
don'tmi nd.
"Dee, arey ouaski ngmeoutonadat e?
"Whi chev erwayy out akei tthedi fferenceis
"Woowwaaneconf idencemazuv aano.
"Makandi tiamhuna musi kana dof o so I '
doing a l otofr esear ch on gr owing up and
onshi ps.
"Whatr elat i
onshi ps? ??
"HapanaMar ti
"Waakudakui tazv ev akomanaher e.
"Notr eall
yndi chiripakut ya.
"Asi ndi nokut yisa. ..
" Mat i ndaakuda kui ta zv evakomana asi
makanganwakut i mur imukomanawangu
"Lolusade kundi naki dza . .
chihande , ndoda
mov i
enef oody acho, nhasi uneMar istereki
Takaendakumov i
ey a3t i
kazobudaKumat o5
ndokubv at aendapakf candboughthi mf ood
.hewasal lsmi leshanzindaendeswaona
dat enebabi er angu. .
zv angazv aakutonakidza
butmanj eTangat aakuv huraz v i
korondi chi
ndat opihwar emi ndery ekubv apaapp.
"Unombozi va her e kut indi we wandony anya
kutaur anay epaapppachoher enhai .
ni nev amwev achov akait asanaLana.
"Ngai per eny ay ayanaLana.
bhobutmunhui yey eachai tisakut izv i
zvanguzv i
"Wat angaMukundi .
"Zv aper ahandekumbaandi diambuy av angu
vazof ona v achipopot a kut i ndakunonot sa
kuuy akumba.
"Hanzi vadakukuona.
"Kut indai t
asei .
"Hanzi urigoodi nfluencepandi ri.
"Vat ozv i
onawokakut indirimunhubhoi wewe
chetendi wei singazv ione. .
Apa ai taurisa t i
chi nokwi r
a kombi kuenda
kumba ..
.ndakat anga ndakudenhwa
nemahwi ndif utit adzika pacoppa cabanna
Mukundi achibv aanzi neumwe. ..
" Chi baba babi er enyu heav y but r akafit
nini.dai Kari Karekangundakubv ut i
Kar ebut
haaaheav ymagar o. .
"Wat iii
Akacheuka akamut ar i
sa ndi chibv a ndaona
facey aakuchi nja.blazv achoneny emwev anga
vaakuda kut owedzer a kut aur a ndakabv a
ndangot iMar ti
nndanonokakumbandokubv a
anditarisa. .
"Sakazv aat aur azv i
noi t
aher e?
"Aewabuthonawear ei npubl icndozv inoit
mahwi ndiukamat eedzer aunopedzi si
rawai t
saivo ka char acterkav o hakat ane kujairi
mapur isa akauy a muchi r ovana anongot i
mesemur imahwi ndi sakahande. .
"Ndi kuchenger azv i
nhuzv angu.
"Kozv abat waher e.
"Ndi chabat andega.
Akabv aazongosekandokubv andabat wamu
wai stzv iya zv ekut indewangu ndi nindi ripo
mahwi ndi achi bva at anga kut i y eeee
achi ri
dza mur idzo,zv akangooma kuita
musi kanaanezv inhuzv akesur e. andndanga
ndaakuzv inzwakut indiripozv andaii
udzwananaJeankut iwaakukonzer esandanga
ndaakukonzer esa, ,
, manj enebodyguar drangu
Mar tinpai v epakai pamagor aait
otambi rakur e.
Kuma l i
ftsedu akat osv ika akandi bata chet e
ndakazosi iwat api ndamukombizv i
kanzigar a
kuwi ndow.
"Whykuwi ndow . .
"Kumweukuunobi wanahwi ndi.
"Ungat yir
ewi ndi ?
"Ndot adzakumut yir
akut ihaanamaf oreign
Ndakat arisa kuwi ndow ndaakuny ara ma
foreign f eelings andai vanzwir
a . ndaiedza
kuzv ivhara butheyzv anga zv akutondi omer a
hanguany wayndakanosi iwakumbandokubv a
ndasv i
kandi chi rat i
dzamamaMar iy andanga
ndashanda, vakat ov hundukazv i
kanziy awanda
wangauchi nyany oitei?
" Handi t
i mai ndi nzwa her e ndi chidaidzwa
kubasaal l theseday s..
"Mmmm ndodakumuonat eacherwako.
"Anogar aAr ibusymama.
"Hooi shemar ried. .
"Noty ethei sast udentt eacher. .
"Hooosakaanogar anaani ?
"Andi ziveIdon' tknow muchabouthi mi niI
ustknowkut ihet eaches.
"Hooosakamunengemur ivangani ikoko..
"Dependsmel essony achopl usLev elmama
koindav akuv hunzi sisakudar o?
mj ustwonder i
ngkut iast udentt eacherpaid
you100usf ort eachingsomeofhi sst udent
"Asi I'm notwor tht hatmuch?
"NoI 'mj ustwonder i
ngkut iiyeasar anemar ii
pamwewamut oreray ese. .
" Lol zv amama any way l et me r est
ndanet a.kanandapi hway esehamhenoo. .
Ndakat anga kuf unga kut i nhai mukundi
anombot ambi ramar i
i.butcomet ot hinkofit
speci es was a pr ivat e college so may be
vaitambi rawo Mar ii rinanibecause come t o
nk of it ,
he dr
zvemhando, ,pandakaenda nay e kunoger wa
akaenda kwemhando, aidya zv emhando, the
furniturey achowasni ce. .10mi nndi chingenga
brain andi na kana kunzwa kupi nda kwaDi on
mur oom manguapaai tor at
idzakuf arahake. .
"KoShandi pookanumberdzaLana.
"Dzekui t
asei nadzo?
"Doesn' tmat teri we, any wayanemukomana
here. ..
Ndakamboseka ndi ri pamubhedha kusv i
andi r
ov amusor o.
"Haaur i
kundi rov erei nhai ?
"Ukusekai ni ndi r
iser ious.
"Haakanashamwar ikanauchi damusi kana
tsvagazv imwe. .
"Finei mbondi pandi t
aur enay e..
"Haakanandov audzamhamhaukadakudar o.
"Ukasandi pandov audzakut iukudanananasi r
"Andi dananenav oSha.
" Ukudanana nav o ndakuona wakabat wa
muwai stpagedhi.
Ndakangotiaaaah ndokubv a abv
uta phone
akamhany a nawo kunotora numbery a Lana
apamamessageamukundi angaakazara..
haahanguzv ekut
iadananenaLanazv ai
Endofchapt er.

Chapt er17
Ndakamukandi chifonerwanaLanasoear l
themor ni
ngandIal readyknew kut iinyayaya
Dion chete. .daikusi rikutindai todakuziva
ikaIwoul dhav eignoredherbutnekut i
Iknewmyf riendIwoul dhav erelaxedwellbut
ndaisamboshami si
ka kunzwa kut ishe was
eadydat i
ngmybr other.
..Ithadbeent wo
weeksev ersi nceDi ont ookhernumberand
ndanga ndaakui t
a mazuv a ndi chimuona
achingoseker era zv andisi
nganzwi sise . .
ndakadai r
af astisatiyakata..
"Wat i
" Ko ndei piSha ndodaka si rv ako vaye
semaext ralessonsav aikuiti
"Wat ikudii
?? ?
" Ehe mukundindoda andi i
tise ma ext r
Ndakambot ipamwekur otaormay bemaj okes
Lanakui tiswamal essonsnamukundi ??Wi th
her behav ior ndai nyarira kupizv angu? plus
alreadyMar ti
ndi dn'twantmet o bef ri
withher. .
m notsur eifhe'sst il
ldoi ngext ral essons. .
"Usany ebeshaaDi ont oldmet hatnewewo
wai it
isamaext ralessonsbyhi shouse. .
"NaDi onmaakut aur aidzodzokut angar i
"Wej ustt alklov i
eusandi tyi
re. .
"Andi kuty i
rebutndot y i
raDi on.
"Shaal et'st alkaboutmukundikwet ezv aDi on
"Ndokuv hunzi r
"Gi mmehi snumber.
"Okndokut umi r
Ndakabv a ndat okata phone t hen qui ckly
bat hed kut i ndiende kuchi koro. .
ndakasv ika
ghtont i
mekusat ikwaanev anhundi kananga
kucl assandmat hswasourf i
rstsubj ectand
sirmukundiwas al ready t her e,zv aindiiti
funnywhenev erIhadt opr etendt hatwewer e
notf riends. ..
"Goodmor ningsi r.
"Mai mukundi goodmor ning..
Ndakabv a ndany ara or t o say I bl ushed
ndookubv andat onogar apadeskr anguapahe
hadmov edmef rom t hemi ddlepar toft he
classt ot hef r
ontpar toft hecl asssakat ai
gar a
takat arisana. ..
ndakagar a pasi ndokubv a
ndat sikitsira musor o pasi kuti
ndisat omboonekwaf acey angu, ,
Iwassav ed
by ma st udent s akat anga kupi nda so t hey
nev ernot icedkut ipanezv angazv iri
besi desmucl assndangandaakut ogar andi r
ser i
ouszv ekutihapanachawai onakana, ,
had pr epar ed a t est saka anga Ar ima1
takangosv ikanekuv ar eadyf ort hatt estapaI
was j ust not i n t he mood . .
ndakanganwa kut iLana had asked f orhi s
numbermyphonest artedv i
br atingdur ingt he
exam zv ai tony audza , ,
ndakuda kui dzi ma
ndakangonzino phonesdur ing t estsndi poo
phoney ako. .ndakaonamazi soangov apandi r
vamwe v aakuzhi ny a kunge pane
chai shami rira,vamwe vachitogay a kuti
ndawachi swa asimy mai n wor r
y was hi m
goingt houghmyphone. .
.panesaskam r emu
classr ainziMuny aandi t
ozi vewher ehegotmy
numberbuthehadsentmeamessagey ekuti
babi e wakabat ana ndi kakut ari
sa ndoi ta
kunanzv ir
achai ko.i niniwachondakangoseka
ndokubv andat osiy ananazv o becauseIwas
sooobusy, Iwr otemyt estnespeedy ebar aI
ustwant edt ogetmyphoneback. .
usf orme
the t estwas nott hatbad ndai zi
v a zv ese
hapana dzandanga ndi si
nga dzi dziswe na
Mukundi ...
ndakapedza an hour ear l
ndokubv andachi gar a,, Mukundiwassi ttingon
hisdesk, ,,
pandakadakudongor erakut imunhu
arikuiteindopaakabv a av hur a count erbook
ndookur imisapamber ipakeand Icoul d not
seeat hing. ...
Ndakambot anga ndi chat ambi sa makumbo
pasipedeskndokubv andat angakut ambi samy
ngert ips. ..hej ustl ookedatmeandsmi l
whenIsaw hi ml ookingatMuny andakazi v a
kut iy av erengwamessage. .ndakabv andai sa
musor o padesk ndokubv a ndakukot sira ko
ndanga ndi chav hundukei f uti,ndakazonzwa
bepar angur avakudhonzwat henhewentwi th
tndi kaonamunhuachi tari
si saachi makaKar e
ndakangot i nechemumoy o zv angu
zv akandi omer ar angundor i
not angakumaki wa
pane pav akaf inyama kumeso and I
wonder edwhyapaHanay angay aakur ov akut i
asi ndat adza hobho? ??pazv akazonzi st op
ndangandanzwaIj ustwant edi ttoend, ,he
col l
ect ed paper s, ,
v achibv av abuda zv i
ndi t
ev ere. ..
takasv i
kamat eachermamweAr i
stuffr oom ndookubv a ndangoi sa pasima
books a si r...
he gav e me back my phone
ndokubv andabudandi chiendat hef irstt hingI
didwast ocheckf ort hatnumberndokubv a
ndaonai sisi
moy abv iswa, ,ndakasekazv angu
aswewai tedf ort henextl esson. ..
.afterl unch
ma l essons wer e done al ready butt akanzi
musabude namukundi. .
he came t hen we
started r ev i
sing t he t est ev eryone
achi wekeswamat hspaboar dndakasi mudzwa
ndokubv a ndapi wa y angu , ndakai rov a bho
ndokubv andai gona. ..mostoft hest udent sdi d
wel lbutpakuenda kumba manj e ndakaona
facey amukundii sirikusekaIhadgonet owai t
forhi m pa nssa byourusualspothe j ust
placedbepar angur andangandany orerat esti n
frontofmeandndangandat adzaone. ..
"Haaaaaa? ?? ??Nder angu. ?
"Don' ty ouknowy ourownhandwr i
"Howdi dIf ailonesi rmat adzakumar kert his
can' tbeme. .
"It'st hesameoney andakut iwor kitoutont he
boar dandy ougoti tcor rect .
..whywer ey ou
rushi ngDi ana, ,
doy ouknow onemi stakecan
costy ouan" A"?
"I'm sor rysir..
"Whatdi dIsayaboutspeed. .
"Itshoul dn'tbet oomuchort ool ess.
"Exact ly and t he t i
me y awanga waakur ara
hako y ou shoul d hav e doubl e checked y our
answer s.
m sor ryi twon' thappennextt i
me. .
"Wandi bhowa, ,
kut adza1, ,,
iwekai wendi i
mushe. .
"Komaakuudzanazv i
pinaMuny a..wakamupa
numberr iini??
"Aaaah Idon' tev en know kut iakai wanepi
numbery angu. .hamunakuonaher ekut ii
amessagef rom hi m egaInev erreplied...
"Hoo. .
"Hanzi naLanashewant sext ralessonsnemi .
"Hoooi r i
"Aaaahwhatdoy oumeani ri
bho, thisisLana
wear et alkingabout. .
"Handi tiar ikuda mal essons mupe number
dzangu. .
"Hakunazv akadar o.
"Why .
"Ican'tbel i
ev ey ouwannat akeherf orlessons
nebehav iory ake.
"Wel lIal socan' tbel i
eveshe' sst i
llyourf ri
nebehav iory ake. .
"Butt hat 'sdi ff
er entmukundi, ,
youar eaman
andshesanaught ygirl
"Lolwhat 'sy ourpoi ntDee? ??
"Shewi ll wantt ogetcl oset oy oundomuz i
"Sot hat '
swher ey ourpr oblem is? ??youdon' t
wantherget ti
ngcl osetome? ?
"Nooo, y ees. .
.argnhaimukundiwhydoy ou
havet oconf useme. .
"Ingandangov hunzaeasyquest ionwani .
"Finedowhaty ouwant. .
"Ndi penumberdzakedzacho.
"Andi dizv ekudenhwasi yananenidzi t
sv age
wega. .mmxxmm.
Mukundiakandi bhowa zv okutiIt houghthe
woul dsaynobutakat otiehel ikehecoul dn'
waitar g,,
,hunhuhwaii hwohwosur e, Igotup
ndokubv a ndaakut ofambisa kuenda zv angu
kumba . ..ndakanzwa munhu aakumhany a
achinditever andokubv aazv ikotorabagr angu
pandanga ndi ri...
ndakamboda kur amba nar o
buthewasst rong. .
"NhaiMaimukundisaka apa mat samwei
manj e..
"Ihadnoi deakut iyourbehav i
ourwasl iket hat
"Likewhatnhai .
" Kunonoker wa nekuda kut aura nemunhu
anodav arume. .
"Koi nindambot indomudaher e.
"Asi hauzv idekut indimude:
"Handi nabasanazv o.
Takazof ambat isisatauretesekusv i
kaandi siya
pagedhi ..
.hej ustsmi ledatmet henhel eftand
kana chai ita kut iaseker ere ndakachi shay a
nxaaaa. kanamumbandakasv i
kandakapi cker
andwentst raightt omyr oom kunozv i
vhar i
ndakabv a ndat i kuna Lana , , mukundi
haachai ti
semal essonsasi riepachikoro.
Endofchapt er17.
Kay die馃尮
. Cr ossingoceans
Wr i
ttenbyKay die馃尮
Chapt er18
Int he mor ning ndakamuki ra kuf onerwa na
Lana achi t i hanz i wai ndi nyima number
dzamukundimanj e ndadzi wana. ndakarohwa
nehana kut inumberdzamukundiadzi wana
kupi futiwhenIdi dn'tgi veher .
"Wakadzi wanakupi numberdzamukundi .
"Iwewewai rambi reinadzo?
"Ndangandi si
nasakandi poo?
"Ndokupi reikkkkk any way ndi chamuf onera
nhasi ndi nzwe kut i anot i chi i
,may be
ngat otangaourpr ivatebusi nesssoon. .
"Sakay oudon' ttr ustzv andakakuudzanezur o
herei ndavauchi dar oi we, sakaur ishamwar i
yangu pachi imanj e. ..and pr ivat
e busi ness
yechii i
" Noo ndaakuda kungot aur awo nay e and
vat ebusinessi spr ivatelessonszv eee..
"Ny ay adzei mukundi haadi zvisinabasa. .
"Arey ouhisspokesper sonnow. .
sbecausendomuzi vaandy oudon' tknow
him and Iknow y ourchar actershamwar i
unondi ny adzisaandi di..
"Lemmebej udgeany wayby e...
I was al r
eady i magi ning ny ay a dzai nge
dzichizot aurwa i papo nekut i Lana ai buda
musaga zv inotobhowa ndakabv a ndat omuka
ndikamhany a kunogeza ndokubv a ndav hura
app y angu ko ndai ivhar i
rei hangu, munhu
ndanga ndamuudza kut i Lana haai te iye
ondi i
ra nhar o apa ndai ngo zv ivhunza kut i
afonaher ekanakut ihaanaIknew shewas
someone asi ngatambi se nguv a kana achi da
somet hing..
.aiiakungeagar waneshav ichai ro
ainzwakunonoker wa.ndakabudamumbaf ast
ndokubv andaendakuchi kor o and Iwast he
ear l
est ndanga ndakur umidzisa nekuda
kweshur ar andangandaudzwanaLana.i cho
chaimboi takut ivanhuv af oireint hef ir
stpl ace
chikonhasiv ozodakut it ambudzi ramaext ra
essons, ,hai wa mhani, was Muku t he onl y
teachert hatwast heremyonl yconcer nwas
whyMuku? angaadi ikuendat oot herteacher s
vekuchi korodzaai dzidzaI ngaconv entwasa
verygoodschool wani .
Ndakasv ika si rv asativ asv ika and af ter10
mi nutes v anga v at osv ikawo, , ndakabv a
ndakat ar i
sa hangu paphone pangu
ndaakumboi ta zvewhat sapp Iwonder ed kuti
vangav asativ azvionaher ekut indadzokapa
What sAppandndai t
oitirakudenhachai kokut i
vakangot izvakat i
iniwondot i
wozv akati
"Hesi Mai mukundi .
'hesi sir..
"Kut ipanepakashot aher epandi r
"Uchi riwakat samwananhasi .
"Ndot samwi reihangupamwemur ikuidaMar i
manj endi ngakumi sei kugadziraMar iherenhai ..
"Haa haungandi mi se t hanks nekunzwi si sa
kwako nekuti Mar i y acho ndi yo
chazokuchenget afut i
Hezv o munhu ai tov a seriousasi ri
kuona kut i
ikut ondi mbowa . .ndakabv a ndaf i
ny ama
" Asi andi si kunhuwi rir
a her e nhai shaa
zvawaf i
ny amakumesokudar o..
Iignor edhi m andbeganconcent ratingonmy
phone. .y akabv ay abv utwanaMukundi ..
"Ndi pei kani phoney angu.
"Uar ei gnor ingmeuchi t
ambanephone. .apa
uripaappDi anaka, ukuy edzakui tasei manj e. .
"Ndi ri
kuedzakui t
azv i
nodamoy owanguandi t
mi mur i
kuita zv i
noda moy o weny u saka
chashami sirahapanapakuendapaapp. ..
" Tel l me y our pr oblem exact ly may be
nganzwi sisane. .
"Okayf iney ouwantmet olistent oy oubut
youdon' twannal istent ome, ,
ev er
yot hert hing
munondi tiusai teandIl istentoy oupazv eseI
dy oukut iandi sikudazv aLanay ety oudon' t
wannal istent omesonowI '
m wonder ingkut i
what '
st hepoi ntoflisteningt oy ou? ??
"Youar ebei ngemot ionalaboutal lt hisDi ana
okf inendomui ti
samal essonsacho i wewe
"Younev ernegot iatedwi thmeandwhydoy ou
wannanegot i
atenow? ??
"Finel et '
st alkaboutt hislater..
"Wear enotgoi ngt ot alkabouti tndi chi pai
phoney angupl ease. .
" Andi sikuda because ukut amba nephone
mucl assandy ouar ebr eakingt heschoolr ules
"Haamukundi kani komamav akafona. .
Ndakabv a ndasi muka ndaakuenda kwav ar
thenhemov edawaymanj eIjustgr abbedhi s
phonet hatwasont hedeskndi kaisamubr a
ndikat ichitoraiapaIknew kut inomat terwhat
hewoul dn't .
"Dianausadar okani .
"Yout hinky ouar ecl ev er?
ndakabv a ndanogar a pasiand t he st udent s
started comi ng in nechemumoy o ndakabv a
ndatiwawachahej ustl ookedatmendakaona
munhu aaakuseka ega he shook hi s head
.ndakazobur i
tsamubr andokubv andakuedza
kuivhur a but i t needed a passwor d
ndakasv otwa mhanikut imakambozar a ma
secret s ey i kui sa passwor d kudar o
ndakasi mudza musor o and f ound hi m
ooki ngatmendakangot enaphonendi chida
kumur atidza kut i ndikuda
passwor d,,paakazv i
ona he j ust smi led and
startedt hel esson.
Honest l
yIdi dn'
tconcent ratemul essonapa
yakabv ay atangakur i
rabuti r
ipav i
number dzacho dzai tov a dzi ri dza Lana
ndai shay a kut i ndonodai ra sei ,
,ndakaf ara
pakaper al essonndakabv andakumbi rakuenda
kutoiletmukundiachi bv aar ambaAnamuny a
ndookubv av aseka hav o,,i zvozvo zv ekuita
ndisekwe ndozv andaisada, ,
muny a
ndakamboda kumudi ra mwando ndokubv a
ndasi yananay e.
.ndakabv andat onzitakur ama
bookndi chi bvandat akur abuthewasn' tgoi ng
tothest uffr oom hewasgoi ngt oaf r
eecl ass
Lanaakabv aat angakuf onaf utizvikanzindi pe
ndidai rendi kat iAi wandodai randegai wewe
dairaphoney aunay oikoko..
Hej ustl ookedatmeandl aughedndokubv a
ndadai ra ndakachi nj
av oi
ce kuita kamunose
chai kokai taur i
ramumhi no.
kunzwai chidai rwanemukadziand ndakabv a
ndat ii t's mukundi s wi fe andidi v asikana
vanof onapaf ony ake, ,
shesai dndodakui ta
maext ral essonsi m ast udentndi katitsv aga
kumwe ndookubv a ndakat a . ..
ndaakuda kumui t
a firi
raanombondi iti
rawaokumashur e.
"Zv awat iur imukadziwamukundiubv awai ta
zvinoi twanemukadzi wamukundi ..
"Andi tindai t
andi kapedzaher e..
"Chi ndi paphoney angukanawapedzanay o
"Mi rapanezv andi ri
kudakuona. .
"Di anakanihonat ir
kor ounondi dzingisa
basamanj endozokuchenget anei .
"Finendaakuendachi toramaf oniachoese. .
"Sakandaakur amwi r
waher eapa. .
? ?
Ndakai sa padesk ndokubv a ndaenda
zvangu, ,,and af t
er school ndakat omut i
ndikaenda kumba anga asi na kana
pekundi bat i
ra. ..ndakasv i
ka ndi rimumood
yekubi ka chai yo, ,
and Imade a t hree cour se
meal, Iwant ed t o occupy pf ungwa dzangu
nez vimwe, ,
zv inhu,,ndakazotanga kuf unga kut i
ah,kondakat samwi raMar ti
nonwhatgr ounds
sure, ,
kana kut i ndar amwirei phone andi na
kuzv inzwi sisa ndakagar a pasi ndi katanga
kuzv iseka kut i andi na kukwana sur e and
wher ev ermukundiwasndof ungaai t
ondi seka
chet e , ,
I act ed l i
ke such a babi e , ,
zvandai dakut sv agamuphonemakeandi tozive
asi ndakangonzwa kut i dai ndat sv aga
somet hing. apamamav akabv av asv i
kav achit
kowasi yaphonekuchi koro..
"Ehenhai mamazv akaomandat okanganwako
mi mazv inzwi rakupi ..
"Ndaf ona i kadai rwa na si rv ako saka v at
vanoiunzandav apamadi rect i
ons. .
"Heeee? ??Mat iv auye? ? ?Whywoul dy oudo
"Hezv okozv akaipeikoandi tivarikungounza
phoneher enhai Diana. .
"Vari kuuy anguv ai
"Hemustbeonhi sway .
"AaaahMadi ikut indoi tor
amangwana. .
"Asihaudikut it i
onet heper sonbehi ndy our
igence. .
Haaada zv akaoma ndakabv a ndat omhany a
kuroom kwangut oseei fiwasl ooki nggood
amheno kut i sei but I f ound i t
necessar y.ndapedzaIwentbackt omypot s
ndokubv a Di on auy a zv ikanzi wakapenga
shamwar i
"Whatdi dIdokwana.
"Youar eal readyi nt r
oduci nghi mt othef ami l
welldonel i
t tl
esi s..
"He'snotmyboy fr
iendkani i
we. .
"BlaBl aBl akomukedauy ear ikupiIwannado
somet hingwi t
hhi m hookmeup. .
"Kuitachi inay e. .
.pleasegoandwor kwi t
kubasakwav o.
"Ehondi chakupal etmef inishwhatI 'm doi ng...
If i
nished of fand ndi chingopedza i ntercom
yakabv ay ar i
ngeri kadai r
wa na Di on achi bva
aendakunot oraMuku..Hanayakabvay atanga
kurova as ifi twas my boy f
end ashany a
kumba . .door ri
vhurwa ndakanyepedzera
kuvhura f r
idge as if I was l ooki
ng f or
somet hi
ng,, ndakanzwa mama v aakut
welcome mwangangu make y oursel
comfor t
Endofchapt er18

. Cr ossingoceans
Wr i
ttenbykay die
Chapt er19
Mama:konhaiDi anay oucan'tevencomeand
greety ourteacherkozv ai
Me: ndiri
kuuy amamaIwasl ookingforjui
ce. .
Kupiko Ij ustdidntknow kut indof ambasei
kusvika pav anga varimakumbo angu anga
alockerIcoul dn'
tmov endakadakumbot idion
please come and hel p me but kupi nda
kwamuku pamba Pedu kwakandi vhundutsa
zv o zv i
ndikana i vo mama whathad she
donehonest ly...
isamupar alysi
yanguandmanagedt owal kslowlybutndaiit
kunge ndi ne makumbo ane nhet emwa
ndakamboda kuzv i
seka butIkeptmy f ace
straightandser i
ous. .
Me: Maswer asei si r?...
ndakadar ogi v
inghi m
Sir:hesi Dee.
Me: mai tabasamauy anephoney angu. .
Mama: wanga uchi nyanyomhany irei kubv a
wasi yaphone. .
Sir:aikanganwandamut oreraachi t
ambanay o
mucl ass.
Mama: ukui ta basa r ekutamba ne phone
mucl assi wekaDeedoy ouwannaf ail
youf ort akingi tawaymakesur ekumut orer a
everymor ningmozomupaapedzamal essons. .
Sir:t hatwon' tbe a pr oblem sur e munhu
anof oir
asef unny...
Mama:ndaf arathatatl easty oucamet ot his
house, ,
,ihadnoi deakut indianiar i
kuitakut i
mwanawanguapasewi t
hf l
yingcolors. .
Sir: chet e munhu wacho anogona hake
anongodapushchet e. .
Mama:t hanksf orpushi ngshe' sgettingbet ter
every day ndakat oshay a kutizv ekuda kubi ka
zvakabv akupi di
dy oupushheraswel l
Sir:ndakangomur atidzadi r
ect i
onchet ebutt he
restshedi di tonherown. .
Mozi v a ndakangost i
cker l ooking at t hem
vachi ndiny eya l i
ke I was not ev en t her e
.ndakangot izv akaoma sur e,,,
so mukundi
hadmanagedt ogetmymot hertogoagai nst
mepaphonehaat aizosanganachet e...
Sir:any wayIhav et ogonow i thasbeenni ce
meet i
ngy ouma' am . ..
Dion:wher ear ey our ushi
ngt owheny oust ay
Mama: ofcour sest ayf ordinner..
m sur eDee
made pl enty of f ood t angonzwa kut i
tagadzi r i
r wa 3 cour se mealshe musthav e
sensedkut i
wewer ehav ingav isit
ortoday ..
Sir:may besomeot hert i
me. ..
Dion: nononot hef oodi sr eady .
Me:l ethi m goi fhewant st ogokokudy a
kunomani kidzwaher emay bepaneakav ami ri
kumbakwav o..
Hej ustl ookedatmeandsmi led. .
Sir:okmamaIwi l
l st ayfordi nner .
Mama: per fect,,
,soy oust ayaloneasIhear?
Sir:yesIenj oymypeace. .
Mama: youar ev eryy oung. ..
Sir:yetgr owi ngol d. ..
Mama: mmmm ndi nenge ndaakut arisi
varoor av erysoony oumustbesl i
yol der
thandi on, ,
dionis23. .
Sir:yessl ightl
yol der. .
Mama: mmmmm sowher ear ey ourparent s..
Sir:Chi shawashaHi lls.
Mama:mmmmmm. Sohow l onghav ey ou
beent eachi ng...
Sir:3rdy earnow. .
Kana zv ikanzii nt er view i y
iwas t oo much
mama kept aski ng sooo many quest ions
ndangandaakuny arav eduwee, ,dadcameasI
wasset tingt het abl ef orust oeat. every one
wentt o si tdown r eadyt o eatt hats when
mukundiand dad gr eeted each ot herand
eadymamav angav aakutor udunukakuudza
daddyzv eseaboutmukundi .
Dad: y ouar eav er yi ntell
igenty oungman. .
Dion: ingobv uma.
Me: ay asv anhuv epano. ..
Ever yonewasj ustpay i
ngat t
ent i
ont omukundi
and ndanga ndasar a ndangov a ndega
ndakany arara, ,
haa v anhu v akatsv airaf ood
kusar apasi sinakanachi nhu. .
.Iser veddeser t
kat sv airway ese. .
Dad: haaaamwananguwaakubi ka.
Mama:t hankst omukundihet oldhert olearn
howt ocook
Me: mamaaaaachi i
ko? ??
Dad: ist hatsooo? ?
Dadl ookedathi m wi t
ht hatkazi sokekut ion
whatgr oundsndokubv av azoti...
Dad: Iwonder edwhowasbehi ndi t..
Sir:thanky ousoomuchf orthedi nner, i
great ..
Hei gnor ed dadsr emar kl ol.
..ndakazosi muka
andcl ear edt het ablewi t
hChi po. ...
want edt ogoIt hi
nkai toshay akut iobudasei
after15mi nutesndopakaonekav anhuzv i
na Di on ngat imubur i
tse , ,
ndakangot iendai
heny u zv ikanzinamama hauny are, ,butdad
vakabv a vangot ari
mama. ..ndakazongosi muka ndookubv a
ndabuda nav o , ,
ivo v aif
amba pamber ii ni
ndichi fambakumashur ehangundakav atari
and mukundikeptl ooking backatme , ,
fambei fanbei Dionst oppedwal kingzv ikanzi..
Dion: Chi tauriranai manj e ndi kukupai 10
minut eschet e. .
Me: kut aur akut ii
? ?
Dion: usandi pedzer enguv a. .
Ndakabv a ndaf amba and went t o him
ndokubv at ami r
at akatarisana . .
..dion anga
akat ipiragot si achi t
ambanephoney ake. .
"mai mukundi ndakusuwai ..
"buty ouar el ooki ngatmeandwhydi dy ou
hav et ocomet ot hehouse.
"whydi dy our unawayf rom me. .
"handi zi ve..
" can we st op f ighti
ng al ready hona
ndazokut everakumba. .
"y ouar emaki ngusf i
ghthandi tiunongoda
kunet sananeni .
" t akambonet sana kupi saka ur i kuti
ndinoshupaher e?
"I'm notaaahhamhenomukundiy ougetme
conf usedal lthet i
me. .
m sor ryndakut samwi sa..
"itsf ine.
"Iwon' tgi veherl essonsokay ..
"ser ious? ??
"yesI 'm ser iousl yhandi dikurambwa.
"lol kut i ti
nodananaher e???
"ehet i
"Mi razv emaf unni eskani.
"finet ozot aura. ..chindipahugndi ende.
"ahi wehonaDi onar ipo..
"hesgi v i
ngushi sbackbecauseheknowsI
willhugy ouhanguTsanov anguv akangwar a..
Akabv aangondi dhonzandokundi pahug, ,
he was mov ing hi s hands on my back
achi femer a muhur o mangu , ndakabva
ndakasi kakubv apaar i.
"chi ifut i .
"ukundi tei.
"zv aitasei ..
"hamhenozv andi nonzwaukandi daro..
"maf or eignf eelingsher e..
Ndakabv a ndar uma mur omo ndokubv a
ndat ot izakuendakunaDee. ..
saw hi m smi lingt henhesai dt hanky oukuna
Diont i
chibvat aakudzoker akumbaapaDi on
achingondi rovamusor ohanziwabat wabat wa
Me:hapana zv aambondi i
ta unozv i
wanepi ko
zvaunot aura.
Dion: ukami ti
swandokur ovazv okut i.
Me:apay ou keep pushi ng met o hi m then
wot angakundi vhundut sir
af uti.
Dion: ehekut imusaz ondijai
rira. ..
Ii gnor ed hi m t ichibva t api nda mumba
ndakasv iki
rana ne message y akanziut ende
Tsano ot her wise hamheno zv andai kuita
ndakamboseka kut iuy u munhu anopenga
chet e,,anywaywe wentbackt o nor mal,,
wer e back t o bei ng happy . ..second t erm
yakaper aandagai nIwentkunodzi dzisakumba
kwakeandmademoneyagai n. ..
Thirdt erm ndoy at anga t aakunet sana muny a
aakui t
at aket akenenimukundiachi ndit
iy ou
areent ertaininghi m apamuny awachoanga
aakuzv ir
atidzaev ennemucl asskut ianondi da
andangaaakui tazv ekubv utabagr angukana
taakuenda kumba obv a andi per edza kuma
kombi e, ,
apakuedzakumut ukaai sambot er era
me y ekut i ndi one mukundi ndanga
ndaakui shay a. .
mukundist artedpul lingf rom
meespeci all
ypaakaonandi chi pihwahug na
Muny a apa muny a wacho akazv ii
ndakav arairwa ndakazoona ndapi hwa
pandakaona mukundindai topusha muny a
ndichitii bv a pandi ri andi zv ide . .mukundi
stopped messagi ng me orcal ling me , ,he
mov edmydeskt ot hemi ddl esect ionagai n
closert omuny a, ,henev erl ookedatmei n
class, ,
ed get t
ing angr ywi t
h him and
my selfaswel l,,
Ibeganmi ssinghim butmy
pridewast oomuchapai twasal mostt i
mef or
my17bi r
thdayandhi sbi r
knowhowwegr ewdi stant,,
muny a somet imes he woul d cr ack jokes
mucl assandIwoul dlaughIguessbecauseof
thatmukundit houghtIwasi nt
o kuda. ..
nooooIwas. .
Ohhel l
Endofchapt er19

. Cr ossingoceans
Wr i
enbyKay di
Chapt er20
I was get ti
ng mor e and mor e mi ser
ndakat anga kudzi ki
ra a bi t hamheno
ndaingonzwakut iIdon'tcar
eany morenekuda
kwekubhowekana,i t
kendangandabat wa
neconf usionchai
wokut indany
any oi
was st i
llthe class monitor but the Day
randakawana 80%ku mat hs ndo day
randakawana mukundi ai ne hasha . .
Taakut obudaMuny aangaat ot orabagr angu
Mukundi akangot i
"Muny aradzi putt hatbagdown
"Taakuendasi r.
"Iweweur i
kuendai yehaasi kuenda.
"Asi munepr i
vat el esson.
"Zv andat aurandat opedza
Ndakangomut isi yaachi bvaabudaachi enda, ,
mukundisatonhi sdeskndokubv aandi tar i
..ndakabv a ndat arisa pasi because
kumut ari
sasohamhenozv aaindi i
taespeci all
mazi soakeangaakanakazv inot obhowa. apa
ndai rwadzi wa want i
ng t o know whyhe has
beenact ingliket hat .
het ookmyexam answer
"Pleaseexpl aint omewhatt hisi s??
"80%si r
"Andy ouar epr oudofy our self? ??
" Enda pa boar d t ione and r edo dzese
dzawat adza. .
"Andi sikudazv ekunet sananewehandi ti.
Ndakasi mukat henwentt ot heboar dndokubv a
ndat anga kui ta mat hs dzacho buthonest l
ndangandaakuv har wa. It oldhi m straightup
kuti Icoul dn'tdoi tany mor eIwasconf used.
"Wher ei stheconf usion
"Ev er ywher e
Hegotupandst artedexpl ainingev erything
agai nf rom scr atch , ,
kut yi
sa kwe f ace y ake
made me pay at tent i
on nekut idaiasi na
kundi v hindutsira zv aitopinda pi nda nekumwe
zvichi buda nekumwe. he spent an hour
teaching me agai n ndokubv a ndanzir e do
everything. .
"Butsi rlookatt het ime.
"Iwi l
lcall yourmot herandl etherknow
"Pl easesi rdon' tndopi ndabusy v anenge
vaakudakuzi vakut isei ndadzi kir
"Iweweseiwadzi kira, ,
y ouusedt obemybest
apawaaakundi ny adzi samanj e....
"Andy ouusedt obemybestf riendmukundi
"Youwant edt opl ayandIl ety oupl ay ..
"That 'snott rue3mont hsusi ngat aureneni
whatdi dIdowr ong? ??
" Not her e Di ana t iri pachi koro munhu
akatinzwat i
chi taur akudar oanot i chii.
"Butwher ebecausey oudon' twantmenear
"Ngaiper eny ay ay acho. ..
Ndakabv a ndat ogumbuka wor se ndokubv a
ndatorabagr angundokubv andakubuda.
"DeeMi ra. .
...Deepl ease
Iturnedandl ookedathi m
"Forwhat?Youcan' tev ent el
l meany t
Ndakaf ambi sandi kabuda, ,haanakanakut eera
ndakabv a ndanokwi ra kombikuenda kumba
.ndakasv i
kamamav ainemashamwar iav o
vachipana hav o mar idzer ound t abley anga
yakaita kuzar a nema USA , ,ndakaenda
ndikanov amhor esa neshamwar idzav o dzese
ndaidziziva. ..
Mama:wat inonokeinhasisi rv ako v anditi
waakudzi ki
rakumat hskowhat 'sgoi ngon.
Me: t oo much pr essur e mama , A l evel
yakaoma mama i t's not t hat easy ..
vakufoner ai nguv ai.
Mama: Kumat hree.
So t hatwasbef orehecamet o mef ur i
sur emunhuangaat ophoner amamaKar e,ini
vanhuv anemakuhwandai savafariraini..
Mama:ndat otirov aimunhukanazv i
chinet sa
anywayy ouaregoi ngbackf orext r
al essons. .
Me:haamamaandi chadamaext ralessons
ndiwoar ikuit
akut ibr aindzangudzi vhiri
Mama:ma ext r
al essons anov hiri
nga br ain
Me: hamungazv inzwi sisemama. ..
MaiLana: :pamwezv ikomanazv atangamanj e
ndanzwanekur ov aLanahaanzwe, ,
mazuv ano
hamhenoamupengesanekut ihaasikut onzwa
ndakambof unga kut i ndi muendese ku
probat ion kunony at sogonekwa di scipline
apasi sina kana mhandar a pav ana v acho
ndakai t
a sendi chaf a when If ound outkut i
Lana y atova mv ana , ,
ye zv i
no hamheno ka
teacherkaar ikupengesananakokemaext ra
essonsndakangandat iadzokor oref ormf our
butzv akatondiomer a. ..
Ndakanzwakupi samuv i
riwhenIhear d kut i
Lana apengesana na t eacher wema ext ra
essons ndakat indimukundichet e hakuna
mumwe , ,
dai ar i
padhuze t atombopi nzana
mucour tkut iwakandi nyeber akut ihaumui tise
mal essonsandndakabv andabhowekanakut i
maiv alana v andifanani dza nemwana wav o
sakachav ai
tihakusi sinamav ir
ginv airevei??? ?
Me: nhai mama Mai Lana saka pamat i
hakusi sina ma v i
rgi ns manga muchi t
aur a
kumbakweny uher eorev erywher e..
Mai Lana: kwese kwese hakuna and
hatingambony eperwi, ,
iweMaiDeesakaunot i
mwanawakoachi rivirgin..
Mama:haasat iandi par easont odoubtmwana
anoteerer aandzv ekumaext ralessonszv amur i
kutauraMukundi i
sani ceguyhaangadar o...
MaiTany a:mor ev a mukundif rom t hisar ea
Mama: yes.
MaiTany a:he' s Soo y oung and handsome
ndotomboshuv i
rakut i dai ndir
imudi ki..
Mama: kwanaMai Tany a.
MaiTany a:ndadi ihanguandkanoonekakut i
Kanezv i
Me:i mbomi raikut aur ai nihanguIhat ebei ng
compar edkanapanear ikutihandi sivir
ginl ike
Mai Lanahuy aitionemundi tari
Mai Lana: zv oonekwanemesoher e.
Mai Tany a: zv inooneka i we aka kav irgin
hauoneneconf idence. .endanay eanoi tawet i
Mama: justgoty ourroom pl ease.
Ndakaenda hangu but ndanga ndi sat i
ndapedzer ana nav o , ,
sure kundi fananidza
nenzenza y avoi ninindakagumbuka zv okut i
ndakaendakur oom kwanguandt hrewt hebag
on the f loorboot s ndakangobv isa nekur asa
kureandt hrew my selfont hebed, ,ndaitoda
kurara.Dionakapi ndandaakudakur arazv i
munhuwakoar ikukut svaga. .
"Ani i
yey e..
"Obv i
ousMar t
in,manet sanachi i.
"Wehav en' tev enspokei nthreemont hs, ,
wasi gnor ingmesowhyshoul dItal ktohim. ..
"Didhecheatony oundi garendamuponda.
"Hewasnev ermyboy friend.
"Yety oul ikedeachot her.
"Taingot amba
"Yety ouf ightlikeacoupl e
"Friendsf ightDi on.
"Iknow buty ouguy slikeeachot her,,
ov et oki ckhi sassf ordepr essi ngy out hi
muchbutwhatcanIdo, ,
he'snicesakat alkto
"Dionwai t,
arey oudatingLana?
Akabv aat ot i
zaandl eft.itookmyphoneand
saw Soo many mi ssed cal l
s on my phone
kubv aKunamukundi ndakazongodai rawo
"Canwest opf ighti
ngal ready..
sy ourfault
sbecauseofy ou.
"Hooosakaby e.
"Come t omyhouset omor r
ow. .
" Andi si kuda ko Lana haako her e
wamur i
kupengesananay enhai sir.
"Lana? ????Ukut auranezv ei???? ?
"Iknowy ouar edat i
ngher .
m notandpl easegett hatoutofy ourhead..
"Ukundi bhowa mukundiandi chada kut aura
neweev eragai n..
"Ukadar ondaakuzouy akumbakweny u.
"Kunoi tasei ?
"Kuzokut or a.
"Uchi ti
ur i
kutoraAni .
"Musi kanawangu.
"Andi chadakut ambanemi li
ket hat. .
"Andi sikut amba. .I
m ser iousuuy ekumbana
Akabv a akat a phone ndi sat i ndapindura
ndakasv ot wa zv ekut i any way ndakazoenda
kunobi ka and sl ept ...ndakamuka ndakaf i
ndokubv a ndanogeza , ,
a par t of me was
happykut ihewant edt oseemet henagai nI
wasangr ykut ihewasdat ingLanandakabv a
ndat onzwakudakuzi v azv i
ka, ,nahal f9
ndakangot imamandaakuendaKumal essons
zvikanzi eho. .
...ndakangosv ika nekupi nda
pagedhiai siyar isinakuki i
wakanandi chiuya,
wal ked sl owl y ndi singade kunzwi kwa kut i
ndauy a,,ndakangosv ikanekuv huradoorapahe
wasi nt heki t
chenshi rt
ndakangot iohno
sorryndokubv andav haramazi so IwasSoo
embar rassedi yemanj eakabv aauy apadhuze
ndookubv isamaokoangukumeso. .
"Ukuny ar achi i
"Hamunakupf ekasi r.
"Ndakapf ekawani
"Buty ourchesti snaked.
'sj ustt hechest ..
Justt he chesther ev eduwee Idi dn'tknow
wher et o l ook ndakangot arisa kusi de but
ndai i
ta ndi chibirira kut ar
isa zv ayanga i r
zvaiyev edz andai nzwakudakubat achesty ake
"Wangauchi t
ichi i nezv aLana.
"Sirpf ekai shir
tkani .
He l aughed t hen went t o get a t shir
takazot arisanaapedzakupf eka. ..
"Youar edat i
m notandIswearI '
m not
"Sowhoi st eachi ngher .
"Ihav enoi deay oushoul daskher .
"Ok. .
HecameSoo cl oset o mezv ekundi pedzera
mwey achai zv oheputhi shandsonmywai st
,he j ust got me Soo weak mukundi
ndi pedzaSi mba. .
"Mukundi ndisi ye
"Didn'ty oumi ssme?
"Ndi udzei Mai Mukundi .
"Handi si mai mukundi .
"y esy ou ar eseiwakasi yaMuny aachi bata
zvinhu zv angu It oldy ou kut indi kakuona
wakabat waandi taurenewe.
m sor ryhecaughtmeofguar d..
"Sakawabv umakut indezvangu.
"Mukundi kani ...
Akabv aagumani samhanzadzedu, ,Icoul dn'
breath Iwant ed t o mov e away ndai nzwa
kutsv a akabv a any at
sondiswededza paar i
manz adzakagumanast il
"Ican' tbr eat hemukundi letmego
"Iwi l
lbr eathf ory ou..
Hemov edhi sheadandif eltl
ipsonmi neIwas
Sooshocked, ,hesl i
yopenedmymout h,,
hadnotbeenki ssedbef oreIdidn'tknowwhat
todo, ,Iwast ooweakt omov eandt hesame
meSooscar ed, ,
hecont inuedkissingmemy
bodywasov erdozedwi thf orei
gnf eelingsI
beganf oll
owi ngwhathewasdoi ngnextt hing
wewer eki ssingr eall
ydeep. .
.wecoul dn'tst op
hekeptki ssi ngmemybodywasbegi nningt o
shiver akazongobv aandsai d
Endofchapt er20
Kay die
. Cr ossi ngoceans.
Writtenbykay die
Chapt er21.
If eltr eall
y shy ov erwhathad happened
ndaishay akutindot ari
sasi rsei..
pavar ibuthekeptonhol dingmet i
ght. .
ngay ousai dzv akwanawani .
"kissnothug. ..
"ndaakudakubv a.
"handi sat indapedzanewe.
"Iwannagohomemukundi .
"youj ustgother e..
"butwhat. .
Apahi shandsonmehadabadef fect..
"andi si kunzwamushemukundi .
"urikunzwaKur warahere.
"andi zive. .
Ndai shay akut indomuudzaSei ko..
"hausat iwaakuendaudakuender ei .
mbomi rakundi gumha...
"ndirikugumhazv i
"haazv inhuzv akopaiko..
"ukar ambauchi rambandokupamhaf uti..
"okngat i
taur eusi ngandi bat ebat e. .
Aingomov ermaokopamusanawangundanga
ndaakuper asi mba, ,hebeganki ssingmeagai n
st i
mesl owlysucki ngmyl ips, ,magoose
bumps andakanzwa body y ese y anga
yamer er a. .
.hekeptki ssi ng mendai munzwa
achifemer eka. ..
akazongobv apandi r
indokubv a
abudapanze. .
It ouchedmyl ips st illfeel i
hiskisses, ndakat angakuf ungapandai tiIcan
never ki ss any one zv i
nosemesa but noo
mukundipr ovedmewr ongmanj eapandanga
ndaakushay a kut i abudi rei panze , ,I kept
touchingmyl i
ps, ,ndakambozv itukakut indai tei
nasi r,Ist artedt hinkingkut imay behet hought
Iwasl oseIl ethi m kissmeandIki ssedhi m
back, ,
Idi dntknow kut indot ev eraher ekana
kutindor amba ndakami r
a butkungor amba
wakami ra mumba memunhu kunge saskam
futizv aisai t
a, ,,nyadzidzanga dzondi kurir
kana kuf amba ndakashay a st ep y ekuf amba
nayoapamusanawangundai ngonzwamaoko
amuku . .ndakambot ura bef u ndokubv a
ndasimudza bag r angu ndai da kudz okera
kumba but manj e hameno kut i mama
ndainov atichi iinindanga ndat indi rikuenda
kumal essonsapamal essonskwangakusi na
ndanga ndakui t
a zv i
mwewo zv i
nhu zv isinei
nemal essons , ,
ndaakut oit
a zv inony adzi sir
namuku, ,
haa mukundi soo anenge anga
andidhaki sa chet e because ndi r i sober
handai mboi tazv andangandai takana, ,butanga
asinakumbondi paany thingt odr i
nk,,kanakut i
may bemukundiai nwador o chet eand dor o
v er azar amusy stem makenemugandar ake
kur evakut iakangobat akanakugumhamunhu
munhu ai bv a at odhakwawo kunge anwawo
dor or acho. .
.ohgoodnessIhadt ost ayaway
from hi m or el se ai t ozondi i
ta chi dhakwa
chekupedzi sira ndi kany adzi sira . ..
ndakabv a
ndazv i
simbi sandi chi zviudzakut imukundiane
gandar inodhakahaagumhi we. Ndi ripakati
pekuf amba akabv a ami ra Mber i kwangu
ndakabv a ndat omunzv enga kut omut iza
chai ko but akabv a andi bat a ruoko kut i
ndi saende ndakabv a ndat otya kuti
zv aakuzoi tikaf uti .
"Mi r
amai kundi sor ry...
"forwhat .
"Icr ossedt hel ineandIki ssedy ou..
"whydi dy ouki ssmet henwheny ouknewt hat
youwer egoi ngtor egr eti t..thatissoowr ong. .
"Idontwantt hist oaf fectusi nanwayDee
andi sikuda kukukangani sa chi koro Dee, ,i n
ev erythingt hatcomes, ,ev enmyownf eeli
comeaf tert hatschool .
"whatdoy oumeany ourownf eeli
ngs, ,
y ouar e
alway ssay ingt hingst hatIdontunder st
y ou do t hingszv andi singanzwi sise, ,to my
brai nt omybodyt omyhear t, ,
m soof ul
soo many f or eign f eel i
ngs , ,
imbomi ra
kundi udza zv andi si nganzwi sise , ,
you ar e
alway sconf usingme. .
"Andi sikuda conf usion mukundichi ndisiya
ndi endekumba, ,IfeelsoooocheapI '
m sor ryI
kissedy oubackbutmaokoakoanondi dhaki sa
,kana uchi nwa dor oi t a uchi nwa r ishoma
usandi vhir
ingei fy ouwantmet opayat tention
usandi i
tezv inhuzv inondi vhiringat henmozot i
Dianaar iloose, Amomentagoy ouwer edoi ng
thingst omet henmangondi ti
zaandi zi
didwr ongsakamanaki dzwanekungondi bata
"Andi si kudakuzv i
nzwa. ..
Ndanga ndat opeaker manj e sur e munhu
angai tezv aanodaneninekut iangonzwakuda
kuita zv aaanoda neni ndakar idza t samwa
zvehasha chai zvo . .
.ndaakubuda ghedhi
ndakanzwa ndabat wa nekumashur e
zvekut adzakupukuny ukachai ko...
"st opf i
ght ingmeDi ana. ..
"haaandi siyemhani .
"ukadar oandi kusi ye..
"ukundi fananidzenemahur eakomanj e. .
"st opt hatandi zvidezv aur ikuit
aur a..
"andandi zvidezv aunondi i
"zv ipi zvacho. ..
"zv ese.
"ev eni zvi..
Heki ssedmyneckndi kanzwaheatndakangot i
aaahndokubv andany arar a..
"wany arar a...
Ididn' tknowwhatt osay. .
"andi sikudakut ambanewei fIwant edt odo
thatndi ngadaindakat ora adv antage ofy our
nnocence kudhar a st ereki. ..
I walked out
becausendangandi chidakur ohwanemhepo
zvandanga ndaakunzwa zv anga zv isingaite
kutindi vepadhuzeneweIwant edt ocont rol
my sel fI '
m sor ryy ouf eltl i
keIusedy ou, ,
nev erdot hattoy ou.
Itur nedandl ookedathi m. .
"sowhatdoy ouwant. ..
"Iwanty ou..
"whatdoy oumeanmukundi ...
"Imeanndi ri
kudamusi kanawangu. .
He was sooo good atconf using me sur e
may beIwast oosl ow ...
het ookbot hofmy
handsandhel dt hem hewasl ookingatme
fer ently..
.hehuggedmet ightandwhi sper ed
nmyear. .
"Ilov ey ouDi ana. Ihav el ov edy ouf rom t he
momentIsetmyey esony ouandIhav ebeen
ov i
ngy oumor eev eryday ..
Iwannal ov ey ou
tomor r
owandt hey ear stocome. .
Hana yangu yakat anga kurova
nezv aaindiudzwa mumwe Moy o wai fara kuti
ndadi wanamukundiumwewai tyabecausehe
wasmyt eacher. Ididntknowi fIl ovedhi m but
t was possi bl et hat may be Il oved hi m
back. ..
ko hi s gi rl
iend , ,
whatwas he r eall
sayingt ome. .
"Mar t i
youar elyi
ngt ome. .
m notl yi
"whatabouty ougi rl
endunay e wani ...
"ndinay ei wewe. .
m ser iousst opj okingar oundar ound. .
m notj oki
ng. .
"ndakamuonapay e, ,
teikubedr oom mako
makapi ndamesewani ..
"maimukundihaasimusi kana wangu , ,she
wasj ustact ing. .
"actingsezv atai i
taher e.
"zvakat osiyana. Iwillexplainsomedaybutf or
nowwazv i
nzwaher ezv andat aura. ..
kutiIwanty ouzv i
riof fi
cial,ndai kuudzapese
apabutwakaomamusor ohaunzwi sise, ,apa
wanga waakut ambisa zv inhu zv angu Nana
muny a. .
"haanakundi batakani mukundi ..
" handi di kukuona quchi i
twa y ese y ese
wazv i
nzwa andi t
odikut iugumi we nev anhu
vasinabasa. .
"asi taakudanana? ??
"tagar at i
chidanana. .
" nemat samwi r
o aunoit
a ukanzwa
nez vemusi kanapadhuzenenisakahat i
pakut ichiii.
"sakamazondi udzi reikut imunondi damoda
kudanananeni kanat ai dananakar e.
"brai ndz akodzi rislowwai garotihati
"asi handi sat indat itinodanana.
"wandi udz akar e.
ni .
"wheny ouki ssedmeback. .
Ndakanzwakuzv inyar ir
apaakadar ondakabv a
ndat ari
sapasi ndi chishay azv ekutaura. .
"Iwanty out of ocusagai nhandi tika, ,
kwet e
zvakozv ekut imukundihaasikut auraneni. .
sureI 'mt el l
ingy ouf ort helastt imendi kaona
mar ombepadhuzeneweuchamanzwi r
at sitsi
nez vandichav aita,,usakuv adzisev anav evanhu
wewe. .
Idi dntknow whathe meantbutIdi d not
under stand, ,
takazodzoker a mumba t hen we
begancooki ng, ,
soof fi
ciallyIwasdat i
ngmysi r
.any way we agr eed kut it ime y echi
kor o
ndey echikor o,,ndakabv a ndat onzi ukaf oira
nor ambana ndakabv a ndagar wa nechekuda
kutopasserzv ekuoner erwachai koj usttoshow
him kut iIcoul ddoi t...wespentt hedayhav ing
funbutnomor eki ssesndakanziIwi l
lonlyki ss
youkanawapasandokubv andaseka. .
Any waywewentbackt oschoolandmydesk
was mov ed againt ot he f r
ont,,when the
studentsaskedkut iwhyIkeptget t
ingmov ed
ndokubv a v anzi ndi rikuita mi si
saandsur elyt heyknewmygr ades
had gone down saka v akat
ofunga kuti
ndawachi swa,,munyandakabv andat omuudza
saasat ombosv i
neni .
"sakakukuper ekedzakunof oiri
" mwey a we dzi nza r ekweny u une
kakuzungaira waakuda kuhaki ra kwandi r
manj endaurambakweduhakunamadof o.
"unooner er
wahandi ti
" haa kana hembe ndakapf eka hapana
Endofchapt er21

Thatweeki ni
amaenemi es
wo.Anga aakuda kundi wachi
sa padi ki
wachai kolet
me leave him alone .
.ndakabv a ndatanga
ckerf utiko ndanga ndava st
ress free
ndakadzokera pa 100% dzangu ndi kaona
mukundiaakusekerera hanziyou make me
proud. kuz ondi daro manj e ,I st i
ll couldn' t
believ e kut iIwas dat i
ng hi m,,mu cl ass
aisandi tarisaai wanz otar isapasikanakusi de
but somet i
mes ndai gona kumuwani kidza
achi ndi tarisa necor ner y eziso..
. Ndai bv a
ndanzwa kuda kuny ungudi ka ndega
ndombot anga kusmi l
erndega t hen Iwoul d
pretend l i
kendi kusmi lerbecauseofzv andi ri
kuny or a. ...Butmunhu one ai ndibhowa ndi
mer cy ,kubv at ichivhur a she was al way s
admi ring mukundibutmanj e action dz acho
dzangadzaakuny any a...Apakuzv i
dakwaay ii
machi nj i
ro aay ii
ta v oice kana achi taur a
namukundi ndai bv a ndat onzwa kubi ti
r i
nehasha . ..
.Apa chai zondi bhowa ndechekut i
angaav akundi shushakut it ellmemor eabout
him andi ziveAi dakut indi itezv ekumudzemur a
mbama her e kut i anzwi sise kut i andi di
namukundi wangu. .
Icoul dn'tbel ievei tstar tedasaj oke,,Istar ted
tf ut i,,ndai tindikamut ar i
sat henIwoul dt hink
kutiahndi nindakany engasi rndobv andanzwa
kuny ar a, ,I'mt heonewhosai dactl i
boy friend , kana i zv o zv ivi
ndi sur e
ndakambozv ivharakumesonemaokoasi fi t
waswr i
ttenonmyf oreheadkut i ndi
ribabier iya
rekuny engamukundi ...Kui t
akunget herewas
someone ar ikuona ev en zv andiri
kufunga . .
Ndakat ov arairwa sur e ndakazoona message
yapinda paf on y angu y aive pamakumbo ,
ndakakasi kakui vhur a, ,y aibv aKunamukundi
hanzi .
"MaiMukundiwhyar ey ousmi li
ngl i
ket hat
muchi kanganwakupedzi samat hsdzeny u.
Ndakai t
a sendi chapi nda pasipedesk , ,j ust
kungot iMaimukundit hef or eignf eelingsakat i
zhrrrrrzzzhr rrr pa body y angu , , ndi sati
ndapi ndur azv ikanzi
"Ignor et hef oreignf eelingshandi t
'slikehecoul dr eadmymi nd,,wasi tSoo
obv i
oust hatIwasi nlove, ,Iwant edt hewor ld
toknowt hathebel ongedt o
me,Iwant edt oshowof fbutIcoul dn'tdoi t
,onet hingIknew f orsur e Ihadt opr otect
hisjobndai vesl owhangubutIhadmat ureda
ot because of Muku. ..Any way ndakabv a
ndaisa phone kur e apa mat hs dzai nzi
ndipedzi se ndanga ndapedza Kar e. .
.Af ter
school ndaakuda kut oenda kumba mer cy
akabv a andi mhany ira...
.ndokusv i
kobat a
bendeket er anguasi fwewer ebestf riends
"Hesi Dee.
"Wat ii.
IIkubv awandi it
adi smi skudar okwakanaka.
"Kundi bat a bendeket el ike we ar e bestof
endst isi rikwakanakaher e?
"Ndi pfav i
sekanauchi gona
"Shaa Ij ustwanna be y ourf ri
end chet e
nothing el seIknow hat inakuny atsowi r
from t hebegi nning t ichitambachi kor o butI
ywantt obey ourfr i
end. .
"Daindai dashamwar indi ngadaindakat sv aga
andndai sat svagai wewef ut i,don' tbi taround
thebushy ouwannagetcl oset omet ogett o
mukundi ukudakuzi vanezv asi randi ti.
"I i
idoy ouhav et osayi tl i
ket hat ,
,any wayI
wannabey ourfriendandal soy eahIcan' tdeny
kutindof ar iraMukundi ,,Ihav ebeeni nlovewi th
him since f i
rst t er m andi sikugona
kumukanganwa and Iknow y ou guy st alk
ndowanzokuonaipamakombie Mtpl easant
mese. .
Hana y angu y akar ov a kut ishe sai d ar ikuti
akat i
ona , ,Iwant ed t o know kut iakat iona
chi i
tei, ,thenagai nIt ol
dmysel fkut iIhav e
nev erbeen t ouchywi th mukundiMut own , ,
nomat terwhatmukundi aisandi bata. ..
"Ehewakat i
onasaka? ??
"Asi munodananaher e..
"Wakambot ionat i
chi i
taset inodana
"Ij ust want ed t o know Sha pamwe
ukundi v harir
abecausepamwemunodanana. .
plus t he way y aanobi ra kukut ar i
sa nay o
mucl ass.
"IweShamukundii sact ual l
yar elat i
vef r
Maimot her's side , ,usandi i
e bapu kunge
huku y echiboikana washay a zv ekuita do
somet hing wi t
hy our l i
fe, ,sur e kupedza
pfungwadzesedzakanami ri
kuf amba kwezi so r akeev er ydi rect i
on angl e
nemadegr ees pakut urner kwaro
unomazi va,,
shaa t each y our br ai n kuzi v
zvadzaf ambi rakuchi kor o.
"I i
iiunecheekyko ndookwazv asv ika,,sor ry
hakobutwhent hehear tchoosessomeone,
whatcanonedoondomudamukundi. ..
talkt ohi mf orme, ,intr
oducemet ohi m at
east ..
"Lolkanakuzungai rahowcanIi ntroducehi m
toy ou when he' s al ready y ourt eacherasi
urikudakumudzi ngisabasa, ,shav ir akohar i
kumi ra mushe r i
noda magat e akat ioh ,
ukagar agar aur angar irekut indakambokuudza
kut imukundianemukadzi ,,akanakaf utikwet e
type y ako kana uchi muda enda unomuudza
wega. .
Ndakabv a ndat of ambi sa ndi chienda ,
ndakar idzat samwandi chi crosserr oadgoing
toNssa, ourspot ,
,,5mi nMukuangaauy a..
"Hesi Mai mukundi ..
"Youl ookdownwai twei.
"Munhuwakoar ikundishupamukundiandi si
"Babi emunhuwangundi y ekoumwendi ani
akukwi dzabpso.
"Mer cywant sy oukut iuvemunhuwake.
"Mer cyupi ?
"From ourcl ass.
"Lol wadi ikumuudzakut indinemunhuwangu.
"Ndakamuudza Kar e haanzwe uy u, ,manj e
nhasi aitakundi vi
"SorryMai mukundi sakamodandi itesei.
"Shewasaski ngmekut it i
ridananaher e.
"why .
"Hanziwear eal way st oget her, ,mukundiI
don'twantany thingt ohappent oy oukubasa
"Youar escar edkut iandizogonekukuchenget a
hereMai Mukundi .
"No, ,what everwewi llgetzv inokwana. .Iwi l
alsobewor kingka.
"Soi fIl osemyj obwi llyoust il
lwantme? ? ?
May bendi nengendav akughet tomu1r oom.
"Iwillst i
lllovey ou..
"Mmmmm nhasi musi kanawanguWandi f
"Youhav enev ertol dmet haty oul ovemebut
wandi udzanhasi ,mandi fadzaMai Mukundi ..
Ndangandaakuny ar aIsai di toutoft hebl ue
and honest ly ndi ye anga akangondi ti
ndinokuda and t aakudanana ndanga ndi sina
kumbobv irandamut iIl ovey out ooandt hi
meIhadj ustbl urteditout ,
Akabv aandi tihuya
panot henhehuggedme, ,i
tSoogood. ..
"Ndiudzef utiDee.
"Kut i
chi i
"Kut i
y oul oveme.
"Aaahmukundi .
"Udandi unzwenaani ???namer cy .
"Usadekundi bhowa.
"Ilovey ousaka.
"Sakandewei ?
"Wai tal uckywear eint ownndi nezv andaida
Ndakabv a ndafunga zvaakambondi it
ndikamer er a ndakabv a ndakasi ka kunhonga
satchelr angu ndi katotanga kuf amba , ,i y
akabv a aseka aakut evera . .t
kumakombi ..
apa mukombi macho
aingonditar i
sandai toshayakut indot ari
kwacho. .
"Mukundi mhani ndiri
kushay akwekut arisa..
"Kumwe kwaur ikuda kut ari
sa ndekupi, I
shouldbet heonl yv iewy ousee. .
"Usandi dar oMukundi .
"Why ,,
Iwanty out obemyonl yview, ,
youl ook
extremel ybeaut i
fultoday .
"Ndakanakachi i
"Mazi soako.
"Nechi i.
"Mur omowako.
Ndakabv andav har akumeso, ,
atl eastt aitaura
chizev ezer amukombi, ,matar i
oaai inditaad
nemazi soakendangandaakunzwakuf ambwa
"Zv akwanamukundi ..
"Asi zv atangaher eMai Mukundi .
"Haai wemhani .
Suremunhukundi sekai nindi chit
okuv araher e
ndakabv a ndat arisa panze si nce ndanga
ndakagar a kuwi ndow...
ndai totya kut ar i
.mazi soake, ,
takanosv ikakumbaachi ngondi ti
babie ndi tarise ndi chiramba. akanondi siya
pagedhi ndokubv a ndapi nda mumba
nekut onanga kur oom kwangu ndai sada
kuonekwa kut i I was bl ushi ng al lt he
way .ndakazv ikandaont hebedandcov eredmy
head nekabl ankie kandai kanda
pamusor o..
.kana wandai ny ara hamheno
ndiyani .
.ndakabv a ndat umir wa message
namukundi hanzi wapedza kuny ara her e
ndikat i handi sat i, ,
akaseka zv i
kanzi kana
wapedzauudzeMai mukundi kutindi nov ada. .
Hewasdr iv
ingmei nsane. .
iwasdi stur bedby
one per son ai ngopinda zv isina or der
kundi bvisa mundangar i
ro dzangu namukundi
..Dion akapi nda achi nditisar udza e ni ce
shoepanei dzi, ,hewasshowi ngmemapi cs
ebhut su dzakanaka chai zvo ndokubv a ndat i
ndey ani fir
stofal l.
"Iwannasur prisesomeone.
"AniDi onkanaAr iLanaI '
m begi ny ouunof a
nechi rwer e....
Akangosekandi karidzatsamwahonest l
depr essed abouti tbutany way ndakangot i
Cher o ndamuudza kut indozv i
po,ndakasar a
togetmukundif orhi
which was a week away 28 Nov ember,

. Cr ossi ngoceans
Wr i
enbykay die
Chapt er23
Ndakamukast ruggli
ngwi thper i
odpai n Ihad
no i dea kut i why t his t ime y air
zvakany any a and i t was har d t o ev en
concent rate ndai ngoshinga buti twas t oo
much. ..
Ir eallywant edpai nki ll
none, ,,busyst r
ngwi thmyownt houghts
mukusentamessagehanzi ukurwar anei..
"whot oldy oukut indi
kurarwar a? ?
"ingotaur aikani mai mukundi chiichanet sa.
"myst omachi ssore..
"whatdi dy oueat?
"nothing. ..
HowwasIt ot el
lhimt hatiwashav ingperiod
pains, ndakat onyarawitht hef actthatheknew
kutiIwassi ckandwhoev ertoldhi m Ihadno
dea asihe had putspi es spy ing on me
???ndakamboda kuvhunduka but
zvakandi rambi rakut imukundiwoul ddot hat
he was j ust a si mpl e guy . .
ndakat ozony arawor sewhenheaskedmekut i
"arey ouhav i
ngper iodpai ns.
"sirmar tinnhai
"ndiyani sirmar ti
"ingamucl assIj ustcal lyousirmar ti
"wear enoti ncl assar ewe? ??anywaycome
andgett abl ets.
"aaaahkupi ?
"Kuof fice.
"whichof fice.
"oneof ficei r
i kway oy ega. .
"whatar ey oudoi ngt here? ??
"iwej ustcome. ..
Thel essonwasdoneany wayIgotupandwent
wher ehewas. Iknockedandhesai dcomei n,,
found hi m si tting comf or
tablyon t hecouch
thatwasi nt her eapaal lweknew wasnoone
everwentt o t hatof ficeapandai tot
yakut i
ndiananiv andi ona. .het oldmet olockitthenI
ockedi tzv ikanzi comeandsi there...
"Ican' tst ayl ongIhav etogoback. ..
"my l esson i s nexti s saka ukut i
zira kupi
unof ungandokui t
ei muno.
"whoseof ficei st hi
s? ?
"sowhyar ey ouher eandnowI '
m hereaswel l.
"comeandsi tdownbabey ouaskal ot.
Iwentand satdown nextt o him t hen he
hugged me kui ta kundi dzvanya chai ko I
couldn'tbr eat hey uwi i
"sakawazot i
i?? ??Per i
odpai n??
"eishmar tinzv imwezv aunov hunzasooo
"ukuny arei whenIt aughty oubi ol
ogy .
"thatwasal essonandt hisi sdifferentany way
hai si...
"ukuny arakuudzamukomanawako.
"mukundi kani iweah, ,
"Mi rababi etar i
"Idontwannal ookaty oumukundi .
"ukudakut arisaani ??
"manj endaakukuudz aIshoul dbet hemany ou
ookatgar awaj air
a. .
He t ur ned myf ace and Il ooked athi m, ,
smi l
edzv akai tandi dekumut iteachmehowt o
smi l
el ikey ou, ,
hecamesooocl ose, ,heal most
kissedmyl ipsbuthedi dn' theki ssedmycheek
nst eadapaIwant edhi ski sssei .
..het ookout
tabl et sf rom a dr awer t hen he gav e me
ndi kanwa zv i
kanzichi enda unozondi f
zvakawanda. ..asat iaf ungazv akawandaIgot
up and l ef tt he of fi
ce ndakananga kucl ass
kweduandwai tedf orhi sl esson. ..hedel ayed
comi nghamhenoozv aiiti
"Koshasi rmukundi varikupi .
"wat angamer cyandi zivekut ivarikupi .
"v ar i
kuuy aher eKul esson? ? ??
"v ami rir
ewozoonasha. ..
.stopdi st urbi
nez v isinabasa. ..
"Sei kouchi ngoi tahashai fIt al
kabouthi m. .
"panepat akambot aur azv akanakaher e...
Akazopi nda i ye munhu ai tsvagwa kunge
mbav ha , ,
mer cy akabv a aakut oseker era and
shest heoneakat angakut isi rmangamur i
kupi ,,mukundi wacho didnt answer
akangopi ndanekut angal essonatl eastIwas
feel i
ng bet ter and i tst he onl yl esson I
managedt opayat tent iont o..
.afterl essonsI
wentt ot het oil
etst of reshenupIwant edt ogo
andl ookf orapr esentasii twashar dt oav oid
him sincewewenthomet ogetherandr unning
awayf rom hi m wasanonest arterny ayay acho
ozondi panduki raIj ustt old my selft hatI
wouldmakeapl an. atl eastwehandf inished
ourendofy eart est sandihadpassedwi th
daimai gonakuonat hesmi lethatwason
mukundi sf ace. .from schoolndaakut oendat o
ourspotndai t
iachanonokabutakandi batira
pamar obot s zv aanga akami ra kuita kar eI
thoughtwewer egoi nghomebuthet ookme
topicandpayndakaonamunhuat or at rolley
then st arted pi cking t hings achikanda . .
chocol at es ma y oghur ts,
types of j uice
pandakazoonamapadsndakashay akut iko
howf ar. ..
"whatar ey oudoi ng. .
"shoppi ng?
"doy ougoonper i
ods? ??whyar ey oubuy i
pads? ??
Hest oppedandl ookedatmel i
and y es t hat s whathe asked me. ..
zaakandi batar uoko. .
"ukuendakupi .
" ndi kuny ara kuf amba newe wi t
h pads
mut r
ol ley what wi ll peopl e t hink,,
embar rassi ngshaaa. .
"sakav akadzi vavodontgoonPer iodsher e.
"canwenott al
kaboutt hatplease.
"buty oust artedit. .
"Okputt hem backpl ease.
He ignor ed me , ,he pi cked up r ollons and
sprayst henwewentt ot het i
landhepai d...he
onlyt ookaf ew ofhi sst uffandgav emet he
..ndakangomut ar i
sa. .
"doy ouknowsomet hi ngabouty ouDee. ..
Hest ar tedwal ki ngt henIf ollowedhi m. .
"whatwer ey ousay ingaboutme? ? ?
"forthey earst hatIhav eknowny ou, y
ounev er
askedmef orany thing. .why?
"becauseIdi dntneedany thing.
"haudizv inhubabi endakazv ionaandi tmakes
mel ov ey oumor ebutt herescer t
ai nthingsthat
Ihav et odof ory ouasy ourman, i
them t henwhoshoul ddoi t,,
f r
om nowonIwi l
buyy ourt oiletriesanddoy ourhai r, ,
gety ou
imeandev er yot hert hi
ngt hatamanshoul d
dof orhi swoman.
"ndat opedzasooy ouar e notal lowedt osay
no. .
"Aaaaah. .
..ok.....thanky ou..
I didnt know what el se t o say ndanga
ndany ar aridzwa ndakabv a ndat ambidzwa
paper bag ndi kai sa mubag , ,
the way t he
chocol at es wer e soo manyai toda ndi f
e ne
diabetes , , kana I wo may oghur ts akaita
ekuhodhewaapat hebag wasnow soo f ul
ndaitoshay a kut i ndopi nda sei pamba
akangoseka ndookubv a anyarara
ndakanosi i
wakumbaandl uckilymamawas
n herbedr oom ndakangoonekwa na Di on
akabv aat ouy aachi t ikobaghowf ar..
hedi dn'
waitkut indi muudzehej ustopenedndookut i
" wahodher wa shop y ema sweet s hanzi
hautapi re.
"heeeeeee? ?
"ndozv andi rikut okuudza. .
"thatsal ie.
"theresNowayaguywoul dbuyy oual lthese
kuti ungonaki rwa uchi ora mazi no,,
up y our
gamemysi sterhaunasugar .
Mozi va ndakabat ikana .
ndakabv a
ndamudzi ngira panze apa he had t aken a
quarteroft hest ufffut ikuendanazv o, ,
ly hur t ndakat ombof unga kut i sur e
mukundi angat i andi na sugar , ,
ndakabv a
ndatofonai papochai po. .
"mai mukundi mandi suwa.
"soy out hinkhandi nasugarkai nini???
"heee? ??
"yesndi nesugarshomaaccor dingt oy ou.
"sugarshomapai babie.
"mubodymangu. .
"ukuzv i
wanakupi .
"y ou boughtme al lt hose chocol at es and
sweett hingsbecauseI 'ml ackingsugarkodai
wangondi udza mukundii nstead ofi ndi rectl
ngme. .
"babi eunesugarhobhoIki ssedy oubef ore
waniand Iki ssed y ou kahobho same day .
boughty out hosej ustt oenj oywheny ouwant
usttospoi ly ouabi tbutnowi iiiandichazi va
"Diont ol dmekut ithat swhatguy sdowhen
theyarei ndirect l
ingy oukut ihaunake. ..
"chimi r
akut aur aizvozv o,,dontl i
stent oDi on
babieTsanov anemi sikanzwa. .
Akabv a at anga kuseka paf one apa kana
chaisekesa hamheno, ,kana kuzombot samwa
andinanekut imukundiendedupexpl ainingt o
me, ,
but sur e Di on kundi daro , kuda
kungondi wachi sachet e..
The day st hatf ollowed Iwas now okay I
decidedt ogettshi rtspri
ntedoutnekut iIdidnt
know kut indoi t
a sei .
Igott wo whitet shir
yakey akany orwakunziwaDeeandmi newas
wr i
ttenWaMuku. theycameoutr eal
Icoul dn' twaitt oshow hi m, ,
Iwashappykut i
ourbi rthdaywasonFr i
dayandonFr idayy acho
wewer ej ustpl ayingt i
sinamal essonssi nce
tanga t akapedza ma exams and kut ipa ma
essonskwai tovakut i
a,hegav emehi s
keyszv ikanzigot omyhouse. ..
"what '
st here? ??
"justgoandwai tforme.
"whenwi l
lyoucome? ??
"soonbabi eIcan'tl eavewi t
hy ouchienda.
Ijustsai dokayt henIt ookhi skey sndookubv a
ndabudandi chiendakumbakwake.
Endofchapt er23
Kay die.

Igoton t he combindokubv a ndaakuenda
kumbakwamukundi ,,
Idontknow whyihadt o
got her endegaf ut iwhati fmamawast osee
me on t he r oad ndi chienda kumba
kwamukundi .
.kahana kai rova ir eally hoped
thatnoonewoul dseeme. .
Igott herehangu
ndichifambakast epkemunhuanebi rt
hday. .
wasr eall
yqui etapahef or gott ol ockhisdoor
ndichingov huradoorr akendakav hundukaf uti
ndanzwa kut isur prise ,,ndakast i
ckerndi chiti
theywer emi stakent heyt houghti twasmuku
soIj uststoodt herendokubv andat i
"I'm sor ryitsnotmukundi, ,ndinihangundi ri
pano. .
Theyal lburstoutl aughi ngndi kashay akutiko
ndeip,,pakazodongor era Di on na Lana
ndopandakabv andabat waneconf usionwor se
Dion: urisaskam t hesur prisei sfory ou
Me: forme? ? ?Butwhyi si ther e??
Dion: askmukundi
Me: haaaawhymukundi ??
Lana: becausehemadet hesur prise. .
Me: haaaaaar ey ouser i
ous. .
Dioncamendokubv aandi rov amusor o,,
brotherv eduwee . .
.Iwonder edhow mukundi
hadpl annedsuchasur prise, ,
kwangakui nema
student sandai dzidzisadur i
ng hol idays,,they
wer emynew buddi es, ,Dionandhi sf ri
wer et herehaav anhuv aisadakupf uurwaiv avo
.and t he same guy akamboda kundi iti
dzunguwast heref ut
indakashay akut idi on
dzungu her e kana kut ikuz vi
sa , ,
If i
nal l
smi l
edandsai dthanky ouguy s ndangandat i
wrongpl acewr ongt i
mev akasekaandgotmy
hugsf rom munhuwese, theyputt hemusi con
already, ,
kune v anhu v aiv ev akazar a bhawa
mubr ain...Ir eall
ywant edmukut obet her eI
coul dn't hav e f un wi t hout hi m, ,pandakada
kunosi yamybagi nhi sr oom t hat swhenIsaw
aboxont hebed, ,Iwassoot empt edt oopeni t
butndakany ar a snoopi ng ar ound , ,
kubuda akabv a api nda ndakanzwa kur ohwa
nehana chai ko Idi dn'tev en hearkupi nda
kwaakai ta, ,ndakabv a ndar amba ndakami ra
pandangandi rinotr eal l
ysur ewhatIwant edt o
donext .
"mai mukundi asi hamusi kuonadaddy ..
Ndakabv andanzwakut sv awor seachi famba
comi ng to wher e Iwas st andi ng ndakabv a
ndaf ambandi chidzoker akumashur e, ,
hej ust
keptl ooking atmekusv ikandagumandav a
pamadzi r
o. .
..heaty akabv ay awedzer aIwant ed
him t o open t he wi ndows kana kut i
andi tsvagiref i
reext ingui sherIwasbur ningup
ndai toda somet hing t o cool of f t he
temper ature...
"sakahausi kundi i
tahappybi rthday ..
Happybi rthdaycoul dntev encomeoutofmy
mout hbutIhadal readysai dhappybi r
thdayt o
him Idontknowwhyheneededanot herhappy
birthdayi nindambomui t akar e. ..hegotsoo
closeIcoul dhearhi m br eat hing, ,,
owl yhe
ower edhi sheadbecausehewast all
ert han
me, ,,
het ookchar geofmyl ipsandhebegan
kissing me, ,
Ihad l ong wai ted f ort hatki ss
zvekut imywhol esy st em ai ngov amaget siega
ega , ,akandi ndonzer a I nt o hi s ar ms and
wr appedhi shandsar oundmemov i
ngt hem on
myback, ify ouwer et o askmemynameI
woul dn' tknow whatt osaypanguv ai yoyo,he
mov edhi slipsf rom mymout handki ssedmy
neckndi kamer er athewhol ebody, ndakashay a
kuti mukundi angaandi f
ungi r
ei chai
zv o.
Mukuuu. .
idontknowhowIj ustsai dhi snamendakai ta
kuper achai ko,,
,heki ssedmyneckagai n, ,
know how Ij ustmoaned achi bva andi siya
.akabv aat obv apandi riapaIcoul dn'tev en
stand any mor e ndakabv a ndagar a pasi. ..
tookt heboxt hatwasont hebedandsai d
open. ..komanj esi mbandai riwanepiIj ustsai d
tohi mv hurai wewe, ,hesmi ledandopenedi t,
wooow t here wer et wo pai r
s ofaddi das
originalf l
atbasesneaker sonewasmysi ze
andonewashi sndakangot iwooooow , ,
wer ebeaut iful.
"babi et hesear eni cet heymusthav ecosta
fortune. ..
"Ibeensav i
ngt obuyt hesef orawhol ey ear...
"hiiiarey ousur e??? ?
"ndaakuny arakukupami nebecausei tdidnt
cost smuch. ..
"ndozv andi ri
kut oi
dirai zvozv o ndipe pr esent
yangut i
one. .
"youmi ghtl aughandi di.
Hej ustt ookmybagandopenedi tndokubv a
avhur a ega and t ook outt he T- shirty ake
yakanziWaDee, ,hesmi l
ed, ,av erygenui ne
smi leIcoul dt ellhewasr eall
yhappyakabv a
atobv isashi rt,kanakumbony arakut indanga
ndirimo apa chest y ake mongoi siva
ndakamboi taur a ..ndakav hara kumeso
pandakazov hur aangaat opedzakupf ekaapa
he l
ooked r
eal ly good akaf i
.ndakat omboi ta j ealous nekumut ari
akanaka. .
"chipfekay akobabi e...
"aaahkupf eker amuno? ???
"ehekoi nindapf ekawani .
" handi ti ur i mai mukundi ukasabv i
yauninawondokubv isandega.
"ndobv andakuny araridza...
Ndakar ova ser i
ous ndokubv a aseka
ndookubuda ,,munhu aitonakidzwa
nekundi wachisa chai ko ndakazv iona hangu
ndakabv andapf ekamyownT- shirtthenputon
mynew sneaker sapa per f
ectf i
tf uti,,haaa
smar ty anga i r
iTi i..
Il eftmukus r oom and
foundhi m akami raneboy s,,peoplehadntev en
noticed kut indanga ndambosudur uka sur e
kutokanganwa mur i
dzi we bi rthday..muku
turnedandl ookedatmeandwi nkedatmeI
was shy t o l ook at hi m so I l ooked
down, ,
ever y
oneseemedt osuddenl yshiftt heir
ont ous, ,t
hemusi cwaspl aying, ,
musi c,,he st arted wal king acr osst he room
comi ngt omeapahewasmaki ngmyhear t
hewayhewasmov ing, ,
perfectshapeandev erymov ementhemade
wasabeaut i
fulsi ght. ..
hest oppedi nfrontof
meandgav emehi shand, ,
Iwasr eallyshy
becauseonl ymybr otherknewaboutus, ,itook
his handandhesai ddancewi t
hme. .
"mukumybr otheriswat ching. .
Everyonehadt heirey esonus. .
"lolhedar edmet odance wi thy ouandI 'm
notshyt odancewi thmywoman. .
"pleasebabi e.
Iclosedt hegapbet weenust henwest arted
danci ng , ,everyonescr eamed y eeeeeakunge
vaiona mov ie chai
yo and any wayev erything
was l i
ke a mov ief orus. ..
we danced and
ever yonej oinedinsakaIwasnol ongershy .
"thewayar emov i
ngwaakuzokonzer esa..
"sakandi mi re.
"aiwahausi ri
weunomi ra.
"heee? ? ?
" hapanasowhi chofy ourbr othersf r
want edmywoman. .
"howdi dy ouknow? ?
"lol Ijustknow.
"uy oanecapy eblack,theonel ookingatme
now. .
"hesl ooki ngaty ou???
"daipasi naTsanoIwant edt oki ssy our ight
"mukukani ah.
"ndonaki dzwanewewheny ouar eshy .
"Idontl i
kei tusandidaro...
"sor ryIcanhel pit..
Any wayi twast i
met osi nghappybi rthdayf or
us, If eltli
kesuchababy, wecutt hecakeand
fed each ot her cake . .
ndakazoona Lana
avakubat wa bat wa ne one ofDi on'sf r
ndakai tasendi chapururudza,,
so al lthiswhi l
she was notdat i
ng Di on butDi on gott he
numberf rom meachi dakupaf riendy ake,ifI
coul dj umpIwoul djumpIcoul dn'tstopsmi l
atal l.
"mai mukundi kufar i
rai niniher euku..
"noooI '
m happymybr otheri snotdat ingLana.
"loli fonl ysheknew y ouhow y out houghtof
her. .
"Ihav enev erhi ddeni tf rom her. .
The whol et i
me she hadn' tspoken t o me
ndakazoonaaakuf ambakuuy awher ewewer e
...thenshehuggedme. .
Lana: saka ndozv awakandi nyimira number
her ei zvi
Muku:haanakukuny i
mashewast ell
ingt he
trut hI'm nol ongert aki ngst udent s..
Lana:sowhoi stheLadyt hatspoket omeon
Muku: my si ster , ,
she enj oy s doing t hat
ndangandakanganwa, ,
phonekumba. ..
Akangot iokndokubv aat osudur ukandi kasara
ndakunet sana namukundi kut i andivhar i
pakut aura nay e, ,yanga y aakuda kut onetsa
ny ay ay acho, ,ndakazodhonz erwa kuki tchen
andheputi cecream i nabowelzv i
kanzii dya
babi ecool of f.
"wat angakundi pasugar .
"lol babyandi nakut ihaunake. ..
"andi sikuida. .
"i wannaspoi lmai mukundi chet e.
"spoi lmei nadi f
ferentway ...
"y ouknowhow. .
"eataspoonf ulofi cecr eam f irst..
It ook aspoonf ulndi chi dakuonakut ianoita
sei abv a achi uya and began ki ssing me
achi tora i cecr eam y ese f rom my mout h
...akabv aat oraicecr eam andpl acedi tont he
tabl e and t ook me outsi de zv i
kanziandi di
kuonekwa na Tsano . ..
ndopandakazoi twa
zvinogar a zvakadaro kusvi
ka ndat ichi fema
wegaandi chaudamwey awacho, ,akandi siya
anzwamaf ootstepsandbesi desitwast i
togohome, ,mom anddaddi dn'tev enknow
kutither ewasapar tgoingon.Ndakanopf eka
T-shirtyangui si
riyamukundaisadakuv hunzwa
kumba, ,Isaidmygoodby esandl ef
t,,vanaDi on
wer estay i
ngbehi ndhanziatisatitatangaapa
my hear t was sor e kut i ndaakuenda
ndega, ,
mukundit ook me allt he way home
zvikanzindokuonapandi nouyakuzosi y aTsano
...akarambaakami r
sandi chipinda
mugedhi ,
,myhear twasbleedingIst oppedand
"Ilov eyouandhappybi r
"Ilov eyoumor ehappybirt
Endofchapt er24
Kay die

Chapt er25
Ndakapi ndamumbandi kaonamamav agadzi r
dinner f or me butIj ustwasn' thappy . .
ndakamboenda kur oom kwangu and l aid on
thebedt hi
nkingabouthi m, ,Icoul df eelhis
bodywei ghtonme, hi skissest hatIhadl ong
wai tedf orndi chibvandapi hwaov erdosef uti.
ustwant ed hi m honest l
,exci tementy ese
yakabv ay apera Iwi shed daindi r
mukur uwoIwoul dn'twor ryaboutget tingback
home on t i
me ndai ngony epedzerawo
kunonot swa Nebasa but manj e mama
vaisat odamunhuanononoka. ..Ndakazobuda
"Bi rthday gi rlko wher e'sy ourbr otherwe
wannahav edinner
"Bysi rmukushouse.
"Kunei ?? ?
"Bi r
thdayt hi
ngsi t'
shi sbirthdayal so, ,weshar e
abi rthday
Ndai tot aur ashowi nghermyr esultsai venema
straightAsshescr eamedl i
Al ev el..
"I '
m Soo pr oudofy oumwananguandy ou
nev erdi sappoi ntme, ,haamwanangukagor e
noMaiLanav anof anebpchet e, ,Isaw t he
wayy av aidakukudzi kisiranay omwanangubut
IknowIhav eraisedadecentdaught er.Youar e
bringi ngmechi remer eramygi rlIknow kut i
withy ourager ightnow t hehor monesst art
stressi ng y ou but handi di munhu
anozokanganwa her way s because of
hor monesandpeerpr essure..
"DoIev enhav ef riendsmamasi rmukundi
saidIshoul dgetr i
dofbadf r
iends. .
"Mmmm i ngasi rv akov anony any akukuf ari
"I '
m hi sbestst udentandhe' smor eli
endv anondi i
tisaMar i..
"Whydon' ty oui nv itehi m her efordi nnersince
youbot hofy oushar eabi rthdayandagai ny ou
passed, , thiscal lsf oracel ebration. ..
"Aaahmamav anouy aher e. .
"Letmei nv i
tehi m. .
Honest lyIwant edhi mt ocomebutiwant ed
mamat oi nvitehi m zv isazoi t
ekungendamut i
huy a,,somamacal ledandputhi m onspeaker
"Hel l
oma' am.
"Happybi rthdaymwanangu.
"Thanky ouSoomuchbutwhot ol dy ou
"Whoel se?Deet oldme, Ihopey oudon' tmi nd
comi ngt of inishof ft hatpar t
yher e,i tseems
munhuweseAr iikokoev ent hebr othermanj e
umweweny ukunokui slooki ngsad. .
"Wel lthanky ouf ort hei nv i
on, ,Iwoul dlove
Kungonzwakubv umakwake, ,Icoul dn'thide
mysmi le. ..Mamav akangosekandokubv av at
nicesneaker swat enger wanaani .
"Presentf rom af riendmama.
"Yaashamwar iyakoi neMar i..
"Aaahandi ziv e..
"Any way getr eady y ourf ri
end t eacheri s
comi ng. .
In about30 mi nut es ev eryone was by my
house , ,Muku had changed i nt o somet hing
else he l ooked gor geous, neni wo I had
changedi nt osomet hi ngni cet oo. .mom had
madepl ent yf oodsowehaddi nnert henmy
brotheras al way s t ookoutt hespeaker s
andputt hemusi con. ..Mamapul ledmeon
thesi deandasked
"Konhai weDeeshamwar iy akoi r
neshamwar iyaDi on?
"Ahhamhenomamandof ungahe' st heguy s
waar ikur ov erwanamamav akebuty ouknow
how she i s, ,ndakambof unga kut ishe was
dating Di on ndi kai ta stress but no haasi
kudanananaDi on. .
mamawasnothappywi tht hewayl anawas
behav ingandIcoul dseet hatshewaswor r
andIknewdeepdownshedi dnotwantmet o
bef riendswi thl anaIwasgoi ngtot hef inda
wayt ost opt alkingt oherorel seIwasgoi ngt o
havepr oblemswi t
hev eryonear oundmej ust
because ofmy f riendshi p wi thl ana. mama
decided t ol eav e us be f ree so she went
upst airstogoandsl eepIwashappyt hatDad
wasoutoft own on busi nessso wewoul d
goingt obesof ree
Wet ookt hepar tyt owher ewehadt hepar t
thatl astt i
meev eryoneel sewasdanci ngand
Mukuwasst andi ngl ookingatmeandIcoul d
seehewant edt ocomeanddancebuthewas
yshyespeci al l
ywi ththef actthatt hepar t
wasbymyhouse Iknewt hathewasscar ed
ofmymot hersoany wayhet ookachai rand
satdownIt ookoneoft hechai rsandwentt o
sit nextt ohi m sowedeci dedt oj ustsi tand
khel ookedatmeandsai d
"My pr i
ncess when woul dy ou like t o get
mar ried
thatwassooutoft hebl ueIdi dnotev enknow
whatt osayIl ookedwayf r
om hi m becauseI
wasf eeli
ngshyhe' squest i
onkeptr ingingi n
myheadmyhear twasr eal lypumpi ngf astand
Ibeganwonder ingwhysuddenl yhehadasked
meaboutmar riagel ooki ngatmy selfI was
yst il
ly oungIwasnotev ent hinki
mar r
iagey et.he' squest iongotst ucki nmy
headI pi ct uredmy selfbei nghi swi feina
beaut i
lehomeIdi d notcar ewher ei t
wouldbewhet heri nabi ghouseorasmal l
housewher ev eri twoul dbeIdi dnotcar eI
want edmyl ifet obewi thhi m butI di dn't
knowhowt of i
ndt hebestwayt otellhim Ijust
keptst aringdownbecauseIwassoshyt o
ookathi m buthonest lyIwas bl ushingwi th
ustknowi ngt hatheonedaysomehowwant ed
met obehi swi fei twasmydr eam andhe' s
"Soy oucan' tev enl ookatmenowpl easelook
tsnott hatIcannotl ookaty oubuti t
yousai dt hati smaki ngmer eall
yshyandi ts
becauseI '
m bl ushing,I '
m shyt olookaty ou
"Ihav esomanypl answi thy oupl easebel i
ev e
meandmay beIcannott el lyounow butt rust
meI '
mr eall
yhopi ngf ort hebestIwantaf uture
withy ouIdon' twantt opl ayIwantaser iously
ionshipy ouar enotgr owinganyy ounger
andI '
m notgr owi nganyy oungerIdon' twantt o
playIwantsomet hing r eal l
yser iousIwant
somet hingwi thaf utureIknow t hatoneof
theseday syouar egoi ngt ol eavehighschoolI
don'tknowwher ey ouar egoi ngt ogobutIj ust
hopet hatwher eev ery ougoy ou'l
tomeIhat et hinkingaboutwhatt hef uture
mayhol dIhat e t hinki ngt hatmay besomeday
someguywi llstealy ouawayf rom meIhopeI
willbest ucki ny ourmemor yandy ourbr ai n
andy ourbodyi ny oursoulandev erypar tof
"Mukuukut aur i
rei uchidar o
"Kungot aurawoMai Mukundi .
"Ingandokudawanibutnowy ouar emaki ngi t
seem asi fI'm notshowi ngy ouenought ellme
whatI '
m supposedt odot ellmehow t ol ov e
youbecauseIam sonew att hissomet imesI
don'tdowhatI '
m supposedt odobecauseI
don'tknow whatI 'm supposedt odosoi fy ou
don'tteachmewhoi sgoi ngt ot eachmet hen?
Iwanty out obemyf i
rstinev ery t
hi ngt eachme
et hingst hatIdon' tknowt eachmet he
bigt hingst hatIshoul d know t oo and t hen
whenImakemi stakest ellmet hatI '
v emadea
mistakebutal lIwanti st ol ov ey out her ight
way and t oday i s ourbi rthday I '
m happy
becauseIgott ospendmybi rthdaywi thy ouI
don'twi shf orany t
hingel se.
forthef ir
stt i
mewegotr eallyemot ionalwi t h
eachot hert alkingabout ser ioust hingst hat
wenev erspokeaboutbef orehewant ed t o
knowwher eIwant edt ogof orUni versi t
wasnotsur eaboutwher eIwant edt ogobutI
yhoped t hatIwoul d be cl osert o hi m
becauseev enIdi dnotwantt ol osehi m we
decidedt ogetupandt akeawal kar oundt he
housesowest oppedatcor nerhel ookedat
meIl ookedathi m backandIknew her eal ly
want edt oki ssmeandIwant edt okisshi mt oo
twasadi f
ferentonIr eal lycoul dntgetenough
ofhim butonet hingIl ov edabout hi m was
thathehad sel fcont rolsoy esf ort hef i
r st
meIputmyhandsonhi sneckandr eachedt o
kisshi m.
"DianaIr eally hopet hati nt hisl ifetimeI '
theonl ymant haty ouwi l
l everki ss.
"Vamwev eseMi r
omoy av ohandi i
"Unodawanguchet e
"Ehe.Ndaf arawauy a.
"Coul dn'tdi sappoi ntambuy av angu. .
webot hl aughedandt henwewentbackwher e
ev eryoneel sewasIwassur pr isedt oseemy
brot herDi oncomi ngwi thapr esentIopened
thet hepr esentandt henIf oundoutt hatitwas
thesamepai rofshoest hatIchose whenhe
showedme t hephot oiwassohappyt hat
wasact uallyt hef irstt imeheev erboughta
presentf orme. i huggedt i
ghtIwashappy .
butIdi dnotl i
ket hewayLanal ookedatme
shekeptexchangi ng gl ancesl ooking atme
and t henl ooki ng atmyBae.Panamukundi
ndai sadakanakut iat ariswebymi stake, ,ai di
kut ari
sa kumwe by mi stake , ,ndakazoenda
paar i ndi kat i shaa ma mi st ake ako ur i
kumawanz aandi si kuaf arira.
"Mami stakeanguAPI ? ?
" Tar i
sa munhu hwani ,
, wawauy a nay e
usat ari
"Haaunozv inetsasha. .ndosakauchi r
iv irgin
unot izvinobhadhar ausadekuzv iit
abet t
ert han
me. .
Ndakazonz wamukundi achi ti
tsact ual l
ypay sLanaipr eferi tseal edIpr efer
openi ngmyownpackageIdon' tlikei talready
opened becauset omet hatwi llbeal ready
damagedgoods. pangundov hur andega. ..
Endofchapt er

Chapt er26
Mar tin
Diana caughtmy at t
ent i
on t he momentI
ookedatherf orthefirsttimeIwal kedi ntot he
biology cl ass.she was beaut ifulshe was
stunni ngshehadanat t
itudebutIl ikedt hat
udesomehow i tmademewantt ogett o
know mor eabouthershehadani nter esting
char act ershewasnotsopr edictabl e l iket he
restoft hest udents,Iwant edheri npar ti
andwant edt oknowheri npar ticul ar,theot her
thingt hatgotmei nt
erestedi nheri sthef act
thatshe was smar tone oft he br ightest
student st hatl ovedmysubj ectbutshewas
somet imesahar dnutt ocr ack. .
Butmanj ezer ar achonenizv aitondi past r
kuti ndi musi ye zvakandi rambi ra .
Kungomuonandai tov
hiringikasoImadesur e
kuti ndamuny udza nema f or eign f eel i
kusv ikaandi dachet e...
Any wayLana akandi bhowa andi zive kut isei
Deeai tadzakungosi yananay ebehav iory ake
pamunhu wangu manj ey aisaita ,shamwar i
yake Wal t
ery akandigumhi ra zv inhu zv angu
ndisat indagumhandegaal lbecauseofLana
.any away af ter ndamuudza mashoko
andakamuudzaLanawachondookut i
"do y ou know t hatIcan make y ourl i
at ionshi ppubl i
cy ouar enotsupposedt obe
dat i
ngast udentbutnow y ouar edat i
ngy our
studenty ouknowt hatIcanmakei tspreadso
fastf uti mukadakuoner erwa. ..
"Tr yituonekuny urakwaunoi ta...
"Kuny ur akwandi noi ta..
ni manje
"Wai tamwanamudi kiIwi lltel
lyout hiswhy
don'ty oudowhaty ouwannado, Iwi shy ou
coul dgoandr eportmebymyschool .ndatigo
aheadt henandr epor t.
Akabv aabv aapadeemanj el ookedscar ed, ,
Lanawast ry
ingt ospoi lthef unndakangot i
Deer elax .
"Andi chagonamukundi ,ifshegoesandr eport
youunodzi ngwabasa
"Naani babi e.
"Var idzi v
echi kor
"Hooo. ..Musi yeti
onendi nodz i
ngwaher e.
snotf unnykoakaudzamama.
"Chi nzwaiMaimukundi, idziny ay
a dzeny u
dzekur amba mur i f ri
ends na Lana
andi chadz i
"Ndozv izi
"Sakaukui tei pamusor opazv o.
"Mukundi ndomuudzasei .
"Uchat svagawayy ekumuudzanay okutiy ou
can't be f ri
ends,,ukanonoka ndi ye achav a
mukomanawakof uti.
"Mukundi ukudakundi ramba.
"Ukar ambauchi t
"Goodgi rl.
"Haunakumbogar i
sawani .
"Ndi kagar i
saunengeuchi ndi kuvadza.
"Kukukuv adzachi i.
"Zv i
nhuzv andakachenget er aiwewe.
"Zv i
i i
zv ozv o.
"Zv aunot yakut arisa...
shemov edherey esandt heyendedonmyzi p
ilookedathert henshesawt hatIsawt hatshe
wasl ooki ngt her eshegotr eall
couldn' tlookatme, ohdear estshewasal way s
tooador ableandt oocut ewhenev ershewas
shysoIst ar tedwal ki
ngt owar dsherandt hen
shest ar tedwal ki
ngbackwar dsal it
tlebitfast er
Iwaswor riedt oseet hatshewasgoi ngt o
fall i ntot hepoolIt riedt ogi vehermyhand
shehel di tbutshesl i
pped,Idon' tknow how
shesl ippedandt hen f ellint othepoolpul li
meal sot of allintot hepoolwi thher .
ev eryone
ustst artedl aughi ngitwasr eallyf unnybutI
waswor riedaboutmyphonewhi chwasi nmy
pocketsoIhadt oqui cklyt akei toutandt ake
outt hebat tery ..
Dion: whathappenedt oy ouguy s
Me: Itriedsav ingherf rom f all
ingi ntothepool
appar ent lyshepul l
edmei ntopoolaswel land
Ifellinwi t
hher .
Dee: I'
m sor ryMuku.
Me: phonei kaf aamhenounondi wanakupi ...
Dion: let'
sseey our phone. ..
Me: it'
st her e
Ndakamur atidzaandhet ookoutt hebat tery
ndokubv aaakui rov arov ay angai sinakuny any a
kuendamv ur abutakai paKunachi potogoand
blow i t.
ndakabuda mupool ndokubv a
ndadhonza Dee . .
tese t anga t any orova and
they st arted t aking phot os ofus amheno
chainaki dza . .
ndakabv a ndaenda Pana Dee
APA hembe y anga y anami ra mukaka
waakuonekandangangot i.
"Mai mukundi ,
mur ikuedzakui t
asei .
"Ndai tasei .
"Hamusi kuonaher ezv akai tamukakawangu. .
She t r
ied t o cov erher sel fwi th herhands
ndokubv andamut sony andi chiseker er
ashef elt
yembar r
assed and t hen qui ckl
ywal ked
nt ot hehouset ochange, shedi dn' tevenl ook
backt oseemewat chi ngher. ..
af ter5mi nutes
shecamebackdr essedupi nsomewar m st uff
anywayi twas t imef ormet ogohomeal lof
mycl otheswer edr enchedi wasst arti
ngt of eel
abi tcol d, ,Dionof feredt ogi v emehi scl othes
butI t urnedhi m down, ,,
I wasnotsof ar
from myhouseandagai nIwant edi ttobea
memor abl ebirthdaysoIwasgoi ngt ogohome
iket hatr emember inghow wehadf all
eni nt o
thepool naDeewangu
Ndakazopi wa phone y angu t hen ndokubv a
ndabur itswagedhi ndi katindi pehugy angu.
"Ndony ar aMukuapahonawakat ota.
"Andi nakut ot aini anot otandi we.
"Ndot otapai
"Ndi chakur atidzanexty ear.
"Whynex ty ear
"Tinenget aakupi ndapamapr act icalef oreign
ngsndi chizokur ati
da gspor t.
"Hauny ar ekut aur az vinony adzi sira.
"Akakuudzakut izv i
nony adzisirandi ani.
"IGoogl edg-spot
"Wakazongwar isahandi t
Shegi ggl ed
tscr azyhow shewasgr owi ngupnekukasi ka
somet imesI scar edt hatshewasact uall
turningi ntoav er ymat ure womanIwant ed
her t o r emai n y oung. Nepf ungwa dzake
dzehudi kisot hatshedoesn' tgett oknow t oo
muchIj ustwant edt obet heonet oteachher
thet hi ngst hatshedi dn'tknow. .
..Ndai nzwa
Hana kur ova nekut iDee wacho anga asi r
kumi ra anga abat ana manj e kudar ika
zvaai mbov a,
,she was ata st age i noshupa
vasikanav akawandav aakuv hurirwazi somanj e
Dee wangu ai tondi pinza busyIknew t hatI
coul dn' t be wi th her al way s be wi th her
wher ev ershewentIwi shedIhadcamer asall
overj ustt oseei fany onewant edt ot akeov er
met het houghtofsomeoneel set akingDee
from mey aii
takut indi mer ere..
Any way , ndakat ony i
mwa hug hanzi t sano
varipo, , ndakamboda kut it sano sudur i
mur ikundi nyi
mi sa zv i
nhu but ndakat ya
kuripi swa.
theyt ookmehal f wayandl eftmeal mostbymy
houseIsai dmygoodby est omyl adyt henI
wenti nsidet hehouset of i
ndmypar t
nert here
wai t
ingf ormeshedi dn'ttellmet hatshewas
comi ng sheact uallygav emeonehel lofa
surpr iseshesmi ledt henshecamet ogi veme
ahug. .
"Kowauy anguv ai shaa.
"Ndauy aj ustnowkowangaur ipi?
"Kowat ot anei ?
"Ndadonher amupool .
"Beser iouspool y aani ?
"Hoosakawashi ngi ri
"Ngat i
si yeiny ayay acho.
"Nongat it
aur e.
"Notnowany waywauy anei ???
"Icamebypl aneiwant edt o surpri
sey ou
happybi rthday ..
"Sakapr esenty achoi r
"Ndi nipr esenty acho. .
"Andi si kudai wewei ni ndikudapr esent..
"Asi Kar ewai mbobv umaka.
"Okayl et'snotgot here...
"Let '
sgot here.
mbomi raRei na. ..
Iwal kedawayf rom hert henIwenti ntomy
room t hent ookof ft hewetcl othesthatIwas
wear ingIl ooked f ordrycl ot
hest henIjust
pickedupt het -shirtthat'sDi anahadmadef or
me, ,ndakapf ekat henputonshor tsndokubva
ndabuda , ,she l ooked atme zv i
wakachena ne t shi rtbuti si tnota l i
dish. ..
"NoIt hinki t
'sper fect .
Kwandi richeseChaDeewasper fect
Endofchapt er銆嬨€�

.- Cr ossingoceans
Wr it
tenbykay die馃尮
Chapt er27
Af t
erIt ookmar tinoutthegat endakadzoker a
mumba ndat ov a ne stress especi all
y about
ana. ..
aiv enet oomuchbapuandIr eall
she wouldn't mess t hi
ngs up f or me
,ndaitot yawor sekunamamakut iifshewas
tof indoutl i
ket hat
,itwoul dbesoowr ong
surekuzi v akut imwanawav ofi
rstboy fr
yakei sherschoolt eacher,ndakadzoker akuna
Lanandokubv andamudhonzandi kaendanay e
paside. ndai dakut ogarandapedzer ananay e.
"t el
lmeLanawhaty ourpr oblem i sexact l
haugone kungoi ta some t hing wi thoutt oo
muchdr amasei ,?Whydoy ouhav et obesuch
adr amaqueeni tsannoying..
"andwhydi dy ouhav et oembar rassmel i
thatndi wewat anganazv o,umademeseem
ikemunhuanodazv inhutoomuchwhatwer e
yout ryingt opr ovekunamukundi ..
"Iwasntt ryngt opr ov eany thingi ngaIj ustt old
youkut iIj ustdi dntl ikewhaty ouwer edoi ng
but zv ekuzopi hwa ma t hreat s manj e
andi zv if
ar i
rehonest lyaf terallhal fthet i
met ir
shamwar ii niniihav e been cov ering up f or
you. ..saka t hr eateni ng me kuedza kui ta sei
manj e?
"shaamaimot hercamev achi ndi popot erakut i
Dianai sst i
llpr oudt obeav i
rginheesheev en
chal lenged me kut i ndi mut arise,,ko i wewe
unei ,,
y oul osty ourv i
rgi nitykumaboor angoma
,iwontl iet oy ouzv akandi bhowazv okutiand
now Icameher ei wewewakut odakundi pinza
busyf uti
,ndof arir
akupi ..
"t het hingbet weeny ouandy ourmot herhas
not hingt odowi thmeLana, ,
,i wewey ouwer e
supposedt omakey ourmot herpr oudbuty ou
failedbuti tsnott ool atet hisbusi nessy ekuti
you keep goi ng ar ound and sl eeping wi th
whoev er angouy a, hamheno hako une ma
foreign f eelings ane dzungu madzi kami se
.haunakuzv ar wawakai batamumaokoshaa.
"t hat 'sj ustmeandIcannotpr etendt obe
someoneel set hati m notIcan' tpr etendIhav e
high mor alskunge i wewe y etndi sina and I
can' tdenyt hatil ov esex. ..
ndozv andi r
ishaai fI
donthav esexkwandi ri Iloss.
"t hat '
s goi ng t o gi v e me a bad name apa
mama v ako was compl aining kuna mama
vanguwhat ev ery oudodon' tgetmei nvolved
shaat hist i
mewheny oudeci det ol i
et oy our
mot herusandi pinzemukat ijustcomeupwi th
anot herpl anpl easendapot ahangu. ..
"what evershaay oudon' thav et opr etendt obe
my f ri
end any mor e kana usi ngade kuv a
shamwar iy angu. ..
ndowanadzi mweshamwar i
waybet tert hany ou..
"hooozv akangonaka.
Dioncamewher ewewer est andingt hatshow
the st oryended bet ween Lana and Iand I
wasntsur ei fwewer estil
lf ri
ustbr okenupasf ri
ends, Ir eall
yhopedt hat
may be t hatwas t he end ofourf ri
becauseIj ustcoul dn'tpretendany mor eandI
ustdi d notwantt o geti nvolved any more
pany aya dzake . .
when Di on came , ,
boy f
riendTi chacameaswel lndakabv andati
ndaakunor arahanguiwast iredandmukundi
had gone any way ..
cha akabv a atotanga
kubat anabat ananaLanai papov asinakana
nyadzikana . ..
ndakanzwa hasha kut ishuwa
kurikunzimamav adongor erazv aizofambasei
Iwenti nsidet hehouseandt ookmyphoneand
ed cal l
ing mukundi but haana kudai ra
ndakangoi kanda uko , ,
already ndanga
ndatobhowekananazv oini. .whycoul dn'
answermyphone, ,iendedupt elli
ngmy sel
tha he was bat hing kana kut iar ara kare
hamhenoi koko.
edsl eepi ngbutndai t
adzaKur araIwant ed
totalkt omukundi, iwasmi ssinghi m alr
begant hinkingabouthow hehadki ssedme
soomanyt i
mesapahi ski
sseswer ebecomi ng
nicerand ni cer, ,
apa t i
ripanze pama dzi ro
akapot sa andi bata mukaka butakazv i
apa mukaka wacho was al r
eady wi shing
kunzwa kut idaindabat wa , ,
beginni ngt omakemewi shf orthingsInev er
wished f orbef ore, ,
making me wanna do
ngsInev erdi dbef ore. .ndainzwakuf ambwa
fambwa t he whol e bodyand t he mor et he
foreignf eeli
ngswer et aki ngov er,,
Iwant edhi m
evenmor ebutzv ai
toitandi nzwehashakut isei
mukundi arikut adzakut aur aneni ...
Ndakazoi tazv ekuvhundukanecal ly akequi te
ate, ,
Iwant ed t oi gnor e hi m butmyhear t
woul dn'tletme, ,
ndakangodai ralowl ow. .
"hesi mai mukundi ?
"hesi .
"kochi i?
"somet hing i s wr ong Dee , Ican t elland
usandi udzekut ihapana, dontl ietome. .
"whywer ey oui gnor i
ngmycal ls,kutangar iini.
" pane zv anga zv ichi i
t i
ka and ndanga
ndichizv i
gadzi risaI'm sor r
y ,
mushe. ..
"whatwashappeni ng.
"Ican' tt elly ounow ndi chazokuudzaandi ti
ka..wasar asei love,,haunakupi ndwanechando
here,apa sur e babi e ungandi dhonzer e mu
"ndasar abhoIdeci dedt oj ustsl eep..andsor r
zvangoi ti
kawo. .
"Icoul dn'tsl eepndi sinakut aur anemusi kana
wangu, apa nhasi wandi zvi
ringa zv ausat i
wambondi it
"ndai t
asei .
"Unozv izi
v a.
"usade kungwar a, ,wakazv idzidziswa naani
zvozv o. .
"amhenozv angouy azv egamukundi ...
Whenhewaski ssi
ngmepamadzi roIj ustf el
the edge t ot ouch hi m,,amheno kut izvanga
zvabv anekupi, ,
iyehehadhi shandsi nmyT-
shirtapamaokoachi pisazv okut i,itdr oveme
to wanna do t he same t oo hi m soo
ndakapi nzawo maoko mut shirt make
ndikanzwa munhu aakuwedz era kuf emer eka
apa ndanga ndaakunzwa chi nhu chake
chaakundi gumha gumha , ,
It hought kut i
ndaakuda kui twa zv i
mwe ndakamboda
kuzamakubv aakangot iIwon' tdoany t
hingt o
youher e,worser i
ghtnow. .hi
swor dsmademe
ax so ndakangochi siya chi chindi bayal ike
that l ol.
.. Ndakabv a ndasi ya kumubat a
ndikabv a ndanzi usami re kundi bata . ..dai
pasina someone who di st urbed asi
hamhenowo nekut i sur e asi ndakai twa
zvinogar a zv akadar o...
..anyway he was
remi ndingmeal lthatIdontknowkut iAi dakut i
ezv ekuit
asei chaizvo...
"andi sikudakut auranezv avoi ni.
"asipanemumwemunhuwaur ikudakut aur a
nay eizv ozvo.
"ai wa mukundi, anyway ndangonzwa kuda
kukubat awo.
"mar t
" andi nikukuona hangu uchi dar o mumwe
munhuunokuv adzisamunhu. ..
"haaamukundiunongodakundi tyi
sidziraal l
thet i
me. ..
" ko ndambot aura zv ine hasha her ei nga
kut auraneweeasyeasywani ...
"Iknow mukundibutsomehow unondi pinza
fear. .
"saka ndot adza kuchenger a zv inhu zv angu
here, ,ur imukadziwangu i wewe hakuna
mumwe and dontev en bot herl ooking f or
someoneel sehako. ..
"hahahahaeasyeasyy aunot auranay osooka
.anyway hapana wandoda mumwe ndoda
wewe. .
"Thanky ouDeef orbei ngmygi rlndokuda
zvakapf uri
ki dza. .
"Ilovey out ooMuku. ..
Ndakabv andadzoker akunor ar amyhear twas
at easy now. ..ndakanyatsor ara
ndakazomut swa i n t he mor ning na Di on
achindivhunza about Lana
ndakangomuudzawowher ewest ood...
"sakawhyusi nakundi udzakut iyouwer enot
datingLana, allalongIwasdepr essedthi nking
thatmy br otherwas goi ng to di e ofai ds
haudar osoomhani i
wewe. .
"shaandof arisahangubutIhav eclassandf or
ther ecordIwi llnev erdat eaf ri
endofy ours
woy omut emosor el
axhakoshaa, ,
youmygi rlfrienddontwor r
yndi nekanumber
kangukandi nako. ..
"I'm soor eliev ed, ,
thanky ousoomuchsaka
whenwi ll
y oushowmey ourgi rl
"soon okay any way come and make me
breakfast. .
"makei tyour self.
"Iwi l
ltellmamakut iuri
kudanananamukundi .
"Iwi l
ltellherndi weukudandi dananenay e. .
"shewon' tbel ievey ousakahuy ahakoshaa. ..
Akabv aat obudanekuendat henIj umpedof f
the bed and qui ckly washed my f ace and
brushed my t eet h ndookubv a ndat oenda
kunomugadzi ri
rabr eakfast, ,iwasntsur ei fI
was goi ng t o see mukundisi nce i twas a
Saturdayapawewer enol onger doi ngextra
essonst angat asarwanej ustoneweekf or
school st oclose. .
NdapedzaIj ustbat hedandst artedwat chi
TV mama v akabv a v ati ndi vaperekedze
kunoona gogo Ku Hat field saka zv akabva
zvadhakwa , Icoul d notev en say no and
everyonewasgoi ngt here,,
out,,Ijustsentamessaget omar t
int el
kutindabuda namama goi ng kwagogo i n
Hatfield. .
"whatt i
mear ecomi ngback?
"andi ziveini.
"sakaandi kuoneher e?
"nott oday ..
"uswer ebhomai mukundi ..
"ehoi bamukundi ..
Thatwas i twe di dntspeakagai n. .ndanga
ndatoj ai
ramyweekendr outi
neandt hewhol e
me ndi ri kwagogo ndai edza kuf ara asi
zvaishupa, ,
ndai nzwakut idaindaendakumba
kwake. .
.weonl ycamebackkumanher uchaiko
kumba kwacho, Ideci ded t ot ellhi m kut i
ndokuonamangwana. ...
hedi dn'tt akel ongto
answerakadai rafast..
"hesi babi e.
"hiendadzoka. .
"wanaki dzwaher ekwagogo?
"ndangandi chikufunga. .
"kananeni .
"ndouy andokuonamangwanahant i.
"nousauy emangwana.
"heee? ?
"panezv i
kausauy emangwana.
"sakaiwewehuy a.
"Sakahausikundiona? ?
"no DeeMi r
Hamheno zv andakanzwa soo ndakabv a

Wr i
enbykay die馃尮
donotshar e
Itwasnotmet ost opherbecauset herewas
nevera si ngl
edayt hatIst opped herf r
comingandidi dn'tknow exactlywhattosay
butIwaswor r
iedr ei
nawoul dsayt hewr ong
ngs t o her,,knowing how Dee was ai ve
nechiramwaandi twasnott heri
mef oral
.Ispentthewhol eSaturdayandSunday
nkingthatreinawoul dgobutshewassooo
axedwi thnosi gnofl eav
theneed t o askher, ,
Imi ssed DeeIr eall
missedmygi rl
Iwasbusywat chi
reinawasbusyf il
inghernai ls..
"Sowhenar ey oul eaving? ?
"lolIthoughty oumi ghtnev erask. .
"Ijustwannaknow. .
"youmi ssher.
"shecamecome, don'
twor ryIwi l
mout hshut. .
"sheknowsy ourei na.
"Sheknowsy ouassomeonewhoi sjusti nmy
"y oudon' thav et okeephi di ngy ourselff r
her. .
"Ican' tt ellhernow okayi tsj ustt oosoon. .
dontwannascar eherof f .
"Ihav enev erseeny ousooscar edofl osing
someonemukundiIguessl ov edoest hi
ngst o
you... You ar e changi ng badl y,y ou ar e
becomi ngweak, ,shesnotgoodf ory ou. .
m notweakRei na.
"y ou ar ebecomi ngweak. .youhav enev er
askedmet oleavebef orebutnow,i nasmuch
asy ouhav en'tsaidi tbuty our eall
ywantmet o
go. ..
"Ican' tr iski tthat 'swhyandt hanky ouf or
comi ngf ormybi rthdayIr eallyappr eciateit..
Shej ustl ookedatmewi tht hatey et osayoh
please butIi gnor ed herany way, ,ndokubv a
ndasi mukaandwentt ot heki tchent omake
mesomet hi
ngt oeat. ..
shef ol l
owedmet othe
kitchenandwr appedherar msar oundmef r
theback, Ireall
yt ensedandshef eltit,,
aroundandl ookedather. .
"youknowt hishast ost opright ? ?
"but Idon' twanti ttost op.
"ithast ost opandi meani t...
"justonemor et imemuku. .
"nor einat heonemor et imeswon' tend. ..
"Mukundit her esnohar mi nki ssingonemor e
meandhav esexonemor et i
mef oroldt i
sake, ,
y ouar et heonl ymanwhohasal way s
sat i
sfiedmysexualappet i
teanddesi res, ,
hav et ounder standy oursuddendeci siont o
stopi saf fectingmei nav erybadwayIcame
her eexpect i
ngmor e, ,Ihadntseeny ouf ora
yearbuty ouhav en'tev ent ouchedmeonce
thisi ssoonoty ou,thatgi r
lisr uiningusand
m nott akingi twel l..
m sor rybutwenev err eal l
yhadat it
relationshi p, wekepti tt hatwaybecausewe
didntwannacompl icatet hingsl ikehowt hings
arebecomi ngcompl i
cat edr ightnow. .
Rei na y ou al readyhav e someone t haty our
par entschosef ory ou. .y ouar eget ti
ngmar ri
thiswasgoi ngt ost opei t
herway .
"so t ellme, ,
,arey ou r efusing becauseI 'm
supposedt ogetmar r
iedt osomeoneel se? ?
"noi t sbecauseIcannotdon' tt hisany mor e...
"didnotenj oymemukundi .?
"ofcour seIdi dandpl easel et'
sj ustnott alk
abouti t..
"fine. ...
Shewasangr ywi thmebuthowwasIt ocar ry
on bei ngi naf aker elat i
onshi pwi thher,,after
aspar eoft hemomentt afar i
saandhadgr eat
sex, wehaddeci dedt oj ustkeepeachot her
happyi nt hatdepar tmentnomat terwhat, ,butI
wasf aili
ngonmynomat terwhatpar tbecause
Ij ust coul dn' t sleep wi th someone el se
any mor e,besi desal lt
hatr ei
naandIgr ew up
toget her, wewer ebestoff r i
ends, ,Idi dnot
wannal oseherf ut i
,,soIwast r
y i
ngt ohandl e
thesi tuat i
onwi thouthur ti
ngany onesoomuch
thewor stpar twast hatshewasal somy
partnerzv esei zv oj ustcompl icat edt hingsf or
meandIhat edcompl i
cat i
Ndakagadzi r
a ma sandwi ches ndokubv a
ndat akur andi kanomupa, shej ustsai dt hanks
butsher eal l
yl ookedhur t..
.weat einsi lence, ,
was r eallyawkwar df ort he t wo ofus soo
pandakapedzail ef tandwentt omyr oom kut i
ndimbonor ara mbi chana gi v i
ng each ot her
space. ..
Igotont hebedndaakumbof ungaDee
kutiar ikuitei..
.ndakaz obat wanehopeonl ytobe
wokenupRei naaakut ishewasl eaving, ,
atobat aherbagt oleav et henshecamet ohug
me. ...
Iwokeupf rom bedt henhuggedher
reallytight. .
"I'm goi ngt omi ssy oumukundi .
"Iwi llmi ssy out woRei na.
"butwhycan' tweputat it
leonourr elationship
we can j ust get mar ri
ed secr etl
tozongot aur at ar oor anakar e...
"noRei naIcannotdoi t...
iv eDi ana, ,Ireall
ov eher .
We l ooked ateach ot herf ora whi l
e, ,
ookeddeepi lyhur tandi twashur ti
ngmet o
hurtherl iket hat, ,shewasr eachi ngt oki ssme
Idi dntbot hermov ing away ,
,may be a l ast
kisswasnotsoobad, soIshar edal astki ss
withher .i
twasr eal l
ygoodby ef orsur eIhadt o
pullof fbecauseIcoul dt ellshewant edmor e
ofmeandIdi dn' tknow i fI coul dbeabl eto
carry on r esi sting her so ndakabv a
paar i.
..ndichibv apaar iIsaw Deest andi ngby
the doorl ooki ngatme, ,
Ijustsai dshi t..
She began mov ing backwar ds , ,Ilooked at
reinaandsai d. .
"didy ouleav et hegat eopen. .
m sor ryImusthav ef orgottent ol ocki t..
"howcoul dy our eina? ? ?
m sor ry..
Ndakangobuda ndichi mhany a
ndakanomubat ira kugedhiaakut obuda , ,she
pushedmenesi mbar eseangaasi ngadekana
ndimubat e, ,
ndakar wadzi waseei ngt ear si nher
eyes because ofme . ..
.wor se pandakaona
mi sodziy achoi chi donhaIcoul df eelhert ears
pier cingt hroughmyhear tndakar wadzi wa. .I
mov ed t owar ds her but akandi nhonger a
dombo achi dakundi temandakabv andami ra
kuendakwaar i.
..Rei nacameoutoft hehouse
with her bag she was l eav i
ndakangomut arisa ndi chitiwandi par ira butI
coul dntbl ameheraswel l
,,ihadal sogi veni n
toherandIal lowedmy selftoki ssher. ..she
camendokubv aami raakat ari
saDee. ...
Rei na:y oudonthav et odot hatt ohi m hapana
zvaai ta.
Dee:Idontr ememberaski ngy oukut iai teiand
haundi udzirezv ekui takanakusai takwaar i,I
notbl indorst upi dzv ekut adzakuonazv aiit
ika. .
Rei na:f i
nendi rikuedz akut iitwasnothi sf ault
ndamumani kidza. ..
Dee:kut iwamubat ir
apf utihere?Bet weent he
twoofy oundi ani mur ume, handi tindiy e..
Rei na:y esbutIwanty out oknowt hatt her eis
not hi ngbet weenusandwhat ev ery ousawwas
ustagoodby e. ...
Thewhol et i
meIwasqui etIhonest l
ydi dnt
know whatt o saybutIwas scar ed , ,
real ly
scaredt ol oseher, ,
how wasIgoi ngt omake
herunder stand kut ihapana changa chai tika
pakatipangunaRei na, apandai wonakut ishe
was t ryi
ng t o cont r
ol i t hasha dz anga
dzakazar apaar i.
axiy aReinay akabv ay asv ika
akangondi tarisa and sai d goodby et hen she
eftndokubv andasar andakat ari
sananaDee. ...
Akabv aaf ambaachi dakubudawot henist ood
paghedhipacho, ,
akarikandadombo, Itriedt o
Dodger i
kandi rovagumbo, i
twasr eallypai nf ul
but ndakar amba ndakami r
a ndakamut arisa
akabv aat angakuchemaf utiIcoul dnthandl e
thonest lyndakadembakut iIshoul dhav ej ust
etr ei
nagopasi nakanagoodby eki ssbecause
thatki sswascost i
ng met heoneper son I
ov ed...
Ndakamut ar i
saandsai d...
m sor ry. ...
'm notenoughf oryoumukundi .
"Youbarev ery t
"Yety ouki ssedher .
"Itwasgoodby e. .
Endofepi sode28

asewhatIhadseenbutIj ustcoul
ey oukwachoIcouldnot
even under stand any thi
ng . ..ndakabv a
ndabat war uokoachi bv aandi dhonzer amumba
apandai mur wisandi singadekut iandi bat ebut
he was soo st r
ong zv andakat ot
y a kut iko
simba r akadair abv a nekupi .
.akabv a av hara
doort henhet ookmet o hisr oom t henhe
ockedt hedoor ,Iwasscar ednekut indai saziva
kutiar ikudakundi itei. .
.ndakabv andanzigar a
pasi ndichi bv andar amba. .
"uchaendahakoj ustnotnow. .
"Iwannagonow mukundi ...
"notunt ilwet alk.
"Idontwannat alktoy ou. .
"i ni
nindi rikuda kut aur a newe saka chako
kuteerer a. .
"Idontwannal istent oy ou. .
"youdonthav eachoi ceIwon' topent hedoor
kanausi nakundi t
eer era.
"I '
m goi ng t o scr eam si yana nenimukundi
andichakudai ni.
"hooohauchandi da? ??
"ehehandi chakuda. .
"manj ei nini Ndi nokudasakat ozv i
fambi sasei .
"Haundi demukundi .
Iwasn' tev ensur eoft het hingst hatIwas
say i
ngbutt het r
uthi sIl ovedhi m, Icoul dnt
evenbr eat hepr oper lywi thouthi m, ,kutouy aiye
anditindi sauy ezv aitorev a kut indai sat ogona
nay emukundi .
..Hecamecl oserandIf roze
takabv at agumhanat henheputhi shandon
mychi ndi recti
ngmyf acet olookathi m but
ndaisada kumut arisa ,
,kumut ari
kwai zov hiringadeci siony anguy ekumur amba
.he pul led me i nto hi s ar ms huggi ng me
ndichi bv andaj amukamanj e. ..
" usandi bat e mukundi ..
zvekubat wanewe. .
"ur i
kudakubat wanaani ???
"ini ndi r
ikudakukubat a..
"unodakubat av anhuv anganikoi wewe, ,
aresoosel fi
shandi t
" ndoda kubat a munhu one and ndi ye
wandakabat a....
"mmxxxmm. .
"ny angwe ukar i
dza t samwa r i
dza hako but
ndodakubat aiwewe. .
m goi ngt oscr eam..
"t hisr oom i ssoundpr oofusapedzenguv a
babi ebuty oucant ryitify ouwant. .
"whywoul dy oust ayi nar oom i r
isoundpr oof.
"ndakai wanawoy akadar o...
Akar amba akai ta kundi bat a and he wasnt
et t
ingmego, het ri
edki ssi ngmendi kaomesa
mur omo. .
"y ouwantt oki ssmewi tht hesamel i
wer e ki ssing someone el se mukanwa mako
makazar amat eemumwemunhundoaur i
kundi zadza i ndav a uchi ndi j
a so ? icant
believ ey ou di dt hatt o meand Iwi l
forgiv e y ou i n t he l ifet i
me or t he next
wai ndirambi ra kugumwa kana
nemunhu, ,kungony engwa chet e mukundi
wai tsamwa al l al ong wai nyepedzera
kundi chenger a asiuchi toda mumwe munhu
hako. ..
"handi mudemaimukundi ...
.andkukuchenger a
andi regi,ndichat oit
awor se. .
"andi simaimukundi, maimukundiv abva
pano. ...
"kanaar i
yesakaandi sii
reinewe. ..
"pamwemunozi v anamabasaeny uakaf anana
"Babi eIl ov eyou. ...
m sor ryImadeami stake
Ishoul dn'thav edonei tbutIcan' trever seit
zv atoi ti
kakar e,butRei nai sacl osedchapt erin
my l ife, ,
seiur ikundi daro babi e butandi na
kumbobv ir
a ndakuv anzirai nini,
wanikut ithewayIf eltf orherwasdi fferent
from t hewayIf eltabouty ou, ,
tellmeandi na
her ekukuudza. ..
Mozi v andakast icker, ,
andt het r
ut hiszv esur e
angaakandi udza. .
butIhadexpect edhi mt o
ethergo, ndakangof ungakut iv akazosi yana
sincehewaswi thne
"wakandi udzasoi ft hef eel ingwasdi fferent
whyt hehel ldidy ouki sshert hesamewayy ou
kissme? ?? ?
"thewayIki ssy oui sdi ff
er ent. ..
"aki ssi saki ssmukundi dontj ustifyit.
Akabv aabuda, ,forabout5mi nt henachi bva
adzoka I wonder ed kut i anga aenda
kupi ...akadzokaandIcoul dsmel ltoothpast e
meani ng kut ihe had been i nt he bat hr oom
brushi nghi steeth.
"Iwanna pr ovet oy ou t hatev er
y ki ss is
differ ent. .
"Idontwannaki ssy ou.
"t henhow wi llIpr ov etoy out hatwhatI '
say ingi st rue..
"Idon' tcareIdontwanty ouany mor e.
"y oust il
"pr oofi t.
"ki ssmeandl et '
sseei fyouwon' tfeel at hing..
"andi di.
Ndakangodhonzwaandhebeganki ssingme
,ndakat adzakubv apaar i,
,hewashol dingme
ght .akabv aami ra..
"Iki ssedy ouoncenow I 'm goi ngt oki ssy ou
agai n. .
Hebeganki ssi ngmeagai nandt hist imei twas
differ ent , ,
it was deep , ai
ita kundi dhonza
mwey a, mywhol ebodybegancr avinghi m, I
began ki ssing hi m deep as wel l, ,
akat anga
kuf ambi sa maoko kumusana
kwangu. .ndokubv a amapi nza mu T- shi r
mangu ndi kanzwa maget si body y ese
...akar amba achi fambi sa maoko unt i
ndanzwa av a pamukaka wangu amheno
crazi estf oreign f eeling y andakanzwa i papo
zv ekut iIhear dmy selfmoani ng. ..
.Idi dntwant
himt ost op, iwant edmor eoft hanf eeling, ,he
iftedmeupandputmeont hebed, ,Idi dnt
ev en st op hi m, he lifted up my T- shirtand
unhookedmybr a, ,
Iwasj ustbr eat hingheav y
yetscar edatt hesamet imebecauseidi dnt
knowwhathewasdoi ngt oome, ,
felthi smout honmyni pplesndakabv unda. .
"mukundi .
Iut teredhi sname. ...
Hecar r
iedondoi ngi tandIkeptcal l
inghi s
namehewasj ustt ouchi ng meal lov ermy
bodywasnol ongerf eel i
ngl ikemyownbody, ,
want edt ocr y, ,
hewasmaki ngmel ov ehi m
mor e, ,
the way he car ried on sucki ng my
nippl esandIwasmov inguncont roll
abl yonhi s
bed, ,,myhandswer eal lov erhim, ,Ipul l
edof f
hisT- shirtandourski nt ouchednekut iakabv a
adzi ki
r apasit ikagumhana, ,allwewer edoi ng
wast ouchi ng each ot her, ,hewasbr eathing
uncont roll
,hebeganki ssingmeagai nand
hishandswer eonmybr eastagai n, ,
,Iwant ed
toscr eam wi t
hpl easur e,,butIpul ledof fthe
kissandsai d...
MukundiIl ovey ou,pleasedontdot hist ome
Iwasshaki ngbadl yandhecoul dseewhathe
wasdoi ngt omewast oomuch. .
"that '
sal lIwant edy out osay .
"mukundi .
"dontl eavemeDeepl ease don' tbr eakup
withme, Ilovey ou,,
itmaynotmakesenset o
you,,butl ookatus, ,meandy ouDee. ..
kissesar ewhatIdesi ret hemost. ..
dontwor r
wear est oppingher e,,becauseIknow i tsnot
ther ightt ime,,
Icoul dhav et akenadv antageof
you but no t here's no r ush,
,kuny angwe
uchi ndikuv adzahakobutIcanendur ei t,I'
sor r
yIdi sappoi ntedy ou,,Ibr okey ourhear tbut
Ididn' tmeant o. ..
" t hen why di d y ou do i t . .
uchi ndirambi dzireikuuy a,wangauchi i
teinay e
wangauchi r
ar anay eka. youcoul dn'twai tfor
mendosakaapawaakut iy ouar eWi ll
ingt o
wai tbecausepaneakupahandi ti.
"Iswearbabi eandi naKur aranay e.
"akauy ar i
"onourbi rthday .
"that swhywakandi siyandegawaakumhany i
kuuy akuno.
"nobabi eakaitasur priseIdi dntknow.
"ukundi nyeper amuku.
Ir eallywant edt ocr yIst artedt hinkingkut i
zvaanga achi ndi i
ta ndozv aanga achi muitawo
ndakanzwa hasha ndi kamupusha kut iabv e
pamusor opangubuthewassoost rongsaka
ndakat angakuchema. ..
"st opcr yingpl ease,look, ,shesanol df riend
sadananaf utishewasnotev enmygi r
" haa mukundimhanisaka mai i
apa,,apa zv awanga uchi ndiit
a ndozv awanga
uchimui tawo.
"ndimuf oner eher endi muv hunze..
"ehemuf oner e..
Akabv aat oraphoneandphonedRei naakai sa
paloudandndozv andai toda, ,
kuzv i
nzwi raega
Muku: helloreina
Her: hiehowar eyou...
Muku:notgoodndi rikunzindakar aranewepa
weekendsakaDeear i
kuv av a.
Her:aaahi wewakar ambaKur araneni,,
Iact uall
wisht hatwast rue,,any wayI 'm sorrybouty ou
guys. ..
Akabv aat okat aphoney acho. ..
"wazv i
nzwi raka kut iandi na zvandakai ta, ,I
couldhav edonei tbutIcoul dnotdoi t.
"sei ???
"becausendokudaandIwannadoi twi thyou...
Endofepi sode
Chapt er30&31
Honest l
yndangandany atsor wadziwakusv i
pekupedzi sir
a, ,kuona mal i
ps amuku sur e
kissinganot herwoman. .ndakat ofungakut idai
panemar asha ndaupi sa mur omo war eina
wananauka pasar a pasi na hapo chi nhu
becauseIf eltlikendangandasv ibi
si r
waor der
dzangu. .
. I was r eady kur ambana nay e
mukundi ndai nzwa kuda kupenga chai ko
akangondi kurir
a hake semur ume butIwas
ready kusi yana nazv o . ..
akany atsondi pinda
nez vinyowani chai zv o ndi katadza kana
kur angarir
a kut izv i
no pay at anga t ichitaura
ny aya dzei . Sur e kuv hiri
ngwa nemaoko
emunhu kukanganwa kut it ambor ambana ,
kui t
akut oz obat i
rirakut ir ambauchi ndipaki ss
Aiwa muku akandi oror ora. .af t
ert he cal ly a
Rei na ndopaakazobv a pandi rii ni wacho
ndangandaakuny arakut indapot sandabv i
hembepot sepot sendangandaakut of anana
naLana.Ndakabv andav haramazamuangu
nemaoko ndi singade kut i amaone , ,i ye
akazv iona kut i I was st ruggli
ng neny adzi
ndookubv aandi titurnar ound, ,ndakat ender era
then he hel ped me hook my br a achi bva
adzi kisa t -
shirty angu. .. Ndakany ara kana
kumut ari
sa i y
e akabv a at ora t -shirty ake
yandanga ndamubv isa ndokubv a apf eka
zvikanzi hande. .
"Tirikuendakupi .
"Kur isaf e. .
"Kur isaf epachi i.
"Kunoi takut i ndi sadekukugumhagumha. ..
Hewasnev erev ershyt osayt hingst hatmade
meev enmor eembar rassedi twasasi fhe
enjoy edkungondi nyadzi saso. .any wayIgot
upt henf ollowedhi m, ,ndakaonaachi pfekama
pusht henhet ooksomecarkey sandakada
kumuv hunza kut i ndeani but ndakangoi t
nungo dzekubv unza semunhu anga
ambov hi
r i
ngi kaIdi dn'twannaaskzv akawanda
Wanda pl us mood y angu y anga i chi t
yakadhakwaIdi dn' twantzv isinabasast i
went kuser i wher e t he gar age was
ndikat ozoonamunhuav akubudanemot a,,all
alongev ersi ncendi uyeIhadnev erseenhi m
ng kana kuona mot a,chet e kut ii niwo
wacho Ihad nev erbeen t ot hegar agekut i
ndionekut ikuneiandagai nIdi dn' tf eelt he
needt ogot her ekondai notsv ageizv angu. ...
was a ni ce shi ny bl ack l atest BMW. .
Ndakambor ambandakamut arisanotknowi ng
kutikoakuzv if
ambi sasei futi.
Akabv aabur ukaandcamer oundt oopent he
doorf orme , ,ndakar amba ndakami r
a not
knowi ngi fIshoul dgoi nornot. ..
"Who' scari st his.
"Myf r
iendl ef ti t,,soIaskedi fIcoul dusedf ora
while. .
"Al atestBMW kungosi irwapano? ? ?
"Yes. wear ev erycl ose. .
"Youhav eadr iver 'slicense.
Het ookouthi sdr iver'slicenseandshowedme
ndakangot arisa ndi katihoo. ...
then Iwenti n
achibv aav har adoor .i
twassooocl eani nsi
muchi nhuhwi rir
a, ,heopenedt hegat ethenhe
drov e out t akananga kut own, ,,he went t o
nandos t hen he bought f ood ndokubv a
andi tambi dzakut indi dyebutIwasnoti nthe
moodofeat i
ngIj ustsai dt hanksndokur amba
ndakangobat a. .
akabv aat or ar oady eNor t
andIbeganwonder ingkut itirikuendakupiapa
he was dr i
v i
ng qui etl
y kana nenindanga
ndaakuny ar akuv hunzabutIhadt oaskhi m ko
kanandai endakunour ay i
wa. ..
"Mukundi wher ear ewegoi ng? ??
"Youwi llseet asv ika.
"RememberIhav et obehomeont ime
"Andi kunonot seIpr omi se. .
he deci ded t o put on musi c,some ni ce
stuff,,romant icmusi c,hecoul dseet herewas
tensionbet weenusandwecoul dn' ttalkmuch
the si lence i nt he carwas j ustmaki ng
ever ything f eelso awkwar d. .so any way I
closed myey esanddeci dedt ot ryandsl eep
al i
ttlebi tsi nceIdi dn'tev enknow wher ehe
wast akingme. .
..Sl owl yIf ellintodeepsl eep
andionl ywokeupwhenIf el thim shaki ngme
ingmet hatwewer et her e,,Iqui cklyopened
myey eshopi ngt hatmyf acewasnotamess
andIr ealizedt hatwehadr eachedt helakeso
hehaddeci dedt ot akemet herenhai ,
niceenv i
r onmentany way ,
,Ihadnev erbeent o
thel ake, Iusedt ohearpeopl et alki ngaboutt he
akebutIhadnev erbeent here..Icoul dsee
peopl e on t he boathav i
ng f un v amwewo
vaingoi t
ay avaf unga. ..,
Akar amba akandi tarisa abv a kundi mut sa
ndikat ombof unga kut i may be t here was
somet hing on my f ace kana kut imay be
ndanga nday eredza masi riri ndakar ara
ndakabv a ndabat a kumeso i
ndookundi bv isamaoko. .
"WakanakaDee. ..
Kungondi dar o ndakabv a ndat of unga
zvandangandamuonaachi itanaRei nami sodzi
yakabv ay atot anga kubuda f ut i,ndichi funga
kutisur emukuakandi dar o..
"Deeukundi omeser ashaa.
Ndai nzwa kur wadzi wa kusi ri kuper a
zv aitorambachai ko. .
I r eallywant edt o f orgivehi m butIdon' t
evenknow whymyhear twashar deni ng,and
forthewhol et i
met hatwedr oveal lwayt ot he
ake Iwasokay ,
,butwhenhet r
iedtel li
allther ightt hingsandal lther ightwor dst hatI
want ed t o hear,suddenl yt hey wer ej ust
comi ngoutwr ong, ,
becauseIwas compar i
every thing and Iwas j ust wonder ing kut i
what ev erhe was t elli
ng me was t he same
thingt hathewast elli
ngher, ,Idon'tknowwhyI
keptonf eel ingl ikeIdi d,Iwasf eelingt hatI
wasshar inghi m wi t
hsomeoneel seandt he
ng was j ustt oo much Iwas f ai l
ng t o
cont rolitIbeganget tingangr yandangr y..
"Ican' tdot hismukundi ...
"Whatdoy oumean. .
"Ican' tbewi t hy ounow.
"NoDeehaudar obabi e.
" Ndi kut adza Muku , , ndi kur amba
ndichi ngokuona ui nay e chet e .Nezv amanga
muchi it
aIcan' tdot hisMukundi ...
"Hat i
si kurambana. .
"Torambat i
chidananasei zvakami raSoo
"Youwi llhavet of or
gi vemeDi ana, ,I'm not
cingy oubutndi r
ikukumbi rawo.
"Noomukundi andi chada.
"Ican' tlety ougoI '
m sor ryI '
mt hatsel fi
Andpl easengat imbomi rany ayay acho..
Akabv a at obuda mumot a ndokubv a Ami r
panze ,ndakaona achi kicker Ty r
er emota
ndikaita sendi sina chandaona , kumuda
ndaimuda butiwas f ail
ing t of orgiv e him
amhenosei ,kanakut ikuny anyakur wadzi wa
hereamhenosei ..
Hewent awayf r
om t hecarandt henIsaw
him t alking t o some peopl e and pakabv a
pasv i
kaaf emal eakanakazv okutindokubv a
Ava kut aura na muku my hear t began
poundi ngal readywheni shewas t al kingto
her,,Iwant edy out oknow whatdot heywer e
kingaboutIwasdy ingwi thsomuchj ealous
Icoul dn'tev en cont roll
ng i t.Ndakamboda
kufamba kuendako , ndakabv a ndabuda
mumot andokubv andami randakamut ar i
sai y
akacheukaachi nditarisandokubv aaender er
mber inev anhu ake, ,ndakasv otwakut ihaana
kundiudza kut iav akuenda kupiand agai n
ndiyanani v aaitaura nav o wor se v achibva
vatangakusekaf uti..
Ndakazomuonaav akuf ambaav akudzokaapa
ni manj e ndanga ndosisagone
nekumut samwi ra akasv ika ndokubv a At i
hande. .
"Andi sikuda.
"Deekani .
"Wapedz er
ananev anhuv ako.
"Chi i
"Ndi yaniwawangauchi tauranay e
"Upi manj e.
"Ukuzi vazvandi rikutaur a.
"Andi zi
v eukasandi udza. .
"Ndangomuonawoi papoDeepanezv aanga
achivhunza. ..
"Tenmi nutesachi ngov hunzachet e.
" That 's f unny zv ichi bva kumunhu abv a
kundiramba. .
bhoi tazv aunoda.
"Ndodakui tazv aunodanekut izvandodahausi
kuzv i
da,,andIdon' tunder standi fy oucanbe
ealouskut indat auranemukadzit henatt he
samet i
mehausi kundida, ,usandi daroDee. .
"Ineedt i
memukundi .
"Ican gi vey ou t i
me buti ninewe hat isi
kurambana. ...
"Sakaangaachi vhunzakut ichi i
"Shewant edt oknowmunhuanondi gerahanzi
"Hoo saka y ou wer e busyf li
ing with her
"Ay asachazi vazv ekut aur aini..
"Ndakuonauchi sekerer a. ..
"Ar ewegoi ngt odot hisorwear egoi ngto
kissandmakeup. ..
Ndakabv andat arisakusi de, ,het ookmyhand
ndokubv aatangakuf ambaneniachi endakune
vanhuv ayendokubv aasv ikaz v i
"Ndadzoka nemukadziwangu , ,i
st he boat
Thenhel adywasl i
ke. .
" Hooo ndov amanga muchi taura Av a,,
Ai wa
po. .
Iwonder edkut iangaat aurakut ichi ipamusor o
pangu, ,
theguywemaboatt ookust otheboat
and we got on, ,
being i n wat er was ni ce
nyangwendai tyakuny urabutt hewhol et i
Mukuwashol dingme. .IfeltSoocl oset ohi m
ndainzwa Hana dz i
chi roverana kana nai ye
aizvinzwawo. .
thedayt urnedoutbeaut if
fun. ..
butIst i
lneededt imekut indi mbof unga
wayf orwar d...
Endofchapt er
Kay die
Crossi ngOceans
Wr i
ttenbykay die
Mukundi .
Ndakanzwakuzv inzwirahashaIcoul dfeelmy
whol ebody sr eact i
ont oherwor ds"Idon' t
wannabewi thy ou."Shehast o becr azy,
ndaishay a pekupedzer a shungu t hat's whyI
endedupki ckingt hecarwheelj ustt or elease
al i
ebi t,
icoul dnotbl ameher, ,ev eni fIhad
seenherki ssingsomeoneel seIwoul dhav e
reactedpr obabl ywor sebecauseIcoul dnot
eveni magi neanot hermanki ssingherl ikeIdo,
how t hencoul dsheexpectmet o accepta
breakup. .
.Shewasf i
ghtingwi thher self,I
knew i t nekut idaikwanga kusi rikudar o
haaimbonzwa hasha nekundi ona
ndichi ngotaur a na someone el se,,she l ov ed
mewi t
houta doubtIknew i tnekut ihasha
dzandakaonaai tondiomeser a,,shewasdr ivi
mecr azyangaav akundi fungi sazv ekudakui t
zvakawandaWandapaar iandbutIwant edt o
mai nt ainmysel fcont r
olbutamhenozv aanga
Av akungondi i
tasobutany wayIhadenough
respectf orher ..
.Idi dn' twanna t alk about
nonsensey akey ekut iti
rambane.Icoul dgi v
herabi tofspacey esbutnotkur ambana. .
Aftert heboatIcoul dseekut ishehadhadf un
..Wegoti ntot hecart aakudzoker akutown
ndopandakaona munhu av akudyaf ood y ake
yanga y ambor amwi wa . .
... Ndai it
a kubi r
kumut arisandai tyi
rakuzoudzwazv inobhowa. ..
"Dee. ..
"Ndi kuendakuv icfallsIwon' tbear oundt hi
holiday. .
Ndakaonamunhuami rakudy aandhonest lyI
hadot hert hingst odoi nv icfallsformay bet wo
weekst hencomeback, ,Iwasgoi ngt odr iv
therei nt heni ght....
sakamyt i
mewi thherwas
imi ted, Iwasgoi ngt omi ssherbutIr eallyto
gowi thoutf ai l
"Ukuendar iini
"Toni ght. ..
"Ukut eer aRei na
Ndakaper erwa, ,haaRei naangaandi pari
"Nondi rikuendakubasa.
"School sar ecl osed. .
"Yesasi dej ob.
"Rechi i.
"Par tt ime account antf orsome company
there. ..
"Mukundi ,,
y oudon' tteachaccount s. .
"DoesnotmeanIdi dnotst udyaccount s...
"Unoi tanezv eichaizv oizv o.
"Zv akawanda.
"Tel l
mezv ese.
"Ndasi wakagar wanekuv hinzisisaandi t
"Youbet rayedmesakaIdon' tknow whoy ou
areany mor e.
"I '
m st illthe same man who l ov esy ou to
s.myonl ymi stake was t o do whatIdi d
sayinggoodby et omypastandI '
m sorryIwi ll
nevermakesuchmi stakeagai n,,Iwishyounew
how muchIl ov ey ou,Dee, ,
,thewhol et ime
ndineweInev erki ssedort ouchedawoman
myonl ymi stakewasy awaonanhasiandI
regreti tt err
iblybel ieveme, ,
Iwantmusi kana
wangubackndakusuwaDeeIr eall
ymi ssy ou
babiewangu. .
"Ukudzokar i
"May bet woort hreeweeks. ..
Shet ooka deep si gh achi bva Ami r
a kudy a
kwacho. .
"Pleaseeat .
"Andi naappet i
te. .
"UrikuendaKunaRei na.
"Haagar ekuVi cfallsandandi si kuendakwaar i
"Anogar akupi .
"InSAatt hemoment. ..
"Hoo. ..
"Sakai weweukudakur ambauchi taur
anay e
wewewakandi tindisat aurenaWal t
Jeromev andisinakanakumbodanananav o..
"Panezv atinoit
at esebabi ebuti t
's busi ness
Ican' tlietoy ouaboutt hatone.
"Ay aszv akaoma, busi nessr ei.
"Ican' ttellyounow. ...
"Youknowwhati mboi tazv auri kuita
"Isweari t'sbusi ness. .
"Mukundi whot hehel larey ou, youkeept elli
aboutSoomanydi ffer entt hingsandy ouar e
honest lyconf usingme, thel astt imewakat i
Reinawasj ustanact inggi rlf
riend, whywoul d
youneedanact i
nggi rlf
riend, ,
kuv i
business, ,naRei nay oudobusi nesskuchi koro
youar eat eacher, ,
unomboi tanezv eiiwewe. .
"Idoal otoft hingsbabi e, ,amancan' tr elyon
onet hing, ,nekuchenget aseikanandi rit
chete,haudi agoodl ifeher e. .
"Idon' tcar eaboutal l thatmukundi .
"Hauzondi deui nenz ar ai wewe.
"Ndi nongokudawakadar o.
"Hoosakaapauchi rikundi daka.
Shekeptqui etandi nakanakupi ndur wabutI
didn'tcar emhi nduroy angundangandai wana
Kar e ,she was bei ng t hick headead asi
ndaidiwa ndoochokwadi .
..ndakabv a ndai sa
musi c on , ,
Iwant ed us t o br eathal i
,yakabv ay adzimwazv ikanzi ..
"Sakai wewey ouwer egoi ngt ogowi thout
even t ell
ing me or seei ng me hako
handi t
andi na kukosha wakoshesa mumwe
munhubecausey ouhadt oldmenott ocome
to y our house nekut i wanga wakav har i
"Nomat terwhatIwasgoi ngt oseey out oday
Radioy akabv ay abatidzwat henshel ookedout
the wi ndow . ..
.pasina kana 5 mi ny akabv a
yadzimwaf utiradio.
"Sakamukundi, ,Iwannaki sssomeoneel se
Ndakabv a ndami sa mot a pasi de per oad
ndakaf ungakut indat adzakunzwa. .
"Uri seri
ousnezv aur ikutaur a. ..
"Yes. ..
"Kisssomeoneel seandt hat 'stheendofus. .
"Yety oudi dit.
"Thatwassomeoneangaagar aar i
anyoneakauy aaf tery ou Deebutokay, ,
aheadanddoi t.
"Iwi ll
"Meani ngt here'snomor ey ouandI.
Ndakamut arisa nehasha ndi kaziv a ndogona
kuita zv isina basa ndakamut sa mot a
ndikaimhany isazv esur eandIcoul dseekut i
akaty a kana kundi vhunza . .
pasi na nguv a we
wer ei nmtpl easantpar kedout sidehergat e
ndakangot it oonanandokubv aabur ukai ni
ndokubv a ndar ov a pasi ..ndakabv a ndasv i
kumbandi chi bv i
sal iner aai zivandi chiisal i
rebasa . ..
ipacked my bag and ev erything
ndokubv a ndat obuda f uti ndokur ova pasi
ndakanangaVi cf alls..
Iwasdef initelygoi ngt obet hereear l
ymor ning
buthusi ku , ,
Iwas wor ried aboutkubat wa
nehopemur oadsoIwentt obuyener giser s
andf i
edmyt anknef uelt henmaj erican4
kumashur e ndai sada zv ekuper erwa nef uel
kana. .
.apamot ay achoy airov af uel...
ther oadbutImi ssedherbadl y, ,uspar t i
way sl i
ket hatwasj ustt oomuchf ormeat
easthashai dzodzowasmot i
vationf ormet o
v ef ast. .
.ndakabat wa ne an Idon' tcar e
tude,Idon' tcar eat ti
tudey ekupengachai y
whatwas t he poi nti ye Dee wacho anga
andiramba . honest lykana kut indi tiwe had
broken up or hadn' t ndai satoziv a,one
momenti tf eltlikewewer ebackont rackt hen
the nextmomentshe want ed t o br eakup, I
deci ded kumbomut arisa zv andakambomui ta
kumashur e ,
,but again akatanga
kudonha. .
.upper6wasgoi ngt obedi f
andIcoul dn' tstandherf ail
ing, shehadt opass
,ihadt opushherhar der. .
Idr ov eal lt hewayndi sinakumi r aandIgot
ther e ar ound 3 am ndokubv a ndananga pa
vicf allshot eland checked i n...
Iwentt o my
room ndi kaitazv ekuzv i
kandapamubhedha. .
was Soo exhaust ed ndanga ndaakunzwa
ny amadzangucompl ainingandIj ustdozed
off. ..
ithadbeenaser i
ousl yl ongdayandt he
ev ent soft hedayakai takut ibodyy angui pere
Simbachai ko. ..
.IwokeupKuma8andt ooka
shower, ,ndakambov hur amawi ndowf oral i
bitoff reshai r...
ndabat aphoney anguIcoul d
feel pai ni nmyhear t
,,Iwasusedt oma"I
mi ssy oumukuchi muka" . ..Manj eapapanga
pasi nakana1. ..ndakazv iudzakut iitwast he
ghtt hingt odoi fIcoul dcont rolmysexual
desi r est owar dsherIcoul dal socont rolt he
urget ot alkt o her. ..
ont heot herhand t he
visionofhernakedbodyy ait
or ambakubuda
mubr ain,,
Ihadnotmetapur ewomanbef ore
asi na kana kubat wa but zv andakaona
ndakwi dzat -shirtzv akakwi dz aj eal ousr angu
andi zive kut i ndai zogona kuzv i cont roll
her e. ..
Endofchapt er31
Chapt er32
assoonashedr oppedmeof fhedi dn' tev en
sayany t
hing, ,
hej ustlef tandal r
eadymyhear t
wasbr eakingev enmor e,Iwant edhi mt osay
somet hing but he di dn' t , ,
ndakar amba
ndakat ari
sa mot orndi kazongot il etme go
nsidet hehouseapaf eel i
ngl i
kemywor ldwas
crashingr i
ghti nmyf ace, Idi dn'twantt ot al
kt o
any oneandIwashappyt hatnoonewast here,,
Iwentst raighttomyr oom andt hrew my sel
ont hebedandcr i
edal ittlebi t,
,It ookmy
phoneexpect i
ngamessagebutIdi dnotf i
any .
..It ri
edt osleepal ittl
ebi tbutIcoul dnot
sleep, Ideci dedtogoandcookdi nneratl eastI
woul d shi ft my mi nd and t hink about
somet hingel sethathadnot hingt odowi thhim
Ideci ded t o prepar ea t hr eecour semeal
knowi ngi twasgoi ngt ot akemor eofmyt i
meani ngIwoul dhav emor et imeconcent rat i
onsomet hingel se..
.Vanamamav akadzoka
ndat opedza Kar e and ndakabv a ndat oset t
tablendi kaisaf oodf ort hem t oeat. ..
Mama: mmmmm mukundi akat itangira
zvimweneny ayay ecooki ngi y i
Me: nhai mamahanz iiko.
Dad:si yamwanawangushe' sdoi ngi toutof
thegoodnessofherhear t,notbecauseof a
NdakanzwaHanakur ovawhenhesai dthat. .
Mama:I '
m notsay ing kut ishe' s doi ng i t
becauseofamanI '
m say ingshewaspushed
nt her i
ghtdi rect
ionandi m gl ad. .
Dad:t hanky oundangandat ipamwemur ikut i
my daught er i s hav ing boy fri
end' s already
especi allyhert eacherndangandaakut ofunga
kumuchi nj achi kor o.
Ndakabv a ndat ar i
sana namama ndokubv a
ndat ar i
sapasiandpr et endedt oeatbutny aya
yadaddyy anga y andivhi ndut sa .He act uall
didn'tknow kut indav a nay o boy fr
iend and
wor sey es,mukundimyt eacher. .apat anga
tarambana f ut i saka ndanga ndi sisina ,
andi tozi vekut it angat ar ambanaher ekanakut i
tangat i
sat it arambana. ..Zv aitoshupat ryingt o
under standwhat everhadhappenedbet ween
mukundiandI .
Di onakabv aapi ndat i
ripakat i
pekudy at henhesatdownt oeataswel l
greet edev eryonet hensatdown. ..
Mama: mazuv ano Di on ur ikungof amba
zv i
singanz wisi sikeur i
kui tanez vei.
Dion: goingar oundwei ghi ngmyopt ions. .
Me: mmmmm ay as.
Dion: ko mukundi ar i
kuf amba ne l atest
BMW, sirv akov aipa.
Mama: wav aonakupi ???
Dion: mur oadi momu.
Dad:l atestBMW f orat eacher? ???impossi ble
Me: hai siy av o.
Mama: howdoy ouknow.
Me:ndakambov aona v ainay o ndi kavav hunza
vakat i ndey efriendy avo...
Dion: Hai namapl ates, ,
,ichi r
iny owani ka. ...
Me: Ihav enoi dea.
Mama: ingashamwar iy achohasagoodhear t
,kungosi iraot ishandi sa, isinamapl ates. ..
Dad: mf anha uy e anenge anel i
si nganzwi sisike. ..
Dion:butmunhubhozv okut ianywayIhav e
decidedIwannawor kf orthegov ernment ...
Dad:It houghty ouwer ecomi ngt owor kwi th
me, whywoul dy ouwor kfort hegov er nment. ..
Dion: Ihav emyt ar get. ..
Mamawhatki ndofj obi nthegov ernment ? ?
Dion: I.T
Dad:y ouhav et ohav egoodconnect ionsor
elsey ouwi l
l bewai stingy ourt i
memyboy. .
Dion: Ido.
Mama: who
Dion: muchamuona. ..
Dadwasr eal l
yagai nst Di onwor ki ngf orthe
gov ernment ,
,her eal l
ywant edhi mt owor kwi th
himi nt hef ami lybusi nessbecauseheal way s
saidt hatev eni fhewast or eti
reordi ehe
woul dwantbot hofust obeabl et or unt he
business t hat '
s why Ial so ev en as Iwas
study i
ng ar chi tect ur eheal so want ed met o
study busi ness, , dad had an i nsur ance
companysohewant edmet ost udyt hatas
well asi ndakangot i ndozozv iona kana
ndapedza st udy ing what I want ed t o
study ..
.nyaya y acho y akambonet sa kusv ika
mamav azoti seizef iret ozoitaura...
Iclear ed t het abl endokubv andaendahangu
kunogeza nekut or ara . .
.day s mov ed and
mukundihaana kut aur a neniapa ndanga
ndaakur wara chai ko Ineeded hi m badl y ,
ndakai sa phone y angu on pr i
v at e nekut i
ndai sadaaonekut indi nindi rikumuf oner abut
phone y ake y airamba . I kept t r ying but
yaingor amba. .
.moy owakat angakut ov hiringika
kutisakamukundianaani, apaRei nawasa
mat urewomanai zivazv akawandaandIwas
ustDeeachi rikuendakuchi kor o,kisschai yo
ndakadzi dzi swa na Muku, Idi dn' tev en know
how t o pl ease hi m t he wayy aigonekwa na
Reina,she r eal l
yr uined my sel f est eem
nyangwez vangundangandaz vizivakut ihel eft
herbecausehewant edmebutIcoul dn'tget
thepi ctureoutofmyheadndangandamuona
akabat i
riraPanamukuwangu. ....
Any wayIsl eptv erylatendokumukav eryear l
looking at my phone hopi ng t o get a
messagef r om hi m butt her ewasnot hing I
want edt ocr ybutIkepthol dingmyt earsbackI
d my selft hathe was goi ng t o cal l
reminded my sel fthathe t old me t hathe
couldn'tdowi thoutmesoIwant edt oseei fhe
couldn'tdo wi thoutme f orsur e,,Iputmy
phoneont hesi dethenIgotupandwentt o
bath ndapedza ndakazv i
tar i
sa i nt he mi r
ndisatindapf eka , ,
Inga Ihad a ni ce body
wani ,
,mazi so akazongonanga pandai ve
ndabat wa namukundibody y ese ndokubv a
yamer era, ,
fhecoul ddot hatt omeasi posur e
Aidandi rarameseindi sinay e, ,ndakany arakut i
surekungomuf unganekumer eraher ev eduwee
ndakabv andapf ekahembef astnekuny ara. .
Ndakaswer andakar aranekut iIhadnot hingt o
do ndanga ndaakut o bhowekana
chaiko...mamandov akazondi dai dzazv ikanzi..
"KohausikuendakwanaJeanher ehanz iy ou
shouldcomef ort hehol iday s...
"Aaaahmamahandi si kudai ni.
"Theyar e al way s her e kuz okuona buty ou
nevergot ot hei rhousehazv inakunakai t'
sasi f
vanengev aakuonakungeunepr idemwanangu.
"Mamai niI'mj ustnotusedt osomanypeopl e
andbesi dest het hi
ngst hatwel ikear ej ust
differentsoIpr eferbei ngbymy self....
nl i
f et her ei sf ami ly, i
sdi f
ferentf rom t he
restoft hepeopl eoutt hereandwi t h f ami l
you shoul dkeepcl oser elations
,sosi ncet heyar eal way smaki nganef fortof
comi ngher etoseey ouIt hinky oushoul djust
returnt heef f
ortand showt hem t haty oual so
treasur et hem.y ouhav et ol ovet hem l ikey our
fami lyandbesi desy ouar eoft hesameage
youneedt i
met ol oosenuphangout ,
,hav ef un
nst eadofbei ng st ucki ndoor s.
"Kondi kaf uri
rwazv i
"Itrusty ouknowhowt omakegoodchoi ces. .
"Ehomamandoendanextweek. ..letmej ust
tospendaweekher eathomeIj ustwantt o
Chokwadindechekut indai fungamukundiand
ndai sada di sturbance f r
om any one . .
Ndakasi mukaandl ookedf orsomet hingt oeat
ndokubv a ndazoenda kubedr oom kwangu
nai cho chandanga ndat aurirawo kut iI
want ed t o ki ss someone el se . .
Ndai sat omboda i ni apa t hat st atement
ndoy angay ati
siy apat angat ava, ,
,day smov ed
forsur emukundihaanakanakuf onakanapa
app ai sabat i
ka . ..
.Saka t anga t at orambana
sure? ??Thedaybef or endaendakwanaJean
ndopandakanzwaDi onachi taurapaphone, ,
ndakangonzwa pekut i aribho uyu
akangozv ivhar i
ramur oom make. .
.Hanay angu
yakar ov a ndakabv a ndav hur a doorr ake i ye
achi bv aakat aphone. .
"Kot aakuv hirir
anamadoorher e? ??
"Iweunongopi ndamanv uwani .
"Mmmmm whatcanIhel pyouwi th..
"Wangauchi taur anaani ko..
"Hamay angu. .
"Ani ?
"Ij ustwannaknow kaniDi on,,ndi mukundi
here? ?
Akabv aarambaakandi t
ar i
sat henhel aughed.
"Arey ouguy sfight ing?becausehewasaski ng
abouty ouandy ouar easki ngabouthi my et
youbot hhav ephones. .
"afonanenumberdz ipi.
"Answermyquest ionf i
rst,,what '
sgoi ngon..
"Wehav eal it
tlemi sunder standing...
"Didhecheatony ou.
"Sakachi i.
ustsai dsomet hingst upi
dt hat'
"Whatdi dy ousay ..
"Ican'ttellyou,y ouar emybr ot
urimysi sterbet t
er. .
"Icanbey oursi sterkanawada. ..
"Ican'ttellyouhonest ly..
nehephonedmepr ivate..
"Iknowy oucanseet henumberkanawada. ..
"Lol buthandi sikuda. ..
"Justcheckkani .
"Unondi pei?
"What every ouwant. ...
"FineIwannabr ingmygi r
riendher ebuty ou
lhav etol i
et hati t'syourf ri
"Deal .
Het ookhi slapt opandconnect edhi sphone
hamhenozv aangaav akuitabuthewast r
y i
tocheckt henumbery angay amuf onerairipa
..Het r
eup. .
"Mmmmm t he syst
em he used ir
ipamber i
ssy st
m seriousifIkeeptryi

focus on my j ob and not hing el se but
ndakar wadzi wa kut i my bae was l ocking
herselfupi nherr oom. Iwast empt edtocal lher
butIt houghtmay beshest il
ndakaf unga hangu kumboi ta mi sikanzwa
wekumboongor ora kut i ar ikuita nezv ei
chaizvo, soIhackedherphone, ,
now thatwas
easyf ormendai itany angwendakat sinzinya
she had al r
eady war ned me aboutki ssing
someone and honest ly my hear twas not
ed . .
any wayiwas act ual lywai sting my
met her ewasnot hingi nherphone, ,Iwas
happy kut i she hadnt r epl aced me y et
.ndakasi yananazv ot hen Iat tended toa
messaget hatcameonmyphone. ..
"Barcar epor tnow. ..
.samespot .
Igrabbedmyl aptopandl eftIhad20mi nt o
reportt omeet i
ngpoi nt .
igoti nt omyBM and
drovel ikeIwasf l
ying. .15mi nut esIwast hereI
umpedoutofmycar andwentst rai
ghti nto
hiscar. ..
"Mrpr esi dentsi r..
"Barca. ..
y ouhav etogot oRussi a.
"yessi r.
"tonight !!!Mi ssiongr andawai ting.
"yessi r, i
sRei naawar e? ??
"thistime y ouar e goi ngal one, sheseemsa
ledi struct ed.
"doy ouknowwhysi r.
"yout el lmeBar ca,shesy ourpar t
ycoul dnott ellhimt hati thadt odowi th
mygi rlfriend, ,Isti
llhadt opr ot ecther, ,
nott hat
Iwaswor ri
ednooneknew ofmyexi stencei
reportedst raightt ot hepr esi dent ..Ev ent he
c10wasbel owme. ..
"Idon' tknow si r,woment endt oget weak
alongt heway.
mr emov i
ngherof fherdut ies. .
"may bey oushoul dgi veherachance.
"Ican' tt r
usther. ..
Thi swasbadnews, ,shewasgoi ngt ot hi
thatmay beIgotherr emov edof fherdut i
any wayt hatwasntmypr oblem ndakat oti
rega ndi siyane nazv o ndozv itemesa musor o
nez vinhuzv isi
snabasa. ..
Iwasnow t hinking
kut indodzokar ii
ni,Ihadt obebacki naweek, ,
was wor ried aboutaboutmy bae . ...
apa I
coul dntev entellhert hatIwasgoi ngoutofof
thecount ry...
.Ihadt ocat chaf l
ightbackt o
har aremeani ngIwasgoi ngt ol eav emycari n
Vicf alls...
Themeet ingendedandIgotoutofhi scar
ndookupi ndamuney angundakabv andat orov a
pasindakanangabackt ot hehot el,t
imey angu
was l i
mi ted I had t o buy a t icket f i
.ndakangopakabyt hehot elt henipacked
myst uffandcheckedout ,Iwentt oGr itt
housekunosi ya mot a, shewasa f el
low I .
speci alistbutdi dn'tknow much aboutme
any way .
.Igotmyt icketandheadedf ort he
airpor tGrittadroppedmeof f. .
"Sowhenar e y oucomi ngback?
"t hispl acei st oohotl ol, ,
Iwi lllety ouknow
okay. .
"whydi dy ouhav etol eav esoosuddenl y? .
"somet hingur gentcameupi nhar are dont
wor rykeepmycarsaf eIwi ll backf ori t..
"besaf eokay .
"thanks. ..
Inaboutov eranhourIwasi nhar areIwas
uckyIgotaf l
ightthatwasl eav i
ngi n20mi n
from t het het i
met hatIgott ot heai r
por t
tookat axihomeandt ookmyi mpor tantstuff,I
want edt ocal lDee, Iwast empt edndi chibva
ndasi yana nazv o, ,
one t hing Iknew was t o
cont r olmyf eeli
twast imet ofocuskana
Rei naangaazv i
onakut iIwasget ti
ng abi t
weak. ....
itsapi t
yIhadpushedhert ot aket he
obwi thmebutnow shewasaboutt ol oseit
becauseofme. ..
.Ihadt ocallherandf ind
outwhatwaswr ongwi thher. .
.shetookal i
ongt oanswermycal l hamhenozv aii
twa. .
"Rei na.
"y oudeci dedt ocallme?
"what '
sgoi ngonwi thy ou?
"not hingwhy .
"thebossai n'
"whatdi dhesay. .
"y ouar eunst ablewhat '
sgoi ngon. ..
"Iwi llbef ine. .
"justt ellmewhat sgoi ng...
'm pr egnantMuku.
"shi iit,
,,comeonRei nahowdi dt hathappen. .
"Idontev enknow. .
"soy ouwant edt osl eepwi thmewheny ou
knewt haty ouwer epr egnant ..
tj usthappenedmukundi .
Ohshewasget ti
ngmemad, ,
didshet r
yt opin
tonme? now itmadesense, whyshewas
put tingsoomuchpr essur eonme, that'
sheaskedmet ogetmar riedtoher.
"haudar oshaahaudar o.
"I'm sor ry.
"ndey ani?
"thatsameguy .
"It houghty oudi dntl i
kehi m.
"Idont, wej ustgotdr unkt oget herandone
thingl edt ot heot her,,
,nowI '
m pr egnant .
"wel lt hat '
sagoodt hingbecausey ouwer e
meantt ogetmar riedt ohim any way .
"ButIl ov ey ouMar ti
"wenev eragr eedonsuchemot ionsandy ou
can' tbet ell
ingmet hat.
"I'm sor ryokayIj ustmi ssy ou.
"Rei napl easeany wayi hav etogo. ..
"don' thangup.
"Ihav et o. .
Honest lyndakaponanepadi kidi kiorel seIwas
goi ngt obegi venababyt hatwasntmi ne, soif
shecoul ddot hatt omei tmeantshewasnt
wor t
hy t o be my par tner on any
mi ssi on....t
aizongoonana when i thad t o do
wi thbusi ness...Igr abbedmyst uf f andmy
diplomat ic passpor t,,t
he t axiguy was st i
wai tingf ormeout sidetakabv at angonangaKu
airpor t.....
Iwasi nRussi af oraweek, ,
mymi ssion was
compl ete, ,that's wher e Ihad been t rained
bef oret henIwentt otheSt ates,,allthattimeI
wasal oneandRei nanev erwentt hroughsuch
trainingakazongoi tambi janai nzi m. ..
It ook
anot hert axiback home , iwas exhaust ed
ndakasv ika nekur ara hangu. ..for aboutt wo
hour s. .
ndakazomuka 5 and changed l ines
ndokubv a ndaf oner a Tsano , ,
babi e ndanga
ndar isuwawayt oomuch. .
"Tsano. ..
"kudz okaher euku. .
"y aandi rikumbahowar ey ou..
"Goodhowf armadeal sangu. .?
"tinotaurakomukadzi arikupi ..
"shewentt oourcousi nshousekwanaJean. .
"hoookt hanks. .
bho. .
It ook my l apt op ndikambopi nda pa phone
pakehake , ,
ther ewasamessagesentkuna
Tina, ,
anothercousi nofher shanzi .
"Jeani ssay ingweshoul dgocl ubbingbutI '
scaredhanguapat eam r aker i
yar el astti
vanaKunashev anengev aripo.
"sakawhatar ey ouscar edofhandeshaay ou
needabi toff unhant ithat st her easonwegot
you f rom t hathouse usai te kunge mwana
Mudi kiwakur a. ..
"okaysooshesai dweshoul dmeetkuma6we
iedkut iwear egoi ngKupar tyy anaNy asha
andi kuperakuma12. ..
"good saka ndozv andav akuudzawo mama
kuno. .
seey oui nanhour. .
"butI 'm scaredshav anhuv enyuav a.
kunashezv aangaaakudakundi ita..
"relaxmabosst inenget i
ripo. .
Ndakapedz a hangu kuverenga but
ndat osvotwaheav y..
Anot her one came f rom kunashe wacho
zvichinzihesi Baendakusuwa. ..
Ndakanzwa hasha dzi ri ser ious ndokubv a
ndambobv a pa l
nepaphone. ...
ndokubv andat angakupi ndapamaphoneAv o
veseusi ng Di ana'scont act s, ,
untilIgott he
ocat ion . ..
..Iwaspi ssed, ,Iwant edt oknow
kutizv aangaaedzakui t
azv achondezv ipiand
whywasshemeet i
nghi m agai naf terhet ri
zvacho zv aaida kui ta . .
..kurev a kut i anga
a kunopedzi
swa kui
twa zv
waka. .

Chapt er34
Beingwi t
hmycousi nszv ait
rami yedzo
chaiy o,pakut imisikanzwandi popai t
manj eapandangandi satindazv i
ai ni,Iwent
therendi singadeapav aiv evakarongadhende
reholidaychai ro.
..Thef irstfew day swer eok
untilthedaywewentf ort hemov iesandwe
metboy sint own. .apav angav akatorongakut i
umwe neumwe wake ,i twas Jean,Ti na,
Ny ashaandI,andf ourboy saswel lIcoul dn't
evensaynondangandat ogarandaudzi rwakut i
usazot imaki sakwat i
rikuendasoIact edcool
and pr etended t o be okay wi t h ev erything
nyangwehangundai ty aIdi dn'
twannashowi t
.Wewentf orthemov i
est i
kagar at i
kudar oi nindiinakunasheapav anhundokubv a
vany atsosar udza r omant ic mov i
e zv ekutiI
could seemostoft hepeopl ei nt hemov i
housewer ekissingandt ouchingapandanga
ndav akuny arasei ?NdakanzwaHanakur ova
ndichizv i
v hunza kut iko ndi ri
kut svageipano
apa kuv hunduka Muku manj e . .. I kept
remember ing hi s wor ds achi ti Dee
unokuv adzisa v ana v ev ari
dziapa kunashe
angaakai takugar apadhuzenenikui takunge
v et akagarapaseatone. .
.Ikeptchecki ng
myphonendi chidakuonakut iapanakupi nda
message f rom Muku her e because ndai t
ngai te.AndpaAv ondal
eaimbopauy aand
Ihad no i deakut iangaadzokaher esezv o
panga pasi na kana communi cation pakat i
pedu. Whenev er pandai zvivhunza kut i
takarambana her e Ir emember ed hi s words
achitiIcangi v ey ouspacenotkut itarambana
"Asiy ou are expect i
ng a message f r
someone. .
"Ndi ani wako?
"Whatdoy oumean?
"AsIsai dmunhuwangu.
Hel eftmel i
ket hatbutangaaakungosweder a
padhuzeneniapa ndanga ndaakushay a kuti
ndoita sei ndakazoona hi s hand on my
shoul derndakambot ihaa ndezv e mumov ie,
ndioneeh, ,
,het urnedmyheadt ol ookathi m
aakut oda kundi pa ki ss ndi kajamuka . ..
Ndakazoona v anhu v avakucheuka cheuka i n
themov iehouset henIdeci dedt ochi ll
wascl osetomendi yeAkaonay ese....
"Kowhykuj amukakudar oasifyouhav enever
beenki ssed.
"Ihav ebeenki ssedbutj ustnotnewe.
"Ther e'salway saf i
rstt i
" Yes and ma f ir
st t i
me angu ndozi va
kwekui tira.
"Tjooooounekar ough.
"Yetkachokwadi .
"Sor ryhakoshaaa. .
Heendedupi gnor ingmet i
llt hemov i
nished, ,tav apanzemanj ehewant edt ohol d
myhand l ikev anhu v anodanana and Ikept
mov ingawayf r
om hi m ndai sadazv ekuiti
dzungu. Ti na na Jean v aingoseka kunge
masaskam i nindi chitobhowekana.Theguy s
tookusoutf orlunchapahewant edt ofeedme
ndakapi ndabusy, ,
hewasj ustt oof astf ormy
ikinghewasj ustt ot allydi f
ferentf rom muku
wangu , , muku was r eser ved and anga
asingandi mhany i
...Imi ssedhi m Ireallydi d,,
takaz osiyanaaf terweat et avakuendakumba.
Kunashe nev erspoke t o me unt i
lt he day
ratangat aakunzit iendekupar t
yIdon' tknow
why mai nini v angu v ai sava net oo much
ctnessnekut ikungot ikwai tapar t
yzv otonzi
ehoi hav ef unmusangoi temi sikanzwachet e. .
ikeipapawewentt ot ell herzv ikanzi ehoi .
Takadzoker akur oom kwedunaJeanndokubv a
avakut osar udzasomet hingt owear. .
"Zv aur iweDeeundi maki sel i
key oudi dl ast
me, ,somet imesunehuSRB hunokubat a,
kutindi tikupusa kana kut ichi ihamheno
zvinoitikapaur i
"Andi ngodidzunguchet ehow cansomeone
ustki ssmef rom t hebl uewhenwehav ej ust
methausat ikanawaakundi zivakokanandi ne
mar ondamukanwaunoi tasei?Kokanai ye
ainawo mar onda haa kana ngazv i
gar e
mondi siyanehusr bhwangundohuda. ..
" Hes a good guy shaaa hausat i
waakumunzwi sisa.
"Ifhe' sgoodhowcomehei ssi ngl
eseiusi na
kumut orai wewe. ..
"Becausendi nay ewangu. .
"Kananemi wondi nay ewanguamungomuzi ve
chete. .
Akafahakenekuseka, ,shedi dn'tbel ieveme
hanzi skir
irekudakur ambanar okunashe. .
"Idon' thav et ohav ear easony ekumur amba
kusatongomuda kwacho i koko i s r eason
enough. .
"Sakahaunakanakumuf eeler?? ?
"Any wayev eni fy oudohav eaboy fr
iendwhi ch
I suspect y ou don' t,
, musi kana haai te
mukomanahwani , i
t'slikemot orkuf ambai sina
sparewheel koi kaponj av hiriunoitasei ...
Ndakangomut arisa and st arted t hinking kut i
sakaMukuIwheel rangar atoponj asur eher e...
Sakawasheev ent hinki ng aboutme?Sur e
kuendanekuender atu.Iwasmadathi mf ornot
even bot hering t o cal lmekungeasi ngazive
number y angu was t hat how l ove was
supposedt obe, ,wasl ov esupposedt ohur t
iket hat?Iwant edmypai nt ost opIcoul dn't
handlei tany mor e. .
.Itwast oomucht obar ei f
he coul d do t hatt o me kur ev a kut ianga
asingandideka, ,hehadsai dhecoul dn'tdo
withoutmebuti twascl eart hathel iedhewas
doingwel lwi thoutme, ,Iwant edt ocr ybutI
heldbackmyt ear sIdi dnotwantJeant osee
me cr yi
ng ai zov hunzi sisa zv akawanda.So I
decidedt ogoandhav ef unIwasscar edbut
even Ti na had sai d don' twor r y. .ndakabv a
ndatotanga br ushi ng my weav e ni cely and
choosi ngwhatt owear. ...
Ndakabv andapi hwaKanokadr esskat ikitiki
naJean. ..
"Ican' tweart hisnoway .
"Udakuendawakapf ekat sigandi kur ooreku
"Nobutsomet hingdecent. .
"Ndoodecenty ekucl ubmanj eiy i
"Iwoul dratherwearJeans. .
" Noway ukuona zv auri kui t
a Dee
unony atsobhoway oucan' tevenl oosenupand
benor mal, ,youmakeusal llookl i
kebadgi rl
ustputI tonpl ease. .
"Amanakamusadar oSookundi omeser a.
"Hapanakukuomeser ai t'
st i
met ogr owupand
getoutofy ourshel lt hisiswhatgi rl
"Idon' twantwhatev er yoneel sei sdoi ngIjust
wantwhati sr i
ghtf orme and whatIf eel
comf or t
abl edoi ngchet e. .
"Youneedt ogetoutofy ourcomf ortzone
anywayi t
'sf i
nalhapanaar i
kupf ekamaj eans
allmi nidresses. ..
I gav e up t ry i
ng t o conv ince her ndaka
zongopf ekat henshedi dmymakeupIwas
ooki ng st unni ng ndakat oz vi
onawo ndega
sheal so dr essedupakapedzandokubv a
tavakubuda, wewentt osaygoodby eKuna
mai ninizv i
kanzi ..
Mai nini:zv amur i
mimur arwenev ar umei koko
becar efulandt akecar eofy oursel ves. ..
Me: aaahmai nini zvoitwanaani izv ozv o.
Mai nini:panewandi not yi
raanozv iziva. .
Takangot arisananaJean.
Jean: zv amamazv akaomahamudar oimi mi.
Mai nini:Iknow Igi v
ey ouf r
eedom butdon' t
takeadv ant ageofi thandi ti
ka, andi dizv i
ndinindakai taui temi sikanzwa, ,I
'ml etti
ngy ou
gooutsot haty oucanseewhat '
soutt her ebut
doesn' tmean getcar ri
ed away ,kui t
ira kuti
musazonet sa mav a mudzi mba kana
machember a mozoda kut amba husi kana
gararaimat otamba muchi rimakadaibutbe
carefuloutt here, therear ev ultureswai tingfor
young gi rls l i
ke y ou musany engedzwe
nezvisi nabasaandi ti
ka. .
"Yes. ..
..takadai ratese.
Sot hat 'swhyshewasl iket hat,,
shewant edus
toexper iencel i
fe, thenst illlearnt ohav eself
control , ,,
v aisada v anhu v anoita zv ekubira
hanzi t aur ai kwamur i kuda kuenda
handi rambe asibehav ey oursel fand come
backhomenomat terwhat, ,
varimama v angu hawai buda zv ekumhany a
shedi dn'tmi nddur ingt hedaybutmanher u
waisapabuda hanzi mwanasi kana anobuda
achiendakupi husiku.
Takabudaandwegotat axit hatdr oppedus
off pacl ub Pabl os. .
Hana y ainyat sorova
ndakapot sa ndashai wa st ep ,,hande
pakunopi ndandai nz wabodyi chipisanekut ya
chete. ..
.ndakazozv i
shingi sandokubv at apinda
vana kunashe wer et her e al ready , ,
we got
nside, ,
,i twasn' tt hatpacked y etbutt he
environmenty aingoi t
auv eabi tfreembi chana
butst il
lndai tyakuonekwanev anhuv ekuziva
evenv anhuv ekuchi koro. .themusi cwasni ce
nihanguIsatdownt ryingt ogetusedt othe
place al ready .
.they boughtsi der s ndokubv a
ndapi hwaonenakunashe.
"Not hanksandi di doro.
"Har i
si dor oi t'
sj ustasi der .
" Any thing wi th al cohol i doro ny angwe
mukachi njaZitamukat iSider.
"I twi llmakey oul oosenupshaawany anya
kust ickerkwacho.
"It'smyf i
meher ei mbondi miri
"Okcool canweatl eastdance. ..
"Notnowt ozot amba. .
Shamemunhuakapi ndabusykundi ny engerera
..ndokubv at atangakut ambabutndai ngoita
owl ow. ..Jeanndi y
eakazondi manikidzakunwa
Siderr iy
eapar ainditambudzaseiapandanga
ndav akungo smi l
timewasmov ing ,i
around 9 It hink when It ook my phone
ndi chimboda kuona kut i muku haana
kundi t
sv agawoher e. ..
butt herewasnot hing..
ndakasv ot waKunasheakabv aauy aandhel d
mywai stzv ikanzil et'sdanceapav anhuv anga
vawanda manj e , we began danci ng
ndakazoona aakudz i
kisa musor o want i
ng t o
kissme, apaIwasf eeli
ngt ipsyIwasshyt o
ook at hi m ndakabv a ndat ari
sa kusi de...
kwandakat ari
sakwachoIal mosthadast roke
ndi chisangani dzana mazi so na Mukundi
ndakabv andazv ibvisapaKunashef asthana
chi rov a,
,apaMukundiachi rambaakandi t
ar i
Endofchapt er
Chapt er35
Myhear tbeganpoundi ng, ,
how didheknow
thatiwasi nt hatclubhow di dheev engeti n
the club? Ididn'tknow whatt o do he had
caught mer edhanded aboutt ogetki ssed
byanot herguy .
.apaKunashehaanakuzv iona
ka zv ese pandakabv a paari akabv a
atofamba st ep cl oser achi uya pandi ri
ndokubv a andidhonzera paar ihis hands Ar i
ghtlycl oset omyassndokubv aaf ambisa
maokoakekumusanakwangu. .
"Kunasheusadar o..
"Why ?don' tyouwantt his,,wewer ejustabout
tokiss, ,whathappened?
"Wewer enotaboutt okissy ouwantedt okiss
"Sakay oudon' twannaki ssme. .
Apaai tauraachi bvaadzi ki
samaokokusv i
pazv i
dy a zv angundokubv a akuda kuenda
kumagar ondakaonaabat war uokonamuku. ..
Kunashe: hezv o mukur u kwakanaka her e
kwamandi batar uoko...
Muku: pawabat apakwana. .
Kunashe: thisismygi rlumbor iAnianosv i
Me: kunashe.
Muku: Deeny arara..
Me: Muku
Muku: Ndatiny arar
amhani .
Kunashe: l
eavemyhand. .
Muku:mf anha unody a namambo une zer a
navoher e.
Kunashe: Deewhoi sthisguy.
Muku:f r
om t his momenthauchabv umidzwa
kutaur anay e. .
Kunashe: naani manj e?
Muku: nemur i
dzi wake.
Kunashe: nhaiweDee
Asat iapedzaf i
ghty aakarohwapamur omohe
coul dn't ev en cr y or scr eam or any thing
akangogomer a ka1 akabat a mur omo
wakut obudar opa. .Ialmostt houghtkut iabv a
zino...apaMukuhaanakumur egedza...
Me: Mukunhai ..
Muku: ndat inyarar a..
Ndakabv a ndat ya and Ikeptqui et. .
.akabv a
amudhonzaaakububudanay epanzebecause
peopl ewer est ar t
ing to star eapaanaJean
hamhenomukat imav angav apindav andisiya
na Kunashe . ..kana ma bouncer pa door
Hav ana kana kuv hunza kut ichiichi rikuit
patai buda panze apa t he way y aifambwa
yakabat wa munhu wai t
ofunga kut iv anhu
varikuwi rirana. ..takabvat aendapaneBMW y e
whit endokubv at ami raipapoandIwonder ed
kutii mot ay aaanizv ekar e,,butIcoul dn'task
nema1ai iti
kai papo. ..
Kunasheakai swapamot azvikanzi..
Muku: Deekondi yaniwakouy unhai babie. .
Muku:hoo okay, ,
saka mf anha i wewe wat i
musi kana ndewako, ,ndaakuchi kuvhunza kut i
Deendi yaniwako?
Akangozunguzamusor ozv ekut iIdon'tknow. .
Muku:haudar o because mukat iumo wat i
ndewakousandi itebenzi .
Kunashe: sosososor r
ymukur u.
Muku: wambondi tii we sha t i
ri mukat i
umo, ndat imusi kanandewani .
Me: ndendendeweny umukur u.
Muku: wabat i
reipasiri pako.
Asati api ndur a mbama y
aakar ohwa
ndakav har a kumeso. .
.ndakaf amba kuenda
paari but ai deder a nehasha ndai shaya
pekubat a. .
Me: Mukupl easeusadar o.
Muku: Deendakut i nyar arakar eiwewe. .
Me: pleaseMuku.
Muku: ndat indarara...Ihater epeatingmy self.
Kunashe:mukur u munondi kuvadza I '
m Soo
yIdi dn'tknow shehadaboy fri
nevert oldmet hatshehadaboy friend,,Iwas
ustt r
y ingmyl uck. ..
Muku: wakamuonakangani .
Kunashe: todayi st hesecondsecondday ..
Muku: pa2day swabat agumbor akepa2y ear
Inev ert ouched gumbo r akeand andi toziv
bat a, ,unozv i
ziveher e..
Kunashe: noandI '
m sor ry..
Muku: akut indibate? ? ?
Kunashe: noohaana. .
Muku: sakawabat amukadzi wangu.
Kunashe: I'm sorry.
Muku:wakamboonamur umeanot ambi r
asor ry
wamukadzi ..
Kunashe: andi zivenekut iandi namukadzi ?
Muku: chi mira ndi kudzi dzise zv auchazoi t
musi waunobat i
rwamukadzi ...
Ndakaona munhu achi ngonzi t aa pazasi
penzev ezv i
rismar tbutdonher oy aakaitapasi
handinakui nzwi sisa,,
haanakanakui tasound
akaedza kumuka butakat adza kumuka ai ti
akaedza kumuka obv a adonha pasi
pakat si kwa mabhor a ndopaakazhamba
zvakasi ri
risa . .akazoi t
a zv ekusi mudzwa na
mukuakami swapamot abutai tadzakumi ra..
akar amba akat ariswa ndi kaona Muku achi r
kudeder anehashaakangor ohwambi j
anachet e
paser ipemut sipa achi bva adonha pasil i
munhuaf enda. .
Me: Mukuunokuv adzamunhumhani .
Muku:i weka. .
.ndat inyarara, ,
chi pindamumot a
one. .
Me: Aiwa.
Muku: Saka uda kuenda nay e ndi kusi
y e
mupedzi se zv amanga mat anga , ,so t hisi s
whaty ouwant edDee, ,
,2f l
ippiny ear sInev er
touchedy ouwher ehet ouchedy ou.
Me: MukuI '
m sor ry.
Muku:nooy ouar enotsor r
y, ,y
out oldmey ou
want ed t his, ,
soo wazv i
wana ka zv awanga
uchidakwangosar akisschet eIdi sturbedy ou
handi ti
.urikuedza kui ta sei i wewe , ,iwewe
andif e ndakakur ov a but ndi char ova wese
achabat aiwewe.
Me: noMukuIdi dn'twantany thingf rom hi m..
Muku: munhu wako ndomukuv adza uy u
ndirikutongokuny ara padi ki di ki and
kukwi dza hasha dzangu
nez vawakapf eka. ..
.wakatanga r i
ini i wewe
kupf eka Soo kupf eka sehur esur eDee, ,
zvinhuzv anguzv esezv iripanze. ?
Me: Ididn'tev enwantbutJeanf or cedme. .
Muku: ukabv uma hant i
...apa ukunhuwa
doro, ,
wakat angar iinii
wewekunwador o.
Me: Iwasf orcedt odri
nki t
Muku:oksakaev enhav i
ngsexf utiy ouwer e
goingt obef orcedt oo,,youmeetaguyt wo
minut es next t hing y ou ar e ki ssing and
touchi ng saka ndopenga her ei ninindanga
ndi si
ngakubat e, ,ndopengaher e?. .how coul d
youl ethi mt ouchy ouwher eInev ert ouched
howcoul dy ou..
Me: MukuIdi dn'twanthi mt oI swear. ..
He punched t he car nehasha . .
.ndokubv a
av huramot orachi pindazv ikanzi ndaakuenda. ..
Me: mukuhonamunhuhaasi kufemauy u..
Muku:anomuka af enda chet e.kana amuka
wozomupepakanhaibabi ehandi t imukomana
wako. .
Me:haasimukomawangumukuIdon' tev en
ikehi m.
Akabv aabudamumot andokur ov eradoorand
Muku:Seeusadekundi bhowaany wayuchi ri
mwana mudi ki I '
m t he st upid one
kukuchenger a,,
ndi nindi si
rikuda kut iuf are,
sakai mbof arababi ebutzi vakut iIcannev er
tolerat ethis, ,
ifthi si swhaty ouwantt heni t'
ov erbet weenus, ,It houghtIwoul dn'tlety ou
gobuti ft hisisy ournew pat h,,Yana Lana
,aiwagar ahakobabi eandi ngazv igone. ...
Me:Idon' twantt hisMukuIwanty ou..
dy i
ngt hewhol etimewakangondi ny arari
Muku:ohy ouwer edy i
ng? ??How i st hatso
wheny oucl earlyt oldmekut iMukuIcannotbe
wi thy ouany mor e...
Iwasscar edIwassoscar edofl osi ng hi m, I
ov edhi m andt hewayhewassoi nl ovewi th
me, ,
Icoul df eeli tal loverme. t
angr ywasmaki ngmel ovehi m mor e..
.Icoul d
notl ethi m goIdi dnotwantt olosehi m, ,
beendy ingt ohav ehi mf or2weeksbutt he
situationt hathef oundmei nwasnotpl easing
hewasf eelinghowIf eltwhenIf oundhi m na
Rei na,,Iwant edmymanIwant edhi m sobadI
coul dnot hol dbackmyt ear sIbegan cr ying
becauseapar tofmewasusedt ohav inghi m
n myl ife,,
Icoul d notev en i magi ne a day
wit houthi m,Idi dn' tcar eaboutany oneel seI
didn'tcar eabout whatt hegi rlsofmyage
want ed and enj oy ed doi ng because hapana
kana chai shami sira y aingov e mi si kanzwa
chet e. ..nowondermostoft hem wer el osing
focus and l osi ng di rection of t hei rl i
v es,
ev erythingt heydi dIcoul dseei twasnot hing
thatbenef i
ted me i n any way ,i twas j ust
car elessness, hav ing f un but wi thout
benef i
kudhakwa, kuhur a, ,andIcoul dnotl et
thatcostmemyr elationshi pwi thhi m. ...
Ndakaendapamber ipakeny angweakat samwa
kudar o,,Iwant edt oki sshi m, ,Iact ual lydi dbut
he didn't r espond ..ndakar wadzi wa
ndav akubv apaar ihepul l
edmei nt ohi sar ms
and hugged me t ightndai nzwa Hana y ake
chi rov aney anguy airovaf uti her eachedf ormy
ipsandki ssedme, ,goodnessi twasahungr y
andangr yki ss. ...
itwasSoodeepIdi dn' twant
tt ost op, bodyy esef eltli
kei twasn' tmi ne. .
He pul led of f, ,he was br eat hing heav y, ,
ookedi nt omyey est hent ookmeagai nand
kissedmeonemor et imei tjustwasn' tenough
Ibegan moani ng . ..
he was t rying har dt o
cont rolhi msel fbuthewas t or turingme, ,
wast ortur i
ngmywhol ebodyi tfeltf or eign. .
Vana Jean began cal l
ing ndi kav audza kut i
ndi ri
panze ndi kav audza kwekuuy a, ,
vakauy a
team r ese v akar ohwa neshock v akat ar i
Kunasheangaakar arapasi .
Jean: what 'sgoi ngon.
Me:meetmyboy friendMar tinIt oldy ouabout
him masi kati
Jean: aaahy ouwer eser iousni cet omeety ou.
Tina:aaaah ko whathappened t o kunashe
nhai mi .?
Muku: abat amukadzi wangundi kamur ova.
Jean: aaaahDeewabat waPai .
Me: l
ongst or
yndozokuudzai kumba. .
Muku: hausi kuendai koko.
Me: heewhatdoy oumean. ?
Muku: ukuendakumtpl easant.
Jean: comeonweonhol iday.
Muku: holidayi sov er. .
Tina: youcan' tjustt akeher .
Muku: IcanandI '
m doi ngi tnow.
Me: Mukuv anot indaendakupi .
Muku:v anot iwasangana na Di on waenda
kumba. ...
Akabv a at ovhur a mot a zv ikanzi pi nda
ndikapi nda. .
.akabv aat iJean
"Ndi igiro hembe dzake Mut own mangwana
ndichakut umi raMar iyet axi,
akabv aabudi sa50
us z vikanzi oy iy e t axi kuenda kumba
..ndakaona Jean achi seker era ndi kati
zvakaoma . ..
he went Kuna kunashe
akanomusi mudzaangaaungani rwanev amwe
vake ndi kaona v aakuda kunet sana na Muku
,vaakut odaidzi ra Hondo apa Hana y anga
yaakur ovakut iMukuanokuv adzwanav ov ese
vaingev ava4handi nakuonakut izvakafamba
seibuti n sec v ese v anga v av a pasiMuku
atopi nda mumot a y atomut swa t aakuenda
akabv i
sa t -
shi r
ty aanga akapf eka y anga
yaenda r opa r a kunashe r ai buda pamur omo
bva aakudr
iver asi
na t-
nemuwumbi r

Chapt er36&37
Allt hewayt ohishousehewasv er
yqui ethe
didn'twantt otalkandIwas t ryingnott o
rritatehi m,hewassoser i
ousl i
kehedi dn't
ev enwantmet out t
era wor dsl i
kewhat everI
wasgoi ngt osaywascompl etenonsense, ,I
deci dedt obesaf eandkeepmymout hshut .
Munhuakar ovamot aachi ngosv ikahepar ked
thecari nt hegarage. ..ndakabv andabudaapa
ka dr ess kanga kachi kwi nyika kusv ika
kumusor osor ochai ko..hej ustl ookedatme
andshookhi sheadandt henhesai dwhydo
youhav etoputi tonwheni tdoesn' tev enfit.
Ndakar ambandakany ararasemunhuangaai ne
ny ayadzakendai sadakur ambandi chibhowa
munhu i ye anga akabhowekana Kar e
,ndakabv a ndat anga kudzi kisa dr ess kut i
zv i
sany any e kuoneka kut ii pf upi..ndakabv a
ndabv i
sagogo dzangu ndokubat amumaoko
ndi chi
bv a ndaakuf amba kumashur e i ye
achi bva Ami r
a zv i
kanzi f amba kumber i
kwangu. ..
ndakamboda kur amba zv i
fambaur ikunyarei,,zvakaomandakany at
kuwachi swachai ko.
heunl ockedt hedoorandt henwewenti nside
thehousehet ookat owelandt henheshowed
mewher et hebat hroom was. ..
"Enda unogeza and pl ease ukweshe t svi
dzawai swanemunhuwako. .
Ij ustl ooked athi m and gr abbed t het owel
from hi m atwentt o bat h, ,ndakagezaand
bat hedagai nndokubv andabuda, ,Ijustt ooka
bigt owelandwr appedi tar oundmendanga
ndi sina hembe dz acho dzekupf eka and
besi des ndanga ndi sat i ndapi wa hembe
dzachodz ekupf eka, ,Iknew t hedr essIhad
beenwear ingwasanonest ar t
oft hebat hroom butIwasn' tsurewher et ogo
exact lyndakazongonanga ku r oom kwake,I
foundhi m onhi sphone, hel ookedatmet hen
hecar r
iedondoi ngwhat everhewasdoi ng...
Het ookl otionndokubv aauy apandi rindi kabva
ndagar aont hebedzv ikanzigi mmey ourhand,
ndakabv andat angakuzor wal oti
on...Fr om my
handsandt hemyl egshewasdoi ngi tSoo
slowl yandsendi ngshi versall overmybody. ..
Iev encl osedmyey es, ,hewast ort uri
badl yachi bv aandi siya. .
"Ar ey ouhungr y....
"Justal itt
le. .
Hewentt ot heki t
chenandmadeasandwi ch
formendokubv aandi i
girawi t
hj uice, ,Iat e
ndakany ararakony ay adzangadzi chi mbor i
her e,ndangandav akungot yaapaIwant edto
ask kut imanj e ndopf eka hembe dzi pibut
ndai tongoonakut iiyemunhuwacho anenge
asi rikuda kuv hunzwa because he was not
ev enment i
oningany thingabouti t,
asi ngazi v e kut indoda hembe . ..If i
eatingt henIwentt ot heki t
chenndi kanosiy
platei koko. .It ookadeepbr eathf oraf ew
secondsasist oodi nt heki tchenwonder i
howIwasgoi ngt ospendt heni ghtwi t
hhi mI
wasscar edj usti ncasemyauntcal l
s home
tof i
ndouti fIwast here,,Ir eallydidn'tknow
whatt o do butIcoul dn' tgo homeaswel l
becausei twasv eryl at
e.Iwentbacki ntothe
bedr oom and st ood i n f ront of hi m
ndichi mboshay azv ekutaur a..
"Mukuwhati ft heylookf orme. .
"Sor ted.
"Whatdoy oumean.
"Ndat auranat sano.
"Aaaahwamut ii
"Ndamut indi newendamuudz akut indokuunza
mangwana. .
"Zv i
kanzi chii?? ?
"Angot indi sakubat e..
.chetet sano hav aziv
kutiwabat waKar e..
"Mukui m sor ry..
"Sor ryy eiiwewangauchi zvi
da. .
"Zv aingoi t
ikaMuku. .
"Don' tbr i
ngoutt hewor stinmewazv i
Dee. .udakut i ndikuudzekangani ?
"I'mr eallysor ry,,
butwhydi dy ouhav et ohit
himl iket hat..
" Ukav a concer ned nay e kudar o unondipa
hasha because i t seems as i f unomuda
stereki .
.two weeks wanga wat owana
anokubat aBat a..
"NowIdon' tknowwhaty ouwantmet osay
"Iwanty out obeabl etot akecar eofy our
evenwhenI '
m nott her
eIneedt obeabl eto
defendy oursel fwhenputi nacor ner,Ineed
yout obeabl et obemywoman, andnotj ust
giveint oanyman. ..
"How doIev engett obel i
ket hathonest l
Muku. .
" I wi l
l t rain y ou t o be my
woman. .
.ndi kazv if
ungandi r
'swhaty oumadef eeltoo.
"Sot hat '
swasy oupayback. ...
unesur e?Une
"Noti nt ent i
onal ly,
"Usandi wedzer ehasha,Ican' tshar eawoman
hazv i
itewanzwa?Ndat iazvii
"Ihear dy ou, Ican' tshar eyouei ther.
Hewasj ustst aringatme.
"It'sl ike Idon' tev en know y ou muku chi i
chandozi va pamusor o pako i wewe , ,hapana
kanaoneandi tst ressesmeSoomuch. ..
wauy anei mwemot aandpl easedon' tli
et ome
kutiit'sy ourf riend'scarbecauseIknow y ou
willbel yingt ome. .
"Sohowdoy ouknowt hatI'
ml yi
ngy ety ouare
sayingy oudon' tknowany t
hingaboutme, ,
don'tshi ftny ayay anguandi dikuonamunhu
anobat amunhuwangu, ,
zvachosewazv inzwa. .
"Yes. .
Akabv aandi isapakat ipemakumboakesi nce
hewassi tti
ngandhewasst andi ng..
ngmesof tki ssest hent heychangedt o
hungr yki ssest hent het owelwaspul ledoff
and hi s hands wer e al loverme . ..
he was
touchi ngmel ikehewashungr yt otouchme
hapana pakasi iwa and Icoul dn'tev entst op
him, hel iftedmeupandputmeonhi sbedand
hewentont opapaIwasscar ednow. ..
"Muku. ..
"SsshhhIwon' tdoany thingcr azy. .
"Promi se.
"YesIpr omi se. .
He ki ssed me pamukaka and Ir eached to
touch hi m , ,ndai nzwa kumi ra kwepf ungwa
dzanga dzaakusat oshanda and ndanga
ngat ombode anondipeputsa
ozogona kukui ti
ra hasha chai dzo
ndakabat wa na Muku kusv i
ka ndav akuda
kuchema. .
.ndakambosi i
wandakadar oachi it
kunge munhu ai funga . .akav hurat he bed
sheetsand putmei nsi de, ,
then cov ered us
withj usta sheetand began t ouching me
everywher e I was moani ng uncont rol
amhenohowIr eachedandt ri
edt oremov ehis
shorts, ,
hel ookedatmeandsai d. .
"Idon' tknowbutIwannadoi t
"Youcan' t.
"Not y et.
"Mukuwhatar ey oudoi ngt ome. .
"Foreignf eeli
ngspr act icalbabi e..
mf eel ingv erycr azyt hingsMuku
"Hav ey ouev erf eltthem bef ore. .
"Nev erev er. .
"OnlyIshoul dmakey ouf eel l
ket hat..
"Arewegoi ngt of indt hegspor tt oo..
"Lolwel l Imayf indi tusi nganot herway .
"Don'twor ryy ouwi llsee. .
Forceful lyIpul ledof fhi sshor t sIdon' teven
know kut indanga ndabat wa nemwey a upi
chaiwo. .
.akangot iahapandi chitari
sazv anga
i mushor t ndakabv a ndangot i aaah
nekushami sika ndi chibva ndav hara mazi so
nekut ya..
"You t ookofmyshor ts and now y ou ar e
scared, vhur a maz i
so uone zv awanga
uchitsv agamushor tmangu.
"Ican' tMukuahazv esei zvounozv idi
"Ndezv emukadzi wangu. .
Hepr essedhi sbodyagai nstmybodyandt he
heatwas t oo much hi st ouches anga av a
ekundi vhi r
ingandakaonandav huramakumbo
ndegandany atsonangananamukumudi kiand
patakadhumhana If eltl ike t he urge y ekut i
apindehake, Iwant edhi mt o, Icouldn'
tt hink,,
y e he groaned achi bva abv i
ndakamudhonzer apadhuze. .
"MukuIcan' twai t
"Yesy oucan
"MukuIwi llcr yplease. .
He mov ed down ndakazoona musor o
waapakat ipemakumboangu, ndakadakuv hara
achibv aamav hura. .
"Whatdoy ouwannado.
"Wakat imunhuhaadzi wendodakukur atidza
kutianody i
wasei ..
If elt hi st ongue t here, ,Igasped f or ai r
ndakat anga kudy i
wa sur e and Iwas j ust
squeezi ngt hesheet scallinghi sname. .
doingi tIcoul dn'tbr eathni cely,Icoul df eel
crazyt hi ngshappeni ngt omybodyIr eached
forhi sheadIdi dn'twanthi mt omov ef rom
there. .
Isai d. .
"MukuIdon' tknowwhathappeni ngbabi ebut
pleasedon' tmov eI '
m beggi ngy ou.
He di dn't mov e ,,i squeezed hi m and I
screamed, ,,mukundiIl ovey ouISool ovey ou
and I f elt my selfr elease what I di dn'
under stand buti twast hebestf eeli
ng ever
hesmi ledandsai d.
"Congr atulationsbabi ewef oundt heGspot. ..
"Mukundokuda. .
"Ndozv iziva...
Hewentbet weenmyl egsand hewasj ust
ngt her ekissingme, ,
makumboandIdi dt hatt henndai nzwaMuku
uniorachi tambi raipapo Iwast ouching his
bodyndai onakut iaizvifarira,,hekeptdoi ngit
untilhe began gr oaning kusv i
ka ndazonzwa
somewar mf l
uidonmyl egs, ,
hel ookedatme
andsai d,,
"Thanky oubabi eIneededt ot his..
"What '
st hat .
"That 'scum
"Didi thur t? ??
"Noi tf elthowy ouf elt..
"Sakawanaki rwa. .
"Eheasindozv ichaitandi kuv adzev anhu,,
aremi newazv i
nzwa. .
"EheMuku. .
"Deendokudawazv i
"EheMuku. ..
Hewi ped met hen hedr essed up! ndakabva
ndapi hwa hi s shor ts and t -shi
rt ndikabva
ndapf eka, ,takararatakadar o,Iwasi nhisarms
thewhol eni ghtandi tf eltamazi ng
Endofchapt er
Kaydi e馃拹
Crossi ngoceans
Wr i
ttenbyKay di
Chapt er37.
Bar ca
Ithad beenSoo l ong si ncendanzwahasha
dzakadar oandIt riedhar dkut indizv idzor eor
else ndai it
a zv akadar ika i papo. .
icoul dn'
believe she had t hatef fecton me asi wo
handai kwani sa kuti ndosi ya munhu
arikundi udza kut imunhu wangu musi kana
wakewor sewondi gumhi razv i
nhuzv angunoo
kwaai enda ai enda achi ziv a kut i munhu
wemunhuhaabat we, haubat ewemumwe. ..
Ispentt heni ghtwi t
hher ,,Icoul dhav et aken
herhomebutIcoul dn't,,i
twasl at
eandagai nI
mi ssedherbadl yt hatwasmyonl ychancet o
hav e her i n my ar ms t he whol e
night .
.akandipi nza pamuy edzo hake mwana
wamaiDee.Seei ngherbodywhi chwasj ustso
pur e and ndai bat a ndi chi ny atsonzwa kut i
ndir i kubat a zv inhu zv angu asi ndai ti
ndikaf unga kunashe ndai nzwa hasha, ,hasha
dzachodzai t
owedzer akut indi mudef ut i,ndaida
kumur atidzakut imur idziwakendi ani,ndai zi
kut iIhadt ocont rol,Iknew icoul dnotsl eep
with herev en t hough she begged me t o
..handi nakuny atsorar anekut indai zv i
v hunza
kut indinaDeeher ez vesur e. .
Iwant edt otr ainhermar tialar ts,,Idi dn'twant
mukadzi anoj airi
rwa zv akapusa kudar o
hamhenokanaai bvumabuti ninihanguIwas
notgoi ngbackoni t,shehast ol earnt odef end
her self,kanandi sipoai zoitaseiori fshegot
her selfintotroubl ezv aizofambasei ?? ??
Ndakazor ar
a a bi tl at e so ndamuka a bi t
at e...
ndakamut swanaDeeachi nditigetmea
toothbr ush. .
.Ijustshowedherwher et ogeta
newonet henshewentt obr ushhert eethand
cameback, ,,shel ookedsexyi nmycl othes
ndakambomut ar isa ndakay ev erwa kut i Mai
mukundiv ar i
posur e...
ndokubv andazomut iget
backi ntobed. .Iwentt obr ushmyt eet hand
camebackandj oinedher, ,shewasshyt olook
atme. .
"Good mor ning y acho i rikupindakai mirir
kubv apawamuka.
"Icoul dn'tt alkbef orebr ushi ngmyt eeth. ..
"Unor war achet endakut samwi ra.
"Sor ryMuku. .
"Itasor r
ymushenotzv auri kuitai zvi..
"Usany epedzer ekui tamaf unni es. ..
She came cl ose and she ki ssed me ka1
pamur omo, av akubv a ndakabv a
ndamudhonzer a padhuze and showed her
whata ki ss was kwet e zv ekundi ny emudza
,ndakambobat azv inhuzv angundi chidakuona
kutizv esezv iri
poher e,,Ai wazv esezv aivapo
ndakamusi ya av akushi nyira ndo puni shment
yekubat i
sazv inhuzv angunakunashe. .
angaaakut ondi kuv adzabei ngwi thheri nt he
same blanket was t
oo much
takazot anga kut aur a dzi mwe ny aya
taakuseka, ,Iwashappywewer eokaypasi sina
tentionbet weenus. ...
"Tel lmewear eokaynowMuku.
"Hamhenokut i
uchi riwakandi rambaher e..
t'snotl ikeunobv umakur ambwa.
"Sakai weweur i
kudakundi rambaher eDee. ..
"Aiwamukuandi kurambei ni.
"Ndakanzwa na t sano kut iwai zv i
mur oom mako.
"Di onanemakuhwauy uaaaah. .
"Ndov adat sanov anguv anondi farir
" Saka ungaf oner e Di on wobv a wat adza
kundi foner asur eungandi daro.
"Handi tiwangawat iauchandi daher e..
shar dnott olov ey ou,Ican' thelpit.
"Ndai kupanguv ay ekut iundi suwe. ..
"Andi chazv idai zvozv oiniMuku,Idon' twanna
Mi ssy oul i
ket hat,,
ithurtsmor ethanany thing...
"Anddon' tev ert ellmey ouwannadoany thing
wi t
h anot herman, ,Idon' tknow kut indozo
zv i
cont roll
erkusv i
kapapi ,
,kananhunzichai yo
andi di ikumhar e. .
"Ehoi gar aimaudzanhunzi dzachodzi ndisiye..
Wel aughed.
Iended up t el
ling her aboutmar ti
alar t
training,t oheri twasScar ybysheaccept ed
thechal l
enge. .
ndozv andai mudi raDeeai teerera
zv i
nonaki dzamhani ..
wegotoutofbedzv i
Iwannamakebr eakf astf ory ou. .y
akagadzi rwa
chi tamba muki tchen ndai tadza kusi ya
mukakawake. .
"Babi e.
" When school s open panenge pasi sina
kuf arisakweseukuhandi ti
"Chi i.
"Wehadaf oreignf eel
ingspr act i
waakut iwecannotdoi tagai n, ,
sunf ai
"Itwi llbeunf airi
fy ouf ail.
"Iwon' tf ailMukuy ouhav et ot ouchmeagai n.
"Lol hauny are.
"Whatdoy ouwantmet odoIhav eanew
"Nobabi ewehav et owai t...
"PleaseMuku. .
Wakat angar i
ini kui tanhar oi wewe.
"Mukuukundi rambi rabecausepanewaunenge
uchidakubat ahandi tika.
"Ndookwazv asv ikaKar enhai .
"Ndokwaur ikuitakut izv i
sv i
ke. .
"Ineedy out ol ear nt ohav esel fcont rol.
"Idon' twannacont rolmy selfwhenI '
m wi t
"Ayas.Fi neki ssonceaweek. .
"Twi ce.
"YesFr idayki ss, Satur dayki ssandt ouch.
"Dee wakakwana , ,wakat anga r ii
nikut onga
"Kubv apawakandi oner era...
"Lastni ghtchet e. ..
Akabv aat angakuny arasoIl ef therandt hen
we st ar ted eat ing . .
t was ni ce as
alway s..
t apedzaIal l
owedhert obat hi npeace
thenIbat hedaf terher ,
wedeci dedt owat chTV
Ihadaskedt sanot obr i
ngherdecentcl othes
sokumat enangaat osv i
kahake. ..Iopened
forhim ndakangot anganekunzi ..
"Ihopey oudi dn' tdoany thingt omysi ster..
"Nev er ,
fIwant edt ondopandai zokuudzaikut i
kunoher enhai tsano. .
"Munhuanot aur akudar odoorr isatirav harwa
"Justt r
ustmeont hisonepl ease. .
Takabv at afamba kupi nda mumba , apa Dee
wachoakav hundukaachi onabr othery ake...
Dion: ndi mika mai ta mbi r
i y ehamheno
hamheno t aakut oi ta zekukuigiraihembe kut i
musaf ambemakashama. .
Diana: sor r
Dion:I '
m di sappoi ntedI ngay ouhav eal way s
beengoodwani .
Me:Hamadzeny ut sanodzangadzat ogov era
munhuwangu. ..
Dion: nhai wewai itei neumwemukomana? ??
Diana: hapanashaa. .
Me: hapana? ? ??
Dion:het ri
edt ouchi ngmechet ebutakar ohwa
zvokut inaMuku. ..
Dionj ustl ookedatme.
Dion: komangamaakui t
azv edudu. ?
Me: mur i
mi mai t
ar isaher etsano. ?
Dion: wakamugona ,Dee Sha usaite
zvinondi maki saandi ti.
she t ook her cl ot
hes ndokubv a aenda
kunopf eka . .
.Ical led Jean ndi katihow f ar
hembe dzemukadzi wangu , akangoseka
ndokubv aAt igi vemeandhour. ..
Igav ehert he
addr esst omyhouseandsur elyafteranhourI
could heart het axibyt hegat eshet oldme
thatshewasout sidesoIsentDeet ogoand
gether ..akapi ndahakemwanasi kanaakapf eka
kano kanhu kakaper era
pakakat angi ra...
takangot ar
isana na Di on
ndokubv atazunguzamusor o...
Dion: cousi nunengewaakuzv iwanzashaa.
Jean: kui t
asei ?
Dion: i
nichai yeHamay akondi rikut oonagar o
rakohauny ar eher e. .
Jean: ur iHamay anguhaunabasapamwedai
Arimukuuy ut ai
tizv imweapeny erwa. ..
Me: zvazv akanaki ra ndowanzopeny erwa
nez vakav harika ndozi v a kut i zviri saf e ,,
zvikav hur i
kamanj enhunzi dzinowanda. ...
Jean: unekar oughandi ti
Me: andi zivehangundi weungat ondiudza. ..
Dion:umwe t azoita hembe dzekumuunzi ra
usadar oJean. ..
Jean: don' tjudgemepl easendoozv i
ko and
kanamamav achi t
indi pfekendot adzanei, ,
apay oucompar ingmet omunhuar ar
ndiani anozv ivazv avangav achiita..
Me: handi na kuf anana nemabhambi
amunopedzer wa nguv a nawo Jean, ,Iwon' t
crosst hel ineunt i
lndapi hwamunhuwangut he
ghtwayandpl easendi kukumbi r
zvaanengeat ihaasikusamusamumani kidze,
mi mi itai asi iyemusamui ti
se. .
Jean: youar et oocont r
Me: andIl i
kei tthatway.
Diana: sodoI .
We t ur ned and f ound Dee dr essed like my
woman anga achi njaf utipahembe dz anga
dzauy a na Jean anga apf eka a decent
dress, ,,
ehezv e ndobae wangu wandai ziva
kwet ezv andangandaonat hepr evi
ousni ght .
Me: y oul ookni ce.
Dianat hanky ou. ..
Dion: ndi kamuona akashama ndi kumur ov a
Jean:mmmm zv akaoma saka nhaiMuku
unoi t
anezv ei,
,y ouputonsuchashow l ast
Me: I'
m anaccount ant..
Jean: aaaahhoo.Ndodakui tawoaccount s
Diana: endakaunot oradegr eeracho.
Kupi ndi rwa kway o ny ayay acho ndakat ozi va
kutihaachadaJeanpadhuzeneni ,,
eal ousmanj eandzv akaipaf uti
..jealousr ake
ondi tenderedzamusor o..luckyDi onsai dhe
was hungr y ndikabv a ndat ihande t i
Dion akasar a nehama y ake y ekushama . .
Tav amuki tchen ndai ona f ace y emunhu i r
serious. .
"Kobabi echi i
"Andi sikudat hewayshe' sdr essedi nf rontof
you. .
andIdon' ttrusther ..
"Rel ax.
"Don' tt ellmet or elax, shedr essedt hatway
onpur pose...
"Babi e.
"Aiwashehast ogohome.
"Jeal ousi rounondiur ayanar oDee.
"Zvaar iandisikuzv i
daMuku. .
"Mi rat i
muper ekedze. .
"Ihopehausat iwady ira..
"Hezv ooooMai mukundi dzor aihasha. ..
"Andi nahasha.
"Unadzo and pl ease usazv i
pe bp nezv inhu
"Koukanaki rwanay e.
"Ndonaki rwanewandakady anezur omanher u.
Munhu akabv a any arara nekuny arat hem I
kissedherndookuny ar ar
akwaakazoi ta.
.endofchapt er
Chapt er38
Wef inishedcooki ngt henIgav eDi onhi sfood
thenheat enaJean. ..Itookt hepl atest ot he
chent owasht hem t henJeanf ollowedme
therezv ikanzi ..
"Mmmm askanakohowcomey ounev ertold
uskut iy ouhadsuchahothunkl i
nhaiwe , , mwana akaumbwa zv ake apa
ngaaf i
te kunaka,body y acho f ace y acho
nhaiweDeekozv awai it
akungewakapusai we
uchitotikunda kupi nda must aera, ,haudar o
cousin. .
"yousay i
ngkut iandi nakukuudzaiasiishoul d
write pa not i
ce boar d kut if inally ndaane
mukomanakanakut indof ambandi chipari
kunge ndi kuparidza ma v erse her e ? Pl us
mmmm kuchi rikuadmi reher eukunhaikana
kutipfungwadzav akumwe. .
" He' s hot so y ou cant expect me kut i
ndisanzwe kakut apiri
rwa nay e nott hatkut i
ndinemahi ddenpl ansekut indikutor erenobut
Ican'tst opst ari
ngmunhuwakoanoi samunhu
pamuy edz ouni ntent i
onal l
" The way y ou ar e admi ring hi m and
compl iment ing itsounds l ike y ou wanthi m
andisi kuzv ifari
"Cousi nr elaxaguyl iket hishaanamusi kana
one. .
"Whatar ey ousay i
ngexact l
"Youcannotbef ooledt obelievet hathei s
yoursalonehat ingambodekuny eper anai koko,
shaaI '
my ourcousi nandIbeenar oundandI
haveseenzv akawandai wewey ouar enew at
sgameandi ngambodekut iuzochemaneni
mangwana uchi tiInev erwar ned y ou about
onships butt hese hotguy s unochema
"Soy ouar esay ingIshoul dbreakupwi thhi m
ustbecausei wewey oudon' tt r
usthi m and
youbeenar oundandy ouhav eseenal ot, ,,
zwawakaona ndi zvozv o asi Muku wangu
haunakumuonaandsi y ananay e..
"Youar eal readybei ngSoopr otect i
v eofhi m
yethe i sy ourf i
rstboy fri
end changamukai
amaimwanamunomukamasv i
pwat ikatadza
kukunyaradzaiy angov acr ymear ivermazar a
misodzilov ehai didzunguMaimwana. .nyur ai
henyuasisi yaimakumbopanze, ,nooneget s
mar r
ied tot heirf i
rstboy fri
end orgi rl
kutambachai ko...
"Okayhonest l
yhandi nakumbokuv hunzay our
on aboutmyr elat i
onshi p and andi toide
i,,what ev ery ouhav ebeent hroughIhav e
notbeen t hrough i t, ,y ourpat h ai n'tmi ne
because after all kwat inot ambi ra
kwakatosiyanasakapl easendi siirewomunhu
wanguandi tit hat'swhyi t
'ssai dl ov endey e
vanhut wowechi tatui mhar adziIcan' tbel ieve
asmycousi ny ouar esay i
ngt hist ome. .are
yout el
ngmekut iv arunev akanakamahur e
here , ,I
nga most women and gi rl
vanongochemedzwa chemedzwa nev anhu
vavo wani zv isinei nekut i munhu wacho
akanakakanakut iakashat a. .
..Panekut iuv e
happyf ormet hatIhav esomeonewhomakes
mehappyur ikut ot aurapoi sonsakaur ikuda
ndimur ambe her e ? Saka ndi kamur amba
womut or a her e? Manj e Muku andi si
kumur amba wot omi ra pa queue sev amwe
kanauchi mudabutunogonakuchember erapa
queuey acho. .
"Yuwi konhai wezv awat ocatchermaf eeli
ngs. .
"Ehendot ocatcheri fi thast odonaMuku
wangu. .
"mmm eho, ,peace , ,saka y ou di dn'tdo
any t
hingl astnight. ...
"Andi nakuf anananeweandt her esthaana
zvaakandi ita kana wanga uchi t svaga ny aya
sorrycousi nnott hi st imehanapany ay a...
"Mmmm sakai sthi shi shouse. .
"Sakauchai t
einezv akunashe.
"Danana Nay e wakat ihe' s a ni ce guy , ,
handizv uzvurudzane nezvinhu zvisina
product i
onsi yanai neni .
"Kozv aunengewandi tsanwi ranhai we? ?
" Andi ngat adze kukut samwi ra nezv awanga
uchitaur a. .
"Okayf inesor r
yhako. .
Ndakabv andasudur ukakubv apaar i..
.honest ly
Iwasv eryangr yIdi dn'tknowt hatj ealouscan
push peopl et o sayt hings like t hatmhani ,
especi allyt oy ourownf ami lyzv imwez v i
azv i
tei t'sbet tert ot ryand hi de ,ndosaka
zvichinzikanaunegodokur oyakur ipadhuze,
Iwentt osi tinthel oungenextt oMukuwangu
ndakabv andat omut i .
'stimef orJeant ogohome. ...
"EhoiMaimukundi. .
.sakat onomusi yakumba
kwav o her e. ..
.haunakuonekamai ninikai we
unongony epedzer akupi ndanaDi onwov hara
ma1handi t
ika. .
"Okayndodar o..
sohet oldhert hati twast i
met ot akeherhome
shemadeherf acef unnyt oshowt hatshewas
notsayhappyaboutbei ng t oldt o go and
akat ozv ibata kut iz v aataur a ndozv aita anzi
chienda, ,
angaamuongor oranguv aiMukusur e
kutiat oi sa j udgementy akadar o,,
any way we
wer enoti nterestedi nwhat ev ershewant edso
allofusgotupt ogo, , Mukuwentt ogett hecar
andsur prisinglyJeanwant edsi tthef ront. .
Muku: sor ry mai gur u but si t seat i roro
nder emunhuone, ,andi yeanoz viziva..
Jean: anogar aka al lt he ot her day s i ni
ndogar awo nhasi wozv e..
Muku:manj eIcan' tdr ivewi thouthert here
unless kana waakut oda hako kut i
ndokudai dzirat axi.
Jean: unonozv i
ny any awoi weah. .
Akabv aabur ukandokuuy aKunaDi on,
noopt ionbutt o si tatt he backIcoul dsee
her annoy ed f ace and I j ust coul dn't
under st andwhatwas goi ngoni nherbr ain,
anywayIwentt osi ti nt hef ront andMuku
ustl ookedatmeandt henwi nkedndi chibva
ndat ihandei manj e. .
Dion: sakaJeanapawangauchi t
sv agei kufront
ni tsanondai swakunokuback. .
Jean: kut svagawomaseatAr i Nani .
Muku:mamwe ma seat s haana subst i
kanar epl acementgul ezpabat isisei i
papo. .
Jean:hapana seat r andi si
ngagone kugar a
bamni ni.
Muku: kur igar a hunge mat ender wa gul ez
becausemegahamungazv ikwani se. .
Me:mmmm t ichiripany ay aoneher eapakana
Muku:don' twor r y Maimukundii dzidzi na
gukezmukat indodzi pedzandega. .
Dion: but Muku mi ta i yi chi kara
chaicho, ,
yakauy ar ii
Muku: kkkktsanohamungazi vezv ese. ..
Dion:Bm y ebl acki ri
Muku: kuv i
cfallsndi chanoi toranextweek. ..
DeeAr imunhumukur uaindi perekedza. ..
Jean: ndokuper ekedzai bamni ni handi na
Muku: vanhuv asinacur fewhav asisaf e. .
Dion:wakany any aJeanI ngay oudon' twast e
Jean: kwanaDi on..
Dion:zi i
Zvimwezv achondangandaakut ony ar anazv o
ni any way , t akanosv ika kumba kwav o
ndokubv a tapi nda t i
kat oona mai ni ni vaine
mashamwar i av ov achit
aur ahav ony ay a. .
Mai ni
ni :ehndangandat iwat i
aka. .
Me:ahnhaimamandot izirazer ar angui ror
kuendakupi kunoi teinaani ?
Mai ni
ni :hamheno , ,sur e ungat otiwat oenda
usinakanakuoneka. .
Me:t akar asananezur omama, ,bl amei ton
Dion ndi y
e akanzv enga nenindi kaendeswa
kumwe. .
Mai ni
ni :hoo saka waender eihol iday i sat
Dion:hesi mamai mbondi mhor esai wokani .
Mai ni
ni :ibvapo i we ndi we wakaba mwana
wangunezur o, moy owakowakashat a. .
Dion:sor rykaniMamandauy akuzoi tasor r
taonakut imaender oachoangaasi nahunhu
Mai nini: munot ozv i
zi va heny u kut i mai ta
zvakadhakwaka. .
wegr eet edherf ri
endsbecauseshecoul dn'
stopt alking. .ndakazoi ta30mi nutesndokubv a
taonekat ichitit akami sashamwar iyaDi on. ..
Takabur i
tswanai yeJeanndokubv at azoenda
kumov iekuAv ondal ehanzindodakuspoi l
tsanov angu, ,itwasr eall
ynicej usthangi ng
outapat hewhol et i
memumov i
ehewasj ust
kissingmendakanzwanemaki ssAi dakupedza
shungu sur e hol iday i satiy apera ,,Di on
akaenda kunogar a kwake ega hanzi
mondi shai samababi emunomu.
"Mukundi imbomi rakundi daromhani ..
"Ar en' ty ou t heoneangaachi chemer aki ss
yachopay e,uchandi tsv agahako.
"Lol ndirikuny araDi on
"Sakaunot itsanochav abv i
sapanochi i.
"Vat i varikudakut sv agababi e..
"You ar et oo sl ow , ,t sano knowskut imu
mov iemunobat wamunhu.Andhej ustgav eus
abi tofpr ivacy .
"Aaaahnhai Muku. .
"Ndoozv itori
poshaa. ...
"Imr eal l
yshyt of acemybr otherr i
ghtnow. .
"You t hink kut it sano hav azive her e kut i
ny angwe ndi sina kur ara newe but zv inhu
zvangundabat a. .
"Muku zv akwana chi nyarara ,t hisi sr eall
embar r
assi ng day wanga usi na kundi udza
andi chagoni kuzot arisananay eei sh..
"Relaxbabi ekut ambahangu. .
Idef i
nitelyknew t hathewasnotl yi
wassoembar r
assedt hinkingthatmybr other
knew ev erythi
ng t hat had happened t o
me..ev ent hough hedi dn'
tt al
preferedkeepi ngqui etabouti t...
he was okaywi t
h myr elat
ionship with my
end butj ustt o know t hatmybr other
knewwhatmyboy frienddi dwi thmekut isure
ndangandi chibat wanamukuwassomet hing
thatwassoembar rassi nglwi shedicoul ddi g
ahol eandhi de.Idi dn'tev enknowhowt ol ook
athim any wayIdeci dedt obr ushi toff,
lybegi nningt ost ressme. ..
.afterthemov i
weat esomef oodandt henwewer edropped
offandhomet hatwast heendofmyweekend
Ndakar wadzi wa kumusi ya but mazuv a
andangandi nay ebr oughtuscl oser, ,t
akasv i
kumbaKuma6andmamawasr estinghav o
vakatoshamusi kav achi ndionandadzoka. .But
againndakat angakuf ungakut iMukuat imot a
akasiyakuv i
ssakaakambouy aneiand
Endofchapt er
Chapt er39
Ndakaonamamav akatogar azv avov akarara
pasofaconcent ratingont hemov i
watchi ng...
vai t
or ati
dz a kut i she wasn' t
expect ingany one. ..
"Hesi mamamur i
.Igr eetedher
"Kowat otizav amweKar ewat odzokanhai we
Dee. .ndakakuudzakut iAudikuf aranev amwe
zvakakuomer a...
"Ah nhai mama ko chi i ko kana ndi i
mar easonsanguanoi takut indisadekuv anav o
het ime. .
Dion akabv a auy at o my r escue ,nekut i
muchember ewachoai tov eney akev er
sion. .
Dion: mama v ana v ehama dzeny u
machember echai younl esskanamakudakut i
weny umwanaachi itachember et henit'
sf i
Mama: what do y ou mean kut i Av a
machember e..
Dion:daimuchi zi
v av hav hu y avanav o kana
vachingev aonav arume. .vesedzangov amv ana
popay e
Mama:i wewakazv i
onakupiz vakaoma, ,chete
kutimal awy ermunonet sai mi mi ..
.ahasimat i
ana Jean ndozv avarindakambomuudza Mai
Jeankut ivanahav adi t
oomuchf reedom .
Dion:y esofcour set hat'
st heni cet hi
studying l aw y ou al so st udy peopl es
charact ers.
.v ana v eny uv ayav akadziv akuru
hamunakusi y anamazer a. ..
Mamav akashamav akar i
v anisamaokounabl e
to believ e, ,
Ideci ded t o changet hesubj ect
nekuti Dionwachoai mbot aachi budamusaga. .
Me:butnhai weDi onur ikudakuny atsoitasei
chaizv o. .
.youdi dlawy oual sodi dI .
mei s
mov ingwakazot ii.
Dion: aungazv inzwi si sel i
lsi s.
Mama: decideont imeDi ont i
mei smov ingf ast
ufungemwanangu. ..
Dion: ehomamaIgety ou. .
Mama: sakamazot i vanaJeanv akai tasei .
Dion: varikunanzv i
raPanaMukundi ..
Ndakangot iaaa, Idi dn'texpecthi m kut iaudze
mama zv i
nhu zv akadar o . .mama v anga
vaidzosamudar irof ut i
Mama:aaaahmukundi, ,
vanav adi kikudaroko
chiinhai .
Dion:mamamukundii sl iket woy earsol der
thanmekkkk. .
Mama: butstillaitasei ..
Dion: munhu uy e akany ura mumar i
haangozv ir
atidze , ,
t hist ime he had a whi te
BMW . .
.ndaakudakut ambanay emanj e..
Mama:v anav angumesezv amat ov aobsessed
namukundi kochi inhai mi .
Me: mamandapi ndapapi ipapo. .
Dion:komar wadzi waneichi kur ukuv agood
nfluence chet e. .
Me: mamaI '
m st artingmar tialarts. .
Mama: gegegegegegewat i
Dion: dhakwamushei wekowanzi iko? ?
Mama:l etmeguessmukundit hinksy ouneed
mar ti
al arts..
Dion:waf unga ma hu ha kkk Ana Di ana
munozv ambuka nekungosi mudza gumbo
mudengahamunakanabal ance. .
Me: that '
swhypeopl et rai
nusandi shorendi siye
Mama:l olsowhenar ey oust arti
ngmar ti
kkkk. .
Me:mukuseka?Youwi llbepr oudofmeone
day. ..
Ndakabv andat orabagr anguandwentt omy
room kunor ongedzazv inhuzv angundakabv a
ndaf oner a Jean ndi chimuudza kut indasv i
kumba i ye ai t
otiabuda hamheno kwai nge
kwat oendwa. .
ndakabv andar arahanguont he
bedmi ssingbaewanguIt ookmyphoneand
textedachi bvaaf ona. ..
"Munhuwamukundi wandi suwaher e?
"MunhuwasDeendamusuwa. .
"Ndouy andokut oraher e?
"Ehehuy a.
"Kkkndot yakudheer eraambuy av angu, ,I
varisei hav o..
"Var ibhozv okutivangav achindisekakutiIsaid
ndaakui t
amar t
ialarts, ,hanziIknow i thast o
dowi thmuku, ,shebel i
ev esy oui nf
nev er y
thing, ,
zvamamazv akaoma. .
"Wel l shei snotl yi
ngi t'
st r
ue. .
"Don' tgi vey ourselft hepr opsungat ozvi
mahar a. .
"Ilov eitwheni mi ncont rol ofmywoman. .
"Notpazv esezv enhai Muku. .
"EheIknow butIenj oyi twheny oumakeme
feellikey ourman, ,any wayseey ouint woday s
ning. .
"Ar ey ouser i
"Iam ser iousbuty ouneedt obuyst ufftowear
whent r
ainingka. .
"Lol likeChi nesest uff? ?
"Kwana i we ndot oda ma t i
ghts ndichiona
zv i
nhuzv angupaunokot ama. .
"Zv av azv ekukot ami ranaf utihere..
nogonakupf uur aNemoNemo. .
"Haudar ozv e.
"Sor rybae. .
We chat ted f ora whi le ndokubv a azobv a
paphone ndi kadzoker a kunana mama
kwandakaona MaiLana v auy av achichema
Kuna mama. .ndaisany atsonzwa but z vaive
nechekui t a nekut i hanzi ba Lana v atora
mukadzi wechi two v ati
kuv hunduka nazv o Iwant ed t o know mor e
abouti tbutndai shay akut indosv ikaseipav ari
ndiny atsonzwa kut iy atanga seipl us zv i
kufamba sei . .
.Ndakaf amba ndi kaenda ko
ndikanov amhor esa. .
Me: makadi imamaMai Lana. .
Mai Lana: hesi mwanangu dai wandi isirao
nk. ..
Ndakamboda kuseka kut i ndi ye munhu
avigirwamumwe mukadziher ei yey u,anga
achi chemaav akutokumbi radr i
nk. .
MaiLana:i weMaiDeendodaundi perekedze
kwandi noda kuenda azv ina kumi ra mushe
shaa andi par i
kwe ndi rimupeny u daiami ri
ndaf azv ai veNani, ,zvi
nechi mirochakai tasei
KunaLanaakat iangaagar aasi nakanar espect
nababav aker i
ghtnow chi ichav achamut siura
akat eerera apa uone munhu wandai girwa
kumbauku4y earsol dert hanLanakur evakut i
Lanawi l
lt hi
nki t
'sokaykudanananemadhar a
Mama:mmmm zv akaoma shaaa t hat'
sv ery
bad butwaudza Anipamusor o pazv ol ike
hama, ,
year ikutiimur umewako. .
MaiLana: hanziabai wa ngaabude , imagi ne
munhu wandakazi va achi ri mukomana
achifamba nepadagu nhasi ondi shai ni
tashanda t eseand wehav ebui l
tev ery t
together someone el se ouy a kuzody a
mabenef itsedi kitarangu. .shaaondi perekedza
kakuneumwemunhuSooanogonakubat si
.zvehamadzakendaudzasekur uv akev akat
ndichauy a..
Mama:saka wat imur ume upiagokubat si
kuitasei manj e? ?
MaiLana:ndodakubv isamunhuauy akumba
kwangu. .
Mama: anenhumbuher e. ..?
Mai Lana: i
webaLanaakami t
isamhani ..
Mama:y oonhai weI ngapakai paasimmmm
munhu wako unomuzi virepi wakamunzwa
Nani ???
Ndakabv a ndakuv atambi dza dr i
nk and she
tooki t,,
shemadeaf ew gul psandshewas
donezv ikanzidi r
arimwe, ,Iwentt ot heki tchen
ndikanot ora j ui
ce r acho r ese ndi kabv a
ndanoi sapamber ipavo. .Ist oodt her
ndokubv a v andipa zi so r ekutiibva pano
unodamakuhwa. .
I r eallywant edt olaughsonowIunder stood
wher eLanagotherchar acterf r
om , ,
Ir ant o
Dion'sr oom i twasunl ocked, Ibangedi topen
thenIwenti nsideandIj umpedonhi sbed
aughi ng, ,hel ookedatmel ikeIwasamad
person. .
"Ihopewauy aneny ayadzi r i
"Tezv arazv eshamwar iy akov amiti
hej umpedupandsatont hebedandI 'm sur e
hisear swer eal r
eadyi t
chi ngt ohearwhatI
want edt osay .
"Wat i anikonhai we. .
"Babav aLanav akami ti
sur e..
"Mai wezv angu. .
"Apashe' sl i
"Wat iii??
"That 'sli
kemay beKuna20chakadar oagegap.
"Kkkkkkmdar av aneMot omhaniAv amanj e
vakapedzamababi eezeraredut ozoi t
asei ???
"Chenj erar i
nogona r i
ribabi er ako r atorwa
nababa v al
ana. ..
manje mom' s y acho i r
kungochema i chiduti
ra dr i
nk nhasiv anochi
ernewet i kubv i
sastress. .
"Gegegeedai waisanemabhi svola. .
"Muchember eAv avanengev arikudakuenda
kun'angaandi vat
embev audzamama. .
"Asi mamav aakuitazvanaasekur u.
"Haaa kut ikudar o,inyaya dzekusi mbi sana
andinahangukunzwav achibv uma. ..
Istay edi nhi sr oom f orawhi lewekepton
aughi ngaboutt hesamei ssuei twasr eal
hardf orust obel i
evet hatsomet hingl i
ket hat
hadhappened, i
twasr eall
ygoodt obehome
because Ir eal l
y needed t ol augh af teran
almostcr azyweekend,any wayIwentbackt o
myr oom,It houghtLana' smom wasgoi ngt o
gobackt oherhousebutnoshedi dntgoback
she was say ing she want ed ba Lana kut i
vavat svage vambonzwa kur wadzi wa
nekuv ashay a. .
.Sakawehaddi nnert oget her
andny ayay aingot svandey abaLana. .
Mama:ko akazot iwanga ur ikuchi komba
nhaiwe, ,daiwamuudzai niandi dikuzopi nzwa
Dad: i
sagoodi dea.
Mai Lana: haakanav ar
umei mba, uyandi boki
akadimbur wa muswe , dai ai ve nawo
ndaisungirira ,,i we Dee ndat i ndikuudze
varumendi anaboki ehaasi mwanawamai v
Dad: t
hat'snotnecessar yMai Lana. .
Mai Lana: not necessar y kui t
a sei ndat i
ndibokiemhani ah.
Mama: ehot azv i
Yuwiv aivenemot o,,takabv ay akasikakubv a
patablenaDi on..theconv ersationwasj ustnot
forusandicoul dseemymot hergi vi
eyetosaymov eawayf rom her esoany waywe
endedupf i
nishingourdi nneri nourr ooms.
Ndakanor ar aMaiLanav achingot ibaLanandi
Endofchapt er39

Iwokeupi nthemor ni
ngandf oundMaiLana
ingwat chi
ngTV,Ij ustgreet
wentbackt omyr oom ,ibathedandibegan
"mmmmm mot heragobhoher e.
"Ko chi i.
" Isawherv achidongor eramur oom maDi on
"Chokwadi .
"Nguv ai.
"Aaah koi we wanga uchi i
teiKuma 3 when
everyonewassl eepi
ngunemaf unni eshandi ti
"Kana Icoul dn'tsl eep ndai i
t a madzi ki
ndakabv a ndamuka ndi i
ne ny ot a ndokubv a
ndauy andi chi
damv uray ekunwat hat '
saw herv achidongor erat ryingt ot estift he
door was l ocked because ndakav aona
vakabatahandl eredoor. .
"Heeehedeusandi naki dzesakazv i
kazodi i
"Shecoul dn'topenndaonav aakur asamaoko
mudengal ikekupopot andakat ombof ungakut i
may be Di on ndi ye anga av ati huy ai but
ndakazoona nekusav hur i
ka kwe doorand I
knewi twasnothi m ati vauye....
"Ukwanesur ehow coul dy out hinkkut idion
woulddosuchat hing,,wi thMaiv aLanaher e
pleasekwana. .
"I wekanachi karachabat ahapat ar i
swekut i
mukur u her e kana kut imudi kiI vov anga
vachitodamudi kiwani ,
,hazv iranbi rwei zvi
"Haakwanai we. ..
Icoul d notev en wai tt ot ellhi m kut ianga
achidakui twazv i
mwendakav atar i
sasur eMai
Lana ndi katisur e MaiAv av akaoma kuda
kuraperDi onsur e..Imadebr eakf astndokubv a
ndaset t
ert ablezv angundakany ararandi chida
kusekabutIkepthol dingi t.
vakangonanganekwandangandi riandsaton
thetablef orbreakf ast. .
Me: mor ningMamamor ningDad. .
Mama: mor ni
ngt hi
slooksgr eat .
Dad: mor ningpr incess.
Me: l
emmemegetDi on.
Mama: chipoi t
i Mai vaLanav auy ev adye..
Iwentand knocked ndi kamut ihuy a udy e
ndokubv andadzoker akudi ning...
Mamav alanawasj ustlooki ngdownsemunhu
aivebest ressasimamawast ryingt ocheer
herup. .kusv ikakwakai taDi onndakaonaka
smi l
e on her f ace ndi kazi va kut iIt hink
vapenyer wanaDi on..
Me:mmmm ndakanzwanoi sehusi kuIt hink
weshoul dcheckCCTVcamer amogonamuno
makapi ndambav hachai yo..
Dion:mbav hai sut i
ine al ar m sy stem seiisina
Me:kombav hadzowani kwapanzechet eher e
kana mumba chai mo munogona kuny uka
mbav ha. ..
Mama: wakazv inzwanguv ai?
Me: zvekuzv i3uko. .
NdakaonaMaiLanazv achi v hundukandokubv a
ndada kuseka hangu ndi kat iy aa ndakubat ai
chipowasnotl ying...Vakapot sav akachidzwa
MaiLana:unengeunor it
aur awozv akadhakwa
we uchabi wa nezv ehusi ku mwana mudi ki
kumukana3asiunengeuchi itami si
yepaWhat sApp?Vanav emazuanohamur are
zvebasa i what sapp...
Me:kana. .
.ndaingendi chinamat a,,kukumbi ra
mesoekuonazv akavandika. .
Mai Lana: hai wa kunamat a kupi
muchav hiri
ngwanemawhat sapp. .
Dion: t ry i t t hen may be,,pa what sapp
ndopakat owani kwagel i
zanababaLana. .
Dad: Di on.
Dion: sor ryDad. .
MaiLana:sur e ndat ofumukazv ekudanzwo
zvakaoma. .
Mama:sor rykanikuf arisakwev anadon' tmi nd
Dion. .
Mai :manj endot odakut svagawanguBen10
anane, ,nhai Di onndachenber aher e...
Dion:andi zozive hangu kut imama v angu
vachember a her e si nce makaenzana but
may be t hat quest i
on i ngaende hay o Kuna
daddynekut indivov ezer arenyu...
Dad:l eav e outofi tndozi va nezv emukadzi
wanguchet e.
Mama:i we MaiLana i question hekuv hunza
mwanaher eiyoyo. ..
Mamav akabat i
kanaIcoul dseet hat,any way
wegotdoneanl ef tthet able,tikasiyav akur u
pot henIdr aggedDi ont ohi sr oom kut i
ndonomuudza kuti wanga uchi da
kutsot sony wa. .
"Kochi i koi wef uti..
"Wangauchi dakut sotsony wa..
"Ukwanenaani .
"Ndi weBen10r amai Lana.
"Chember ey akwegur akudar oundi kwanire. .
"Chi posaw hert ry i
ngt oopeny ourdoorl ast
"Haaa unony epa saka ndony ayay awanga
uchiedzakut aura
"Livei wee. .
"Ndokuj airi
ranakai kokomxm daiKar ekangu
ndamboi dy aMar i
"Whatdoy ouwantmoneyf orwhatwheny ou
hav ey oural lowancei wee. .
"Isai ddai kar ikarekangu. ..
"Sakawakamboi tazv echi Ben10. .
"Fort hef unofi t,machember ear ef unnykana
Av a kui ta sev ana v adi kikkk kut ondi yemer a
nini manj endai t
oonamamav achi ndiy emer a..
"Haaaanhai wei nikut okunzwi rat sitsit hinking
kut iyouwer eaboutt ogetr apedapai wezv ako
wai it
abasar ekur apermachember e..
WhenIusedt ohearaboutt heBen10sInev er
thoughtt hatmybr ot herwoul dbeone, Ilooked
athi mi ndi sbel i
eftry ingt oimagi nehi m wi t
woman l ike our mot her,t hat was so
disgust ing. .Ist artedpunchi nghi m onhi sback
and Iev en t old hi m heneeded acl eansi ng
cer emony ,,i tj ustdi dn' tl ookgoodatal lthe
thoughtofi tdi sturbedmybr ain,
,It r
iedt oget
the pi ctur e outofmi nd by t hinki ng about
somet hingel se,,Iwonder edi ft hat '
sal lhewas
doingi nSout hAf ri
caonmygoodnessi twas
disgust ing. .
Ilef thim al oneandt henIwentt omyr oom
honest l
yIwasbor edal lalonewi t hnot hingt o
do, ,
Iswi tchedont heTV i nmyr oom andI
star t
edwat chi ngmov iesandt hatmademe
mi ssmyboy fri
endt hinki ngabouthowweused
to somet i
mes wat ch mov i
es t oget her,,it
act uallyf eltwei rdwat chingt hemov ieal lby
my self, ,
Iwi shedIcoul dseehi m butt herewas
no pr operr eason t hatIwas goi ng t o give
mamakut i ndi bude
.Iwasant icipat i
ngont henextdaywhen we
supposedt ostartt hemar tialar t
st rai
anywayasIwaswat chingt hemov i
eIgotacal l
om Lana. .
"Nhai weDeemamav anguv ar ii
kokoher e. .
"Ivov akat ivarikupi ..
"She di dn'tsay and daddy v arikuvatsvaga
vanhuv at opindabusynekuv atsvaga. .
"Ukut aur amamav apicausendakanzwakut i
kwaane v anwe mama kumba kweny u
makor okot o..
"Ndozv atavakui t
anazv ekusekanaher e,huy ai
utorehamay akoshaahazv isikutomboi t
Hanay anguy akatombor ovandi chidakunzwa
kutimunhuar i
kutaur akut ichi ichaizvoizvo..
"IweHamay angui pi .
"Iwecousi nhakomhani ..
"Ihav e pl entycousi ns i wewe ukut aurai pi
"Theoneai vekubi rthdayr akor elasty ear.
"Jean? ?
"Aiwai weumwewachoakat inyararei .
"HeeeTi na? ??
"Ehei yey e.
"Haai wendi yeher ejustdoubl echeck. .
"Ndi kuzi va zvandirikutaur a mhanii wehuy ai
mut or eHamay eny ukunoorel semukuwana
ndaiput itsa...
"HaaLanasendapi cofher ..
"Ndi nepi cy akendoi diiandi t
indi yeanemol e
yebl ackpabot t
om l ip...
allmygoodnessIf eltsooweakmybodyj ust
gotdr ai
nedndakabv andagar apabedIdi dnot
evenknowwhatt odobecauseIcoul dnotev en
ev e what I had j ust hear d , ,i
t was
unbel ievablet othinkt hatt heper sonIwaswi th
two day s ago was act uall
y pr egnantwi th
Lana'sf at her'sbaby ,,
itwasadi sast er ,
iblewor semymot herand l anasmot her
beingf riends. .
Ndakaf oner aJeanr ightawayndi chi dakunzwa
kutizv i
ri kufambasei ..
"JeanshaakoTi naar i
"Kumbakwav o. .
"Haakanai weTi naakat i
ranezur o.
"Kkkkkwana, Tinakut izi
rakutizv aitasei?
"Kutianenhumbu. .
"Haaai wekwanawazv i
"Ndat aur anaLanaaf onahanziTi naakat i
babav ake. .
" I chocho ndoochi mboko manj e hakuna
zvakadar ot heremustbeami stake. .
callher. .
"Iribho butMaiv alana vatorikumba v ati
kumbakwav o..
"Heeeehaaav zkadhakwa. .
shehungupt hephoneandt henaf terabout10
minut esshephonedme,shet oldmet hatTina
wasnotathomeandhermot herwasev en
ooki ngf orherbecauseshehadn' tcomeback
home, ,Iwentev enweakermyhear tgotsor e
,Whatwashappeni ngcoul dn'tbepossi ble.
Ndakaendakunamamandi katimamahuy ai
pano ,she gotup and f oll
owed me t o my
room. ..Ndai shayakut indotangirapapichai po
kuvaudza. .
"Kowandi daidzir
" Mama I '
m munhu akat izi
ra ba Lana
ndomuzi v a..
"Ndi ani .
azv e..
"Haama1. .
"Haaaiwe. .
? ?
"Nhaimai weezvangu.
Endofchapt er40

Mymot herdeci dedt ocallMamav aTi naand
shewast ol
dkut ihav asikuzi
vakut imwanaAr i
kupiso mama t ol
d herkut ikune kwav ar
kufungidzirakuti Arisakashewassupposedt o
comet oourhouse, ,shedidn'tevent akelong
vanga v auya and v aioneka kut
iv apar ara ne
ess,,,shej ustgothomezv ikanzi handei..
Mama:y oubet terrel axMaimwanabecause
kunzwakut iakat i
zirababav eshamwar iya
Deesakama1nekut imukadziwawaonauy o
ndiyemukadziwav oandshe' smyf r
hey ndi rikutoshay a kut indozv i
fambi sa sei
papa. .
MaiT:sakaar i
kuzv i
zivaher ekut iTinawangu
ndiye at i
zira kumba kwake nhai miasisur e
vana v anopar i
ray ou aret elli
ng met hatmy
dat i
zirat hatwoman' shusbandsur ezer a
rababav akenhai wemaiDeewhatwi llIsayt o
myhusband. .
Me:mai gur ukoi mimoi tast resskut iwhatwi l
bamkur usayaboutTi naasi fy ouar etheone
eer eraunder weary ababaLanasei ..
Mama:haai wekut aur
aher ei kokowhatdoy ou
knowaboutunder weary ababaLanai wewe. .
Me:sor r
yMamakungot aur awowi thr eference
tozv i
nengezv ir
i muunder wear. .
Mama: hasi wekeepqui ethausi kuonakut iyou
aremaki ngev erythingwor sehaugonekut aura
weDee. .
Me:I IIsor ryMamandany arar aIwon' tsaya
ng. .
.buty oushoul dgoear lybecauseLana
atianodakumut ushura. ..
Mai guruwasal readycr yingshamendakabv a
ndanzwa kusi riri
swa honest l
y Ti na anga
amaki saandal lthatwasgoi ngt oshadeal lof
usbl ackbutmymot herknew t hatIwasnot
iket hat, ,Iknew Mukuwasol derbutnott o
that ext ent , , t i
chifamba t ese apa
waisambof ungirakut itakany any i
sakusi yana,
anyway ndakango v abhabhadzi r
a kumusana
hazv i
zoite kuchema wi thout any one kut i
angokuny araridza. .
daddyv akazot everav aonakut imunhuwese
wasnowi nmyr oom hewant edtoknowwhat
wasgoi ngonandmamav akabv av atov audza
nyay a y acho ndakaona mur ume mukur u
aper er wa. ..
Dad:ngat it
oendainow because t hisi s bad
.koi y
ebaTi namamuudzaher e. .
Mai T: handi na kumuudza bamni ni
munomuz i
va mukoma weny u hasha
anodzi wanza kunonoi ta Hondo and besi des
mai ni ni v andi daidza but v anga v asati
vany atsondi udzazv angazv ichiit
Mama:It hinki t
'sbestt otongoendal iket hi
ritega. ..
myf at herjustl ookedatmewi t
haney et osayI
hopet haty ouar enotpar toft hisIal r
want edt oanswerf ormy selft hatIdi dn'tknow
any thing, butIj ustdeci dedt okeepqui etifwe
wer egoi ngt ot alkabouti tt henwe wer e
goingt ot al
kabouti tl at
er,theydeci dedt ogo
ther e.Iwant edt ogoal sobutmyf atherdi dn't
wantmet o,,mymot herist heonet hatsai dI
had t o see whatmysi sterwasdoi ng , ,
mot herv akangot ihandeikunaMaiLana, ,
didn' t ev en know what was goi ng on
vakangonzit oda kunoona t he gi rlt hat is
kumba kweny u.i twasnotso f arf rom our
house, ,tichingosv i
ka pa gat e myhear twas
alreadypoundi ngandhopi ngt hati twasnot
Tinat hatwasi nmai Lana'shouse. ...
Wegoti nsidet hey ardandwenti nsidet he
house ndakaper a powersi s Tina v atopedza
kuv av i
sitorv akapf ekamor ninggownsi tti
thesof amakumboAr ipat abl
e, shej umped
from wher eshewassi t
ngt hemomentshe
saw uscomi ng in. .
.Icould seehershaki ng
already, ,
Iguessshewasn' texpect ingusand
kabowel kema st
rawber ry kakabv a
kadonhedzwa pasi nekut ya chet e. .Dad
Hav anakudakut aur azv akawandav akangoti.
Dad: Tina, handei kumba. .
Tina:haadaddyndoendakumbakunoi tasei
nhai .
Dad:andi dikut aurazv akawanday oucannotbe
here. .
MaiLana:aaaahnhai mimunomuzi vamwana
uyukonhai maDeechi ichirikui
tika. .
Mama had t o expl ain t o her what was
happeni ng, ,MaiTi nav akangonozv uvamunhu
zvikanzihausikusar apano, ,
babaLanav akabva
vabudi ki
razv ikanzi si yai mukadzi wangu. .
MaiT:Ai wababai mihamundi jairi
rekudar o
thisismydaught erandt hischildabusey ou
can'tt ellmet hatagi r
lofheragecanbey our
wife sur e mungagomer e pamwana wangu
mi mihamudar o mhanimur imunhumukur u
nyarikaiwomhani ..
Ba Lana: ambuy a mondi udza
nez vekugomer er a paar iko paanochener era
pandi r
i mambopat arisa her e nhai musade
kundi i
tamunhuakai pandi rimunhuAr iri
Mai Lana: ba Lana kwanai wazv i
haungandi parikenemwanamudi ki kudai i
Ba Lana: ko ndi ni ndadi i handi ti ndiye
wandakada her e ndakambokuudza usat i
wabv a ndikatiabai wa ngaabude wai t
a hako
wakasi kakubai waandi zi
vewadzoker eipano
hapasi si
nanzv i
mboy ako. ..
Hamheno kwakabudi kiraLanaakat aBanga
hanzindodakudhedhaTi na,IwasSooscar ed
ndakabv a ndat i
zira panze kunof oner a Muku
apaakai t
akungeangaakabat aphonenef ast
kudai r
a. .
"Munhuwanguhesi ..
"Babiehakunakumi ramusheTi naat izir
babav aLanamanj eLanakunoadakudhedha
"Whoasl ow downmybabi ewat iLanaada
kudhedhaTi nanekut i
ababav ake?
"Ehebabi e.
"Mur i
pi ??
"Iwemukadzi wamukuur ikutsvagei i
koko. .
"Iwant edt oseewhatwashappeni ngbabi e,
shesmycousi nandMaiv alanai smymot hers
iend. .
"Deet hosei ssuesndeev anhuv akur uwhati f
yougethur tunodakundi siyanaani ..
"HaaMukuukut aurazv ekufa,,kufakwei koita
mushemhani ...
" Ai wa babi e Ai wa . .unaani i koko
kubat iranwamapanga. ..
"Vanamamanadaddynamai Tina...
"Daitezv ar av asipondai uyakuzokut or aikoko..
"SorryMukundakusuwababi e..
"Ndakusuwawo mukadziwangu , ,saka wat i
uationy akami rasei zviya...
"BaLanav ar i
kuti si
yaimukadzi wangu. .
"LolIngaz v akaoma. .
"Sakav anamamav angav auy akuzomut ora.?
"Ehe. .
"Ndipeaddr esst i
"Udakui t
asei .
"Iwendi pechet e. .
Iwasconf usedwhyhewant edt headdr essbut
he kepton i nsisti
ng thatI gi v e hi m t he
addressIdi dnotunder standwhyheneededi t
butany wayIendedupgi vinghi mt headdr ess
to Lana' shouse, ,het old met o getof ft he
phoneandIgotof fthephoneandIst ay ed
outsi def orabout5mi nut eshecal ledmeback
andheaskedmei fIwasoksoIt oldhi mt hatI
wasokay ,,
,wespokef orawhi lethenhebegan
ing met hat Ishoul d ber eadyf ort he
mar tialar t
sl essonsIr eal l
ymi ssedhi m andI
reallyt ogoandseehi m butwi tht hesi tuat i
thatwasgoi ngon, itwasgoi ngt obehar df or
met ogoandseehi m,butIwasgoi ngt omake
apl an. . tert hephonecal lIthinkaf terabout
15mi nut est herewer eguy swhoknockedon
thegat eandIl ett hem i n...theydi dn' tspeak
muchbutwer er atherqui ett heyonl yaskedi f
theywer eatt her ightpl aceandt hent heysai d
varikut svagababav emusha. .
Me: mukudababav epanoher e..
Man1: ehev achangor oor av acho.
Me: okayndot ivarikudiwanaani ..
Man1: i
ngot i panev arikukudai padoor .
Ndakangot iehoindokubv andapi ndamumba
ndikat i baba Lana mukudi wa pa door
vakat ombopopot a kut i ndi ani ar i
kundi da
y eye. .
Me: andi zivev angokumbi rakuonai mi mi chete.
Vakar i
dza t samwa v achibuda mumba
vachi ngobuda padoorhamheno zv akai ti
ndakazongoona munhu Av a kuf ambwa nay e
vachi yendaeasyeasyndakangot iv anozi v ana
Hav ana kana kumbocheuka . .v akabv a
vatobudagedhiHav anakudzoka. .whenIwent
nsi det hehouset akambogar atakav ami rir
Hav anakudzoka. .
Mai Lana: nhai weDeebaLanav aendakupi .
Me:aaahv angobudanev ar umet woi tseemed
ikev anozi vana...
Dad: varumev akaitasei
Me: andiziv e.
MaiLana:boki euy eatizamamauonakaboki e
uyeat i
za, ,
iwemwanasi kanasimukauy ende
panopanot iinindatisuduruka,,MaiDeet orai
hurer enyur ibudeiniandidikumuonapano. .
Mama: Ai wat her
e'snoneedkut ukanakudar o.
Mai Lana: kamani hamba
Tina akabv a atanga kuchema but daddy
vakangot or a munhu ndokubv a t abuda
,ndakat umi rwamessagenaMukuachi vhunza
kutizv akami ra seindi kangot
iwo ba Lanas
zanev arume2sakat amutoratavakuenda
kumbat henhesai dokay .
Endofchapt er41

Themomentt heytookhim Ilef
tmyhouse, ,
gotintothecaranddr ovetooneoft hespots
ndeswanhubunev akomana..aspotaround
Town,, ndi chingomuona munhu wacho
ndakanyaramhanibutIhadt ocovermyf ace
ncase taizodhumhana agai
n.Munhu wacho
kana kut indi one chakai ta kut iTi na ady i
ndakachi shay ai ni,i twashear tbr eakingf or
sureIdi dn' tthinkkut indi chaonamukwi mba
wer umewakadar o..
Me:ko nhaimakagar a makai ta mukwende
mukona kudar o ndozv amunoi ta her e
muchi gomer erapav anav adiki .
Ba Lana : rureger ero vakuru
kakangondi kurir
awondai sat odabutmusi kana
wacho kutapira dai wakamur av i
hawai mbomusi yaiwe. .
King: mukur u v atorine mot o manj e
chaudzi mur a hedu manj e manj e madhar a
akait asemiapedzaAnasi sv edumhanimady a
nyika Kar e makokony ara modar ov ana si si
veduf utiapav azhinjiveny umur i v
ar were...
BaLana:ndokumbi rawomundi r
vanasi siv enyuhandi fendakav atarisaplease. .
Me:i mbomui sa pa char ger ki ng mudhar a
Hav anahunhu. .
BaLana: pachar gerpapi nhai Ai wamusandi i
pachar gerndokumbi rawopl ease.
King. :Bambodzi kamainguv ai chiripokwazv o
mbomi r
ai kubhabhauka, ndokubhabhat i
dzai ..
Wet ookhi mt ot hebat hr oom andndokubv a
sahedumv uramut ubt akai sahedut ambo
dzemaget si..
Me: kingbat i
dzamaget si
King: bhozv okut i
Me:di ramv urapasit i
one. .
.Ehmukur uhuy ai
oneapa. .
Ba Lana:v akomana musandi daro ndapot a
hanguI ngandat iSorrywani ..
Me: handi nahangunguv ay ekut ambi sahandi ti,
huy ai muitewet itione..
Ba.Lana: rureger erokani .
Me: kinghunzamunhupadhuze. .
Hepushedhi m cl oserndokubv akingabur i
pfut i
King: mudhar aitawet itione. .
Two mi nsmunhu ababv a atanga kui ta wet i
achi bvaar ohwanemaget siakat angakugwi nha
aripaonespot. .mudhar aakat angakubowa, ,
ndakamboseka mur ember ero wanga wakai ta
mbol i
s ndakat oshama kut isur ei po pasi na
zviripoapandopat oit
akut i mwanaat izekumba
sur e. 2mi nmunhuachi gwi nhwanemaget si
ndopandakat ikingdzi ma. .achidzimamudhar a
Vakabv av adonhapasi ti
kav asi
ya. .
Bal ana, ,v akur uchi ndireger aikanakumuka
haif ey akamukaf ut i
Me:sakaaf terLanamai dakuender aAnif uti
taur aif astndi sat indakudzoser aifutipatanga
Ba Lana : ndai da kuender a kamwewo
kanonzi ,Nadine,,ny ashanaDee. .
PandakanzwaZi tar ekut iDeeHanay akarova. .
Me. : Mat iDeeupi apa. .
BaLana: shamwar iy alana
Me: imi babamakakwanaher e..
he hadn' tmade me t hatangr y atbutt he
moment thement ionedDi ana' snameIcoul dn't
holdmy selfIgot sopi ssedof fIdidn'tev en
knowhowt ocont roli t,,
,asmuchashewasi n
painIki ckedhi m sohar dr ightonhi sballsand
hegr oanedwi thsomuchpai n..baLana had
plansoft akingmor egi rls, heact uall
ypr efered
teenagegi r
lshanziI '
m at tracted tot eenage
s. Ndakambogay a kut i sure ndamboda
kuf eelerbadaboutt aki ng hi m andt or t
ur i
him butaf terhi s conf essi on he had t o be
tortur edandicoul dnotev enf eelbadev enf or
asi ngl ebi tIwant edt odoev enmor edamage
tohi m asar emi ndernextt i
mekut iwhenhe
seesagi r
lheshoul dchanget heway ,,event o
ookaway ..butany wayt angat aitadamaget o
him al r
eadybecausehecoul dn'tev ensi tandI
knewt hathewasn' tgoi ngt obeabl etosi tf ora
fewday s,,Ididt hatki ndoft or ture whenev erI
want ed a f astconf essi on and dhar a har ina
kutor anguv akut aur azv esehar o. .
"Sakar uchivaher ekanakut ichi i
,,doy ouknow
kuti Deeandmakor emangani .
"Aiwaasi ati samhukei ...
"At isamukeishe' st he same age as y our
daught ermhani .
m sor ryzv ongondi bat awo. .
"Sakamakazv iitakuv anhuv angani
"Haa6chet eormor e.
Mywhol ebodywasnowshaki ngandIwant ed
to do mor e damage ,ndakar ova one f i
achi nodonha pasi Ki ng akat i Ai wa si ya
ndipedzi se. .ndakabv andabudandi inehasha
andIst artedt hinkingt hati fhehadmanaged
togetDee,whatwasgoi ngt ohappent oherI
hadntev ent rai nedhermar ti
alar tsy et,ifshe
wast obeputi nt hecor nerwi thmenl i
kehi m
how i sshegoi ngt obeabl et ot akecar eof
hersel f?myhear twasser iousl ybeat ingf astI
didn'twantt o keep i magi ning herget ting
attackedonheronandt hinkingabouthowol d
baLanawasandt heki ndofment alit
want edt or eadyt ododamage, ,thewor ldhad
evilmanzv esur e. ..Af teraboutt enmi nski ng
camezv i
kanzi i
gwar ai riradur azv ese. ..
King:uy u ndi ye munhu asi ngafe akai taf ut
.kuny arandai dakumupi samabhor a.
Me:wai t
amakesur eher ebecauset hel ast
personwaat auramunhuwangushaa.
King: ndosaka ndat ii bv a ndazv iona kut i
unogonakumukuv adza. .
Me: sakat oitasei nay e..
King:haaaai bvauy ut aakunomudzoser abut
rega ambomi ra mbi chana ti
nay e
tozomuendesamangwana. ..
Me: ndaakuenda. .
King: sharpboss. ...
Il eftand t hen Idr ove home f ast, ndaive
nehashast ill
Iwentundert heshowert ocool
offthenIcal led Mai mukundi ..
"Hesi mai mukundi kur i
sei kumba.
"Kur i
bhov aendanaTi nakumbakwav ommm I
hopehepay sf orsomedamagesbecausena
bamkur uma1chai wo. .
" Haa ko munu ane Mar i zv e babi e
haangat adzekubhadhar a.
"Okndakusuwababi e. .
"Makesur eunouy amangwanawazv inzwaka. .
"Ndouy anguv ai.
"Ukasi ke ndoda kuona kut izv inhu zv angu
zvesezv i
poher e? ??
"Wat angakui t
akut indinyar e.
"Ukasany ara ndobv a ndazi va kut imukadzi
wangu angwar i
sa and pane amudzi dzisa
izvo, ,and agai nwot oi
t apl anzv ekwana
Tina nekwana Jean i n handi chada kana
kuzv i
"Hiibabi esoy oumeanIcantv isi
"Vi sithako butkwet e zv emazuv a because
kahunhukandi r
ikuonaandi si kukaf ar i
"Ehoi ndazv inzwa. .
"Goodgi rlIlov ey ou. .
"Ilovey oumor ebabi e.
I got of ft he phone t he phone ndanga
ndaakunzwazv i
rinaniIev encookedandat e
,Dee ndai mut y i
,kuv hur irwa par cel
nemumwe munhu ndokwai shupa and
ndaishay akut indoi tasei, ,soonshewasgoi ng
touni ver si
tyandIhadnoi deakut iai endakupi
andt hatwasgoi ngt obe4y ear s, ,
wasIgoi ng
tobeabl et owai tt hatt hatl ong? ...
yearsf rom dat e..thatwasact ual l
yst r
essf ulon
mypar tbecauseIr eallywant edt owai tf orher
andIwonder edifshewoul dwai tf orme. ..
Makusenishe sur ely came i nt he mor ning
ndichitongobv amushowerndakaonamunhu
achitopi ndapaki t
chendoor. .Ihadmadesur e
kusiya ndakamuv hur i
ra gat e asai t
e st ress
pakupi nda , ,
Iwentt o hershe was l ooki ng
yummy ,
Iputmyhandonherwai stt henshe
said Muku, ,ndakangot iy es t hen ki ssed her
good akabv a at odonhedza zv aanga akabat a
zveseandhel dont omer emi ndingherhangu
kutindi nidaddyandndangandamusuwaIt ook
off her t -shi rt ndi kairasira kur e ndi kabat a
munhukusv ikaaakut adzakuf ema, ,Ipickedher
up and t ook hert o my r oom . ...
she was
compl et elypower lesssur ei fIwant edt ot ake
advant ageofherIwoul dbutnev ert hatwas
not me, ,
,but she made me hi gh ,,grade
rezvaaindi par aiver akaipai naf ewmi nutesshe
wasnakedonmybed. .
.Il i
ckedherachi ngot i
Mukukani ,
,Ihadi nt roducedhert oanot herl ev el
off oreignf eel i
ngpr actical...
shewasf aili
ngt o
controlIcoul d sense kut iai bva she t asted
good kani ,
ndof unga munhu wacho kugona
kugeza. ...
.ndakanzi Mukudon' tst opandIknew
she was aboutt o come , she coul dn'tst op
moani ngandhowcal l
edmynamendi chinzwa
achigwi nha ndakanzwa kut i ndi ri mur ume
suv ananzou. ..
Ndapedza she hel ped me t oo,
ndatoonakut indoo t heonl ywayt o contr ol
my selfwi thoutget tingin....
hertight. ..
"Ndokudamf anhai wewendodauzv i
"Chindi vhar aMukuhonandaakuny ara.
"l olwadi ikuny ara pandat anga kukubv isa
hembe. .
"Itwast imef orpr acti
calbutapapr acti
yaper adaddyMuku. .
"Mmm daddyMuku. .
"Lol doy oulikeit. .
"Hell yeahIdo. ..
"Sowhat '
sthatf eel ingthaty ouj ustmademe
feelitwast oogood. .
"Wekeepf indingt hegspotl ol,that'
scomi ng
babie. ..
"Mmmm ndoi damhani t
hatf eeling.
"Thatf eeli
nghuh, ,
justdon' tgetaddi ctedy et
5y ear suchat ombondi pinzabusyshaa. .
"Fivey ear sdzei? ?
"Ndopandopi hwamakumboangu. .
"Ican' twai tthatlongMuku. .
"Wel ly ouhav eto. .
"Nooo, Iknow y ouhav ehadsexbef or eand
youneedi t,,Ican' tdot hatt oy ou,,
nexty ear
Muku. ..
"Ai wa babi e. ..usai ti
reinini,you hav et o be
readyandy ouhav et owanti ttoo..
"Soy oudon' twantme.
"Youhav eknow i deahow muchI '
mt ry
ingt o
cont rol..
"Sonexty ear..becauseIwanty outoo. .
"Ndodawapedzachi kor o.
"KonhaiMukui t'sal laboutbal anci ng,saka
vesev akapedzachi kor ov achi r
imav i
rginsher e
"Let '
sdi scusst hissomeot hertimeokayl ol ...
Shel aughedt henshesai dndaakunzwakuda
kugeza, ,Iwast empt edt obat hagai nwi thher
ndikasi yazv akadar o..Iletherbat hthenImade
breakf astf orus, afterbr eakf astwest art
edt he
gener alt rainingoff i
rstt i
mer s..
fora week t raining nor malwor k out sf or
starter s,
thesecond weekIputheri ntot he
actualt raining...
.herbodywas qui etf lexi ble
angaasi rikundi net sa. .Iwant edt omakesur e
kutit heweekr angar asar at i
satitav hurar aita
progr ess , iyewo she was qui te f ocused
ndozv andai mudi ra,,akambochemakut iny ama
dzar wadza but t hat happens al lt he t i
paunot anga munhu t raining ma muscl es
anot orwadzachet e...
Endofepi sode 42
Kay die
Chapt er43
Iwasget ti
ngt hehangofmar ti
alar t
s,t hey
werenoteasy ..
.mostoft het imeIwant edt o
cryandhewasn' tev engoi ngeasyonmeI
thoughtsi ncehewasmyboy friendhewoul dn'
besohar donmeIguessIexpect edt omuch
andt herear et i
neswhenIev engotangr ywi th
himf orpushi ngt oohar dIdi dn'tunderstand
wher ehewascomi ngf r
om orsomeofhi s
reasonsandsomet imesIwoul dshoutathi m
butIknewdeepdownt hatal lthiswasf ormy
ownbenef i
ts,itsonl yt hatitwassomet hing
erentt hatIwasnotusedt oandIknewhe
hadt opushmehar derorel seIwasgoi ngt o
takei tlikei twasaj oke...
.OnSat urdayj ust
beforeschool sopenedweal sohadanot her
roughsessi onandIwasmadathi m...
"DeeIknowy oucandot hisy ouhav et ost op
ngangr ysof astthatwi llbey ournumber
one weakness y ou can nev erat t
ack when
e so angr y l i
ke t hat because y our
opponentwi llusey ourweaknessagai nstyou..
hausat iwamboonamar overwoanoi t
kanaai neHasha. .
"Sakay out ell
ngmekut iyounev erfi
youar eangr y,,haausany epei weweI ngat hat
day at t he cl ub wakar ova kunashe
wakat samwawani ..
"t herei sadi fferencebet weenf ightingact ual l
exchangi ng f ists and knowi ng t he per fect
spor tst ohi ty esIhi thi m onl yont her i
spot s wher e I knew t hat he woul d be
power lesst hati st hedi ff
er encenow bet ween
fighting and j ust hi tti
ng someone l ike a
knockout ...
"sowhycan' twej ustski pt hisf i
ustgett ot heknockoutst r
youhav et otrainmel i
ket his,,it'
s st ressf ul.I
don' tlikeit.
"sowhati fy ougetat tackedbyacoupl eof
peopl eandy oucan' tgetoutorcan' treacht he
per fectspotf oraknockout ?t hat'swheny ou
hav et oknowhowt ousey ourl egs, y ourhands
,youhav et oknowy ourbodyl anguage, howt o
escapesomeonesgr i
p,Iwon' tst opunt i
ly ou
mast erall t
hat, ,t
oobadbabi e..
"Andi chada.
" Hat isikumi r
a Dee ny angwe ukat samwa
uchadzi kamababi e.
"Ukundi iti
rahut sinyeshaaa.
"Haashaasi yananeni .
"Youcandot hisbabi e,,Iwon' tf orgivemy self
fsomeonewast ohur ty ou, ,whati fy ouget
raped t hen what, ,unenge uchi da ndi pinde
muj er indaur ayamunhu,kanakut iit'sbestt o
av oidal lthat..
"Ndanet aMuku.
"Iknow babi ebuty oual way spushy our self
wani ,
,doi tfordaddyMuku.
"Hahahay ouar ecr azy..I'm goi ngt olosemy
virginity nazv o i zvi al ready wakapot sa
wandi bhoz hongor at singat eachi ngmekugar a
"Asikawaakugonakugar a180 y acho nhai
babi e. .
.Thatwi l
lmakey ourki ckseasyandby
thewayasl ongaspasi naapi ndapaur iyouwi l
alway sbeav ir
gint ome, ,becausekwandi r
hazv ineinet singa, ,pakangowanaapi ndachet e
ndopandour ayamunhu. .
"HaaMukumhani andi chadat alkingl i
ket hat. .
Takat angat rainingagai n,,hewast eachi ngme
kicksandIwasf ail
ingt or eachpaai dakut i
ndi svike ndakambot anga ndi chiit
a nehasha
dzikazopedzi sira dz aserera. ..The moment
yandakagonaakabv aandi takur eandIwr apped
myl egsar oundwai stachi tender eraneniIhad
toscr eam andt ellhi mt ost opnekut indanga
ndaakunzwa dzungu. .
.. He put me down
ndokubv a ndar ara pasion t he l awn and he
cameont opofmeandbeganki ssingme. ..In
secondshehadhi shandwasi nmyv est. .
Honest lyIwasnotsur ei fIwasgoi ngt obe
abl etol astthewhol ey earbef or ehebr eaksmy
sev eryt ouchmademewanthi mt o
doi t
..mostoft hegi r
lsmyagehadl ostt heir
virginityalreadyany wayandi t
s notl i
compar i
ngmy selft ot hem buti t'
st hef oreign
feel i
ngsonmybodyt hatneededt obef ul
t'sl i
kehewasj ustl eav i
ngmehangi ngal lt he
mey etIwant edmor eandt hemor e,,Ibegged
formor ethemor eIaskedf ormor e,hesai d
no,,,ther ei
st i
mesIact uallygotangr ywi thhi m
fornotgi vi
ngi ttomebecauset hef orbi
ti swhatIwast ryingt ol ethim hav e,I
want ed t o be t ur ned i nto a woman Iwas
begi nni ngt of eell ikeIwassuchagi rlandhe
wasamanwewer enotont hesamepage
when i tcame t or omance Ineeded t o be
adv ent ur ous wi th hi m. any way Ihad
deci dedt ol ear nal it
tlesomet hingf orhi mI
want ed t o sur pr i
se hi m , ,
so as we wer e
touchi ngandki ssi ngIt ouchedhi m downt here
ikeIhad seenont hemov ieIdownl oaded,,
wel litwasmor eofamov i
eshowi ngy ouhow
topl easeaman. ..Itwasnotf ormyagesi nceI
wasbel ow 18butwhocar edIwasa17y ear
oldwhohadcl imaxed. ..
Ndai zi va kut inomat tert he t ri
cks he wasn' t
goingt ogi veitt omehaazv akaoma. ..
"Mukut i
panze. .
"I fy ou ar e st i
llt alking itmeans hausat i
waakundi f
eeler. .
"I'mf eel i
ngy oubel ieveme.
"Youar elying.
"I'm not.
"Uchi ri kutaura. ..
Hepul ledupmyv estandhewaspi nchingmy
nippl esal i
e, ,Ibeganbr eathi
ngser iously
heav y. .Icoul dn' ttalkany mor e,,Il
etmy hand
expl orel i
eMukuandhesai d. .
"DamnDeewher edi dy oulear nthat.
Icoul dn' tanswerndakabv andamupi guraand
wentonhi m, ,hel ookedatmeshockedandI
wentdownonhi m, ,Iwant edt oprov ethatI
wasnol ongeral itt
legi rl..thankgoodnesst he
durawal lwassooohi ghnoonecoul dev ersee
any thing . .
.It ook outl it
tle Muku f rom hi s
shor ts,, Iwasv eryscar edy etIwant edt odoi t,
andinakudzi dzi ri
ramahar a..
"Deewhatar ey oudoi ng. .
Iignor edhi m.
Iputhi mi nmymout handhesai d. ..
"Shi i
...Damni twow. .
SakandangandagonaIt oldmy self...
kubv isaf earandwenteasy ,
,Iknew Iwasnot
Soogoodndai dakungomur ati
dzakut iIwas
gettingr eadyt obeabi ggi rl
He keptsay ing Dee mukadziwangu . ...
managedkundi isapasiandhewentont op
again, ,
he t ookof fmyt i
ghtsand If eltl i
Mukubyt hedoor, ,pl ayingt heregoodnessI
want edt oscr eam , ,
Ipushedupt ogui dehi m
butMukumov edaway ..
"MukuI '
m goi ngt odi e.
"Youwontdi e. .
Ikeptpul linghi m downhekeptmov i
hewasj ustpl ayingwi t
hl it
eMukut hereand
playingwi thmycl i
saidno. .
.hewentdownandl ickedmeIt r
iedt o
getup ndakabat i
a pasiIcoul dn'tgo f ar
ndakangobat apasiwi t
handonhi sheadndi singadekut iabv edown
therebecausehewasmaki ng mecome. .
goodnessIl i
ftedmybodyupal itt
leasi fhe
was f ar but I coul dn't cont rol my own
cravings,,hemademenut sunt il
Icame. ..
Heputl i
lMukubet weenmyboobi esndokubv a
ndamabat anidzat ight l
yhekeptmov i
ngt here
forawhi l
eunt i
lhecame, ,whenwewer ebot h
soberwecoul dn' tbel i
ev ewehaddoneal lthat
kubacky ard..
.Webot hl aughed, grabbedour
clothesandr ani nsidet hehouseandt ooka
showert oget herfort hef ir
"Deewakai pa.
"Ndai ta sei ..
"Usandi pinzepakudar opl easendour ayiwana
tezv arav angundapot ahangubabi e. .andby
thewaywher edi dy oulear nhowt ogi veabl ow
ob. .
If eltshyIcoul dn'tt el
lt hatndakangoseka
ndi kati phoneasi hauy ide..
" Dai ndi singade ungadai usi na
kundi tender edza musor o kusv i
ka pakupot sa
ndabr eakerpr omise. .
"I'm sor r
y. .
"Bv apo y ouar enotsor ry,,
zvikor ozv aakuv hur wasakagoodby etoal lthi
wai tabasa babi ef orl earni
ng thatj ustt o
pleasemewandi fadza, ,
daiwakadzi dzir
aKar e
honamanj ewaakundi siyapakaona. .
chikor oshaaandi r oorehangu. .
"Ndi weur i
kur ambaMuku. .
"Hapanachekumhany irababi e.
Akabv aat oraphoney anguand wentt ot he
videosmai weezv angundakany ar
aapaai seka
hake. .akabv aamadel eteresendi katii
ndav a..
"Deey oudon' tneedal lthisokay, ,especiall
now, ,Idontwanty out of ocusonme, ,
youhav e
topass, ,
ifyoupassIwi ll
y ouwhaty ouwant. .
Zv akabv azv av haranaf orsur e..
Endofchapt er43
Chapt er44
The f irstweeks af terschool s opened wer e
quiethect i
cforme. .ndaiv ebusyandpr essure
yangay aendaIwaspl anni ngonr egist
er ingfor
June . .Iwas r eall
y consi dering it.
..dur i
breakf astIwasev endi scussi ngny ayay acho. ..
Mama: sakai weweur i
kutyachi ii
Me: haaaMamaandi zi
v eini..
Mama: y oucandoi tany wayIwi llspeakt oy our
teacheruudzemwanawangumukuauy epano
Iwannat alkt
ohi m...
Me: cal lhim mega. .
Dad: Ithi nksheshoul dr egi sterf orJuneand
Nov emberaswel l.
Me:whati fIpassi nJuney etIwoul d hav e
registeredf orNov emberaswel l
Mama:j ustdowhat every ouwantmygi rl,
Mukundiknowsy oubet t
ert hanus, heknows
whaty oucando, whaty ouar ereadyf orand
whaty ouar enotr eadyf or...
Me: ehoi mama
Igotupandpi ckedupmybagt henl eft...we
werebackt ousingcombi snamukuand he
wasnol ongertoof ri
endl yl i
kebef or
e,ser ious
yachoy angay aakutot yi
saandIwasduef or
mar ti
alar tscompet iti
onsi naweek, ,hehad
registeredmef orcompet iti
onj ustt ot estkut i
ndav apapichai po..any waygott oschoolear l
asal way sndokubv andat omuudzakut imama
vativar i
kudakukuona. .
"Var isei koambuy av angunhai ..
"Shewant stoknow know i fit'
sokf ormet o
st erf orJune. .
"Isthatwhaty ouwantt odo. .
"Icoul dt rybutimi mi sirndimi mungatoziv a..
"Sirv akondi ani..
"Imimi sirMuku. .
"Pane munhu ar ikut svaga puni shmentndi r
kumuonahangu. .
"Puni shmesi rIdon' tmi nd. ..
"Lol any waymysi sterwant st omeety ou..
"Youhav enev erspokenabouty ourfami lyI'
surprisedndozi i
kanwa. .
"KwanaDeei fIcoul dt ellReinaabouty ouwhy
can'tItel lmyf ami l
yabouty ou..
"Zitai r
or oandi r
ide. .
"Sor ryIdi dn'
tthi nkkut i
wakar iv
enga. .
"Soy out houghtkut indodakur inzwamanj e???
"Deebabi ezv ait
a seiIwasj ustgi v
ing an
exampl e. .
"Muchi rikutaurameseher e?
"Wemuchbutwheni tcomest obusiness. .
"Rechi imukundi ..
"Ndi chazokuudza. .
"Waakuzondi bhowamanj ei fyoucan' ttellme
tmeansmukui tazv isi
nabasaandbusi ness
rachor akadhakwa. .
"Deest opt hat..
"Ndaakudakumuv hunzandega.
"Kut ichi imanje. ..
"Kut iny ayadzakenewendedzei ..
"ChiikoDee. .
"Kanauchi rambauchi t
aur anay endaakut aure
nevamwe. .
"Deekwanausadekundi denhaandi t
mewanzwa. .ifIdon' tt elly oucer t
aint hings
ndinemar easons, ,
justbecauseoft hest upid
mist akeImadewakundi dai. .
.Hav en'tIshown
you how much Il ov ey ou . .
.you can' tkeep
threat eningmewi t
hsuchbul shitify ouwanna
actst upi dgoahead. .
Akabv a at obuda mu cl ass ndi katosar a
ndami randega, ,hamhenowhyndai ngonzwa
kusv ot wa zv ekut oda kudenhanha nhay e kuti
ndinzwemushe. ..
ndakasar andakat uzur aapa
manj emast udent sndokubv aat angakuwanda
mucl assandf i
rstlessonwashi s. .timey es
rstl essony akat okwanaasat i
auy a. .
Muny a:ko v anaDeendi mikamaf i
r sthand
kana kut i ma r i
ght hand a si r endai ka
munot iny ukurirakuny i
kay av akafira..
Me: ndokukwat ura usandi jairi
Muny a: kobpndedzei konhai weDee. .
Me: rako gar or awakasendekapachai rwadi i
war i
si mudzawaendakunot svagasi r
Muny a:nekut igar or angui dikipaner akoand
rako ndi ro r inokasi ka kusi muka . .
wakandi r amba f uti ndongopedzer a shungu
pakut ar i
sa t iri
kungody ir
wa mahal f Nana
mukundi ..
Me: ndokuny ar arari
dzounepamur omohandi ti
Muny a: sorryhakot inenget i
chitumai mi nekuti
ndimi ma f avorite a si r ...munokasi ka
kunzwi kwa .
. mozi vana mabenef its
Me: ukuedzakut i chii
Muny a: hapanakani zv apera. .
Me: Ndogona kukuzv uva ndi kabuda newe
munomu and hapana zv aunombondi ita
wanzwa . .usade kut aura pf ocho uchi temba
katanda kaunako pakat i pemakumbo
ndinokadz ura. .
Vanhu v akabv a v atanga kumuseka ki ti
wawachi swanebabi e...
" Si ze y angu i noender ana neasi na
kumbov hur wa manj e i mi maper a basa
obviousl y i nenge y ava kat anda kapi nda
mugomba. .
"Gombander amaiv akov anony udzwaney ese
yeseapauonemukur ir
o wakai t
agombar iri
pakat ipemusor owakowakapot sawadhi r
nhov amemav 11amaiakany any akur ember a
"IweDeewat ichi i
"Wandi nzwaandnokupamhaf utiusat embe
nekat anda kasi na or dermashoko eny aradzo
hausi mur umei wenx aaaa...
Akabv a andi dhonza ma br aids angu
zvakandi rwadza ndi kamur ov a negokor a
akay uwira ndi chitender era ndakamur ov era
musor opadesknehashandai nzwakut iy aa
ndagar wa manj e mashoko ake ese ekut i
kuny engwa na Muku av akuny atsopinda
mandi r
i, ndakany atsobhut sur a mabhor a
akazhambaandhecoul dn'tev enf ight..
Me: chi ndiratidza pawat i pane gomba
rakav hurwa. .
Mer cy :
haaanhai weDeeasi wagar wa. .
Me:ehendagar wawangauchi dakukat anur a
chandi garaher e..
Mucl assmangamaanenoi se. ...Kwakapi nda
sirvemacomput ersv achindi bv isaPanamuny a
vachiita zv ekuzv uva mapendeket e ndokubv a
ndanzwahashandi kav akandaf ightkumeso. ...
west opi twaakudakur ov ananeni here. .
Me: mondi batamapendeket endeeny uher e?
Sir:chashami sirapamapendeket echi i
konhai .
Me: kanamaakut or asamur omot aakut otangira
patasi i
rasi rhamundi bat emanzwa. .
owmet ioneneweMuny ahandei .
Muny a:ndoendakupi ndar ohwa. .
Sir:chawar ov er wandochandi rikudakuzi va...
Ijustl ookedathi m ndokubv andat ungamur a
kubuda. ..Muny af oll
owi ng behi nd na si r. .
Takabv at anangi swat ot hatof fi
cey andakaona
yagar aMuku, ,Iwonder edkut itaidakunoi twa
seichai zv o. .wegott heret henheopenedt he
doorndokubv at anzipi ndaiand Muku was
busysi ttingt her e...
Sir:si rv anhu v arikuv hiri
nga chi kor o cheny u
ndauy anav o..
Ndakangost i
ckerndakat ari
samukundi I
didn'tunder st andwhatwashappeni ngandi ye
mukundiakar ambaakar ovaser i
ousndokubv a
Muny achi ii???
Sirndar ohwanaDee.
He l ooked atMuny a Icoul d see kut iAi da
kuseka, buthemai ntainedhi scool ..
Muku: Deewar ov er eiMuny a..
Me: ngaat aur ezv ezv amur ovesa. .
Muku: taur azv akur ov esa. ..
Muny a: ndamut ukazv inyadzi .
Me:i tiwat aur akut indav aGabandopakur i
Mukundi ...
Mukundi amambor amba akany ar
ar a,
ndokubv a ndaona achi fi
ny ama kumeso
achibv a at anga kuny oral ike a l etter then
stampedi t...
SirMuku:ast heowneroft hisschoolIam
formal l
ydi smi ssingf orgood. ...
Ihav ether ight
to ex pely ou ov er lack of di scipli
ne and
tarnishing my i mage . ..f
allaccusat i
ons and
causi ngconf usi on....
Muny a: sirwhatdoy oumean?
SirMuku: pleasegetout.
Muny a:sir.
Sir:Isai dgetout. .
Ndakangot arisamukundishocked. ..Kut ij ust
iket hathehadexpel l
edhi m somukundiwas
theowneroft heschoolandhenev erbot her ed
tot ellme.If eltbet r
ayedIf eltstupi dlikeIwas
ustl i
vingal i
enay e,,hapanakanachandai zi va
pamusor opake. .
.Ndakabv andashay akana
kuti nditichiindakambor ambandakamut arisa..
"Iwasgoi ngt ot ellyouDee.
"When? ??
"Whent her ightt imecomes. .
"Whenmukundi ?
"Isai dIwasgoi ngt otelly
oushaa. .
Akabv aasi mukandokuuy aandst oodpandi r
ndokubv aAt i
"Wakat angar iini kurovananev anhukuchi kor o...
"Nhasi .
"Wher ei sy ourdi scipl
ineDee. .
"You wer e nott here achi taurar ough, ,
any waynoneedt oex pelhim Mukundi ..
"Hehast olear ndi scipli
ne. ..
"Whyar ey ouhi dingy ourselfnhaimukundi ,I
don' tknow kut ii nindi richi ikwaur iiwewe
ndikudanana nemunhu wandi singazi ve,
aregoi ngt ocont inuewi tht hisr elationshi pI
nkt her eisal otoft hingst haty ouneedt obe
honestwi thmeabouty ouhav et ot ellmewho
youar e,y ou'remaki ngmef eelst upi dev ery
meandIdon' tev enunder standwhati sgoi ng
onwi t
hy ouI '
mr eallystar t
ingtodoubtus. sei
usingandi koshesei wewe.
fy ouar esay ingt hatIdon' tputy ouf i
nky ouar ebei ngal it
tlet ooharsh,actual l
youar e bl owi ngt hisoutofpr oport
ionIhav e
myr easonswhyIdon' ttellyoucertainthings,
tsf oryourowngoodandmyowngoodaswel l
therewi l
lcomeat i
mewhenIwi l
ltelly ou
okay! !!
butIneedy out obepat i
entwithmej ust
ov emel ikey ousupposedt olovemest op
ooki ng f ort hings, ,
,t ryt o understand Mai
mukundit hatt herei sasi deofmet hatIwi shI
couldt elly ouabout,pl easej ustbepat ient
withme Idon' twantt hattomessupour
ationshi p..
"Isther ear elationshipbet weenmukundi ??
"Sakabecausey ouf oundoutkut iiownt he
school zvat ochinja. .
"Andi muzi veMuku.
"Unondi zivaDee. .
Iwashur tndakabv andakut obuda..
"Ukuendakupi wakat samwa. ?
" Amheno handi ti i wewe wabudawo
wakat samwa. ..
Endofepi sode44
Chapt er45
Mukundi .
shewast rulymaki ngt hingsdi ff
icul tforme, ,
there' st hingst hatIj ustcoul dnot t ellher
becauset heywoul dputmyj obont hel ine, t
woul dputmysaf etyont helineev enhersaf ety
ont hel ineaswel l,
,Iwant edhert ounder stand
butIhadnoi deahowt omakeherunder stand
zvinhu zv andai edza kumuudza ne
kumuv har idzi r
akwazv i
ri.shewascompl etely
takingev er ythingt hewr ongwayand i twas
notbychoi cet hatIwant edt ohi det hingsf r
her, itwasmydut yIhadswor nt ot akecer tain
secr etst ot hegr av e, ,Ihadt opr otectherand
me and t he nat i
onal secur ity. ..
and f ut i
kumuudzakut iIwor ked f ort he pr esident
woul df reakheroutconsi der i
ng t he st ories
thatsur rounded peopl e ofmyki nd.I twas
begi nni ng t o depr ess me,amheno kut isei
vakadzinekudakusi visisazv inhuzv i
nav o,,zv i
nhu zv ekut i ny angwe ndi kakuudza
hazv ichi njeany thi ngpaur ibesi desr iskingy our
ife, apa v akativ akadzi av ana hana. .
mi nut eszv inengezv abuda.
Any wayI thadst ar tedl ikeaj okendi chi zviudza
kutiIcoul dbr eakt heircodesandhacki ntot he
thenat ionalsecur i
tysy stem. ..Ial way st old
my sel ft hatIwoul dbet he bestI .Tguyi nt he
count ryandIgott rainedbyt hebestkusv ika
ndazoendeswa kust at es by my dad , ku
Uni ver sit
yi nt hest at esIst udi edI .T , ,Ireal l
want edt ot ryt ohacki ntothenat ionalsecur it
system and nekuf ar i
sa sur e ndakazv i
ndakapi nda past t hrough t he codes and
ndangandai tanguv andi chizamasoi tmor e
ike a chal l
enge ora puzzl ey andai sagona
apanzi ra,asimanj epasi nakananguv a
they t racked me down and f ound me
ndakav arairwa, ,
Iknewt heywoul dbechances
ekupindapama1butzv iv i
ndizv andai v enazv o
ndozv angazv akany any a. r
iedt or unaway
butIcoul dnotr unawayt heywer et oof astfor
mesaka Igotar rest ed. eheIhadhackedbutI
wasnotasi ntel l
igentast heywer e. .
Theyputmei ncust odyf ort hef oraf ewday s
ing t o under stand whatIwas doing
hackingi ntot henat ional secur itysy stem ,Iwas
put under i nter r
ogat i
on ndi kat ombor ohwa
zvekut i butt heyf oundnot hingt omyname
andt heyr eal i
zedt hatImeantnohar m Iwas
usta ki dt est i
ng hi s ski lls. that '
s how t he
presidentaskedt ospeakt omei npr ivateand
offeredt ot rainmeandmakemehi sper sonal
secretagent .Bef or et heof fer byt hepr esident
Ihadnoi nt ent i
onofbei ngasecr etagent,
hough i twasahi ddenpassi onofmi ne,I
wasf asci nat edbyi t, actual lyhemadeanof fer
Icouldn' tr esistandIaccept edi t. ..
MydadwasnotSoohappyabouti tzv i
unour ay iwamwanangubutIwant edt ot estmy
esaswel l
...Iwassentt obackt ot he
Statesf rom t her eIwassentt oRussi athenI
cameback. ..NdadzokaIwasputonami ssion
tot rack down t he CI Os wi thout bei ng
dent ifiedandsol v e casest heyf ail
edt osol ve
.Ipassedandwasr ewar dedbybei ngt he
mant hatr epor t
edst rai
ghtt ot hepr esidenta
obt hatwasmeantf orv ar umev agar av arimu
ndust ry,
,ne age y angu ndai sat ombokwana
kumbi ndapat hatposi tionbutIhadi mpr essed
him wel l..
Apa manj e Dee anga av akundi pinza busy
nekudakusi visisazv akawandabutndai sagona
kumuudzadzi mwedzenguv aunogonakuf unga
kuti ur iwega but Pai ne ar ikukut everawo
akat umwakut iakut arisewo. ..Iwat chedher
walkawayf rom mebutmyhear twassor e. .
Andmebei ngbyt heschoolwasbecauseI
alway shadapassi onf ort eachi ng. .
.Iwant ed
toful f
ilallofmydr eamsndi sat indaf a, ,Il
thesi mpl elifendosakandai fambanemakombi
andagai nIdi dn' twantkut iv azhi njiv azi vekutiI
ownedt hecol lege. ..
Act uallymyf atherhadgi venmenekut ihe
was t he owner but ndakar amba ndi katiI
want edt obuyi tfrom hi m ndai sadaI nher it
nozoi taj utivanhuv avenganei fmyf atherwas
todi e..kuvanhuv atemandopaunoonanev anga
vasingauy ekuzokuonaiv achi simudzamusor o
want ingapi eceofev erything. .
.Theschool was
ownedbymyf atherandhi sf riendbabav a
Reina. .
.Theyhad deci ded t o gi v ei tt o us,
young mi nds f or us t o t ake ov er
ndopandakat enga f r
om my f ather but
mbi chanambi chanaunt ilndapedza. ..That's
howIbecamepar tner snaRei naev ent houghI
had70%shar es.AndIhadmetRei nanotnot
knowi ngherf atherandmyf atherwer ef ri
apowopat akazoi sami sikanz way eduwehad
noi deakut i ourf ather swer ef ri
ends. ..
Ndakasar a ndokubv a ndagar a pasi and
decidedkut iitwasokayt ot ellherabi tabout
my selfkut iasany any ekuf eel erasi fshedi dn't
mat tert ome. .Igotupanddeci dedt ogof or
myl esson. .
.Ny angwendangandanonokabutI
lhadt odomydut y, ,ndakasv ikamukadzi
akarov a ser ious. ...And obv iousl ynezv anga
kav anhuv ai
zev ezer anav achi ny ey aand
evenpay i
ngat t
ent ionv angav asi r
"Okay,enoughofgossi pingi t'
snotwhaty ou
allcameher ef or. .ify oual lwantt ocar ryon
beingsf oolsy oucanal laswel lleav emycl ass,
befor ey oual ldeci det ospr eadf alser umour s
youbet t
ert hinkabouty ourf uturesher eorel se
youwi llbemadeexampl esj ustl ikeMuny a
whohasbeensenthome. ..
Thewhol ecl asswentsi lentnekut ya. ..
Mer cy :siri suheduhapanachat ozi v aandwe
neveraccusedDeeofofhav i
ngar elationship
withy oundiMuny aat aur aega, ,Idon' twanna
be inv olv
ed pazv i
nhu zv andisi ngazi ve .Onl y
kutimmmm t siuraiDeear ovamwanav ev anhu
pasiripo. .
Dee:wadi iwandi rat i
dzapekur ov apacho, ,kana
kutindi r
at i
dzei zv ezvindobv andai taexampl e
yachopaur i.
Me: Dee.
Mer cy :andi sikuda hangu zv ekur ov ana newe
shaaa t azv ionakut imur iv ahombe i nihangu
ndot yakur ohwa. ..
Dee:saka ny ar ara kana usi na ny aya usade
kutsv aga dzv ene ka , ndozv i
ziva zv aur ikuita
nxaaa. ..
Mer cy :nondangot indi udzev anhuhangukut i
urihamay asi r,,hav aziv ekut iihamay amama
vakohandi tiwakambondi udzaher e. ...
Dee went si
lent ndakangor amba
ndakamut arisandokubv aat ari
sapasi ...Iwent
aheadwi tht hel essonndokubv andapedza. ..
Ndakabv andamut umi ramessagendi katimeet
mepasamespot ..
.Haanakanakupi ndur abut
thatdidn'tst opmekunomut ari
sapaspoty edu
yepanssa,If oundherakagar ahakewai ti
for me , ,ndakabv a ndagar a pa si de pake
ndakamut ar i
sakumesondokubv aanzv engesa
mazi soasi ngadekundi tarisa..
"Mai mukundi sorry,Ican' tstandthis. .
"Ukudei .
"Ifyoupr omi set ot alktomendokuudzaabout
me. .
"Unongondi nyeper a..
"Ican' tt elly ouev erythingbutIwi lltellyou
whati snecessar ytobet old. .
"Mukuka. .
.ndozv atir
ikunet serana, ,
vanaRei naar etheonest hatdeser vedtoknow
youI '
mj ustaschool girlasinabasaandi ti
"Ai wa haut are uchi daro pamusor o pa Bae
wangu, ,haudar o..
"Butndozv andi r
ikwaur imuku.
"Imbondi teer era. .
"Fine. .
"I'mt hel astbor npaf ami lyof5, ,4girls,,I
theonl yguy. .mypar entsar equiter i
theyl i
vei ngl enlorne. .
.Idoacoupl eofj obs
andinaoneandI '
m sur endakakuudzamamwe
Reinaowns30%oft heschoolt hat'showshe
s my busi ness par tner ..
he house i n mt
pleasanti smyhouse, andwhyIbeensecr eti
s because ndoda a si mpl elif
e and Ij ust
want edt ogetmy selfaper fectwifeyasi ngade
zvinhut oomuch. .
.andIf oundy oubabi e. I
sorryIhav ebeensecr etivebuti twasf ora
reason, i
t'snotbecausehaunakukoshanekut i
wakandi kosher aDi ana. .
"Sakay oucoul dn'ttel
l met hat?
m sor rybabi e.
"Whatel sear ey ouhi ding..
"Hapanababi e.
"Promi se.
"Ipromi se. .
"FineIf orgivey ouasi ukandinyepafuti
"NoDeedon' tsayany thing
"Sakat oendakumba?
"Kumba? ??
"Maf or eignf eelingsar i
ndomat apudza. ...
Shel aughedsohar dbutIwasn' tlyi
ednotget ti
nghert oot ur
nedAr imaschool
daysndai daadzi dzirekucont r
wasbei ngunf airbodyy akey ai
hadintroducedhert osomet hi
ngnew, ndosaka
hashadzai ngedzawanda.
Endofchapt er45
Chapt er46
Diana. ..
wewentt ohishouset het ruthi sImi ssedhi m,
Imi ssed bei ng hi swoman,Mukuai nditor a
semwana mudi ki st ereki and ndanga
ndaakut ononoker wa nekukur a i f onl y
ndaigona how t o f ast f orwar d makor e
ndingadai ndakai ta f ast f orwar d angu
,ndongosv ika pa 18 kana 21 y acho kut i
ndinzi wondakur a. .Imi ssedt het ouchingand
theki ssi
ngIknew t hatwehadagr eedt oour
Fridayki ssingdayandt hen Sat urdayki ssi ng
and t ouchingdaybutt het ruthMukuwasnot
ivingupt ot hatpr omiseandIwasact ual l
get t
ingangr ywi thhi m...
Hewas t heonet hathadi ntroducedmet o
suchaf eel
ingandwhenhewasdeny ingme
afterandi paf oreignf eelingpr acticalndanga
ndaakut onzwa kunge Muku av akundi j
and af ter t hat t alky e nomor e secr ets
ndainzwakumukar akui taMukucr avingchai yo
he secr etsi ssue was somet hing t hatI
couldn' taccept, Iwant edt olikel i
kehi swoman
kwet ekunget ikungoi tazv ekut ambabecause
ndait oona f utur ey angu ndi ina Muku wangu
andndai sadanay ekanaka1. ..
Tichi ngopinda mumba he di d notl etme
breat he. neniwoIdi dn'
twannabr eathagar a
aindipedzer a mwey a nakar e and ndai toda
andif emer ei y
ehakei nindomuf emer awo, , we
got busyt ouchi ngandki ssingal lov erittook
met ot hebedr oom andwegotont hebedf or
somecr azypassi on and t hen af t
bothcl imaxed. ..that '
swhenwest artedt alki
yl iket woadul t s..Iev enlaughedatmy sel
Ididn'tknowwhatasi mpl ekisscoul d dot o
mymood. ..
"Hashadzaper a? ??
"Ehedzaper a. .
"Wakudazv inhui wewe.
"Wakambondi dzi dzisirei.
"Kuti ungot est er.
"Ehendat esterbutndi rikudazv ese.
"Lolukwaneanwayhandekumbamanj ehona
mey afambaandi diupi nzwebusynaamhuy a
vangu. .
"Whenar ey oucomi ngf orthedi nner. .
"Wangaur iser ious? ??
"Ehendangandi riser i
"Kuuy andodaasindot yat ezvarav anguzi so
ravanondi pa ndor iziva nder ekuti usagumhe
mwanawangu. .
"Manj ewakat odar ikidzaKar e.
"Ndichar i
pa. .
"Hausi kupi ndur aMuku. .
"Ask herkut iv anondi da ndi uyer ii
nit hen
ndouy a. .
"Okcool ...
Takabv at abudaandt hist i
mesi ncehewas
nolongerhi di nghi msel fhegothi scart henI
umpedi nandt henwel eft
wepar kedsl ightl
awayf rom ourhousebecausewewer ebot h
wor r
iedt hatmypar ent swoul dseeus, ,,
sot o
avoidal lthatwedeci dedt opar kjustal i
farfrom t hegat e..
"Sakawazot i
i aboutmeet ingtetev ako. .
"Tov aonaMuku. ..
"OkayIl ov ey ou.
"Ilovey ou.
"Andi di newemunhuwangu.
"Kananeni andidi newebabi e..
"Seriousandi dimaf unniesnewe.
"Ndazv inzwa Muku. .
ndakuenda butIdon' t
wannal eav e.
"Chikur ashaandi rikudakudamukadzi ..
Whenev ery oust artt alkingl i
ket hatamheno
zvandonzwa. .
"Unozv izi
v azv aunonzwa. .
"Eheunonzwakuda samany anga. .
"Samany angai mi...
"Taur af uti.
"Samany angaaah.
Het ookmyhand ndokubv a ndabat i
swa I vo
samany anga v acho . ..ndi
kanzi chi buda
akaramba akandi tar
isa ndi chinopi nda gat e
ndichibv andadhumhananaDi on..
"Ukuendakupi Dion.
"Kunogwi nya Mar ikune mukwasha zv aaita
ndazv iona. .
"Heeeee, ,
wakakwana. .
"Ndokubat a..
Akabv aamhany aapamukuwasst i
llpar ked
akandi tarisa ,,
somet imes ndaishay a
maf ambi ro nemat arisi
ro aaindii
acho,,ndakapi ndamugat eapandi chishayakut i
Dion anga aona sur e her e ndi chibata
samany anga kana kut i kwai v e kuda
kundiv hundut sira .
.ndakazv ishi
ngi sa
ndikapi nda mumba ndi chinzwa mama
vachiridzachi kweenamaimat wi ns, fri
endy avo
yaimbov enenumbul astt i
mewav akamhany ir
achinziAv a mu l abour. .t
hat '
st he one ai ve
auya kumba ndakanzwa mama v achi t
hanzibaLanamuchi neur ikur ambakumuka
kubv a zv avakabv a pamba musiwat akaenda
kunot oraTi na. .
ndakambomi randi kahwanda
ndichidakut eer erakut ivaitichii.
Mai 2: haaai weunor ev anhema. .
Mam:andi sikuny epai we, ,
apaar i
kunet sana
neni hanzi mwana wako akasunga
mur umewangunekut itsingahadzi sikanakui t
Mai 2:howl onghasi tbeen?
Mama: panengepat ovame3weeksnow. .
Mai 2 : saka kana machi ne i sisashande
achagar i
Mama: manj eosi yamur umeher e?
Mai2:handi tithatsamehusbandndi yeanga
amusi y awoher eav akudal atesty angay auy a
buti wewe anonet sana newe kut indi we
wakat umamur umewakekut iahur enaTi na
herekanakut iwakat umaTi nakuendakwaar i
,plusTi nahaasimwanawakoshaa, ,
Mama: mmmm pakai pandakangot i pedzer anai
Mai 2:saka i y e mur ume wacho ar i
kutichi i
pamusor opazv o..
Mama: hanzi ndoda kubhadhar a damage
nekur ooramwanawangu.
Mai 2 :heheeeede huuur ii ngakunze kune
minana asiv ana v emazuv a ano sur e av ana
mat y i
sur e mwana anenge Dee
kugomer erwaner umer akadaro.
Ndakabv a ndany epedzer a kuv hara door
ndikanzwa v anhu v anyarara ndakaseker a
mumoy okut isur emakuhwahaanazer andai t
ndini ndega ndai naki dzwa ndi chimhany a
kunoudzaDi onsemwanamudi kihev ov akadzi
vakur u v aive busy kut aura det ail r ese
remubedr oom ma MaiLana . ..ndakat anga
kufunga kut iko v akai tweiko baba v a Lana
vakadzoka v aakusashanda i
mushi ni.
.ndakat angakuf ungakut isakaMuku
mushi ni ukasashanda zv aizof amba sei
any way I wal ked ov er t o t hem
ndikav amhor esa...
Me: hiemama, ,Mai 2makadi i
heny u.
Mai 2:hesi kani DeeI ngahausi kumi r
akukur a..
Me:chi bage chi kai swa f erti
lizer hachi mire
kukur a.
Mama: hesi Dee.
Me:ndi ri
bhomama. .,
,anywayhanzinanasi r
mov audzav auy epamunoda.
Mama: mangwana.
Mai 2:ndi sirv ei???
Mama:si rv ake, ,
mukundi. .
Iwannaknowi fit'
okaykut i any oremunaJune.
Mai 2: ko hamugone kuv avhunza pa f on
uchakar oitamaBent en. .
Mama:haa kwana i we hauny are Dee her e
besides I '
m ver y happy wi th my
husband. ..mukundi mazer aAnaDi onAy o..
Kumwekut aur asur emunhuanongor otomoka
asinakanakuf ungasur eMai2r imwedzungu
zov at ambudza sur e shamwar idzamama
ndaidzi shai rai nikut adzakudzi nzwi sisa,t ype
rebapu r acho ndai sarinzwisisa ini v ai
swa Hana . .
..ndakabv a ndapinda mu
room,,, zvekunzwa zvinonyadzisir
zvaindikangani sabr ain ndai sada, ,
Iimagi ned
mymot hernaMukundi kanzwakur war achaiko
kutisur emamav angaf ananenamaiLanaher e
sure. ..
iv owo kubv a musiwandakat imumba
mai t
ambav ahav anakuzodakudzokaf uti
Ndakapi nda mur oom mangu ndi chi
ngof unga
zvemushi niwababa Lana ndakat ora phone
ndikatumi ramessageKunamukuwangu. .
"Ihope mushi niwako haumi re kushanda
shamwar i.
Akabv aaf onai papoi papo. ..
"IweDeeukut ichii.
"Kkkkwazv i
nzwa. .
"Wazv iwanepi izvozv o..
"Ndangonzwawokut imachi ney ababa Lana
"Ahwaudzwanaani .
"Ndanzwav achiny eiwananamama, ,,
babiechi noiti
sakudar o...
"Iwe,,iwekany ararany ayai y
oy ohanditika.
"Koy akashat achi ihandi tiwear ehav inga
discussi onandndanzwazv i
chinzivanogar i
nababaLanai womushi niusisi
rikushanda. ..
"AaaahDeeny araramhani .
"Kondat adzachi i.
"Ihopehapanaar ikukunzwa. .
"Hapanaapa. .
" Don' t wor r
y unoshanda , ,
unoukani kawomukaf uti.
Endofchapt er
Chapt er49
Theweekst hatf oll
owed, wegotr eall
ndichibat siraDeewi thhert r
towi n, ,Ir eallywant edt oknow kut ianosv i
papi .On mymi nd iwasl ooking f oranew
partnerandi thadt obeDee,shewasy oungI
knew i tandIknew shehadherpl ansi nl if
wasnotgoi ngt omeddl ebutIwasj usthopi ng
kutikanaat ikur eishewoul dnotmi ndwor ki
withme. Soany waywet rai
nedr eall
yhar d
ndangandav akumupi nzapaext rememar ti
.Amont hlat erwewentf orar emat ch...
"Deebabi e..
.Makemepr oudhandi ti
"Doy out hinkIwi l
lwin?Ir eall
yhopeIdo. .
"Idontt hinky ouwi llwinbutndi rikuzv i
v akuti
thet it
lei sy our sandi tika. .
usamur ov enef i
round, ,
Iwannaseehowgoody ouar euchirwa
"Thanksf orbei ngher ewi t
hmekov anamama
varikupi vachi ripanzeher e??
" Vaakut ooi nda j ust now and one mor e
surpr i
"Chi i
"Iwi llt
ell youwapedzahandi ti
"Aiwamukundi udzekani
"Rel ax. ..Pat i
enceMaiMukundi, ,wi nt het itl
andndokur at i
dzasur prisey ako.
"Ilov ey oumuku.
"Ilov ey out oobabi echi endat i
onet rywar mi ng
upal i
ebi tmor e.
Iletherwar m upal i
ebi tmor eandIcoul d
seeshewasabi tmor er elaxedcompar edt o
thelastt ime, ,shewasmor econf i
ookedf ierceexact lyliket hewomanIwant ed
hert o be .Ndai nzwa kudada nay e mhani
ooki ngatt het hingsshehadachi evedi naf ew
yearsnekungogonakut eererachet endosaka
zvichinzicat cht hem y oungf orsur ewangui
was t r
ai ning ev erything ndega and munhu
wachoai dzidzisikaf uti...
.Iwi nkedatherasI
eftndokubv andaenda. .
.Imetv anaambuy a
vaakut opi ndawi t
ht her est. ..
Mama: Av ar eadyher emunhuweny uuy o.
Me: sheseemsr eady. .
Dad:Ihope she wi ns or el se t ichanzwa
nekuchemer wanhasi .
Dion:ndat akur amat i
ssueandi ziv ehangukut i
ndopaAni ,
,inihanguandi dizv ekur ohwakana
ndazomut ambi dza , , mazhaba ake andi si
kumanzwi sisisa arikuita kutatamur a
makumbo. .
Tsano v angu v aizombor asikawo kut aura
ndakangov atarisandi kat indipeiatl eastneni
nodzor eranaandi zor ohwehangu. .
Mama:sakanhaiMukuwheny ouar et raining
hermunot or ovanal ikev anhuv akur uher e?
Me: no mama i i
ii ndomukuv adza haasat i
asv i
kai papobutmay bei nt henextf ewmont hs
Dad:ur i
kuedza kuda kuur a mwana wangu, ,
mi ndy oumusi kanakauy u.
Me:i t'sf orherowngoodasindogonakusi ya
hangui fyouar enotcomf ort ablewi t
hi t.
Dion: kusi ya kwei ko munhu ngaapedzi se
zvaat angapl easekunoi tamar ir
of ut imukat i
asiirepanzi ra. ..
Mama:I '
m happywi th whatI 'm seei ng l ast
me kumba kwakanzikwapi nda mbav ha at
eastshewi l
l bet herepakur wanembav ha..
Dion: kkkkkk mama hai si mbav a y amur i
kuf unga.
Mama: sakai pi.
Dion: Mai Lana
Mama: vaitasei
Dion: vaiedzakuv huradoorr angukkkkk.
Dad:whaaatsakaur i
kusekeiwhydi dn' ty out ell
usabouti twaakuzot auranhasi .
Dion:dait akakuudzait hatdaymai zoi taseiI vo
vaiv e pamar iro nedzekumba kumba kwav o
vaitsv agamuny aradz i.
Dad: andy out hinkit'
sfunny ..
Me: excusemer egandi mboonakut iv aapapi .
Haa t sano v akandi orora Idon' tknow kut i
mur omo wanga war amba kuv harika her e
kuzosv i
ka pakut aura zv akadar o wor se i ni
wacho ndi ripo f uti . Ndakazv isudur ut sa
ndokubv andat ongonogar at hemat cheswer e
aboutt obegi n...Mysi stercameandshesat
nex tt omeandt hatwasmysur pri
sef orDee
but ndai sada kumuudza . .. The mat ches
star ted and kwekut anga kwai ngov e
nev apf anha v anga v achi r
ipakut anga v asat i
vaakuny atsogona t here wasn' t any thing
nter est ing...Byt het i
meDeewasaboutt o
ghtndangandat onetahangunekumi rir
hear tliftedndi chi muonar eadyt of ight.ihead
nev ert r
ai nedany onebef or esakandai t
kuonai fIwasgoodatt r
aini ngsomeone.
"Lookather. ...Isaidt omysi ster.
"Ist hather?
"Al itt
ley oung. .
"Per fectage.
"Howol d?
"Lol sonot18y etMi guel usadar omwana.
"Makesur enott ocal lmeMi guelachi nzwa. .
Ifyouhappent odoi t,,
wel ll oljustt ellheri t's
mysecondname. .
"Aaahcomeon. .Miguel ukwanewanzwa. .
"Haasat iaaneHanaI '
m st i
,butsoonandbyt henev enndi kamuudzashe
won' tleav eme. Iwannat rainherhowt okeep
secr etsndi chat omboonanekuy erahana.
"Lolay asIgi veupbutany wayIunder st
nesuwo t atojaira calli
ng y ou Mar ti
n hapana
chiny owani ..
Themat chwasaboutt obegi nandInot iced
the whol et i
me Iwas t alking t o my si st er
cher ryl
e.Deeai veakandi tar i
sa.Ismi ledather, ,
thist imeIwant edhert of ightpi ssedof f..I
coul d see herf ace was annoy ed t hen t he
mat chbegan.Shest ar t
edof fpret t
vesev aivenemot osur e..
"Damnshecanf ight...
..cher rylesai d
"Ithoughty ousai dndi kumubat ir
ira. .
"Sheseemspi ssed. .
"Shepr obabl ywant stoknowwhoy ouar e..
"Jeal oust ype.
"Wakamui teimwana.
"Lolt rustmeI '
m not gui lt
yofanygui lty
pleasur es Ihav en'
tdone any thing t haty ou
mi ghtbet hinkingIdidt oher..
"Youl i
e. .
"That '
smyf ullpackager ightthere..
"Si ncewhenMi guel.
"Closet o2y ear snowl ol .
"Ohmygoodnessl ol,
,woooowl ookatt hat..
"Sheget tingwor sepi ssedi mbomi r
akut aur a
neni anokuv adzamunhu. .
Shewashi t
tingt hespor tsandIwasscar ed
she woul d hi tt he wr ong spot s and get
disqual i
hef i
ghtwasst oppedf oraf ew
secondst henshel ookedatme. .
.Isai dIl ov e
youi nawayt hatshecoul dreadmyl ips...she
smi ledshy l
yandcont inuedwi ththemat chbut
thist imet hemat chdi dn'tgof ar,,shegav eher
bestki ckandknockedherout. ..
Iev engotup
andwentt oherkunot ari
sakut imunhuhaana
kukuv araher e,,shewasal i
vey etbutcoul dnot
cont inue. .i
twasov erDeehadwont hebl ack
beltchampi onshi p..
peopl ewer echeer ing f or
herIst oodt her esmi l
ingt henshecamet ohug
me. .
"Unondi pondesanat ezvarahuggi ngmel i
that .
"Idon' tcar e..whoi sthatwoman.
"Lol that'sy oursur pri
"Whoi sshe.
"Mysi ster.
"OhmygoodnessandIt hought .
"Yout houghtshewassomer andom gi rlIwas
irtingwi th
"Lol I'
m sor r
"For giv en,,welldonebabi ey oudi di t,,
one hel lofa mat ch..didy ou r eal l
yhav et o
knockheroutl iket hat .
"Yout ol dmet onotwast et hesecondr ound. .
Ismi l
edatherpr oudly ,
ndakany atsof araf rom
deepwi thinme.
Shewasgi venherpr i
ceandhert i
tlet henal l
wasdone. .
v anat sanoandf ami l
ycameov er
and t his t i
me ambuy a v angu v anga
vaakuchema. ..
Mama: youdi ditDi ana.
Dee: yesmamaIdi di t.
Dad: mmmmm nocomment .
Dion:nhasimar i
nhait auy a kuzoona mat ch y e 5 mi nut es
ungat idar osur e.
Dee:ndopedzer einguv ay angu kui ta kunge
ndirikuita war m up i n ndaf ambi ra kuzor ova
munhu. you ar e l ucky ndambokupai t uma
mi nutesbecausesi raskedmet o dr agf ir
roundmungadaimauy akuzoonamat chy eone
mi nute.
Dion:wel ldonel i
lsi s...
..asimut i
ny arewokana
takugumbur ai,hi tthewal lorbr eaksomet hing
whi chai n'tmyhead,andi dihanguhandi sat i
ndar oor a.
Weal llaughed. .
Aftert hatIi nt roducedmysi stert oev eryone
whowasSoohappykuonakut ivanhuv acho
vanof ar a, ,
haanakui tal iket heyhadj ustmet
herpasi nanguv ashehadf i
ti nper fectly. .I
deci dedt oaski ftheydi dn'tmi ndhav i
ngabr aii
bymyhouse. .
..unf ortunat elyt heyhadpl aces
placest obebutndakanzit orahakoDi onna
Dianauy endenav o,ndakangot inhaiv eduwee
mondi i
eikopamuy edzonaDee..apatheway
theywer ealreadyget ti
Cherry:haamakot i uneyese.
Dee: y
esendakai pihwanebr ot
Me: aaaah.
Dee:musai t
e pf ungwa dzakaora ndatiskil
ikey oualready.
Endofchapt er馃崑

Chapt er 52
Ndakany at
soonar uokor wemumhur uchif
ruchinomhara pandiri
.Cor nery eziso rangu
was l ooki
ng atMaimuku who l ooked Soo
ledhakelikeshecoul dntseeany thi
evenJeancoul dn'tfi
ndr easontobescar ed
nekutiDeemadei tseem l ikeallwaswel l..
The momentherhand l anded on myneck
Dee'shandmov edsoof astJeanakabv iswa
pandiriandthenextt hingshewaspi nnedon
the wal lherhand cr ossing hur oy a Jean
zvekut iwhen she t r
ied t o speak Dee j ust
pressed herhand pahur o and she coul dn't
speak. .
Dee: wakambokuv adzwa. .
Jeanshookherhead ai t
adzakuf emamushe. .
Dee:ur ii ni niher ei wewe unobat a munhu
wangu. ..
unezv i
vindi handi t
Me: babi emusi ye.
Dee: i
mbomi raikundi jair
a. .
She l etJean go and Jean akabv a afemer a
pamusor o semunhu anga ai ta nguv a asi r
kugonakuf ema. .
Dee: Bat afut it i
Jean:haanhai wewakakwanaher ei wewhy
woul dy oudot hatt omei my ourcousinmhani .
Dee: t o hel l wi th t he cousi n bul shit
wakambondi ona one day ndi chi
bat a munhu
wako. .
Jean:i we shaa y ou wer e al mostal lov er
kunasheev enui naMukusakachashami sira
apa chi inekut ii fy ou wanna speak about
mor alsy ourmor alsai ntgoodei thersohow
darey out ryt obeal l that..
Mbamar akar ir
a, ,andbecauseoft hemusi c
hapana akai nzwa nekut i akanzi kur ohwa
mbama nekuv harwa mur omo haana kana
kuchemaz v akanzwi kwa. .
Me:babi est opi tzv akwanamanj eAi waai wa
unomukuv adza. .
Dee:waakuzondi bhowa manj e Muku , ,f i
tai zvamangamuchi mboita ndi sipo.
Me:usi pikupi ko nhai webabi ehapanakana
ikumboi tikamhani i
we. .
Dee: sakaamawanepi magut sachot hen...
Me: Ai waai wababi eusadar omhani
Dee: ukar amba uchi daro ndaakur amba
ndichimur ov a kusv ika wami ra kutaura ,and
uyuandi nakananeedy ebhut sundomupedza
nemambamachet e. .
Me:Ai waAi way oushoul dl earnt ot rustme
handi ti.
Dee:i weweIt rustbuti t'
st hisonet hatIdon' t
ust. ..
Jean: Ican'tbel i
ev ey ouhi tmebecauseofhi m
.aney akaita Sei ko y aungat ondirovera, go t o
hellyouguy si fy oucan' ttrusteachot herthen
ustbr eak-up..
Imwembamaf ut iyakariraachi bv aat ambirwa
neimwe asat i apedza kut aura akabv a
ascreamerzv akai takut iDionamany eachi uya
kwat i
r iakangosv ikaachi shamanekuonaJean
akapi nir
wa kumadz i
ro achi ita kunge asi ri
kuonamushe. ..
Dion:guy swat sgoi ngonher ekoDeeur ikuit
Jean. .
Dee: ndangomugamha anga aakudonha
nekudhakwa , haa anodhakwa r ough munhu
wakoi t'
sbet teraendekumba.
Ndakamboda kuseka wonder i
ng kut ianga
az v
ifunganguv aikuny epakudar o,now iwas
discov eri
ng t heot hersi deofher, theagent
nst i
ncti nher .if oundt hatsexy. .
haanakanakupi kisa.
Dee: hant iwaakudakuendakumbakaJean. .
Shej ustnoddedandDeer el easedherzv ikanzi
handet i
muper ekedze. .
Dion: can'tshesl eepov erkumbanhai Dee.
Dee:handi fungekut iangar arekumba . ,,
ungadekur arakumbanhai Jean. .
Sheshookherhead zv ekur amba, apaaai i
kunge abat wa nechadzi mi ra and t he way
yakat auraDeekut imunhuakadhakwamade
sense. .
.ndakabv andangot or amakey semot a
ndikat itsanondi rikudzokat henwet ookJean
home . hapana kana ai taur a mur oad kusv i
sv i
kekumbakwav ondopakazonzi .
Dee: cousi n, ,
Baewangundewani .
Shet ookhert imeakany arar andokuzot i.
Jean:sor ry hako Dee I won' t cr oss t he
boundar ies. .
Wedr oppedherof fpasi naat auraf utithenwe
drov ebackhome.
"Babi eal l thatwasn' tnecessar y.
"Andwhyar ey oust i
y i
ngt ocov erupf orher
waakundi bhowa. .
"Babi eal lt hisl ooksbady ouar emaki ngme
ookbad. .
"Soy ouwannal ookgoodf orwhohuh?Who
shoul dy oul ookgoodf orndi tsvagewangut o
ookgoodf or. .
"Ar ewegoi ngdownt hatpat hagai n. .
"Andi tindi zv ozv aur ikuda.?
"Waakur asi kakut auramanj e. ..
"Sakai wewendi weur i
kutaur azvinoi t
amanj e..
"Let '
s nott alk aboutt his any mor e okay
handi chazv ida and we can' t f i
ght ov er
nonsensel iket his, I
'm sor ryaboutt het hong
ssueIdi dn'tmeani tandI 'm sor ryshecal l
meBaeandy oudi dn'tli
keit, I'
mj ustsor ryokay
Wedr ov ebackhomeandpar kedt hecari nside
itwast i
mef orhert o go backhome, my
sisterwasst il
ldr i
nkingnat sanohamhenokut i
paitsv any ay adzei ,
,Deef oll
owedmet ogether
bag. .wegoti nsi demyr oom andt henshej ust
pushedt hedoorandcl osedi t.
Iwat chedher
mov etowar dsme, t
histimeImov edbackwar d
Idi dn'tknow whatshe had pl anned , she
pushedmeont hebedt hencameont opofme
shet ookof fherbl ouseandundi dherbr a
all was out and r ight i n my f ace
ndakangov hur a mazi soi nshock. .shebegan
doing her t hing,kissing me ev er ywher e
ndakadakumubat azv i
kanzisi y
a,,shet ookof f
mypant sev er ythingandshebegangi vi
sickcr azybj .
.Icoul dn'tev enstopherbutshe
gotmegr oaningshehadt ur
nedi ntoaf reak
andshemademeweak, there'
st i
edst oppi ngherbutIf ailedDeehadbecome
Soost r
ong. ...
Icoul dfeelmy sel ftensingIwasaboutt obl ow
"Deebabi eMi rashaa. youcan' tdot hispl ease
.akabvaat owedzer ashekeptsucki ngunt ilI
camei nhermout h..
"Shi i
ithowcoul dy oudot hat. .
"BecauseIcan. ..
"Ifreakingl ov ey ou...
Ndakabv a ndamudhonza , Iwant ed t or eturn
thef avorbutshesai dno. .
"Whybabi e.
"Thenextt i
mey out ouchmeIwantal l ofy ou. ..
"Babi e.
"Imeani t.
"Sowhydi dy out akeof fy ourclothes?
"Justt oshowy ouwhaty oucanhav e...
"Youcan' tteasemel i
ket hat. .
Itriedt or eachandt ouchherbutshesai dno
apaIneededt or eallytouch her. .Thenext
weekst hatf oll
owedunt ilthet erm gotf ini
shenev eral l
owedmet ot ouchherandndanga
ndaakunzwa kut ii t'
sr eally har dforme t o
control. ..
dur i
ngt hehol idaywegotr eall
busyf ocusi ngont heexam quest i
hert opassIhadev enst oppedt r
mar ti
al ar ts because I needed her t o
concer ntrate, the daybef ore she wr ote her
examsshewasv eryner v ous,,Itookhert oour
coffeeshopt ryingt omakeherr el
axal i
"Ndi r
ikuty aMuku. .
"Finishwr i
ngzv akanakababi eIneedy out o
passpl ease. .
"Ican'tst opbei ngSoouneasy ..
"Ilovey ouMai muku. ...
"Ilovey oumukuandIdon' twannadi sappoint
youbabi e. .
"Then dontdi sappoi ntmepl easeokayI '
cheeringf oryouandIwannagetmyhandsal l
overy ouwheny ouar edone. ..
"Haaai bv apoliar .
"Ican' twai tany mor e Dee wandi pinza pa
punishmenti riser ioust hist i
me. .
m get tingpuni shedt oo.
"Youhav enoi deahowmuchI 'm cravi
ngy ou. .
"Ndokumbi rawo.
Ndakar ambi r
wa zv esure. .
.she began wr i
andI st udiedwi thherev eryday..andf rom
studyingwi thherIknew shewasdoi nggr eat
.shewaswr iting4subj ectssoi ttookqui tea
whi l
ef orherachi nyora. .akazopedzakuny or a
munaJul y. .
..Iknew af tershef i
nishedwr i
wewant edt odoi tbuthamhenowedeci dedt o
stopagai n..
it'sl i
keshewasbegi nningt of r
outandIunder stoodwhyandIal sost art
nki ngaboutherage, thenIst artedf reaking
outkut iatthataget hat 'wasr ape,Iwasbet ter
thant hat,Ihadt ocont rolal i
lemor e. .
resultsf i
nallycameandshenai ledi t, Isaw
them f i
rstpaakanot orwandakat angakut ari
ake,IgotSooemot i
onalndakamat arisakudar o
..Ical l
edhert omyof ficeandshecamenot
knowi ngkut indamudai dzi r
ei,shecamei nand
shesatdownakandi tarisa, Iwasl ookingSoo
seriousand Idi dn'twannashow herhow
happyIwas. .
.ndakangot ilet'
kumboonamama. .
"Youcal ledmeher ejustf orthat .
"EheMai mukundi .
"Uki ddi ngme. .
"Lol waf ungei .
"Ar en'tther esul tsouty et ..
"Someonewi l
l coll
ectt hem t omor row.
"Aaahcomeondoy ouknow how i mpat i
am. .
"Pat i
enceokay. .
Itoldhert oleav efir
stt henIf ol l
owed. .
home t oget her and ambuy a v angu
vakat oshami sika v achi ona ndauy a . .
greetedmewi thawi desmi l
ndokumbot aur any aya. ..
Mama:i t'
sgoodt oseey oudearwangawar ov a
duringt hiswhol eti
mendi kati wat i
venga. .
"Nev ermamaany wayndauy anepar cely enyu...
"Whatisi t.
It ook outan env el
ope and gav e her,,
yopenedi tndakaonaDeeav huramaziso
andt henextt hingambuy av anguscr eamed
a. .
Mama:ohgoodnessDeey ouhavemademe
proudyoudi di tsurekundidai,
Shewasal r
eadycr yi
endofchapt er52.

Igotupandwentt omymot herwhocoul dn'
stopcryingIt ookt hesl
ipf r
om herandsawt he
20poi ntst hatwer ewrittent her
e,It houghtI
was dr eami ng ,It houghtt heywer e wr ong
"Mamat heycan' tbemi ne.
"Buttheyhav ey ournameont hem
"Noomamat heycan'tbemi ne.
"BabyhonamwanangupaneZi tarako..
Ibegancr yi
ng,Iwasl ookingatmamawho
wascr yingwi thmeandIl ookedandMukuwho
wasj ustsi tt
ingt heresmi li
ng,Ij ustsaidkuna
mama, pleaseal lowmet ohughi m. ..Shejust
noddedandIwentt ohughi m. .
.Hewasabi t
antbecauseofmamabutIwhi speredkuti
please Ineed t hathug r ightnow t hen he
huggedme. ...
"Il ov ey ou. ..
.Iwhi sper edi nhi sear sandhe
said I know . ... Di on came home t i
pakuf ar akudar ohamhenomunhuai mut rainer
IT.Hewasbecomi ngv erygoodandMukuhad
beenhel pinghi m aswel lev ersi nceIst opped
wr i
ting...Andt hef unnypar tisDi onhadal so
started st udying mar tial ar ts hanzi
andingakundwe newe mukadzi , apa ur i
kasist erkanguf uti.
..Itwasr eal lyni ce,sowe
kind ofwer edoi ng al mostt hesamet hings
.hecameandhi tmyheadasal way szv ikanzi
"Daiwangoi taapoi ntbel ow 20ndai netsana
nemumwemunhu. ..
Hesmi ledl ookingatMuku.
Any waymamaaskedMukut ost ayov erf or
dinner,akamboda kur amba buthe had no
choicenamhamhaai sambopabudahanzii t'
happyocassi onsoy ouhav et ost ay ..andy es
he ended up st ay i
ng .Daddyv achi ngosv i
mamav akabv av atongov atambi dzat her esults
vachi bv av angost i
ckerv akadar o. ...
Dad:DeemwananguInev erev ert houghtt hat
you woul d make me t his pr oud,Ican not
expr essi twi t
hj ustwor dsIhav enoi deaof
showi ngy ouhowhappyIam. .congr atulati
mwananguiwasal way sscar edkut iv anaLana
andJeanNanaTi na, alloft hem f ailed,peopl e
hadt hei rey esony oukut iv aonekut iuchai ta
sei, apaIcangl adlywal kwi t
hmyheadhel dup
high ndi si ngaty e any thing because my
daught erhas done i t. ..
.Iwas scar ed kut i
uchav hiri
ngwanev akomanabutl ookaty ou. ..
Hehuggedmet i
ght l
yandIf el
tat eardr opon
myshoul der, surelyIhadmademydadpr oud..
Me. ..I
'm happyImadey oupr ouddaddy .
Dion:haawai pal i
lsisI '
m pr oudofy ou, andina
godo. ..
Dad:t ellmewhaty ouwantandIwi lldoi tfor
you. ...
Me: l
ol dadIdon' tknow. .
Dion: Iknow.
Dad: okshoot.
Dion:we al way s said we want ed t o go t o
vicfallsj ustt het woofusandhav ef un..
Dad: thet woofy ouchet ewhy .
Dion: si
bl ingsbondi ngamungazv i
nzwi sise. ..
Mama: theny ouwi l
lgo. .
Me: Ismi leddeepi nsideandsur elywehadt old
eachot herkut iwewoul ddoi toneday .
Dad:i t'
sadonedeal. ..
mukundimyson, Idon' t
knowhowt othanky oubuty ouwor kedhar don
thisone. ..
Muku: i
twasapl easur e...
Dad: sowhendoy ouwannago. .
Me: onmybi rthday .
Mama:butweshoul dspenty our18bi rthday
toget herher e.
Me: nott hist i
memommy. ..
Dad: it'
saspeci albir
thdayDee. ...
Me:wecanhav eanot herpar tywhenI 'm back
pleasedad. .
Icoul dseehewasnotr eal l
yhappywi t ht he
deabutheendedupsay ingy esj usttomake
mehappy. .dinnerwentonwel landmyday
openedabot tl
eofwi nej ustt ocel ebr ate. .
kept st eali
ng gl ances Kuna muku
ndikat ombopot sa ndabat wa namama asi
ndakakasi kakuzv ivhara..Mukul eftafterdinner
andasal waysIt ookhi m out sidenaDi onand
asal way sDi onwenti nhi scarandwest ood
outsi dekuser ikwemot a..
"Wel doneMaimukundiI '
m superpr oudofy ou
wandi fadzababi e..
"Iwoul dn'thav edonei twi thouty oumukuy ou
hav ebeenhel pingmeal lway. .apawandi rova
nesur prise.
Ndakabv andami r
apakat ipemakumboakeand
hebeganki ssingme, Ihadmi ssedhi scr azy
ssesandhewasj ustdrivingmecr azy. ..
"Yesbabi e..
"Ineedy oureadysoon.
Heputhi shandundermyski rtthenr i
undi esand hebeganpl aying wi thmycl i
t, I
osedmyey es, ,
ndaimbomumi samazuv aese
butt hist imeIcoul dn'
t,Ihadmi ssedhi stouch
especi ally down t here. .he keptdoi ng l i
r cles downt hereandhi smout hwason
mi ne . Ispr ead my l egs apar tand he was
play i
ng byt he ent rance and t he clitIdon' t
knowhowhewasdoi ngital latonce, hekept
doi ngunt i
lIf el
ti thewasaboutt omakeme
come. ..
"Muku. .
"Ssshhhi ngoteererababie. ..
Hekeptdoi ngi tandIbeganwhi sper i
nghi s
name and Iwas hopi ng t hatDi on woul dn'
comeoutoft hecar. .
.Iwasal mostt her eandI
wassqueezi nghi m. .
"Mukukani ..
Akabv aandi vharamur omo neki ssasIf el
my sel ftrembl i
ngcomi ng. .
Ialmostf ellachibva
andigamha wi t
h hi s hand ndokur amba
akandi bat akusv i
kandapedza. ..
Iwasbr eat hing
heav yt henhehuggedmeandsai d...
"Ndi nokudababi e. .
"Thatwasamazi ng. Imi ssedt hat.
"Imi ssedmaki ngy oucomet oo...
sakaVi cf all
riteseka. .
"Youwannacome. ..
sourbi rthdayr emember?
"Yesi ti sl olso ar ey out hinking whatI '
nki ng?
"Yes. ..
Ican' twai t..
"Ican' twai tot her,Ibeenwai ti
ngf ort ool ong. .
He sai d by et hen he t oldt sano v ake kut i
aakuendaapaDi onwacho ai i
atokot sira zv ake . .
akazobur uka t hen Muku
wentapaal lIwasl eftwi t
hwasmukust ouch
allov erme, ,Icoul dn'tbel i
ev ewhathehad
donet omei nt hosef ewmi nutes. .
any waywe
goti nsi de t he house , we wer e Soo ex cited
aboutourpl ans . ...
fort he 3 mont hs t hat
owedIwasbusyappl yi
ngf orapl acekuma
univer sit
iesar oundZi mbabwenekunze, Iwas
nki ngaboutgoi ngpaUZ. ..
kudakuv ahangu
padhuze na Muku wangu. .my dad was not
muchbot her edv akangot iIneedy out ogeti nto
agoodUni v ersit
yupaseandgett hedegr ee
thaty ou want. ..
mostweekendsIwaswi th
mukunaDi onkumbakwamuku, ,trainingand
cooki ng. .i
twasr eallyfunbuti twasst il
lhar d
forMukuandI .
.untilonedayhi sphoner ang
andi twasnothi susualphoney andai zi
va. .
was wor ri
ed why Idi dn'tknow t hatphone
ndakangopr esser answer ndokubv a ndai sa
panzev eandt hev oiceont heot herendsai d.
"Barcar epor tf ordut y.
Ndakabv andakat aphonebecauset hev oi
therewasv erycommandi ngandi yeakabv a
apindai nt her oom t henIsai d t ohi
"Whoi sBar ca? ??
Hisfacewasexpr essionl essIknewt hatt acti
angaakandi dzi dzisasoIknew hedi dn'twant
met or eadhi smi nd, ,t
hepastmont hshehad
been t raining me new t hi
ngs and ev en the
ghting ski lls wer e di f
ferent from t he
beginningandt hatmademewonderwhohe
was r eally . ..
the moment t hat v oi
commandedhi mt or epor tfordutyIknew he
hadt obeBar ca. ev enifhewasgoi ngt olieto
mehehadt obeBar ca....
"Aregoi ngt ot el lme.
"Ihav et ogobabi e...
"Youcan' tsayt hatnameDeenomat t
"Whoar ey ou?Whycan' ty out r
am Inotwor thyy ourt rust,arewegonnado
sagai n...
mt oev ert el
ly out hatpar tofmyl i
f ethen
youwi llhav ebel i
keme. .
"LikeBar ca. ..
"LikeBar ca. ..
Iwassupposedt obescar edbutIwasnotI
wasv eryr elaxedmay bebecauseIhadal ways
suspect edt her ewasmor etohi m...
..Iwant ed
toknowwhoBar cawasr eallyevenifi tmeant
beingl i
keBar ca. .
Endofchapt r.
Chapt er54
Hebeganpacki nghi sbagandIwasst andi ng
therewat chinghi m .Ist ar
tedaski ngmy sel f
whatmyboowasexact l
yandt hef ir
stt hing
thatcamei nt omyheadwast hatMukuhadt o
bemay beasecr etagent. .Iwasonl yledt o
nki ngl i
ket hatbecauseanyot herj obj ust
wasn' tf i
ng per f
ect l
y i n t he puzzl e .
Everyt hi
ngabouthi m wassecr eti
v e..hehadt o
beone,t het houghtofhi m bei ngasecr et
agentmadehi m sex yashel lIal way susedt o
dream aboutdat ing onendi chikur a.I twas
actual l
ymysecr etf antasysi ncechi l
under stood per fect l
yaboutunder coverst uff
becauseany wayt hemov iesIal way swat ched
hadt odowi t
hunder covermi ssions.Ist ood
smilingbyt hedoort hinkingaboutal lthel i
het oldme. .t hef ightingskills,theSoomany
namesandt hest rictness. .
"Muku. .
Het ur nedandl ookedatme.
"Yesbabi e..
"Okt hi sishardf orme.
"Youar enotl eav ingmeDeenotwhenIl ov e
yout hismuch. ..
Whywashet hinkingl iket hat?Ihadn' tev en
saidany thingal ongt hosel inesal lIwant ed
wast o under standcer t
aint hingsIwasst i
ngt odi gestal ot..hewashooki ngupDi on
with connect ions i n t he gov ernment oh
goodnessi tallmadesense. .itwasal lrightin
myf ace. ..Lana'sf ather, ,Ibegant hinkingkut i
soon af terIt old him whatwas happeni ng
that'swhenLana' sf atherwast aken, t
hav et or t
ur edhi m. .howel sewoul dhi sengi ne
be messed up? Al loft hose ev ents wer e
maki ngmyheadspi n..
"Deel ookatme.Ican' tlosey ousha. .Iknow
weagr eedonnomor esecr etsbutt hiski ndis
different, thi
sonewast opr otecty ou. .
Iunder stoodv erywel lIr eallydi dbutIwasno
kid. ..
"Deebabi esaysomet hing j ustdon' tst and
there. ..
"Youar eagentBar ca. .
"Dee. .
"Ev eni fy oudenyi t,wheny out ryt of oolme,
youar enotgoi ngt of oolmet hist i
me. .I'
nolongert henai v elit
tlegi rlt hatIwasawhi l
back, Iam t heDi anababi e. .theoney oumade
..y oumademel i
ket his, y ougr oomedmef or
3y ear s,so y out hi
nkbynow kut iandi sati
ndakur aher eMuku,ndakur ababi eandt he
thingsy ouf earkut iIwon' tunder standt hen
youar ewr ong, t
hewomany ouhav et urnedme
nt of ort hepastIt hink4mont hsi ndi ff
agai n.Youwer etryi
ngt omakemey ou. .
"Yout rackedmet hedayy ouf oundmeatt he
club, , all ofthoset hingsar emaki ngsensenow
"Deepl ease, Iwi lldiei fIlosey ou...
"whosai dy ouar egoi ngt ol osemeagent
Bar ca. ..
Hel ookedst raighti ntomyey est henhehel d
mywai standki ssedmel ikei twast hel ast
me. ..het ast edgoodj ustl i
keIi maginedan
agentwoul dt ast eli
ke. .
"You under st and t hatIst illcantt elly ou
any thing. .
"Iunder standper fect ly
..butatl eastt el
yourr eal namebef or ey ousl eepwi thme. .
"Mi guel Mukundi ..
"Il ovei t.
"Real l
"Il i
kei tbet t
ert hanMar tin..
"SoI '
mf or given?
"Onl ybecauseIhav eal way sf antasizedabout
dat inganagent. now Iwanty oumor ethan
ev er..
"Youar et urningmeon, y ouhav enoi deahow
releav edIam, ,awhi l
eagoIt houghtIwasgoi ng
tol osey ou. .
"Kut iuy endeKunaJeannev er.
"Let '
snotgot herepl ease.
"Sowher ear ey ougoi ng?
"Ican' tt ellyout hat.
"Iunder st andsoar ey oucomi ngt oVi cfal
"Def i
nit ely.
"It'saweekf rom nowmukundi .
"Iknow babi eIknow Iwoul dnev ermi ssour
birthdayokay. .
"Ineedy out her epr omi semeMuku.
"Il ovey ouDeendi nouy ababi e. .
Hegr abbedhi sbagt henwentt ogethi scar
,ndai toonazv esezv i
raf unnyhonest l
Iki ssed hi m agai n, i
t was sad say ing
goodby ebuthel eftandIbegancr y i
ng. .
toldDi ont hathehadanemer gencyandIknew
Icoul dn' tt ellDionabouti t.thatwast hething
aboutwat chingt heirmov ies, ,
theyt aughtal ot
oft hings,any wayIwentbacki nsideapaDi on
wasj ustl aughi nghanziunoi takungemwana
mudi ki..
"Usadar oshaal ol..soany waywhatar eour
plansf orVi cf all
s. .
mt aki ngmygi rl
endwi thme.
"Ohmygoodness. .
"What '
sshocki ng theredo y ou t hinkkut iI
madeusgot her ejustf orust ohangoutkkkk
crazy. .
"Whowi llIbewi thit..
"Iknow y ourdudei sgoi ngt obet heredon't
playcl everwi thme, Iwi llkeepy ourdi rtyli
secr et, ,butIwi llbewat ching y ou, ,
hebet t
hav ehi sownr oom andy ouwi llhav ey ourown
room. .
"Okayandy ourgi rl
end. ..
"Shecancr ushwi thme.
"Whaaat. .
'm agr ownassmanIdon' thav et o be
explai ningt hatt oy ou. .
Ijustl ookedathi m andshookmyhead, Ididn'
caret hatwe wer e goi ng t o hav e seperate
rooms, asl ongashewast her eIdi dn'tcare
.any waywewentbacki nsi det henIwenti nto
hisr oom ndi kambor aramo, It ookhi ssweat er
andputi ton, al lIwant edwast of eelcl
oset o
him,smel lhi m . .
If ellasl eep f ora whi l
ndakazomut swa na Di on av akut ihande
kumba. ..wel ockedupandt henwel eft..
Wewenthomeandal readyIbegan packi ng
my bag kut ipat inoenda Iwoul d be r eady
r eady.theday smov edsoof astandIdi dn't
evennot i
cei twasFr i
day. .thedaywewer e
supposedt ol eave. . Iwasov erthemoon
. anddaddr ov eust oheai rport, ,
end Tr isha was al ready att he air port
wai t
ingforusbutmom anddaddi dn'
tknow . .
Dad:I '
mt rustingy ouguy st ogoal one, ,I'm
ust i
ngt haty ouwon' tmessupandy oumust
usthav efun, becar ef uloutt hereandbehav e
please. .
Dion:dadIl i
vedal onei nSAandIcamebacki n
onepi ecesor elax..
Mom:begoodmybabi es,Itrustt hetwoofy ou
Me: Ilovey ouMom andDad.
Wewer eget tingemot ionalal lofusany waywe
endedupsay ingourgoodby esandt henwe
wentt oboar dt hepl ane. ..
..Istartedbecomi ng
ner v
oust hinkingaboutwhatl ayaheadofme
...wegott her equi teear lyandweset tl
edi n
ourr ooms. .
It riedmukusnumberbuti twasn' t
goingt hrough,Iwasner v ousIwant edhi mI
neededhi m. .Iwasr estl ess....
Ispentt hewhol e
daywai ti
ng f orhi scal lbuthenev ercal l
..manher u akasv ika wi th no cal l
ndakar wadziwat hi
nki ngkut ihaachauy a.
Endofchapt er54
Chapt er55
Idr oveal lthewaywi t
hmymi ndr estl
trying t ot rustt he wayshe had r eact ed so
calml y .
.Iwasscar edthatbyt het imewemeet
shewoul dhav echangedhermi nd. Icoul dn't
etherdot hatt omeIcoul dnev erletherl eav e
menotwhenIwasst illaliveandmyl ovewas
great ert hananyocean. .Any wayIwassentt o
Francef or 5day sandIsmi ledndi chinzwa
hangu mazuv a acho because i tmeantby
FridayIwoul dbebackal readyandIwoul d
meetmybaei nv icfalls....
FridayIcamebackandIwentt omyhouse,
ever ythingwasper f
ectlyputi npl aceDeeanga
asiy aai saev erythinginor derlikeapr operwi f
Ismi l
edasIt ookmyt owelandheadedf ort he
showert of reshenup. ..
Icoul dn'twai tiwas
veryner voust hatf i
nal l
yIwasgoi ngt omake
hermywomanandIhadnoi deaoft heper fect
giftIcoul dgi vehernekut ikwandi r
going t o gi ve me t he gr eatestgi f
tev er. ..
bat hed and f inished t hen wentback t o my
room , It ookt heboxIhadandIkeptl ookingat
thegi ftIboughtf orherIkeptwonder i
ngi fit
was good enough . goodness I was v ery
ner vous, Inev erexpect edmy selft of eelt hat
waybuther eIwasIf eltli
kesuchasmal lboy
arikudakuny engababi ef orthef i
rsttime. ...
Ndakar ar akumbaIwant ed t o sur pr i
sed her
.handi nakumuf onerakanaany thingandwhen
Iwokeup t henextdayandi na kumuf oner a
ndakasi yazv akadaro. .
.ihadnoty etputt he
ine t hatshe knew and ndakangosi ya kut i
hashadzi kwi reper fectlyf ort hebestf oreign
ngspr act i
cal...Ikeptsmi l
ingl ooki ngback
and t hinking abouthow i tal lst ar t
ed , how
embar rassedIf eltwhensheaskedaboutt he
foreignf eel i
ngsant hegspot. .Iwashopi ng
thatIwoul dnotmessupherf irstt i
me. .around
afternoonIl eftfort heai rportIhadev er ything
readyal ready. .
whenIgot ov icfallsIbooked
nt o myusualr oom and Imade sur et hat
noonenot icedt hatIwasev ent her e. ..
ngal ittl
ehungr ysoIor der edf oodandat e
IputonmycapandahoodyIwant edt ohi de
my sel f,soIbeganl ooki ngf orher. If oundher
taking pi ctur es byt he f all
s Ai na t sano and
tsanosgi rlfriendTr ishat angat avakumuzi va
.afterawhi letheygotont heboatIcoul dsee
allthat, soany wayIwentbackt omyr oom and
order ed f resh r oses and asked t he guy t o
delivert oherr oom Ipl acedanot et hatsai d
yourr oom hasbeenchangedt or oom 8. itook
mor er osesanddecor atedt hebed. .
.Ior der ed
strawber riesandwhi ppedcr eam andpl aced
them i nt her oom. .
Afteraf ew hour si twasget tingdar k, ,isaw
them wal kingbacki nt ot hehot el,Ij ustgav e
them my back . ..They saton t he t able
opposi temi neandIcoul dheart hem t al king. ..
Dion:heai n'tcomi ngsoy oubet terenj oyy our
selfwhi lsty oust i
llcanl ilsisy out ur n18once
Dee: hewi llcome.
Dion: hewon' tcome.
Dee: Isomehowf eel hispr esence. .
Dion: y ouar ewi erdkkkkk. .
Dee: inst incty ouwon' tunder st andi t...
Dion: let'sj usteatpl easeI '
m superhungr y...
Theyor der edf oodandt heyat ebutIcoul dsee
Deewasv erydown. .
.Coul dsher eall
mypr esence ?I ft hatwas t rue t hen If elt
honour edt ohav esuchki ndofl ov ef rom her ,
smi ledqui etly, knowi ngmypr esencewi thout
seei ngmewoow. .aftert heyat eitwasar ound
8andsheexcusedher selfzv ikanziIwanna
sleepal itt
st ooear lyDeecomeondon' tbeabor e..
"Let '
smeeti nt hreehour sthenwest artov er
thef un. .
Yesf ormet hreehour swaspl enty. ..
Iwat ched
herl eav e and t hen Di on stay ed get t
ing al l
touchywi thhi swomanndangandaakuny ar a
kuonat sanov achi itazv akadar osoIdeci dedI
needed mor e t ime wi t
h my woman
.ndakasi mukazv i
r ismar tandor der edwi ne
fort hem ndi katimov aticour t
esyoft hehot el
ndai da v ambodhakwe v akanganwe
kuzot sv agaDee. .ndakabv andakasi kakubv apo
andf ol l
owedDeeaf terabout20mi nIsawher
eav i
ngherr oom t henIwentt omyr oom Il eft
ther oom sl ight l
yopensot hatshedi dn'tneed
unlockedi t. .whensheopenedt hedoorshe
found me ndakazember a hangu madzi ro
ndakai samaokomuhomweshej ustsai daaaa. .
Icoul dal r
eadyseet earsi nherey es,Iwal ked
slowl yt oherandhuggedher .
"Happybi rthdayMai Muku.
"Ohmygoodness. .youar eher e, Iknew y ou
wer ecl osebybutIt houghtmyi nstinctwas
wr ong, Iwant edt ocr yt hatmay bey ouwoul d
notmakei tohmygoodnessy oucame. .
"It oldy ouIwoul dcome. .
Ndakabv a ndaj ambi rwa ndi kapi hwa ki ss
yangu. ...
andatt hatmomentwebot hknewwe
coul dn' twai tanyl onger. .Isl owl yremov edher
clot hesandassher emov edmi ne. .
handt henwentt ot heshower, ,Iranawar m
showerandpul l
edheri nside. .
.Iwashungr yfor
herndakamui sapamadzi roast hewat erf el
us. ..Iletmy selfadmi reherf orawhi let henshe
closedherey esasIcuppedherbr eastand
sof tly pi nched her ni ppl es,she whi sper ed
Bar ca. ..
whooa. ..t
hemomentshesai dBar ca
ts l ike she awakened someone i n me
somet hingel seandIl i
kedt hef eel i
ngshegav e
me. ..
..webeganki ssi
nghungr il
yandInev er
stoppedt ouchi ngherunt ilshebeganmov ing
uncont rollably..after t hat ndakambomusi ya
..sheopenedherey esandsai d. .
Damny oumuku.
Ismi l
edandt henIbat hedher ,,
Ibat hedher
downt herendi chitambanezv i
nhuzv anguand
shebeganmoani ngagai nt henshesai d. .
"Muku. ..usandi daro.
"Sor rybabi e. .
"Ndi rikudadaddy. .
WhenIwasdonebat hingherIcar riedhert o
thebedandIl ayheront opoft her oses. .she
smi l
edwhenshesawt hem t henIwentont op
pamukaka wangu nemur omo and one hand
touchi nghermostsensi ti
ve. .
egs wi de open ndi kat i mai ta basa
Mami ..
ndakapi nda pakat i pemakumbo
ndi kady akudy akwaMambol ickingherni cely
,she was ext remel ywetIkeptl i
cki ng her
ngmyt onguei nherunt ilshesai d..
"Mukupl ease, I'
m beggi ngy ouIcan' twait..
Mukupl easeI '
m dy ingkani ...
Ismi led t hen wentup ndokubv a ndaset t
onIl ookedi ntoherey esandsai d.
"YouandImaybedi f
ferent, andImaybe
ntroduci ng y ou t o anot herl i
fe, oranot her
sl ikewear eoceansapar t,
I'm onone
deandy ouont heot her.....
"Andwear ecr ossingoceans.
"Yescr ossi ngOceans. ..
Ndakat angakuy amwamukakawanguIwant ed
hert ol oseherbr ai
nsandwhenIsaw kut i
anzwaIpushed. .shehel dmet i
ghtbi ti
ips. .
Ipushedagai nshescr eamedBar ca...
goodnesst hatmademei nsane. .
.soIst opped
"Shoul dIst op.
spai nf
"Iwanti tagentBar ca.
Ipushedonemor et imeandIhear d
"Mukukani .
Istoppedt henbeganki ssingherIpushedone
mor et i
meIdi dn'tmov emyl ipsf rom hers,,
wentinandshebi tme, Igroanedandl l
her li
ps t hen ipushed mor e unt i
lBar ca
azaramo. .
itwast hebestf eelingev erf orme
evenwhenIsawhert eardrop. .
"Deendi nokuda. ...
"Yesbabi e.
"Iknow babi e Iknow don' twor ry okay
zvichanakahant i.
She nodded t hen Isl owl y began mov ing
ndakambonzi Mi ra . .
ndi kazonzi chi i
.ndakadzoker a pakubat a mukaka pasi na
zvandi r
i kui t
a , ,ndakaramba ndi chimubat a
.kuzv i
kaat iMukudoi tIwanty ou. .
"Arey ousur e.
"IwantBar caandIwanthi m now. .
"Bar ca
"Bar ca.
Ibegan mov ing i n her,hert ightness was
v i
ng me nut s ndi ni ndanga ndaakuda
kutopengandanaki rwanemwanawav atezvara
the mor ey andaipinda ndi chibuda ndai nzwa
kutiPanaDeendour ayamunhumwanaai naka
apaheaty achoy ainzwakut indapihwasur e.I
keptgoi ngsl owndi kaonaegaaakumov erneni
et abutshewasmov i
ng. .
ndaidakubat a
gotsindi katianozondi seka. ..
shebeganpul l
medownndi kazivazv aida. .
Ibegansucki ng
herni pplesandmov i
nginsideher. .
"Mukundokuda. .
.MukuKani ..
Istoppedsucki ngandsai d..
"Nowwef oundt her ealgspor t...
"Barca I '
ml osingmymi nd.
"Ur i
"Bar candaakupengai ni
"Pengesesa, shouldIgohar der
"Liket hi
"Youwantmor e.
"Don' tstop.
"Ilov eyouDee
"Zv ikunaka
Ibegangi vingherhar dt hr
screami ngBar ca. Igaveherharder.
BarcaI 'm comi ng..
BarcaI 'm comi ngkani.
"Ifeel youMami .
"Bar caaa
Har derandhar derIt hrust
explodedt henIexpl odedi nher.
kissingmenonst op...
"Youf i
"Am Imanenoughf oryounow. .
"Mukundokuda. Barcaanonakaaaaah
拢 ndofepi sode....

Eveniftimewast oberever
sedIwoulddoi t
ofmydr eams..weal
ldream aboutweddi
ghtbutwi t
hmukui nmyhear titfel
ev erydaywasourweddi ngday.Ev enifhewas
tol eav e me one day Ist i
llwoul d hav ea
beaut i
fulmemor yoft hel ov eweshar ed. .he
kissedme, ,bef oreheev encameoutofmehe
reached f orsomet hing undert he pill
ow . .I
coul dn' tseeni cely t henhesai dt ome. .
"Ihav e no Il dea ofwhatmay happen
tomor row,Icoul dnott hinkoft heperf ectgift
butt hisi ssur elytheper fectmoment. ..Ihav e
beent hehappi estmanev ersinceIf el
li nlov e
wit hy ou,ev erydaywi thy oubr ingsabeaut i
memor y,ev enourf ight sst i
llmakebeaut i
memor ies . ..Ther e wi llnev er be anot her
woman mor e perfectt han y ou,ican nev er
promi set hatIwon' tscr ewupbutwhenIscr ew
upki ckmyassandgetmebackont rack. .
Youand Iar ebor neand Cl ydebabi eand I
wanna r i
de wi thy ou t il
lIdi e. ..Pl ease
Dee. ...
.Maimuku mar rymeandl et'
sbet he
Bar cat eam.
Myhear tbegan poundi ng,oh mygoodness
whatwasMukudoi ng.I twast oomuchf orme
to handl e ,Inev erev ersuspect ed thathe
woul dgi vemesuchasur prise,,Ilookedathi m
andt hepassi oni nhi sey eskilledmeIbegan
cry i
ng. ...
"Don' tcr yl i
ket haty ouwi llmakemef eel bad. .
"It'sbecauseI 'm ov erjoy edsi l
"Youhav en'tanswer edmey et.
"Iwoul dl ov et omar ryy ouanydaybutmy
par ent swi llgocr azy ..
"Iknowt heywi ll.
"So. .
"Answermef i
rstthenIwi l
l t
"Il ov ey ouwi t
hev er ycel landv ei ninmeagent
Barca.Wehav ecr ossedoceansonceandI
know wecandoi tagai n..y esagentBar caI
woul dl ovet omar r
yy ouandbet heBar cat eam.
ty ousayy es. .
"WasIsupposedt osayno.
"Iwasn' ttaki ngnof orananswerdamni ty ou
drivemecr azy. .soany wayIknow t hatMom
andDadmaysaynof ornow, , butIwanty out o
keep t hatr ing cl ose t oy ourhear tbabi eI
boughtaneckl acey ekui sat her ingsoy oucan
carryi tar oundy ourneckbutnondi kur i
thef i
r stneckl aceIboughtf or y ou. .
youar er eadyt oweari tt henputi ton, ,t henI
willknowt haty ouar er eadyt omar ryme. ..
"Iwantt o. ..
"Il ove y ou . .you may be r eady now but
tomor rowy oumi ghtchangey ourmi nd. ..
"NdokudaMi guel .
Hesmi l
edandsai d..
Idon'twannageti ntomyi n-lawsbadbooksI
willspeakt ot hem ndi chakumbi r
at sano, ,fi
et'sgetengagedbutl et'sgetmar riedasas
soonasy ougr aduat e. .
"Iwoul dl ov ethat. .
"Thatwaynooneget spr essur edr ight. .
"Right. .
Slowlyhebegan mov ing i nsidemeagai n..
wasal i
ttlepai nf ulbutnott oomuch. ..hedr ove
mecr azyzv ekut iin5mi nut esIwascomi ngmy
whol ebodywasshaki ng. .If oundmy sel fcr yi
Mukumademef eelt hest rangestf eelingev er
andIj ustwant edt okeepl ov inghi m. .heputt he
beaut i
f uldi amondr ingonmyneckl ace. .
Soobeaut i
fuli tspar cled. .het hencameoutof
me and car r
ied me t ot he showert hen he
beganbat hingme. .aftert hathecar ri
backt ot hebedandl otionedmybody. ..
thathe r emov ed t he st ained sheetIwas
surpr isedt oseebl oodt here. .
"Yout houghtt hespor tsakakuv hiri
nga. .
"Youwant edmet ohav ethisandy esIgoti t
mai basa Mai Mukundi mandi it
a mur ume
nhasi ...
Heputi tawayt henhecamebackandgot
nsi det hebed. ..
itwasal readygoi ngf ort en
o'clockIsaw hi mr eachi ngf orst rawber ries..
smi ledasheputwhi ppedcr eam andf edme
theyt astedgr eat..
"Yourar emy5st arst r
awber r
ybabi e..
"5st ar.
"Yeahf iv est ar..
Igi ggl edandt heki ssesbegan. .
akazondi siya
zvikanzi ndozokukuv adza...
I was f eeli
exhaust edany waywecuddl edt henwef elloff
tosl eep. ..
itfeltSoogoodsl eepingi nhisar ms
agai n....ndakany atsor arawi thoutev ent hinking
aboutany thing. .Iwokeupt ohissof tkisses. .
"Hesi mukadzi waBar ca.
"Mor ni ngDaddyBar ca. .
Hemademef acehi mt henhesmi led
"Ndi ri kunzwakudakukuber ekaDee.
"Haakwanaahl ol. .
ohmygoodnessDi oni s
goingt ol ookf orme. .
"Rel axt sanondakav adhaki saKar e..
"Whatdoy oumeanwakamuonakupi .
Hebegant elli
ngmeev eryt
hingabouthow he
cameandhow hesneakedi n,how hebought
him wi nez v ese, ndakasekasur eMukuwast oo
much. ndakazomukaandwewentt obat h..
expect edkut indi chat adzakuf ambabutiwas
okay, Iwasabl et owal kniceev ent houghIf elt
asl i
ghtpai n..
takanogezat eseapandai tari
zinhu r amuku kut i sur e ndi r
o r andi
nez var akaitakudar o. .akatozoitazv ekundiseka
ndar ambandakamut ar i
"Iknow whaty ourdi rt
yl i
emi ndi sthi
about. .
"Yohcan' tbl amemehowdi ditfi
"Udandi kur atidze.
"Ndi wewaakundi tikwanamanj ewai mbonditiI
"Ur imur umendat endahangu.
" We t ook l ong bat hing ndi chingogumwa
gumwa hanzi ndi chakubata manher u
mbozor or a. .
Aft erbat hing idr essed up and wentt o my
room . Iunl ocked and goti nsi
de ndokubv a
ndapi ndamumagumbeze. .
inaf ew mi nutesI
gotamessagef rom mukusay i
nghemi ssed
me. .Isai dImi ssy oumor endokubv andaisa
phonepasipepi llow Icoul dnotst opsmi li
..afterahourndat obat wanehopeIhear da
knockont hedoorandi twasDi onandhi s
iend . .they l ooked hal fsoberndakada
kusekahangu. .
Me:whydon' ty oupeopl ejustgobackt osleep
sincey ouar ev erydr unkst il
Dion:t hishot elisv erygener oust heygav eup
winef ormahal a..
Iwant edt ol aughagai nknowi ngkut indi
hakeangaai t
ami sikanzway adaro. .
Trisha:t etemukaikanimyheadhur tsandI
needf ood. .
Me:y ouguy scoul dhav ej ustor deredr oom
service. .
Dion:wel lwecamet oapol ogi zet hatwecoul d
notmakei tl astni ghtwegotwast ed..
Me: it'
sf i
nei under stand. ..
Dion: didMukucome.
Iwasn' tsur eifIshoul dtel lhimt hathecameor
notndakangor amba ndakany arar at hen hi s
phoner ang. hel ookedati tandspeakoft he
devili twas muku cal l
ing. .he j ustsai d uripi
andinakuz onzwawhat ev ert heysai dndokubv a
Atindi r
ikudzokaakabv aabudaachi siyaTrisha
she came t o si ton my bed ndokubv a
apindawomumagumbeze. ..
"Mmmm munomumur if reshmhaniasiy ou
ustbat hed.
"EheIbat hedear ly..
"Ihopey ouhadawonder ful nightI '
m sor r
yy ou
wer elonely.
"Nobi gdealIwasokay, didy ouhav ef unwith
mybr other..
"Hahahay ourbr ot herist oomuchah.
"Ihopey oudon' tgeteachot herpr egnant. .
Andt hemomentIsai dt hatndakav hunduka
nki ngaboutwhatMukuandIhaddone. .
goodness ko kuv arairwa nhai. ..It ook my
phonendi chi dakuv hunzakut ihow f arthenI
thoughtagai nkut iDi onwentt her e,ndakangot i
ndot auranay endamuona. ..
"Deear ey ouokay. .
"YesI '
m okaywhatwer ey ousay i
ng. .
"OhIwassay ingI '
m ont hepi llsoIwon' tget
pregnant .
"Mmmm oki sthatev ensaf e..
"Ijusthav et otaket hendai l
yandnotmi ssa
"Nowt hat'sahar dj obSha. .
"Iknow Ij usthav et o be car eful..
wheredi dyougett hatr i
ngohmygoodness. ..
Shitshenot icedt her i
ngonmyneck, ,Ihadno
wayofhi dingi tfrom herndakashay akanakut i
ndony epakut ichi
"Well lolmukuki ndofpr oposed.
"Ohmygoodnessy oulie,,andwhyar en'tyou
wearingi t..
"Mom anddadwi ll
freak. .
"Sowhat 'sthisnow? ?
? ?whatwi llhappen.
"Iwillspeakt omom anddadandhesai dI
shouldputi tonwhent heyagr ee..
"Yourguyi sSoor omant i
csodi dy ouguy s..
"Don'task. .
Webot hlaughedt henMukuandDi onwal ked
.kungomut ari
saSooIf el
tal it
wholebodyhadgoosebumpst hinkingaout
astni ght.
Endofchapt er馃尠

edasIwat chedhi
m coverf
ormet henhe
ont hathe
hadnotseenmey et,wel ookedateachna
Trisha and t hen Ismi led and sai d happy
birthdayt oy out oot henwebot hlaughed.
Dion: mur ikusekazv ir
iwei rd.
Muku:zv i
riwei r
d ndi zv o zv akait
a seinhai
Dion:ndoomuseker owamur ikui taandIhav ea
ghtheadache and sl ightbabal asindoda
kuv hunzakut ihakunai mweont hehouseher e
nekut inezur ov akandi pedzer aapai twasr ed
winehako butt heal coholcont entwast oo
much wot ozv i
vhunzakut iv ai dandi fareher e
kanakut iv aidandi dhakwe. .
Weal llaughed athi m apa achi i
ta kurereka
musor okubgewai rema.
"wakat umwa her e kunzii nzwa y ese wi ne
yachoandi tiit'smeantt obej ustagl ass,not
evenaf ullgl assbutj ustabi tint hegl ass
war atidzakut iur imuboibr ot her."Ndakat aura
hangundi chisekabutsur pri
singl yTr i
shadi dn'
aughsheseemedal ittledist antsuddenl y,
Dionl ookedatmeaf akedkuzhi nyaandIf aked
backathi m ndokubv aAt i
"TrishahandeShaIneedt oshower. ..Ihad
comet odoubl echeckkut ihamunamur ume
heremunoandbasar angundi nengendapedza
Mukusmi l
edathi m zv ikanzi"t sanokoi ndava
kundi fungir azv akashat akudar o mur imunhu
wekuzi va . " Vakabv a v aput i
ka v ese and
wai toshay a kana kut ichi kusekesa chi ii fI
hadn' tbeenwi thmukut hewhol eni ghtIwoul d
hav e suspect ed t hathe had been dr i
too.any way v akatakur ana na Tr isha wake
zvikanzil et'smeetf orbr eakfasti n45mi napa
niwachoIwasv eryhungr yIr eall
ywant ed
foodkwet ezvekut amba. ..
Af tert heycl osedt hedoorMukucameov er
ndokubv a api nda mumagumbeze and sl ept
panga pakar ara Tr i
sha achi bv a aburitsa
kapaperkaangaanakoandgav eme. .
"Whatar et hese. " Imanaged t o ask. .
smi l
edandsai d,"uset hem af t
ert his..
Icoul df eelhishandsal lov ermeandi nstant l
mywhol ebodyneededhi m, Ihel dhi shands
andsai d..
"Yousai dmanher uMuku. ."akabv aaseker era
and sai d,"You made me t ast e zvakay era
,ndaakuv hi
ngikaDeepl ease. .
haana kana kumi ra apa I wonder ed kut i
ndai zoi t
asei ifitwaspai nful again.
"Mi r
aMuku. .
"Ican' t...
"Ehoahkkkkchi t
or a. .
.usandirwadzi seasi .
Ndakawonasmi ley awedzer a..
"Uchaona i twon' tbe as bad and besi des
ukuf ani rakujaira...
" Zv inojai
rika ? Apa ndaivhunza
ndi chiny ebedzer a hangu kuzungai ra kur i
kungony ara kut aur a kut i wagar a wanga
wandi nonoker aIcoul dn'twai tuntilmanher u...
He smi led hake and sai dy es apa al most
ev erything ofmi newasof fand t hef oreign
feel i
ngs anga azar a kui ta kunge t he ni ght
bef ore ndanga ndi sina kumbopi hwa . Muku
aindikuv adzamef oreplay, kundisiyandapar ara
ike i papa Icoul d notev en t al
k any mor e
chandai ngodawashi m, theonl ysoundimade
waspandakamunzwa ent eri
ng,thatpai n was
stillther easiIdi dn'tcar endai toi
nzwai chinaka
futipainy acho. .
"Bar ca. .
.thatsallIcoul dsayashesl owly
began mov i
ng .Ifound my selfwr appi ng my
egsar oundhi m andhewashol dingmyass
and cont rolli
ng my body mov ementega . .
unfortunat elyIdidn'tknowmuchandIhadno
deawhatIwassupposedt odoexact l
ysoIl et
him l ead . ..
.my whol e body y aidairat ot he
mov ement shemadeandi ft hepi l
lowscoul d
talktheycoul dhav esai dDeechi ti
siyat anzwa
nekut suny wa...
forawhi lehekeptgoi ngchet e
untilIcoul dnothol din. .
"AgentBar caIdon'tknow. .
"Youdon' tknowwhat .. .
"AaaahBar ca.
"Tell me. ..
whati sit.
Honest l
yIhadnoi deawhatIwant edt osaybut
Ihear dmy selfsayi
ng. .
"Youhi tthegspotBar caandIcan' thol di t..
"Thendon' tholdit... owlyhei ncreasepace
andmymoansbecamel ouderandl ouderunt i
Iexpl oded, buthedi dnotst ophekeptgoi ng
andhekeptt ouchingmeandhehadr educed
pacet osl oow ..Ithoughthewasgoi ngt okil
mef orawhi leagainhemademel ayonmy
sideandwenti nl i
ket hatsl owlyandsl owly
mor ef oreignf eeli
ngst ookov erandIf elthim
ing t he spot agai nt hist ime Ibegan
squeezi ng hi m wher ev erIcoul dr each , ,he
knewi tthathewashi ttingther i
couldf eelhehadi ncr easedi nsi zehewas
groani ng r i
ghtby my earhi s hands doi ng
wonder stomyt winshewhi spered...
"Ifany oneev erdoest histoy ouIswearDeeI
l bothofy ou. .
"Nev erMuku. .
"Sweari tthen. .
"Ipr omi seMukuIpr omi se..
Ndai nzwakut iIl ovedhi mf orsur eanddur i
thewhol epr ocessIguesst heconnect ionwent
deeperndai nzwakut ikananenihandi t
odinay e
andhandi dizv achoseandt hewaywewer e
ngsomehow i ncreasedt hepl easur eand
webot hcameka1,If elthi m waydeeperi n
me. ..
tert hathesai d. "ImeantwhatIsai d
thent ur
nedmyf acet of acehi mt henheki ssed
me. .
Att hatmomentf i
nal l
yIcoul df eelheatdown
thereaswebot hgotupt ogoandbat h. .
pickedmeupandt ookmet ot heshowerand
agai n he bat hed me but ndai nzwa kut i
ndashandwa. ..
sr eallyhotdownt her eMuku. ..Ifinally sai d
,struggl i
ngt okeepi ttomy self.
" I '
m sor ry babi e I '
m sor ry handi t
,ndaakukusi yaIwon' tdot hatagai n. .
"Ev ent onight? "IdonnowhyIev enaskedasi f
Iwant edmor e..
"Ev ent oni ght. wewi l
lj ustcuddl e. ..
"Iwasn' t
sur et ot r
usthi m butIsmi ledandsai dt hank
you. ..
"Lolokay butndof amba seimanj e. ..
ser i
ouslywaswor r
"Unof ambal ikeabi ggi rlthaty ouar e. ..
We bot hl aughed as we qui ckly gotdone
ndokubv at abuda and dr essed up f astand
openedt hewi ndowsf orf reshai rpl usf ixi
thebed. ...
.Mukuakabv aat ingat ibudemuno
mukunzwi kakut ivanhuv abv akunogezat sano
vanot iwana panze , ndakangoseka ndi kati
vakangwar aHav ananhamondakabv andanwa
thet abl etst hathegav eme. .
hesmi ledand
"Yourdr eamsar estil
lmypr iori
managedt of ulfilmi ne. Iwanty out of ulfi
yoursaswel lsoIcan' tgety oupr egnantev en
thoughIr eal l
ywi shIcoul dbutt hatwi l
upy ourf ut ureandIwoul dnotwanty out o
wor r
yaboutbei ngamom wheny ouar et his
young. .
Ismi l
edal mostemot i
onalandt henIsai d,"
thanky ouf orput tingmydr eamsf irst.
Iknowi f
twassomeonemay beandi nhumbur isakuda
kungondi wachi sa . .
he laughed t hen hel d my
chinandsai d,"y ouowemeababyDee, lateri n
thefut ure. ...
"How manyy ear sfrom now ? "Idon' tev en
knowwhyIasked. ..
Heki ssedmet hensai d,"let'
stalkaf t
er4y ear s
ozozv iona. ". .
.we l eftt he room wi th hi m
holdingmywast et henwewentt ogoandsi t
outsidewher ei twassunny. Imadesur et o
wearaski rtndai sadakuny anyakupapr essur e
down t her e when wal ki
ng . .
we satby t he
garden chai rs Muku achi bva afoner a Di on
ng hi m wher e we wer e and af ter 10
minut es t hey j oined us ndokubv at a or der
breakf astt i
chi dakudy at akagarahedupanze
finallyIwasi nmybestmood nekut imy
betterhal fangaauy a...
"Ti rikuzv i
ona kut imood dzev amwe v anhu
dzabv adzachi nja. "
Dion coul dn'tjustkeep
hismout hshut, heal way sfeltheneededt o
saysomet hingchet e. .
Ijustsmi ledshl yt hen
Mukusai d. ..
"Mai daai teSei konhait sanoi mimai shaina
mur itwonaAmbuy av anguAv a. .
"Mat aur iro ako anekakudenhaAmbuy apl us
kuv apomer amhosv andokur i
pisa. "
"Ri pisaiheny ut sanondaj air
a. '
apaai totaur a
akar iva ser i
ous y ekumi r
ira kur ipiswa and
ndai toona kut i whenev er Di on want ed
kugumhaMar iKunamukundozv aaiitaandi t's
not l ike he di dn't hav e money of hi s
own, ai ngonzwakudakumuwachi sa...
"Izv izv akanakai zvi,panekawi nekat akapi hwa
nez uro cour tesyoft hehot el,ndi ko kandi r
kuda. "
"Ehoit sanonopr obl em ndononov hunzakut i
kanonzani ndokupai .
Trisha l ooked atDi on zv i
kanzi ,"y ou ar e
drinkingt oomuchi tsenough. "
"Kot atukanaher ebabi ehant iwear eher ef or
fun."apaakat aurabutIcoul dseehi sfacewas
rritated, IlookedatMukuandheal sol ookedat
mewecoul dbot hpi ckav ibebet weent hem. .
Trishanev ersai dany thingagai nbutIcoul d
seewi thherf acialexpr essiont hatshewasnot
happy wi th Di on dr i
nking and
pandakazomuudzashecompl ainedsay i
ngkut i
heget sv ulgarwhenhedr inkst oomuch, ,
forherndakangot iwoIwi llt al
kt ohi m abouti t
..Ihadnoi deawher ehewaspi ckingal lthat
from butmuswewai dakudi mbur waev eni fit
meantkut it i
chat ombor ovana, nyangwezv edu
wewer et rainingt oget her, Iwasabi tst ronger
thanhi m andIknewIcoul dbashhi m al itt
By t he t i
me br eakf astcame t her e was an
awkwar d env ir
onmentpat iriand Di on was
av oidingey econt actnaTr i
sha. ..
臍 ndof膶 hapt

Chapt er58
Thedaywasst i
llabi thardf ormepakuf amba
ndai sadakuny any akuf ambaandMukucoul d
seeso hechoset o do t hingst hatr equired
mor esi tti
ngt hanwal kingar ound.Wewent
backf orthecr uisewi t
hhi m, itwasni cet aking
picsandev ery t
hi ngIf eltlikei twast hel if
mhani andIcoul dnev erdream ofany t
hingel se t
ert hatcr uisewewentbackt othef all
andhecar riedmeDi onai taachi ngoti,
munhu ndi chamuponda chet e nemaf ar i
aari kuit
a. .
" Tsano next t ime andi fambe nemi ma
boundar i
es acho akat i wandei
mur ikundirambi dza kumuber eka mozot i
andi mudef utimangwana. ..
Dion wacho kut ozony epedzer a kuit
a ser i
hanzi , "
saka ur ikuda kubat a si si v angu
ndichiona hausi kuona kut i wandi famba
pasi ri
eMukuMukuwacho akangot isor r
yt sano
andi chadar of utindokubv aandi dhonzakuenda
neni pasi de t o t ake sel fies zv ikanz i ,"
andi chada kut it sano v apinde muma pi cs
varikuuray av i
bedai wakav asiya."
Ijustsmi ledatl ethi mt akethesel f
iendokubv a
ndat i,
"i t was hi si dea comi ng her e Bae
unomuzi vaDi onkkkkanodakakut onga. .'
"Rega t ivape mukana v atonge v er y soon
ndi chav atongawohangul ol.
I wonder ed what he meant by t hat but
zv amukuzv ai sanzwi sisikandakasmi lerndi kati
ehondokubv aazot iunombozi vakut idaiusi na
kunwamapi ritsiut orinababywanguso apa
aitaur aachi sv eer erakudakui sahi shandon
my bel ly ndokubv a ndakasi ka kumubv i
ndi kati,"waakudakuzot itangirazv imwena
Dion i wewe . . hausi kuona kut i ane
kakudhakwa Kar ipaar ianot iiti
ra zv imwe ,
Tr i
shai scompl ai ningkut ihe' sget tingabi t
aggr essi ve and v ulgarkana at inwi reisaka
please dontgethi m t hatwi ne Iknow y ou
promi sedeachot herkur ipananewi nebutf or
thesakeofpeaceandf orTr ishat ohav efun
usapeDi ondor o. .'
"Aaaahkot sanov agar wanei. ?"Ai tov hunza
achi tari
sa Kuna Di on wacho ai v e busy kut i
Tr i
sha ndi ber eke apa Tr isha wacho
achi ngodzedzer eka nay e vakapot sa
vadonhedz ana, haaDi onr aivebasaandTr i
angaakashi ngaDi onai t
odapat iencehamheno
pamwendoy ai vet ypeofl ov ey avo because
ndai sainzwi sisa but ndanga ndi singade
mur ume anony any a kuy ema st erekikuy ema
kunengekakushusha. .Il ookedbackatMuku
ndi kati.
" Amheno may be y ou shoul d sl ow down
traininghi my ounev erknow may beanogona
kur ov amukadziuy uandi sikumut embaandI
hopehe' snotdoi ngdr ugs. .
.Apat het houghtof
him doi ng dr ugs y akandi t
yisa, any way I
brushed of ft hat t hought , i
t was hor r
kufungi r
a my br othersomet hing l i
ke t hat.
Muku shook me nekut i ndanga ndami ra
kutaur a and al ready deep i n my t hought s
ndat ov akur echai ko. .
"Rel axMaimuku,don' twor ryIwi l
lf i
kuti what i s goi ng on bet ween t hem ,
ndamboz vionakut ithere'saf unnyv ibeDi oni s
notl iket hat.I fy ouwer ef i
tIwoul dhav esai d
ghti toutwi thhi m butIknow Mukumadeu
unwel l
..."Hesai dthatsmi li
ngnaught il
inghi sbot tom l ipwhi chIf oundext remel y
sexyt henIl ookedawayf r
om hi m ,ev ersince
we got i ntimat e hamheno ndanga
ndav akunzwakakumuny arazv aakat oonawo. ..
"What '
sgoi ngonwi thy ou? "HeaskedandI
pretendednott oknowwhathemeantbyt hat.
"Whatdoy oumean? "
"Suddenl yy oucan' tlooki ntomyey es,kochi i
babi e. .
"Idon' tknowMuku. "
"Ur ikundi ny ara? "
"Somet hingl i
ket hat."
"Iwantt heol dDee, t
heoneasi ngandi nyare.
"Ij ustf eeldi ff
erentMuku , l
ike a whol e
f erentper sonal togetherandhamhenookay
ml ooki ngaty ouandI '
m seei ngadi fferent
personaswel l.
"Theonl ydi fferencei st haty ouar emukus
woman, youwer eMuku' sgi rlbutnotany mor e
y ouar emyf i
ancekuny angweusat iwapf eka
ng butst il
li rimuhur o and y ou sai dy es
eady, soy esIexpecty out of eeldifferent,we
are on a new l ev elnow , wher e we wi llbe
maki ngpl ansanddeci sionst hati nvolvebot h
ofus. ..
Itallmadesense, Iwasj ustslowl yget t
ingi nto
the get ti
ng engaged mode . we ended t he
afternoon ni celyt hen we wentback t ot he
hot elandor deredaheav ydi nnerofal otof
nicest i
ckybar bequer ibsandf ri
es, different
kindsofsal ads. .afterthatwe wentt owat ch
a band t hatwas pl aying by t he hot el, we
boughtsomesaf ariclot hes,i twasni ce,we
badl ot
soff undanci ngbutInot i
cedt hatDi on
wasget t
ing cheekywi th Tr i
sha . .
ndakazot i
KunaMuku, "honat sanov akoSha, "hewas
busypul l
ingheraggr essi v
ely. ..
sakawebot h
wentt othem ndokubv andat iKunaTr ishahuy a
pano. .
Shecamet omet henwewentont hesidet hen
Isai dt oher, "ify ouar enothonestwi thmeI
don' tknowhowIwi llhelpy ouguy s.
"Idon' tknow whaty ou wantme t o sayI
thoughtIal readyt oldy ou. "Iknew t her ewas
mor etot heirst ory,Mukuhadt aughtmet o
pick si t
uations and be abl et or ead t hem
nekuonakut ipai tany ay aandPanaDi onna
Trishapangapar itoneny ayahombe. .
"Look, I'
m notst upidbuticant ellkutipane
nyay a hombe i fy ou can' tt ell me cool
ndaakungokusi y aimuchi it
a zv amur ikui tana
zv ozv o ndaakubuda mazv i
rimanj e. Ionl y
want edtohel pbuty ousur elyy oudonotneed
myhel p...
Shesi ghedt henshesai d, "hef oundsome
messagest hatwer enotSoopl easingi nmy
"Whatki ndamessages. .
"Iwasf li
ingwi thsomeguy .
"Hooonhai .
"LookDeei twasnot hingser iousshaaIwas
notev enpl anni ngondat i
ngt heguykwanga
kungor ikungot amba.
"Justbecause y ou wer e playing does not
makei tokayTr isha, andi fy ouar enotgoi ngt o
havear elationshi p wi t
h someone whatt he
pointofpl ayingar oundt henwhypl ayar ound
witheachot her '
sf eel i
ngs. .
"Idon' tf eelany t
hi ngf ortheguy. itwasal lfake
"Inev eryf akest or yt herei sabi toft ruthinit
meani ng ofal lt hewor dsy ou sai dt o each
otherf lirt
ing,t her es t hings t hatwer et rue
because hapana pamuchai ta t he whol e
conv ersat i
onl yi
ngt oeachot her...
"FineIadmi tIscr ewedupbutIl ov eDi onand
mr eallysor ryIhur thi sf eelings, ,
ihav ebeen
ingt oexpl aint hewhol eni ghtheev enspoke
tot heguy, butzv ikamubat aar ikubv aandi i
rough. .
"May bey ouneedt oconv i
ncey our selfbefore
youconv inceDi on, inihanguI '
m di sappointed
butIcan' tjudgebutkanausi ngademybr other
ethi m know becauseIser i
ousl ywon' tstand
andwat chy oudest royhi m andt urnhi mi nto
whathei snot. .
"Hapanany ay aDee. .
"Asi mybr otherdoesn' tsatisfyy ounhai .
"Hedoes, ,
shaandakangof arisa..
"Hoo. .
Ndakabv andat obv apaar iIwasdeepi l
yhur t,
was sensi ti
ve when i tcame t o mybr other
tangat akany any akui t atwochet endosaka. .
Mukuakabv aat ev er aandj ustsai dt ome, "
pakai pababi et sanov anehashazv akaipa.'
"Icanunder stand, ukandi dar ohamhenondoi ta
sei ."
"Pl easel et'snotuseusasanexampl eany way
It oldhi mt ot akeiteasyv anopedzedzer ana
don' twor ry.."
It ried t of orgetev er y
thing butzv aishupa
ndai nzwakudakuchemaandndai nzwakut idai
ndar ovaTr isha. .t
akazobv akondi si
sat aurena
Trishaand t heywentt ot hei rroom st raight
awayDi on anga anwa dor o hobho he was
drunk. .
.Ididn' tev engot omyr oom ,Iwentwi th
muku , ,
takangogeza t ese and not hi
ng mor e
tese t anga t akanet a and af tert hatwe j ust
kissed a l ittl
e ndokubv at atorara. .
we wer e
eav i
ngt henextdaysakaweneededt ogetup
ear l
yandpr epar e.
.Ispentt heni ghtinhi sar ms
agai nandi tf eltgreat, takamukaal itt
leear ly
and t ook a bat ht oget heragai n. .
.then we
beganpacki ngpangapasi naz vakawandahapo
wehadat eno' clockf l
ightt ocat ch,tapedzawe
wentt oDi on'sr oom ev enhewasal mostdone. .
"Readyt ogonow ? "Iaskedndaonav anhu
vakangony arar a.
"Yeah, readyt ogosi s,thankst oyourbi rthdayI
discov eredsomet hingsIdi dn'tknow. "Hesai d
thatl ooki ng atTr isha and Iknew he was
ng t ot he issue bet ween t hem, Ididn't
wannacommentt her esoIkeptqui et,Iwent
andhuggedhi m andt henI sai d,"l et'
homebr other. .
Ndobv at atoenda. .
Endofchapt er馃尛
IstruggledSoomucht ocont ainmy selfandI
washur tbigt i
me,i t
swasnott hefli
ngpar t
thatpissedmeof fbutt herewasmor etothe
ing .You don' tf l
irtsay i
ng Il ovey ou to
someonet haty oucl aimt onotwantt odate,
thereIwast hinki ngofset t
busy lov i
ng herbutshe was busy l ovi
someone el se . .ndai nzwa kut idaindar ov a
munhubutpekur ovapachony angweukar ov a
munhukupedzanguv a.Att heendoft hedayi t
does not f ix t he damage hapana kana
chinombogadzi r i
si kaf uti
,wai stingmyener gy
ingt oputst r aightmwanaweumwemunhu
akatadzwakur angwanev aberekiv ake.Tohel l
with my pl ans wi t
h herIwas Soo done .
Kutofunga kut indai timukadzidecentv ery
soonndai dakur oor a. .Icouldnotwai ttoget
homeandj ustgetawayf rom her,Iwasqui et
ont heplaneunt ilshet ouchedmyhandndi kati
"Ndat iusandi bat eandi zivekut imaoko ako
akabatapapi ,v anaani andv angani futi
"I nga ndat isor ry waniIwi llnev erdo i t
again,fort he r ecor d andi na mumwe munhu
wandakabat a.
snotaboutnev erdoi ngi tagai ni t
everdoi ngi tint hef ir
stpl ace, Iwon' tdenyt hat
Imademyownf ai
rshar eofmi stakesbutI
made t hose ndi sinewe ,when Imety ou I
thoughty ouwer eakeepery ety ouwer ebusy
being ev er yone' s gi r
lnxaaa kwana mhani
Munhu ai tondi kwi dza hasha ndakazony arara
ndaonakut ithecoupl eont henextseatwas
ooki ngatus.Thepl anet oHar aredi dn'
tt ake
ong t akasv i
ka way ear ly ndokubv a
ndaakut of amba zv ekuda kuenda kumba
chaizv o...She was wal ki
ng f astbehi nd me
ndakabv andaf ambi saf uti,ihear dhercal li
mebutIi gnor ed,Mukundi yeakat ozondi bata
ndav akumber i..
"Tsanowai t."
"Stayoutofi t mukundi ."
"Kusv ikar ii
nit sanochi miraiokayandt alkt o
heratl eastkana muchi musi ya mozi va kut i
masi yanakwet ekuendamusi nakut aurir
"Sakawaakundi t
umazv ekui taf utiur i
kuitasei ."
"Tsanondi rikuedzakut auranemi mant omanI
knowmakat samwaev enIwoul dbepi ssedof f
aswel lkur ev akut iiunder standwher ey ouar e
comi ngf rom . ."
"Iwewakambohur irwazv akadai her e?"
"Wor se."
"Kanawashay any ayausandi udzezv ekuny epa
wazv inzwa. ."
"Tsanobef or eImetDeeIdat edagi rlndine21
wedat edf or3y ears,wewer ecl osewel lv er
closet hat '
swhatIt houghtbecauseIl ov edher
and ndaakuda kur oor a akami tiswa by
someoneel seandIdi scov eredt hatndaenda
kumbakwav o and f ound herv akami rav ese
paghedhit her ewasnowayofhi dingi tnekut i
theot herguydi dn'tknowaboutmeandwhenI
toldhi m kut imusi kanandewanguakandi tiehe
musi kana ndewanguwo and we hav e been
together3y earsf uti andanenhumbuy angu.
Iwasdi vastatedandf r
om t hatdayIbegan
hatingwomen,i magi neIhadi nt roducedhert o
myf ami lyandal l
,may beshet ookadv ant age
oft het imey andakambobudamuny ikaIdon' t
know buti thappened ,Iwashur tand t he
person i was wi th af t
er t hat zv aingov a
zvekut amba, allthatzv akaper aunt ilImetDee
andf ellinlov ewi thher,heri nnocencemade
mef allinlov eagai n,l fitwasntf orDeeIwoul d
have been hat ing women st i
ll., Saka
musandi udzekut iandi nzwi siseany thi ngabout
whaty ouar egoi ngt hr ough."
His si tuat i
on was wor se t han mi ne ndi rini
ndami t
isirwandai topondazv e..akabv aaf amba
achiuy apat angat irindokubv andaendanay e
paside. .
"Fi net ellmewhat '
sl ackingpandi r iandbe
honest ."Iaskedndakany atsomut arisakumeso
"Dionhapana. "
"Nochi r i
poTr i
sha,y oucan' tdot hatt ome
withoutr eason. "
"Honest lyt herewasnor eason andIdon' t
knowhowt oapol ogi se. "
"Handi kugut seher ei wewe?Ndoedzawani
'm nott he bestbutIal way s say babi e
ndiudze wher eI '
m l acking so t hat Ican
mpr ov emy sel fbei tinbedbei tjustbei ngy our
boy fri
end , Ido al mostev eryt hing f ory ou
.yourhai ry ourcl othesev ery t
hingIdof or
you. "
"Iknow, Iprobabl ydon' tdeser vey ou."
"Now I 'm t el l
ing y ou Ican' tdo t his. I'
breaki ngupwi thy ou. .
Ndakabv andat of ambandakuendat henIhear d
hersay ing. .
"Di onI '
m pr egnant .
Thef irstIsai dwas,"ohshi t."AndIcoul d
hearDeesay ing, "whatt hehel l
Ndakacheukandi kaonaDeeachi f
kuna Tr isha akat anga kumupusher pusher
ndakaf ambandaakudzoker a..
"Youdon' tpul lthebei ngpr egnantcar donmy
brot her,di dn'ty out el lmekut iy ouar eont he
landt hepi l
lsar ewor kingj ustf i
ne, hauna
kudar oher eiwewe?. "Shewasf umi ng
"I'm notpul li
ngt hatcar dbecauseoft hi
know Imessed up, and y es Il i
ed t hey ar e
wor kingbecauseIdi dn'tknow how t osayI
waspr egnant "
Icoul dn'tbel iev emyear s, ndakambof ungakut i
dzabl ockerandadzi chanzwamushe. ..
"Deest opi tandcont roly our self."Mukuwas
busyt ryingt ohol dDeeandDeewachost arted
pushi ngMuku butany wayshecoul dn'tdo
mucht ohi m besi desshout i
ng. .
"Don' tt ellmet ost opanddon' ttellmenott o
hither ."Andf orsur eshewal kedf astakanopa
Trisha mbama munhu achi bva abat a dama
ndakaonaav akubudi tsami sodziandal r eadya
crowdwasbui ldingupkudakuonakut iwhat '
goingonandt hesecur i
tywasal readywal king
towar dsus.Mukuakangot i,"EnoughDee, "
nez wir ir
ipamusor ondokubv aadzi kamabut
akat samwazv i
si ngai te. ..
Ndakasv ika ndokubv a ndat ora r uoko r wa
Trisha ndokubv a ndat ihande . pakazosv ika
secur i
tywej ustt oldt hem t hatev ery thingwas
cool already. .
"What '
st hemeani ngofal lthisTr i
shawhat '
allt hisaboutbei ngpr egnant ,youwer eont he
l sowhat 'sthi saboutbei ngpr egnant ?"
"Idon' tknowDi on,Inev erski ppedanydayand
tj usthappenedshaaI '
m sor r
yIf oundoutj ust
bef orewecameher eandIhadnoi deahowt o
ly ouandt hat '
swheny oual sof oundout
about me f l
irting wi th Sammuel .allt his
happenedatawr ongt i
meandnow y ouar e
eav i
ngmeandIdon' tknowwhatt odo, youar e
eav i
ngmewhenIj ustf oundouti m pr egnant
bef oreIev engott ot el ly ouni celyt haty ouar e
goingt obeadad.
" St op, pl ease st op al ready , just
stop. ..
.unondi hur ira wondi udza kut i une
nhumbuy angul ol..
"Andi nakuhur ahandi nakanakur ar anay e,we
ustknow eachot herf rom hi ghschoolchet e
DionIl ov ey ou. "
"Youal sosai dt haty oul ovedhi m. "
"Iwasl yingndai ngodakumuf adza. "
" Yet hur ti
ng me , wandi dzikisira ka , and
besi deswedi dn' tpl anany thingaboutbabi es
mbomi rakundi udzai zv ozvo. .
"Tsanohandei ."IheadMukusay i
ng. .
"Mi randi pedzenemunhuuy u. "
"Tonopedzi sira kumba , pano hapasikui ta
hamugadzi r
isireny ay amur oad."
Ndakambot angakuf ambat hengoti nt othetax
thathehadhi redndokubv at apindat eseand
wentt o mukushouseso weal lsatqui etl
them Muku gotup achi bv a abuda na Dee
.ndakabudandi kat indiri
kudzokat henIwent
kumashopsandIboughtapr egnancyt estki
ndokubv andadzoker a, Ifoundhersi tti
Muku, Deewassi t
tingal onekwake. ..
"MayIusey ourbat hr oom Muku. "Iasked
"Ofcour se."Hesai d
ThenIgotupndi kat oraTr i
shat henwentt othe
bathroom nay et otest. .Igaveittoherandsai d
owt heinst ructions.
"Ialreadyknowhowt ousei tDion. .
"Ofcour sey oudo. ".
Shel ookedf oracont ai
nert o uset henshe
tested, t
akagar at esei momount i
li tshowed
kutisur ely she was pr egnant . .ndakabata
musor o ndi kambor ov a door ndokubv a
ndabuda. .shef ollowedmet henIsai d.
"Howf argone? "
"Idon'tknow. "
"AndhowdoIknowi t'
smi ne. "
"Ihav e not hing t o pr ove wi t
h butj ustmy
wor ds,i
supt oy out obel i
eveornott o..
拢 ndofChapt er馃巶
Chapt er60
Ihadbeensi ttingndegaf orawhi lendai sada
kut aur anemunhuandt het urnofev ent smade
mer eal i
zet hatt hingsi nlifehav enoguar antee
sur ely v anhu v anogona kumuka v aakut o
vav ana I v o v anga v aakunaki rana , ndai t
ndi kat arisa br ot her y angu ndai nzwa hasha
dzi chi kwi raandi fitwasn' tf orMukuhamheno
kut indai itaseimunhu,ndai dakumupedzer a
chai koandev ery t
hingj ustdi dn'tmakesense
kana kut indi nindai sada kut aur a nay e kut i
mdi munzwi si
seher ehamheno. ...
Ndakav arairwa,If elt mukus hand on my
shoul dert henIt urnedandf acedhi m. .
"Ar ey ouokay. ?"Heaskedt akingachai rt osi t
nex ttome. .
"Sonowy ouwannasi twi thme?"
"I 'm sor rybabi e Idi dn'twanty ou f ight ing,
mese mukai t
a hasha at t he same t i
hazv ibudemusheIwant edy out ocont r olhi m
nst ead."
"Why ?Whyshoul dIcont rol hi
m ?"
"Babi eur ikuwanzahashaIneedy out ol ear nt o
cont rol,lev elraur idoy ouknowt haty ouar enot
ev en al l
owed t o j ust f ight wi t
h any one
especi all
ysomeonewhoi snott rai
nedmar ti
artsukazi v i
kanwa kut iy ou ar e a bl ackbel t
hol der and y ou ar e f ighting pawada
unosungwababi e. .
Hisf acel ookedser ious, yesImayhav eov er
react edbuticoul dn'
thol dt hepai ninsi demeI
feltt hatIneededt of i
ghtf orDi on.
"I'm sor r
y, itallr emi ndedoft hedayIsawy ou
kissi ngRei na, If eltt hatf ormybr ot her ,soi t
wasl ikeIwasf eeli
ngt hatpainal lov eragai n..
"Doesi tmeany ouhav enoty etf or givenme
nezvar eina? babi emunhuuy ahasmov edon
withherl ifeat ov anemwanauy o."Heanswer ed
holdingmyf acet henIhel dhishand.
"Asiny ay adzeny umuchi r
ikudzi wanzaher e
nekut ii
nf ounawohobho. "
"Babi eshesmypar t nerI'm boundt oknow. "
Ilookedathi m annoy edany wayt hatwasnot
theissueathandIwasmor econcer nedabout
mybr other. .
" Zv aper a andi si kungoda kut i Di on
achenget eswegor aandwedon' tknowi fshe's
ngt het rut h. .
Hesmi l
edandsai d,"Ishoul dt eachy ouhow
tointerrogat ecr i
mi nalshuh. "
"Ndot anganecr imi naly akagaranaDi oni yo...
Ndakabv a ndat arisa wher e t hey wer e
ndakaf iny ama. ..
"Babi el ett hem f ixt heirissuesVegahandi ti,i
mightt ur noutt obehi sbabyapamunhuwese
anenge ai pindi rat ozosar at avakuny araf uti
handi t
i,so l et t hem dealwi tht hei r own
ssues, y ou mi ghtbe sur pri
sed Di on at anga
kufariraachi tinhumbundey ake.."
Whathesai dmadesensesoIdeci dedt ost ay
away f rom t he i ssue and mi nd my own
business. ...
"NdakudakuendakumbaMuku. "
"Wakudakundi siyaKar e? "Hesai dachi r
kurwadzi wa.
"Iwaswi t
hy ouf ort woday sbabi e."Imanaged
tosay .
snev erenoughDee, itwi l
lnev erbeenough
untilwegetmar r
ied. "
"Iknow, soonokay .
"Hebr oughthi schai rcl osert omi ne,wekept
ooki ngateachot herhol dinghands. .Icoul d
feelsuchst rongbondandconnect ionbet ween
usandIdi dnotwanti tt ost op. .
"Ki ssmepl ease. "Hesai dl ikehewasbeggi ng
me. .
Ir eachedf orhi m andweshar edagoodby e
kiss. .
.andiziv ekut indai zonot aur anamamasei
butIneededt otellhersoonerorl ater. .
toDi ont henIsai dt imeuphande. .
Takabudat eset i
ri 4 Mukuwast aking us
home , so we got i nt o hi s car ndokubv a
atiper ekedzakumba, wegotoutoft hecart hen
Iwentkusi de kwa Bae ndokubv a adzi kisa
windowndi kai samusor omukat ithenIsai d, "I
ov ey oumuku. "
" I woul d hav e ki ssed y ou agai n andi si
kukugut abutndopondwanat sanobutIhopeI
willseey ousoon. j
ustt el lmewhathappensna
tsanoi ngomui takut iasaf unget oomuchmake
him t hinkposi t
ivelyhat idisomet hingbadt o
happen. .
Her eal l
yseemedwor ried, Ijustsai dokt henhe
drov eof ftohi shouse. ...sowest oodt het hree
ofust henDi onsai dby et oTr i
sha. .
"Sowhat sgoi ngt ohappenDi on"Tr ishaasked
almosti ntear s,I
fitwasn' tbecauseIwasmad
atherIwoul dhav eact ual l
yf el
tsor ryf orher
butIwasf ailingtof eel sor ryforher. ..
" Ndozokuudza zv andi nenge ndaf unga
becauser i
ghtnow andi sikuzi vakut inhumbu
ndey aniny angweuchi t indey angu. .
.soI 'm not
goi ng t o make deci sions based on y our
wor d,i
mbondi panguv ashaa. "
Shej ustsai dokayndokubv aakwi dzwakombi
naDi onandshel eft.t
akambot arisananaDi on
thenhesai d.
"Whathappensi nVegasst aysi nVegas.
m wi t
hy ou. "
Hehi tmyheadt henwewenti nt ot hehouse
wher emamacamet ohugusbot hkunget anga
tabv akust ateswhenwewer ejustar oundt he
corner. ..
"Wel lcomebackdi dy oupeopl ehav ef un?"
Mom asked f ail
ing to hol dt he exci t
hanzi madzokai nonepi eceIcan' thel pI t..
sgoodt oseey oumamawehadawesome
fun . ..
"Igr eeted hert hen Di on j ustwent
straightt ohi sr oom , hedi dn'twantt ot alkt o
any onebutatl easthegr eet edmama. ..
"KoTi nagav ebi r
thony ourbirthdayzv e. "
"Her emamamat ii???
"Yesshegav ebi rt
ht oababyboy ,
iwant edt o
cally oubutIdi dn'twantt ospoi lthef un. ."
"Hi i
isakawhat 'sthebaby snamemama? "
Iwasr eallycur iousaboutt hatone, Icoul dnot
believ e kutiTi na anga Av a nemwana . ..and
anga av akunzi mai ni ngi,ndakapi ndwa
nechando. .
.to t hink kut i nezv andakai ta na
Muku ndi ngadai ndav a kut onzi expect i
mot her, Iwoul dhav edisappoi ntedmypar ents
bigt ime, mukuwasr i
ghtwehadt osett he
or iti
esright .
Ndakabv a ndat omuf oner a Ti na wacho
nekusadakusar ir
ira. .
Ideci dedt ogot omy
room kunot aurai npr i
"Ko makor okot o kanhaiamai. "Isai dt he
momenty aakadai raphonei yendookubv aaf a
zvakenekusekakungezv ainakidzazv okut i
"ThanksShaIcantbel ievekut indav amama
ufunge. .
"Met ooIcan' tbelievekut iy ouhav eababy
sakazv airwadzaher e."
"Mmmm babav achopai df orcsect ionndakat i
handi dikupusheri nindibv aruki r
ezv anguai wa
asikanakwet e..
" But st i
ll kungochekwa kwacho unenge
wat obv arukapadumbukanhai Tina.
"Ehebuti t'
snotev enpai nf ulv aitotaur aneni
nyay a during the whol e process
ndakat ozongoonamwanaabuda. .
Shewast elli
ngmescar ythingsy uwi .
"Sakamwanaanonz aninhai iwe. "
"Aaah akapi hwa Zi t
ar ababa bake uy u, ko
ndiyeegakazv emukomana.
"Hoosakadadyv achov anonzani ? "Iwant edt o
aughal r
eadyi magi ningbabaTi nanami nghi s
sonZi t
ar av o,tomemwanawachowasl ikea
grand chi l
dt o hi m si nce Ti na was l i
ke hi s
daught erhaazv i
nhuzv achoSooka, shewas
supposed t o say mwana akapi hwa Zi ta na
sekur uv ake..
"Lol anonzi Mof fart...
"Hoo sakawaakunzimaiMof f
ar t."Ir eal l
want edt ol augh. ..
"Imagi neshaa. .
"Mamof fykkkk. "Webot hgi ggledwef oundi t
extremel yf unny. ..
"Ko ndakanzwa kut iwakar ov a Jean and
wakamur overamukomana."
Hanay anguy akar ovaandt hef i
rstt hingt hat
camet omyheadwas, howmanypeopl eknow
abouti t....
"Akat aur aachi udzaani ?
"Aaahi wevanhuv esev ar i
kuzv i
"IweTi nayoumeanev en v anamamav angu
kuzv i
vaher e?"
"Iweshaahanzimaiv aJeanv akat of onaKuna
mamav akov achi t
ihur er enyur akar ov amwana
wangukumur ov eramukomanaapamukomana
muhombekwaar if
uti ."
Ndakanzwa kut idaindadzoker a ku v i
how wasIgoi ngt of acemypar entapaal l
alongIwast heirper fectgoodgi r
l,andwor se
mama kana kumbondi vhunza she had kept
quietthewhol et i
mey andai tauranav o. .
"HaaShama1handi sikut ombozv izivaIj ust
gotbacknowf rom Vi cf all
sandndi changobv a
kuonananamhamha. "
She l aughed and sai d hokoy o . ndakabv a
ndat okataphoneandIwasdepr essed. .
toDi on'sroom wher eIf oundhi ml ay ingonhi s
backmaokoakeeseakabat agot si..
"Dionshaahel pme. "Isai dsittingonhi sbed. .
"Whathappenedf uti."
Itoldhi m aboutJeanndokubv aangozunguza
musor o.
"Youdi dn'
ttellmey ouhi ther. "
"Shewasmaki ngmov esonmuku. "
"Honamanj ey awazv i
tangi r
aay ashamheno
tongoonakanany ayay achoy at angwawewi ll
knowt hen.
Ndakabat amusor ohaaJeanSoo,apamama
vakepakuzot ihanzihi r
er eny u.icoul dal r
picturemymot her'
spai n
拢 ndof拢 pi sode馃幇
Chapt er61
IgotoutofDi on'
sr oom ndokubv andaenda
kunotsv agamama. .
.Ineededt ot alktoher
rst bef ore Dad , ndai dawo someone
nzwi si
saatl east.Shewassi t
tingint he
ounge v achiona hav ot v,Iwal ked sl owly
kusvikapav aiva..
"Hesimama. "Isaidsittingdownnextt oher
thenshel ookedatmeandsmi led. mumoy o
ndaingozv i
tongesakut ishe' sev enst illsmili
ka her e sure, t he suspense y anga
yanyany aIreall
ywant edt oknow. .
" Yes , wadzoka ko ndi rati
dze mapi cs
amakat ora.
"Ndasi yaphonemubedr oom Iwi l
l showy ou."
Truthi sIwaswor ri
edt hephonewasf ullof
mukus phot os saka ndai sada v amaone I
madeanexcuse. ..
"Okhanzi inaTi nawaudzwaZi tar emwana
Ibeganl aughingndokubv andat i
," ehemama
anonziMof f
ar thanz iapi hwaZi t
ar ababav a
Lana. "
"Mmm asibabav aLanaSookazv akaoma
sakav ator iser i
ous. "
"Ndozv andi rikutoona zv i
ripomamahei sa
wei r
dt ypeofman. "Isai dbutwangumoy o
wai t
sv a. ...If oundgut st hencar riedon,"ko
mama. ?"
"Hee. "
"Kohanz imaiJeanv akaf onav achipopot akuti
ndakar ov aJeanhamunakundi udzaseimama
Vakambot arisakut vndokubv av andi tarisa.
"I twas poi ntless t alking abouti tov ert he
phone Iwant ed y ou t o come home t obv a
tataura, Iwasgoi ngt ot alkt oy ouabouti tbut
sincewai tangany ayay achowemi ghtaswel l
talkabouti t."
"Okmama. "
"Fi r
stlyt ellme, ,doy ouhav eaboy f riendy et?"
Shel ookedatmemumazi sochai mo, andi t
wasSoohar dl ooki ngi nt oherey es, shewas
my mot herf orcr ying outl oud and wor se
ng aboutboy fri
endsanga at or ima one
chaiyondakabv andat ari
sapasi ..
" Manj e mama mukandi tar
isa kudar o
hazv i
bude. "If orcedmy selft ospeakandI
ywi shedMukuwast her et ohel pmeout. .
"Feelf reemwanangu, i
my ourmot herandI
under standy oubet t
ert hanany one. "
Thel astpar tshesai daboutunder st andi ngme
yakandi itandi veneal it
tlebi t conf idence.
"YesMamaIdo. "
Shedi dn'tsayany thingi nsteadshej ustt ooa
deepbr eat h. ..
"Ar eyouangr ywi thme. "
"No,I 'm st illsear chingf ort heper fectwor ds
..doIknowhi m? "
Ipapo manj endi po pangaPai neny ayay ese
manj e . ndakav hur a mur omo ndi kavhara
kakawanda. .
"ThatmeansIknow hi m. "Shesai dt henshe
heldmyt wohands. ..
"Handi zi ve kut indi nokuv hundur sa here or
whatbutIwannahav et heper f
ectmom and
daught err elat i
onshi pDee, wher ey ouar eopen
aboutev er ything. ..
"Youknow hi m Ij ustdon' tknow how t ot el
youabouthi m becausey oumi ghtsayno. "
"Andwhywoul dIsayno. "
"Amheno because may be y ou wantwant
someel sef orme. "
"Icannotchooseahusbandf oryouDee. "
"Iknow mama but y ou hav ey our own
expect ationsf orme. "
"Ofcour sey ett hechoi cei sst i
llyour s."
"Sakaev eni fakaenzananadaddy. "
"You ar e bet tert han thatDee Iknow y ou
woul dn'tgof orsomeonesameageasy our
"Sowhat '
st her ightagegap. "
"Deej ustt ellmei nsteadofgoi ngr oundand
round, wewi lltakeal lday. "
sMukumama. "
Vakangor ambav akandi t
ar i
sa, Ialreadywant ed
tocr yandwor sekur ambav akany araramade
thingswor se...
"MamaI 'm sor ry."
"Why .
"Il etyoudown, Iknowhewasmyt eacherand
Iwassupposedt obej usthi sst udentandal l
shappenedI 'm Soosor rymamaI '
m sor r
y. "
"Soy ouar eapol ogi zingf orf all
ingi nl
what. "
"Bot hf al l
ngi nl ov eandnotl ivi
ngupt oy our
expect ations. "
"Whatar emyexpect ationsDee"
"Andi zivemama. "
Iwasal readycr ying. .
"Stopcr yi
ngal ready,how l onghast hisbeen
"2y ear s. .
"Sol et'ssaysi ncey ouwer e15. "
"NomamaIhadt urned16. .
"Wasi tbyf orce?
"Nomamahenev erf or cedme. "
"Didhef orcefullydoany thi
ngt oy ou.
"Nomamai fther e' sonet hi
ngt hatMukuhas
alway sr espect ed i s mybody ,he has been
mor elikemybr other. "
IwishedIcoul dt el lherkut iwewer enol onger
ikebr ot herandsi st erbutIcoul dnot, shewas
goingt obedi sappoi nted.
"Dee, Mukui sal ittleol dert hany ou."
" My poi nt bei ng t he l evel of mat ur i
rakatosiy ana, Iwi shIcoul dgoagai nsthim wi th
thefactt hathebegandat i
ngy ouwhenhewas
notsupposedt obedat ingy oubutagai nhei s
the reason y ou passed o l eveland A l evel
beaut i
fully.imay hav e suspect ed y es butI
wasn' tsur e, hadhebeensuchabadi nf l
wouldhav ebeent erriblyhur t.I'
ml ooki ngf or
somet hi
ngt osayagai nsthi m butIdon' tknow
Deey ouar est il
lv er yy oungandI 'm surehei s
yourf i
rstboy fri
endandy ouarei nl
ov eev enifI
wast osaydon' tdat ehi m Iknow y ouwi llsti
datehi m behi ndmyback. ..
'snotabout t he
aget hatI '
m wor ried about. .
.butal sobynow
surely he i s a expect ing mor e, thi ngs l i
mar ri
age, hasy ouev erdi scussedt hatt opi c..
Myhear tbeganpoundi ng, howwasIt ot ellher
hepr oposedandIsai dy es.
"YesMamawet alkedabouti t? "
"And. "
"Hewant st ogetmar r
iedbutheknowst hatit'
noty ether i
ghtt imeso. .
"Sowhat. "Shewasr eallylookingatme.
"Thewayy ouar el ookingatmemama. "
"Dee, youar e18, y ouar eanadul tnowandI '
askingy oubecauseIwantt o seehow y ou
makedeci si ons. "
"Weagr eedaf t
erI '
m donewi thUniv er sity."
Shet ookadeepsi ghagai n..
"Andwhatguar ant eedoy ouhav et hatbyt hen
hewi llst
illbewai t
ing. "
"Idon' tneedaguar ant eemama, I
fhei smi ne
then he wi llwai tbecause al ready he has
waitedf ormeev enwhenIdi dnotexpecthi m
"Ihav eal way st oldy out hatschoolcomesf ir
nomat terwhat? "
"That '
swhathesai dtooMama. "
"How abouty ou?Whathav ey ougott osay
aboutal lthis. ?"
"Ican'tgetmar r
iednowIwannagetdonewi th
school ."
"Andi fyougetpr egnant ? "
"Hav eIev erdi sappoi ntedy oubef or e? i
wasadi stract i
onIwoul dhav ef ailedf orm4
andAl evel mama. "
"I'm notsay i
nghei sadi stractionbutev en
focusedpeopl emakemi stakes. "
"Becauset heywoul dhav elostf ocus. "
"ThenIhav enot hi
ngel set osayDeei tseems
youhav emadeadeci sionandi t
'sy ourl i
fet hat
youhav et ol ookoutf or. .
..Mukudoesn' tseem
ikejustat eacherDee, hasheexpl ainedhow
"MamaIknow hei spar townerofspeci es
70%shar es.
"Whaaat ? "
"Iknow. "
" Nhaiwe mwana uy a zv aakat ooma , saka
kunyepedz erakuitateacherhanzizv aitaseisei
manje. "She was st i
llopeni ng hermout h
"He enj oyst eaching mama and he' s an
accountantt oo."Obv iouslyIcoul dnott ellher
thathewasanagent. ..
"Isthatwhyhei sSoof ocusedl iket hat? "Soo
many pr ofessions,iam v er y proud ofhi m
ThatmomentIknewmamahadaccept edhi m
thatwhenIt ookoutmyr ingandshowedher
vakangoshama v akat ari
sa admi r
ing how
ul itwas. .
"Deedo y ou know how much t hisr ing i s.
Wor t
h? ??"
"Inat housandt i
mesInev erknew y ouwoul d
getsuchar i
ng,Deemwanangudoy ouknow
youcanbuyahousewi t
hj ustt her ing,18kar at
nezerarakoher e? "
Shebegancr yi
ngndokubv andast i
deahowmucht her ingwasndakangot it hat '
whatpeopl e get. Dion came i n ndi chi taura
namamandokubv aangost i
ckerakami r
a. .
"Komamahanzi ."
"Shescr yingov ermyr ing. "
"Whatr ing? "
"Mukupr oposed. "
"What ?AndIt houghtweshar edev ery thing
,youdi dn'tev enbot hert ell
ingmeabouti t."
"Ibeenscar edDi on,whenIwant edt ot elly ou
hant iy ouknowzv azoi tika. "
"Whathappened? "Mamaasked. .
"Wer ushedi ntot het axiy angay asara. "Di on
answer ed,wewentSoocl oset oget t
.Dion t ook t he r ing and was l i
goodnessy ourguyi sinsane, Icannev erbuya
womanar i
ngl i
ket his, nezv i
noitav akadz ihaa
kana. "
"Soy ouar esay ingI 'm notwor thit? "Iasked
himf eel i
nghur t.
m sor r
yi tcameoutwr ong, youdeser vei t."
"Soy ouknew aboutMukuandDee? "Mama
m herbr otheraf teral lmama. "
"Andwhatdoy ousayabouti t
"Wel lbesi des bei ng a f i
lthy ri
ch guy he
respect s and l ov es my si ster Ihav e no
object ion. "
Iwashappy, Icoul dnothol di tmyt earsst arted
"At anga kuy ema uy u. "Di on sai d as dad
wal ked i n ndakabv a ndav hunduka and Di on
dropped t he r ing ndokubv a y akungur uka
chi nomi raPanadaddy. .takabv atangot arisana
vachi inongandokubv av any atsoit
arisat henhe
"Kondi ani
koar ikudakur oorwamumbamangu
Weal lwentsi lent..
hecl earedhi sthroatt
weal llookedatmama.
"Wel lI'
m alreadymar r i
ed. "Shesaid.
Hel ookedatmeandsai d.
"You? Dee? "Apa v aitaur av akakwidza t
dzav ondakabv andaper erwa. "
"Youneedt ositdown. "Mamasai dthenhe
"Herboy fr
iendpr oposed. "
"Tomy18y earold? "
"Yes"mamaanswer edl ookingathim bef ace
yekutiuhusat aur i
Icouldn'tev enlookathi m
拢 ndofChapt er馃幀

alway s seemed sof t but st i
llt his was a
different i ssue al lt ogether .
ndai dw kut iza
pambabutDi ongav easi gny ekut irelax..
"Di anay ouwantt ogetmar ri
ed. "
Ohmygoodness,Isai dt omy self,whydi dhe
hav et osaymyf ullnameatat imel i
ket hat.I
keptmyf acedownt henIanswer edhi m.
"Notnowdad. "
"Sowhyy ouacceptt hisexpensi v er i
ng. "
m notsur edad."
"Notsur e."
"She' sscar edbaDeecan' ty ousee."Mom
nt erv ened and i n myhear tIwasl ikeoh
pleasebl essher. .
"Shej ustt urned18af ewday s agowhenshe
camebackIexpect edust ocel ebratemor e
henIj ustf oundoutt hatshewentt oget
engagedi magi net heshockI 'mi n. i
st hatwhy
youaskedt ogot oVi cf all
sal onenhaiDi on
makaenda kunoi teiku Vi cf alls,kunondi iti
shur aher e? "
"Dadr el
axi twasj ustt het woofus, wemet
herboy fr
iendt atodzokakubv akuVi cfall
s. "
ApaIdi dn'tev enwantt hent oknow kut iwe
went cr azy i nv icfall
s many adzi sir
o azv o
veduwee. hel ookedatmeandsai d,"wher ei s
thisboy f
riendofy our swhohast heaudaci t
yt o
getengagedt omydaught erbef or eheev en
shows hi sf ace her e, may be i t sotsizv aro
want ingt ol urey ouwi thmoney, thi sr i
ngi st oo
much, may behe' sev enmar r
iedmay behe' sa
mur der ,
thisi s wr ong If eeldi srespect ed as
yourf ather. ."
"AhnhaibaDee, howcany oubesay ingt hi
iket hatal readymupei kamukanaat aure."
"Ai wa Ai wa ndi pei wo nguv a pl ease , ndi pei
nguva, munhu wake i yeye andi muzi ve kai ni
wekut iy ouexpectmet obehappysuddenl y
apa f uti mwana wangu akaf amba mbi r
yekurwi rav arume, sur eDeemwananguur i
kufambamut sokadz anaTi nanaJean. ."
now t hathur tme. honest lyofal lt hepeopl e
daddykundi f
anani dzanev anhuv asingaite. ..
"Andi namwanaakaf anananev anhuI v
av oi ni."
Mamasai dndichinzwakut inaiv ov abat i
kana. ..
"Asikandokwakabv any ay adzese, sot ellme
Diana, haunaher ekur ov aJean. "
" Ndat aur a nay e nezv azvo kar e . " Mom
answer edb
"Mai Deeur ikungondi kat asakamwanawacho
ndewakowegaher esakaI 'm notev enal lowed
to askherany t
hing asherf atherasihaasi
wanguher e? "
"Mmmm Tembo munenge maakuzv iny any a
manjeany waysor r yIwon' tcommentany mor e
mununge musi r
ikuf ar
ira kut imwana ai te
chakanaka. .
"Sakakut auraherekwamakui tai koko. .
"TirikuonesanabaDee. "
Mypar ent swer eal readyf i
ghtingandi twas
becauseofmendakanzwami sonzii chi j
mumazi soImanagedt osay."Sor ryheny u
mama , sorry heny u daddy . "Ther e'si s no
engagementmusazv ishupeheny uIwi llnev er
getmar riedndi chagar apanokusv ikandaor a. "
Vesev akangot iahndokubv andasi mukaand
wentt omyr oom . ..
Il ockedi tt henIbegan
ngndi r
imo,Icoul dn'tev ent ellMukut hatmy
parentswer ear gui ng aboutt hei ssueand I
t ev en hav e any one t o t alk
..ndakat ozobat wanehopeaf t
ercr yingSoo
much. .Kuma7Iwaswokenupbyaknockon
mydoor. ..Idi dn'twannaopeni tbutt henI
hear ddadsay ing. .
"Manj enj enje. "Hedi dt hatwhenev erhet ried
tobeni ce. soIgotupandwentt oopent he
doort hen he wal ked i n ndokubv a ndav har a
doorr acho I vo ndokubv av agar a pa cor ner
yemubedhawangu. .
"Thi sr oom l ooksv er ysmar t."
"Yeai t'
sal way ssmar t."
Hewasn' tsur ewher et ost artIcoul dsee,so
webot hwentsi lent f orawhi le...
"Di ana. "Fi nallyhespokebutwi thal owv oice. .
"YesDad. '
"Am Ibei nghar shony ou? "
"Youar enotl i
st eningt omei nsteady ouar e
ustat tacki ngme. "
"It '
sbecauseI '
m y ourf ather, I
'm meantt o
attack,y ouar emyl ittlegi r
lDee, tomey ouar e
llv eryt i
nyi t'
sl ikey esterdaywhenIhel dy ou
n myar msand Iwashel ping y ourmot her
changedi aper s,thent odayy ouar et el
yougotengaged. "
"DadIwasn' tev enwear ingt hatr i
nger, Idon' tev en know whet heri tf i
ts or
doesn' tandIdon' tev enknow how i tlookson
myf i
nger, Idi dntev enknow how muchi t'
wor th unt ilmom t old me , i
nstead iwas
wear ingi tonmyneckbecausemyboy fr
under st andst hati tmi ghtbet ooear l
yf ory ou
toagr ee, heknew t her ewoul dbepossi bil
thaty ouwi l
lsaynot hat'
weari ton mynecksay ing kana mama na
daddyv azobv umawozopf ekaony ourf i
andIagr eedwi thhi m dadhewasr ight, Iwant
yout oshar emyhappi ness, ofal lt hepeopl eI
needy out obehappyf ormeandwi thme. I
notgetmar ri
ed t omor r
ow no , hesai d af t
school, buty oudi dn'tev engi vemet hechance
totelly out hathewant smet ogetdonewi th
schoolf irst..
."If inished t alking butIwas
ngt hewhol et ime. .
me. ..
"I'm sor ryi fIseemedsoohar shal lthisi sa
shockt ome, I
'm sor ryIwasar guingwi thy our
mot herIknowi taf fect edy ou. lookIdon' twant
anymant akingadv ant ageofy oubecausey ou
arey oung , Iwanty ou t o expl oret hewor l
ow y ourdr eams , achi eve ev erything y ou
wantand when y ou ar edonet hen y ou get
mar ri
ed, soi magi neIwal kedi ntot hehouse
andgothi tbysuchasur priset haty ouar e
ngmar ried,i
fy ouwer emewhatwoul dy ou
havedoneDee, r
ightnow wedon' tev enknow
kuti ur ikuda kuenda ku Uni versity kupi
ndotanga kunzwa nezv e mar ri
age ndi sati
ndanzwanezv eUni ver sityzv i
noi taher e. ?
"NoDaddy . "Hewasr i
ghtzv inhuzv acho
zvakangoi ti
kawr ongt i
mi ngandIdi dn'texpect
totellDadont hatv erydayi fitwasn' tf ort he
ngr akaitamany emweIwoul dhav echosen
anotherday. ..
"Soy ouunder standwhyIgothur t."
"IdodadandI '
m sor ryany wayl et'sj ustf orget
everything. ..
"Ihear dit '
sMuku, yourmot hert oldme. "
tmyhandssweat i
ngi coul dnotanswerbut
nsteadIj ustnoddedandndai tonzwakut idai
ndatizamur oom machondi endesomewher e
hangubecauseIcoul dnott alkaboutMukut o
dad. .Iwi shedmamawast her ewi thmenekut i
oneononewi thmyf athery aosandi i
..hecl ear edhi st hroatandsai d,youdi dn't
answery ouj ustnodded. "
"It'shi m dad. ."Isai dwi t
hmyv oicebr eaking
,aboutt ocr yal ready. ...
"Ican' tbel iev ey oudat edy ourt eacherDeeI 'm
disappoi nted. "
"Ev enIcan' tbel ievei tdad. "
"Ur ikudakut i nditichiiDeenowI '
m wor ri
edkut i
may be ndozv aanoi ta , kudanana nev ana
vev anhuzv irisipamut emoj ustbecausehei sa
teacher. "
"Doy out hi nki t'sokayt oj udgehi ml i
ket hat
ustbecausehedat edme,woul ditbeokayt o
udge a per son because aba f ood nekut i
mwana wake anga av a kuf a nenzar at obva
tatomut indi zvo zv aanogar a achi it
a? Woul d
thatbef ai r? "
Vakar ambav akandi tarisa....
"Ijustdon' tt rusthim, hei st oogood. "
"Sakay ouknowdeepdownt hathei sagood
guy ?"
"Idi dn'tsayhewasagoodguyI '
m say inghe
showsagoodchar act er."
"Sowhycan' ty ouj udgehi m byt hat,because
ofhi schar act er.ihav eknownhi mf ory ears
dadandhi schar acteri sthesame. "
"Boy fri
endandgi rlfr
iendy esbutwhenpeopl e
getmar ri
ed t hingschange, you ar ey oung I
don' twanthi mt akingadv antageofmyl i
girlandbesi desi m notr eadyt ogi vey ouaway
yethausat iwakur a."
"YouandMom wer eboy f ri
endandgi rlfr
doy our egretget t
ingmar ri
ed? "
"Wewer emat urewhenwegotmar ri
edbuti n
yourcaset heonl ymat ureper soni sMuku. "
"Yougotmar riedt omom whenshewas23
Mukuj ustaskedf oranengagementhedi dn'
say let's getmar ri
ed t oday ,he sai d af t
y byt henIwi l
lbe22dad. ..
"Sowhydi dn' thewai tt i
lly out urn22t hen
"Now Idon' tknow whaty ouwantmet osay
dad,youhav ebegunat tackinghim agai n.
"I '
m sor r yur i
kubat i
kana whenev erndikaisa
pointyangu. Idon' twanty ouabusedandt aken
advantageof. "
"Dadwear et al ki
beent rainingmemar t
ialar t
madey ourdaught erpass. ?
"Meani ngmostoft hedeci sionswi l
byhim andnotbot hofy ou. "
"Dadpl ease, Icanseehamusikumuda, i
sf i
forther ecor danogar aachi ndivhunzazv and
"Younev erint roducedhi m asy ourboy f
"Sot hatswhaty ouwant?
"Yes. ...
.unof ungakut iIwi llagreet osucha
bigthingndi si ngazi v emunhuwacho,ngaauy e
panot i
ny atsot aur a,ininaye. .
With t hat he got up and l eft ndokubv a
ndatomuf oneraMukuwachoapandai t
Endofchapt er馃幐
Chapt er63
Muku. ...
WhenIgothomendakambot angakuf ungama
scandalat sanov anguandshookmyheadi n
suchashor tspaceoft i
mekwangakwat oi
mabor or o,sur et sanov anguv akavapindi
mugar denmav o,i fsomeonewast ofl
Deel i
ket hatt aipedzer anaandhapanakana
zvandai itabaewanguandIhadal r
eadywar ned
herkut iunokuv adzisamunhu.Any wayIknew
whatIhadt odobecauseangaasi zeroffi
yatsanomhani. .
tsanondi kat i,"tsanomur i
sei."Hedi dn'tt
onghewasonl inei naf ew secondshehad
edal r
"Wat ii
.? "
"Mupf anhaSammuel asizeroffi
m hur thandi sikudanezv ake."
"Ai wat sanoweneedt oknow kut inhumbu
ndey ani ."
" ny angwei kaitay anguandi sikui
da. "
"Youar ej ustangr y."
"Musi kanai hureuy u."
"Ngat imbomi raizv ozv otimboonakut ihowf ar
kanamusi ngadendoi tandega. "Hewasabi t
hesitantmay be nekuda kwehasha hamheno
but kwandi rindai torwadzi r
wa t sano v angu
especi all
yknowi ngt hatIal sowentt hrought he
samet hingidi dn'twanthi mt ogot hroughi t
iket hatbutzv angaz vat oi
wayf orwar d, hewaspr et t
yf r
agi le,helov edher
and she had br oken hi m ,butIbel ieved he
deser vedt oknowt het rut haboutnhumbu. .
"Hamhenoshaa. "Hef inallysai d
"Giv emehi snumber. "Isai dt henhesai d,"
okay .
". ..
.pasi nanguv ahehadsentt henumber
.ilethi m r estt hen Igotbusy sear ching
nformat iony akey ese..hai wakai vakamf anha
kepa Hat field kachi nyepedzer a kuv a
neFlambo. .
.hewasbusysear chingf oraj obas
anaccount antsoIcr eat edaf akecompany
le, emai landev erythingi ttookmeanhour
af tert hatIsenthi m anemai lkut iauy eku
nterv iew, ndokubv andasi yazv akadar o. ..
i gave
him 2hour sbuthedi dn' trepl yiguessedhe
hadt obebusywi t
hot her t hingsIdeci dedt o
callhim. .
"Unknownnumberhel lo. "
"Mrsamuel chokusi ..
"Yest hatsme. "
m MrBekacal l
ingf rom Del atiwespeci ali
n expor t i
ng t obacco, we came acr oss y our
applicat i
onf oraj unioraccount antposi ti
on. "
"Ohy essi rthat sme. "heal r
eadycoul dn'thold
himsel fifonl yheknewwhatIhadpl annedf or
"Wel lI '
m cal l
ing t oi nform y ou abouty our
nterv iewt omor r owat10o' cl
ock. .
"Thanky ousi r,
t hanky ouSoomuch. "
"Ihav esentanemai lwi tht hedet ailsmake
surey oucomeont i
me. "
"Def i
nit elysi r."
Ihungupndokubv andasi y ananazv o..Igotup
andwentt ot heki t
chenandmademy selffood
toeat, al lIcoul dseewasDee,ev erywher ein
theki t
chen, ev erywher ewasj ustherf ace. I
coul df eelherpr esence, goodnessImi ssedher
kungomuf ungaIwasget tinghar d. .
Iev enhi t
myheadt ry i
ngt ogetov ermydi rtyt houghts
she was maki ng me l ose my head . Iwas
mi ssi ngherbadl yandIneededherhomewi th
meandIdi dn'tknowhowIwasgoi ngt ocope
wit houthernextt ome. "AsIwast hi
abouthershecal led mekui talikeshehad
guessedt hatIneededher ..
"Babi e. .
..."Shesoundedl i
keamel odyIcoul d
playonr epeatcount l
esstimes. .
"Thatv oice. .
.Isweari twi llmakemecome
ov erandgety our ightnow . "Shegi ggledand
said " Imi ssy ou. "
"Andy ouhav enoi deakut indiri
youspoi l
ed kuVi cf all
snowIcan' tdowi t
thesi l
kyski nDee. "
"MukuMi r
"Andi si kuda kumi ra ndasuwa f uture wi f
wangu. "
"Mi guel ."
"Yesbabi e. .
"Unor war aher ei wewe, whydi dy ouhav eto
buy such a r i
ng nhai we ndi ngasadambur e
chigunweher ekut indibv i
swe, honest lyIhad
no i dea kut ii twas t hatexpensi ve Muku
haudar o, Idon' tneedal lthatallIwanti sy ou.
"Thef actt haty oudi dn'
tknowt hepr i
youdon' tgo sear chingf orexpensi vet hings
.andt hef actt haty oukeepsay i
ngy ouwant
onlymemakesmewannashowery ouwi thall
terythi ngst hewor l
dhas. .
"NdodaMukuchet e.."
"AndIwanti sy out ol ov emeunt ilyoucan' t
recognizey oursel f ."
"Don'tIalreadyl i
key oul i
ket hat? "
"Hausat iwasv ikapal evelrandi rikuda. "
Shel aughedandbegant ellingmewhatJean
had done , Icoul dn' tbel iev e kut ishe coul d
stoopSool ow t ot hatl evel, Kar iKar ekangu
ndingadaindambomupa si ze butanga ai ta
mwanamudi ki ster eki .
"Youcanhandl eherI 'm sur e. "
"Whatdi dy oumean? "
"Udandi kuudzezv ekui tamanj e.
"Shesf ami l
ysoIhav edeci dedt oleav eher. "
"Then be car efuli fpeopl el ike herandi si
kumut emba. "
"Don' tdoany thingsi l
lybabi e. "I t'
read mymi nd butany wayHama dzai shupa
zotadzakut ar i
sanamangwana any wayI
brusheditof f.
"Sakahausi kumuv hunza. "
"Arey ousur e. ? "
"Mukuah. "
Webot hlaughedandt henIsai d,"sot el
whatdi dMai ambuy asayaboutt hat."
Shebegant el l
ingmeaboutal lthathappened, I
couldal r
eadypi ct uret hef aceshemusthav e
hadwhenal lt hatwashappeni ng, ndakanzwa
kungendangandamupi nzapasi ngaiteAr iega
and Iunder st ood r eact i
on y at ezv ar
av angu
kunyangwezv azv ov angav asativ abvumal i
shesai dndai zi vakut iseiandi fplaceswer eto
bet radediwoul dhav edonet hesamei fDee
had been my daught er , ,
I knew ndanga
ndamumhany i
ra by Iwant ed my i ntensi ons
wi th hert o be cl ear. ..she was goi ng t o
uni versity and ndai totya kut indomut orer wa
so any way I si ghed t hen sai d . ..
under standsoIwi l
lcome. "
"Ar ey ousur emuku. ?"
"Maimukundindogot adza kuuy a kuz oona
tezv araher eny angwendi karohwandar over wa
weweandi nabasanazv o.
"Sakat omor row. "
"Nguv ai.
"6pm .
"EhoiMaimukundi, butIneededy out omor row
forsomet hingbuti t'sal itt
let ooear lyf ory ou
ndi nengendakukur umi dzira."
"Ichi iichocho? "
"Don' tgettooexci ted.Interogat i
on. "
Icoul d hearexci tementi n herv oice , but
zv andai dazv achoIwasn' tsur ekut ianizv i
and agai n Ihad no i dea kut iai buda sei
kumba kwacho wi tht he si tuation thatwas
ther esoIdeci det ol etitpassndai zomut ora
nex tt i
me. ..
"Iwannacomepl ease.
"Dee. .
.ineedy out oconcent ratenechi koro
handi t
i ?"
"MukuIwannabel ikey ou. "
"Youar esay i
ngi tnow , it'
snotaneasyj ob
babi esoIwanty out ost udywhaty ouhav e
alway swant edt ost udyhandi tika. "
"Iknow butt hatshoul dn'tst op y ou f rom
trainingme, byt hewaywhatar ey ouandDi on
planni ng. "
"Usat yebabi eDi onar i
kudakui t
azv akezv ema
comput ers,hausikuonakut itsanov anguv aipa
mazuv ano. .
"I '
mi mpr essedndi r
ikunzwakungendasar i
youkeept rai
ningmef ightingt act i
aboutIT. ..
"Onet hi ngatat i
mebabi e. .
"Iheardy ou. .
..anywayIhav et ogo, Ilov eyou. .
"Ilove y oumor e. "
Ihungupt henat emyf ood, ndapedzaIwent
and st ar t
ed wat chi
ng TV unt i
lIf ellasl eep
,ndakazomuka very late ndanzwa
nekutonhor wa and went t o t he bedr oom
ndikanor ara. ..
in the mor ning ndakaf onera
"Tsano. "
"Shaandi nehopechi i newe? "
"Endai kwadoct ornaTr isha. ?"
"Kunoi tasei ?
"Go and see kut inhumbu i ne weeks
mangani .""
"DoIr eal lyhav eto."
"Yesy oudoandpl easei fy oucan, ndibudirei
naDeeIneedherassoonaspossi ble..."
"Kwakanakaher e? "
"Mur i
kunonokat sano. "
HehungupandIknewhewasoni t. i
twasst il
5am sot herewasst i
lltime. ..Igotupand
preparedmyt hi
ngs,Ical ledv anaki ngt osetup
ani ceof ficepaoneofmypr emi sesi nt own. .I
haddeci dedt ouseDeeonsomet hi
ng, by7she
was al r eady by my house hanzindabuda
i ndi ri
kuenda pa UZ , ndakangoseka
ndikatizv akaoma. .
webot hgoti ntomycar
anddr ov et ot ownt henIpi ckedupanur se
orm. .
"Ndeyani babie. "
"Ndeyako. "
"Am Ianur senow? "
"Youar egoi ngt obeanur seforashor twhil
"Howwi l
lImanage? "
dheral lshehadt odo, i
wasalreadyexci ted....
Wewentt ot heof f
iceandgotset tl
red a fake doct orand had a f ew people
mov i
ngar oundl iketheywer ebusy.justbefor
10i t
oldLeet oleaveandgeti ntoanotherroom
ndakafonera t sano and asked t sano kuti
nhumbui nemamont hsmangani ..
"Hanzi 8weeks. .
"Thanksndokubat ai .
Ihung and af t
erawhi leking walked i
n na
Sammuel readyf ortheinter
Endofchapt er

Iwat ched Sammuelcomi ngi nl ooki ngsmar t
andsmi li
ng,hel ookedatmeandsai d., "
mor ningsi r."Ismi ledandsai d, "goodmor ning
Hest oodt herewai ti
ngf ormet ot ellhimt osi t
downsoIcont inuedwi thwhat ev erIwasdoi ng
then af ter5 mi nutes Il ooked athi s and
apologi zed. .
"Par donmepl easedot akeasi t.
"Thanky ousi r.
" Sammuel , y ou don' t hav e any wor k
exper iencer i
ght. "Iaskedasi fIdi dntknowy et
Iknew ev ery
thingal ready. .
..Ibegant apping
mydeskwi th apen t ry i
ng t o seehi sbody
reaction ,i twas a t r
ick Il ear nt,nor mal ly
someonewi t
hanunst abl emi ndoral i
arwoul d
bebot her edbyt heef fectoft hatsoundont heir
body ,so car efully I wat ched hi s body
reaction. .
"Nosi rIdonothav e...."
"Ar ey ouf l
uenti nEngl ish,becausewewoul d
ike someone t o wor ki n Sudan f ora f ew
mont hswehav eacompanyt her e. ."
"Iam f l
uentsi r. .
Itookoutf il
eandgav ei ttohi m. .het ooka
ookandopenedi t."I fy oucanbal ancet hings
formei nt heretheny ougott hej ob. "
Hewaswor ri
ed,i twasSooeasyt ot ellSoI
decidedt oleav ehi mf oranhourt henwentt o
Deewhol ookedpr ettyint henur seuni form. ..
"Howl ongi st hisgoi ngt ot ake. "
"Rel axbabi ei twontt akel ong.Ndambomupa
mat hsdzekuweka."
"AhcomeonIal readywantt oknowt het ruth.
Itriedkumusi mbisaf oratl eastanhourt henI
gotupandwentback,"Sammuelar ey ou
sweat ing? "
"Notr eall
ysur ebutI '
m done."
"Impr essive."Isai dt akingt hef i
lef rom hi m
thenIt ookal ookati t..hewasgood,Ismi led
andputi tdown.Ndokubv andambot oramy
glassofwat erandt ookasi pt henputi tdown
.."Yougott hejob. "Isai d, thenhel ookedat
meshocked. .
"Ohmygoodness, thanky ouSoomuchsi r.
"Ourcompanypol icyst atest hatev er ynew
empl oy eehast ohav eamedi calr epor tandwe
hav eourowndoct orIhopey oudon' tmi nd? "
"Nosi rnotatal l."
"Fi nei nt hreeday swewoul dl iket osendt o
Sudanbutagai nt heyr equi reani nject i
mmuni sation, t
heyar eatt hemomentwor ried
aboutt hespr eadingofdi seasesal lov ert he
wor ld, t
heyneedt hatr epor taswel lthatst ate
thaty ouwer eimmuni zed. "
"Ohokwel lItotal
lyunder st andt hat."
"Ar ey our eadyt odayory ouwoul dliket ocome
someot herday."
"Ev ent odayi tsf i
ne. ..
.Ismi ledandpi ckedup
myphoneandcal ledt hedoct oraski ngi fhe
wasr eadilyav ai
lableandi fhewassomewher e
aroundt hecompany .Itwasj ustacal lbutI
alreadyknew t heywer ewai ti
ngf orhi m. .so
any wayIgotupandl ethi mt ot hedoct ors
room wher ehel ayont hebed. .
"Goodmor ning si rpl easepul lupy ourshi rt,
relaxal i
lebi tIwoul dliket ochecky ourbl ood
pressur e. .."ThatwasmybaeDee,Ismi led
andwat chedherchecki nghi sbl oodpr essur e
.,"Af terami nut eshesai d," Okay y our
bloodpr essur ei ssl i
ght l
yabov enor malar eyou
byanychancest ressed?"
"Yeahj ustal ittle..."
Igotupt henIl eftt her oom andl eftthem alone
ndakanogar apasiandbeganwat chingv iamy
apt op. ..Ther ewasanot herguyi nt herewho
wasact ual l
yadoct or, Iwant edhi mt omoni tor
Deesi ncei twasherf irsttime. .
"St ressdoesn' tsui t
ey ouSammuel, arey ou
mar ried. ?"
"Wel l noI '
m not.Ar ey oumar r
"Hahhaaofcour senotI 'my oung."
"Yeahy oul ookt ooy oungt obeanur se."
"Don' tletmyappear ancef ool you. ?"
"Hahahaok. ...
"Wel lwear egoi ngt odoanHi vtestnow ,I
hopey ouar er eadyandcomf or tablewi t
hi t
mv eryready,Idon' thav eat endencyofnot
protect i
ngmysel f."
"Wel lwhati fy ouwant edt ohav eababywi th
yourgi rlfri
endormay beami stakehappened.
"Idon' tbel i
ev ei nmi stakes. ..
Iwat chedheragai nt akingt heHI Vt est..
waitedawhi l
eunt i
l t
her esultswer eout....
"Congr atulationsy ouar enegat ive. .
"Itoldy ouIwas."
"Lolokayany waynexti sthei nj ecti
onf oryour
mmuni sation. ..I '
m sor ryi t
'sgoi ngt ohur ta
m abi gboy.
"Lol okaymrbi ggy. ..
Hesmi l
edt henshei nject edhi m, Ithoughtshe
woul dmakeami stakeIhadspentt hewhol e
hourt eachi ngherhowt oi nject...Injustabout
5mi nut eshehadbeenhy pnot i
zedbyt hedr ug,
twasn' tgoi ngt ol astlongi nhi ssy stem Iwent
backi nsi det henandsatont hechai rt owat ch
"Deecont i
nue,i t'sdone,wehav eabout30
minut eswi t
hhi ml i
ket hi
s. ..
"OkayI '
m oni t, justal it
ener vous.'"
"Youar edoi nggr eat."
Shet urnedandl ookedathi m. .
"SoSammuel ,
heysammuel wakeup, ,shegav e
him al i
ghtsl apont hecheek. .
"Mmm pr et
tywhat ?"
"Youar eachar merl oldoy ouhav eagi rl
"Kkkkkdoy ouwannabemygi rlf
"Kkky esi fyoubr eakupwi tht heoney ouhav e.
"Oooht hatonewehav ej ustbr okenupshe
doesn' twantmeany mor eshesay sshehas
anotherboy fr i
m Soosor rywhati shername.
"Heyheeywakeupdon' tsl eepwhati sher
"Oooh Tr iTrishaaaa
"OhTr isha. .
..ok. .
.sodi dy ouhav esexwi th
"Justonet i
me, onet i
meonl yandshedeci ded
todumpme, Imusthav ebeent hatbad. .
"When. ...
"Twoweeksago. ...
"Wi t
hacondom. .
"Babi eofcour sey es....
"Didy ouknowshehadaboy fr
iend??? ?
"Inev eraskedi fshehadaboy friendbutI
spoket ot heguyy esterday...
Shewant edt osl aphi mt henIst oppedher ..
tookheroutoft her oom t henwewenti ntot he
ceIwasusi ng. ..
"Iwannast inghi sbal l
sner ekeni chai y o."
"We gott he i nformat i
on we want ed saka
musi yebabi e. "
"Justl iket hat. "
"Yesj ustl iket hat, wedon' thav et obev i
allthet ime, justsi mplel i
ket hatnowweknow
hesl eptwi t
hheronce2weeksback. ..nhumbu
ndey atsanof ornowwecanr uleoutSammuel
hamhenokanakunemunwemunhuwaakar ara
naye besi dest sano na Sammuel .the best
placet ogett hati nf oisthroughherphone. .
"Arey ouhacki ngi t
"Hant i youar edesper atetoknow. .
Wesatdownt henIbegangoi ngt hr oughher
phone, shehadal otofdel etedf ilest hatIhad
toret r
iev ebutbef orewegotdonesamuelhad
wokenupsakaDeewentt oherandIcoul d
hearherl aughi ngathi m kutiy ouar eweaky ou
gotknockedoutbyasi mpleinj ection, shegav e
him wat ertodr i
nkt henhecameoutt owher eI
was. .
"Iwi l
lcal ly oul atert oIneedy out osi gny our
cont act. .
"Thanky ousi r.
"Ihopey ouar ef eel i
ngokay .
Henodded t hen hel eft t hen Icar ried on
goingt hr oughTr isha'sphoneunt ilIf oundwhat
Iwasl ooki ngf or. .
.messagessentt oherbest
end achi tindi ne nhumbu y a Di on butI '
scared ar ikui ramba . .a whol el otofcr ying
emoj i
szv i
chinziImadeami stakeisl eptwi th
SammuelDi onndomuda. ndakaper er waandI
hadnoI deakut indoi tasei ,ndoudzat sanoher e
kana kut indosi yaz vakadar o. .
butnow Dee
knewandshewasbr eat hingf ire...Ideci dedt o
yandt alktoher ..
"Dee Ineed y ou t ol ett hem dealwi t
hi t
nhumbundey atsano. "
"Shecheat edonmybr ot herMukuur i
wewe. ?"
m say ingt hi
nkabouty ourbr other sbabyf or
"Haiwamwananehur eher ev eduwee. "
"Itwasj ustonemi stake. "
"Munhuanov hur amakumbonemi stakekana
kutianov huraachi da. "
fy ou r egretaf t
erwar ds t hatmakes i ta
mistakebecauseev eny ourhear twi llbet el
youitwasami st ake. "
"Soy ouar etel
lingmet oj ustl etitgo, y ouhav e
tobeki ddingme. "
"Wecanf i
ndanot herwayofdeal ingwi ththis
"NoooMuku. "
"Let '
smakeadeal, let'
swat chherf ortwo
mont hsi fshescr ewsupt henwet ellTsano, i
shedoesn' tl
etbi gonesbebi gones. ..
Akaramba akandi t
arisa nehasha Ij ustt old
vana ki ng t o go t hen Il ocked t he of fice
kasar atirit
wonaDee. .
Endofchapt er
Wr i
enbyKay die馃尮
Chapt er65. .
Shel ookedatmeandsai d,
"whatar ey oudoi ng
youl ockedal lthedoor s."Idi dn'tanswerIj ust
pressedheront hewal landki ssedher. ..
"Mi guel."
Ist oppedandl ookedather."Youneedt o
easey ourangert hengoaheadandr elease
mv eryangr y."Shesai dunzi ppingmypant s
andshepul l
edt hem of f.
."doct orBar ca. .
saidunbut toningmyshi rt.
"Nur seDee. ..
"Ineedandi nj
ect ion. "
"Ar eyousi ck.?
"Yes. ..
ackofv itami ns. .
Ir emov ed hernur se uni form and Ibegan
touchingherbutshesai d, "
Bar caIdon' twanna
wait."Shebendedov erandshesai d, "takeme
nowandt akeal l ofme. "
"Shhi ii
t."Isai dndav hiri
ngwanezv andakaona
akakot amaandIcoul dnotwai t, ani njectionis
whatshe got, Igotl osti n hert ightness
ndakai ta sendi chakuma , ndakapi hwa zv ese
mwanawav atezv araangaandi ronger ahor r
anddr aggedoutt heani mali nme. ..shewas
holdingont othet ablekut iasadoneand
The way y aai chemer era y ai t
ondi kuv adza
kuny anyapaai ngot i
Bar ca. .
"Show mehow Imustmov e. "Sheaskedme
butzv aai tovazv angazv ir
ghtnekut imov ing
agai nnezv andainzwaai tondipondazv e. .
"Youar eokayl iket hisbabi e. "
"NoMukuIknowIhav et odobet ter."
"Mov elikey ouar edanci ngokl i
kewhaty oudo
wheny ousl owwi ning. .."Shegi ggledt henshe
begandoi ngi t..
"Li ket hi s?SheaskedbutI
coul dn'tanswerangaandi pedz era...
"Mukukani ndir
ikugonaher e?
"Babi eurikundi pindamubr ainnezv aurikuita.
"Shoul dIdomor ebecauseIcan. .
"NonononoIwon' tlast .
Shegi ggledagai n, shewasf lexibl
e, shebegan
enjoy ingherownmov ement ssoshest opped
talkingandal licoul dhearwer esoundsof
pleasur eunt ilshebeganmov ingf astercalli
menonst op, Iwant edt oexpl odewi t
hher. ..
MukuIl ovey ou. ""Il ov ey oumor eDee. "With
thatal loft heangerwasr eleased. ...
Icameoutofhert henshet ur nedar oundand
saw mer emov i
ngt her ubber. "Whendoy ou
putt hatonandwher edi dy ougeti t? "
"Iwasn' tsur eIwoul dbeabl et ocont rol
boughtt hem usi r
i kuona. "
Shel aughedandaskedi fwewer egoi ngt obe
usingt hatal way st henIsai dy es.
"Ist illenjoy edy ouSoomuchev enwi thiton, I
coul dn'ttellt hedi fference. "Il aughedandsai d
,"don' twor ryv er ysoony ouwi llknow t he
difference. "
Wegotdr essedt henwecal ledt sanonekut i
vanga v aane nguv a v akandi mirir
a kut i
ndiv audzef eedback. iwant edhashadzaDee
dzimboser eraandsur elydzangadzaser era..
"Tsanomur i
"Int ownwhydi dy out akeSool ong."
"Iwasbusyzv enhait sanoany wayndapedza
.thebabyi sy ourst sano. "
"Ar ey ousur e. "
m sur e...."
"Finechi uy aikwat iri.
Wedr ov eKuna 5av enuet hat 'swher et hey
wer e,Di on was l ooki ng cal m atl east ,Iwas
wor riedabouthow hewoul dhandl et henews
butsur prisi nglyhe seemed t o be adj usti
already ndakat oona ambuy a vangu
vachi pur uzi rwa musana smi l
ing , Il ooked at
Deendi kat i.
"Honazv andai kuudzakut ihemi ghtact uall
endupbei ngexci tedaboutt hebaby .
"Butt hatwon' tst opmeI '
m goi ngt ot ellher
thatIknowshesl eptwi t
hsomeoneel seandI
can' twai tt obr eakher .
"Doi tnicel yhandi tika, I'm goi ngt ospeakt o
tsano butandi sikuv audza nezv ekur ar a na
Sammuel ka1. .
"FineI '
m asl ohur tingkut i hewi l
l behur t.
We gott her e and gr eeted t hem, then Isai d
Kuna t sano handeit i
not enga f ood . Iwas
act uallyhungr ysakat akanot engat iritwo. .
"Mur ikunz wasei tsano. "
"I'm okayget ti
ngusedt ot hei deaofbei nga
dadbutndi chi ri
ndakabhowekana. .
"Iunder st andandmi stakesdohappenj ust
wor kony ourr elationshipf orthesakeoft he
baby. "
"Thanksal otMuku. '
" Dzangu ndodzi ri pa pendi ng t sano
ndir i
kukwat akunoonamudhar a.
"Hahahahar el
axmydadi sagoodguyhej ust
want s munhu Ar i straight f orwar d asi na
zvakawandawandakanakunzv enganzv enga.
"Yeahndakav aonahangut hef ewt imesIwas
withhi m kut ihavadi zvi
sinabasamanj e....
Weboughtf ood t henwewentt ositdownbut
the f irstt hing Inot i
ced i sf ace y a ambuy a
vangu was r ed nemazi so , ndakar amba
ndakav at ari
sa ndokubv a ndat ar isa Dee
ndi kaziv akut imunhuar i
dzwambamachet e. .
ust smi led ndokubv a ndagar a pasi ,
ndakat arisaf utiDeendokubv aatar isapasibut
ndookut adza kuzv ibata akabat wa neset swa
..takangor ambat akamut arisaunt ilthet hr ee
of us began l aughing except f or ambuy a
vangu. .
"Haunakukwanaur i
kusekachi ii papa. "Di on
"Ndi siyehanguIj ustthoughtofsomet hing..
It ookmyphonendi kat i," butbabi ehaudar o
Ingat awi ri
ranawani"t hensher epliedsay i
ng, "
amamadakumudzi dzisakuv haramakumbo? "
Ijustshookmyheadt henweat e. takazosi yana
Kuma2, Dionwentwi t
hTr ishat henIdr opped
off Dee ndokubv a ndamboenda kumba
kunor ara . .
around 5 ndakamuka and
shower edt henndokubv andambov hunzakut i
ndouy a neikumba apa Dee wascl ueless, I
endedupbuy ingabot t
leofr edsweetwi ne
..ndakasv ikaby6o' clockshar papaHana
yairov a zv ehu agentBar ca zv akat ombobuda
chai ko, at l east t sano ndov akandi vhur i
ndokubv av atombondi tsony a ndikaseka . ..
goti nsidet hehouset oawar m wel comef rom
ambuy av angu. .
"Mukumwananguwel come. "Shegr eetedme
vachi t
ambi rawi ne.
"Thanky ouMama."
"Mmmm t hi
si n nicewi nev eryni cedaddy
vanoi f
ariraiy i.
Isaw hi m wal kingov ert ousv akar ovahav o
ser ious yavo, ndai shay a kut indot angi ra
kuv amhor esa v ar ikure her e kana kut i
ndot ongomhor esa kana v
asv ika
..ndakasongov ami ri
rat henIwasl ike.
"Si r.
..howar ey ou. ?"
m okayhowar ey ou?
"Ver ywel lt
hanky ou.
Apa v aiita kut arisa mumazi so ndakamboda
kuonekabutIt oldmy selfIhadt odoi tformy
woman. ..
"Wear ebusypr epar ingdi nnersoexcuseme
pleaset akeasi t. "Mamasai dthenshel eft
ndikasar a namudhar a na Di on ...
..ndaishay a
kut indot ar
isakupisakandakangozv i
ndikatar isapasi .
"Somukuhowhav ey oubeen.
"Ihav ebeenal rightsi r,Ihopey ouhav ebeen
wel l.
"Ihav ebeenwel lunt ilIsawt heengagedr ing
youboughtf ormydaught er,Iwasnotpl eased
atal l
He was soo st rai ghtf or ward Hav ana kana
kudakupedzanguv av akabv av atot
aur any ay a
yav o..
"Iapol ogisesi ri twasnotmyi nt enti
ont o
disrespecty oui nanyway. "
"Idon'tl i
ket hef actt haty oudat edmydaught er
withoutmyper mi ssionespeci al
lyAr imudi ki
kudar o, t
omet hatwasabuse.
Ndakar amba ndakany ar ara....
"Andr ightnowy ouhadt heaudaci tyt oaskher
to mar ryy ou wanga wakambondi udza kut i
"Nosi r.
"Akakupamv umoy achondi ani ?"
mv er ysor ryIgoti gnor ant. "
"Unozi vandogonakut ongokudzi kademoher e
"Ndi nozv iziva."
"Iwewey ouar ereadyt ogetmar ri
edbutshei s
not and I want her kut i apedze
chikoro,ndi chibhadhar andegaf utimar iy acho
kwet ekut ii wewewoi tat akeov eraf tert hat
wobv awashushamwanawangu, theringy ou
boughti st oo expensi v ef utiwhatwer ey ou
ingt opr ove?
"Si r Idon' thav ei l
li ntenti
ons. iapol ogize
rstly f or dat i
ng her wi thout y our
consent .
secondl yIalsowanthert of i
educat ion,want i
ngt oget ti
ngengagedt oheri s
because Iwantmyi nt entionsknown t hatI
desire mar ryi
ng her,I '
m nott heret o pl ay
aroundar ound, lastl
yIknow i t
'sanexpensi ve
ng, butshesal sowor thyoft hebestt hi
swor l
dhast oof fer,youmayseei tlikei t'
tooexpensi vebutIwi shIhadgot tenhera
betterr i
ngt hant hat..
.Deei sahumbl eper son
whodoesn' tdesiregl i
tterythingsbutIwi sht o
giveheral lthat. .
"Hav ey ouev erbeenmar riedbef ore."
"Nosi r?"
"Doy ouwantt ohav eki dsany t
imesoon? "
"Nosi r."
"Howmanygi r
iendshav ey ouhadbef ore? "
"Qui teanumbersi r."
"Any pr egnantgi r
"Nosi r
"Ev erbeenengagedbef ore? "
"Nosi r."
"IfIaskedy out owai t10y earswi llyou wai t
"Iwi l
"Why ?
"Il oveherandshe' swor thwai tingf orand
ast l
y,becauseIr especty ouandy ourwi shes
foryourdaught er .
"Youwantt ogett oal most40y ear ssi ngleand
wai t
ingforher. "
"Shei sal lIseei nmyf uturesi r, shei smy
her eisnot hingel seIcandobutwai t..
"Sot eny earsi tis. .
"Thanky ousi r..
Ndakanzwa kut svat ezv ara wangu was t oo
ghtf orwar d. ..t
en y ears wai ve mut ongo
muhombe , ndakasi mudza musor o ndi kaona
Dionachi sekahake, necor nery ezisondakaona
tezvarasmi l
ingbutIpr et endedl ikeIcoul dn't
see . ..
vanga v andi wachi sa t ezv ara v angu
ndakanzwav aakudai dzaDeet henshecame. .
"Sot histhemant haty ouwantt omar ry ?"
"YesDad. .
"Mangwana andi dima because , nez visi
basawaakundi udzakut ihauchada. .
m conf ident. '
"Muku,mydaught erhasn' thadr elationships
before and i wewe y ou ar e notgi ving hera
chancet odat eot herpeopl e,youbet termake
sureshedoesn' twi sht oseehowi tisl ikewi t
otherpeopl e, youbet t
erbet hebestmanof
them allhandi dikuzonzimwanaweny uandi dai
nekut i
ndiwewav hariravamwe. "
"Iunder stand."
"DeeIdon' twannahearkut iIwast oor ushy
haanakundi pamukanat odat eot hersnekut i
wegawar ambakupi hwamukanat odat e. "
"Idon'tneedt rial ander ror sdadIal readyf ound
whatIneed. .
Iwassur prisedt oseeherconf i
dence. .
fathergot up, Inot icedhehadDee' sringso
hegav eitt omeandsai d...
m al lowingy out ogetengagedasihandi na
kutiitazv aunodanemwanawanguI 'm st il
father,shewi l
lremai nundermyr oofandunder
my cont rolunt ilapedza chi koro and zv ese
ndoitandegasoy oudon' townhery etasikut i
both ofy ou ar e notal l
owed t o dat e other
peopl e..
nowaskherni celyndi ri
pobabav acho
becauseIhav egi veny out heper mi ssion...
Icoul dn'tbel i
evezv andai nzwa, Iaccept edt he
ngandIknewhewasser i
ous, thistimeIknel t
downandl ookedather. ..
Dee. ..
.y ou ar et hegr eat estgi ftImaynot
deser ve butI '
m t he happi estman because
event hoset hatbr oughty oui ntot hiswor l
hav ef oundmewor t
hy .iwi l
lbet hehappi est
managai ni fyoual l
owmet omar ryy ou i nour
future. .
Shel ookedatherf atherwhonoddedt henshe
begansheddi ngt ear ssay ingy es. ..
.thist i
dt her ingonherf i
ngerandi twasaper fect
t. .
.shecr i
edal otshecoul dn'tbel ievei t, I
foundmy sel fcryingt ooIcoul dnotbel i
ev eit...
Anot heroceancr ossed.


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