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Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 1
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Random experiment, outcome, sample space, Home Assignment :
event, elementary (simple) event, compound
events, compliment of event

Part II Home Assignment :

Mutually exclusive events, exhaustive events,
equally likely events

Part III Home Assignment :

Classical definition of probability (priori prob-
ability), odds in favour and odds against.

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

Part # 1

1. A coin and a die are tossed together.

(e) (i) Write all the outcomes of this random exp.

(e) (ii) Write the sample space. (Ans. {H1, ......, H6, T1, ......, T6})
(e) (iii) How many events are possible. [Ans. 212]
(e) (iv) Define the event {H1, T1} verbally. [Ans. die shows unity]
(e) (v) Define the event 'coin showshead' in Roaster (tabulation ) (explicit) method.
[Ans. {H1, H2, ........, H6}]
(d) (vi) Howmany events will happen as result of this random experiment. [Ans. 211]

Part # 2

1. (e) A card is drawn randomly from a deck. Let R = card drawn is red ; B = card drawn is black ;
C = card drawn is club ; D = card drawn is diamond ; H = card drawn is heart ; E = card drawn is spade;
K = card drawn is king ; L = card drawn is '10'. Discuss whether the following events are mutually exclusive,
exhaustive, equally likely – or not
(i) R, B (Ans. Y Y Y)
(ii) R, B, C (Ans. N Y N)
(iii) R, C, H (Ans. N N N)
(iv) C, D, E, H (Ans. Y Y Y)
(v) D, E, H (Ans. Y N Y)
(vi) D, E, K, L (Ans. N N N)
(vii) R, E, K, L, H (Ans. N N N)
Part # 3

(e) (1) In throwing of a fair die find probability of the event ‘ a number  4 turns up’. (Ans. : 2/3)
(e) (2) In throwing a pair of fair dice, find probability of getting a total of 8. (Ans. 5/36)
(e) (3) A four digit number is formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 without repetition. Find probability that it is
divisible by 4 (Ans. 5/16)
(e) (4) A bag contain 4 white, 3 red and 2 blue balls. A ball is drawn at random. Find probability of the
event (a) ball drawn is white or red (b) ball drawn is white as well as red. [Ans. (a) 7/9 (b) 0]
(e) (5) In throwing of a fair die, find probability of turning up of an odd number  4. (Ans. 1/6)

(e) (6) n people checking in their umbrellas and at the end of the party none of them receiving their own
umbrellas. What is the probability that none receives his umbrella ?
1 1 1
[Ans. pn = – + ........ + (–1)n
2! 3! n!
(d) (7) If F is the set of all onto functions from A = {a1, a2, ....., an} to B = {x, y, z} and f  F is chosen
randomly what is the probability that
n(n  1) (2n3  1)
(a) f–1 (x) has 2 elements in it ? [Ans. ]
3n  3.2n  3

n( 2n 1  2)
(b) f–1 (x) is a singleton ? [Ans. ]
3 n  3 .2 n  3

(d) (8) Three numbers are selected from 1, 2, ...., 99. What is the probability that their sum is divisible by 3
(Ans. )
Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 2
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Algebra of events : Sample space as universal set
; complement, union, intersection of events; Home Assignment :
A – B, A  (B  C), A  (B  C) ; Demorgan's
laws ; Venn diagram (Euler-Venn diagram)

Part II Addition theorem of probability, general addition Home Assignment :

theorem for two & three events – its generalised
form ; P(atleast one of A, B), P(exactly one of A,
B), P(atleast one of A, B, C), P(exactly two of A, B,
C), P(atmost two of A, B, C) etc.

Part III Home Assignment :

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

Part # 1

1. (e) Express the following events using Euler-Venn diagrams.

(i) A  B (ii) A  B (iii) A (iv) A  B
(v) A  B (vi) A  B  A – B (vii) (A – B)  (B – A) (viii) A  (B  C)
(ix) A  (B  C) (x) A  ( B  C ) (xi) A  B  C (xii) A  ( B  C )

Part # 2

(e) (1) A bag contain 4 white, 3red and 4 green balls. A ball is drawn at random. Find probability of the
event ‘ball drawn is white or green’. (Ans. 8/11)
(e) (2) In throwing of a die, let A be the event ‘an odd number turns up’, B be the event ‘a number
divisible by 3 turns up’ and C be the event ‘a number  4 turns up’. Then find the probability that
exactly two of A, B, C occur. (Ans. 1/6)
(e) (3) If P(A) = 0.25, P(B) = 0.5 and P(A  B) = 0.14, find probability that neither ‘A’ nor ‘B’ occurs. Also find

P AB  (Ans. 0.39, 0.11)
(e) (4) In a fruit basket there are 4 apples and 6 oranges. 3 of the apples & one orange are damaged. A fruit
is selected at random. What is the probability that it is an apple or a good fruit. (Ans. 0.9)
(e) (5) A, B, C are three horses participating in a race. The odds in their favour are 1 : 4, 1 : 3, 2 : 5
respectively. If a dead heat is not possible, find the probability that one of them win the race.
[Ans. 103/140]
(e) (6) Three exhaustive events A, B, C have the probability of their simultaneous occurrence p2. If probability
of exactly one among any two is p, find p. [Ans. 1/2]
(d) (7) Two natural numbers x & y are selected, with replacement. What is the probability that x2 – y2 is
divisible by 5 (Ans. 9/25)
(d) (8) Before a race the chances of three runners, A, B, C, were estimated to be proportional to 5, 3, 2. But
during the race A meets with an accident which reduces his chance to . What are now the

2 4
respective chances of B and C ? [Ans. P(B1) = , P(C1) = ]
5 15
Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 3
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Conditional probability
Home Assignment :

Part II Home Assignment :

Theorem of total probability,

Part III Home Assignment :

Inverse probability (Bayes' theorem)

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

Part # 1
(e) (1) Box-I has 3B & 4W balls, Box-II has 4B & 3W balls. A box is selected at random and a ball is drawn.
(i) If box-II is selected what is probability of black ball (Ans. 4/7)
(ii) What is the probability that white ball is selected from box-I (Ans. 2/7)
(e) (2) In the above problem, if two balls are selected from a box, what is the probability that two black balls
are selected from box-I. (Ans. 1/14)
(e) (3) If P( A / B ) = 0.2, P(A  B) = 0.9, then find P(A  B ) ? (Ans. 0.4)

Part # 2
(e) (1) Box -  contain 5 red and 4 white balls whilst box -  contain 4 red and 2 white balls. A fair die
is thrown. If it turns up a multiple of 3, a ball is drawn from box - , else a ball is drawn from
box - . Find the probability that ball drawn is white. (Ans. 10/27)

(e) (2) Cards of an ordinary deck of playing cards are placed into two heaps. Heap - consists of all
red cards and heap - consists of all black cards. A heap is chosen at random and a card
is drawn, find probability that the card drawn is a king. (Ans. 1/2)
(e) (3) Box -  contain 3 red and 2 blue balls whilst box - II contain 2 red and 3 blue balls. A fair coin
is tossed. If it turns up head, a ball is drawn from box - , else a ball is drawn from box - .
Find probability that the ball drawn is red. [Ans. ]

Part # 3

(e) (1) Pal’s gardener is not dependable, probability that he will forget to water the rose bush is . The rose
bush is in questionable condition. If watered, probability of its withering is if not watered, the
probability of its withering is
. Pal went out of station and upon returning, he finds that the rose
bush has withered. What is the probability that the gardener did not water the bush. (Ans. 3/4)
(e) (2) There are 5 brilliant students in class XI and 8 brilliant students in class XII. Each class has 50
students. The odds in favour of choosing class XI are 2 : 3. If class XI is not chosen then
class XII is chosen. A student is chosen and is found to be brilliant, find the probability that
chosen student is from class XI. (Ans. 5/17)

(d) (3) From a bag containing n balls, all either white or black, all numbers of each being equally likely,
a ball is drawn which turns out to be white. This is replaced, and another ball is drawn, which
also turns out to be white. If this ball is replaced, prove that the chance of the next draw giving
a black ball is 2(n  1) (2n + 1)–1.

(d) (4) A, B are two inaccurate arithmeticians whose chance of solving a given question correctly are 1/8
and 1/12 respectively. If they obtain the same result, and if it is 1000 to 1 against their making the
same mistake, find the chance that the result is correct. [Ans. ]
(d) (5) A purse contain 4 coins which are either 5 rupee coins or 1 rupee coins; 2 coins are drawn and found
to be 1 rupee coins : if these are replaced what is the chance that another drawing will give a 5 rupee
coin. [Ans. 1/8]

(d) (6) A pack of cards is counted with face downwards. It is found that one card is missing. One card is
drawn and is found to be red. Find the probability that the missing card is red.
Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 4
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Independence of two, three or more events
Home Assignment :
independence of n events (n  N – {1}).

Part II Home Assignment :

Part III Home Assignment :

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

(e) (1) If two switches S1 and S2 have respectively 90% and 80% chances of working. Find probabilities that
each of the following circuits will work.

(i) (Ans. 0.72)

(ii) (Ans. 0.98)

(e) (2) An urn contain 7 red and 4 blue balls. Two balls are drawn at random with replacement. Find probability
of getting (i) 2 red balls (ii) 2 blue balls (iii) one red and one blue ball

49 16 56
(Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) )
121 121 121

(e) (3) A, B, C in order throw a die. The first, who get an odd prime number is winner of the game. Find their

 9 6 4
respective chances.  Ans. P( A )  , P(B )  , P(C)  
 19 19 19 

(e) (4) If A & B are independent, prove that

(i) A, B are independent (ii) A, B are independent
(e) (5) In drawing two balls from a box containing 6 red and 4 white balls without replacement, which of
the following pairs are independent ?
(a) Red on first draw and red on second draw (Ans. N)
(b) Red on first draw and white on second draw (Ans. N)

(d) (6) If A, B, C are independent, prove that A, B , C are independent

(d) (7) How many conditions are there for independence of n events (Ans. 2n – (n + 1)
Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 5
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Binomial probability theorem
Home Assignment :

Part II Home Assignment :


Part III Home Assignment :

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

Part # 1

(e) (1) In an examination of 10 multiple choice questions (one or more can be correct out of 4 options). A
student decides to mark the answers at random. Find the probability that he gets exactly two
 2 8
 Ans. 10 C 2  1  .  14  
questions correct.   15   15  

(e) (2) Probability that a bulb produced by a factory will fuse after an year of use is 0.2. Find the
probability that out of 5 such bulbs not more than 1 bulb will fuse after an year of use.
(Ans. )
(e) (3) A pair of dice is thrown 4 times. If getting ‘a total of 9’ in a single throw is considered as a
success then find probability of getting ‘a total of 9’ thrice. Also find mean and variance and mode
 3 
 Ans. 4C  1  . 8  4 32
9  9  ; 9 , 81 , 0
 
 
(e) (4) A box contain 2 red and 3 blue balls. Two balls are drawn successively without replacement. If
getting ‘a red ball on first draw and a blue ball on second draw’ is considered a success, then
find probability of 2 successes in 3 performances. (Ans. 0.189)

Part # 2

(e) (1) There are 100 tickets in a raffle (Lottery). There is one prize each of Rs. 1000/-, Rs. 500/- and
Rs. 200/-. Remaining tickets are blank. Find the expected price of one such ticket. (Ans. Rs. 17)

(e) (2) A purse contain four coins, each of which is either a rupee or two rupees coin. Find expected value
of a coin in that purse. (Ans. Rs. 1.5 )
(e) (3) From a bag containing 2 one rupee and 3 two rupee coins a person is allowed to draw 2 coins
indiscriminately; find value of his expectation. (Ans. Rs. 3.20)
Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 6
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Random variable ; probability distribution ; Home Assignment :

its variance, s.d. and mode.

Part II Home Assignment :

Part III Home Assignment :

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

(e) (1) A random variable X has the following probability distribution :
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P(X) 0 k 2k 2k 3k k2 2k2 7k2 + k
(i) k (ii) P(X < 3) (iii) P(X > 6) (iv) P(0 < X < 3)
1 3 17 3
Ans. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
10 10 100 10

(e) (2) In throwing a biased die, probability of getting any number is proportional to it
(i) Write probability distribution (ii) What is the expected value (AM)
(iii) Find variance and standard deviation (iv) What is the most probable value (mode).
k 13 20 2 5
Ans. (i) p(x = k) = ) (ii) (iii) , (iv) 6
21 3 9 3

(e) (3) A pair of dice is thrown 5 times. Find probability of getting a doublet twice ; also find mean &
 1250 5 25 
variance of 'doublets'. What is the most probable number of doublets.  Ans. ; , ; 0 , 1
 64 6 36 

(e) (4) Difference between mean and variance of a Binomial variate is ‘1’ and difference between their
squares is ‘11’. Find the probability of getting exactly three success
3 33
 1 5
Ans. C3 ×   ×  
6 6
(e) (5) Probability that a bulb produced by a factory will fuse after an year of use is 0.2. If fusing of
a bulb is considered an failure, find the mean and variance of successes for a sample of 10
Ans. mean = 8 and variance = 1.6
Batch : VIJETA (JP)


Title/Sub title of the Topic : PROBABILITY


Lecture # 7
Lecture No. of the particular topic : _____________________________________Cumulative Lecture No. ______

Number of lectures for theory :7

Number of lectures for discussion :3

Theory Contents to be Covered in the Lecture : Assignments to be given after the Lecture :

Part I DPP No. _____

Testimonial problems Home Assignment :

Part II Home Assignment :

Geometrical applications.

Part III Home Assignment :

Part IV Home Assignment :

Part - V. Home Assignment :

Signature HOD Signature Faculty

Part # 1

(e) (1) 'A' speaks truth in 60% of the cases and 'B' in 90% of the cases. In what percentage of cases are they
likely to contradict each other in stating the same fact ? (Ans. 0.42)
(e) (2) A speaks truth ‘3 times out of 4’ and B speaks truth ‘2 times out of 3’. A die is thrown.
Both assert that the number turned up is 2. Find probability of truth of their assertion.
(Ans. 30/31)
(e) (3) Ten witnesses, each of whom makes but one false statement in six, agree in asserting that a certain
event took place; show that the odds are five to one in favour of the truth of their statement, even
although the a priori probability of the event is as small as
59  1
(d) (4) A die is thrown; a man C gets a prize of Rs. 5 if die turns up 1 and gets a prize of Rs. 3 if die turns
up 2, else he gets nothing. A man A whose probability of speaking the truth is
tells C that the
die has turned up 1 and another man B whose probability of speaking the truth is
tells C that the die has turned up 2. Find the expected value of C. (Ans. Rs.11/7)

Part # 2

(e) (1) A line segment of length a is divided in two parts at random by taking a point on it, find
2b  a
probability that no part is greater than b, where 2b > a. (Ans. )
(e) (2) A cloth of length 10 meters is to be randomly distributed among three brothers, find the
probability that no one gets more than 4 meters of cloth. [Ans. ]
(d) (3) Three tangents are drawn at random to a given circle: show that the odds are 3 to 1 against the circle

being inscribed in the triangle formed by them.

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