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Statement of Purpose

I, Md. Kowsher, am writing my Statement of Purpose (SOP) with the intention of pursuing a
Ph.D. in [Specify Your Field] to advance my academic career. My academic and professional
journey has been propelled by my unwavering passion for research and my deep fascination with
machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP).

Academic Journey and Professional Experiences

My academic career has been highlighted by unrelenting commitment and noteworthy
accomplishments. I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics from Noakhali
Science & Technology University in Bangladesh, where I developed a solid mathematical
foundation that I consider essential for the study of computer science. Later, at Stevens Institute
of Technology in New Jersey, USA, I pursued a Master of Science in Computer Science while
maintaining a flawless CGPA of 4.0/4.0.
My professional endeavors have complemented my academic pursuits. I secured the second
place in the Alexa competition as an Amazon Alexa Prize Researcher, showcasing my prowess
in cutting-edge Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. In my position, I have been
collaborating with a diverse team of academics and engineers, conducting groundbreaking
research for Amazon's Alexa Prize competition. This experience has equipped me with
invaluable abilities that will aid in designing creative conversational AI systems, presenting
research findings at conferences, and advancing in AI technology.
To enhance ML model monitoring systems, I constructed and evaluated deep learning models
during my tenure as an applied scientist intern at Amazon. My contributions also included
feature engineering and data analysis to enhance AI algorithms, demonstrating my dedication to
addressing real-world issues.

Additionally, I played a pivotal role in cutting-edge NLP and Deep Learning research while
serving as a Graduate Research Assistant at Stevens Institute of Technology. My research
primarily focused on advancing time series forecasting and NLP applications by introducing a
unique reservoir transformer architecture. Alongside developing and implementing deep learning
models, I collaborated with other academics to assess and benchmark these breakthroughs,
including transformer-based architectures. I have presented my research contributions at
departmental seminars and academic conferences.
I also gained international experience working as an AI Scientist at Hishab Ltd in Saarland,
Germany, where I oversaw a group of data scientists in creating AI-driven solutions for
conversational agents and ASR. My work involved creating machine learning models for NLP
and translating clients' business requirements into AI solutions.

Research Interests and Contributions
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Statistical Learning, Natural Language
Processing, and Optimization are just a few of the subjects I am interested in researching. My
focus on research is evident in my selected papers, where I explored topics such as deep
reservoir learning, transformer-based models, syntactic assessment, and more. My contributions
to these publications underscore my dedication to pushing the boundaries of AI and expanding
our understanding of the field.

Technical Skills
Among the programming languages and applications, I am proficient in are Python, C, C++,
Matlab, PHP, Javascript, Fortran, and Mathematica. I have practical experience with ML
frameworks like PyTorch, Transformers, Tensorflow, and others. I am knowledgeable about
databases like SQL and PostgreSQL, as well as cloud services like AWS. I also have experience
in competitive programming, teaching, training, academic research, and software engineering
techniques such as MLOps and Git.

Awards and Achievements

My efforts and services have been recognized with numerous honors and awards, including the
- Second place in the, USA, Alexa Prize Social Bot Challenge 5.
- Membership in the Sigma Xi, the American scientific research honor society.
- Stevens Institute of Technology, USA, Graduate Fellowship Award (Tuition and Stipend).
- Scientist of the Year award from the Indian organization Global Innovation & Excellence
- Recognition for best papers at major conferences, including ACM, IEEE, and Springer.
- Robi R-ventures 2.0 Champion Award, Robi Axiata Limited.
- National BASIS ICT Award from the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information

My academic background, work experiences, research interests, technological expertise, and
accolades all attest to my enduring dedication to the fields of computer science and artificial
intelligence. I am committed to advancing knowledge and making a positive impact on the
development of AI technology. My goal to obtain a Ph.D. is motivated by my genuine
enthusiasm for learning and my desire to significantly advance both the theoretical and applied
aspects of computer science.

I firmly believe that a Ph.D. program will provide the best opportunity for me to delve deeper
into my research interests and collaborate with renowned professors, scientists, and peers. I am
enthusiastic about embracing the challenges and opportunities that a Ph.D. program will present,
and I have no doubt that my background and current skill set will enable me to succeed in this

I want to express my sincere gratitude for considering my application. I am eagerly looking

forward to the opportunity to contribute to the academic and scientific community.

Thank You.

Md Kowsher
Phone: +1(551)-3004127

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