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EDUC 214

Educational Planning


section 2507 professor
Educational planning is creating a plan of action providing quality education to students. It
involves setting goals and objectives for educational system, as well as determining how to
achieve goals best. Why do we need this plan? What is the importance and purpose of this
educational planning?

A plan is conceptualized as a predetermined strategy, detailed skills or program of action

related to the achievement of an objective. It implies some kind of mental activity during the
course of analysis or laying out a method of achieving something. This means planning has to be
done for managing the total educational program and for this, the basic facts and figures,
background, date and profile are necessary.
The following are its components, principles and steps of planning:

The eight components of educational planning are:

(1) Educational Planning - Being the first aspect in the scope of educational
management, planning implies a basic function that is how the aims and objectives are to be
(2) Educational Administration - a specialized set of organizational functions whose
primary purpose is to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of relevant educational services
as well as implementation of legislative policies through planning, decision making and
leadership behavior.
(3) Educational Organization - Here it is essential to mention that the educational
organizations or institutions are also considered as the social organizations. So schools, colleges,
universities and training institutions may well be considered as social organizations. Educational
organization means two things; one is the educational institution and the other is organization of
(4) Educational Direction - It is essential that there must be an authority or an order or a
policy for providing direction to the management of every educational program and for taking
decisions in solving the problems.
(5) Educational Coordination - Different kinds of resources especially human resources
have to be interrelated or coordinated for utilizing the resources properly in an effective manner.
(6) Educational Supervision - Educational supervision is the means to coordinate
stimulate and direct the growth of the teachers, to stimulate and direct the growth of every
individual pupil through the exercise of his talents towards the achievement of richest goals.
(7) Educational Controlling - Educational controlling involves the human elements in
relation to the management of an educational program. Both men and women involved in the
educational program should have to discharge their duties efficiently and effectively by being
(8) Educational Evaluation - educational evaluation is an integral part of it as it
determines the degree of realization of educational objectives or goals as well as the
effectiveness of it; for this there must be evaluation short-term or long-term, periodic or
continuous and formal or informal.

The key components of educational planning typically include (GNOME):

Goals where it should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) to provide a clear direction for planning. Needs Assessment in identifying the
educational needs of the target population or institution. Conduct surveys, interviews, and
assessments to understand the current state of education and the specific requirements.
Objectives should be clearly define the desired outcomes and objectives of the educational
program. In the context of educational planning, various methods are employed to gather
information, make decisions, and implement strategies effectively such as Needs Assessment
Methods Surveys and Questionnaires), SWOT Analysis, Curriculum Development Methods,
Resource Allocation Methods, Implementation Strategies, Monitoring and Evaluation Methods,
and Stakeholder Involvement Methods. Evaluation refers to regularly assess the effectiveness of
the program and make adjustments as
necessary to ensure goals are being met.

7 key components of Educational Planning:

(1) Missions - serves as a concise and focused declaration of an educational institution's
purpose, values, and overarching goals. Crafting a mission statement is a
fundamental step in the planning process, as it provides a guiding
framework for decision-making, resource allocation, and the overall
direction of the institution.
(2) Objectives - Clearly define the desired outcomes and objectives of the educational
(3) Policies - to systematically and strategically address the various aspects of education
to achieve specific goals and objectives. Educational planning involves the
development of policies, programs, and procedures to enhance the quality of
education and ensure that it meets the needs of learners, institutions, and
(4) Procedures - series of systematic procedures to develop, implement, and evaluate
educational programs based on the context and goals emphasizing the
importance of ongoing assessment and adjustment in response to evolving
educational requirements.
(5) Programs - refer to organized sets of activities and interventions designed to achieve
specific educational goals and objectives. These programs are integral
components of educational planning and are often developed in response to
identified needs and goals.
(6) Budgets - a critical component of educational planning as it involves the allocation
and management of financial resources to support the implementation of
educational programs and activities. A well-constructed budget ensures that
an educational institution can meet its goals and deliver quality education.
(7) Strategies - create a comprehensive educational planning framework that addresses
the diverse needs of learners and promotes continuous improvement within
the educational system. The specific strategies chosen will depend on the u
unique context, goals, and challenges of the educational institution.

Educational Planning has this five steps to be followed. First, determine your strategic
position. Second, prioritize your objectives. Third, develop a strategic plan. Fourth, execute and
manage your plan. Fifth, review and revise d plan. In addition, there are four types of planning
namely strategic, operational, tactical and contingency.
The purpose of educational planning is that it’s the application of rational,
systematic analysis to the process for educational debt with the aim of making education more
effective and efficient is responding to the needs and goals of its students and society.
It is very important for the reason that a well-planned educational system ensures that all
students have access to quality education and can reach their fullest potential. It also allows the
identification of areas where improvements need to be made to provide students with the best
possible education. Planning for teaching help in organizing the class a saving time. Teachers
can use lesson plans to apply appropriate strategies. The lesson will be taught better by the
teacher, who will be more prepared and confident.

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