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2- Experiences that you can relate for in the topic:

 As a Learner…
I did an analysis in different subjects until now because it is a part of the course. Since, we are an English
teacher and it is expected that literature and its analysis are part of it. In other words, analysis is in nature of
Literature subjects. As readers, we have this common assumption that a literary piece is solely meant to be read:
in the sense we need to unfold the plot and figure out what happened in the story, or what it is about. But more
than just knowing the moral lesson or the basic elements of a literary piece, it is also with great importance that
we see these works through different perspectives. Also, with this kind of activity it can enhance the skills of
students; the critical thinking, they can learn on how to critique looking for its grammatical structures, shape
their minds and have an additional knowledge because through analysis of prose or any literature it is the
vocabulary of students can expand. Thus, it creates a solidification of knowledge with a various literature and
readers will be able to dwell deeper on the meaning of literature across a variety of genres regardless of
difference in writing style of the writer. While on the other hand, authors will be able to better convey their
intentions, artistry, and imagination on their literary works which will make readers have more opportunity for
intellectual value.

 As a Communicator…
We, students, creates a speech all throughout the time as we interact with others. It helps us to extend our
experiences in communicating properly and on how to approach them in a polite manners. It leaves all parties
satisfied and with a sense of accomplishment. There is no space for misunderstanding or change of messages
when messages are delivered clearly, which reduces the potential for conflict. When conflict does emerge,
efficient communication is critical to ensuring that it is resolved in a courteous manner. How one communicates
can be a make or break aspect in obtaining a job, keeping a healthy relationship, and expressing oneself in a
healthy manner.

1- Takeaway/Quotation/Implication that you can relate for the topic (with explanation)

“The poet gives us his essence, but prose takes the mould of the body and mind entire".
-Virginia Woolf
In this quotation, it proves that prose in not just a prose because it creates a naturalistic way of expressing ideas,
emotions and style without essence of artistic creation nor aestheticism. Even though it’s in a simplest way of
conforming ideas it takes a molding of ideas to have a great flow of it. Correspondingly, it expands students vocabulary
and helps them acquire language abilities such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Prose is used to get additional
information and knowledge. It assists students in grasping the writer's concepts. Therefore, In prose, you have more
breathing space, but you still need content and flow to keep things interesting and relevant. You must consider story,
characters, structure, and poetry, as well as trudge through the process. I like to think of a book as an extended version of
a concept touched upon in a poem.

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