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Special Edition article

The protective effects of mindfulness

against burnout among educators
Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings,
Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris & Deirdre A. Katz

Because many educators experience stress and burnout, identifying factors that promote health and well-
being among teachers and school staff is critical. Educators’ mindfulness is one aspect of social-emotional
competence that may protect them from experiencing burnout and its negative consequences. In the current
study, 64 educators completed self-report measures of mindfulness, burnout, affect, sleep-related
impairment, daily physical symptoms, stress, and ambition. Results of cross-sectional analyses indicated
that educators’ mindfulness had strong, consistent negative associations with three widely-studied
components of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and low personal accomplishment. The
link between mindfulness and burnout was partially explained by affect, sleep-related impairment, and
daily physical symptoms. In addition, the protective effect of mindfulness was most pronounced among more
stressed and more ambitious educators. This study adds to accumulating evidence that mindfulness
promotes resilience in educators and may foster healthy educators, classrooms, and students.

DUCATORS are faced with the difficult In light of these trends, an important
task of meeting the academic, social, objective for research and practice is to iden-
and emotional needs of diverse tify potentially malleable characteristics of
learners in their classrooms – a task of even educators that enable them to cope with
greater difficulty in the present context of stress, burnout, and the daily demands of
high-stakes testing and teacher accounta- teaching. Recent work suggests that educa-
bility in the US (Darling-Hammond & Sykes, tors’ social-emotional competence may
2003) and OFSTED inspections in the UK protect them from experiencing a ‘burnout
(Hartney, 2008). Given the psychological cascade’ of deteriorating classroom climate,
resources this requires, teaching is a particu- student misbehaviour, emotional exhaus-
larly demanding profession (Roeser et al., tion, and callousness (Jennings & Green-
2012; Shulman, 2004). In the US, about 51 berg, 2009). In this paper, we focus on
per cent of educators report experiencing mindfulness as one aspect of educators’
excessive stress several days per week social-emotional competence that may
(MetLife, 2013), and nearly 40 per cent leave buffer against burnout and facilitate more
the profession within their first five years of optimal outcomes among educators and
teaching (Ingersoll, 2002). Teacher attrition their students.
is also a problem in the UK, where educators Mindfulness has been defined as ‘paying
leave the profession at higher rates than attention in a particular way: on purpose, in
other European countries (Ladd, 2007). the present moment, and non-judgmentally’
A study of UK teachers leaving the profes- (Kabat-Zinn, 1994, p.4). Self-regulation of
sion found that 35 per cent cited stress and attention, self-awareness, and self-compas-
45 per cent cited heavy workloads as their sion – three key components of mindfulness
main reason for leaving their jobs, while only – enable individuals to identify the
11 per cent cited low salary as a major emotional triggers of their stress reactions
concern (Smithers & Robinson, 2003). and deploy effective, non-reactive coping

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 57

© The British Psychological Society – ISSN 0262-4087
Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings, Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris & Deirdre A. Katz

strategies when stress arises (Roeser et al., suggests that mindfulness may protect educa-
2012). Mindfulness, as well as other aspects tors from experiencing burnout, which in
of social-emotional competence, may be turn may lead to healthier learning environ-
particularly useful in classroom settings ments and better student outcomes.
because it facilitates proactive (versus reac- Although mindfulness and burnout
tive) classroom management strategies and appear to be linked, little work has examined
healthy teacher-student relationships the intermediary processes that might
(Jennings & Greenberg, 2009). For example, explain how mindfulness ultimately impacts
mindful educators may be more attentive burnout. It is possible, for example, that
and responsive to the academic, social, and more proximal effects of mindfulness or
emotional needs of individual students, as mindfulness training on emotional experi-
well as to broader classroom dynamics. They ences (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Fredrickson et
may more easily monitor fluctuations in the al., 2008; Kemeny et al., 2012; Prazak et al.,
level of student engagement and learning, 2012), sleep difficulties (Allen & Kiburz,
and thus more readily and flexibly adapt 2012; Howell et al., 2008), and physical
their instructional approach to reach their symptoms (Brown & Ryan, 2003;
students. Furthermore, with greater aware- Fredrickson et al., 2008; Reibel et al., 2001)
ness of their own thoughts and feelings, mediate the association between mindful-
mindful educators may show greater self- ness and burnout. In other words, mindful-
regulation of their automatic reactions to ness may protect educators from
student misbehaviour, enabling them to experiencing burnout in the long-term to
limit their use of reactive, punitive practices the extent it impacts their daily emotional
in favor of more intentional, constructive and physiological experiences.
practices. Greater self-awareness and self- In addition, little work has examined the
compassion may also help educators notice conditions under which mindfulness is most
when they should implement stress-manage- protective against burnout. Prior research
ment techniques or self-care practices in indicates that educators who experience
order to recover their depleted cognitive more stress (McCormick & Barnett, 2011;
and emotional resources (Jennings, Roeser Montgomery & Rupp, 2005; Peiro, Gonzalez-
& Lantieri, 2012; Roeser et al., 2012). Roma, Tordera & Manas, 2001; Steinhardt et
Mindfulness has been shown to buffer the al., 2010) or show more ambition and
effects of burnout among health and human commitment to their work (Klusmann et al.,
service professionals (e.g. Hülsheger et al., 2008; Maslach, Schaufeli & Leiter, 2001) also
2013; Krasner et al., 2009), but few studies to report more burnout. It is possible, though,
date have documented this link among that mindfulness moderates these effects.
educators specifically (for exceptions, see Based on this hypothesis, the effect of stress
Jennings et al., in press; Roeser et al., 2013). on burnout may be reduced among more
The protective effect of mindfulness against mindful educators because they possess
educator burnout may be particularly impor- greater self-regulatory abilities and stress-
tant given that burnout has been linked to management skills relative to less mindful
poorer physiological and psychosocial health educators, who may be more vulnerable to
and well-being among educators the negative effects of stress. Similarly, the
(Bellingrath, Weigl & Kudielka, 2009; effect of greater ambition on burnout may
Guglielmi & Tatrow, 1996; Melamed et al., be reduced among more mindful educators
2006; Steinhardt et al., 2010) and may nega- because they more easily recover depleted
tively impact classroom quality and teaching physiological and psychological resources
performance (Hultell, Merlin & Gustavsson, relative to less mindful educators, who may
2013; Jennings & Greenberg, 2009; Soenens turn to less effective coping strategies (e.g.
et al., 2012). Taken together, this evidence emotion suppression) when depleted.

58 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

The protective effects of mindfulness against burnout among educators

The present study the IMTS were the average of 20 items on

The present study examined cross-sectional mindfulness in daily teaching activities and
associations between mindfulness and interactions with students rated on a five-
burnout in a sample of teachers and school point Likert scale from ‘never true’ to
staff. First, we sought to replicate prior work ‘always true’ ( =.841; e.g. ‘I rush through
demonstrating that educators’ mindfulness activities with my class without being really
is related to their emotional exhaustion, attentive to them’ [reverse-scored]). Scores
depersonalisation, and low personal accom- on the FFMQ were the average of 39 items
plishment, three components of burnout. on multiple components of mindfulness
Next, we explored whether indicators of rated on a five-point Likert scale from ‘never
daily functioning mediated the effects of or very rarely true’ to ‘very often or always
mindfulness on burnout. Finally, we investi- true’ ( =.92; e.g. ‘I pay attention to how my
gated whether mindfulness was particularly emotions affect my thoughts and
protective for certain individuals: more behaviour’). Both the IMTS and the FFMQ
stressed educators and more ambitious tap key components of mindfulness (e.g.
educators. awareness, present-moment attention, non-
reactivity); however, the IMTS was developed
Method to assess teacher mindfulness in classroom
Participants settings with a specific focus on interper-
Participants were 64 educators (88 per cent sonal aspects of mindfulness, whereas the
female) from two middle schools in Pennsyl- FFMQ is a more general measure that
vania. Approximately 66 per cent of partici- focuses primarily on the intrapersonal
pants were classroom teachers, and 34 per aspects of mindfulness. Both measures were
cent were other school staff (e.g. paraprofes- included in the current study to examine
sionals, learning support staff, counsellors). whether associations were robust across
On average, participants were about 43 years measures or specific to a particular scale.
old and had 14 years of experience in educa-
tion. The sample was predominantly (98 per Burnout. Educators rated their feelings of
cent) Caucasian. burnout on the Maslach Burnout Inventory
– Educators Survey (MBI; Maslach, Jackson
Measures & Leiter, 1997). The questionnaire includes
The current analyses use self-report data from three subscales with nine items on emotional
the baseline assessment of an ongoing, longi- exhaustion ( =.91; e.g. ‘I feel emotionally
tudinal study of educator health and drained from my work’), five items on deper-
well-being (http://www.prevention.psu.edu/ sonalisation ( =.73; e.g. ‘I worry that this job
projects/CALM.html). At the start of the is hardening me emotionally’), and eight
2012–2013 academic year, participants items on low personal accomplishment
completed web-based self-report surveys ( =.82; e.g. ‘I have accomplished many
about their attitudes, feelings, and behav- worthwhile things in this job’ [reverse-
iours. scored]) rated on a seven-point Likert scale
from ‘never’ to ‘every day.’ Ratings were
Mindfulness. Educators rated their mindful- summed to create scores for each subscale.
ness on two measures, the Interpersonal
Mindfulness in Teaching Scale (IMTS; Affect. Educators rated their recent experi-
Greenberg, Jennings & Goodman, 2010) ence of positive affect and negative affect on
and the Five Facet Mindfulness Question- an adapted version of the Positive and Nega-
naire (FFMQ; Baer et al., 2006). Scores on tive Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson, Clark

1 All alphas reported in this paper are drawn from the current sample.

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 59

Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings, Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris & Deirdre A. Katz

& Tellegen, 1988), which was extended to Urgency Scale (TUS; Landy et al., 1991).
include a broader range of emotions at high Scores were the average of six items on the
and low activation states (e.g. Kuppens et al., tendency to be hard-working, driven, and
2007; Carstensen et al., 2011). The adapted ambitious rated on a five-point Likert scale
questionnaire includes 14 items on positive from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’
affect ( =.93; e.g. ‘excited,’ ‘relaxed’) and ( =.74; e.g. ‘I go ‘all out,’’ ‘I have a strong
13 items on negative affect ( =.93; e.g. need to excel in most things’).
‘upset,’ ‘tense’) rated on a five-point Likert
scale from ‘very slightly or not at all’ to Results
‘extremely.’ Ratings were averaged to create Descriptive statistics and correlations among
scores for each subscale. the study variables are presented in Table 1.
Both measures of mindfulness were posi-
Sleep-related impairment. Educators rated tively related to positive affect and negatively
their sleep-related impairment on eight related to burnout, negative affect, sleep-
items from the Patient-Reported Outcomes related impairment, daily physical symp-
Measurement Information System toms, and perceived stress.
(PROMIS; Buysse et al., 2010). Scores were
the sum of eight items on problems during Is mindfulness related to burnout among
waking hours due to sleep difficulties rated educators? To examine the association
on a five-point Likert scale from ‘not at all’ to between mindfulness and burnout, each
‘very much’ ( =.93; e.g. ‘I had a hard time measure of burnout was regressed on a
getting things done because I was sleepy’). measure of mindfulness, using gender and
years of experience in education as covari-
Daily physical symptoms. Educators indi- ates. Results of the IMTS and FFMQ models
cated whether or not they experienced are reported at the top of Table 2. Across
various symptoms that day on the Daily models, mindfulness had strong, consistent
Physical Symptoms checklist (Larsen & Kasi- negative associations with emotional exhaus-
matis, 1991). The checklist includes 27 symp- tion, depersonalisation, and low personal
toms rated ‘yes’ if experienced that day and accomplishment ( s ranged from –.47
‘no’ if not experienced that day (e.g. to –.67)2. That is, educators reporting higher
‘headache,’ ‘fever’). Scores were the levels of mindfulness on the IMTS or the
percentage of symptoms endorsed. FFMQ reported less burnout than educators
reporting lower levels of mindfulness.
Stress. Educators rated their stress on the
short form of the Perceived Stress Scale What proximal effects explain the link
(PSS; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, between mindfulness and burnout? Follow-
1983). Scores were the average of four items ing the steps for mediation outlined by
on perceptions of stress and ability to handle Baron and Kenny (1986), we then explored
stress rated on a five-point Likert scale from whether the proximal outcomes (i.e. positive
‘never’ to ‘very often’ ( =.88; e.g. ‘How affect, negative affect, sleep-related impair-
often have you felt confident about your ment, and daily physical symptoms) medi-
ability to handle your personal problems?’). ated the effect of mindfulness on burnout.
Having already established the direct effects
Ambition. Educators rated their ambition on of mindfulness on the three measures of
the Competitiveness subscale of the Time burnout, we regressed each of four proximal
2 Results were replicated in additional analyses (not reported here) using the two IMTS subscales (i.e. Present
Centered Awareness and Interpersonal Mindfulness) and the five FFMQ subscales (i.e. Observing, Describing,
Acting with Awareness, Non-judging, and Non-reactivity) as the measure of mindfulness in the regression

60 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

Table 1: Descriptive statistics and correlations.

M SD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Mindfulness in Teaching 3.64 0.40 –
2. Five–Facet Mindfulness 3.33 0.49 0.75* –
3. Emotional Exhaustion 24.64 12.28 –0.56* –0.60* –
4. Depersonalisation 5.37 5.12 –0.56* –0.49* 0.68* –
5. Low Personal Accomplishment 8.62 6.56 –0.58* –0.54* 0.27* 0.34* –
6. Positive Affect 3.34 0.71 0.56* 0.51* –0.42* –0.35* –0.61* –
7. Negative Affect 2.03 0.81 –0.45* –0.60* 0.59* 0.43* 0.36* –0.29* –
8. Sleep–Related Impairment 19.59 7.04 –0.58* –0.54* 0.62* 0.52* 0.39* –0.30* 0.57* –
9. Daily Physical Symptoms 0.13 0.07 –0.45* –0.48* 0.51* 0.43* 0.52* –0.41* 0.59* 0.64* –
10. Perceived Stress 1.43 0.87 –0.51* –0.59* 0.54* 0.34* 0.45* –0.47* 0.64* 0.49* 0.54* –
11. Ambition 3.82 0.61 0.11 –0.03 –0.04 –0.06 –0.02 0.21+ 0.14 –0.06 0.04 0.13 –
Note: Pairwise Ns 59–64. M=mean. SD=standard deviation. + p<.10; * p<.05.

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

The protective effects of mindfulness against burnout among educators
Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings, Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris & Deirdre A. Katz

Table 2: Mindfulness as a predictor of burnout and potential mediators.

Models Models
Emotional Exhaustion –0.58* –0.67*
Depersonalisation –0.54* –0.49*
Low Personal Accomplishment –0.56* –0.47*
Potential Mediators
Positive Affect 0.55* 0.51*
Negative Affect –0.45* –0.60*
Sleep–Related Impairment –0.57* –0.54*
Daily Physical Symptoms –0.45* –0.48*
Note: All estimates are from OLS regression models (Ns 58–64) where each outcome was regressed on gender, years of
experience in education, and a measure of mindfulness. Standardised betas are shown above. Results of models using
the IMTS are presented in the first column, and results of models using the FFMQ are presented in the second column.
IMTS=Interpersonal Mindfulness in Teaching Scale (Total Score). FFMQ=Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
(Total Score). + p<.10; * p<.05.

Table 3: Mediation of the association between mindfulness and burnout.

Positive Negative Sleep-related Daily Physical
Affect Affect Impairment Symptoms
Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model
Emotional Exhaustion
Effect of mediator –0.16 –0.15 0.42* 0.36* 0.50* 0.42* 0.32* 0.31*
Residual effect of mindfulness –0.49* –0.60* –0.39* –0.46* –0.29* –0.45* –0.40* –0.49*
Mediation of total effect – – 32% 31% 50% 33% 31% 27%
Effect of mediator –0.06 –0.11 0.21+ 0.22 0.30* 0.35* 0.23+ 0.27*
Residual effect of mindfulness –0.51* –0.43* –0.44* –0.35* –0.36* –0.29* –0.41* –0.33*
Mediation of total effect – – 19% – 33% 40% 24% 31%
Low Personal Accomplishment
Effect of mediator –0.40* –0.47* 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.13 0.29* 0.34*
Residual effect of mindfulness –0.34* –0.23+ –0.54* –0.45* –0.55* –0.40* –0.41* –0.29*
Mediation of total effect 39% 51% – – – – 27% 39%
Note: All estimates are from OLS regression models (Ns 58–64) where each outcome was regressed on gender, years of
experience in education, a measure of mindfulness, and a mediator. Standardised betas are shown above. Mediation of
total effect was calculated as [(standardised total effect – standardised residual effect)/standardised total effect], where
total effect refers to the effect of mindfulness in the original models without the mediators (reported in Table 2).
Percentage of mediation is only reported where bootstrapping methods indicated a significant (p<.05) or trend-level
(p<.10) indirect effect of mindfulness via the mediator. IMTS=Interpersonal Mindfulness in Teaching Scale (Total Score).
FFMQ=Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (Total Score). + p<.10; * p<.05

62 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

The protective effects of mindfulness against burnout among educators

outcomes on the measures of mindfulness, Is mindfulness particularly protective for

using gender and years of experience as educators reporting greater stress and ambi-
covariates. As shown at the bottom of Table tion? To investigate whether mindfulness was
2, mindfulness was a moderate to strong particularly protective under certain condi-
predictor of the proximal outcomes. tions, we tested interactions between mind-
Next, in separate models, we regressed fulness and two other variables, stress and
each burnout measure on the measures of ambition. As shown in Table 4, significant
mindfulness and the proposed mediators, moderation (i.e. interaction effects) was
using gender and years of experience as observed in some models. Mindfulness
covariates. Bootstrapping methods (Bollen moderated the effect of stress on emotional
& Stine, 1990; Preacher & Hayes, 2008; exhaustion such that educators high in
Shrout & Bolger, 2002) were used to test the mindfulness experienced lower emotional
significance of the indirect effect from mind- exhaustion than educators low in mind-
fulness to burnout via the mediator. As fulness, particularly among individuals
shown in Table 3, mindfulness was related to reporting higher levels of stress (see
reduced emotional exhaustion and deper- Figure 1). In addition, the protective effects
sonalisation in part via less negative affect, of mindfulness against emotional exhaustion
less sleep-related impairment, and fewer (see Figure 2) and low personal accomplish-
daily physical symptoms3. Mindfulness was ment (see Figure 3) were more pronounced
related to reduced feelings of low personal among more ambitious educators relative to
accomplishment in part via greater positive less ambitious educators. In fact, among
affect and fewer daily physical symptoms. In those low in mindfulness, more ambitious
these models, results indicated that about 20 educators reported greater burnout than
to 50 per cent of the total effect of mindful- less ambitious educators; among those high
ness on burnout was explained by the medi- in mindfulness, in contrast, more ambitious
ator. The residual direct effects of educators reported less burnout than less
mindfulness remained significant, however, ambitious educators.
indicating significant partial mediation.

3 Results replicated across the IMTS and the FFMQ measures except in the following instance: Negative affect
significantly mediated the effect of mindfulness on depersonalisation in the IMTS model but not the FFMQ

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 63

Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings, Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris & Deirdre A. Katz

Table 4: Mindfulness as a moderator of the effects of stress and ambition on burnout.

Moderation Models
Perceived Stress Ambition
Model Model Model Model
Emotional Exhaustion
Effect of independent variable 0.31* 0.22+ 0.00 –0.02
Effect of mindfulness –0.39* –0.50* –0.54* –0.65*
Interaction effect –0.18+ –0.19+ –0.21+ –0.06
Effect of independent variable 0.11 0.16 –0.02 –0.07
Effect of mindfulness –0.52* –0.39* –0.54* –0.44*
Interaction effect 0.03 0.04 –0.01 –0.14
Low Personal Accomplishment
Effect of independent variable 0.16 0.22 –0.03 –0.08
Effect of mindfulness –0.51* –0.33* –0.52* –0.41*
Interaction effect 0.03 –0.05 –0.18+ –0.20+
Note: All estimates are from OLS regression models (Ns 58–64) where each outcome was regressed on gender, years of
experience in education, a measure of mindfulness, and an independent variable (stress or ambition). Standardised betas
are shown above. IMTS=Interpersonal Mindfulness in Teaching Scale (Total Score). FFMQ=Five Facet Mindfulness
Questionnaire (Total Score). + p<.10; * p<.05.

Figure 1: Mindfulness moderates the effect of perceived stress on emotional exhaustion

such that it is most protective at high levels of stress.

35.30 Low IMTS
Emotional Exhaustion

25 23.21
20 17.76
Low Stress High Stress

Results of the model using the IMTS are shown above, but the model using the FFMQ followed a similar pattern. Higher
levels of emotional exhaustion indicate greater burnout. IMTS=Interpersonal Mindfulness in Teaching Scale (Total Score).
FFMQ=Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (Total Score). ‘High’=1 standard deviation above the mean.
‘Low’=1 standard deviation below the mean.

64 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

The protective effects of mindfulness against burnout among educators

Figure 2: Mindfulness moderates the effect of ambition on emotional exhaustion

such that it is most protective at high levels of ambition.

35.63 Low IMTS
29.79 High IMTS
Emotional Exhaustion

25 22.10
Low Ambition High Ambition

Results of the model using the IMTS are shown above; no significant moderation was detected in the model using the
FFMQ. Higher levels of emotional exhaustion indicate greater burnout. IMTS=Interpersonal Mindfulness in Teaching
Scale (Total Score). FFMQ=Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (Total Score). ‘High’=1 standard deviation above the
mean. ‘Low’=1 standard deviation below the mean.

Figure 3: Mindfulness moderates the effect of ambition on low personal

accomplishment such that it is most protective at high levels of ambition.
Low Personal Accomplishment

13.25 Low IMTS
5 3.55

Low Ambition High Ambition

Results of the model using the IMTS are shown above, but the model using the FFMQ followed a similar pattern.
Higher levels of low personal accomplishment indicate greater burnout. IMTS=Interpersonal Mindfulness in Teaching
Scale (Total Score). FFMQ=Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (Total Score). ‘High’=1 standard deviation above the
mean. ‘Low’=1 standard deviation below the mean.

The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013 65

Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings, Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris & Deirdre A. Katz

Discussion This study further sought to unpack the

The current study contributes to a growing association between mindfulness and
literature on the benefits of mindfulness burnout by exploring the conditions under
among educators (e.g. Jennings et al., in which the benefits of mindfulness are most
press; Jennings et al., 2012; Roeser et al., pronounced. Moderation analyses indicated
2012, 2013). Results indicated that educa- that mindfulness was particularly valuable
tors’ mindfulness – whether measured by the among more stressed and more ambitious
IMTS or the FFMQ – had a strong protective educators, which suggests that mindfulness
effect against emotional exhaustion, deper- may foster educators’ resilience in the face
sonalisation, and low personal accomplish- of stress and work-related strain. These
ment, three widely-studied components of results align with the hypothesis that educa-
burnout. This is an important finding given tors in high-risk, high-stress settings may
the rising percentage of educators who have more to gain from using mindfulness
report experiencing job-related stress strategies (Jennings et al., 2011), as well as
(MetLife, 2013; Smithers & Robinson, 2003) with evidence that hard-working, ambitious
and research on the deleterious effects of educators who also exhibit greater resilience
burnout on educators’ health and psycho- and self-regulatory skills experience less
logical well-being (Bellingrath et al., 2009; burnout than hard-working, ambitious
Guglielmi & Tatrow, 1996; Steinhardt et al., educators who do not possess these skills
2010). By preventing a ‘burnout cascade’ of (Kieschke & Schaarschmidt, 2008; Klusmann
deteriorating classroom climate, student et al., 2008).
misbehaviour, emotional exhaustion, and A few limitations of the current study
callousness (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009), should be noted. First, generalisability is
having a mindful attitude may promote posi- limited by a small, homogenous sample. We
tive outcomes for both educators and their do not know whether the associations docu-
students. mented here extend to educators in higher-
This study addresses a gap in the litera- risk, more urban settings. Second, all
ture by examining mediators of associations measures were obtained by self-report, which
between mindfulness and outcomes (Leroy is not ideal because shared method variance
et al., 2013). Mediation analyses suggested might account for some of the observed asso-
that mindfulness impacted burnout through ciations. Finally, although we hypothesise a
a variety of proximal effects on educators’ sequential process where mindfulness leads
daily experiences. For example, mindfulness to burnout over time, in part through daily
was related to lower negative affect, sleep- mediating experiences, cross-sectional data
related impairment, and daily physical symp- prevents us from drawing causal inferences.
toms, and these mediators, in part, Longitudinal analyses are necessary to
explained the associations between mindful- provide a more rigorous test of causal effects
ness and emotional exhaustion and deper- of mindfulness on burnout.
sonalisation. Similarly, higher positive affect Despite these limitations, results of the
and lower daily physical symptoms partially current study suggest that building mindful-
mediated the association between mindful- ness among educators may be an effective
ness and low personal accomplishment. strategy for preventing burnout and
These pathways are consistent with prior fostering health and well-being. Indeed,
work demonstrating links between mindful- recent research indicates that mindfulness-
ness and these mediators (e.g. Brown & based training programs for educators, such
Ryan, 2003; Howell et al., 2008) and between as the Cultivating Awareness and Resilience
these mediators and burnout (e.g. Chang, in Education (CARE) programme and the
2013; Jones & Youngs, 2012). Stress Management and Relaxation Tech-
niques (SMART)-in-Education programme,

66 The Psychology of Education Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, Autumn 2013

The protective effects of mindfulness against burnout among educators

represent an innovative approach to profes- against burnout and its negative conse-
sional development. CARE involves emotion quences. Cultivating mindfulness shows
skills instruction, mindfulness/stress-reduc- promise in fostering healthy educators, class-
tion practices, and caring and listening prac- rooms, and students, and a growing body of
tices delivered across five training days and work underscores the added value of incor-
multiple coaching sessions; SMART involves porating mindfulness into professional
training in attention, awareness, emotion development for educators.
regulation, compassion, and other mindful-
ness practices delivered across 11 sessions. Authors’ note
Both interventions have demonstrated effi- This work was supported by grants from the
cacy in promoting mindfulness and reducing 1440 Foundation and the Penn State
burnout among educators (Jennings et al., Children, Youth, and Families Consortium.
in press; Jennings et al., 2011; Roeser et al., The work of Rachel M. Abenavoli, Alexis R.
2013). Our own research group is currently Harris, and Deirdre A. Katz was supported by
testing a new intervention for educators, the grant R305B090007 from the Institute of
Comprehensive Approach to Learning Education Sciences. The views expressed
Mindfulness (CALM) programme, which here are ours and do not represent the
involves daily yoga-based practices delivered granting agencies.
in the school setting and also shows promise
in promoting educators’ health and well- The Authors
being (Harris et al., 2013). Emerging work Rachel M. Abenavoli, Patricia A. Jennings,
on these and other interventions supports Mark T. Greenberg, Alexis R. Harris &
the causal role of mindfulness in preventing Deirdre A. Katz
burnout and underscores the potential of Pennsylvania State University, USA.
mindfulness-based approaches in promoting
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alarming rates, promoting educators’ health Pennsylvania State University,
and social-emotional well-being is critical. 315-A Health and Human Development
The current study adds to accumulating East,
evidence that mindfulness promotes University Park, PA 16802, USA.
resilience in educators and protects them Email: rma5183@psu.edu

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