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GCSE Mandarin

Questions by themes for your speaking. However the sentences are

good to learn for writing too.

Shengjia Wu
A glance of the GCSE Speaking Exam

Immediately before you start:

You will be given a Role-play card, and a photo card (you cannot choose which one)

You have 12 minutes to prepare these two tasks (you can write notes, but not on the
cards, you must hand in your notes to the examiner afterwards)

During the exam: (3 tasks, covered ALL three themes!)

Role-Play (2 minutes for both higher and foundation paper)

Photo Card (3 minutes for higher, 2 minutes for foundation)

Hand in your notes

TWO *General Conversations* with the examiner (around 6 minutes in total for
higher, around 4 minutes for foundation; so 3 minutes each for higher, 2 minutes each
for foundation )

*General Conversations* requirement:

They will cover TWO themes, first one is your choice, second one is from a different
theme, but you don’t know which one.

You must ask at least ONE question to the examiner.

This can be at any time during the exam.

If you didn’t ask, the examiner will ask you in Mandarin: (Is there anything you want to
ask me?)

nǐ yǒu shén me wèn tí ma ?

你 有 什 么 问题 吗?
nǐ yǒu shén me wèn tí xiǎng wèn wǒ ma ?

你 有 什 么 问题 想 问 我 吗?
nǐ yǒu shén me wèn tí yào wèn wǒ ma ?

你 有 什 么 问 题 要 问 我 吗?

Table of Contents
Theme 1: Identity and culture............................................................................................................................4
Topic 1: Me, my family and friends................................................................................................................4
Relationships with family and friends.........................................................................................................4
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life...............................................................................................................6
Social media...............................................................................................................................................6
Mobile technology......................................................................................................................................6
Topic 3: Free-time activities...........................................................................................................................7
Cinema and TV............................................................................................................................................8
Food and eating out...................................................................................................................................8
Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Chinese-speaking countries/communities...............................................10
Theme 2 Local, national, international & global areas of interest....................................................................11
Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region........................................................................................11
Topic 2: Social issues....................................................................................................................................11
Charity/voluntary work............................................................................................................................11
Healthy/unhealthy living..........................................................................................................................12
Topic 3: Global issues...................................................................................................................................13
The environment......................................................................................................................................13
Topic 4: Travel and tourism..........................................................................................................................14
Theme 3: Current and future study and employment......................................................................................15
Topic 1: My studies.......................................................................................................................................15
Topic 2: Life at school/collage......................................................................................................................16
Topic 3: Education post-16...........................................................................................................................17
Topic 4: Jobs career choices & ambitions.....................................................................................................18

Themes breakdown

Theme 1: Identity and culture

Topic 1: Me, my family and friends

nǐ yǒ u shén mechǒ ng wù ?
You have what pet?
nǐ bà bà mā mā tóng yì nǐ yǎ ng chǒ ng wù ma ?wèi shén me?
Your dad and mum allow/agree with you having a pet? Why?
liù gǒ u yǒ u shén mehǎ o chù ,yǒ u shén me huài chù ?
Dog walking has what advantage, what disadvantage?
shuō shuō nǐ de jiā ?
说说你的家?(book 2, page 153 for ideas of describing rooms)
Talk about your home/house?
nǐ de wò shì shì zhěng qí hái shì hěn luàn ?
你的卧室是整齐还是很乱? (book 2, page 146, 152 for ideas)
Your bedroom is tidy or messy ?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān wò shì lǐ de shén me?wèi shén me?
You the most like bedroom’s what? What? (what is your favourite items in the
bedroom and why?)
nǐ xī wàng nǐ jiā yǒ u shén mebiàn huà ?wèi shén me?
You wish your house/home has what change? Why?
nǐ lǐ xiǎ ng de jiā shì zěn yàng de ?zài nǎ lǐ ?
Your ideal home/house is how? In Where?

Relationships with family and friends

xíng róng yī xià nǐ mā mā 。

Describe your mum. (appearance, personaltiy)
nǐ hé nǐ de gē gē gǎ n qíng zěn me yàng ?
你和你的哥哥感情怎么样?(book 2, page 150 for ideas)
You and your older brother relation how?

nǐ hé jiā rén de guān xì zěn me yang?
You and your families relationship how?
kōng xián de shí hòu ,nǐ xǐ huān gēn jiā rén yī qǐ ,hái shì gēn péng yǒ u yī qǐ ?
When you are free, you like to be with families, or with friends?
zhōu mò nǐ yī bān hé jiā rén zuò shén me?
Weekend you normally with families do what?
nǐ huì cháng cháng qù kàn nǐ de yé yé 、nǎ i nǎ i ma ?
You will often go to visit your grandparents, yes or no?
shàng yī cì shēng rì ,nǐ shì zěn me guò de ?
Last birthday, you how celebrated?
wèi shén me shuō péng yǒ u /jiā rén hěn zhòng yào ?
为什么说朋友/家人 很重要?
Why to say friends/ family are very important?

nǐ cān jiā guò hūn lǐ ma ?shuō shuō kàn 。
你参加过婚礼吗?说说看。(book 2, page 156 for ideas)
You went to/ participated a wedding, yes or no? Talk about it.
qù cān jiā hūn lǐ ,yīng gāi dài shén me?
Going to a wedding, should bring what?
nǐ xiàng xìn ‘yī jiàn zhōng qíng ’ma ?wèi shén me?
You believe in ‘love at the first sight’ yes/not? Why?
nǐ bà bà mā mā tóng yì nǐ zhǎ o nán péng yǒ u nǚ péng yǒ u ma ?
Your parents agree/allow you to get a boyfriend/girlfriend?
nǐ de lǐ xiǎ ng nán péng yǒ u /nǚ péng yǒ u shì zěn yàng de ?
Your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend is how?

Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
shàng wǎ ng yǒ u shén mehǎ o chù ,yǒ u shén mehuài chù ?
Going on the internet has what advantatge, what disadvantage?
nǐ xǐ huān zài wǎ ng shàng gòu wù ma ?
You like on-line shopping, yes/no?
nǐ wèi shén me shàng wǎ ng ?
你为什么上网?(book 2, p106)
You why going on the internet?

Social media
nǐ de ǒ u xiàng shì shuí ?wèi shén me xǐ huān tā /tā ?
You idol is who? Why liking him/her?
zuì jìn shén me yàng de yī fú zuì liú xíng ?
Recently what kind of clothes are the most popular?
nǐ zuì pèi fú de rén shì shuí ?tā /tā zuò le shén me?
You the most admire de person is who? He/she did what?

Mobile technology
nǐ de shǒ u jī néng zuò shén me?
你的手机能做什么?(book 2, p105)
Your mobile can do what (function)?
nǐ jué dé ,nián qīng rén shì bú shì huā tài cháng shí jiān yòng shǒ u jī ?
You think, young people is or is not spending too long using phones?
hé péng yǒ u lián xì ,nǐ yī bān yòng shén meruǎ n jiàn ?
With friend keeping in touch, you normally use what software/apps?

Topic 3: Free-time activities

nǐ zuì xǐ huān de xìng qù ài hǎ o shì shén me?shuō shuō kàn 。
You the most like de interest/hobby is what? Talk about it. (what is your favourite
nǐ yī bān shén meshí hòu ,zài nǎ lǐ … (do this hobby)?
你一般什么时候,在哪里… (do this hobby)?
You normally when, in where do this hobby/interest?
hé péng yǒ u zài yī qǐ de shí hòu ,nǐ yī bān qù nǎ ér wán ?zuò shén me?
When with friend, you normally go where/ do what for fun?
shuō shuō zhè xiē huó dòng de hǎ o chù hé huài chù 。
说说这些活动的好处和坏处。(book 2, p194 for ideas)
Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of these activities?
nǐ xǐ huān kàn shū ma ?nǐ zuì jìn kàn le shén me shū ?shuō yī shuō 。
You like reading books yes/no? You recently read what book? Talk about it.

chàng kǎ lā OKyǒ u shén me hǎ o chù ,yǒ u shén me huài chù ?
唱卡拉 OK 有什么好处,有什么坏处?
Sing Karaoke has what advantage and disadvantage?
xíng róng yī gè nǐ cān jiā guò de yīn lè jiē 。
Describe a music festival that you went?
nǐ xǐ huān tīng shén me yàng de yīn yuè ?
You like to listen to what kind of music?
nǐ huì dàn shén me yuè qì ?cóng shén me shí hòu kāi shǐ xué de ?
You are able to play what music instrument? From when (you) started learning it?
shuō shuō nǐ shàng tái biǎ o yǎ n de jīng lì 。
Talk about an experience of performing on the stage?

Cinema and TV
nǐ měi tiān kàn jǐ gè xiǎ o shí de diàn shì ?nǐ jué dé duō bú duō ?
You everyday watch how many hours of TV? You think too much or not?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān kàn shén mediàn shì jù ?wèi shén me?

你最喜欢看什么电视剧?为什么?(book 2, page 208 for different TV
You the most like watching what TV drama? Why?
nǐ jué dé kǒ ng bù piàn hǎ o kàn ,hái shì làng màn piàn hǎ o kàn ?
你觉得恐怖片好看,还是浪漫片好看?(Genres of film, book 2, p205)
You think horror films are better, or romantic ones?
kàn dòng zuò piàn de shí hòu ,nǐ jué dé zěn me yàng ?
When watching action films, you feel how?
shuō shuō nǐ zuì jìn kàn de yī gè diàn yǐng 。
Talk about a film that you recently watched?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān de diàn yǐng 、diàn shì míng xīng shì shuí ?wèi shén me?
你最喜欢的电影、电视明星是谁?为什么?(book 2, page 206, the
word ‘elegant’)
The film/TV start that you like the most is who? Why?

Food and eating out

nǐ xǐ huān zài jiā chī fàn ,hái shì chū qù chī fàn ?
You like eating at home, or dining out?
nǐ zhī dào 《shé jiān shàng de zhōng guó 》zhè gè jié mù ma ?
你知道《舌尖上的中国》这个节目吗? (book 2, page 188)
You know the TV programme of <A bite of China> yes/no?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān chī nǎ guó cài ?
You the most like eating which country food?
nǐ jué dé chī huǒ guō zěn me yàng ?
You think eating hot-pot how?
shì chǎ ng de cài hé chāo shì de cài ,nǎ gè gèng hǎ o ?wèi shén me?
The food from the market or from supermarket, which is better? Why?
nǐ gēn péng yǒ u yī qǐ chū qù chī fàn ,huì qù nǎ lǐ ?
Eating out with friends, you will go where?

nǐ jué dé lǜ chá jiàn kāng ,hái shì kā fēi jiàn kāng ?
You think green tea healthy, or coffee ?
wǒ men yīng gāi duō hē qì shuǐ ma ?
We should drink more fizzy drinks yes/no?


xué xiào yùn dòng huì ,nǐ huì cān jiā shén mehuó dòng ?
Sports day at school, what will you participate?
nǐ xǐ huān kàn shén meyùn dòng jié mù ?
You like to watch which sport programme?
nǐ zhī chí shén mezú qiú duì ?
You support which football team?
nǐ qù guò lún dūn ào yùn huì ma ?
You have been to London Olympic, yes/no?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān de yùn dòng yuán shì shuí ?wèi shén me?
Your favourite athlete is who, why?
nǐ xǐ huān zuò shén meyùn dòng ?
You liking doing what sport?
nǐ yī bān zài nǎ lǐ ,zuò duō jiǔ … (a sport)?
你一般在哪里,做多久… (a sport)?
You normally in where, do how long of this sport?
nǐ de wǎ ng qiú dǎ dé zěn me yàng ?
How well do you play tennis?
nǐ jué dé yùn dòng zhòng yào ma ?wèi shén me?
You think sport is important, yes/no? Why?
nǐ xiǎ ng shì shì shén mexīn de yùn dòng ?wèi shén me?
You want to try what kind of new sport? Why?

Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Chinese-speaking countries/communities

guò …jiē de shí hòu ,dà jiā huì zěn me qìng zhù ?/zuò shén me huó dòng ?
过…节的时候,大家会 怎么庆祝?/做什么活动?(book 2, p84)
During …. Festival, how people celebrate it/ what activities do they do?
nǐ chī guò … (a festive food) ma ?shuō shuō kàn 。
你吃过… (a festive food)吗?说说看。
Have you ever tried …. ? Talk about it.
guò chūn jiē de shí hòu ,zhōng guó rén yī bān chī shén me?
During Chinese New Year, what do Chinese people normal eat?
nǐ hé jiā rén zěn me guò shèng dàn jiē ?
You and your family how to celebrate Christmas?
guò …jiē de shí hòu ,dà jiā huì shuō shén me?
When it is …. festival, what do people say (good wishes)?
nǐ jué dé nǎ gè jiē rì zuì zhòng yào ?zhè gè jiē rì zài shén mejì jiē ?
You think which festival is the most important? Which season is this festival in?
xxjiē zài shén meshí hòu ?
xx 节在什么时候?
XX festival is (happening) when (which date)?

Theme 2 Local, national, international & global areas of interest

Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
shuō shuō nǐ zuì lǐ xiǎ ng de fáng zǐ ?
Talk about your ideal house/home?
nǐ xǐ huān zhù zài jiāo qū hái shì zài shì zhōng xīn ?wèi shén me?
You prefer to live in the suburb or in city centre? Why?
shuō shuō nǐ zhù de dì fāng 。

Talk about the area in which you live?
yóu kè zài nǐ jiā fù jìn kě yǐ zuò shén me?
Around where you live, what can tourists do?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān nǎ gè chéng shì ?wèi shén me?
Which is your favourite city? Why?
nǐ zhù de dì fāng yǒ u shén mebú hǎ o de dì fāng ?zěn me gǎ i biàn ?
Is there anything bad in where you live, how to change it?
zhōu mò nǐ yī bān zuò shén me?(start your answer with zhè yào kàn tiān qì 。)
周末你一般做什么?(start your answer with 这要看天气。)
What do you normally do during the weekend? Start your answer with ‘it depends on
the weather.’
nǐ zài jiā zuò shén mejiā wù ?nǐ jué dé nǐ yīng gāi zuò jiā wù ma ?
You at home do what house work? You think should you do house work?

Topic 2: Social issues

Charity/voluntary work
xué shēng kě yǐ zài nǎ lǐ ,zuò shén meyì gōng ?
Students can be in where, and do what kind of voluntary work?
rú guǒ nǐ hěn yǒ u qián ,nǐ huì zěn me bāng zhù bié rén ?
If you are wealthy, how will you help others?

Healthy/unhealthy living
shēng bìng de shí hòu ,yīng gāi zuò shén me ?
When you are ill, what should you do?
nǐ jué dé chī shén me zuì jiàn kāng ?
You think eat what is the most healthy?
chōu yān duì shēn tǐ yǒ u shén me bú hǎ o de yǐng xiǎ ng ?
Smoking has what bad influence on one’s body?

nǐ rèn wéi zhōng yī yǒ u yòng ma ?wèi shén me ?
You think Chinese medicine is effective or not, why?
rú guǒ gǎ n mào ,nǐ huì chī yào ma ?
If you are having a cold, you will take medicine yes/no?
nǐ shì zěn me bǎ o chí jiàn kāng de ?
How do you keep fit?
chú le yǐn shí ,hái yīng gāi zuò shén me lái bǎ o chí jiàn kāng ?
Apart from diet, what else should we do to keep fit?
rú guǒ xiǎ ng jiàn kāng ,bù yīng gāi zuò shén me ?
If you want to be healthy, shouldn’t do what?
nǐ jué dé xī yān ,hē jiǔ zěn me yàng ?
You think smoking, drinking how (do you view them)?
nǐ jué dé nǐ yǒ u shén me hǎ o xí guàn ?shén me huài xí guàn ?
You think you have what good habit, what bad habit?

Topic 3: Global issues

The environment
nǐ jué dé,xiàn zài shì jiè shàng zuì yán zhòng de huán jìng wèn tí shì shén me?
You think, now what is the most severe environmental problem in the world?
tiān qì yuè lái yuè rè ,yǒ u shén me yǐng xiǎ ng ?
The weather is getting hotter and hotter (global warming), (it) has what influence?
xiàn zài ,zài zhōng guó méi yǒ u hěn duō xióng māo le 。wèi shén me?
Now, in China there are not many pandas left, why?
shén mejiāo tōng gōng jù duì huán jìng hǎ o ?
What kind of transportation is good for the environment?
nǐ jiā fù jìn de huán jìng zěn me yàng ?
How’s the environment around your house?
zuò shén mekě yǐ bǎ o hù xīn xiān kōng qì?
做什么可以保护新鲜空气?(book 2, page 168 for language on how to write
What can we do to maintain/protect fresh air?
wèi le bǎ o hù huán jìng ,zhōng xué shēng kě yǐ zuò shén me?
为了保护环境,中学生可以做什么? (book 2, page 167)
For the purpose of protecting the environment, what can middle school students do?
wèi le bǎ o hù huán jìng ,nǐ zài jiā yīng gāi zuò shén me?
For the purpose of protecting our environment, what should you do at home?
shén me jiào zuò ‘lǜ sè shēng huó ’?
什么叫做‘绿色生活’?(book 2, page 171)
What is ‘green lives’, explain?
nǐ jué dé,shén me yàng de huán jìng zuì lǐ xiǎ ng ?
You think, what kind of environment is the most ideal?

yīng guó méi yǒ u jiā de rén de wèn tí yán zhòng ma ?
英国没有家的人的问题严重吗? (book 2, page 172 for writing frame)
Is the problem of homeless people in the UK severe?
zěn me jiě jué zhè gè wèn tí ?
怎么解决这个问题?(book 2, page 172 for writing frame)
How to solve this problem?
rén kǒ u zēng jiā ,huì dài gěi shì jiè shén me wèn tí ?
Increasing popular will bring what problems to the world?
zěn me jiě jué chéng shì lǐ xiǎ o tōu duō de wèn tí ?
How to solve the problem of theifing in cities?
bú yào de dōng xī ,nǐ huì juān zǒ u ma ?zhè yàng zuò yǒ u shén me hǎ o chù ?
不要的东西,你会捐走吗?这样做有什么好处? (book 2, page 182)
Things that you don’t need (anymore), will you donate (them)? What are the
advantage of this action?
nǐ jué dé zhèng fǔ yīng gāi zuò shén me qù bāng zhù lǎ o rén ?

You think the government should do what to help the elderly people?

Topic 4: Travel and tourism

nǐ píng shí zěn me qù xué xiào ?
Normally how do you get to school?
nǐ xǐ huān zuò fēi jī hái shì zuò huǒ chē ?wèi shén me ?
You like taking plane or train, why?
qù nián dù jiǎ de shí hòu ,nǐ zuò zuì xǐ huān zuò de shì shén me ?
Last holiday, what was your favourite activity?
nǐ zhù de dì fāng ,shén me jiāo tōng gōng jù zuì kuài ?
In where you live, which transport is fastest?
cóng nǐ zhù de dì fāng dào lún dūn ,yào duō cháng shí jiān ?
From where you live to London, needs how long? (can talk about different transport)
xiàn zài dà chéng shì de lù shàng chē tài duō ,zěn me bàn ?
Now there are too many cars on the road in big cities, what shall we do?
zěn me yàng kāi chē huì gèng ān quán ?
How to drive is safer?
qù zhōng guó lǚ xíng ,yīng gāi dài shén me ?
Travelling in China, should bring what?

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Topic 1: My studies
zhè xué qī ,nǐ xué xí shén me kē mù ?
This term, you study what subjects?
nǐ duì shén me kè zuì gǎ n xìng qù ?wèi shén me ?
你对什么课最感兴趣?为什么?(p46, book 2)
You the most interested in what lesson, why?
nǐ zuì xǐ huān shén me kē mù ?wèi shén me ?
你最喜欢什么科目?为什么?(p 49, book 2)
You the most like what subject, why?
nǐ jué dé ,shù xué kè zěn me yàng ?
你觉得,数学课怎么样?(p46, book 2)
You think, Maths lesson how?
nǐ jué dé ,nǎ gè lǎ o shī gěi nǐ de zuò yè zuì duō ?
你觉得,哪个老师给你的作业最多? (p46, book 2)
You think, which teacher gives you the most prep?
nǐ rèn wéi ,yīng yǔ lǎ o shī zěn me yàng ?
你认为,英语老师怎么样?(p49, book 2)
You think, the English teacher is how?
nǐ wèi shén me yào xué zhōng wén kè ?
你为什么要学中文课? (p160, book 1 ; p 54, book 2)
You why want to study Mandarin?
dāng yī shēng ,xū yào xué shén me kē mù ?
当医生,需要学什么科目?(p46, book 2)
Being a doctor, needs to study what subject?
nǐ de wù lǐ kǎ o shì kǎ o dé bú hǎ o ,zěn me bàn ?
你的物理考试考得不好,怎么办? (p55, book 2)
Your physcis exam did not do well, what do do?

Topic 2: Life at school/collage

nǐ měi tiān yǒ u jǐ jié kè ?
你每天有几节课? (p167, book 1)
You everyday has how many periods of lesson?
nǐ men bān yī gòng yǒ u duō shǎ o gè xué shēng ?
You class all together how many students?

nǐ men bān yǒ u duō shǎ o gè nán xué shēng ?duō shǎ o gè nǚ xué shēng ?
You class has how many male students, how many female students?
xué xiào shí táng de cài zěn me yàng ?
School canteen food how?
nǐ cān jiā guò shén mekè wài huó dòng ?
You have participated in what extra-curriculum activities?
xué xiào de shè shī zěn me yàng ?
School facility how?
nǐ fàng xué yǐ hòu yī bān zuò shén me?
你放学以后一般做什么? (p 161, book 1)
You after school normall do what?
wǒ jué dé jiāo xīn de péng yǒ u hěn nán ,nǐ yǒ u shén me bàn fǎ ?
I think getting a new friend is difficult, you have what way?
zhōng guó xué xiào hé yīng guó xué xiào yǒ u shén me bú tóng ?
Chinese schools and English school has what difference?
xué xiào de guī dìng ,nǐ zuì xǐ huān shén me?zuì bú xǐ huān shén me?
School rules, what is the part you like? What you don’t like about?
nǐ de xiào fú shì shén meyàng de ?nǐ jué dé chuān xiào fú hǎ o bú hǎ o ?
Your school uniform is what kind? You think wearing uniform good/or good?
nǐ yǒ u chū guó jiāo huàn de jīng yàn ma ?shuō yī shuō 。
You have an experience exchanging abroad yes/no? Talk about it.
nǐ jué dé chū guó liú xué zěn me yàng ?
You think studying abroad how?

Topic 3: Education post-16

nǐ dǎ suàn shàng dà xué ma ?
You plan to go to university yes/no?
nǐ míng nián xiǎ ng xué shén me?
Next year you want to study what?
shàng dà xué duì nǐ zhòng yào ma ?wèi shén me?
Going to an university for you important or not, why?
rú guǒ nǐ yǒ u yī nián de jiǎ qī ,huì zuò shén me?
If you are on holiday for a whole year, what will you do?

Topic 4: Jobs career choices & ambitions

nǐ bà bà zuò shén megōng zuò ?

你爸爸做什么工作?(p57, book 1)
You dad doing what job?
tā zài nǎ lǐ /nǎ ér gōng zuò ?
他在哪里/哪儿工作?(p30, book 1)
He in where work?
nǐ jué dé,zuò lǎ o shī shì hé nǐ ma ?
你觉得,做老师适合你吗? (p132, book 2)
You think, being a teacher suit you or not?
jiāng lái nǐ xiǎ ng zài guó wài gōng zuò ma ?wèi shén me?
将来你想做什么职业?为什么?(p125, book 2)
In the future you want to do what occupation, why?
nǐ rèn wéi ,zuò jǐng chá zěn me yàng ?
你认为,做警察怎么样?(p125, book 2)
You think, being a police officer how?
jiāng lái nǐ xiǎ ng zài guó wài gōng zuò ma ?wèi shén me?
In the furture, you wish to abroad work yes/no? Why?
nǐ xiǎ o shí hòu xiǎ ng zuò shén megōng zuò ?
When you were young, what did you want to become?

nǐ jué dé,zuò … (job)zuì nán dé dì fāng shì shén me?
你觉得,做… (job)最难得地方是什么?
You think, being a … (job), the hardest part is what?
rú guǒ nǐ bú néng zuò … (job), nǐ jiù huì zuò shén me?
如果你不能做 … (job), 你就会做什么?
If you cannot become a …. (job), what will you do?
nǐ jué déshén megōng zuò de yā lì dà ?
You think what job is stressful?
nǐ jué déqián duì nǐ zhòng yào ma ?
You think money is important to you or not?

nǐ xiǎ ng yào gōng zī gāo de gōng zuò ,hái shì jiǎ qī duō de gōng zuò ?
You want to have a job that is high salaried, or long holidays?
wèi shén mexué wài yǔ hěn zhòng yào ?
Why learning a foreign language important?
míng tiān wǒ yào miàn shì le ,wǒ hěn pà 。nǐ yǒ u shén mejiàn yì ?
明天我要面试了,我很怕。你有什么建议?(book 2, p134)
Tomorrow I will have an interview, I am so scared. You have what advice ?
nǐ jué déxué shēng yīng gāi zuò jiān zhí gōng zuò ma ?wèi shén me?
You think students should do part-time job yes/ not? Why?
qǐng shuō shuō nǐ de gōng zuò jīng yàn 。
Please talk about your work experience?


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