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Group members: Ghazia Ali Sahito

Haseeb Khan
Saad Faheem
Registration no: 2211157
Program: BBA
Semester: 3B
Subject: Organizational behavior
Topic: Personality
Submitted to: Sir Noor Jamali
Date: 17 November, 2023
What is Personality?
Personality refers to the set of individual traits & characteristics that influence
how people think, feel, & behave in work settings. It encompasses aspects such as
attitudes, motivations, & behavioral patterns, contributing to an individual’s
distinctive way of interacting with in an organization. Understanding personality
in the context of organizational behavior helps in predicting & explaining
employees’ behavior, work performance, & how they fit into the overall work

One widely accepted model is the Big Five personality traits, which include
openness to experience, agreeableness, and emotional stability. Each trait’s exists
on a continuum, & individuals may fall at different points along these continuums.

Research indicates a genetic component to personality traits. Twin & adoption

studies suggest that certain traits, such as extraversion & neuroticism, have a
hereditary basis. Brain structures & neurotransmitter systems, such as dopamine
& serotonin, are linked to personality traits.

Theories of Authors:
➢ According to Sigmund Freud’s:
Theory posits that personality is shaped by unconscious processes,
including the id, ego, & superego. The interplay of these elements
influences behavior, motivations, & conflicts.

➢ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

Abraham Maslow’s humanistic theory emphasizes self-
actualization as the highest level of psychological development. Personality
is viewed in the context of fulfilling basic needs & striving for personal
Concept of personality:
The concept of personality is a broad & complex area within psychology that
encompasses the unique & enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, & behavior
that distinguish one individual from another.

Here are some key aspects of the concept of personality:

1. Individual Differences: Personality captures the idea that people differ

from each other in consistent & characteristic ways.
2. Enduring Patterns: personality traits are generally stable over time,
meaning that an individual’s characteristic way of thinking, feeling, &
behaving tends to persist across different situations & over the course of
their life
3. Consistency & Predictability: One of the primary purposes of studying
personality is to understand & predict how individuals are likely to behave
in different situations. While people may adapt to specific circumstances,
their underlying personality traits provide a foundation for understanding
their general tendencies.
4. Influences on Behavior: personality traits play a crucial role in shaping
behavior. For example, someone with high extraversion might be more
outgoing & sociable, while a person with high organized & diligent in their
5. Psychological Processes: Personality is not just about observable
behaviors; it also involves internal psychological processes, this include
cognitive patterns, emotional responses, & motivations that contribute to
the consistency in an individual’s behavior.
6. Theories of Personality: psychologists have developed various theories
to explain& study personality. These theories fall into different categories,
such as trait, psychodynamic, humanistic & social cognitive theories. Each
offers a unique perspective on how personality develops & functions.
Influence of Personality:
The influence of personality on organizations is profound & can impact various
aspects of work environments, team dynamics, & individual performance.

Here are some points that explain how personality influences organization:

1. Task Performance: Individual personality traits influence task

preferences & job roles. For instance someone high in conscientiousness
might excel in roles that require attention to detail, while an extravert may
thrive in positions involving social interactions.
2. Communication Styles: different personality types have distinct
communication styles.
3. Motivation & Engagement: Personality traits like openness &
extraversion can impact an individual’s motivation & engagement at work.
Employees whose personalities align with their job roles are likely to be
more motivated & satisfied.
4. Job Satisfaction: Individual’s whose personalities align with their job roles
& organizational culture are more likely to experience job satisfaction. This,
in turn, contributes to employee retention & overall organizational success.

Recognizing & understanding the diverse personalities within an

organization allows for better communication, collaboration & overall
effectiveness. It enables leaders & mangers to leverage individual
strengths, manage potential challenges, & create a more harmonious &
productive work environment.

Assignment by: Ghazia Ali Sahito (2211157)


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