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Objectives of the Course:

1. To identify and formulate elementary level engineering problems related to quantum

2. To understand interference and diffraction of light.
3. To understand and principle of fiber optics and holography.
4. To deliver the clear understanding about solid state physics.

Detailed Content:

Module 1: Wave Mechanics:

Wave particle duality, de-Broglie matter waves, Phase and Group velocities, Time-dependent and time-
independent Schrodinger wave equation, Solution to stationary state Schrodinger wave equation for one-
Dimensional particle in a box, Compton effect.

Module 2: Wave Optics:

Coherent sources, Interference in uniform and wedge-shaped thin films, Necessity of extended sources,
Newton’s Rings and its applications. Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit, Diffraction grating, Spectra
with grating, Dispersive power, resolving power of grating, Rayleigh’s criterion of resolution, Resolving
power of grating.

Module 3: Fiber Optics and Holography:

Fundamental ideas about optical fiber, Propagation mechanism, Acceptance angle and cone, Numerical
aperture, Single and Multi-Mode Fibers. Holography: Basic Principle of Holography, Construction and
reconstruction of Image on hologram and applications of holography.

Module 4: Energy Band and Charge Carriers:

Energy bands in semiconductors, Types of semiconductors, Charge carriers, Intrinsic and extrinsic
materials. Carrier concentration: Fermi Level, Electron and hole concentration equilibrium, Temperature
dependence of carrier concentration, Conductivity and mobility, Effect of temperature

Module 5: Semiconductors
Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Carrier generation and recombination, Carrier transport:
diffusion and drift, Einstein relation, Continuity equation, Metal-semiconductor junction
(Ohmic and Schottky), Joint density of states, Density of states for photons, Transition rates
(Fermi's golden rule), Photovoltaic effect, Hall effect

Suggested Text Books:

1. Concepts of Modern Physics - Aurthur Beiser (Mc-Graw Hill).

2. Optics –Ajoy Ghatak ( Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd. New Delhi).
3. Solid State Physics - by C. Kittel, 7th edition (Wiley Eastern).

Suggested Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Special theory of - Robert Resnick – Wielly.

2. Optical Fibre & Laser - Anuradha De. (New Age).
3. Applied Physics for Engineers- Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning, New Delhi)
4. V. Raghavan, “Materials Science and Engineering”, Prentice- Hall India
5. S.O. Pillai, “Solid State Physics”, New Age International.

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Objectives Of the Course:

To acquaint student with some of the experimental methods and equipment used in present-day physics research
laboratories, and introduce student to a variety of general --to provide an opportunity for student to deal with real
data and confront real technical problems (e.g., faulty electronics), analyzing your results and coming to
meaningful conclusions within the context of our current theoretical understanding, mindful of the errors and
uncertainties encountered in your measurement.

List Of Experiments:

1. To determine the frequency of AC by using sonometer.

2. To determine η of the material of a wire by statistical method.

3. To determine η, Y and K by Searle’s method.

4. To determine the momentum of inertia of a fly wheel.

5. To determine the force constant of a spring.

Suggested Text Books:

1. A Textbook of Practical Physics- Author Indu Prakash (Kitab Mahal).

2. B. Sc Practical Physics – Author C L Arora (S. Chand Publisher).

Course Outcomes:

On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate skills in scientific inquiry, problem solving, and laboratory techniques.

2. Demonstrate understanding of our place in the physical universe.
3. Demonstrate a broad base of knowledge in Physics.
4. Demonstrate understanding of the laws of nature.


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