PAD Lesson Plan

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High School Twelfth Night Character Analysis

Objective: introduce the concept of character work to students. Add some extra details to characters
they already know and show what research and exercises are needed in a specific show. This will allow
them to become more well-rounded actors and provide them with more insight on each of the
characters and how to study them.

Standards: TH:Cr1.1.HSI

a. Apply basic research to construct ideas about the visual composition of a drama/theatre work.

c. Use script analysis to generate ideas about a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theatre


c. Use personal experiences and knowledge to develop a character that is believable and authentic in a
drama/theatre work.


a. Explore the function of history and culture in the development of a dramatic concept through a critical
analysis of original ideas in a drama/theatre work.


b. Synthesize ideas from research, script analysis, and context to create a performance that is believable,
authentic, and relevant in a drama/theatre work.


a. Examine how character relationships assist in telling the story of a drama/theatre work.

b. Shape character choices using given circumstances in a drama/theatre work.

a. Discover how unique choices shape believable and sustainable drama/ theatre work.

b. Identify essential text information, research from various sources, and the director’s concept that influence
character choices in a drama/theatre work.


a. Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to develop criteria for artistic choices.


a. Develop detailed supporting evidence and criteria to reinforce artistic choices, when participating in or
observing a drama/theatre work.


a. Use detailed supporting evidence and appropriate criteria to revise personal work and interpret the work of
others when participating in or observing a drama/ theatre work.

c. Support and explain aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs to create a context for critical research that
informs artistic decisions in a drama/theatre work.


a. Examine a drama/ theatre work using supporting evidence and criteria, while considering art forms,
history, culture, and other disciplines.

c. Formulate a deeper understanding and appreciation of a drama/ theatre work by considering its specific
purpose or intended audience.

Requirements: Scripts of scene or device that connects to the internet, paper & something to write

Lesson Phase Details
5 Introduction Have 4 volunteers read through the scene.

2:20- Set a purpose. Introduce the topic Ask what people already know/ can tell about
2:25 with a grabber, make the learning the characters
relevant. Check on previous learning.

5 Foundation Goal: To explain the significance of character

work and link it to the knowledge of theatre
2:25- Clarify key points of the coming
they already have and their own processes
2:30 lesson, including standards, goals,
when acting
and objectives, building background
knowledge and key vocabulary. Provide a general process

5 Brain Activation What do they do to begin to research

2:30- Ask questions; clarify; provide How can we apply their knowledge of the
2:35 additional background knowledge. script
Include a brainstorm activity on the
What would happen if we applied this to
topic to check learning.
Twelfth Night

Every character is very different - how does

this work for less straightforward answers?

What makes character work important?


How do these initial questions lead to the

whole process?

10 Body of New Information Discuss The Director’s Character Analysis

and some terms to identify common play
2:35- Build background knowledge, lecture,
elements to refer to in their work. Discuss
2:45 and introduce key new points of
how they apply to certain characters they just
understanding, correcting
saw and examples of how to find them in any
misconceptions. Read text; complete
show. Explain fun questions as well &
whole-class problems; conduct class
relationships. Opportunity to clarify.
10 Clarification & Presentation Students go into groups of 3 (?) write their
own character research based on the terms
2:45- Provide sample problems and
and questions. Wait 7ish minutes and share.
2:55 situations. Pose questions to move
students toward independent work.

5 or Clarify and Review Ask people what they learned and use it to
less drive in why this is necessary and explain why
Students work with teacher to clarify
an actor playing a role might need this. How
2:55- learning. Connect why this method
character work can help them become better
3:00 matters
theatre artists

5 Practice Kahoot/trivia. Have them answer questions

included in the lesson
3:00- Students practice and answer
3:05 questions. Nail in learning. Struggling
students get additional practice.

5 Closure Time to use “I Can” statements. Students say

one thing that interested them/ they plan to
3:05- Connect the lesson details together.
use in the future
end Answer questions and respond to
whole class difficulties. Teacher assesses learning and understanding
Can be
and to use as a guide to further instruction.
quick, a

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