Sle1-3 - Morada, Ivan Andrei R.

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Self-Learning Exercise (SLE) 1

My Identity Tree
-as Influenced by my Society and Culture
(Socialization, Social Institutions, Social
Organizations, and Social Groups)

To draw your identity tree, use as guide the following:

• main trunk – put your name into it, and name key
traits that you see in you
• roots = life influences and beliefs
• branches = influence of social institutions,
organizations, and groups on your
relationships, networks, and connections
• leaves = information and knowledge - and sources
• buds = ideas and hopes for the future, and potentials
• fruit/s = achievements
• flowers = what make you special, your strengths
• thorns = challenges, threats and difficulties
My Identity Tree (15 points)

Note: You may hand draw your tree or use any application available online
that will ease your task-

may check these links – on how to draw a tree
My Identity Tree – My Personal Insight (15 points)

What 2 personal insights can you get from the exercise?

1. The parts of the trees really represent our life. The roots will design the trunk while
branches will hold the leaves, fruits and flowers. The leaves will be the most visible part
of our life while the fruits will be the worthiest part while the flowers will provide beaty
in our life.
2. The thorns might be worthless part of the tree and it will hurt others but on the other
side. These thorns will serve as our protection from intruders. The struggles in might be
painful but the lessons we earned will protect us from another problems.

Self-Learning Exercise (SLE) 2

SLE 2. Answer the Individualism and Collectivism Scale below -

All items are answered on a 9-point scale,

ranging from 1= never or definitely no and 9 = always or definitely yes.

7 1. I’d rather depend on myself than others.

5 2. It is important that I do my job better than others.
8 3. If a co-worker gets a prize, I would feel proud.
7 4. Parents and children must stay together as much as possible.
7 5. I rely on myself most of the time; I rarely rely on others.
5 6. Winning is everything.
9 7. The well-being of my co-workers is important to me.
9 8. It is my duty to take care of my family, even when I have to sacrifice what I want.
5 9. I often do "my own thing."
5 10. Competition is the law of nature.
8 11. To me, pleasure is spending time with others.
8 12. Family members should stick together, no matter what sacrifices are required.
8 13. My personal identity, independent of others, is very important to me.
8 14. When another person does better than I do, I get tense and aroused.
8 15. I feel good when I cooperate with others.
7 16. It is important to me that I respect the decisions made by my groups.

Each dimension’s items are summed up separately to create a VC, VI, HC, and HI score.
Cluster VC - 4, 8, 12. 16
Cluster VI - 2, 6, 10 14
Cluster HC - 3, 7, 11,15
Cluster HI - 1, 5, 9, 13

Clusters Item# Your Item# Your Item# Your Item# Your Total Rank
Rating Rating Rating Rating Score from 1-4
(1 as the
Highest )
4 7 8 9 12 8 16 7 31 2
VC items:
VI items: 2 5 6 5 10 5 14 8 23 3
HC items: 3 8 3 8 11 8 15 8 32 1
HI items: 1 7 5 7 9 5 13 8 27 4

Identify the clusters with the highest and lowest score.

See the interpretation of score in the next page.


VC: Vertical Collectivism - seeing the self as part of the collective and willing to accept
hierarchy and inequality within that collective

VI: Vertical Individualism - seeing the self as autonomous, but recognizing that inequality
will exist among individuals and that accepting this inequality

HC: Horizontal Collectivism - seeing the self as part of the collective but perceiving the
members of that collective as equal.

HI: Horizontal Individualism - seeing the self as fully autonomous, and believing that
equality between the individuals is the ideal

What can you say about the results of your individualism-collectivism scale?
Did the result surprise you or did it come out as expected? (15 points)

I agree with the results. I see myself under Horizontal Collectivism as I work within my
group. My practice is to treat each’s opinion as equal and not below my opinion even if I
am the Department Head. I always consider the opinion and output of my staff when it
comes to audit opinion for they were the one really on the ground. If we have varying
opinion, we sit together and tackle our differences to come up with a win-win solution.

Self-Learning Exercise (SLE) 3

Take the Big Five Personality Test through this link:

What can you say about the results of your Big Five Personality Test? Did the result
surprise you or did it come out as expected? (15 points)

The results are reflective of my traits. My highest is the ‘Agreeableness’ which I totally agree.
I find it hard to say no to any favor asked from me. Even if it will consume my personal time
and resources. That really fits me. I enjoyed taking the personality test.

Submit your SLE here on or before October 15, 2022

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