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My Favourite Cafe

I would like to tell you some words about one of my favorite cafes in Murom.It is a suitable place to sit with
a cup of tea or coffee or to spend spare time with your friends.In my humble opinion, it would be hard to
find a friendlier place in Murom than this little cafe, but of course, it is a matter of taste.

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This coffee-house is located in Moscovskaya street near the cafe-club “Happiness”. The interior helps to
create a relaxed home atmosphere. It is a small cafe, which specializes in serving coffee and desserts with a
small and simple dining room.

You can find different types of coffee there – espresso, cappuccino, latte, black coffee, coffee with cognac,
liqueur and some others. Also, this cafe provides all kinds of drinks – alcoholic and non-alcoholic, such as
juice, mineral water and various types of tea. The cafe’s menu is rather diverse. You can eat salads, fish and
meat dishes; tasty cakes, rolls and and pies with different fillings; fruits – apples, oranges, grapefruits and
lemons cut in small pieces; sandwiches and pancakes with various syrops and sauces; sushi and a variety of
ice-cream, that can be with fruit sweet syrops, nuts and chocolate.

The interior of this cafe is rather cosy and comfortable. Inside the cafe, one can observe several small
wooden tables without table-cloths, wooden chairs, and nice soft sofas. There are stands with sugar, salt and
paper napkins on the tables. Near the entrance, there is a large mirror, therefore the visitors have an
opportunity to look at themselves. Along the walls are wooden cases with some pictures and photos. You
can always hear unostentatious and melodic music there.

The waiters are rather neat, friendly and polite. Usually, the order is ready quickly, and the visitors don’t
wait for a long time. Unfortunately, I can’t remember, when this cafe starts its work, but I know that they
close up usually at 1 o’clock am. Also, it is allowed to smoke there, but only after 7 o’clock pm. In the
evening some visitors ask the waiter to bring them an ashtray so that they can drink a cup of fresh coffee
with a cigarette. The prices in this cafe are not very high.

The cost of a cup of coffee varies from 40 to 150 rubles, ice-cream – about 100-130 rubles and a glass of
juice 30-40 rubles. Usually, I prefer to order several cups of coffee, tasty ice-cream, and some sweet deserts
– puddings, pancakes, pies, etc. In the middle of the cafe, one can see a small bar with a variety of alcohol
drinks, mineral waters, and juices. The room itself is looking not very large, yet it is bright, clean and
pleasing to the eye. So you can easily enjoy yourself in this lovely place.

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